26 resultados para 13200-074


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology of cleft palate (CP) in Europe. DESIGN AND SETTING: A descriptive epidemiological study on 3852 cases of CP, identified (1980 through 1996) from more than 6 million births from the EUROCAT network of 30 registers in 16 European countries. RESULTS: Significant differences in prevalence in Europe between registries and within countries were observed. A total of 2112 (54.8%) CP cases occurred as isolated, 694 (18.0%) were associated with other defects such as multiple congenital anomalies, and 1046 (27.2%) were in recognized conditions. The study confirmed the tendency toward female prevalence (sex ratio [SR] = 0.83), particularly among isolated cases (SR = 0.78) even if SR inversion is reported in some registries. A specific association with neural tube defects (NTDs) in some registers is reported. CONCLUSION: The differences identified in Europe (prevalence, sex, associated anomalies) can be only partially explained by methodological reasons because a common methodology was shared among all registries for case ascertainment and collection, and CP is an easy detectable condition with few induced abortions. The complex model of inheritance and the frequently conflicting results in different populations on the role of genes that constitute risk factors suggest the presence of real biological differences. The association of CP/NTD in an area with a high prevalence of NTDs can identify a group of conditions that can be considered etiologically homogeneous. The epidemiological evaluation can guide genetic research to specify the role of etiological factors in each different population


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We report the case of an asymptomatic neonate prenatally diagnosed with a left basal pulmonary sequestration. The preoperative chest computed tomography with contrast showed 2 aberrant arteries arising from the distal thoracic aorta and supplying the intralobar left inferior lung malformation. Strategy and treatment by thoracoscopic segmentectomy are presented.


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Background: Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is an appealing method for treating intramucosal esophageal cancer but must comply with the following stringent requirements: proper preoperative staging, complete resection of the lesion, obtaining a resected specimen for histologic analysis of safety margins, and squamous reepithelialization without stricture formation. Methods: A rigid esophagoscope was created to resect up to 12 cm(2) of esophageal mucosa in a single specimen and at a constant depth through the submucosa. Under visual control, the esophageal mucosa is sucked into a transparent window and resected with a thin diathermy wire loop in 10 seconds. After extensive preclinical studies in a sheep model, this article reports our early experience in humans. Results: Twenty-one hemi-circumferential EMRs were performed for 11 dysplastic Barrett's esophagi and 10 early squamous cell carcinomas with no perforation, one hemorrhage controlled by embolization of the left gastric artery, and one incomplete resection. Deep safety margins were clear in 19 of 21 resected specimens (2 patients, unfit for operations, had submucosal invasion of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, respectively). Lateral margins were not clear by definition in 7 circumferential Barrett's esophagi, but were clear in 4 incomplete Barrett's esophagi and 10 early squamous cell carcinomas. Conclusions: Large EMRs of 12 cm(2) can safely be performed at the submucosal level in the esophagus. Although feasible in one session, circumferential EMR in humans is not yet advisable because of the risk of stricture formation during the healing phase. The rate of complications of this series of 21 EMRs in humans is acceptable. (Ann Thorac Surg 2010; 89: S2151-5) (C) 2010 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present study was to challenge the hypothetical advantage of single port laparoscopy (SPL) over conventional laparoscopy by measuring prospectively the morbidity specifically related to conventional trocar sites (TS). METHODS: From November 2010 to December 2011, 300 patients undergoing various laparoscopic procedures were enrolled. Patient, surgery, and trocar characteristics were recorded. We evaluated at three time points (in-hospital and at 1 and 6 months postoperatively) specifically for each TS, pain (Visual Analog Scale), morbidity (infection, hematoma, hernia), and cosmesis (Patient Scar Assessment Score; PSAS). Patients designated their "worst TS," and a composite endpoint "bad TS" was defined to include any adverse outcome at a TS. RESULTS: We analyzed 1,074 TS. Follow-up was >90 %. Pain scores of >3/10 at 1 and 6 months postoperatively, were reported by 3 and 1 % of patients at the 5 mm TS and by 9 and 1 % at the larger TS, respectively (5 mm TS vs larger TS; p = 0.001). Pain was significantly lower for TS located in the lower abdomen than for the upper abdomen or the umbilicus (p = 0.001). The overall complication rate was <1 % and significantly lower for the 5 mm TS (hematoma p = 0.046; infection p = 0.0001). No hernia was found. The overall PSAS score was low and significantly lower for the 5 mm TS (p = 0.0001). Significant predictors of "bad TS" were larger TS (p = 0.001), umbilical position (p = 0.0001), emergency surgery (p = 0.0001), accidental trocar exit (p = 0.022), fascia closure (p = 0.006), and specimen extraction site (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Specific trocar morbidity is low and almost negligible for 5 mm trocars. The umbilicus appears to be an unfavorable TS.


