54 resultados para Argon ion lasers
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that belong to the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family. ASICs are transiently activated by a rapid drop in extracellular pH. Conditions of low extracellular pH, such as ischemia and inflammation in which ASICs are thought to be active, are accompanied by increased protease activity. We show here that serine proteases modulate the function of ASIC1a and ASIC1b but not of ASIC2a and ASIC3. We show that protease exposure shifts the pH dependence of ASIC1a activation and steady-state inactivation to more acidic pH. As a consequence, protease exposure leads to a decrease in current response if ASIC1a is activated by a pH drop from pH 7.4. If, however, acidification occurs from a basal pH of approximately 7, protease-exposed ASIC1a shows higher activity than untreated ASIC1a. We provide evidence that this bi-directional regulation of ASIC1a function also occurs in neurons. Thus, we have identified a mechanism that modulates ASIC function and may allow ASIC1a to adapt its gating to situations of persistent extracellular acidification.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+)-selective channels that are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs are involved in fear and anxiety, learning, neurodegeneration after ischemic stroke, and pain sensation. The small molecule 2-guanidine-4-methylquinazoline (GMQ) was recently shown to open ASIC3 at physiological pH. We have investigated the mechanisms underlying this effect and the possibility that GMQ may alter the function of other ASICs besides ASIC3. GMQ shifts the pH dependence of activation to more acidic pH in ASIC1a and ASIC1b, whereas in ASIC3 this shift goes in the opposite direction and is accompanied by a decrease in its steepness. GMQ also induces an acidic shift of the pH dependence of inactivation of ASIC1a, -1b, -2a, and -3. As a consequence, the activation and inactivation curves of ASIC3 but not other ASICs overlap in the presence of GMQ at pH 7.4, thereby creating a window current. At concentrations >1 mm, GMQ decreases maximal peak currents by reducing the unitary current amplitude. Mutation of residue Glu-79 in the palm domain of ASIC3, previously shown to be critical for channel opening by GMQ, disrupted the GMQ effects on inactivation but not activation. This suggests that this residue is involved in the consequences of GMQ binding rather than in the binding interaction itself. This study describes the mechanisms underlying the effects of a novel class of ligands that modulate the function of all ASICs as well as activate ASIC3 at physiological pH.
The annual meeting of the French Ion Channels Society, held on the Mediterranean coast of France, is aimed at gathering the international scientific community working on various aspects of ion channels. In this report of the 19th edition of the meeting, held in September 2008, we summarize selected symposia on aspects of the ion channel field from fundamental to clinical research. The meeting is an opportunity for leading investigators as well as young researchers to present and discuss their recent advances and future challenges in the ion channel field.
Since the end of the last millennium, the focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) has progressively found use in biological research. This instrument is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an attached gallium ion column and the 2 beams, electrons and ions (FIB) are focused on one coincident point. The main application is the acquisition of three-dimensional data, FIB-SEM tomography. With the ion beam, some nanometres of the surface are removed and the remaining block-face is imaged with the electron beam in a repetitive manner. The instrument can also be used to cut open biological structures to get access to internal structures or to prepare thin lamella for imaging by (cryo-) transmission electron microscopy. Here, we will present an overview of the development of FIB-SEM and discuss a few points about sample preparation and imaging.
ATP-gated P2X receptors and acid-sensing ion channels are two distinct ligand-gated ion channels that assemble into trimers. They are involved in many important physiological functions such as pain sensation and are recognized as important therapeutic targets. They have unrelated primary structures and respond to different ligands (ATP and protons) and are thus considered as two different ion channels. As a consequence, comparisons of the biophysical properties and underlying mechanisms have only been rarely made between these two channels. However, the recent determination of their molecular structures by X-ray crystallography has revealed unexpected parallels in the architecture of the two pores, providing a basis for possible functional analogies. In this review, we analyze the structural and functional similarities that are shared by these trimeric ion channels, and we outline key unanswered questions that, if addressed experimentally, may help us to elucidate how two unrelated ion channels have adopted a similar fold of the pore.
