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We present a high-quality (>100× depth) Illumina genome sequence of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior, a model species for symbiosis and reproductive conflict studies. We compare this genome with three previously sequenced genomes of ants from different subfamilies and focus our analyses on aspects of the genome likely to be associated with known evolutionary changes. The first is the specialized fungal diet of A. echinatior, where we find gene loss in the ant's arginine synthesis pathway, loss of detoxification genes, and expansion of a group of peptidase proteins. One of these is a unique ant-derived contribution to the fecal fluid, which otherwise consists of "garden manuring" fungal enzymes that are unaffected by ant digestion. The second is multiple mating of queens and ejaculate competition, which may be associated with a greatly expanded nardilysin-like peptidase gene family. The third is sex determination, where we could identify only a single homolog of the feminizer gene. As other ants and the honeybee have duplications of this gene, we hypothesize that this may partly explain the frequent production of diploid male larvae in A. echinatior. The fourth is the evolution of eusociality, where we find a highly conserved ant-specific profile of neuropeptide genes that may be related to caste determination. These first analyses of the A. echinatior genome indicate that considerable genetic changes are likely to have accompanied the transition from hunter-gathering to agricultural food production 50 million years ago, and the transition from single to multiple queen mating 10 million years ago.
Objectives This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
The population structure of Staphylococcus aureus is generally described as highly clonal and is consequently subdivided into several clonal complexes (CCs). Recent data suggested that recombination might occur more frequently within than among CCs. To test this hypothesis as well as to understand how genetic diversity is created in S. aureus, we analyzed a collection of 182 isolates with MLST and five highly variable core adhesion (ADH) genes. As expected the polymorphism of ADH genes was higher than MLST genes. However both categories of genes showed low within CCs diversity with a dominant haplotype and its single nucleotide variants. Several recombination events were detected but none involved intra-CC recombination. This did not confirm the hypothesis of higher recombination within CCs. Nevertheless, molecular analyses of variance indicated that these few recombination events have a significant impact on the genetic diversity within CCs. In addition, although most ADH genes were under purifying selection, signs of positive selection associated with a recombinant group were detected. These data highlight the importance of recombination on the evolution of the highly clonal S. aureus and suggest that recombination when combined with demographic mechanisms as well as selection might favor the rapid creation of new clonal complexes.
The purpose of this paper is to study the diffusion and transformation of scientific information in everyday discussions. Based on rumour models and social representations theory, the impact of interpersonal communication and pre-existing beliefs on transmission of the content of a scientific discovery was analysed. In three experiments, a communication chain was simulated to investigate how laypeople make sense of a genetic discovery first published in a scientific outlet, then reported in a mainstream newspaper and finally discussed in groups. Study 1 (N=40) demonstrated a transformation of information when the scientific discovery moved along the communication chain. During successive narratives, scientific expert terminology disappeared while scientific information associated with lay terminology persisted. Moreover, the idea of a discovery of a faithfulness gene emerged. Study 2 (N=70) revealed that transmission of the scientific message varied as a function of attitudes towards genetic explanations of behaviour (pro-genetics vs. anti-genetics). Pro-genetics employed more scientific terminology than anti-genetics. Study 3 (N=75) showed that endorsement of genetic explanations was related to descriptive accounts of the scientific information, whereas rejection of genetic explanations was related to evaluative accounts of the information.
Staphylococcus aureus, especially when it is methicillin resistant, has been recognised as a major cause of nosocomial and community-acquired infections. It has also been shown that certain strains were able to cause clonal epidemics whereas others showed a more incidental occurrence. On the basis of this behavioural distinction, a genetic feature underlying this difference in epidemicity can be assumed. Understanding the difference will not only contribute to the development of markers for the identification of epidemic strains but will also shed light on the evolution of clones. Genomes of strains from two independent collections (n=18 and n=10 strains) were analysed. Both collections were composed of carefully selected, genetically diverse strains with clinically well-defined epidemic and sporadic behaviour. Comparative genome hybridisation (CGH) was performed using an Agilent array for one collection (up to 11 probes per open reading frame - ORF), and an Affymetrix array for the other (up to 30 probes per ORF). Presence and absence information of probe homologues and ORFs was taken for analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) at the strain and behaviour levels. Not a single probe showed 100% concordant differences between epidemic and sporadic strains. Moreover, probe differences between groups were always smaller than those within groups. This was also true, when the analysis was focussed on presence versus absence of ORF's or when probe information was transformed into allelic profiles. These findings present strong evidence against the presence or absence of a single common specific genetic factor differentiating epidemic from sporadic S. aureus clones.
Molecular epidemiology of clonal diploids: a quick overview and a short DIY (do it yourself) notice.
In this short review we report the basic notions needed for understanding the population genetics of clonal diploids. We focus on the consequences of clonality on the distribution of genetic diversity within individuals, between individuals and between populations. We then summarise how to detect clonality in mainly sexual populations, conversely, how to detect sexuality in mainly clonal populations and also how genetic differentiation between populations is affected by clonality in diploids. This information is then used for building recipes on how to analyse and interpret genetic polymorphism data in molecular epidemiology studies of clonal diploids.