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Discussion on improving the power of genome-wide association studies to identify candidate variants and genes is generally centered on issues of maximizing sample size; less attention is given to the role of phenotype definition and ascertainment. The authors used genome-wide data from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to assess whether differences in type of population (622 seroconverters vs. 636 seroprevalent subjects) or the number of measurements available for defining the phenotype resulted in differences in the effect sizes of associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms and the phenotype, HIV-1 viral load at set point. The effect estimate for the top 100 single nucleotide polymorphisms was 0.092 (95% confidence interval: 0.074, 0.110) log(10) viral load (log(10) copies of HIV-1 per mL of blood) greater in seroconverters than in seroprevalent subjects. The difference was even larger when the authors focused on chromosome 6 variants (0.153 log(10) viral load) or on variants that achieved genome-wide significance (0.232 log(10) viral load). The estimates of the genetic effects tended to be slightly larger when more viral load measurements were available, particularly among seroconverters and for variants that achieved genome-wide significance. Differences in phenotype definition and ascertainment may affect the estimated magnitude of genetic effects and should be considered in optimizing power for discovering new associations.


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INTRODUCTION: There is conflicting evidence on the benefit of early transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) on the survival of patients with acute variceal bleeding (AVB). AIM: To assess the effect of early TIPSS on patient prognosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We carried out a meta-analysis of trials evaluating early TIPSS in cirrhotic patients with AVB. RESULTS: Four studies were included. Early TIPSS was associated with fewer deaths [odds ratio (OR)=0.38, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.17-0.83, P=0.02], with moderate heterogeneity between studies (P=0.15, I=44%). Early TIPSS was not significantly associated with fewer deaths among Child-Pugh B patients (OR=0.35, 95% CI=0.10-1.17, P=0.087) nor among Child-Pugh C patients (OR=0.34, 95% CI=0.10-1.11, P=0.074). There was no heterogeneity between studies in the Child-Pugh B analysis (P=0.6, I=0%), but there was a high heterogeneity in the Child-Pugh C analysis (P=0.06, I=60%). Early TIPSS was associated with lower rates of bleeding within 1 year (OR=0.08, 95% CI=0.04-0.17, P<0.001) both among Child-Pugh B patients, (OR=0.15, 95% CI=0.05-0.47, P=0.001) and among Child-Pugh C patients (OR=0.05, 95% CI=0.02-0.15, P<0.001), with no heterogeneity between studies. Early TIPSS was not associated with higher rates of encephalopathy (OR=0.84, 95% CI=0.50-1.42, P=0.5). CONCLUSION: Cirrhotic patients with AVB treated with early TIPSS had lower death rates and lower rates of clinically significant bleeding within 1 year compared with patients treated without early TIPSS. Additional studies are required to identify the potential risk factors leading to a poor prognosis after early TIPSS in patients with AVB and to determine the impact of the degree of liver failure on the patient's prognosis.