Purpose:To identify the gene causing rod-cone dystrophy/amelogenesis imperfecta Methods:Homozygosity mapping was performed using the Affymetrix 50K XbaI array in one family and candidate genes in the linked interval were sequenced with ABI Dye Terminator, vers. 1 in the index patient of 3 families. The identified mutations were screened in normal control individuals. Expression analyses were performed on RNA extracted from the brain, various parts of the eye and teeth; immunostaining was done on mouse eyes and jaw and knock-down experiments were carried out in zebrafish embroys. Results:Sequencing the coding regions of ancient conserved domain protein 4 (CNNM4), a metal ions transporter, revealed a 1-base pair duplication (p.L438fs) in family A, a p.R236Q mutation in family B and a p.L324P in family C. All these mutations were homozygous and involved very conserved amino acids in paralogs and orthologs. Immunostaining and RT-PCR confirmed that CNNM4 was strongly expressed in various parts of the eye and in the teeth. Morpholino experiments in zebrafish showed a loss of ganglion cells at 5 days post fertilization. Conclusions:The rod-cone dystrophy/amelogenesis imperfecta syndrome is caused by mutation in CNNM4 and is due to aberrant metal ion homeostasis.
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na channel (ENaC) is a heteromultimeric channel made of three alpha beta gamma subunits. The structures involved in the ion permeation pathway have only been partially identified, and the respective contributions of each subunit in the formation of the conduction pore has not yet been established. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, we have identified in a short segment preceding the second membrane-spanning domain (the pre-M2 segment) amino acid residues involved in ion permeation and critical for channel block by amiloride. Cys substitutions of Gly residues in beta and gamma subunits at position beta G525 and gamma G537 increased the apparent inhibitory constant (Ki) for amiloride by > 1,000-fold and decreased channel unitary current without affecting ion selectivity. The corresponding mutation S583 to C in the alpha subunit increased amiloride Ki by 20-fold, without changing channel conducting properties. Coexpression of these mutated alpha beta gamma subunits resulted in a non-conducting channel expressed at the cell surface. Finally, these Cys substitutions increased channel affinity for block by external Zn2+ ions, in particular the alpha S583C mutant showing a Ki for Zn2+ of 29 microM. Mutations of residues alpha W582L, or beta G522D also increased amiloride Ki, the later mutation generating a Ca2+ blocking site located 15% within the membrane electric field. These experiments provide strong evidence that alpha beta gamma ENaCs are pore-forming subunits involved in ion permeation through the channel. The pre-M2 segment of alpha beta gamma subunits may form a pore loop structure at the extracellular face of the channel, where amiloride binds within the channel lumen. We propose that amiloride interacts with Na+ ions at an external Na+ binding site preventing ion permeation through the channel pore.
RESUME: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse Les canaux sodiques ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) participent à la signalisation neuronale dans les systèmes nerveux périphérique et central. Ces canaux non voltage dépendants sont impliqués dans l'apprentissage, l'expression de la peur, la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et la douleur. Les bases moléculaires sous-tendant leur activité ne sont pas encore totalement comprises. Ces canaux sont activés par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire et régulés, entre autres, par des ions tels que le Ca2+, le Zn2+ et le CI". La cristallisation de ASIC inactivé a été publiée. Le canal est un trimére de sous-unités identiques ou homologues. Chaque sous-unité a été décrite en analogie à un avant bras, un poignet et une main constituée d'un pouce, d'un doigt, d'une articulation, une boule β et une paume. Nous avons appliqué une approche bioinformatique systématique pour identifier les pH senseurs putatifs de ASICIa. Le rôle des pH senseurs putatifs a été testé par mutagénèse dirigée et des modifications chimiques combinées à une analyse fonctionnelle afin de comprendre comment les variations de ρ H ouvrent ces canaux. Les pH senseurs sont des acides aspartiques et glutamiques éparpillés sur la boucle extracellulaire suggérant que les changements de pH contrôlent l'activation et l'inactivation de ASIC