133 resultados para Basal Metabolic Rate


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OBJECTIVES: The validity of equations for the calculation of resting metabolic rate (RMR) were studied and new predictive equations were developed. STUDY DESIGN: The RMR was measured in a sample of 371 10- to 16-year-old prepubertal and postpubertal children. The study group included 193 male (116 nonobese and 77 obese) and 178 female (119 nonobese and 59 obese) subjects; for each group the RMRs predicted from five equations recommended for this age group were compared. The RMR was assessed by indirect calorimetry with a ventilated hood system for 45 minutes after an overnight fast. Body composition was estimated from skin-fold measurements. RESULTS: The mean +/- SD RMR was found to be 5600 +/- 972 kJ/24 hr and 7223 +/- 1220 kJ/24 hr in nonobese and obese boys, and 5112 +/- 632 kJ/24 hr and 6665 +/- 1106 kJ/24 hr in nonobese and obese girls, respectively. All five equations applicable to 10- to 16-year-old children overestimated RMR by 7.5% to 18.1% (p < 0.001 for each equation). Stepwise regression analysis, with independent variables such as age, weight, height, and gender, allowed development of new predictive equations for the calculation of RMR in 10- to 16-year-old boys (RMR = 50.9 Weight (kg) + 25.3 Height (cm) -50.3 Age (yr) + 26.9; R2 = 0.884, p < 0.0001) and girls (RMR = 51.2 Weight (kg) + 24.5 Height (cm) - 207.5 Age (yr) + 1629.8; R2 = 0.824, p < 0.0001). These predictive equations were tested in a second, independent cohort of children (80 male and 61 female subject) and were found to give a reliable estimate of RMR in 10- to 16-year-old obese and nonobese adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: The currently used predictive equations overestimate RMR in 10- to 16-year-old children. The use of the newly developed equations is recommended.


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Energy balance is the difference between metabolizable energy intake and total energy expenditure. Energy intake is difficult to measure accurately; changes in body weight, for example, are not a good measure of the adequacy of energy intake, because fluctuations in body weight are common even if the overall trend is toward weight loss. It is now customary to assess energy requirements indirectly from total energy expenditure. Total energy expenditure consists of basal metabolism, postprandial thermogenesis, and physical activity. Energy expenditure is related to both body weight and body composition. A reduction in total energy expenditure accompanies weight loss, because basal metabolic rate decreases with the loss of lean tissue mass. Similarly, with weight gain, there is an increase in basal metabolic rate, because lean tissue mass grows to support the increase in fat tissue mass. Excess energy intake over energy expenditure causes weight gain and an accompanying increase in total energy expenditure. Following a period of adaptation, total energy expenditure will match energy intake and body weight will stabilize at a higher level. This same relationship holds for weight loss. Respiratory quotient (measured in steady state) is an indication of the proportion of energy expenditure derived from fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Over long periods of time, fat balance is equivalent to energy balance, as an excess of fat intake over fat oxidation causes fat storage.


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We studied the effect of smoking on energy expenditure in eight healthy cigarette smokers who spent 24 hours in a metabolic chamber on two occasions, once without smoking and once while smoking 24 cigarettes per day. Diet and physical exercise (30 minutes of treadmill walking) were standardized on both occasions. Physical activity in the chamber was measured by use of a radar system. Smoking caused an increase in total 24-hour energy expenditure (from a mean value [+/- SEM] of 2230 +/- 115 to 2445 +/- 120 kcal per 24 hours; P less than 0.001), although no changes were observed in physical activity or mean basal metabolic rate (1545 +/- 80 vs. 1570 +/- 70 kcal per 24 hours). During the smoking period, the mean diurnal urinary excretion of norepinephrine (+/- SEM) increased from 1.25 +/- 0.14 to 1.82 +/- 0.28 micrograms per hour (P less than 0.025), and mean nocturnal excretion increased from 0.73 +/- 0.07 to 0.91 +/- 0.08 micrograms per hour (P less than 0.001). These short-term observations demonstrate that cigarette smoking increases 24-hour energy expenditure by approximately 10 percent, and that this effect may be mediated in part by the sympathetic nervous system. The findings also indicate that energy expenditure can be expected to decrease when people stop smoking, thereby favoring the gain in body weight that often accompanies the cessation of smoking.


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The energy metabolism in elderly subjects is discussed on the basis of previous analyses of the influence of age on the three components of energy expenditure in man: basal metabolic rate, thermogenesis and physical activity. All three components are diminished in elderly people. We conclude that the modifications of body composition, in particular the age-related loss of lean body mass, result in decreased basal metabolic rate and probably also a blunted diet-induced thermogenesis. Moreover we emphasize that the decrease in physical activity observed in elderly people is the most likely causal factor.


