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Cadre de l'étude La part des dépenses de santé dans les budgets des pays occidentaux est importante et tend à croître depuis plusieurs décennies. Une des conséquences, notamment pour la Suisse, est une augmentation régulière des primes d'assurance maladie, dont l'impopularité incite les responsables politiques à trouver des stratégies de frein à la croissance des coûts de la santé. Les médicaments, qui contribuent notablement à l'augmentation de ces coûts, constituent l'une des cibles classiques d'interventions visant à une réduction des dépenses de santé. Le niveau de coûts des médicaments représente plus de 20% des dépenses de soins du domaine ambulatoire à la charge de l'assurance obligatoire des soins (AOS), soit une dépense annuelle de plus de 4 milliards de francs. Différentes mesures peuvent être utilisées par le gouvernement pour contenir cette facture à charge de la collectivité : baisse du prix des médicaments, limitation du nombre de produits remboursés par l'assurance de base et incitations à la concurrence sur les prix en autorisant les importations parallèles. Depuis que de plus en plus de brevets pour des médicaments sont arrivés à échéance, un autre angle d'attaque s'est concrétisé avec l'incitation à la prescription de médicaments génériques. Les génériques sont définis comme des produits thérapeutiques chimiquement identiques à des composés déjà utilisés, appelés médicaments originaux. En principe, une économie substantielle devrait pouvoir être réalisée sur les coûts totaux des médicaments si tous les génériques disponibles sur le marché étaient systématiquement prescrits par les professionnels et acceptés par les patients. Les résultats publiés par les caisses maladie et les offices fédéraux sont des estimations globales et les montants publiés par l'industrie pharmaceutique concernent l'ensemble du marché, incluant les médicaments utilisés dans les séjours hospitaliers, sont par ailleurs exprimés en prix de fabrique. De plus, aucune étude n'a tenu compte de la substituabilité des produits d'un point de vue pharmaceutique. L'objectif général de la thèse est d'évaluer aussi précisément que possible l'économie pouvant être encore réalisée dans le secteur ambulatoire en substituant aux médicaments originaux les produits génériques présents sur le marché et de caractériser plusieurs facteurs qui influencent la substitution générique. Pour cette étude, nous avons pu disposer de l'ensemble des factures pharmaceutiques de la caisse maladie CSS, pour tous ses assurés des cantons d'Argovie, du Tessin et de Vaud, soit plus de 169'000 assurés représentant les trois régions linguistiques de la Suisse. Les 1'341'197 prescriptions médicales qui ont été analysées concernent l'année 2003. C'est un moment critique dans l'histoire des génériques en Suisse, approprié pour établir un premier bilan après l'entrée en vigueur de la première mesure relative au droit de substituer octroyé en 2001 aux pharmaciens et, pour identifier idéalement les principaux déterminants de la substitution par les praticiens avant l'introduction de la quote-part différenciée en 2006. La présence d'un même principe actif n'est pas une condition suffisante pour permettre une substitution et pour ce travail des critères tenant compte des caractéristiques pharmaceutiques des produits ont été établis et appliqués pour valider la substituabilité des originaux par les génériques disponibles sur le marché. Ces critères concernent notamment le mode d'administration, le dosage et le nombre de doses dans l'emballage. L'étude a été réalisée selon deux approches, d'abord par une analyse descriptive sur l'ensemble de la population source pour estimer le marché des génériques et ensuite par une analyse statistique (régression logit multivariée) sur 173'212 prescriptions agrégées, qui concernent spécifiquement soit un générique soit un original substituable, pour caractériser les facteurs déterminants de la substitution générique. Résultats Dans l'ensemble de la population source, les génériques et les originaux substituables représentent 17,4% du marché en termes de coûts facturés, avec 3,4% de génériques et 14,0% d'originaux substituables ce qui correspond à un taux de substitution de 19,5%. En termes de dépenses, les substitutions génériques réalisées représentent une économie de 1,3% du total du marché étudié alors qu'il reste un potentiel notable d'économie par la substitution de 4,6%. Les taux de substitution sont très variables selon les cantons : 10,1% au Tessin, 29,0% pour le canton de Vaud et 35,8% pour Argovie. L'analyse univariée des 173'212 prescriptions de génériques ou d'originaux substituables, montre des taux de substitution plus élevés chez les patients jeunes et lorsqu'il y a d'importantes différences de prix entre les originaux et les génériques. Des taux de substitution peu élevés sont observés chez les patients les plus âgés et pour ceux qui ont des traitements médicamenteux complexes. Les patients ayant plus de 10 médicaments différents durant la même année, présentent une probabilité relative de substituer inférieure (-24%) par rapport aux patients ayant 6 à 10 médicaments différents dans l'année. Cependant, l'analyse multivariée montre que l'effet négatif sur le taux de substitution de l'âge combiné à la complexité des traitements n'excède pas 3%. Bien que le niveau de franchises et la participation financière à la quote-part soient liées à une augmentation de la prescription de génériques, leurs effets sont modérés pour les patients avec des franchises supérieures à 300 francs (effet marginal de 1%) et pour les patients qui n'ont pas atteint le plafond de participation (effet marginal de 2%). La différence de taux substitution entre les médecins hospitaliers et les spécialistes est diminuée de façon notable (effet marginal de -13%) et elle est cependant moins marquée avec les médecins généralistes (effet marginal de -3%). Les facteurs associés au marché ont une influence notable sur la substitution générique et des effets positifs sont observés avec l'augmentation de la taille du marché, du nombre de génériques pour un même original substituable et de l'économie relative entre l'original et le générique. Par contre, la diversification des formes galéniques et des tailles d'emballages au niveau de l'offre des médicaments originaux a des effets fortement négatifs sur la substitution générique (-7%). Le canton de domicile a aussi un impact notable sur la substitution et le canton du Tessin présente un taux plus bas (-26%) que le canton d'Argovie. Conclusion et perspectives Ce travail a montré qu'il y a encore un important potentiel d'économies à réaliser par la substitution générique, calculé à plus de 4% des dépenses pharmaceutiques prises en charge par l'AOS en ambulatoires. Une extrapolation à l'ensemble du marché suisse, qui doit être faite avec prudence, fait apparaître un potentiel d'économies de 127 millions pour les médicaments délivrés par les pharmacies en 2003. L'étude a mis en évidence un certain nombre de déterminants qui freinent la substitution générique, notamment la prescription par un médecin hospitalier. Sur ce point la prescription en DCI (dénomination commune internationale) pourrait favoriser la dispensation de génériques moins chers. Un taux de substitution plus faible est observé chez les patients âgés avec des traitements complexes. Ce constat peut être mis en relation avec la crainte d'avoir un traitement moins efficace ou moins bien supporté et les risques de confusion lors du passage d'un original substituable à un générique ou d'un générique à un autre générique. Sur ces éléments, l'indication claire et précise du nom de la substance, aussi bien sur les emballages des originaux substituables que sur ceux des génériques, pourrait rassurer les patients et diminuer les risques d'erreurs dans la prise des médicaments. Certaines précautions à prendre lors de la prescription de génériques sont reconnues, notamment pour les médicaments à faible marge thérapeutique, et des informations sur la bioéquivalence, régulièrement mises à jour et à disposition des professionnels, pourraient augmenter la confiance dans l'utilisation des génériques. Les industries pharmaceutiques préservent par différentes tactiques leurs parts de marché et notamment avec succès en introduisant de nouvelles formes galéniques juste avant l'expiration des brevets. Des directives complémentaires sur la fixation des prix pour le remboursement, en particulier l'introduction d'un prix de référence quelle que soit la forme galénique, pourraient diminuer l'effet de barrage des médicaments originaux. Les incitations économiques, telles que la franchise et les participations sont efficaces si l'on considère l'impact sur les taux de substitution. Leur effet global reste toutefois modeste et il serait nécessaire de mesurer concrètement l'impact de l'introduction en 2006 de la quote-part différenciée. Les différences de prix entre les originaux et les génériques exigées à 50% pour les gros marchés, c'est-à-dire de plus de 16 millions, devraient aussi avoir un impact qu'il serait opportun de mesurer.