en (dé)protonant ces résidus en divers endroits de la protéine. Par exemple lors de l'activation, la protonation des résidus à l'interface entre le pouce, la boule β et le doigt d'une même sous-unité induit un mouvement du pouce vers la bouie β et le doigt. De même lors de l'inactivation du canal les paumes des trois sous-unités formant une cavité se rapprochent. D'après notre approche bioinformatique, aucune histidine n'est impliquée dans la détection des variations de pH extracellulaire c'est-à-dire qu'aucune histidine ne serait un pH-senseur. Deux histidines de ASIC2a lient le Zn2+ et modifient l'affinité apparente du canal pour les protons. Une seule des deux est conservée parmi tous les ASICs, hASICIa H163. Elle forme un réseau de liaison hydrogène avec ses voisins conservés. L'étude détaillée de ce domaine, Pinterzone, montre son importance dans l'expression fonctionnelle des canaux. La perturbation de ce réseau par l'introduction d'un résidu hydrophobe (cystéine) par mutagénèse dirigée diminue l'expression du canal à la membrane plasmique. La modification des cystéines introduites par des réactifs spécifiques aux groupements sulfhydryle inhibe les canaux mutés en diminuant leur probabilité d'ouverture. Ces travaux décrivent les effets de l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire sur les canaux ASICs. ABSTRACT: Study of pH-dependent activation and inactivation of ASIC channels Benoîte BARGETON, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1G05 Lausanne, Switzerland The ASIC (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) sodium channels are involved in neuronal signaling in the central and peripheral nervous system. These non-voltage-gated channels are involved in learning, the expression of fear, neurodegeneration after ischemia and pain sensation. The molecular bases underlying their activity are not yet fully understood. ASICs are activated by extracellular acidification and regulated, eg by ions such as Ca2+, the Zn2+ and CI". The crystallization of inactivated ASIC has been published. The channel is a trimer of identical or homologous subunits. Each subunit has been described in analogy to a forearm, wrist and hand consisting of a thumb, a finger, a knuckle, a β-ball and a palm. We applied a systematic computational approach to identify putative pH sensor(s) of ASICIa. The role of putative pH sensors has been tested by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification combined with functional analysis in order to understand how changes in pH open these channels. The pH sensors are aspartic and glutamic acids distributed throughout the extracellular loop, suggesting that changes in pH control activation and inactivation of ASIC by protonation / deprotonation of many residues in different parts of the protein. During activation the protonation of various residues at the interface between the finger, the thumb and the β-ball induces the movement of the thumb toward the finger and the β-ball. During inactivation of the channel the palms of the three subunits forming a cavity approach each other. No histidine has been shown to be involved in extracellular pH changes detection, i.e. no histidine is a pH- sensor. Two histidines of ASIC2 bind Zn2+ and alter the apparent affinity of channel for protons. Only one of the two His is conserved among all ASICs, hASICIa H163. This residue is part of a network of hydrogen bonding with its conserved neighbors. The detailed study of this area, the interzone, shows its importance in the functional expression of ASICs. Disturbance of this network by the introduction of hydrophobic residues decreases the cell surface channel expression. Chemical modification of the introduced cysteines by thiol reactive compounds inhibits the mutated channels by a reduction of their open probability. These studies describe the effects of extracellular acidification on ASICs. RESUME GRAND PUBLIC: Etude de l'activation et de l'inactivation pH-dépendantes des canaux ASICs (Acid-Sensing Ion Channels) Benoîte BARGETON, Département de Pharmacologie et de Toxicologie, Université de Lausanne, rue du Bugnon 27, CH-1005 Lausanne, Suisse La transmission synaptique est un processus chimique entre deux neurones impliquant des neurotransmetteurs et leurs récepteurs. Un dysfonctionnement de certains types de synapses est à l'origine de beaucoup de troubles nerveux, tels que certaine forme d'épilepsie et de l'attention. Les récepteurs des neurotransmetteurs sont de très bonnes cibles thérapeutiques dans de nombreuses neuropathologies. Les canaux ASICs sont impliqués dans la