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There is a need to measure energy expenditure in man for a period of 24 h or even several days. The respiration chamber offers a unique opportunity to reach this goal. It allows the study of energy and nutrient balance; from the latter, acute changes in body composition can be obtained. The respiration chamber built in Lausanne is an air-tight room (5 m long, 2.5 m wide, and 2.5 m high) which forms an open circuit ventilated indirect calorimeter. The physical activity of the subject inside the chamber is continuously measured using a radar system based on the Doppler effect. Energy expenditure of obese and lean women was continuously measured over 24 h and diet-induced thermogenesis was assessed by using an approach which allows one to subtract the energy expended for physical activity from the total energy expenditure. Expressed in absolute terms, total energy expenditure was more elevated in the obese than in the lean controls. Basal metabolic rate was also higher in the obese than in the controls, but diet-induced thermogenesis was found to be blunted in the obese. In a second study, the effect of changing the carbohydrate/lipid content of the diet on fuel utilization was assessed in young healthy subjects with the respiration chamber. After a 7-day adaptation to a high-carbohydrate low-fat diet, the fuel mixture oxidized matched the change in nutrient intake. A last example of the use of the respiration chamber is the thermogenic response and changes in body composition due to a 7-day overfeeding of carbohydrate. Diet-induced thermogenesis was found to be 27%; on the last day of overfeeding, carbohydrate balance was reached by oxidation of 50% of the carbohydrate intake, the remaining 50% being converted into lipid.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess total free-living energy expenditure (EE) in Gambian farmers with two independent methods, and to determine the most realistic free-living EE and physical activity in order to establish energy requirements for rural populations in developing countries. DESIGN: In this cross-sectional study two methods were applied at the same time. SETTING: Three rural villages and Dunn Nutrition Centre Keneba, MRC, The Gambia. SUBJECTS: Eight healthy, male subjects were recruited from three rural Gambian villages in the sub-Sahelian area (age: 25 +/- 4y; weight: 61.2 +/- 10.1 kg; height: 169.5 +/- 6.5 cm, body mass index: 21.2 +/- 2.5 kg/m2). INTERVENTION: We assessed free-living EE with two inconspicuous and independent methods: the first one used doubly labeled water (DLW) (2H2 18O) over a period of 12 days, whereas the second one was based on continuous heart rate (HR) measurements on two to three days using individual regression lines (HR vs EE) established by indirect calorimetry in a respiration chamber. Isotopic dilution of deuterium (2H2O) was also used to assess total body water and hence fat-free mass (FFM). RESULTS: EE assessed by DLW was found to be 3880 +/- 994 kcal/day (16.2 +/- 4.2 MJ/day). Expressed per unit body weight the EE averaged 64.2 +/- 9.3 kcal/kg/d (269 +/- 38 kJ/kg/d). These results were consistent with the EE results assessed by HR: 3847 +/- 605 kcal/d (16.1 +/- 2.5 MJ/d) or 63.4 +/- 8.2 kcal/kg/d (265 +/- 34kJ/kg/d). Physical activity index, expressed as a multiple of basal metabolic rate (BMR), averaged 2.40 +/- 0.41 (DLW) or 2.40 +/- 0.28 (HR). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest an extremely high level of physical activity in Gambian men during intense agricultural work (wet season). This contrasts with the relative food shortage, previously reported during the harvesting period. We conclude that the assessment of EE during the agricultural season in non-industrialized countries needs further investigations in order to obtain information on the energy requirement of these populations. For this purpose the use of the DLW and HR methods have been shown to be useful and complementary.


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When living in sympatry with Apodemus sylvaticus and A. flavicollis, A. alpicola dominates numerically at higher altitudes. A more efficient winter thermal isolation or a higher winter thermogenic capacity procuring a physiological advantage could explain at least part of this domination. We therefore measured body temperature (Tb), oxygen consumption (VO2), wet minimal thermal conductance (C) and non shivering thermogenesis (NST) at different ambient temperatures (Ta) on winter acclimated mice of the three species, and this for the first time in A. alpicola. NST was high and C low in the three species. No significant difference could be noticed either in Tb between 5 and -10 degrees C, in VO2 measurements at a Ta of -10 degrees C or in C. The NST measurements represent, respectively, 135.2% for A. sylvaticus, 142.8% for A. flavicollis and 140.5% for A. alpicola of the expected values, the values for A. sylvaticus being significantly lower than for the other two species. The basal metabolic rates (BMR) represent 169.4% for A. sylvaticus, 161.6% for A. flavicollis and 138.3% for A. alpicola of the expected values. Having removed the effect of body weight, the BMR value was significantly lower in A. alpicola than in A. flavicollis, but no difference could be noticed between A. sylvaticus and the other two species. In conclusion, the three species of mice have very similar acclimated thermoregulatory characteristics, well adapted to cold ambient conditions. One discriminating and advantageous factor could be the lower basal metabolic rate measured in A. alpicola compared to the other two species.