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The costs of coping with stressful situations are traded-off against other functions such as immune responses. This trade-off may explain why corticosterone secretion reduces immune reactions. Corticosterone differentially affects various immunity components. However, which component is suppressed varies between studies. It remains unclear whether the trade-off in energy, nutrition, autoimmunity or oxidative stress accounts for differential immunosuppression. In this study, we investigated whether corticosterone differentially affects the constitutive innate and humoral acquired immunity. We used barn owl nestlings, implanting 50% with a corticosterone-releasing pellet and the other 50% with a placebo pellet. To measure the effect on humoral immunity we vaccinated 50% of the corticosterone-nestlings and 50% of the placebo-nestlings with the antigens 'Tetravac' and the other 50% were injected with PBS. To assess the costs of elevated corticosterone, we measured body mass and resistance to oxidative stress. Administration of corticosterone increased corticosterone levels whereas vaccination induced the production of antibodies. Corticosterone reduced the production of antibodies, but it did not significantly affect the constitutive innate immunity. Corticosterone reduced body growth and resistance to oxidative stress. Under stressful conditions barn owl nestlings seem to keep the constitutive innate immunity, whereas elevated corticosterone levels negatively affected inducible immune responses. We found evidence that mounting a humoral immune reaction is not costly in terms of growth, but reduces the resistance to oxidative stress independently of corticosterone administration. We suggest that humoral immunity is suppressed because the risk of immunopathologies may be disproportionately high when mounting an antibody response under stressful situations.


