46 resultados para Backarc Basins
A detailed geochemical analysis was performed on the upper part of the Maiolica Formation in the Breggia (southern Switzerland) and Capriolo sections (northern Italy). The analysed sediments consist of well-bedded, partly siliceous, pelagic carbonate, which lodges numerous thin, dark and organic-rich layers. Stable-isotope, phosphorus, organic-carbon and a suite of redox-sensitive trace-element contents (RSTE: Mo, U, Co, V and As) were measured. The RSTE pattern and C-org:P-tot ratios indicate that most organic-rich layers were deposited under dysaerobic rather than anaerobic conditions and that latter conditions were likely restricted to short intervals in the latest Hauterivian, the early Barremian and the pre-Selli early Aptian. Correlations are both possible with organic-rich intervals in central Italy (the Gorgo a Cerbara section) and the Boreal Lower Saxony Basin, as well as with the facies and drowning pattern in the Helvetic segment of the northern Tethyan carbonate platform. Our data and correlations suggest that the latest Hauterivian witnessed the progressive installation of dysaerobic conditions in the Tethys, which went along with the onset in sediment condensation, phosphogenesis and platform drowning on the northern Tethyan margin, and which culminated in the Faraoni anoxic episode. This episode is followed by further episodes of dysaerobic conditions in the Tethys and the Lower Saxony Basin, which became more frequent and progressively stronger in the late early Barremian. Platform drowning persisted and did not halt before the latest early Barremian. The late Barremian witnessed diminishing frequencies and intensities in dysaerobic conditions, which went along with the progressive installation of the Urgonian carbonate platform. Near the Barremian-Aptian boundary, the increasing density in dysaerobic episodes in the Tethyan and Lower Saxony Basins is paralleled by a change towards heterozoan carbonate production on the northern Tethyan shelf. The following return to more oxygenated conditions is correlated with the second phase of Urgonian platform growth and the period immediately preceding and corresponding to the Selli anoxic episode is characterised by renewed platform drowning and the change to heterozoan carbonate production. Changes towards more humid climate conditions were the likely cause for the repetitive installation of dys- to anaerobic conditions in the Tethyan and Boreal basins and the accompanying changes in the evolution of the carbonate platform towards heterozoan carbonate-producing ecosystems and platform drowning.
The following main lithostratigraphic units have been distinguished in the Domes Area. The Kibaran basement complex composed of gneisses, migmatites with amphibolite bands and metagranites is exposed in dome structures; metamorphic features of Kibaran age have been almost completely obliterated by extensive Lufilian reactivation. The post-Kibaran cover sequence is subdivided into the Lower Roan Group consisting of well-preserved quartzites with high Mg content, talc-bearing, extremely foliated schists intercalated with pseudo-conglomerates of tectonic origin and the Upper Roan Group including dolomitic marbles with rare stromatolites, metapelites and a sequence of detrital metasediments, with local volcano-sedimentary components and interlayered banded ironstones. The sediments of the Lower Roan Group are interpreted as continental to lagoonal-evaporitic deposits partly converted into the talc-kyanite + garnet assemblage characteristic of ``white schists''. The dolomites and metapelites of the Upper Roan Group are attributed to a carbonate platform sequence progressively subsiding under terrigenous deposits, whilst the detrital metasediments and BIF may be interpreted as a basinal sequence, probably deposited on oceanic crust grading laterally into marbles. Metagabbros and metabasalts are considered as remnants of an ocean-floor-type crustal unit probably related to small basins. Alkaline stocks of Silurian age intruded the post-Kibaran cover. Significant ancestral tectonic discontinuities promoted the development of a nappe pile that underwent high-pressure metamorphism during the Lufilian orogeny and all lithostratigraphic units. Rb-Sr and K-Ar and U-Pb data indicate an age of 700 Ma for the highest grade metamorphism and 500 Ma for blocking of the K-Ar and Rb-Sr system in micas, corresponding to the time when the temperature dropped below 350-degrees-400-degrees-C and to an age of about 400 Ma for the emplacement of hypabyssal syenitic bodies. A first phase of crustal shortening by decoupling of basement and cover slices along shallow shear zones has been recognized. Fluid-rich tectonic slabs of cover sediments were thus able to transport fluids into the anhydrous metamorphic basement or mafic units. During the subsequent metamorphic re-equilibration stage of high pressure, pre-existing thrusts horizons were converted into recrystallized mylonites. Due to uplift, rocks were re-equilibrated into assemblages compatible with lower pressures and slightly lower temperatures. This stage occurs under a decompressional (nearly adiabatic) regime, with P(fluid) almost-equal-to P(lithostatic). It is accompanied by metasomatic development of minerals, activated by injection of hot fluids. New or reactivated shear zones and mylonitic belts were the preferred conduits of fluids. The most evident regional-scale effect of these processes is the intense metasomatic scapolitization of formerly plagioclase-rich lithologies. Uraninite mineralization can probably be assigned to the beginning of the decompressional stage. A third regional deformation phase characterized by open folds and local foliation is not accompanied by significant growth of new minerals. However, pitchblende mineralization can be ascribed to this phase as late-stage, short-range remobilization of previously existing deposits. Finally, shallow alkaline massifs were emplaced when the level of the Domes Area now exposed was already subjected to exchange with meteoric circuits, activated by residual geothermal gradients generally related to intrusions or rifting. Most of the superficial U-showings with U-oxidation products were probably generated during this relatively recent phase.