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A selection gradient was recently suggested as one possible cause for a clinal distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes along an altitudinal transect in the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula (Ehinger et al. 2002). One mtDNA haplotype (H1) rare in lowland, became widespread when approaching the altitudinal margin of the distribution. As H1 differs from the main lowland haplotype by several nonsynonymous mutations (including on ATP6), and as mitochondria play a crucial role in metabolism and thermogenesis, distribution patterns might stem from differences in the thermogenic capacity of different mtDNA haplotypes. In order to test this hypothesis, we measured the nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) associated with different mtDNA haplotypes. Sixty-two shrews, half of which had the H1 haplotype, were acclimated in November at semioutdoor conditions and measured for NST throughout winter. Our results showed the crucial role of NST for winter survival in C. russula. The individuals that survived winter displayed a higher significant increase in NST during acclimation, associated with a significant gain in body mass, presumably from brown fat accumulation. The NST capacity (ratio of NST to basal metabolic rate) was exceptionally high for such a small species. NST was significantly affected by a gender x haplotype interaction after winter-acclimation: females bearing the H1 haplotype displayed a better thermogenesis at the onset of the breeding season, while the reverse was true for males. Altogether, our results suggest a sexually antagonistic cyto-nuclear selection on thermogenesis.


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A reduced thermogenic response to food ingestion may contribute to the dynamic phase of weight gain in obesity. A defect in diet-induced thermogenesis has been reported in about one third of an unselected group of obese women. After inducing weight loss with a hypocaloric diet, the thermogenic defect does not disappear. Since basal metabolic rate decreases with weight loss, the overall postprandial energy expenditure of 'post-obese' individuals can be lower than that of lean controls. As a consequence, post-obese subjects must reset energy intake to a lower level than the previous maintenance food consumption in order to avoid relapse of body weight gain.


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The thermal energetics of rodents from cool, wet tropical highlands are poorly known. Metabolic rate, body temperature and thermal conductance were measured in the moss-forest rat, Rattus niobe (Rodentia), a small murid endemic to the highlands of New Guinea. These data were evaluated in the context of the variation observed in the genus Rattus and among tropical murids. In 7 adult R. niobe, basal metabolic rate (BMR) averaged 53.6±6.6mLO2h(-1), or 103% of the value predicted for a body mass of 42.3±5.8g. Compared to other species of Rattus, R. niobe combines a low body temperature (35.5±0.6°C) and a moderately low minimal wet thermal conductance cmin (5.88±0.7mLO2h(-1)°C(-1), 95% of predicted) with a small size, all of which lead to reduced energy expenditure in a constantly cool environment. The correlations of mean annual rainfall and temperature, altitude and body mass with BMR, body temperature and cmin were analyzed comparatively among tropical Muridae. Neither BMR, nor cmin or body temperature correlated with ambient temperature or altitude. Some of the factors which promote high BMR in higher latitude habitats, such as seasonal exposure to very low temperature and short reproductive season, are lacking in wet montane tropical forests. BMR increased with rainfall, confirming a pattern observed among other assemblages of mammals. This correlation was due to the low BMR of several desert adapted murids, while R. niobe and other species from wet habitats had a moderate BMR.


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The overall thermogenic response to food intake measured over a whole day in 20 young nondiabetic obese women (body fat mean +/- SEM: 38.6 +/- 0.7%), was compared with that obtained in eight nonobese control women (body fat: 24.7 +/- 0.9%). The energy expenditure of the subjects was continuously measured over 24 h with a respiration chamber, and the spontaneous activity was assessed by a radar system. A new approach was used to obtain the integrated thermogenic response to the three meals ingested over the day (from 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM). This method allows to subtract the energy expended for physical activity from total energy expenditure and to calculate the integrated dietary-induced thermogenesis as the difference between the energy expended without physical activity and basal metabolic rate. The thermogenic response to the three meals (expressed in percentage of the total energy ingested) was found to be blunted in obese women (8.7 +/- 0.8%) as compared with that of controls (14.8 +/- 1.1%). There was an inverse correlation between the percentage body fat and the diet-induced thermogenesis (r = -0.61, p less than 0.001). In addition, the relative increase in diurnal urinary norepinephrine excretion was lower in obese than in the control subjects. It is concluded that a low overall thermogenic response to feeding may be a contributing factor for energy storage in some obese subjects; a blunted response of the sympathetic nervous system could explain this low thermogenic response.


