78 resultados para Autonomic modulation


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It is currently suspected that sugar overconsumption, and more specifically fructose, may promote the development of obesity and of several cardio-metabolic disorders. However, environmental factors, such as fish oil and dietary proteins, may prevent some deleterious effects of fructose. The aim of this thesis was to identify potential environmental factors that may modulate the metabolic effects of fructose. The first study was designed to evaluate the impact of endurance exercise in healthy young men fed a high-fructose, isocaloric diet. Fructose-induced effects on lipid profile were totally prevented by endurance exercise and may be explained by an enhanced clearance of TRL-TG and the inhibition of de novo lipogenesis. As energy intake was adjusted to energy requirement, we can conclude that exercise acts on fructose metabolism independently of energy imbalance. The second study aimed at determining whether coffee and more specifically chlorogenic acid consumption may prevent fructose-induced intrahepatic lipids accumulation, hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic insulin resistance, through a stimulation of lipid oxidation. Coffee did not prevent the fructose-induced increase in IHCL or plasma TG. Interestingly, the three coffees tested prevented the decrease in hepatic insulin sensitivity, independently of their content in caffeine or chlorogenic acid. Finally, in the third study, we evaluated the effect of essential amino acid supplementation on the increase of hepatic lipids induced by a high-fructose diet. This intervention slightly decreased IHCL concentration. The exact mechanisms remain unidentified but may involve an increased secretion of VLDL-TG. In conclusion, the environmental factors evaluated allow to prevent some of the deleterious effects of fructose and suggest that recommendations on fructose consumption should also take into account environmental factors.


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Cell-to-cell communication mediated by gap junctions made of Connexin36 (Cx36) contributes to pancreatic β-cell function. We have recently demonstrated that Cx36 also supports β-cell survival by a still unclear mechanism. Using specific Cx36 siRNAs or adenoviral vectors, we now show that Cx36 downregulation promotes apoptosis in INS-1E cells exposed to the pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-α and IFN-γ) involved at the onset of type 1 diabetes, whereas Cx36 overexpression protects against this effect. Cx36 overexpression also protects INS-1E cells against endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-mediated apoptosis, and alleviates the cytokine-induced production of reactive oxygen species, the depletion of the ER Ca(2+) stores, the CHOP overexpression and the degradation of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and Mcl-1. We further show that cytokines activate the AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK) in a NO-dependent and ER-stress-dependent manner and that AMPK inhibits Cx36 expression. Altogether, the data suggest that Cx36 is involved in Ca(2+) homeostasis within the ER and that Cx36 expression is downregulated following ER stress and subsequent AMPK activation. As a result, cytokine-induced Cx36 downregulation elicits a positive feedback loop that amplifies ER stress and AMPK activation, leading to further Cx36 downregulation. The data reveal that Cx36 plays a central role in the oxidative stress and ER stress induced by cytokines and the subsequent regulation of AMPK activity, which in turn controls Cx36 expression and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis of insulin-producing cells.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+)-selective channels that are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs are involved in fear and anxiety, learning, neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke, and pain sensation. The small molecule 2-guanidine-4-methylquinazoline (GMQ) was recently shown to open ASIC3 at physiological pH. We have investigated the mechanisms underlying this effect and the possibility that GMQ may alter the function of other ASICs besides ASIC3. GMQ shifts the pH dependence of activation to more acidic pH in ASIC1a and ASIC1b, whereas in ASIC3 this shift goes in the opposite direction and is accompanied by a decrease in its steepness. GMQ also induces an acidic shift of the pH dependence of inactivation of ASIC1a, -1b, -2a, and -3. As a consequence, the activation and inactivation curves of ASIC3 but not other ASICs overlap in the presence of GMQ at pH 7.4, thereby creating a window current. At concentrations >1 mm, GMQ decreases maximal peak currents by reducing the unitary current amplitude. Mutation of residue Glu-79 in the palm domain of ASIC3, previously shown to be critical for channel opening by GMQ, disrupted the GMQ effects on inactivation but not activation. This suggests that this residue is involved in the consequences of GMQ binding rather than in the binding interaction itself. This study describes the mechanisms underlying the effects of a novel class of ligands that modulate the function of all ASICs as well as activate ASIC3 at physiological pH.


