42 resultados para Adult Learning
Recent findings in neuroscience suggest that adult brain structure changes in response to environmental alterations and skill learning. Whereas much is known about structural changes after intensive practice for several months, little is known about the effects of single practice sessions on macroscopic brain structure and about progressive (dynamic) morphological alterations relative to improved task proficiency during learning for several weeks. Using T1-weighted and diffusion tensor imaging in humans, we demonstrate significant gray matter volume increases in frontal and parietal brain areas following only two sessions of practice in a complex whole-body balancing task. Gray matter volume increase in the prefrontal cortex correlated positively with subject's performance improvements during a 6 week learning period. Furthermore, we found that microstructural changes of fractional anisotropy in corresponding white matter regions followed the same temporal dynamic in relation to task performance. The results make clear how marginal alterations in our ever changing environment affect adult brain structure and elucidate the interrelated reorganization in cortical areas and associated fiber connections in correlation with improvements in task performance.
Learning-induced plasticity in auditory spatial representations revealed by electrical neuroimaging.
Auditory spatial representations are likely encoded at a population level within human auditory cortices. We investigated learning-induced plasticity of spatial discrimination in healthy subjects using auditory-evoked potentials (AEPs) and electrical neuroimaging analyses. Stimuli were 100 ms white-noise bursts lateralized with varying interaural time differences. In three experiments, plasticity was induced with 40 min of discrimination training. During training, accuracy significantly improved from near-chance levels to approximately 75%. Before and after training, AEPs were recorded to stimuli presented passively with a more medial sound lateralization outnumbering a more lateral one (7:1). In experiment 1, the same lateralizations were used for training and AEP sessions. Significant AEP modulations to the different lateralizations were evident only after training, indicative of a learning-induced mismatch negativity (MMN). More precisely, this MMN at 195-250 ms after stimulus onset followed from differences in the AEP topography to each stimulus position, indicative of changes in the underlying brain network. In experiment 2, mirror-symmetric locations were used for training and AEP sessions; no training-related AEP modulations or MMN were observed. In experiment 3, the discrimination of trained plus equidistant untrained separations was tested psychophysically before and 0, 6, 24, and 48 h after training. Learning-induced plasticity lasted <6 h, did not generalize to untrained lateralizations, and was not the simple result of strengthening the representation of the trained lateralizations. Thus, learning-induced plasticity of auditory spatial discrimination relies on spatial comparisons, rather than a spatial anchor or a general comparator. Furthermore, cortical auditory representations of space are dynamic and subject to rapid reorganization.
Introduction: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) improves the quality of health care. Courses on how to teach EBM in practice are available, but knowledge does not automatically imply its application in teaching. We aimed to identify and compare barriers and facilitators for teaching EBM in clinical practice in various European countries. Methods: A questionnaire was constructed listing potential barriers and facilitators for EBM teaching in clinical practice. Answers were reported on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from not at all being a barrier to being an insurmountable barrier. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 120 clinical EBM teachers from 11 countries. Lack of time was the strongest barrier for teaching EBM in practice (median 5). Moderate barriers were the lack of requirements for EBM skills and a pyramid hierarchy in health care management structure (median 4). In Germany, Hungary and Poland, reading and understanding articles in English was a higher barrier than in the other countries. Conclusion: Incorporation of teaching EBM in practice faces several barriers to implementation. Teaching EBM in clinical settings is most successful where EBM principles are culturally embedded and form part and parcel of everyday clinical decisions and medical practice.