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Epidemiological studies indicate that the consumption of fructose-containing caloric sweeteners (FCCS: mainly sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup) is associated with obesity. The hypothesis that FCCS plays a causal role in the development of obesity however implies that they would impair energy balance to a larger extent than other nutrients, either by increasing food intake, or by decreasing energy expenditure. We therefore reviewed the literature comparing a) diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) after ingestion of isocaloric FCCS vs glucose meals, and b) basal metabolic rate (BMR) or c) post-prandial energy expenditure after consuming a high FCCS diet for > 3 days vs basal,weight-maintenance low FCCS diet. Nine studies compared the effects of single isocaloric FCCS and glucose meals on DIT; of them, six studies reported that DIT was significantly higher with FCCS than with glucose, 2 reported a non-significant increase with FCCS, and one reported no difference. The higher DIT with fructose than glucose can be explained by the low energy efficiency associated with fructose metabolism. Five studies compared BMR after consumption of a high FCCS vs a low FCCS diet for > 3 days. Four studies reported no change after 4-7 day on a high FCCS diet, and only one study reported a 7% decrease after 12 week on a high FCCS diet. Three studies compared post-prandial EE after consumption of a high FCCS vs a low FCCS diet for > 3 days, and did not report any significant difference. One study compared 24-EE in subjects fed a weight-maintenance diet and hypercaloric diets with 50% excess energy as fructose, sucrose and glucose during 4 days: 24-EE was increased with all 3 hypercaloric diets, but there was no difference between fructose, sucrose and glucose. We conclude that fructose has lower energy efficiency than glucose. Based on available studies, there is presently no hint that dietary FCCS may decrease EE. Larger, well controlled studies are however needed to assess the longer term effects of FCCS on EE.


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Resting energy expenditure is frequently increased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it is unknown if this hypermetabolism holds true over 24 h. The aim of this study was to measure the actual 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) in patients with stable COPD. Energy expenditure was measured by indirect calorimetry, using a metabolic chamber for 24-h EE and a canopy for basal metabolic rate (BMR). Physical activity was detected in the chamber by a radar system, and its duration was quantified. Two groups matched for age and height were studied: 16 male ambulatory patients with stable COPD and 12 male normal subjects. Body weight was 92 +/- 12% of ideal body weight in the group with COPD and 108 +/- 11% in the control group (p = 0.01). BMR was 120 +/- 7% of predicted in the group with COPD and 108 +/- 12% in the control group (p < 0.01). However, 24-h EE was similar in the two groups, amounting to 1,935 +/- 259 kcal in patients with COPD and 2,046 +/- 253 kcal in the control group (NS). This corresponded to 145% and 137% of predicted BMR, and to 121% and 126% of measured BMR in patients with COPD and the control group, respectively (NS). Patients were allowed to pursue their usual treatment within the chamber, and a positive correlation existed between 24-h EE and the daily dose of inhaled beta 2-agonists (p < 0.03). During daytime, physical activity was lower in patients with COPD. This study shows that patients with stable COPD are characterized by a normal daily energy expenditure in controlled conditions in spite of an increased basal metabolic rate. They appear to save energy by reducing their spontaneous level of physical activity.


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In six young obese women (mean weight 85 +/- 3 kg) with a childhood history of obesity, and in six young nonobese women (mean weight 55 +/- 2 kg), the energy expenditure was measured during 24 h in a respiratory chamber with a maintenance energy intake. The next day, the thermogenic response to a mixed meal was investigated by using an open circuit indirect calorimetry hood system. In addition, five of the same obese women were similarly studied after a mean weight loss of 12.1 kg (14% of initial body weight) consecutive to an 11-wk hypocaloric diet (protein-supplemented modified fast). Expressed in absolute terms, the total 24 h and basal energy expenditures were found to be significantly greater in the obese (2208 +/- 105 and 1661 +/- 56 kcal/24 h, respectively) than in the controls (1746 +/- 61 and 1230 +/- 40 kcal/24 h, respectively). After weight loss, both the total 24-h and the basal energy expenditures were significantly reduced (2009 +/- 99 kcal/24 h and 1423 +/- 43 kcal/24 h respectively), but both values were still greater than that of the control subjects. The thermogenic response to the mixed meal (a liquid diet containing 17, 54, and 29% as protein, carbohydrate, and lipid calories, respectively, and an energy level determined to cover 60% of the basal energy expenditure computed for 24 h) was found to be significantly reduced in the obese as compared to controls (ie, 7.6 +/- 0.4% versus 9.5 +/- 0.4% of the energy content of the load, respectively, p less than 0.025). After weight loss, the postprandial thermogenesis of the obese was still markedly reduced (ie, 6.2 +/- 0.8%). Both before and after weight loss, the relative increase in diurnal urinary norepinephrine excretion was found to be lower in the obese than in controls, when compared to the nocturnal values. These results show that the greater 24 h energy expenditure of obese women is entirely due to their higher basal metabolic rate. The lower thermogenic response to the meal in the obese supports the concept of a thermogenic defect which can favor energy gain; furthermore, the unchanged response after weight loss in the obese suggests that the thermogenic defect may be a cause rather than a consequence of obesity.