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ABSTRACT Allergic asthma is a major complication of atopy. Its severity correlates with the presence of activated T lymphocytes and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Mechanisms that protect against asthma are poorly understood. Based on oral models of mucosal tolerance induction, models using the nasal route showed that uptake of important amounts of antigen can induce tolerance and reverse the allergic phenotype. 1L-10 producing regulatory T cells were proposed as key players in tolerance induction, but other players, e.g. dendritic cells (DC), B cells and epithelial cells may have to be taken into consideration. The objective of the present study is to characterize the effects of a therapeutic intranasal treatment (INT) in a murine model of asthma and to determine, in this model, the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to protection against asthma. First, we established an asthma model by sensitizing the BALB/c mouse to ovalbumin (OVA) by two intraperitoneal injections of alum-adsorbed OVA and three inhalations of aerosolized OVA. Then OVA was applied to the nasal mucosa of OVA- sensitized mice. Mice were later re-exposed to OVA aerosols to assess the protection induced by OVA INT. OVA sensitization induced strong eosinophil recruitment, OVA-specific T cell proliferation and IgE production. Three intranasal treatments at 24-hour intervals with 1.5 mg OVA drastically reduced inflammatory cell recruitment into the BALF and inhibited OVA-specific IgE production upon allergen re-exposure. T cell proliferation in ex vivo bronchial lymph node (BLN) cells was inhibited, as well as TH2 cytokine production. Protection against OVA-induced bronchial inflammation was effective for an extended period of time and treated mice resisted a second re-exposure. Transfer of CD4+ cells from BLN and lungs of OVA-treated mice protected asthmatic recipient mice from subsequent aerosol challenge indicating an involvement of CD4+ T regulatory cells in this protection. RESUME L'asthme allergique est une manifestation clinique majeure de l'atopie. La sévérité de l'asthme est liée à la présence de lymphocytes T activés ainsi que d'éosinophiles dans le lavage broncho-alvéolaire (LBA). Les mécanismes permettant de se prémunir contre l'asthme sont mal connus. Basés sur des modèles muqueux d'induction de tolérance par la voie orale, des modèles utilisant la voie nasale ont montré que d'importantes quantités d'antigène peuvent induire une tolérance et ainsi reverser le phénotype allergique. Des cellules régulatrices produisant de l'IL-10 pourraient jouer un rôle clé dans l'induction de la tolérance mais d'autres acteurs tels que les cellules dendritiques, les cellules B et les cellules épithéliales doivent aussi être prises en compte. L'objectif de la présente étude est de caractériser les effets d'un traitement intranasal thérapeutique dans un modèle murin d'asthme et de déterminer dans ce modèle les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires conférant une protection contre l'asthme. En premier lieu, un modèle d'asthme allergique a été établi en sensibilisant des souris BALB/c à l'ovalbumine (OVA) par deux injections intraperitonéales d'OVA adsorbé sur de l'alum et trois séances d'OVA en aérosol. Dans un second temps, de l'OVA a été administrée sur la muqueuse nasale des souris sensibilisées à l'OVA. Les souris furent ensuite challengées par des aérosols d'OVA afin d'évaluer la protection conférée par le traitement intranasal à l'OVA. La sensibilisation à l'OVA a induit un fort recrutement d'éosinophiles, une réponse proliférative des cellules T à l'OVA ainsi qu'une production d'lgE spécifiques. Trois traitements intranasaux à 24 heures d'intervalle avec 1.5 mg d'OVA ont permis de réduire drastiquement le recrutement des cellules inflammatoires dans le LBA ainsi que d'inhiber la production d'lgE spécifiques à l'OVA produits lors d'une ré-exposition à l'OVA. La prolifération en réponse à l'OVA de cellules extraites ex vivo de ganglions bronchiques a, elle aussi, été inhibée de même que la production de cytokines TH2. La protection contre l'inflammation provoquée par l'aérosol est efficace pour une longue période et les souris traitées résistent à une seconde ré- exposition. Le transfert de cellules CD4+ issues de ganglions bronchiques et de poumons de souris traitées à l'OVA protège les souris asthmatiques receveuses contre les effets inflammatoires d'un aérosol, indiquant que des cellules T CD4+ régulatrices pourraient être impliquées dans cette protection. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC L'asthme est une affection des voies respiratoires qui se caractérise par une contraction de la musculature des voies aériennes, une production de mucus et d'anticorps de l'allergie (IgE). On parle d'asthme allergique lorsque les facteurs déclenchant l'asthme sont des allergènes inhalés tels que acariens, pollens ou poils d'animaux. Le système immunitaire des patients asthmatiques a un défaut de programmation qui le rend réactif à des substances qui sont normalement inoffensives. Le traitement actuel de l'asthme repose sur le soulagement des symptômes grâce à des produits à base de stéroïdes. Les techniques permettant de reprogrammer le système immunitaire (immunothérapie) ne sont pas efficaces pour tous les antigènes et prennent beaucoup de temps. En conséquence, il est nécessaire de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-tendant une telle reprogrammation afin d'en améliorer le rendement et l'efficacité. Dans ce but, des modèles d'immunothérapie ont été mis au point chez la souris. Ils permettent une plus grande liberté d'investigation. Dans cette étude, un modèle d'asthme allergique dans la souris a été établi par une sensibilisation à un antigène particulier : l'ovalbumine (OVA). Ce modèle présente les caractéristiques principales de l'asthme humain : recrutement de cellules inflammatoires dans les poumons, augmentation de la production d'anticorps et de la résistance des bronches aux flux respiratoires. Cette souris asthmatique a ensuite été traitée par application nasale d'OVA. Comparées aux souris non traitées, les souris traitées à l'OVA ont moins de cellules inflammatoires dans leurs poumons et produisent moins d'anticorps IgE. D'autres marqueurs inflammatoires sont aussi fortement diminués. Des cellules de poumons ou de ganglions bronchiques prélevées sur des souris traitées injectées dans des souris asthmatiques améliorent les symptômes de l'asthme. Ces cellules pourraient donc avoir un rôle régulateur dans l'asthme. Les caractériser et les étudier afin d'être capable de les générer est crucial pour les futures thérapies de l'asthme.