Hippocampal adult neurogenesis results in the continuous formation of new neurons in the adult hippocampus, which participate to learning and memory. Manipulations increasing adult neurogenesis have a huge clinical potential in pathologies involving memory loss. Intringuingly, most of the newborn neurons die during their maturation. Thus, increasing newborn neuron survival during their maturation may be a powerful way to increase overall adult neurogenesis. The factors governing this neuronal death are yet poorly known. In my PhD project, we made the hypothesis that synaptogenesis and synaptic activity play a role in the survival of newborn hippocampal neurons. We studied three factors potentially involved in the regulation of the synaptic integration of adult-born neurons. First, we used propofol anesthesia to provoke a global increase in GABAergic activity of the network, and we evaluated the outcome on newborn neuron synaptic integration, morphological development and survival. Propofol anesthesia impaired the dendritic maturation and survival of adult-born neurons in an age-dependent manner. Next, we examined the development of astrocytic ensheathment on the synapses formed by newborn neurons, as we hypothesized that astrocytes are involved in their synaptic integration. Astrocytic processes ensheathed the synapses of newborn neurons very early in their development, and the processes modulated synaptic transmission on these cells. Finally, we studied the cell-autonomous effects of the overexpression of synaptic adhesion molecules on the development, synaptic integration and survival of newborn neurons, and we found that manipulating of a single adhesion molecule was sufficient to modify synaptogenesis and/or synapse function, and to modify newborn neuron survival. Together, these results suggest that the activity of the neuronal network, the modulation of glutamate transport by astrocytes, and the synapse formation and activity of the neuron itself may regulate the survival of newborn neurons. Thus, the survival of newborn neurons may depend on their ability to communicate with the network. This knowledge is crucial for finding ways to increase neurogenesis in patients. More generally, understanding how the neurogenic niche works and which factors are important for the generation, maturation and survival of neurons is fundamental to be able to maybe, one day, replace neurons in any region of the brain.
This study assesses gender differences in spatial and non-spatial relational learning and memory in adult humans behaving freely in a real-world, open-field environment. In Experiment 1, we tested the use of proximal landmarks as conditional cues allowing subjects to predict the location of rewards hidden in one of two sets of three distinct locations. Subjects were tested in two different conditions: (1) when local visual cues marked the potentially-rewarded locations, and (2) when no local visual cues marked the potentially-rewarded locations. We found that only 17 of 20 adults (8 males, 9 females) used the proximal landmarks to predict the locations of the rewards. Although females exhibited higher exploratory behavior at the beginning of testing, males and females discriminated the potentially-rewarded locations similarly when local visual cues were present. Interestingly, when the spatial and local information conflicted in predicting the reward locations, males considered both spatial and local information, whereas females ignored the spatial information. However, in the absence of local visual cues females discriminated the potentially-rewarded locations as well as males. In Experiment 2, subjects (9 males, 9 females) were tested with three asymmetrically-arranged rewarded locations, which were marked by local cues on alternate trials. Again, females discriminated the rewarded locations as well as males in the presence or absence of local cues. In sum, although particular aspects of task performance might differ between genders, we found no evidence that women have poorer allocentric spatial relational learning and memory abilities than men in a real-world, open-field environment.
Learning is the ability of an organism to adapt to the changes of its environment in response to its past experience. It is a widespread ability in the animal kingdom, but its evolutionary aspects are poorly known. Learning ability is supposedly advantageous under some conditions, when environmental conditions are not too stable - because in this case there is no need to learn to predict any event in the environment - and not changing too fast - otherwise environmental cues cannot be used because they are not reliable. Nevertheless, learning ability is also known to be costly in terms of energy needed for neuronal synthesis, memory formation, initial mistakes. During my PhD, I focused on the study of genetic variability of learning ability in natural populations. Genetic variability is the basis on which natural selection and genetic drift can act. How does learning ability vary in nature? What are the roles of additive genetic variation or maternal effects in this variation? Is it involved in evolutionary trade-offs with other fitness-related traits?¦I investigated a natural population of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model organism. Its learning ability is easy to measure with associative memory tests. I used two research tools: multiple inbred and isofemale lines derived from a natural population as a representative sample. My work was divided into three parts.