The classical Soja nappe, in NE Ticino, actually consists of two distinct tectonic units with verydifferent stratigraphic contents: (1) The smaller one, in the Val Soi (the type-locality), is by definitionthe Soja unit s.str.. It is pinched between Simano and Adula and consists of various Paleozoic gneissesand a dolomitic Triassic cover analogous to the Triassic of other Lower Penninic nappes. (2) The largerone extends along the Lago di Luzzone and continues eastwards through the Piz Terri mountain. Wename it the Luzzone-Terri nappe. It consists of: (a) a paragneiss series that presents striking similaritieswith the Permian of the Zone Houillère in Valais; (b) a Triassic cover typical of the Briançonnaisdomain where one clearly recognizes the St-Triphon Formation and other characteristic units of theBriançonnais Triassic; (c) a thick series of black calcschists and metapelites of Liassic age, similarto the cover of the neighbouring Gotthard massif. This stratigraphic superposition of a Liassic seriesof Helvetic type on a Briançonnais Triassic is unique in the Alps and has important paleogeographicconsequences. It is difficult to reconcile this observation with speculative reconstructions that proposean original position of the Briançonnais domain far from the Helvetic basins. Morover the Briançonnaischaracter of its Triassic series indicates an ultra-Adula origin of the Luzzone-Terri nappe.
Abstract:During my doctoral research, I focused on deciphering the interactions between sea-level and climate change during the Late Barremian-Early Aptian, their expression in the Tethys basin and in the Helvetic carbonate platform. The research highlights are summarized here in three points: In the Helvetic Alps, the transition between the Lower Schrattenkalk (Upper Barremian) and the Rawil Member (Lowermost Aptian) is characterized by a change from a predominantly photozoan to a heterozoan carbonate-producing system, which coincides in time with a general increase in detrital and nutrient input. The clay mineral record shows the appearance of kaolinite within the Rawil Member, whereas this mineral is absent from the uppermost Lower and lowermost Upper Schrattenkalk Members. This indicates the installation of a warmer and more humid climate during this time period. A negative peak in 513C is recorded at the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, and correlates with the well-known negative excursion of -l%o occurring in other basins and dated as latest Barremian, thus confirming a latest Barremian and earliest Aptian age for the Lower Schrattenkalk and Rawil Members, respectively. Furthermore, a sequence stratigraphie framework has been defined for the Rawil Member, based on both the ecology of faunal and floral assemblages, and their palaeoenvironmental interpretation, as well as on the stacking pattern of limestone beds observed during field prospection. The presence of a sequence boundary is postulated near the top of the Lower Schrattenkalk Member, which is correlated with the earliest Aptian SbAl defined in Vercors (France). The SbAl is characterized by a maximum of proximal assemblages and by the disappearance of several benthic foraminiferal species. Within the Rawil Member itself, the stacking pattern and microfacies trends are interpreted to represent the TST of the first Aptian sequence. With regards to the pelagic setting in the Tethyan realm, I investigated the Gorgo a Cerbara section (central Italy). There, thin organic-rich layers occur episodically in pelagic carbonates of the upper Barremian portion of the Maiolica Formation. They are associated with high Corg:Ptot ratios, which indicate the presence of intermittent dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Coarse correlations are also observed between TOC, Ρ and biogenic silica contents, indicating links between Ρ availability, productivity, and organic matter preservation. The corresponding 813Ccarb and δ180 records remain, however, quite stable, indicating that these brief periods of enhanced TOC preservation did not have sufficient impact on the marine carbon household to deviate 6,3C records, and are probably not the consequence of major climate change. On the other hand, organic-rich layers become more frequent around the Barremian-Aptian boundary in both pelagic and hemi-pelagic environments (Gorgo a Cerbara and La Bédoule, France), which are correlated with negative excursions in 6l3Ccarb and 613Corg records. During the earliest Aptian, at Gorgo a Cerbara, the frequency of organic-rich intervals progressively increases and redox-sensitive trace-element enrichments become more frequent, until the highest TOC-enriched level just below the "Livello Selli", indicator of Oceanic Anoxic Event la (OAEla). The latter is associated with the well-known negative spike in 613Ccarb and S,3Corg records, a diminution in the δ,80 record interpreted as the consequence of a wanning interval, an important peak in Ρ accumulation and high Cor::Ptot ratios indicating the prevalence of anoxic conditions. The Selli Level (OAEla) documents a general cooling phase and coincides with maximum RSTE enrichments as well as high Corg:Ptot ratios, which confirm the importance of anoxic conditions during OAE1 a at this site.During the Early Aptian, environmental change on the platform is expressed by orbitolinids proliferation that may be induced by both climate change and sea-level rise. In the basin, the successive black shales horizons from the Late Barremian until the OAE la are interpreted as the progressive impact of palaeoenvironmental change probably linked to the formation of the Ontong- Java plate-basalt plateau.RésuméCe travail de thèse a permis d'investiguer les interactions entre les variations du niveau marin et les changements climatiques sur la plate-forme helvétique ainsi qu'en domaine pélagique à la limite Barrémien-Aptien (Crétacé).Dans les Alpes helvétiques, la limite Barrémien-Aptien est marquée par la transition du Schrattenkalk inférieur, caractérisé par des carbonates photozaires, au