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The present study examined the bottom-up influence of emotional context on response inhibition, an issue that remains largely unstudied in children. Thus, 62 participants, aged from 6 to 13 years old, were assessed with three stop signal tasks: one with circles, one with neutral faces, and one with emotional faces (happy and sad). Results showed that emotional context altered response inhibition ability in childhood. However, no interaction between age and emotional influence on response inhibition was found. Positive emotions were recognized faster than negative emotions, but the valence did not have a significant influence on response inhibition abilities.


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Les inhibiteurs de la protéase du VIH (IP) constituent une des classes de traitements antirétroviraux parmi les plus utilisés au cours de l'infection par le VIH. Leur utilisation est associée à divers effets secondaires, notamment la dyslipidémie, la résistance à l'insuline, la lipodystrophie et certaines complications cardio-vasculaires. Ces molécules ont également des propriétés anti-tumorales, décrites chez des patients non infectés par le VIH. Pourtant, les mécanismes moléculaires à l'origine de ces effets annexes restent méconnus. Dans ce travail, nous démontrons que les IP, comme le Nelfinavir, le Ritonavir, le Lopinavir, le Saquinavir et l'Atazanavir, entrainent la production d'interleukine-lß (IL-lß), une puissante cytokine pro-inflammatoire, connue pour son rôle central dans les maladies inflammatoires. La sécrétion d'IL-lß requiert la formation de l'inflammasome, un complexe protéique intracellulaire servant de plateforme d'activation de la caspase-1 et, par la suite, à la maturation protéolytique de certaines cytokines, dont l'IL-lß. Dans les macrophages murins en culture primaire, ainsi que dans une lignée de monocytes humains, nous démontrons que les IP augmentent la maturation et la sécrétion de l'IL-lß via l'induction d'un inflammasome dépendant de ASC. De plus, nous établissons que les IP induisent spécifiquement l'activation de AIM2, un inflammasome détectant la présence intracytosolique d'ADN viral ou bactérien. Nos résultats démontrent l'existence d'une nouvelle voie d'activation de l'inflammasome AIM2 par un signal endogène dont la nature reste à définir. Ces données suggèrent que AIM2 pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la promotion de l'activité anti-tumorale ainsi que dans les autres effets annexes observés chez les patients traités par IP. -- HIV protease inhibitors (Pis) are among the most often used classes of antiretroviral drugs for HIV infection. Treatment of patients with HIV-PIs is associated with the development of metabolic side effects including dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, lipodystrophy and cardiovascular complications. In addition, these drugs have been reported to have anti¬tumoral properties in non-infected patients, however the molecular mechanisms causing these off-target effects are still unclear. Here we show that the HIV-PIs, such as Nelfinavir, Ritonavir, Lopinavir, Saquinavir and Atazanavir, activate the production of interleukin-lß (IL-lß), a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays a central role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. The release of IL-lß depends on the activation of the inflammasome, a multiprotein complex that serves as a platform for caspase-1 activation and subsequent proteolytic maturation of cytokines including IL-lß. We found that in mouse primary macrophages as well as in a human monocytic cell line, the HIV-PIs augment the maturation and secretion of IL-lß by triggering an ASC-dependent inflammasome activation. Moreover, we show that the HIV-PIs specifically engage AIM2, a recently characterized inflammasome -forming protein that was described to detect the cytosolic release of bacterial and viral DNA. Our findings demonstrate a new pathway of activation of the AIM2 inflammasome by a yet to be defined endogenous signal and may suggest a possible role for AIM2 in promoting anti¬tumoral activity and off-target effects observed in HIV-PIs treated patients.