¦First, I investigated the effects of inbreeding on aversive learning (avoidance of an odor previously associated with mechanical shock). While the inbred lines consistently showed reduced egg-to-adult viability by 28 %, the effects of inbreeding on learning performance was 18 % and varied among assays, with a trend to be most pronounced for intermediate conditioning intensity. Variation among inbred lines indicates that ample genetic variance for learning was segregating in the base population, and suggests that the inbreeding depression observed in learning performance was mostly due to dominance rather than overdominance. Across the inbred lines, learning performance was positively correlated with the egg-to-adult viability. This positive genetic correlation contradicts previous studies which observed a trade-off between learning ability and lifespan or larval competitive ability. It suggests that much of the genetic variation for learning is due to pleiotropic effects of genes affecting other functions related to survival. Together with the overall mild effects of inbreeding on learning performance, this suggests that genetic variation specifically affecting learning is either very low, or is due to alleles with mostly additive (semi-dominant) effects. It also suggests that alleles reducing learning performance are on average partially recessive, because their effect does not appear in the outbred base population. Moreover, overdominance seems unlikely as major cause of the inbreeding depression, because even if the overall mean of the inbred line is smaller than the outbred base population, some of the inbred lines show the same learning score as the outbred base population. If overdominance played an important part in inbreeding depression, then all the homozygous lines should show lower learning ability than¦outbred base population.¦In the second part of my project, I sampled the same natural population again and derived isofemale lines (F=0.25) which are less adapted to laboratory conditions and therefore are more representative of the variance of the natural population. They also showed some genetic variability for learning, and for three other fitness-related traits possibly related with learning: resistance to bacterial infection, egg-to-adult viability and developmental time. Nevertheless, the genetic variance of learning ability did not appear to be smaller than the variance of the other traits. The positive correlation previously observed between learning ability and egg- to-adult viability did not appear in isofemale lines (nor a negative correlation). It suggests that there was still genetic variability within isofemale lines and that they did not fix the highly deleterious pleiotropic alleles possibly responsible for the previous correlation.¦In order to investigate the relative amount of nuclear (additive and non-additive effects) and extra-nuclear (maternal and paternal effect) components of variance in learning ability and other fitness-related traits among the inbred lines tested in part one, I performed a diallel cross between them. The nuclear additive genetic variance was higher than other components for learning ability and survival to learning ability, but in contrast, maternal effects were more variable than other effects for developmental traits. This suggests that maternal effects, which reflects effects from mitochondrial DNA, epigenetic effects, or the amount of nutrients that are invested by the mother in the egg, are more important in the early stage of life, and less at the adult stage. There was no additive genetic correlation between learning ability and other traits, indicating that the correlation between learning ability and egg-to-adult viability observed in the first pat of my project was mostly due to recessive genes.¦Finally, my results showed that learning ability is genetically variable. The diallel experiment showed additive genetic variance was the most important component of the total variance. Moreover, every inbred or isofemale line showed some learning ability. This suggested that alleles impairing learning ability are eliminated by selection, and therefore that learning ability is under strong selection in natural populations of Drosophila. My results cannot alone explain the maintenance of the observed genetic variation. Even if I cannot eliminate the hypothesis of pleiotropy between learning ability and the other fitness-related traits I measured, there is no evidence for any trade-off between these traits and learning ability. This contradicts what has been observed between learning ability and other traits like lifespan and larval competitivity.¦L'apprentissage représente la capacité d'un organisme à s'adapter aux changement de son environnement au cours de sa vie, en réponse à son expérience passée. C'est une capacité très répandue dans le règne animal, y compris pour les animaux les plus petits et les plus simples, mais les aspects évolutifs de l'apprentissage sont encore mal connus. L'apprentissage est supposé avantageux dans certaines conditions, quand l'environnement n'est ni trop stable - dans ce cas, il n'y a rien à apprendre - ni trop variable - dans ce cas, les indices sur lesquels se reposer changent trop vite pour apprendre. D'un autre côté, l'apprentissage a aussi des coûts, en terme de synthèse neuronale, pour la formation de la mémoire, ou de coûts d'erreur initiale d'apprentissage. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai étudié la variabilité génétique naturelle des capacités d'apprentissage. Comment varient les capacités d'apprentissage dans la nature ? Quelle est la part de variation additive, l'impact des effets maternel ? Est-ce que l'apprentissage est impliqué dans des interactions, de type compromis évolutifs, avec d'autres traits liés à la fitness ?¦Afin de répondre à ces questions, je me suis intéressée à la mouche du vinaigre, ou drosophile, un organisme modèle. Ses capacités d'apprentissage sont facile à étudier avec un test de mémoire reposant sur l'association entre un choc mécanique et une odeur. Pour étudier ses capacités naturelles, j'ai dérivé de types de lignées d'une population naturelle: des lignées consanguines et des lignées isofemelles.¦Dans une première partie, je me suis intéressée aux effets de la consanguinité sur les capacités d'apprentissage, qui sont peu connues. Alors que les lignées consanguines ont montré une réduction de 28% de leur viabilité (proportion d'adultes émergeants d'un nombre d'oeufs donnés), leurs capacités d'apprentissage n'ont été réduites que de 18%, la plus forte diminution étant obtenue pour un conditionnement modéré. En outre, j'ai également observé que les capacités d'apprentissage était positivement corrélée à la viabilité entre les lignées. Cette corrélation est surprenante car elle est en contradiction avec les résultats obtenus par d'autres études, qui montrent l'existence de compromis évolutifs entre les capacités d'apprentissage et d'autres traits comme le vieillissement ou la compétitivité larvaire. Elle suggère que la variation génétique des capacités d'apprentissage est due aux effets pleiotropes de gènes récessifs affectant d'autres fonctions liées à la survie. Ces résultats indiquent que la variation pour les capacités d'apprentissage est réduite comparée à celle d'autres traits ou est due à des allèles principalement récessifs. L'hypothèse de superdominance semble peu vraisemblable, car certaines des lignées consanguines ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage égaux à ceux de la population non consanguine, alors qu'en cas de superdominance, elles auraient toutes dû obtenir des scores inférieurs.¦Dans la deuxième partie de mon projet, j'ai mesuré les capacités d'apprentissage de lignées isofemelles issues de la même population initiale que les lignées consanguines. Ces lignées sont issues chacune d'un seul couple, ce qui leur donne un taux d'hétérozygosité supérieur et évite l'élimination de lignées par fixation d'allèles délétères rares. Elles sont ainsi plus représentatives de la variabilité naturelle. Leur variabilité génétique est significative pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et trois traits liés à la fois à la fitness et à l'apprentissage: la viabilité, la résistance à l'infection bactérienne et la vitesse de développement. Cependant, la variabilité des capacités d'apprentissage n'apparaît cette fois pas inférieure à celle des autres traits et aucune corrélation n'est constatée entre les capacité d'apprentissage et les autres traits. Ceci suggère que la corrélation observée auparavant était surtout due à la fixation d'allèles récessifs délétères également responsables de la dépression de consanguinité.¦Durant la troisième partie de mon projet, je me suis penchée sur la décomposition de la variance observée entre les lignées consanguines observée en partie 1. Quatre composants ont été examinés: la variance due à des effets nucléaires (additifs et non additifs), et due à des effets parentaux (maternels et paternels). J'ai réalisé un croisement diallèle de toutes les lignées. La variance additive nucléaire s'est révélée supérieure aux autres composants pour les capacités d'apprentissage et la résistance à l'infection bactérienne. Par contre, les effets maternels étaient plus importants que les autres composants pour les traits développementaux (viabilité et vitesse de développement). Ceci suggère que les effets maternels, dus à G ADN mitochondrial, à l'épistasie ou à la quantité de nutriments investis dans l'oeuf par la mère, sont plus importants dans les premiers stades de développement et que leur effet s'estompe à l'âge adulte. Il n'y a en revanche pas de corrélation statistiquement significative entre les effets additifs des capacités d'apprentissage et des autres traits, ce qui indique encore une fois que la corrélation observée entre les capacités d'apprentissage et la viabilité dans la première partie du projet était due à des effets d'allèles partiellement récessifs.¦Au, final, mes résultats montrent bien l'existence d'une variabilité génétique pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et l'expérience du diallèle montre que la variance additive de cette capacité est importante, ce qui permet une réponse à la sélection naturelle. Toutes les lignées, consanguines ou isofemelles, ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage supérieurs à zéro. Ceci suggère que les allèles supprimant les capacités d'apprentissage sont fortement contre-sélectionnés dans la nature Néanmoins, mes résultats ne peuvent pas expliquer le maintien de cette variabilité génétique par eux-même. Même si l'hypothèse de pléiotropie entre les capacités d'apprentissage et l'un des traits liés à la fitness que j'ai mesuré ne peut être éliminée, il n'y a aucune preuve d'un compromis évolutif pouvant contribuer au maintien de la variabilité.
