181 resultados para Égée, Mer


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Au Mali, les technologies de l'information et de la communication ont suscité un vif engouement. Portés par l'ancien Président Alpha Oumar Konaré, de nombreux projets gouvernementaux ont vu le jour. Parallèlement, les cybercafés se sont multipliés : moins de dix en 1997, ils étaient presque plus de 120 en 2006. Si les possibilités de se connecter à domicile et sur son lieu de travail se sont développées, les cybercafés restent des espaces idéaux pour découvrir les pratiques numériques. Une façon d'étudier les usages de l'Internet est de s'intéresser aux liens qui se nouent autour de l'ordinateur. La situation est complexe à Bamako, car les personnes qui accompagnent les clients des cybercafés sont nombreuses. L'analyse de cette nébuleuse relationnelle est l'occasion de procéder à un double détour. Géographique tout d'abord, dans la mesure où l'anthropologue est conduit à quitter le cybercafé pour se rendre dans l'espace social plus vaste appelé Cyber. Disciplinaire ensuite puisque son regard se déplace progressivement du média vers l'étude des règles qui régissent la parenté et les classes d'âge.


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Swallowing disorders are common in the elderly and may become life-threatening when they cause aspiration, inhalation pneumonia, malnutrition or dehydration. Dysphagia and malnutrition go hand in hand and lead to progressive worsening of mobility, immunity and quality of life. The aging of swallowing, so-called presbyphagia, is still not noticeable by 65. It becomes clinically relevant from 80 years onwards, especially during intercurrent and neurodegenerative disease, oncological treatments, or after trauma. This article aims to help practitioners in detecting these disorders and to implement appropriate therapeutic measures, which are often easy and may imply a multidisciplinary approach.


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The restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent, often unrecognized disorder in the elderly. The diagnosis is essentially based on the clinical history. The RLS is characterized by (1) an urge to move the limbs, usually associated with abnormal sensations in the legs; (2) symptoms are worse at rest; (3) they are relieved by movements; (4) they mainly occur in the evening or at night. Specific diagnostic criteria have been developed for cognitively impaired elderly persons. The RLS is a chronic disorder with high impact on sleep and quality of life. Treatment is symptomatic and recommended drugs are dopaminergic agents, opioids, and gabapentine.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the direct effect of surgical treatment of subfoveolar neovascular membranes in age related macular degeneration to macular functions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen eyes of 13 patients were included in this study. Macular function was assayed by visual acuity and central visual field using the Octopus perimeter before surgery and in the first three post operative months. Pre and post operative fluorescein angiography frames were digitalized and the size of each lesions were compared. RESULTS: After a 3 months follow up, visual acuity remained stable or improved in 66% of the patients. However, visual acuity was better than 0.1 in 15% of the patients. Central visual field comparison disclosed a significant worsening of the retinal sensitivity in the 3 degree field surrounding the central point. On fluorescein frames, submacular scar was 141% of the size of the neovascular membrane. After a mean follow up of 6.9 months (range 3-14), one case of recurrence occurred. A cataract was observed in 85% of the phakic patients followed for more than six months. CONCLUSION: After a short term follow up, surgery can stabilise visual acuity, even though it remains poor. A worsening of the scotoma in the 3 degrees surrounding the central point is observed. However, patients noticed a subjective visual improvement in 62% of the case.