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Background: Neuroticism is a personality component frequently found in anxious and depressive psychiatric disorders. The influence of neuroticism on negative emotions could be due to its action on stimuli related to fear and sadness, but this remains debated. Our goal was thus to better understand the impact of neuroticism through verbal and physiological assessment in response to stimuli inducing fear and sadness as compared to another negative emotion (disgust).¦Methods: Fifteen low neurotic and 18 high neurotic subjects were assessed on an emotional attending task by using film excerpts inducing fear, disgust, and sadness. We recorded skin conductance response (SCR) and corrugator muscle activity (frowning) as indices of emotional expression.¦Results: SCR was larger in high neurotic subjects than in low neurotics for fear relative to sadness and disgust. Moreover, corrugator activity and SCR were larger in high than in low neurotic subjects when fear was induced.¦Conclusion: After decades of evidence that individuals higher in neuroticism experience more intense emotional reactions to even minor stressors, our results indicate that they show greater SCR and expressive reactivity specifically to stimuli evoking fear rather than to those inducing sadness or disgust. Fear processing seems mainly under the influence of neuroticism. This modulation of autonomic activity by neurotics in response to threat/fear may explain their increased vulnerability to anxious psychopathologies such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).


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BACKGROUND: Regional administration of high doses of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon gamma (IFN gamma) to metastatic melanoma patients causes selective disruption of the tumor vasculature. This effect is paralleled by decreased endothelial cell proliferation and suppressed integrin alpha V beta 3-mediated adhesion in vitro. Overexpression of the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) inhibitory protein p16INK4a was reported to interfere with integrin alpha V beta 3-dependent melanoma cell adhesion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: TNF- and IFN gamma-treated HUVEC were analyzed for cell cycle progression and for protein expression by flow cytometry and Western blotting, respectively. p16INK4a was overexpressed by transient transfection, and HUVEC adhesion was tested in short-term adhesion assays. RESULTS: TNF and IFN gamma synergistically induced a G1 arrest associated with reduced levels of cyclin D1 and cdk2, and increased expression of the cdk inhibitors p16INK4a, p21WAF and p27Kip1. p16INK4a overexpression, however, had no effect on alpha V beta 3-mediated adhesion. CONCLUSION: These results implicate the down-regulation of cyclin D1 and cdk-2, and up-regulation of p16INK4a, p21WAF and p27Kip1 in the suppression of endothelial cell proliferation induced by TNF/IFN gamma and demonstrate that increased p16INK4a levels are not sufficient to suppress alpha V beta 3-mediated endothelial cell adhesion.