neurodégénération consécutive à une attaque cérébrale et les bloquer pourraient permettre aux patients d'avoir moins de séquelles. Les canaux ASICs sont des détecteurs de l'acidité qui apparaît lors de situations pathologiques comme l'ischémie et l'inflammation. Ces canaux sont également impliqués dans des douleurs. Cibler spécifiquement ces canaux permettrait d'avoir de nouveaux outils thérapeutiques car à l'heure actuelle l'inhibiteur de choix, l'amiloride, bloque beaucoup d'autres canaux empêchant son utilisation pour bloquer les ASICs. C'est pourquoi il faut connaître et comprendre les bases moléculaires du fonctionnement de ces récepteurs. Les ASICs formés de trois sous-unités détectent les variations de l'acidité puis s'ouvrent transitoirement pour laisser entrer des ions chargés positivement dans la cellule ce qui active la signalisation neuronale. Afin de comprendre les bases moléculaires de l'activité des ASICs nous avons déterminé les sites de liaison des protons (pH-senseurs), ligands naturels des ASICs et décrit une zone importante pour l'expression fonctionnelle de ces canaux. Grâce à une validation systématique de résultats obtenus en collaboration avec l'Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique, nous avons décrit les pH-senseurs de ASICIa. Ces résultats, combinés à ceux d'autres groupes de recherche, nous ont permis de mieux comprendre comment les ASICs sont ouverts par une acidification du milieu extracellulaire. Une seconde étude souligne le rôle structural crucial d'une région conservée parmi tous les canaux ASICs : y toucher c'est diminuer l'activité de la protéine. Ce domaine permet l'harmonisation des changements dus à l'acidification du milieu extracellulaire au sein d'une même sous-unité c'est-à-dire qu'elle participe à l'induction de l'inactivation due à l'activation du canal Cette étude décrit donc quelle région de la protéine atteindre pour la bloquer efficacement en faisant une cible thérapeutique de choix.
Influence of age on retinochoroidal healing processes after argon photocoagulation in C57bl/6j mice.
PURPOSE: To analyze the influence of age on retinochoroidal wound healing processes and on glial growth factor and cytokine mRNA expression profiles observed after argon laser photocoagulation. METHODS: A cellular and morphometric study was performed that used 44 C57Bl/6J mice: 4-week-old mice (group I, n=8), 6-week-old mice (group II, n=8), 10-12-week-old mice (group III, n=14), and 1-year-old mice (group IV, n=14). All mice in these groups underwent a standard argon laser photocoagulation (50 microm, 400 mW, 0.05 s). Two separated lesions were created in each retina using a slit lamp delivery system. At 1, 3, 7, 14, 60 days, and 4 months after photocoagulation, mice from each of the four groups were sacrificed by carbon dioxide inhalation. Groups III and IV were also studied at 6, 7, and 8 months after photocoagulation. At each time point the enucleated eyes were either mounted in Tissue Tek (OCT), snap frozen and processed for immunohistochemistry or either flat mounted (left eyes of groups III and IV). To determine, by RT-PCR, the time course of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) gene expression, we delivered ten laser burns (50 microm, 400 mW, 0.05 s) to each retina in 10-12-week-old mice (group III', n=10) and 1-year-old mice (group IV', n=10). Animals from Groups III' and IV' had the same age than those from Groups III and IV, but they received ten laser impacts in each eye and served for the molecular analysis. Mice from Groups III and IV received only two laser impacts per eye and served for the cellular and morphologic study. Retinal and choroidal tissues from these treated mice were collected at 16 h, and 1, 2, 3, and 7 days after photocoagulation. Two mice of each group did not receive photocoagulation and were used as controls. RESULTS: In the cellular and morphologic study, the resultant retinal pigment epithelium interruption expanse was significantly different between the four groups. It was more concise and smaller in the oldest group IV (112.1 microm+/-11.4 versus 219.1 microm+/-12.2 in group III) p<0.0001 between groups III and IV. By contrast, while choroidal neovascularization (CNV) was mild and not readily identifiable in group I, at all time points studied, CNV was more prominent in the (1-year-old mice) Group IV than in the other groups. For instance, up to 14 days after photocoagulation, CNV reaction was statistically larger in group IV than in group III ((p=0.0049 between groups III and IV on slide sections and p<0.0001 between the same groups on