117 resultados para BURST ABDOMEN
Rapport de synthèse : Le Magnet Tracking System (MTS) est une technique peu invasive d'investigation de la motilité de l'entier du tube digestif. Elle repose sur le suivi de la progression d'un aimant par des senseurs externes en temps réel et dans les 3 dimensions. Dans cette étude, le MTS a été utilisé pour étudier les caractéristiques de propulsion propres aux différents segments coliques ainsi que pour comparer le transit de l'aimant permanent du MTS à celui de marqueurs radioopaques habituellement utilisés. Dix hommes et 10 femmes ayant un transit gastro-intestinal régulier ont ingéré simultanément un aimant de MTS et une capsule contenant 10 marqueurs radio-opaques, à 20h00. Les enregistrements se sont ensuite déroulés sur 2 matinées successives de 5 heures. L'analyse des données brutes recueillies a permis de réaliser une projection spatio-temporelle de la trajectoire de l'aimant dans le tube digestif ainsi qu'une description précise de l'origine, de la direction, de l'amplitude et de la vitesse des mouvements coliques. Des radiographies d'abdomen ont permis de comparer les positions respectives des marqueurs radio-opaques et de l'aimant du MTS. Durant 90% du temps d'enregistrement, l'aimant était immobile ou présentait des mouvements alternatifs de faible amplitude. Le reste des enregistrements consiste en activité propulsive dont 20% représentent des déplacements rétrogrades et une description très précise de 34 mouvements de masses. L'analyse des déplacements démontre une distribution bimodales des vitesses voisine de 1.5 et 50 cm /min, ce tant en direction orale que caudale. Deux tiers des distances parcourues le sont à vitesse rapide. L'analyse segmentaire confirme une progression horaire absolue supérieure dans le côlon gauche que droit. L'analyse détaillée par segment colique, reposant sur la description des déplacements enregistrés correspond aux rôles reconnus des différents segments, notamment de aire de stockage et de conditionnement du côlon ascendant ou de transit du côlon descendant. La comparaison des 2 sexes démontre un nombre plus important de mouvements, particulièrement de mouvements de masse chez l'homme. Les radiographies montrent une bonne corrélation entre la position de l'aimant et celle des marqueurs radio-opaques. Le MTS permet ainsi une description précise des caractéristiques propulsives des différents segments coliques, notamment par l'analyse détaillée des progressions à vitesses lente et rapide et leurs directions. Des distinctions peuvent également être notées en fonction du sexe. Ces investigations offrent de nouvelles perspectives pour l'étude des troubles de la motilité digestive.
BACKGROUND:: Attenuated innate immune responses to the intestinal microbiota have been linked to the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD). Recent genetic studies have revealed that hypofunctional mutations of NLRP3, a member of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) superfamily, are associated with an increased risk of developing CD. NLRP3 is a key component of the inflammasome, an intracellular danger sensor of the innate immune system. When activated, the inflammasome triggers caspase-1-dependent processing of inflammatory mediators, such as IL-1β and IL-18. METHODS:: In the current study we sought to assess the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis through its regulation of innate protective processes. To investigate this role, Nlrp3(-/-) and wildtype mice were assessed in the dextran sulfate sodium and 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid models of experimental colitis. RESULTS:: Nlrp3(-/-) mice were found to be more susceptible to experimental colitis, an observation that was associated with reduced IL-1β, reduced antiinflammatory cytokine IL-10, and reduced protective growth factor TGF-β. Macrophages isolated from Nlrp3(-/-) mice failed to respond to bacterial muramyl dipeptide. Furthermore, Nlrp3-deficient neutrophils exhibited reduced chemotaxis and enhanced spontaneous apoptosis, but no change in oxidative burst. Lastly, Nlrp3(-/-) mice displayed altered colonic β-defensin expression, reduced colonic antimicrobial secretions, and a unique intestinal microbiota. CONCLUSIONS:: Our data confirm an essential role for the NLRP3 inflammasome in the regulation of intestinal homeostasis and provide biological insight into disease mechanisms associated with increased risk of CD in individuals with NLRP3 mutations. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2010).