Membre de Rawil caractérisé par des carbonates héterozoaires. Cette transition est marquée par une arrivée massive d'éléments détritiques et un apport de nutriments ayant entraîné la prolifération de foraminifères agglutinés tels que les orbitolines. L'analyse des minéraux argileux indique l'apparition de la kaolinite durant le Membre de Rawil, interprétée comme l'installation d'un climat plus chaud et humide. Un pic négatif en 513C est enregistré au sommet du Schrattenkalk inférieur correspond à l'excursion négative de -1%0 bien connue en domaine pélagique et datée comme Barrémien terminal. Cette corrélation apporte un contrôle chronostratigraphique supplémentaire permettant de dater le Schrattenkalk inférieur du Barrémien sup. et le Membre de Rawil de l'Aptien inf. D'autre part, une étude stratigraphique, basée sur des observations de terrain et sur l'interprétation d'assemblages floristiques et faunistiques en terme de paléoenvironnement a permis de mettre en évidence une limite de séquence au sommet du Schrattenkalk inf., corrélable avec la SbAl définie dans le Vercors. Durant la mise en place du Membre de Rawil, l'évolution des microfaciès est interprétée comme le « Transgressive System Tract » de la première séquence aptienne.En domaine pélagique, de minces couches riches en matière organique (MO) apparaissent dès le Barrémien sup. dans la coupe de Gorgo a Cerbara (Italie). Elles sont associées à un ratio C:P élevé indiquant des conditions épisodiquement dysoxiques à anoxiques. De plus, une corrélation nette entre Carbone Organique Total (TOC), phosphore (P) et silice biogénique est observée correspondant à un lien entre Ρ disponible, productivité et préservation de la MO. Pourtant, dans le même temps, le ÔI3C et le δ1βΟ restent constants indiquant des conditions environnementales stables et un cycle du carbone non perturbé par la préservation de MO qui ne serait pas la conséquence d'un changement climatique global mais juste d'un effet local.Ala limite Barrémien-Aptien, en domaine hémi-pélagique (La Bédoule, France) et pélagique (Gorgo a Cerbara), les couches riches en MO sont plus fréquentes et plus épaisses, elles se sont déposées en même temps qu'un pic négatif en 513CCARB et ô13Coib probablement dû à un épisode volcanique. A l'Aptien inf. le TOC des niveaux riches en MO augmente progressivement en même temps que la teneur en éléments traces jusqu'au dernier enrichissement avant l'événement anoxique océanique la (OAE la) correspondant au « niveau critique inf. », indiquant des conditions anoxiques moins restreintes. Celui-ci est également caractérisé par le fameux pic négatif en Ô13C (C3), une diminution du δ180 interprétée comme un réchauffement, par un pic en Ρ et un ratio C:P élevé. L'OAE 1 a, quant à lui, enregistre un refroidissement et coïncide avec le maximum en éléments traces ainsi qu'un fort ratio C:P mettant en valeur l'importance des conditions anoxiques pendant 1ΌΑΕ la dans cette coupe alors qu'aucune perturbation n'est enregistrés à La Bédoule probablement à cause de conditions paléogéographiques locales.Durant l'Aptien inf., les changements environnementaux sur la plate-forme se marquent par la prolifération d'orbitolines due à un changement climatique et une hausse du niveau marin. En domaine profond, la succession de niveaux riches en MO du Barrémien sup. jusqu'à l'OAE la documente l'impact progressif de changements paléoenvironnementaux, probablement liés à la formation du plateau d'Ontong Java à l'ouest de l'océan Pacifique.
Diversity patterns of ammonoids are analyzed and compared with the timing of anoxic deposits around the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary in the Vocontian, Anglo-Paris, and Monster basins of Western Europe. Differing from most previous studies, which concentrate on a narrow time span bracketing the C/T boundary, the present analysis covers the latest Albian to Early Turonian interval for which a high resolution, ammonoid-based biochronology, including 34 Unitary Associations zones, is now available. During the latest Albian-Middle Cenomanian interval, species richness of ammonoids reveals a dynamical equilibrium oscillating around an average of 20 species, whereas the Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian interval displays an equilibrium centered on an average value of 6 species. The abrupt transition between these two successive equilibria lasted no longer than two Unitary Associations. The onset of the decline of species richness thus largely predates the spread of oxygen-poor water masses onto the shelves, while minimal values of species richness coincide with the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary only. The decline of species richness during the entire Late Cenomanian seems to result from lower origination percentages rather than from higher extinction percentages. This result is also supported by the absence of statistically significant changes in the extinction probabilities of the poly-cohorts. Separate analyses of species richness for acanthoceratids and heteromorphs, the two essential components of the Cenomanian ammonoid community, reveal that heteromorphs declined sooner than acanthoceratids. Moreover, acanthoceratids showed a later decline at the genus level than at the species level. Such a decoupling is accompanied by a significant increase in morphological disparity of acanthoceratids, which is expressed by the appearance of new genera. Last, during the Late Cenomanian, paedomorphic processes, juvenile innovations and reductions of adult size dominated the evolutionary radiation of acanthoceratids. Hence, the decrease in ammonoid species richness and their major evolutionary changes significantly predates the spread of anoxic deposits. Other environmental constraints such as global flooding of platforms, warmer and more equable climate, as well as productivity changes better correlate with the timing of diversity changes and evolutionary patterns of ammonoids and therefore, provide more likely causative mechanisms than anoxia alone.