flat mounts). Moreover, four months after photocoagulation, the CNV area (on slide sections) was 1,282 microm(2)+/-90 for group III and 2,999 microm(2)+/-115 for group IV (p<0.0001 between groups III and IV). Accordingly, GFAP, VEGF, and MCP-1 mRNA expression profiles, determined by RT-PCR at 16 h, 1, 2, 3, and 7 days postphotocoagulation, were modified with aging. In 1-year-old mice (group IV), GFAP mRNA expression was already significantly higher than in the younger (10-12 week) group III before photocoagulation. After laser burns, GFAP mRNA expression peaked at 16-24 h and on day 7, decreasing thereafter. VEGF mRNA expression was markedly increased after photocoagulation in old mice eyes, reaching 2.7 times its basal level at day 3, while it was only slightly increased in young mice (1.3 times its level in untreated young mice 3 days postphotocoagulation). At all time points after photocoagulation, MCP-1 mRNA expression was elevated in old mice, reaching high levels of expression at 16 h and day 3 respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our results were based on the study of four different age groups and included not only data from morphological observations but also from a molecular analysis of the various alterations of cytokine signaling and expression. One-year-old mice demonstrated more extensive CNV formation and a slower pace of regression after laser photocoagulation than younger mice. These were accompanied by differences in growth factors and cytokine expression profiles indicate that aging is a factor that aggravates CNV. The above results may provide some insight into possible therapeutic strategies in the future.
Ion channels and transporters play a critical role in ion and fluid homeostasis and thus in normal animal physiology and pathology. Tight regulation of these transmembrane proteins is therefore essential. In recent years, many studies have focused their attention on the role of the ubiquitin system in regulating ion channels and transporters, initialed by the discoveries of the role of this system in processing of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (CFTR), and in regulating endocytosis of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) by the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligases (mainly Nedd4-2). In this review, we discuss the role of the ubiquitin system in ER Associated Degradation (ERAD) of ion channels, and in the regulation of endocytosis and lysosomal sorting of ion channels and transporters, focusing primarily in mammalian cells. We also briefly discuss the role of ubiquitin like molecules (such as SUMO) in such regulation, for which much less is known so far.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are non-voltage-gated sodium channels activated by an extracellular acidification. They are widely expressed in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system. ASICs have a role in learning, the expression of fear, in neuronal death after cerebral ischemia, and in pain sensation. Tissue damage leads to the release of inflammatory mediators. There is a subpopulation of sensory neurons which are able to release the neuropeptides calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP). Neurogenic inflammation refers to the process whereby peripheral release of the neuropeptides CGRP and SP induces vasodilation and extravasation of plasma proteins, respectively. Our laboratory has previously shown that calcium-permeable homomeric ASIC1a channels are present in a majority of CGRP- or SP-expressing small diameter sensory neurons. In the first part of my thesis, we tested the hypothesis that a local acidification can produce an ASIC-mediated calcium-dependant neuropeptide secretion. We have first verified the co-expression of ASICs and CGRP/SP using immunochemistry and in-situ hybridization on dissociated rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. We found that most CGRP/SP-positive neurons also expressed ASIC1a and ASIC3 subunits. Calcium imaging experiments with Fura-2 dye showed that an extracellular acidification can induce an increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which is essential for secretion. This increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration is, at least in some cells, ASIC-dependent, as it can be prevented by amiloride, an ASIC antagonist, and by Psalmotoxin (PcTx1), a specific ASIC1a antagonist. We identified a sub-population of neurons whose acid-induced Ca2+ entry was completely abolished by amiloride, an amiloride-resistant population which does not express