Background: Although smokers tend to have a lower body-mass index (BMI) than non-smokers, smoking may affect body fat (BF) distribution. Some studies have assessed the association between smoking, BMI and waist circumference (WC), but, to our knowledge, no population-based studies assessed the relation between smoking and BF composition. We assessed the association between amount of cigarette smoking, BMI, WC and BF composition. Method: Data was analysed from a cross-sectional population-based study including 6'187 Caucasians aged 32-76 and living in Switzerland. Height, weight and WC were measured. BF, expressed in percent of total body weight, was measured by electrical bioimpedance. Abdominal obesity was defined as a WC 0102 cm for men and 088 cm for women and normal WC as <94 cm for men and <80 cm for women. In men, excess BF was defined as %BF 028.1, 28.7, 30.6 and 32.6 for age groups 32-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-76, respectively; the corresponding values for women were 35.9, 36.5, 40.5 and 44.4. Cigarette smoking was assessed using a self-reported questionnaire. Results: 29.3% of men and 25.0% of women were smokers. Prevalence of obesity, abdominal obesity, and excess of BF was 16.9% and 26.6% and 14.2% in men and 15.0%, 33.0% and 27.5% in women, respectively. Smokers had lower age-adjusted mean WC and percent of BF compared to non-smokers. However, among smokers, mean age-adjusted WC and BF increased with the number of cigarettes smoked per day: among light (1-10 cig/day), moderate (11-20) and heavy smokers (>20), mean ± SE %BF was 22.4 ± 0.3, 23.1 ± 0.3 and 23.5 ± 0.4 for men, and 31.9 ± 0.3, 32.6 ± 0.3 and 32.9 ± 0.4 for women, respectively. Mean WC was 92.9 ± 0.6, 94.0 ± 0.5 and 96.0 ± 0.6 cm for men, and 80.2 ± 0.5, 81.3 ± 0.5 and 83.3 ± 0.7 for women, respectively. Compared with light smokers, the age-adjusted odds ratio (95% Confidence Interval) for excess of BF was 1.04 (0.58 to 1.85) for moderate smokers and 1.06 (0.57 to 1.99) for heavy smokers in men (p-trend = 0.9), and 1.35 (0.92 to 1.99) and 2.26 (1.38 to 3.72), respectively, in women (p-trend = 0.04). Odds ratio for abdominal obesity vs. normal WC was 1.32 (0.81 to 2.15) for moderate smokers and 1.95 (1.16 to 3.27) for heavy smokers in men (p-trend <0.01), and 1.15 (0.79 to 1.69) and 2.36 (1.41 to 3.93) in women (p-trend = 0.03). Conclusion: WC and BF were positively and dose-dependently associated with the number of cigarettes smoked per day in women, whereas only WC was dose dependently and significantly associated with the amount of cigarettes smoked per day in men. This suggests that heavy smokers, especially women, are more likely to have an excess of BF and to accumulate BF in the abdomen compared to lighter smokers.
Staphylococcal enterotoxins are bacterial products that display superantigen activity in vitro as well as in vivo. For instance, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) polyclonally activates T cells that bear the Vbeta8 gene segment of the TCR. SEB-activated T cells undergo a burst of proliferation that is followed by apoptosis. Using an in vivo adaptation of a fluorescent cell division monitoring technique, we show here that SEB-activated T cells divide asynchronously, and that apoptosis of superantigen-activated T cells is preferentially restricted to cells which have undergone a discrete number of cell divisions. Collectively, our data suggest that superantigen-activated T cells are programmed to undergo a fixed number of cell divisions before undergoing apoptosis. A delayed death program may provide a mechanistic compromise between effector functions and homeostasis of activated T cells.
OBJECTIVES: Perioperative fluid accumulation determination is a challenge for the clinician. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a noninvasive method based on the electrical properties of tissues, which can assess body fluid compartments. The study aimed at assessing their changes in three types of surgery (thoracic, abdominal, and intracranial) requiring various regimens of fluid administration. DESIGN: Prospective descriptive trial. PATIENTS: A total of 26 patients scheduled for elective surgery were separated into three groups according to site of surgery: thoracic (n = 8), abdominal aortic (n = 8), and brain surgery (n = 10). SETTING: University teaching hospital. INTERVENTION: None. MEASUREMENTS: Whole body, segmental (arm, trunk, and legs) BIA at multiple frequency (0.5, 50, 100 kHz) was used to assess perioperative fluid accumulation after surgery. The fluid balances were calculated from the charts. RESULTS: The patients were aged 62+/-4 yrs. Fluid balances were 4.8+/-1.0 L, 4.1+/-0.5 L, and 1.9+/-0.3 L, respectively, in the three groups. In trunk surgery patients, fluid accumulation was detected as a drop in impedance in the operated area at all frequencies. In the operated area, there was an expansion of both intra- and extracellular compartments. A reduction in high frequencies' impedance in the legs was only detected after aortic surgery. Fluid accumulation and trunk impedance changes were strongly correlated. Neurosurgery only induced minor body fluid changes. CONCLUSIONS: Segmental BIA is able to detect and localize perioperative fluid accumulation. It may become a bedside tool to quantify and to localize fluid accumulation.