BACKGROUND: Innate immune sensors control key cytokines that regulate T-cell priming and T-cell fate. This is particularly evident in allergic reactions, which represent ideal systems to study the interplay of innate and adaptive immunity. In patients with contact dermatitis, inflammasome-mediated IL-1 activation is responsible for a TH1 immune response. Surprisingly, the IL-1 signaling pathway was also proposed to control the activation of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a cytokine implicated in development of the TH2 response in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) and asthma. OBJECTIVES: We sought to assess the effect of the inflammasome on TSLP expression levels and the development of AD. METHODS: We studied the effect of the inflammasome activator 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene, and IL-1β on TSLP mRNA expression levels in mouse and human cell lines (in vitro assays), as well as in live mice and on human skin transplants. We also assessed the effect of 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene on TSLP and the TH2 response in mice in which the inflammasome and IL-1 signaling pathways were blocked, either genetically or pharmacologically, in 2 models of AD. RESULTS: We provide in vitro and in vivo evidence that inflammasome activation has an inhibitory role on TSLP mRNA expression and TH2 cell fate in the skin. We also show that solvents influence the activation of TSLP and IL-1β and direct the T-cell fate to a given hapten. CONCLUSION: Our observations strongly suggest that the TH1 versus TH2 cell fate decision is regulated at multiple levels and starts with innate immune events occurring within peripheral epithelial tissues.
Despite major progress in T lymphocyte analysis in melanoma patients, TCR repertoire selection and kinetics in response to tumor Ags remain largely unexplored. In this study, using a novel ex vivo molecular-based approach at the single-cell level, we identified a single, naturally primed T cell clone that dominated the human CD8(+) T cell response to the Melan-A/MART-1 Ag. The dominant clone expressed a high-avidity TCR to cognate tumor Ag, efficiently killed tumor cells, and prevailed in the differentiated effector-memory T lymphocyte compartment. TCR sequencing also revealed that this particular clone arose at least 1 year before vaccination, displayed long-term persistence, and efficient homing to metastases. Remarkably, during concomitant vaccination over 3.5 years, the frequency of the pre-existing clone progressively increased, reaching up to 2.5% of the circulating CD8 pool while its effector functions were enhanced. In parallel, the disease stabilized, but subsequently progressed with loss of Melan-A expression by melanoma cells. Collectively, combined ex vivo analysis of T cell differentiation and clonality revealed for the first time a strong expansion of a tumor Ag-specific human T cell clone, comparable to protective virus-specific T cells. The observed successful boosting by peptide vaccination support further development of immunotherapy by including strategies to overcome immune escape.
Objectives: This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design: Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method: Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results: Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion: With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
Generalized Born methods are currently among the solvation models most commonly used for biological applications. We reformulate the generalized Born molecular volume method initially described by (Lee et al, 2003, J Phys Chem, 116, 10606; Lee et al, 2003, J Comp Chem, 24, 1348) using fast Fourier transform convolution integrals. Changes in the initial method are discussed and analyzed. Finally, the method is extensively checked with snapshots from common molecular modeling applications: binding free energy computations and docking. Biologically relevant test systems are chosen, including 855-36091 atoms. It is clearly demonstrated that, precision-wise, the proposed method performs as good as the original, and could better benefit from hardware accelerated boards.
OBJECTIVES: Many nanomaterials (materials with structures smaller than 100 nm) have chemical, physical and bioactive characteristics of interest for novel applications. Considerable research efforts have been launched in this field. This study aimed to study exposure scenarios commonly encountered in research settings. METHODS: We studied one of the leading Swiss universities and first identified all research units dealing with nanomaterials. After a preliminary evaluation of quantities and process types used, a detailed analysis was conducted in units where more than a few micrograms were used per week. RESULTS: In the investigated laboratories, background levels were usually low and in the range of a few thousand particles per cubic centimeter. Powder applications resulted in concentrations of 10,000 to 100,000 particles/cm(3) when measured inside fume hoods, but there were no or mostly minimal increases in the breathing zone of researchers. Mostly low exposures were observed for activities involving liquid applications. However, centrifugation and lyophilization of nanoparticle-containing solutions resulted in high particle number levels (up to 300,000 particles/cm(3)) in work spaces where researchers did not always wear respiratory protection. No significant increases were found for processes involving nanoparticles bound to surfaces, nor were they found in laboratories that were visualizing properties and structure of small amounts of nanomaterials. CONCLUSIONS: Research activities in modern laboratories equipped with control techniques were associated with minimal releases of nanomaterials into the working space. However, the focus should not only be on processes involving nanopowders but should also be on processes involving nanoparticle-containing liquids, especially if the work involves physical agitation, aerosolization or drying of the liquids.