Environmental enrichment paradigms in adult laboratory animals, consisting of physical, perceptual, and social stimulation, have been shown to affect synapse and cell morphology in sensory cortex and enhance learning ability, whereas enrichment, which is in harmony with the animal's natural habitat may have even greater implications for plasticity. Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that whisker stimulation induced the formation of synapses and spines in the corresponding barrel. In the present study adult C57/Bl6J female laboratory mice at 6 weeks of age were placed during 2 months in a protected enrichment enclosure in a forest clearing at the Chisti Les Biological Station, Tvier, Russia. We analyzed neuropil ultrastructure in the C2 barrel using serial-section electron microscopy on a total of eight mice (n=4 enriched, n=4 standard cagemate controls). Quantitative analyses of volumes of neuropil showed a significant increase in excitatory and inhibitory synapses on spines and excitatory synapses on dendritic shafts in the C2 barrel in the enriched group compared with standard cagemate controls. These results demonstrate that naturalistic experience alters the synaptic circuitry in layer IV of the somatosensory cortex, the first cortical relay of sensory information, leaving a lasting trace that may guide subsequent behavior.
Even though laboratory evolution experiments have demonstrated genetic variation for learning ability, we know little about the underlying genetic architecture and genetic relationships with other ecologically relevant traits. With a full diallel cross among twelve inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster originating from a natural population (0.75 < F < 0.93), we investigated the genetic architecture of olfactory learning ability and compared it to that for another behavioral trait (unconditional preference for odors), as well as three traits quantifying the ability to deal with environmental challenges: egg-to-adult survival and developmental rate on a low-quality food, and resistance to a bacterial pathogen. Substantial additive genetic variation was detected for each trait, highlighting their potential to evolve. Genetic effects contributed more than nongenetic parental effects to variation in traits measured at the adult stage: learning, odorant perception, and resistance to infection. In contrast, the two traits quantifying larval tolerance to low-quality food were more strongly affected by parental effects. We found no evidence for genetic correlations between traits, suggesting that these traits could evolve at least to some degree independently of one another. Finally, inbreeding adversely affected all traits.
Summary: Particulate air pollution is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The induction of systemic inflammation following particle inhalation represents a plausible mechanistic pathway. The purpose of this study was to assess the associations of short-term exposure to ambient particulate matters of aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) with circulating inflammatory markers in 6183 adults in Lausanne, Switzerland. The results show that short-term exposure to PM10 was associated with higher levels of circulating IL-6 and TNF-α. The positive association of PM10 with markers of systemic inflammation materializes the link between air pollution and cardiovascular risk. Background: Variations in short-term exposure to particulate matters (PM) have been repeatedly associated with daily all-cause mortality. Particle-induced inflammation has been postulated to be one of the important mechanisms for increased cardiovascular risk. Experimental in-vitro, in-vivo and controlled human studies suggest that interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor-necrosis-factor alpha (TNF-α) could represent key mediators of the inflammatory response to PM. The associations of short-term exposure to ambient PM with circulating inflammatory markers have been inconsistent in studies including specific subgroups so far. The epidemiological evidence linking short-term exposure to ambient PM and systemic inflammation in the general population is scarce. So far, large-scale population-based studies have not explored important inflammatory markers such as IL-6, IL-1β or TNF-α. We therefore analyzed the associations between short-term exposure to ambient PM10 and circulating levels of high-sensitive CRP (hs-CRP), IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α in the population-based CoLaus study. Objectives: To assess the associations of short-term exposure to ambient particulate matters of aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) with