66 resultados para 441


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Aim: To study the epidemiology and the impact of prenatal diagnosis on mortality and morbidity in infants with isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Methods: Cases were identified in eight population-based registries of congenital malformations (Eurocat) in Europe. Results: A total of 183 live births were included in the study. Sixty per cent died and 67% of all deaths were during the first day of life. CDH was diagnosed prenatally in 39% of cases. Both mortality and morbidity were significantly higher for infants diagnosed prenatally compared to those diagnosed postnatally. The Apgar score was a very sensitive indicator for survival. Gestational age at birth was significantly lower for infants diagnosed prenatally compared to those diagnosed postnatally (37.6 weeks vs. 38.8 weeks, p < 0.01). At the end of follow-up, half of the survivors were leading a normal life. The most frequently reported health problems were respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. Conclusions: In this population-based study, mortality for infants with CDH was high (60%) and early prenatal diagnosis was a risk factor for survival. Intervention at the time of birth seems too late for the majority of newborn infants with CDH.


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Sintesi II presente lavoro di ricerca, maturato nel quadro di un dottorato in storia contemporanea, propone una ricostruzione dei percorsi materiali e dei percorsi culturali degli emigrati italiani in Svizzera tra la tìne della Seconda guerra mondiale e i primi anni Settanta. Le principali fonti di prima mano adoperate nella ricerca consistono in tre diversi generi di narrazioni autobiogratìche: le fonti orali (cento interviste complessive raccolte e analizzate); le scritture epistolari (tre fondi per un totale di circa duecento lettere); le scritture scolastiche di adolescenti e giovani emigrati italiani, iscritti, tra la fine degli anni Sessanta e i primi anni Settanta, ad una scuola privata del Canton Zurigo (circa seicento temi validi come prova di lingua italiana per il conseguimento della licenza media tra il 1973 e il 1974). Le fonti soggettive raccolte hanno permesso di tracciare i profili di numerosi di percorsi migratori vissuti da queste persone, lavorando, in primo luogo, sulla loro dimensione materiale, ovvero sulle tappe íìsiche, dal viaggio, alla ricerca del posto di lavoro e dell'alloggio, alla formazione di una famiglia, agli strumenti utilizzati per mantenersi in contatto con il proprio paese d'origine. Si sono poi inquadrate alcune delle possibili evoluzioni ideologiche e culturali, nei termini consentiti dallo studio della memoria e delle rappresentazioni di sé, offerte dagli emigrati stessi. In sintesi, quindi, il lavoro propone una ricostruzione di un frammento di storia dell'emigrazione italiana, con tutte le specitìcità legate a un paese di accoglienza, la Svizzera, e a un periodo storico, il Secondo dopoguerra. Alcuni dei caratteri principali dei percorsi materiali sono senz'altro legati alle peculiarità della legislazione svizzera, con la detìnizione di "straniero" che dava, le condizioni di vita che rendeva praticabili e possibili, i passaggi di tempo che imponeva per avere una permesso a tempo indeterminato, per raggiungere una certa stabilità, per ricomporre il proprio nucleo familiare. Anche alcuni fenomeni culturali erano legati a queste dimensioni specitïche, per cui non hanno riscontro, negli stessi termini, in altri contesti e in altri periodi. Accanto alle peculiarità e alle differenze che questa storia ha rispetto ad altre storie di emigrazione legate ad altri paesi e ad altri contesti, dal lavoro emergono processi e fenomeni di interesse più generale, qualora ci si interessi di fenomeni migratori, di conflitti, di inclusione e di esclusione di gruppi umani differenti. Alcune delle problematiche che si sono poste nella storia in analisi -per esempio quelle relative alla scolarizzazione dei minori, al rapporto tra diritto di residenza e obbligo di impiego, alla presenza di clandestini e al loro rapporto con associazioni o gruppi di assistenza legali o illegali -sono senza dubbio utili riferimenti per chi oggi voglia ragionare su problematiche analoghe poste in diversi contesti.


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Abstract Background: Pyoderma gangrenosum is an ulcerative, non-infectious skin disorder. However, it can be mistaken as necrotizing fasciitis, a life-threatening infective condition. We describe here a case of pyoderma gangrenosum after minor trauma treated as necrotizing fasciitis. METHODS: Case report and literature review. CASE REPORT: A 27-year-old pregnant nurse had a pretibial wound after a fall on a rough surface. When erythema developed and no response to empirical antibiotic therapy was observed, multiple debridements were performed. Paradoxically, her condition became worse. The diagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum was suspected. Treatment with corticosteroids was started and this was successful. CONCLUSION: Pyoderma gangrenosum can mimic infectious necrotizing fasciitis. Differentiating these two conditions is important because mistreatment of pyoderma can lead to disfigurement.