ASICs, but rather another acid-sensing channel, possibly transient receptor potential vanilloïde 1 (TRPV1), and a population expressing both H+-gated channel types. Voltage-gated calcium channels (Cavs) may also mediate Ca2+ entry. Co-application of the Cavs inhibitors (ω-conotoxin MVIIC, Mibefradil and Nifedipine) reduced the Ca2+ increase in neurons expressing ASICs during an acidification to pH 6. This indicates that ASICs can depolarise the neuron and activate Cavs. Homomeric ASIC1a are Ca2+-permeable and allow a direct entry of Ca2+ into the cell; other ASICs mediate an indirect entry of Ca2+ by inducing a membrane depolarisation that activates Cavs. We showed with a secretion assay that CGRP secretion can be induced by extracellular acidification in cultured rat DRG neurons. Amiloride and PcTx1 were not able to inhibit the secretion at acidic pH, but BCTC, a TRPV1 inhibitor was able to decrease the secretion induced by an extracellular acidification in our in vitro secretion assay. In conclusion, these results show that in DRG neurons a mild extracellular acidification can induce a calcium-dependent neuropeptide secretion. Even if our data show that ASICs can mediate an increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration, this appears not to be sufficient to trigger neuropeptide secretion. TRPV1, a calcium channel whose activation induces a sustained current - in contrary of ASICs - played in our experimental conditions a predominant role in neurosecretion. In the second part of my thesis, we focused on the role of ASICs in neuropathic pain. We used the spared nerve injury (SNI) model which consists in a nerve injury that induces symptoms of neuropathic pain such as mechanical allodynia. We have previously shown that the SNI model modifies ASIC currents in dissociated rat DRG neurons. We hypothesized that ASICs could play a role in the development of mechanical allodynia. The SNI model was performed on ASIC1a, -2, and -3 knock-out mice and wild type littermates. We measured mechanical allodynia on these mice with calibrated von Frey filaments. There were no differences between the wild-type and the ASIC1, or ASIC2 knockout mice. ASIC3 null mice were less sensitive than wild type mice at 21 day after SNI, indicating a role for ASIC3. Finally, to investigate other possible roles of ASICs in the perception of the environment, we measured the baseline heat responses. We used two different models; the tail flick model and the hot plate model. ASIC1a null mice showed increased thermal allodynia behaviour in the hot plate test at three different temperatures (49, 52, 55°C) compared to their wild type littermates. On the contrary, ASIC2 null mice showed reduced thermal allodynia behaviour in the hot plate test compared to their wild type littermates at the three same temperatures. We conclude that ASIC1a and ASIC2 in mice can play a role in temperature sensing. It is currently not understood how ASICs are involved in temperature sensing and what the reason for the opposed effects in the two knockout models is.
The evaluation of radioactivity accidentally released into the atmosphere involves determining the radioactivity levels of rainwater samples. Rainwater scavenges atmospheric airborne radioactivity in such a way that surface contamination can be deduced from rainfall rate and rainwater radioactivity content. For this purpose, rainwater is usually collected in large surface collectors and then measured by gamma-spectrometry after such treatments as evaporation or iron hydroxide precipitation. We found that collectors can be adapted to accept large surface (diameter 47mm) cartridges containing a strongly acidic resin (Dowex AG 88) which is able to quantitatively extract radioactivity from rainwater, even during heavy rainfall. The resin can then be measured by gamma-spectrometry. The detection limit is 0.1Bq per sample of resin (80g) for (137)Cs. Natural (7)Be and (210)Pb can also be measured and the activity ratio of both radionuclides is comparable with those obtained through iron hydroxide precipitation and air filter measurements. Occasionally (22)Na has also been measured above the detection limit. A comparison between the evaporation method and the resin method demonstrated that 2/3 of (7)Be can be lost during the evaporation process. The resin method is simple and highly efficient at extracting radioactivity. Because of these great advantages, we anticipate it could replace former rainwater determination methods. Moreover, it does not necessitate the transportation of large rainwater volumes to the laboratory.