circulating inflammatory markers, including hs-CRP, IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α, in adults aged 35 to 75 years from the general population. Methodology: All study subjects were participants to the CoLaus study (www.colaus.ch) and the baseline examination was carried out from 2003 to 2006. Overall, 6184 participants were included. For the present analysis, 6183 participants had data on at least one of the four measured circulating inflammatory markers. The monitoring data was obtained from the website of Swiss National Air Pollution Monitoring Network (NABEL). We analyzed data on PM10 as well as outside air temperature, pressure and humidity. Hourly concentrations of PM10 were collected from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2006. Robust linear regression (PROC ROBUSTREG) was used to evaluate the relationship between cytokine inflammatory and PM10. We adjusted all analyses for age, sex, body mass index, smoking status, alcohol consumption, diabetes status, hypertension status, education levels, zip code, and statin intake. All data were adjusted for the effects of weather by including temperature, barometric pressure, and season as covariates in the adjusted models. We performed simple and multiple logistic regression analyses. Descriptive statistical analysis used the Wilcoxon rank sum test (for medians). All data analyses were performed using SAS software (version 9.2; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA), and a two-sided significance level of 5% was used. Results: PM10 levels averaged over 24 hours were significantly and positively associated with continuous IL-6 and TNF-α levels, in the whole study population both in unadjusted and adjusted analyses. For each cytokine, there was a similar seasonal pattern, with wider confidence intervals in summer than during the other seasons, which might partly be due to the smaller number of participants examined in summer. The associations of PM10 with IL-6 and TNF-α were also found after having dichotomized these cytokines into high versus low levels, which suggests that the associations of PM10 with the continuous cytokine levels are very robust to any distributional assumption and to potential outlier values. In contrast with what we observed for continuous IL-1β levels, high PM10 levels were significantly associated with high IL-1β. PM10 was significantly associated with IL-6 and TNF-α in men, but with TNF-α only in women. However, there was no significant statistical interaction between PM10 and sex. For IL-6 and TNF-α, the associations tended to be stronger in younger people, with a significant interaction between PM10 and age groups for IL-6. PM10 was significantly associated with IL-6 and TNF-α in the healthy group and also in the "non-healthy" group, although the statistical interaction between healthy status and PM10 was not significant. Conclusion: In summary, we found significant independent positive associations of short-term exposure to PM10 with circulating levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in the adult population of Lausanne. Our findings strongly support the idea that short-term exposure to PM10 is sufficient to induce systemic inflammation on a broad scale in the general population. From a public health perspective, the reported association of elevated inflammatory cytokines with short-term exposure to PM10 in a city with relatively clean air such as Lausanne supports the importance of limiting urban air pollution levels.
Distinct roles of NMDA receptors at different stages of granule cell development in the adult brain.
NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity are thought to underlie the assembly of developing neuronal circuits and to play a crucial role in learning and memory. It remains unclear how NMDAR might contribute to the wiring of adult-born granule cells (GCs). Here we demonstrate that nascent GCs lacking NMDARs but rescued from apoptosis by overexpressing the pro-survival protein Bcl2 were deficient in spine formation. Insufficient spinogenesis might be a general cause of cell death restricted within the NMDAR-dependent critical time window for GC survival. NMDAR loss also led to enhanced mushroom spine formation and synaptic AMPAR activity throughout the development of newborn GCs. Moreover, similar elevated synapse maturation in the absence of NMDARs was observed in neonate-generated GCs and CA1 pyramidal neurons. Together, these data suggest that NMDAR operates as a molecular monitor for controlling the activity-dependent establishment and maturation rate of synaptic connections between newborn neurons and others.