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Der Beitrag untersucht Handschriften mit weltlichen Texten, die sich aus der geistlichen Büchersammlung des Spiritualisten und Schwenckfeld-Anhängers Daniel Sudermann (1550-ca. 1631) erhalten haben oder für diese Sammlung erschlossen werden können. Anhand von Lektürenotizen Sudermanns in seinen Handschriften sowie einem kommentierten Bücherverzeichnis, aber auch anhand von inhaltlichen Bezügen der Texte untereinander werden mögliche Anziehungspunkte und konkrete Leseinteressen rekonstruiert, die Sudermann mit der Profanliteratur des Mittelalters verbunden haben könnte. Dabei erweist sich, daß Sudermann die weltliche Romanliteratur des Mittelalters entgegen der bisherigen Einschätzung durchaus gewürdigt hat. Allerdings las er sie nicht mit der Faszination an der Fiktion, die ihren mittelalterlichen Lesern zuzutrauen ist, sondern rezipierte sie im Sinne historischer Quellen, wobei zwei Interessenschwerpunkte zu identifizieren sind: Sudermann beschäftigte sich mit der fabulösen Frühgeschichte des Christentums in Indien, an die eine große Mehrzahl der aus seinem Besitz bekannten weltlichen Texte direkt oder indirekt anschließt. Daneben galt seine Aufmerksamkeit adelsgenealogischen Informationen, die er der mittelalterlichen Romanliteratur entnehmen zu können glaubte. Den Aufsatz begleitet ein Faksimileabdruck von Sudermanns Autograph des kommentierten Bücherverzeichnisses.


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Accumulating evidence suggests that polymorphisms in Toll-like receptors (TLRs) influence the pathogenesis of mycobacterial infections, including leprosy, a disease whose manifestations depend on host immune responses. Polymorphisms in TLR2 are associated with an increased risk of reversal reaction, but not susceptibility to leprosy itself. We examined whether polymorphisms in TLR4 are associated with susceptibility to leprosy in a cohort of 441 Ethiopian leprosy patients and 197 healthy controls. We found that two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TLR4 (896G>A [D299G] and 1196C>T [T399I]) were associated with a protective effect against the disease. The 896GG, GA and AA genotypes were found in 91.7, 7.8 and 0.5% of leprosy cases versus 79.9, 19.1 and 1.0% of controls, respectively (odds ratio [OR] = 0.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.20-0.57, P < 0.001, additive model). Similarly, the 1196CC, CT and TT genotypes were found in 98.1, 1.9 and 0% of leprosy cases versus 91.8, 7.7 and 0.5% of controls, respectively (OR = 0.16, 95% CI 0.06--.40, P < 0.001, dominant model). We found that Mycobacterium leprae stimulation of monocytes partially inhibited their subsequent response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation. Our data suggest that TLR4 polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to leprosy and that this effect may be mediated at the cellular level by the modulation of TLR4 signalling by M. leprae.


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Homologous desensitization and internalization of the GLP-1 receptor correlate with phosphorylation of the receptor in a 33-amino acid segment of the cytoplasmic tail. Here, we identify the sites of phosphorylation as being three serine doublets located at positions 441/442, 444/445, and 451/452. The role of phosphorylation on homologous desensitization was assessed after stable expression in fibroblasts of the wild type or of mutant receptors in which phosphorylation sites were changed in various combinations to alanines. We showed that desensitization, as measured by a decrease in the maximal production of cAMP after a first exposure of the cells to GLP-1, was strictly dependent on phosphorylation. Furthermore, the number of phosphorylation sites correlated with the extent of desensitization with no, intermediate, or maximal desensitization observed in the presence of one, two, or three phosphorylation sites, respectively. Internalization of the receptor-ligand complex was assessed by measuring the rate of internalization of bound [125I]GLP-1 or the redistribution of the receptor to an endosomal compartment after agonist binding. Our data demonstrate that internalization was prevented in the absence of receptor phosphorylation and that intermediate rates of endocytosis were obtained with receptors containing one or two phosphorylation sites. Thus, homologous desensitization and internalization require phosphorylation of the receptor at the same three sites. However, the differential quantitative impairment of these two processes in the single and double mutants suggests different molecular mechanisms controlling desensitization and internalization.


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Evolutionary graph theory has been proposed as providing new fundamental rules for the evolution of co-operation and altruism. But how do these results relate to those of inclusive fitness theory? Here, we carry out a retrospective analysis of the models for the evolution of helping on graphs of Ohtsuki et al. [Nature (2006) 441, 502] and Ohtsuki & Nowak [Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B Biol. Sci (2006) 273, 2249]. We show that it is possible to translate evolutionary graph theory models into classical kin selection models without disturbing at all the mathematics describing the net effect of selection on helping. Model analysis further demonstrates that costly helping evolves on graphs through limited dispersal and overlapping generations. These two factors are well known to promote relatedness between interacting individuals in spatially structured populations. By allowing more than one individual to live at each node of the graph and by allowing interactions to vary with the distance between nodes, our inclusive fitness model allows us to consider a wider range of biological scenarios leading to the evolution of both helping and harming behaviours on graphs.


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In the temperate zone, food availability and winter weather place serious constraints on European Barn Owl Tyto alba populations. Using data collected over 22years in a Swiss population, we analysed the influence of early pre-breeding food conditions and winter severity on between-year variations in population size and reproductive performance. To estimate pre-breeding food conditions, we attempted a novel approach based on an index that combines Tawny Owl Strix aluco reproductive parameters and the occurrence of wood mice Apodemus sp. in their diet. Tawny Owls breed earlier in the season than Barn Owls and are strongly dependent on the abundance of wood mice for breeding. This index was strongly positively associated with the number of breeding pairs and early breeding in the Barn Owl. Winter severity, measured by snow cover and low temperatures, had a pronounced negative influence on the size of the breeding population and clutch size. Food conditions early in the breeding season and winter severity differentially affect the Barn Owl life cycle. We were able to use aspects of the ecology and demography of the Tawny Owl as an indicator of the quality of the environment for a related species of similar ecology, in this case the Barn Owl.