Background and Objectives: Precursor lesions of oesophagus adenocarcinoma constitute a clinical dilemma. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective treatment for this indication, but it is difficult to optimise without an appropriate animal model. For this reason, we assessed the sheep model for PDT in the oesophagus with the photosensitiser meta-(tetra-hydroxyphenyl) chlorin (mTHPC). Materials and Methods: Twelve sheep underwent intravenous mTHPC injection, blood sampling and fluorescence measurements. mTHPC's pharmacokinetics was measured in vivo and in plasma by fluorescence spectroscopy. Biopsies of sheep oesophagus were compared to corresponding human tissue, and the mTHPC's biodistribution was studied under fluorescence microscopy. Finally, the sheep oesophageal mucosa was irradiated, 4 days after mTHPC's injection. Results: Histologically, the sheep and human oesophagus were closely comparable, with the exception of additional fatty tissue in the sheep oesophagus. mTHPC's pharmacokinetics in sheep and human plasmas were similar, with a maximum of concentration in the sheep 10 hours after i.v. injection. mTHPC's pharmacokinetics in vivo reached its maximum after 30-50 hours, then decreased to background levels, as in humans under similar conditions. Two days after injection, mTHPC was mainly distributed in the lamina propria, followed by a penetration into the epithelium. The sheep and human tissue sensitivity to mTHPC PDT was similar. Conclusion: In conclusion, this model showed many similarities with humans as to mTHPC's plasma and tissue pharmacokinetics, and for tissue PDT response, making it suitable to optimise oesophagus PDT. Lasers Surg. Med. 41:643-652,2009. (C) 2009Wiley-Liss,Inc.
The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) belongs to a new class of channel proteins called the ENaC/DEG superfamily involved in epithelial Na+ transport, mechanotransduction, and neurotransmission. The role of ENaC in Na+ homeostasis and in the control of blood pressure has been demonstrated recently by the identification of mutations in ENaC beta and gamma subunits causing hypertension. The function of ENaC in Na+ reabsorption depends critically on its ability to discriminate between Na+ and other ions like K+ or Ca2+. ENaC is virtually impermeant to K+ ions, and the molecular basis for its high ionic selectivity is largely unknown. We have identified a conserved Ser residue in the second transmembrane domain of the ENaC alpha subunit (alphaS589), which when mutated allows larger ions such as K+, Rb+, Cs+, and divalent cations to pass through the channel. The relative ion permeability of each of the alphaS589 mutants is related inversely to the ionic radius of the permeant ion, indicating that alphaS589 mutations increase the molecular cutoff of the channel by modifying the pore geometry at the selectivity filter. Proper geometry of the pore is required to tightly accommodate Na+ and Li+ ions and to exclude larger cations. We provide evidence that ENaC discriminates between cations mainly on the basis of their size and the energy of dehydration.
We present a new lab-on-a-chip system for electrophysiological measurements on Xenopus oocytes. Xenopus oocytes are widely used host cells in the field of pharmacological studies and drug development. We developed a novel non-invasive technique using immobilized non-devitellinized cells that replaces the traditional "two-electrode voltage-clamp" (TEVC) method. In particular, rapid fluidic exchange was implemented on-chip to allow recording of fast kinetic events of exogenous ion channels expressed in the cell membrane. Reducing fluidic exchange times of extracellular reagent solutions is a great challenge with these large millimetre-sized cells. Fluidic switching is obtained by shifting the laminar flow interface in a perfusion channel under the cell by means of integrated poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microvalves. Reagent solution exchange times down to 20 ms have been achieved. An on-chip purging system allows to perform complex pharmacological protocols, making the system suitable for screening of ion channel ligand libraries. The performance of the integrated rapid fluidic exchange system was demonstrated by investigating the self-inhibition of human epithelial sodium channels (ENaC). Our results show that the response time of this ion channel to a specific reactant is about an order of magnitude faster than could be estimated with the traditional TEVC technique.