BACKGROUND: Healthy lifestyle including sufficient physical activity may mitigate or prevent adverse long-term effects of childhood cancer. We described daily physical activities and sports in childhood cancer survivors and controls, and assessed determinants of both activity patterns. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study is a questionnaire survey including all children diagnosed with cancer 1976-2003 at age 0-15 years, registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, who survived ≥5 years and reached adulthood (≥20 years). Controls came from the population-based Swiss Health Survey. We compared the two populations and determined risk factors for both outcomes in separate multivariable logistic regression models. The sample included 1058 survivors and 5593 controls (response rates 78% and 66%). Sufficient daily physical activities were reported by 52% (n = 521) of survivors and 37% (n = 2069) of controls (p<0.001). In contrast, 62% (n = 640) of survivors and 65% (n = 3635) of controls reported engaging in sports (p = 0.067). Risk factors for insufficient daily activities in both populations were: older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.5, 95CI 1.2-2.0), female gender (OR 1.6, 95CI 1.3-1.9), French/Italian Speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.7), and higher education (OR for university education: 2.0, 95CI 1.5-2.6). Risk factors for no sports were: being a survivor (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.1-1.6), older age (OR for ≥35 years: 1.4, 95CI 1.1-1.8), migration background (OR 1.5, 95CI 1.3-1.8), French/Italian speaking (OR 1.4, 95CI 1.2-1.7), lower education (OR for compulsory schooling only: 1.6, 95CI 1.2-2.2), being married (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.0), having children (OR 1.3, 95CI 1.4-1.9), obesity (OR 2.4, 95CI 1.7-3.3), and smoking (OR 1.7, 95CI 1.5-2.1). Type of diagnosis was only associated with sports. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Physical activity levels in survivors were lower than recommended, but comparable to controls and mainly determined by socio-demographic and cultural factors. Strategies to improve physical activity levels could be similar as for the general population.
Résumé L'accident vasculaire cérébral sensoriel pur est un des syndromes lacunaires, dû à l'occlusion de petits vaisseaux cérébraux, souvent dans le cadre d'une lésion intéressant le noyau ventro-caudal du thalamus. Il produit un hémisyndrome sensitif pur, et parfois un syndrome douloureux se développe à distance de l'événement aigu. Afin d'étudier la récupération fonctionnelle dans le cortex somatosensoriel (SI) après une telle lésion dans le thalamus, un modèle de lésion excitotoxique a été développé dans le système somatosensoriel de la souris adulte, caractérisé par la présence de formations cytoarchitectoniques dans SI appelées "tonneaux". Chacun de ces tonneaux correspond à la représentation corticale d'une vibrisse du museau. L'activité métabolique a été mesurée dans SI à différents intervalles après la lésion, à l'aide de déoxyglucose marqué radioactivement. Dans les deux premiers jours suivant celle-ci, l'activité métabolique diminue de manière importante dans toutes les couches corticales, avec une atteinte plus marquée dans la couche IV, principale projection des axones thalamo-corticaux. Une récupération de l'activité métabolique se produit ensuite, d'autant plus marquée que le délai après la lésion est grand. Cette récupération s'observe dans toutes les couches coticales, les couches I et Vb récupérant plus rapidement que les couches II, III, IV, Va et VI. Cinq semaines après la lésion, l'absence des vibrisses correspondant à la partie déafférentée de SI diminue l'activité métabolique corticale de 32% et démontre l'activation par la périphérie de cette partie de l'écorce, malgré la perte des axones thalamo-corticaux provenant du noyau ventro-caudal. Des expériences de traçage rétrograde ont montré une augmentation des projections intracorticales sur la partie déafférentée de l'écorce, en particulier de longue distance, ainsi que des projections interhémisphériques, mais n'ont pas permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelle projection thalamique, indiquant une origine corticale à la récupération fonctionnelle observée. Abstract To study the degree and time course of the functional recovery in the somatosensory cortex (SI) after an excitotoxic lesion in the adult mouse thalamus, metabolic activity was determined in SI at various times points post lesion. Immediately after the lesion, metabolic activity in the thalamically deafferented part of SI was at its lowest value but increased progressively at subsequent time points. This was seen in all cortical layers, however, layers I and Vb recover more rapidly than layers II, III, IV, Va and VI. Removal of the mystacial whiskers corresponding to the deafferented area, 5 weeks after cortical recovery, produced a subsequent 32% drop in metabolic activity, demonstrating peripheral sensory activation of this part of the cortex. Tracing experiments revealed that the deafferented cortex did not receive a novel thalamic input, but cortico-cortical and contralateral barrel cortex projections to this area were reinforced. We conclude that the cortical functional recovery after a thalamic lesion is, at least partially, due to modified cortico-cortical and callosal projections to the deafferented cortical area.