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Le taux de réadmission à 30 jours de la sortie de l'hôpital est un indicateur de la qualité de prise en charge hospitalière pouvant refléter des soins suboptimaux ou une coordination insuffisante avec les intervenants ambulatoires. Il existe un algorithme informatisé validé dénommé SQLape® qui, basé sur des données administratives suisses, les codes diagnostiques et les codes d'interventions, permet d'identifier rétrospectivement les réadmissions potentiellement évitables (REAPE), avec une haute sensibilité (96%) et spécificité (96%). Sont considérées REAPE, les réadmissions précoces (< 30 jours), non planifiées à la sortie du séjour index et dues à un diagnostic déjà actif lors du précédent séjour ou dues à une complication d'un traitement. Le but de notre étude a été d'analyser rétrospectivement tous les séjours des patients admis dans le service de Médecine Interne du CHUV entre le 1 janvier 2009 et le 31 décembre 2011, afin de quantifier la proportion de REAPE, puis d'identifier des facteurs de risques afin d'en dériver un modèle prédictif. Nous avons analysé 11'074 séjours. L'âge moyen était de 72 +/- 16,8 ans et 50,3 % étaient des femmes. Nous avons comptabilisé 8,4 % décès durant les séjours et 14,2 % réadmissions à 30 jours de la sortie, dont la moitié (7,0 %) considérées potentiellement évitables selon SQLape®. Les facteurs de risques de REAPE que nous avons mis en évidence étaient les suivants : au moins une hospitalisation antérieure à l'admission index, un score de comorbidité de Charlson > 1, la présence d'un cancer actif, une hyponatrémie, une durée de séjour > 11 jours ou encore la prescription d'au moins 15 médicaments différents durant le séjour. Ces variables ont été utilisées pour en dériver un modèle prédictif de REAPE de bonne qualité (aire sous la courbe ROC de 0,70), plus performant pour notre population qu'un autre modèle prédictif développé et validé au Canada, dénommé score de LACE. Dans une perspective d'amélioration de la qualité des soins et d'une réduction des coûts, la capacité à identifier précocement les patients à risque élevé de REAPE permettrait d'implémenter rapidement des mesures préventives ciblées (par exemple un plan de sortie détaillé impliquant le patient, son entourage et son médecin traitant) en plus des mesures préventives générales (par exemple la réconciliation médicamenteuse)


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Our inability to adequately treat many patients with refractory epilepsy caused by focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), surgical inaccessibility and failures are significant clinical drawbacks. The targeting of physiologic features of epileptogenesis in FCD and colocalizing functionality has enhanced completeness of surgical resection, the main determinant of outcome. Electroencephalography (EEG)-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography are helpful in guiding electrode implantation and surgical treatment, and high-frequency oscillations help defining the extent of the epileptogenic dysplasia. Ultra high-field MRI has a role in understanding the laminar organization of the cortex, and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is highly sensitive for detecting FCD in MRI-negative cases. Multimodal imaging is clinically valuable, either by improving the rate of postoperative seizure freedom or by reducing postoperative deficits. However, there is no level 1 evidence that it improves outcomes. Proof for a specific effect of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in FCD is lacking. Pathogenic mutations recently described in mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) genes in FCD have yielded important insights into novel treatment options with mTOR inhibitors, which might represent an example of personalized treatment of epilepsy based on the known mechanisms of disease. The ketogenic diet (KD) has been demonstrated to be particularly effective in children with epilepsy caused by structural abnormalities, especially FCD. It attenuates epigenetic chromatin modifications, a master regulator for gene expression and functional adaptation of the cell, thereby modifying disease progression. This could imply lasting benefit of dietary manipulation. Neurostimulation techniques have produced variable clinical outcomes in FCD. In widespread dysplasias, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has achieved responder rates >50%; however, the efficacy of noninvasive cranial nerve stimulation modalities such as transcutaneous VNS (tVNS) and noninvasive (nVNS) requires further study. Although review of current strategies underscores the serious shortcomings of treatment-resistant cases, initial evidence from novel approaches suggests that future success is possible.