In the general discussion on the Variscan evolution of central Europe the pre-Mesozoic basement of the Alps is, in many cases, only included with hesitation. Relatively well-preserved from Alpine metamorphism, the Alpine External massifs can serve as an excellent example of evolution of the Variscan basement, including the earliest Gondwana-derived microcontinents with Cadomian relics. Testifying to the evolution at the Gondwana margin, at least since the Cambrian, such pieces took part in the birth of the Rheic Ocean. After the separation of Avalonia, the remaining Gondwana border was continuously transformed through crustal extension with contemporaneous separation of continental blocks composing future Pangea, but the opening of Palaeotethys had only a reduced significance since the Devonian. The Variscan evolution in the External domain is characterised by an early HP-evolution with subsequent granulitic decompression melts. During Visean crustal shortening, the areas of future formation of migmatites and intrusion of monzodioritic magmas in a general strike-slip regime, were probably in a lower plate situation, whereas the so called monometamorphic areas may have been in an upper plate position of the nappe pile. During the Latest Carboniferous, the emplacement of the youngest granites was associated with the strike-slip faulting and crustal extension at lower crustal levels, whereas, at the surface, detrital sediments accumulated in intramontaneous transtensional basins on a strongly eroded surface. To cite this article: J.R von Raumer et al., C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009). (C) 2008 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The carbon isotopic signature of carbonates depends on secular variations of organic carbon and carbonate carbon production/burial rates. A decrease in carbonate productivity makes the organic/carbonate carbon ratio unstable up to the point that even minor variations in the organic carbon reservoirs can provoke carbon isotopic shifts. The delta(13)C positive shifts of the middle Carixian (early Pliensbachian) and the early Bajocian recorded in the Umbria-Marche-Sabina domain represent a good example of this mechanism. Both sedimentology and lithostratigraphy of pelagic platform-basin carbonate systems in this area show that important changes in the source of carbonates correspond to the observed isotopic shifts. The middle Carixian event is in fact well correlatable to the drastic reduction of benthic carbonate production on rift-related intrabasinal highs, which then became pelagic carbonate platforms. The early Bajocian event is concomitant with the beginning of a long hiatus on the pelagic carbonate platforms and with a drop of the biodiversity of calcareous organisms followed by the onset of biosiliceous sedimentation in basins. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The Monte San Giorgio (Southern Alps, Ticino, Switzerland) is the most important locality in the world for vertebrates dating back to the Middle Triassic. For this reason it was registered in 2003 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the objectives of this doctoral thesis was to fill some of the cognitive gaps regarding the Ladinian succession, including in particular the San Giorgio Dolomite and the Meride Limestone. In order to achieve this, the entire succession, more than 600 metres thick, was measured and sampled. Biostratigraphic research based on new finds of fossil invertebrates and microfossils and on the palynological analysis of the entire section was integrated with single-zircon U-Pb dating of volcanic ash layers intercalated in the carbonate succession. This enabled a redefinition of the bio-chronostratigraphic and geochronologic framework of the succession, which encompasses a significantly shorter time interval than previously held. The Ladinian section extends from the E. curionii Ammonoid Zone (Early Fassanian) to the P. archelaus Ammonoid Zone (Early Longobardian). The age of the classic fossiliferous levels of the Meride Limestone, rich in organic matter and containing vertebrate fossils which are known all over the world, was defined in both biostratigraphic and geochronologic terms. The presumed stratigraphie significance of the pachypleurosaurid reptiles found in such levels is called into question by new finds. These fossiliferous horizons were found to correspond to the main volcanoclastic intervals of the Buchenstein Formation (Middle and Upper Pietra Verde). Thus, a correlation with the Bagolino Section (Italy) containing the GSSP for the base of the Ladinian was proposed. Bulk sedimentation rates in the studied succession average 200 m/Myr and therefore prove to be 20 times higher than those of the South-Alpine pelagic basins. These values express high carbonate productivity from the surrounding platforms on one hand, and on the other a marked subsidence of the basin. Only in the intervals consisting of laminated limestones did the sedimentation rates drop to average values of around 30 m/Myr. The distribution of organic and inorganic facies appears to be the consequence of relative variations in sea-level. The laminated and organic-matter- rich intervals of the Meride Limestone are linked to a relative sea-level drop which favoured dysoxic to anoxic bottom-water conditions, coupled with an increase in runoff, perhaps due to recurrent explosive volcanic activity. The transient development under dysoxic conditions of monospecific benthic meio-/macrofaunas was documented. Organic matter suggests a predominant origin due to benthic bacterial activity, as can be witnessed in alveolar structures typical of exopolymeric substances secreted by bacteria within microbial mats. A microbial contribution to the carbonate (peloidal) precipitation was documented. The protective effect exerted by these microbial mats is also indicated as the main taphonomic factor contributing to the excellent preservation of vertebrate fossils. A radiolarian assemblage discovered in the lower part of the section (earliest Ladinian, E. curionii Zone) suggests the transient existence of open-marine but not deep-water connections with the tethyan pelagic basins. It shows marked similarities to the faunas typical of the late Anisian, suggesting therefore a low resolution power provided by radiolarian biostratigraphy in recognizing the Anisian/Ladinian boundary. The present thesis describes a new species of conifer (Elatocladus cassinae), a new species of insect (Dasyleptus triassicus) and seven new species of radiolarians (Eptingium danieli, Eptingium neriae, Parentactinosphaera eoladinica, Sepsagon ticinensis, Sepsagon? valporinae, Novamuria wirzi and Pessagnollum? hexaspinosum). In addition, following revision of the type material of already existent taxa, four new genera of radiolarians are introduced: Bernoulliella, Eohexastylus, Ticinosphaera and Lahmosphaera.