Chemotherapy-induced anemia in children with cancer is usually of acute onset. To investigate an alternate treatment to transfusion (Tx), we undertook a phase I-II clinical trial of daily administrations of recombinant erythropoietin (rHuEPO). Patients with a hemoglobin (Hgb) value < 75 g/l were treated for 14 days in cohorts of 3 at escalating daily doses of 25, 50, 70, 80, 90, and 100 U/kg respectively. The maximum-tolerated dose was not encountered. Of 18 courses given to 15 children aged 0.5-18 years, 7 (39%) were associated with increased or stable Hgb levels (courses without Tx), while 11 (61%) were terminated by a Tx, without evidence of a dose-response relationship. Changes in mean Hgb levels and absolute reticulocyte counts were paralleled by those of mean white blood cell, platelet, and absolute neutrophil counts during the first 7 days and when the end-points of the study were reached. Numbers of circulating burst-forming units-erythroid remained low throughout courses without Tx. No cumulative increase of serially determined serum EPO levels was observed and serum ferritin levels were elevated in both groups of courses. We conclude that daily administration of rHuEPO were safe but ineffective in our trial. Recovery of chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression appeared to be the rate-limiting factor for the outcome, without evidence of an enhanced stimulation of erythropoiesis. The lack of a proliferative response of specific progenitor cells suggested a mechanism of transient primary resistance to rHuEPO.
Lymphocoele is a rare and little known complication with only a handful of reports available. We report two cases of lymphocoele after anterior lumbar surgery that have occurred in two different centres and discuss diagnosis and management options. The first case is that of a 53-year-old male patient undergoing two level anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) for disabling back pain due to disc degeneration in the context of an old spondylodiscitis. He developed a large fluid mass postoperatively. Fluid levels of creatinin were low and intravenous urography ruled out a urinoma suggesting the diagnosis of a lymphocoele. Following two unsuccessful drainage attempts he underwent a laparoscopic marsupialization. The second case was that of a 32-year-old female patient developing a large fluid mass following a L5 corpectomy for a burst fracture. She was treated successfully with insertion of a vacuum drain during 7 days. Lymphocoele is a rare complication but should be suspected if fluid collects postoperatively following anterior lumbar spine procedures. Chemical analysis of the fluid can help in diagnosis. Modern treatment consists of laparoscopic marsupialization. Lymph vessel anatomy should be borne in mind while exposing the anterior lumbar spine.
AIM: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of pain in Thai human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed at the HIV/AIDS outpatient clinic at the Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, Bangkok, Thailand from November 2002 to January 2003. Sixty-one human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients aged 4 to 15 y, an equal number of age-matched children with no chronic disease and their caregivers participated. We interviewed children and their caregivers using a structured questionnaire on pain. The main outcome measure was the percentage of human immunodeficiency virus-infected children reporting pain. RESULTS: Forty-four percent of the human immunodeficiency virus-infected children reported pain compared to 13% of the children with no chronic disease (odds ratio, OR = 5.3; 95% CI: 2.0-14.3). Seven percent of the infected children experienced chronic pain. Children in human immunodeficiency virus clinical categories B and C reported more pain than children in categories N and A (OR = 4.0, 95% CI: 1.1-14.7). Pain in infected children tended to occur in the abdomen, lower limbs or head. Only 44 percent of the infected children experiencing pain received analgesic medication. CONCLUSION: Despite being a common experience, pain is insufficiently taken into account and treated in Thai children with HIV/AIDS. Therefore, adequate pain identification, assessment and management should be systemically considered in their routine care.