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BACKGROUND: Photopsias are unformed luminous spontaneous visual hallucinations, often described as flickering or wiggling lights, sometimes like a glare. Phosphenes are more intense and of shorter duration whereas migraine fortifications have a specific time course and succession of events. Recognition of this symptom is often poor, hence patients are wrongly investigated. PURPOSE: To describe the clinical presentation and electroretinographic characteristics of patients with photopsias. METHODS: 4 patients were worked-up with clinical, psychophysical, angiographic and electroretinographic examinations. RESULTS: Despite normal fundus and angiographic examinations, full-field electroretinogram was diagnostic in all cases. Retinal dysfunction involved either inner or outer retina. Paraneoplastic, and probable autoimmune/inflammatory retinopathies were found in our cases. CONCLUSION: Photopsias are often secondary to sick retinal cells. In the presence of photopsias, investigations should be directed towards the retina and electroretinography is the gold standard. Recognition of the symptom should prevent useless and potentially harmful investigations for the patient.


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Glucose homoeostasis necessitates the presence in the liver of the high Km glucose transporter GLUT2. In hepatocytes, we and others have demonstrated that glucose stimulates GLUT2 gene expression in vivo and in vitro. This effect is transcriptionally regulated and requires glucose metabolism within the hepatocytes. In this report, we further characterized the cis-elements of the murine GLUT2 promoter, which confers glucose responsiveness on a reporter gene coding the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene. 5'-Deletions of the murine GLUT2 promoter linked to the CAT reporter gene were transfected into a GLUT2 expressing hepatoma cell line (mhAT3F) and into primary cultured rat hepatocytes, and subsequently incubated at low and high glucose concentrations. Glucose stimulates gene transcription in a manner similar to that observed for the endogenous GLUT2 mRNA in both cell types; the -1308 to -212 bp region of the promoter contains the glucose-responsive elements. Furthermore, the -1308 to -338 bp region of the promoter contains repressor elements when tested in an heterologous thymidine kinase promoter. The glucose-induced GLUT2 mRNA accumulation was decreased by dibutyryl-cAMP both in mhAT3F cells and in primary hepatocytes. A putative cAMP-responsive element (CRE) is localized at the -1074/-1068 bp region of the promoter. The inhibitory effect of cAMP on GLUT2 gene expression was observed in hepatocytes transfected with constructs containing this CRE (-1308/+49 bp fragment), as well as with constructs not containing the consensus CRE (-312/+49 bp fragment). This suggests that the inhibitory effect of cAMP is not mediated by the putative binding site located in the repressor fragment of the GLUT2 promoter. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the elements conferring glucose and cAMP responsiveness on the GLUT2 gene are located within the -312/+49 region of the promoter.


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The application of support vector machine classification (SVM) to combined information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and [F18]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) has been shown to improve detection and differentiation of Alzheimer's disease dementia (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. To validate this approach for the most frequent dementia syndrome AD, and to test its applicability to multicenter data, we randomly extracted FDG-PET and MRI data of 28 AD patients and 28 healthy control subjects from the database provided by the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and compared them to data of 21 patients with AD and 13 control subjects from our own Leipzig cohort. SVM classification using combined volume-of-interest information from FDG-PET and MRI based on comprehensive quantitative meta-analyses investigating dementia syndromes revealed a higher discrimination accuracy in comparison to single modality classification. For the ADNI dataset accuracy rates of up to 88% and for the Leipzig cohort of up to 100% were obtained. Classifiers trained on the ADNI data discriminated the Leipzig cohorts with an accuracy of 91%. In conclusion, our results suggest SVM classification based on quantitative meta-analyses of multicenter data as a valid method for individual AD diagnosis. Furthermore, combining imaging information from MRI and FDG-PET might substantially improve the accuracy of AD diagnosis.