New stratigraphic data along a profile from the Helvetic Gotthard Massif to the remnants of the North Penninic Basin in eastern Ticino and Graubunden are presented. The stratigraphic record together with existing geochemical and structural data, motivate a new interpretation of the fossil European distal margin. We introduce a new group of Triassic facies, the North-Penninic-Triassic (NPT), which is characterised by the Ladinian "dolomie bicolori". The NPT was located in-between the Briançonnais carbonate platform and the Helvetic lands. The observed horizontal transition, coupled with the stratigraphic superposition of an Helvetic Liassic on a Briaçonnais Triassic in the Luzzone-Terri nappe, links, prior to Jurassic rifting, the Briançonnais paleogeographic domain at the Helvetic Margin, south of the Gotthard. Our observations suggest that the Jurassic rifting separated the Briançonnais domain from the Helvetic margin by complex and protracted extension. The syn-rift stratigraphic record in the Adula nappe and surroundings suggests the presence of a diffuse rising area with only moderately subsiding basins above a thinned continental and proto-oceanic crust. Strong subsidence occurred in a second phase following protracted extension and the resulting delamination of the rising area. The stratigraphic coherency in the Adula's Mesozoic questions the idea of a lithospheric mélange in the eclogitic Adula nappe, which is more likely to be a coherent alpine tectonic unit. The structural and stratigraphic observations in the Piz Terri-Lunschania zone suggest the activity of syn-rift detachments. During the alpine collision these faults are reactivated (and inverted) and played a major role in allowing the Adula subduction, the "Penninic Thrust" above it and in creating the structural complexity of the Central Alps.
The management of lymph nodes in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients is currently still debated. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma (PEM), and other rare skin neoplasms have a well-known risk to spread to regional lymph nodes. The use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) could be a promising procedure to assess this risk in clinically N0 patients. Metastatic SNs have been observed in 4.5-28% SCC (according to risk factors), in 9-42% MCC, and in 14-57% PEM. We observed overall 30.8% positive SNs in 13 consecutive patients operated for high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer between 2002 and 2011 in our institution. These high rates support recommendation to implement SLNB for nonmelanoma skin cancer especially for SCC patients. Completion lymph node dissection following positive SNs is also a matter of discussion especially in PEM. It must be remembered that a definitive survival benefit of SLNB in melanoma patients has not been proven yet. However, because of its low morbidity when compared to empiric elective lymph node dissection or radiation therapy of lymphatic basins, SLNB has allowed sparing a lot of morbidity and could therefore be used in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients, even though a significant impact on survival has not been demonstrated.
Trace element and isotopic compositions of marine fossils and sediment were analyzed from several Miocene deposits in the circum-Alpine region in order to reconstruct the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes related to sea level changes, basin evolution and Alpine orogeny. To the north and the east the Alps were border by an epicontinental sea, the Paratethys, while to the south the Mediterranean surrounded the uplifting mountains during the Miocene. The thesis mainly focused on sediments and fossils sampled from Miocene beds of these two oceanic provinces. The north Alpine Molasse, the Vienna and Pannonian Basins were located in the Western and Central Paratethys. O-isotope compositions of well-preserved phosphatic fossils in these sediments support deposition under sub-tropical to warm-temperate climate with water temperatures between 14 to 28 °C for the Miocene. δ18O values of fossil shark teeth from different horizons vary similarly to those of the global trend until the end of the Badenian, however the δ18O values show wider range, which indicates local effects iii the sub-basins. The trend of 87Sr/86Sr in the samples roughly agrees with an open ocean environment for the Miocene. Yet a number of samples deviate from typical open ocean compositions with higher ratios suggesting modification of seawater by local and old terrestrial sources. In contrast, two exceptional teeth from the locality of La Moliere have extremely low δ18O values and low 87Sr/86Sr. However, the REE patterns of their enameloid are similar to those of teeth having O and Sr isotopic compositions typical of a marine setting at this site. Collectively, this suggests that the two teeth formed while the sharks frequented a freshwater environment with very low 18O-content and 87Sr/86Sr controlled by Mesozoic calcareous rocks. This is consistent with a paleogeography of high-elevation (~2300m) Miocene Alps adjacent to a marginal sea. The local effects are also reflected in the εNd values of the Paratethyan fossils, which is compatible with input from ancient crystalline rocks and Mesozoic sediments, while other samples with elevated εNd values indicate an influence of Neogene volcanism on the water budget. Excluding samples whose isotopic compositions reflect a local influence on the water column, an average εNd value of -7.9 ± 0.5 may be inferred for the Paratethys seawater. This value is indistinguishable from the Miocene value of the Indian Ocean, supporting a dominant role of ludo-Pacific water masses in the Paratethys. Regarding the Mediterranean, stable C-and O-isotope compositions of benthic and planktonic foraminifera from the Umbria-Marche region (UMC) have an offset typical for their habitats and the changes in composition mimic global changes, suggesting that the regional conditions of climate and the carbon cycle were controlled by global changes. The radiogenic isotope compositions of the fossil assemblages allow for distinction of periods. From 25 to 19 Ma, high εNd values and low 87Sr/86Sr of sediments and fossils support intense tectonism and volcanism, related to the opening of the western Mediterranean. Between 19 and 13 Ma the Mediterranean has εNd values that are largely controlled by incursion of Indian Ocean water. Brief periods of local hinterland control on seawater compositions are indicated by spikes in the εNd record, coinciding with volcanic events and a short sea-level decrease at about 15.2 Ma. Lower 87Sr/86Sr compared to the open ocean is compatible with rapid uplift of the hinterland and intense influx of Sr from Mesozoic carbonates of the western Apennines, while higher 87Sr/86Sr for other sites indicates erosion of old crustal silicate rocks. Finally, from 13 to 7 Ma the fossils have 87Sr/86Sr similar to those of Miocene seawater and their εNd values indicates fluctuating influence of Atlantic, and Indian Ocean or Paratethys sources of seawater entering the Mediterranean, driven by global sealevel changes and local tectonism. RÉSUMÉ DE LA THÈSE Les compositions en éléments traces et isotopiques de fossiles marins et de sédiments on été analysées à partir de nombreux dépôts marins dans la région circum Alpine dans le but de reconstruire les changements paléocéanographiques et paléoclimatiques liés aux changements du niveau marin, à l'évolution en bassins et à l'orogénie alpine. Au nord et à l'est des Alpes, une mer épicontinentale appelée Paratéthys s'est ouverte, alors que plus au sud la mer Méditerranée bordait au Miocène les Alpes naissantes. Le but de cette recherche est de se concentrer sur les sédiments et les fossiles provenant des couches du Miocènes de ces deux provinces marines. Les bassins de la Molasse Alpine du nord, de Vienne et Pannonien étaient situés au niveau de la Paratéthys Occidentale et Centrale. Les compositions isotopiques de l'oxygène de fossiles phosphatés bien préservés dans ces sédiments étayent la théorie d'un dépôt sous un climat subtropical à tempéré chaud avec des températures entre 14 et 28°C pendant le Miocène. Les valeurs δ18O des fossiles sont similaires à la tendance globale jusqu'à la fin du Badénien. Cependant les larges fluctuations en δ18O indiquent des effets locaux au niveau des sous bassins. En outre, deux dents de requin exceptionnelles présentent des valeurs extrêmement basses de δ18O. Ces données suggèrent que ces deux dents se sont formées alors que les requins fréquentaient un environnement d'eau douce avec de faibles valeurs de 18O. Le calcul de la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de cette eau douce permet d'obtenir une estimation de la paléoélévatian moyenne des Alpes du Miocène (~2300m). La tendance 87Sr/86Sr pour ces échantillons concorde approximativement avec un environnement d'océan ouvert au cours du Miocène. Toutefois un nombre d'échantillons dévie des compositions d'océan ouvert typiques, avec des rapports élevés suggérant des modifications de l'eau de mer par des sources locales et terrestres. Les effets locaux sont aussi reflétés au niveau des valeurs en εNd des fossiles paratéthysiens. Ceci est cohérent avec un apport d'anciennes roches cristallines et de sédiments mésozoïques, tandis que d'autres échantillons avec des valeurs hautes de εNd indiquent une influence d'un volcanisme néogène dans le budget marin. En excluant les échantillons dont les compositions isotopiques confirment une influence locale, une valeur moyenne de εNd de 7.9 t 0.5 peut être déduite pour l'eau de la Parathétys. Cette valeur est semblable à la valeur correspondant à l'Océan Indien durant le Miocène, confirmant un rôle dominant de cet océan dans la Paratéthys. Au niveau de la Méditerranée, les compositions en isotopes stables du Carbone et de l'Oxygène de foraminifères planctoniques et benthique de la région Umbria-Marche présentent un offset typique à leurs habitats. De plus les changements dans leurs compositions suivent les changements globaux, suggérant ainsi que les conditions climatiques régionales et le cycle du carbone