Direct electrical stimulation of the colon offers a promising approach for the induction of propulsive colonic contractions by using an implantable device. The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility to induce colonic contractions using a commercially available battery-operated stimulator (maximum pulse width of 1 ms and maximum amplitude of 10 V). Three pairs of pacing electrodes were inserted into the cecal seromuscular layer of anesthetized pigs. During a first set of in vivo experiments conducted on six animals, a pacing protocol leading to cecum contractions was determined: stimulation bursts with 1 ms pulse width, 10 V amplitude (7-15 mA), 120 Hz frequency, and 30-s burst duration, repeated every 2-5 min. In a second testing phase, an evaluation of the pacing protocol was performed in four animals (120 stimulation bursts in total). By using the battery-operated stimulator, contractions of the cecum and movement of contents could be induced in 92% of all stimulations. A cecal shortening of about 30% and an average intraluminal pressure increase of 10.0 +/- 6.0 mmHg were observed.
Mice from most inbred strains are resistant to infection with Leishmania major whereas mice from BALB strains are highly susceptible. Resistance and susceptibility result from the development of Th1 or Th2 cells, respectively. In this report, we document an IL-2 mRNA burst, preceding the reported early IL-4 response, in draining lymph nodes of susceptible mice infected with L. major. Neutralization of IL-2 during the first days of infection redirected Th1 cell maturation and resistance to L. major, through interference with the rapid IL-4 transcription in Leishmania homolog of mammalian RACK1 (LACK)-reactive CD4(+) cells. A burst of IL-2 transcripts also occurred in infected C57BL/6 mice that do not mount an early IL-4 response. However, although the LACK protein induced IL-2 transcripts in susceptible mice, it failed to trigger this response in resistant C57BL/6 mice. Reconstitution experiments using C.B.-17 SCID mice and LACK-reactive CD4(+) T cells from IL-2(-/-) BALB/c mice showed that triggering of the early IL-4 response required autocrine IL-2. Thus, in C57BL/6 mice, the inability of LACK-reactive CD4(+) T cells to express early IL-4 mRNA transcription, important for disease progression, appears due to an incapacity of these cells to produce IL-2.
BACKGROUND: Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) has a mortality of 16-39%; coma induction is advocated for its management, but no comparative study has been performed. We aimed to assess the effectiveness (RSE control, adverse events) of the first course of propofol versus barbiturates in the treatment of RSE. METHODS: In this randomized, single blind, multi-center trial studying adults with RSE not due to cerebral anoxia, medications were titrated toward EEG burst-suppression for 36-48 h and then progressively weaned. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with RSE controlled after a first course of study medication; secondary endpoints included tolerability measures. RESULTS: The trial was terminated after 3 years, with only 24 patients recruited of the 150 needed; 14 subjects received propofol, 9 barbiturates. The primary endpoint was reached in 43% in the propofol versus 22% in the barbiturates arm (P = 0.40). Mortality (43 vs. 34%; P = 1.00) and return to baseline clinical conditions at 3 months (36 vs. 44%; P = 1.00) were similar. While infections and arterial hypotension did not differ between groups, barbiturate use was associated with a significantly longer mechanical ventilation (P = 0.03). A non-fatal propofol infusion syndrome was detected in one patient, while one subject died of bowel ischemia after barbiturates. DISCUSSION: Although undersampled, this trial shows significantly longer mechanical ventilation with barbiturates and the occurrence of severe treatment-related complications in both arms. We describe practical issues necessary for the success of future studies needed to improve the current unsatisfactory state of evidence.
The effect of copper (Cu) filtration on image quality and dose in different digital X-ray systems was investigated. Two computed radiography systems and one digital radiography detector were used. Three different polymethylmethacrylate blocks simulated the pediatric body. The effect of Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness on the entrance surface dose (ESD) and the corresponding effective doses (EDs) were measured at tube voltages of 60, 66, and 73 kV. Image quality was evaluated in a contrast-detail phantom with an automated analyzer software. Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness decreased the ESD by 25-32%, 32-39%, and 40-44%, respectively, the ranges depending on the respective tube voltages. There was no consistent decline in image quality due to increasing Cu filtration. The estimated ED of anterior-posterior (AP) chest projections was reduced by up to 23%. No relevant reduction in the ED was noted in AP radiographs of the abdomen and pelvis or in posterior-anterior radiographs of the chest. Cu filtration reduces the ESD, but generally does not reduce the effective dose. Cu filters can help protect radiosensitive superficial organs, such as the mammary glands in AP chest projections.