In many high income developed countries, obesity is inversely associated with educational level. In some countries, a widening gap of obesity between educational groups has been reported. The aim of this study was to assess trends in body mass index (BMI) and in prevalence of overweight and obesity and their association with educational level in the adult Swiss population. Four cross-sectional National health interview surveys conducted in 1992/93 (n = 14,521), 1997 (n = 12,474), 2002 (n = 18,908) and 2007 (n = 17,879) using representative samples of the Swiss population (age range 18-102 years). BMI was derived from self-reported data. Overweight was defined as BMI > or = 25 and <30 kg/m(2), and obesity as BMI > or = 30 kg/m(2). Mean (+/- standard deviation) BMI increased from 24.7 +/- 3.6 in 1992/3 to 25.4 +/- 3.6 kg/m2 in 2007 in men and 22.8 +/- 3.8 to 23.7 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2) in women. Between 1992/3 and 2007, the prevalence of overweight + obesity increased from 40.4% to 49.5% in men and from 22.3% to 31.3% in women, while the prevalence of obesity increased from 6.3% to 9.4% in men and from 4.9% to 8.5% in women. The rate of increase in the prevalence of obesity was greater between 1992/3 and 2002 (men: +0.26%/year; women: +0.31%/year) than between 2002 and 2007 (men: +0.10%/year; women: +0.10%/year). A sizable fraction (approximately 25%) of the increasing mean BMI was due to increasing age of the participants over time. The increase was larger in low than high education strata of the population. BMI was strongly associated with low educational level among women and this gradient remained fairly constant over time. A weaker similar gradient by educational level was apparent in men, but it tended to increase over time. In Switzerland, overweight and obesity increased between 1992 and 2007 and was associated with low education status in both men and women. A trend towards a stabilization of mean BMI levels was noted in most age categories since 2002. The increase in the prevalence of obesity was larger in low education strata of the population. These findings suggest that obesity preventive measures should be targeted according to educational level in Switzerland.
The intensity of parasite infections often increases during the reproductive season of the host as a result of parasite reproduction, increased parasite transmission and increased host susceptibility. We report within-individual variation in immune parameters, hematocrit and body mass in adult house martins Delichon urbica rearing nestlings in nests experimentally infested with house martin bugs Oeciacus hirundinis and birds rearing nestlings in initially parasite-free nests. From first to second broods body mass and hematocrit of breeding adult house martins decreased. In contrast leucocytes and immunoglobulins became more abundant. When their nests were infested with ectoparasites adults lost more weight compared with birds raising nestlings in nests treated with pyrethrin, whereas the decrease in hematocrit was more pronounced during infection with blood parasites. Neither experimental infestation with house martin bugs nor blood parasites had a significant effect on the amount of immune defences.
PURPOSE: To present the long-term follow-up of 10 adolescents and young adults with documented cognitive and behavioral regression as children due to nonlesional focal, mainly frontal, epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during slow wave sleep (CSWS). METHODS: Past medical and electroencephalography (EEG) data were reviewed and neuropsychological tests exploring main cognitive functions were administered. KEY FINDINGS: After a mean duration of follow-up of 15.6 years (range, 8-23 years), none of the 10 patients had recovered fully, but four regained borderline to normal intelligence and were almost independent. Patients with prolonged global intellectual regression had the worst outcome, whereas those with more specific and short-lived deficits recovered best. The marked behavioral disorders resolved in all but one patient. Executive functions were neither severely nor homogenously affected. Three patients with a frontal syndrome during the active phase (AP) disclosed only mild residual executive and social cognition deficits. The main cognitive gains occurred shortly after the AP, but qualitative improvements continued to occur. Long-term outcome correlated best with duration of CSWS. SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings emphasize that cognitive recovery after cessation of CSWS depends on the severity and duration of the initial regression. None of our patients had major executive and social cognition deficits with preserved intelligence, as reported in adults with early destructive lesions of the frontal lobes. Early recognition of epilepsy with CSWS and rapid introduction of effective therapy are crucial for a best possible outcome.