étaient contrôlés par des phénomènes globaux. La composition en isotopes radiogéniques d'assemblages fossiles permet une reconnaissance sur trois périodes distinctes. De 25 à 19 millions d'années (Ma), des valeurs élevées de εNd et un faible rapport 87Sr/86Sr dans les sédiments soutiennent l'idée d'une activité tectonique et volcanique intense, liée à l'ouverture de la Méditerranée occidentale. Entre 19 et 13 Ma, la Méditerranée montre des valeurs de εNd qui sont largement contrôlées par une incursion d'eau provenant de l'Océan Indien. En effet, aux alentours de 15,2 Ma, des pics dans l'enregistrement des valeurs de εNd, coïncidant avec des événements volcaniques et de brèves diminutions du niveau marin. Enfin, de 13 à 7 Ma, les fossiles ont des rapports ß7Sr/8fiSr similaires à ceux de l'eau de mer au Miocène. Leurs valeurs de εNd indiquent une influence changeante de l'océan Atlantique, et de l'océan Indien ou des sources d'eau de merde la Parathétys qui entrent dans les bassins méditerranéens. Ce changement est guidé par des modifications globales du niveau marin et par la tectonique locale. RÉSUMÉ DE LA THÈSE (POUR LE GRAND PUBLIC) Les analyses des compositions en éléments traces et isotopiques des fossiles marins sont un outil très utile pour reconstruire les conditions océaniques et climatiques anciennes. Ce travail de thèse se concentre sur les sédiments déposés dans un environnement marin proches des Alpes au cours du Miocène, entre 23 et 7 millions d'années (Ma). Cette période est caractérisée par une tectonique alpine active, ainsi que par des changements climatiques et océanographiques globaux importants. Dans le but de tracer ces changements, les compositions isotopiques du Strontium, du Néodyme, de l'Oxygène et du Carbone ont été analysées dans des fossiles bien préservés ainsi que les sédiments contemporains. Les échantillons proviennent de deux provinces océaniques distinctes, la première est la Mer Méditerranée, et l'autre est une mer épicontinentale appelée Parathétys, qui existait au nord et à l'est des Alpes durant le Miocène. Au niveau de la Parathétys Occidentale et Orientale, les compositions isotopiques d'oxygène de dents de requins confirment un dépôt sous un climat subtropical à tempéré chaud avec des températures d'eau entre 14 et 28°C au Miocène. En outre, deux dents de requins exceptionnelles ont enregistré des compositions isotopiques d'oxygène extrêmement basses. Cela suggère que ces deux dents se sont formées alors que les requins entraient dans un système d'eau douce. Le calcul de la composition isotopique de l'oxygène de cette eau douce permet d'obtenir une estimation de la paléoélévation des Alpes au Miocène qui est aussi élevée que celle d'aujourd'hui. La tendance isotopique du Strontium pour ces échantillons concorde approximativement avec un environnement d'océan ouvert. Cependant un certain nombre d'échantillons indique des modifications de l'eau de mer par des sources terrestres locales. Les effets locaux sont aussi visibles au niveau des compositions isotopiques du Néodyme, qui sont en accord avec un apport provenant de roches cristallines anciennes et de sédiments du Mésozoïque, alors que d'autres échantillons indiquent une influence volcanique néogène dans le budget marin. A l'exclusion des échantillons dont les compositions correspondent à une influence locale, les compositions isotopiques du Néodyme de la Parathétys sont très similaires aux valeurs de l'Océan Indien, montrant ainsi un rôle important des masses d'eau IndoPacifiques dans cette région. Au niveau de la Méditerranée, les compositions en isotopes stables du Carbone et de l'Oxygène de foraminifères planctoniques et benthique de la région Umbria-Marche présentent un offset typique à leurs habitats. De plus, les changements dans leurs compositions suivent les changements globaux, suggérant ainsi que les conditions climatiques régionales et le cycle du carbone étaient contrôlés par des phénomènes globaux. La composition en isotopes radiogéniques d'assemblages fossiles permet une reconnaissance sur trois périodes distinctes. De 25 à 19 Ma, des rapport isotopiques élevés pour le Néodyme et faibles pour le Strontium dans les sédiments et les fossiles soutiennent l'idée d'une activité tectonique et volcanique intense, liée à l'ouverture de la Méditerranée occidentale. Entre 19 et 13 Ma, la Méditerranée présente des rapports isotopiques du Néodyme qui sont largement contrôlés par une incursion d'eau provenant de l'Océan Indien. En effet, aux alentours de 15,2 Ma, des pics dans l'enregistrement des valeurs des isotopes du Néodyme coïncident avec des événements volcaniques et de brèves diminutions du niveau marin. Finalement, de 13 à 7 Ma, les fossiles ont des rapports isotope Strontium similaires à ceux de l'eau de mer au Miocène. Les rapports isotopiques du Néodyme indiquent une influence changeante de l'océan Atlantique, et de l'océan Indien ou des sources d'eau de mer de la Parathétys qui entrent dans les bassins méditerranéens. Ce changement est guidé par des modifications globales du niveau marin et par la tectonique locale.