BACKGROUND: Physicians traditionally treat ulcerative colitis (UC) using a step-up approach. Given the paucity of data, we aimed to assess the cumulative probability of UC-related need for step-up therapy and to identify escalation-associated risk factors. METHODS: Patients with UC enrolled into the Swiss IBD Cohort Study were analyzed. The following steps from the bottom to the top of the therapeutic pyramid were examined: (1) 5-aminosalicylic acid and/or rectal corticosteroids, (2) systemic corticosteroids, (3) immunomodulators (IM) (azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, methotrexate), (4) TNF antagonists, (5) calcineurin inhibitors, and (6) colectomy. RESULTS: Data on 996 patients with UC with a median disease duration of 9 years were examined. The point estimates of cumulative use of different treatments at years 1, 5, 10, and 20 after UC diagnosis were 91%, 96%, 96%, and 97%, respectively, for 5-ASA and/or rectal corticosteroids, 63%, 69%, 72%, and 79%, respectively, for systemic corticosteroids, 43%, 57%, 59%, and 64%, respectively, for IM, 15%, 28%, and 35% (up to year 10 only), respectively, for TNF antagonists, 5%, 9%, 11%, and 12%, respectively, for calcineurin inhibitors, 1%, 5%, 9%, and 18%, respectively, for colectomy. The presence of extraintestinal manifestations and extended disease location (at least left-sided colitis) were identified as risk factors for step-up in therapy with systemic corticosteroids, IM, TNF antagonists, calcineurin inhibitors, and surgery. Cigarette smoking at diagnosis was protective against surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of extraintestinal manifestations, left-sided colitis, and extensive colitis/pancolitis at the time of diagnosis were associated with use of systemic corticosteroids, IM, TNF antagonists, calcineurin inhibitors, and colectomy during the disease course.
In this paper, we show how business model modelling can be connected to IT infrastructure, drawing parallels from enterprise architecture models such as ArchiMate. We then show how the proposed visualization based on enterprise architecture, with a strong focus on business model strategy, can help IT alignment, at both the business model and the IT infrastructure level.
BACKGROUND: A major threat to the validity of longitudinal cohort studies is non-response to follow-up, which can lead to erroneous conclusions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the profile of non-responders to self-reported questionnaires in the Swiss inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Cohort. METHODS: We used data from adult patients enrolled between November 2006 and June 2011. Responders versus non-responders were compared according to socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial characteristics. Odds ratio for non-response to initial patient questionnaire (IPQ) compared to 1-year follow-up questionnaire (FPQ) were calculated. RESULTS: A total of 1943 patients received IPQ, in which 331 (17%) did not respond. Factors inversely associated with non-response to IPQ were age >50 and female gender (OR = 0.37; p < 0.001 respectively OR = 0.63; p = 0.003) among Crohn's disease (CD) patients, and disease duration >16 years (OR = 0.48; p = 0.025) among patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). FPQ was sent to 1586 patients who had completed the IPQ; 263 (17%) did not respond. Risk factors of non-response to FPQ were mild depression (OR = 2.17; p = 0.003) for CD, and mild anxiety (OR = 1.83; p = 0.024) for UC. Factors inversely associated with non-response to FPQ were: age >30 years, colonic only disease location, higher education and higher IBD-related quality of life for CD, and age >50 years or having a positive social support for UC. CONCLUSIONS: Characteristics of non-responders differed between UC and CD. The risk of non-response to repetitive solicitations (longitudinal versus transversal study) seemed to decrease with age. Assessing non-respondents' characteristics is important to document potential bias in longitudinal studies.
Major route additional cytogenetic aberrations (ACA) at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) indicate an increased risk of progression and shorter survival. Since major route ACA are almost always unbalanced, it is unclear whether other unbalanced ACA at diagnosis also confer an unfavourable prognosis. On the basis of 1348 Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic phase patients of the randomized CML study IV, we examined the impact of unbalanced minor route ACA at diagnosis versus major route ACA on prognosis. At diagnosis, 1175 patients (87.2 %) had a translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11) and 74 (5.5 %) a variant translocation t(v;22) only, while a loss of the Y chromosome (-Y) was present in addition in 44 (3.3 %), balanced or unbalanced minor route ACA each in 17 (1.3 %) and major route ACA in 21 (1.6 %) cases. Patients with unbalanced minor route ACA had no significantly different cumulative incidences of complete cytogenetic remission or major molecular remission and no significantly different progression-free survival (PFS) or overall survival (OS) than patients with t(9;22), t(v;22), -Y and balanced minor route karyotypes. In contrast, patients with major route ACA had a shorter OS and PFS than all other groups (all pairwise comparisons to each of the other groups: p ≤ 0.015). Five-year survival probabilities were for t(9;22) 91.4 % (95 % CI 89.5-93.1), t(v; 22) 87 % (77.2-94.3), -Y 89.0 % (76.7-97.0), balanced 100 %, unbalanced minor route 92.3 % (72.4-100) and major route 52.2 % (28.2-75.5). We conclude that only major route, but not balanced or unbalanced minor route ACA at diagnosis, has a negative impact on prognosis of CML.