BackgroundThe importance of hybridisation during species diversification has long been debated among evolutionary biologists. It is increasingly recognised that hybridisation events occurred during the evolutionary history of numerous species, especially during the early stages of adaptive radiation. We study the effect of hybridisation on diversification in the clownfishes, a clade of coral reef fish that diversified through an adaptive radiation process. While two species of clownfish are likely to have been described from hybrid specimens, the occurrence and effect of hybridisation on the clade diversification is yet unknown.ResultsWe generate sequences of three mitochondrial genes to complete an existing dataset of nuclear sequences and document cytonuclear discordance at a node, which shows a drastic increase of diversification rate. Then, using a tree-based jack-knife method, we identify clownfish species likely stemming from hybridisation events. Finally, we use molecular cloning and identify the putative parental species of four clownfish specimens that display the morphological characteristics of hybrids.ConclusionsOur results show that consistently with the syngameon hypothesis, hybridisation events are linked with a burst of diversification in the clownfishes. Moreover, several recently diverged clownfish lineages likely originated through hybridisation, which indicates that diversification, catalysed by hybridisation events, may still be happening.
Objectifs: Etudier les résultats techniques et cliniques de l'embolisation des hématomes musculaires spontanés de l'abdomen . Caractériser les hématomes ayant étéembolisés au CT et définir les éventuels critères cliniques et anatomiques pour une embolisation . Etudier la relation entre les hématomes embolisés et lesanticoagulants.Matériels et méthodes: Etude rétrospective des patients ayant bénéficié d'une embolisation pour un hématome musculaire abdominopelvien spontané entre 2005 et 2010. Sont analysésles données cliniques (anticaogulants, retentissement hémodynamqiue), les données scanographiques (site, volume, saignement actif), les artères embolisées etle type d'embol, le résultat clinique immédiat, les complications et la mortalité en cours d'hospitalisation .Résultats: 28 patients (âge moyen 75 ans) ont été embolisés. Tous les patients avaient un traitement anticoagulant et/ou antiplaquettaire. La majorité des hématomesembolisés concernaient le muscle grand droit de l'abdomen. Le saignement actif n'était pas identifié chez tous les patients au CT. Pas de complication immédiaterapportée. Le succès technique était de 98%. Pas de récidive précoce rapportée y compris après réintroduction du traitement anticaogulant.Conclusion: L'embolisation hémostatique des hématomes musculaires spontanés sous anticoagulants est efficace pour contrôler le saignement et permettre la réintroductiondu traitement anticoagulant.
Linking the structural connectivity of brain circuits to their cooperative dynamics and emergent functions is a central aim of neuroscience research. Graph theory has recently been applied to study the structure-function relationship of networks, where dynamical similarity of different nodes has been turned into a "static" functional connection. However, the capability of the brain to adapt, learn and process external stimuli requires a constant dynamical functional rewiring between circuitries and cell assemblies. Hence, we must capture the changes of network functional connectivity over time. Multi-electrode array data present a unique challenge within this framework. We study the dynamics of gamma oscillations in acute slices of the somatosensory cortex from juvenile mice recorded by planar multi-electrode arrays. Bursts of gamma oscillatory activity lasting a few hundred milliseconds could be initiated only by brief trains of electrical stimulations applied at the deepest cortical layers and simultaneously delivered at multiple locations. Local field potentials were used to study the spatio-temporal properties and the instantaneous synchronization profile of the gamma oscillatory activity, combined with current source density (CSD) analysis. Pair-wise differences in the oscillation phase were used to determine the presence of instantaneous synchronization between the different sites of the circuitry during the oscillatory period. Despite variation in the duration of the oscillatory response over successive trials, they showed a constant average power, suggesting that the rate of expenditure of energy during the gamma bursts is consistent across repeated stimulations. Within each gamma burst, the functional connectivity map reflected the columnar organization of the neocortex. Over successive trials, an apparently random rearrangement of the functional connectivity was observed, with a more stable columnar than horizontal organization. This work reveals new features of evoked gamma oscillations in developing cortex.