28 resultados para Aeronautical navigation
Young and adult Long Evans rats were tested in the water maze according to two different procedures: half of the subjects were given one session of four trials a day for 6 days, whereas the other subjects had the same amount of training massed in 1 day. For both conditions, a 14-day retention interval was then introduced to test long-term memory. This was followed by a four-trial reversal session. All groups showed a significant learning curve, but escape latencies were shorter for the adult than for the young rats, without differential effect of the training procedure. A first probe trial (PT1) confirmed similar accurate short-term retention in all the groups. But unimpaired long-term memory was only seen in the adult rats trained with the spaced procedure. The young rats trained over 1 day also showed some retention of the platform location after 14 days, but not the other two groups. Reversal acquisition of the new platform location was rapid in the four groups. These results indicate that although accurate short-term spatial memory in the water maze is seen after a 1-day massed training in both age groups, unimpaired long-term retention is only observed in adult rats trained with 24-h inter-session intervals.
Contribution of visual and nonvisual mechanisms to spatial behavior of rats in the Morris water maze was studied with a computerized infrared tracking system, which switched off the room lights when the subject entered the inner circular area of the pool with an escape platform. Naive rats trained under light-dark conditions (L-D) found the escape platform more slowly than rats trained in permanent light (L). After group members were swapped, the L-pretrained rats found under L-D conditions the same target faster and eventually approached latencies attained during L navigation. Performance of L-D-trained rats deteriorated in permanent darkness (D) but improved with continued D training. Thus L-D navigation improves gradually by procedural learning (extrapolation of the start-target azimuth into the zero-visibility zone) but remains impaired by lack of immediate visual feedback rather than by absence of the snapshot memory of the target view.
The corpus callosum (CC) plays a crucial role in interhemispheric communication. It has been shown that CC formation relies on the guidepost cells located in the midline region that include glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons as well as glial cells. However, the origin of these guidepost GABAergic neurons and their precise function in callosal axon pathfinding remain to be investigated. Here, we show that two distinct GABAergic neuronal subpopulations converge toward the midline prior to the arrival of callosal axons. Using in vivo and ex vivo fate mapping we show that CC GABAergic neurons originate in the caudal and medial ganglionic eminences (CGE and MGE) but not in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE). Time lapse imaging on organotypic slices and in vivo analyses further revealed that CC GABAergic neurons contribute to the normal navigation of callosal axons. The use of Nkx2.1 knockout (KO) mice confirmed a role of these neurons in the maintenance of proper behavior of callosal axons while growing through the CC. Indeed, using in vitro transplantation assays, we demonstrated that both MGE- and CGE-derived GABAergic neurons exert an attractive activity on callosal axons. Furthermore, by combining a sensitive RT-PCR technique with in situ hybridization, we demonstrate that CC neurons express multiple short and long range guidance cues. This study strongly suggests that MGE- and CGE-derived interneurons may guide CC axons by multiple guidance mechanisms and signaling pathways. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 647-672, 2013.
Rats, like other crepuscular animals, have excellent auditory capacities and they discriminate well between different sounds [Heffner HE, Heffner RS, Hearing in two cricetid rodents: wood rats (Neotoma floridana) and grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster). J Comp Psychol 1985;99(3):275-88]. However, most experimental literature concerning spatial orientation almost exclusively emphasizes the use of visual landmarks [Cressant A, Muller RU, Poucet B. Failure of centrally placed objects to control the firing fields of hippocampal place cells. J Neurosci 1997;17(7):2531-42; and Goodridge JP, Taube JS. Preferential use of the landmark navigational system by head direction cells in rats. Behav Neurosci 1995;109(1):49-61]. To address the important issue of whether rats are able to achieve a place navigation task relative to auditory beacons, we designed a place learning task in the water maze. We controlled cue availability by conducting the experiment in total darkness. Three auditory cues did not allow place navigation whereas three visual cues in the same positions did support place navigation. One auditory beacon directly associated with the goal location did not support taxon navigation (a beacon strategy allowing the animal to find the goal just by swimming toward the cue). Replacing the auditory beacons by one single visual beacon did support taxon navigation. A multimodal configuration of two auditory cues and one visual cue allowed correct place navigation. The deletion of the two auditory or of the one visual cue did disrupt the spatial performance. Thus rats can combine information from different sensory modalities to achieve a place navigation task. In particular, auditory cues support place navigation when associated with a visual one.
These experiments were designed to analyze how medial septal lesions reducing the cholinergic innervation in the hippocampus might affect place learning. Rats with quisqualic lesions of the medial septal area (MS) were trained in a water maze and on a homing table where the escape position was located at a spatially fixed position and further indicated by a salient cue suspended above it. The lesioned rats were significantly impaired in reaching the cued escape platform during training. In addition rats, did not show any discrimination of the training sector during a probe trial in which no platform or cue was present. This impairment remained significant during further training in the absence of the cue. When the cued escape platform was located at an unpredictable spatial location, the MS-lesioned rats showed no deficit and spent more time under the cue than control rats during the probe trial. On the homing board, with a salient object in close proximity to the escape hole, the MS rats showed no deficit in escape latencies, although a significant reduction in spatial memory was observed. However, this was overcome by additional training in the absence of the cue. Under these conditions, rats with septal lesions were prone to develop a pure guidance strategy, whereas normal rats combined a guidance strategy with a memory of the escape position relative to more distant landmarks. The presence of a salient cue appeared to decrease attention to environmental landmarks, thus reducing spatial memory. These data confirm the general hypothesis that MS lesions reduce the capacity to rely on a representation of the relation between several landmarks with different salience.
Résumé: La qualité de l'implantation d'une prothèse totale du genou est un facteur essentiel déterminant le résultat clinique à long terme. L'alignement postopératoire des membres inférieurs est considéré comme le facteur influençant le plus la survie à long terme d'une arthroplastie du genou. Au vu du haut degré de corrélation entre les complications post-opératoires et les malpositionnements prothétiques, les chirurgiens ont tenté de développer durant ces deux dernières décennies des instruments chirurgicaux améliorant la précision d'implantation. Depuis le début des années 90, de nouvelles instrumentations assistées par ordinateur ont été proposées. Actuellement, en chirurgie prothétique du genou, la plus utilisée de ces techniques est le système de navigation OrthoPilot® qui permet, grâce à une station de navigation et des émetteurs infrarouges, de contrôler en continu pendant l'opération, l'axe mécanique du membre inférieur et de vérifier la précision des coupes osseuses. Le but de cette étude de cohorte appareillée rétrospective est de comparer les résultats clinique et radiologiques de deux collectifs de patients (32 patients dans chaque groupe) comparables (âge, sexe, BMI, degré d'arthrose, recul postopératoire), opérés avec le même type de prothèse (prothèse à glissement tricompartimental postérieurement stabilisée), soit avec le système de navigation Orthopilot®, soit à l'aide de l'instrumentation ancillaire mécanique classique. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la technique chirurgicale supportée par le système de navigation Orthopilot® est fiable et aisément reproductible. Par rapport à l'instrumentation manuelle, l'instrumentation assistée améliore significativement la précision de pose du composant tibial dans le plan frontal. Cependant entre des mains expérimentées, la technique d'alignement mécanique classique, plus simple, reste performante (coût modique, temps opératoire plus court et sans risque de défaillance technique).