56 resultados para Alonso, Manuel (1895-1984)


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the public health consequences of the rise in multiple births with respect to congenital anomalies. DESIGN: Descriptive epidemiological analysis of data from population-based congenital anomaly registries. SETTING: Fourteen European countries. POPULATION: A total of 5.4 million births 1984-2007, of which 3% were multiple births. METHODS: Cases of congenital anomaly included live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks of gestation and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence rates per 10,000 births and relative risk of congenital anomaly in multiple versus singleton births (1984-2007); proportion prenatally diagnosed, proportion by pregnancy outcome (2000-07). Proportion of pairs where both co-twins were cases. RESULTS: Prevalence of congenital anomalies from multiple births increased from 5.9 (1984-87) to 10.7 per 10,000 births (2004-07). Relative risk of nonchromosomal anomaly in multiple births was 1.35 (95% CI 1.31-1.39), increasing over time, and of chromosomal anomalies was 0.72 (95% CI 0.65-0.80), decreasing over time. In 11.4% of affected twin pairs both babies had congenital anomalies (2000-07). The prenatal diagnosis rate was similar for multiple and singleton pregnancies. Cases from multiple pregnancies were less likely to be terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly, odds ratio 0.41 (95% CI 0.35-0.48) and more likely to be stillbirths and neonatal deaths. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in babies who are both from a multiple pregnancy and affected by a congenital anomaly has implications for prenatal and postnatal service provision. The contribution of assisted reproductive technologies to the increase in risk needs further research. The deficit of chromosomal anomalies among multiple births has relevance for prenatal risk counselling.


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SIMULIT est un programme permettant la simulation de l'occupation des lits des hôpitaux de soins aigus. La mise en oeuvre de SIMULIT et des programmes annexes requiert de l'utilisateur qu'il sache créer et modifier un fichier à l'aide d'un éditeur, et lancer l'exécution d'un programme sur la machine dont il dispose. Le schéma général de la mise en oeuvre se trouve à l'annexe 1 de ce cahier.


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Evaluer l'efficacité d'une thérapie ne devrait pas se limiter à en étudier l'impact sur différentes dimensions pertinentes. En effet, la recherche en psychothérapie insiste sur l'importance de développer des manuels thérapeutiques, afin de décrire ce que les thérapeutes font et donc comprendre ce qui est efficace, ainsi que des protocoles d'adhérence à ces manuels, afin de pouvoir évaluer si les intervenants font effectivement ce qu'ils prétendent faire. Cet article présente le manuel thérapeutique de l'Intervention systémique brève (ISB), un modèle d'intervention en six séances, utilisé dans une consultation pour couples et familles au Département de psychiatrie du CHUV à Lausanne. Ce modèle fait l'objet d'une recherche visant à évaluer son efficacité à court et moyen termes, au moyen de questionnaires remplis par les patients, évaluant différents niveaux : 1) les symptômes individuels, 2) la satisfaction conjugale, 3) la qualité des relations parentales, 4) la qualité des relations coparentales et 5) les relations familiales. L'ISB est un modèle intégratif des principales écoles de thérapie familiale systémique. Pour élaborer le manuel de l'ISB, nous nous sommes basés sur certains principes généraux communs aux différentes approches systémiques. La difficulté d'élaborer un tel manuel thérapeutique intégratif systémique sera discutée.


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Swiss death certification data over the period 1951-1984 for total cancer mortality and 30 major cancer sites in the population aged 25 to 74 years were analysed using a log-linear Poisson model with arbitrary constraints on the parameters to isolate the effects of birth cohort, calendar period of death and age. The overall pattern of total cancer mortality in males was stable for period values and showed some moderate decreases in cohort values restricted to the generations born after 1930. Cancer mortality trends were more favourable in females, with steady, though moderate, declines in both cohort and period values. According to the estimates from the model, the worst affected generation for male lung cancer was that born around 1910, and a flattening of trends or some moderate decline was observed for more recent cohorts, although this decline was considerably more limited than in other European countries. There were decreases in cohort and period values for stomach, intestine and oesophageal cancer in both sexes and (cervix) uteri in females. Increases were observed in both cohort and period trends for pancreas and liver in males and for several other neoplasms, including prostate, brain, leukaemias and lymphomas, restricted, however, for the latter sites, to the earlier cohorts and hence partly attributable to improved diagnosis and certification in the elderly. Although age values for lung cancer in females were around 10-times lower than in males, upward trends in female lung cancer cohort values were observed in subsequent cohorts and for period values from the late 1960's onwards. Therefore, future trends in female lung cancer mortality should continue to be monitored. The application of these age/period/cohort models thus provides a summary guide for the reading and interpretation of cancer mortality trends, although it cannot replace careful inspection of single age-specific rates.


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Le dosage du plomb sanguin a été inclus dans l'enquête MONICA (MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease) sur un échantillon représentatif de la population des cantons de Fribourg et de Vaud. Les résultats sont présentés en trois sections: 1) Distribution de la plombémie en fonction de quelques variables spécifiques: variables socio-démographiques, facteurs de risque classiques des maladies cardio-vasculaires, variables sur certaines habitudes alimentaires; 2) Analyse discriminante des personnes dans le quartile supérieur de la distribution de la plombémie; 3) Description plus détaillée des 18 cas de plombémie supérieure à 1.5 micromoles/l.


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Cancer mortality among children in Switzerland was analysed using (1) age-specific and age-standardized (0-14) rates from 1951 to 1984 and (2) comparison of observed numbers of deaths over the period 1960-1984 with expected one obtained by application of age-specific rates for the period 1951-1959 to the population structure of subsequent 5-year calendar periods. Certified mortality fell about 60% for leukaemias, 21% for lymphomas, 66% for Wilms' tumours, 40% for bone sarcomas and 30% for other and unspecified sites. Thus, the overall decline in childhood cancer mortality in Switzerland was around 45%, slightly more marked in females (-48%) than in males (-42%), and more pronounced in younger children (over 50% before age 5). This corresponds to an absolute number of about 50 deaths from childhood cancer per year avoided in the early 1980s as compared with expected numbers computed on the basis of rates registered in the 1950s (30 deaths per year for leukaemias alone). The estimated total number of deaths avoided during the whole period 1960-1980 was 820 (430 leukaemias alone). Trends in childhood cancer mortality persisted steadily downwards in the early 1980s, suggesting that further progress is being achieved in the treatment of these neoplasms.


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Le but de cette étude était - d'établir un instrument d'enquête utilisable en cas d'épidémie; - de reconnaître une éventuelle reprise de l'épidémie observée l'hiver précédent, et dans cette hypothèse de récolter des données pour la recherche d'une source.