Profiles of carbon isotopes were studied in marine limestones of Late Permian and Early Triassic age of the Tethyan region from 20 sections in Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Armenian SSR, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and China. The Upper Permian sections continue the high positive values of 13C previously found in Upper Permian basins in NW Europe and western USA. In the more complete sections of Tethys it can now be demonstrated that the values of 13C drop from the Murgabian to the Dzhulfian Stages of the Upper Permian, then sharply to values near zero during the last two biozones of the Dorashamian. These levels of 13C sample the Tethys Sea and the world ocean, and equal values from deep-water sediments at Salamis Greece indicate that they apply to the whole water column. We hypothesize that the high values of 13C are a consequence of Late Paleozoic storage of organic carbon, and that the declines represent an episodic cessation of this organic deposition, and partial oxidation of the organic reservoir, extending over a period of several million years. The carbon isotope profile may reflect parallel complexity in the pattern of mass extinction in Late Permian time. Des profils isotopiques du carbone ont été établis dans des calcaires marins d'âge tardi-permien à éo-triasique répartis dans 20 endroits du domaine téthysien: Yougoslavie, Grèce, Turquie, République d'Arménie, Iran, Pakistan, Inde, Népal et Chine. Les profils établis dans le Permien supérieur montrent les mêmes valeurs positives de 13C observées antérieurement dans des bassins de même âge en Europe occidentale et dans l'ouest des USA. Dans les profils les plus complets de la Téthys, il est maintenant établi que les valeurs de 13C décroissent depuis le Murgabien jusqu'au Dzhulfien (Permien supérieur) pour devenir proches de zéro dans les deux dernières biozones du Dorasharmen. Ces valeurs de 13C sont caractéristiques de la Téthys et de l'Océan mondial; elles s'appliquent à toutes les profondeurs d'eau, comme en témoignent les valeurs fournies par des sédiments de mer profonde à Salamis (Grèce). Nous formulons l'hypothèse que les hautes valeurs de 13C sont la conséquence du stockage du carbone organique au Paléozoïque supérieur et que leur décroissance traduit un arrêt épisodique de cette sédimentation organique, accompagné d'une oxydation partielle de la matière organique s'étendant sur une période de plusieurs Ma. L'influence parallèle des phénomènes d'extinction massive à le fin du Permien se refléterait également dans les profils isotopiques du carbone.
The discovery of exhumed continental mantle and hyper-extended crust in present-day magma-poor rifted margins is at the origin of a paradigm shift within the research field of deep-water rifted margins. It opened new questions about the strain history of rifted margins and the nature and composition of sedimentary, crustal and mantle rocks in rifted margins. Thanks to the benefit of more than one century of work in the Alps and access to world-class outcrops preserving the primary relationships between sediments and crustal and mantle rocks from the fossil Alpine Tethys margins, it is possible to link the subsidence history and syn-rift sedimentary evolution with the strain distribution observed in the crust and mantle rocks exposed in the distal rifted margins. In this paper, we will focus on the transition from early to late rifting that is associated with considerable crustal thinning and a reorganization of the rift system. Crustal thinning is at the origin of a major change in the style of deformation from high-angle to low-angle normal faulting which controls basin-architecture, sedimentary sources and processes and the nature of basement rocks exhumed along the detachment faults in the distal margin. Stratigraphic and isotopic ages indicate that this major change occurred in late Sinemurian time, involving a shift of the syn-rift sedimentation toward the distal domain associated with a major reorganization of the crustal structure with exhumation of lower and middle crust. These changes may be triggered by mantle processes, as indicated by the infiltration of MOR-type magmas in the lithospheric mantle, and the uplift of the Brianconnais domain. Thinning and exhumation of the crust and lithosphere also resulted in the creation of new paleogeographic domains, the Proto Valais and Liguria-Piemonte domains. These basins show a complex, 3D temporal and spatial evolution that might have evolved, at least in the case of the Liguria-Piemonte basin, in the formation of an embryonic oceanic crust. The re-interpretation of the rift evolution and the architecture of the distal rifted margins in the Alps have important implications for the understanding of rifted margins worldwide, but also for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Alpine domain and its subsequent Alpine compressional overprint.
Structural settings and lithological characteristics are traditionally assumed to influence the development of erosional landforms, such as gully networks and rock couloirs, in steep mountain rock basins. The structural control of erosion of two small alpine catchments of distinctive rock types is evaluated by comparing the correspondences between the orientations of their gullies and rock couloirs with (1) the sliding orientations of potential slope failures mechanisms, and (2) the orientation of the maximum joint frequency, this latter being considered as the direction exploited primarily by erosion and mass wasting processes. These characteristic orientations can be interpreted as structural weaknesses contributing to the initiation and propagation of erosion. The morphostructural analysis was performed using digital elevation models and field observations. The catchment comprised of magmatic intrusive rocks shows a clear structural control, mostly expressed through potential wedges failure. Such joint configurations have a particular geometry that encourages the development of gullies in hard rock, e.g. through enhanced gravitational and hydrological erosional processes. In the catchment underlain by sedimentary rocks, penetrative joints that act as structural weaknesses seem to be exploited by gullies and rock couloirs. However, the lithological setting and bedding configuration prominently control the development of erosional landforms, and influence not only the local pattern of geomorphic features, but the general morphology of the catchment. The orientations of the maximum joint frequency are clearly associated with the gully network, suggesting that its development is governed by anisotropy in rock strength. These two catchments are typical of bedrock-dominated basins prone to intense processes of debris supply. This study suggests a quantitative approach for describing the relationship between bedrock jointing and geomorphic features geometry. Incorporation of bedrock structure can be relevant when studying processes governing the transfer of clastic material, for the assessment of sediment yields and in landforms evolution models.