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BACKGROUND: Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis is an opportunistic rapidly progressive infection affecting almost exclusively diabetic or immunocompromised patients. CASE REPORTS: Three cases are reported. For one patient mucormycosis was the first manifestation of juvenile diabetes and the evolution was favorable. In the second case the infection affected a known diabetic patient and the clinical course was fatal. The third patient was immunocompromised, showed mild clinical features and a rapidly fatal evolution, the diagnosis being made only postmortem. CONCLUSION: These three cases illustrate the wide clinical spectrum of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis, its serious nature and difficult diagnosis.


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Rupture of a congenital aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva is a rare congenital cardiac malformation. This case report describes a congenital aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva which ruptured into the right ventricle in a 3-year-old girl. The exact route of the fistula through the cardiac walls and the localization of the rupture into the right ventricle was not completely defined by two-dimensional and color Doppler echocardiography and could be determined only by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


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Synchronization behavior of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals is important for decoding information processing in the human brain. Modern multichannel EEG allows a transition from traditional measurements of synchronization in pairs of EEG signals to whole-brain synchronization maps. The latter can be based on bivariate measures (BM) via averaging over pair-wise values or, alternatively, on multivariate measures (MM), which directly ascribe a single value to the synchronization in a group. In order to compare BM versus MM, we applied nine different estimators to simulated multivariate time series with known parameters and to real EEGs.We found widespread correlations between BM and MM, which were almost frequency-independent for all the measures except coherence. The analysis of the behavior of synchronization measures in simulated settings with variable coupling strength, connection probability, and parameter mismatch showed that some of them, including S-estimator, S-Renyi, omega, and coherence, aremore sensitive to linear interdependences,while others, like mutual information and phase locking value, are more responsive to nonlinear effects. Onemust consider these properties together with the fact thatMM are computationally less expensive and, therefore, more efficient for the large-scale data sets than BM while choosing a synchronization measure for EEG analysis.


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PURPOSE: In Switzerland, nationwide large-scale radon surveys have been conducted since the early 1980s to establish the distribution of indoor radon concentrations (IRC). The aim of this work was to study the factors influencing IRC in Switzerland using univariate analyses that take into account biases caused by spatial irregularities of sampling. METHODS: About 212,000 IRC measurements carried out in more than 136,000 dwellings were available for this study. A probability map to assess risk of exceeding an IRC of 300 Bq/m(3) was produced using basic geostatistical techniques. Univariate analyses of IRC for different variables, namely the type of radon detector, various building characteristics such as foundation type, year of construction and building type, as well as the altitude, the average outdoor temperature during measurement and the lithology, were performed comparing 95% confidence intervals among classes of each variable. Furthermore, a map showing the spatial aggregation of the number of measurements was generated for each class of variable in order to assess biases due to spatially irregular sampling. RESULTS: IRC measurements carried out with electret detectors were 35% higher than measurements performed with track detectors. Regarding building characteristics, the IRC of apartments are significantly lower than individual houses. Furthermore, buildings with concrete foundations have the lowest IRC. A significant decrease in IRC was found in buildings constructed after 1900 and again after 1970. Moreover, IRC decreases at higher outdoor temperatures. There is also a tendency to have higher IRC with altitude. Regarding lithology, carbonate rock in the Jura Mountains produces significantly higher IRC, almost by a factor of 2, than carbonate rock in the Alps. Sedimentary rock and sediment produce the lowest IRC while carbonate rock from the Jura Mountains and igneous rock produce the highest IRC. Potential biases due to spatially unbalanced sampling of measurements were identified for several influencing factors. CONCLUSIONS: Significant associations were found between IRC and all variables under study. However, we showed that the spatial distribution of samples strongly affected the relevance of those associations. Therefore, future methods to estimate local radon hazards should take the multidimensionality of the process of IRC into account.


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PURPOSE: The EGF receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in the majority of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancers (mCRPC) and might represent a valid therapeutic target. The combination of docetaxel and cetuximab, the monoclonal antibody against EGFR, has not been tested in patients with prostate cancer. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Patients with mCRPC progressing during or within 90 days after at least 12 weeks of docetaxel were included in this phase II trial. Treatment consisted of docetaxel (75 mg/m(2) every 3 weeks or 35 mg/m(2) on days 1, 8, 15 every 4 weeks) in combination with cetuximab (400 mg/m(2) on day 1 and then 250 mg/m(2) weekly). The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS) at 12 weeks defined as the absence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), radiographic, or clinical progression. Evaluation of known biomarkers of response and resistance to cetuximab (EGFR, PTEN, amphiregulin, epiregulin) was conducted. RESULTS: Thirty-eight patients were enrolled at 15 Swiss centers. Median age was 68 years and median PSA was 212 ng/mL. PFS at 12 weeks was 34% [95% confidence interval (CI), 19%-52%], PFS at 24 weeks was 20%, and median overall survival (OS) was 13.3 months (95% CI, 7.3-15.4). Seven patients (20%) had a confirmed ≥ 50% and 11 patients (31%) a confirmed ≥ 30% PSA decline. About 47% of enrolled patients experienced grade 3 and 8% grade 4 toxicities. A significantly improved PFS was found in patients with overexpression of EGFR and persistent activity of PTEN. CONCLUSIONS: EGFR inhibition with cetuximab might improve the outcome of patients with mCRPC. A potential correlation between EGFR overexpression, persistent expression of PTEN, and EGFR inhibition should be investigated further.