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Glioblastoma are rapidly proliferating brain tumors in which hypoxia is readily recognizable, as indicated by focal or extensive necrosis and vascular proliferation, two independent diagnostic criteria for glioblastoma. Gene expression profiling of glioblastoma revealed a gene expression signature associated with hypoxia-regulated genes. The correlated gene set emerging from unsupervised analysis comprised known hypoxia-inducible genes involved in angiogenesis and inflammation such as VEGF and BIRC3, respectively. The relationship between hypoxia-modulated angiogenic genes and inflammatory genes was associated with outcome in our cohort of glioblastoma patients treated within prospective clinical trials of combined chemoradiotherapy. The hypoxia regulation of several new genes comprised in this cluster including ZNF395, TNFAIP3, and TREM1 was experimentally confirmed in glioma cell lines and primary monocytes exposed to hypoxia in vitro. Interestingly, the cluster seems to characterize differential response of tumor cells, stromal cells and the macrophage/microglia compartment to hypoxic conditions. Most genes classically associated with the inflammatory compartment are part of the NF-kappaB signaling pathway including TNFAIP3 and BIRC3 that have been shown to be involved in resistance to chemotherapy.Our results associate hypoxia-driven tumor response with inflammation in glioblastoma, hence underlining the importance of tumor-host interaction involving the inflammatory compartment.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in post-exercise heart rate recovery (HRR) and heart rate variability (HRV) during an overload-tapering paradigm in marathon runners and examine their relationship with running performance. 9 male runners followed a training program composed of 3 weeks of overload followed by 3 weeks of tapering (-33±7%). Before and after overload and during tapering they performed an exhaustive running test (Tlim). At the end of this test, HRR variables (e.g. HRR during the first 60 s; HRR60 s) and vagal-related HRV indices (e.g. RMSSD5-10 min) were examined. Tlim did not change during the overload training phase (603±105 vs. 614±132 s; P=0.992), but increased (727±185 s; P=0.035) during the second week of tapering. Compared with overload, RMSSD5-10 min (7.6±3.3 vs. 8.6±2.9 ms; P=0.045) was reduced after the 2(nd) week of tapering. During tapering, the improvements in Tlim were negatively correlated with the change in HRR60 s (r=-0.84; P=0.005) but not RMSSD5-10 min (r=-0.21; P=0.59). A slower HRR during marathon tapering may be indicative of improved performance. In contrast, the monitoring of changes in HRV as measured in the present study (i.e. after exercise on a single day), may have little or no additive value.


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Kinase-linked receptors and nuclear receptors connect external cues to gene transcription. Among nuclear receptors, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are of special interest in relation to widespread human diseases. Mapping out connections between PPARs and kinase-linked receptor signaling is central to better understand physiological and pathophysiological processes and to better define therapeutic strategies. This is the aim of the present review.


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BACKGROUND: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with pulmonary hypertension and death. Administration of nitric oxide (NO) alone remains ineffective in CDH cases. We investigated in near full-term lambs with and without CDH the role of guanylate cyclase (GC), the enzyme activated by NO in increasing cyclic 3'-5'-guanylosine monophosphate, and the role of phosphodiesterase (PDE) 5, the enzyme-degrading cyclic 3'-5'-guanylosine monophosphate. METHODS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia was surgically created in fetal lambs at 85 days of gestation. Pulmonary hemodynamics were assessed by means of pressure and blood flow catheters (135 days). In vitro, we tested drugs on rings of isolated pulmonary vessels. RESULTS: In vivo, sodium nitroprusside, a direct NO donor, and methyl-2(4-aminophenyl)-1,2-dihydro-1-oxo-7-(2-pyridinylmethoxy)-4-(3,4,5 trimethoxyphenyl)-3-isoquinoline carboxylate sulfate (T-1032) and Zaprinast, both PDE 5 blockers, reduced pulmonary vascular resistance in CDH and non-CDH animals. The activation of GC by sodium nitroprusside and the inhibition of PDE 5 by T-1032 were less effective in CDH animals. In vitro, the stimulation of GC by 3(5'hydroxymethyl-2'furyl)-1-benzyl indazole (YC-1) (a benzyl indazole derivative) and the inhibition of PDE 5 by T-1032 were less effective in pulmonary vascular rings from CDH animals. The YC-1-induced vasodilation in rings from CDH animals was higher when associated with the PDE 5 inhibitor T-1032. CONCLUSIONS: Guanylate cyclase and PDE 5 play a role in controlling pulmonary vascular tone in fetal lambs with or without CDH. Both enzymes seem to be impaired in fetal lambs with CDH.


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