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The prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), which naturally persists in rodents, represents a model for HIV, HBV, and HCV. Cleavage of the viral glycoprotein precursor by membrane-bound transcription factor peptidase, site 1 (Mbtps1 or site-1 protease), is crucial for the life cycle of arenaviruses and therefore represents a potential target for therapy. Recently, we reported a viable hypomorphic allele of Mbtps1 (woodrat) encoding a protease with diminished enzymatic activity. Using the woodrat allele, we examine the role of Mbtps1 during persistent LCMV infection. Surprisingly, Mbtps1 inhibition limits persistent but not acute viral infection and is associated with an organ/cell type-specific decrease in viral titers. Analysis of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells from woodrat mice supports their specific role in resolving persistent viral infection. These results support in vivo targeting of Mbtps1 in the treatment of arenavirus infections and demonstrate a critical role for dendritic cells in persistent viral infections.


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Introduction: Motor abilities in schoolchildren have been decreasing in the last two decades (Bös, 2003, Tomkinson et al., 2003). This may be related to the dramatic increase in overweight and adiposity during the same time period. Children of migrant background are especially affected (Lasserre et al., 2007). But little is known about the relationship between BMI and migration background and motor abilities in preschool children. Methods/Design We carried out a cross-sectional analysis with 665 children (age 5.1 ± 0.6 years; 49.8 % female) of 40 randomly selected kindergarten classes from German and French speaking regions in Switzerland with a high migrant background. We investigated BMI, cardiorespiratory fitness (20 m shuttle run), static (displacement of center of pressure (COP)) and dynamic (balancing forward on a beam) postural control and overall fitness (obstacle course). Results: Of the children, 9.6 % were overweight, 10.5 % were obese (Swiss national percentiles) and 72.8 % were of migrant background (at least one parent born outside of Switzerland). Mean BMI from children of non-migrant background was 15.5 ± 1.1 kg/m2, while migrant children had a mean BMI of 15.8 ± 1.7 kg/m2 (p=0.08). Normal-weight children performed better in cardiorespiratory fitness (3.1 ± 1.4 vs. 2.6 ± 1.1 stages, p<0.001), overall fitness (18.9 ± 4.4 vs. 20.8 ± 4.6 sec, p<0.001) and in dynamic balance (4.9 ± 3.5 vs. 3.8 ± 2.5 steps, p<0.001) compared to overweight and obese children, while the latter had less postural sway (COP: 956 ± 302 vs. 1021 ± 212 mm, p=0.008). There was a clear inverse dose-response relationship between weight status and dynamic motor abilities. There were no significant differences in most tested motor abilities between non-migrant and migrant. The latter performed less well in only one motor test (overall fitness: 20.2 ± 5.2 vs. 18.3 ± 3.5 sec, p<0.001). These findings persisted after adjustment for BMI. Conclusion In preschool children, differences in motor abilities are already present between normal weight and overweight/obese children. However, migrant children demonstrate similar motor abilities compared to non-migrant children for almost all tests, despite their slightly higher BMI.


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Given the intimate association in host-parasite systems, parasites are expected to initiate their own reproduction when vulnerable hosts become abundant and/or when adult hosts are less resistant. In this study, we examined the variation in the intensities of a blood-sucking mite (Spinturnix myoti, Acarina) with respect to the reproductive cycle and immunocompetence of its host, the greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis. Reproductive, pregnant females were less immunocompetent and harboured more parasites than nonreproductive females, whilst, during lactation, immunocompetence was positively associated with female body mass. There was a dramatic increase in the T-cell response of gravid females with the advancement of gestation, which coincided with a diminution of individual parasite loads and a progressive switch of parasites from adults to juveniles. The latter not only harboured greater numbers of mites than adult female bats, but they also exhibited gravid parasites in higher proportions, indicating that juvenile hosts are more attractive for parasite reproduction than adult females.