36 resultados para "dengue-like syndrome"
Objective: Aim of post operative treatments after cardiac surgery is to avoid low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS). Levosimendan, a new inotrope agent, has been demonstrated in adult patient to be an effective treatment for this purpose when classical therapy is not effective. It shows a positive effect on cardiac output, with fewer adverse effects and lower mortality than with dopamine. There is very few data on its benefit in the paediatric population. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of levosimendan in cardiac children with LCOS.Methods: Retrospective analysis of 25 children hospitalised in our PICU after cardiac surgery that demonstrated LCOS not responding to classical catecholamine therapy and who received levosimendan as rescue. LCOS parameters like urine output, mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), arterio-venous differences in CO2 (AVCO2) and plasmatic lactate were compared before therapy and at 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the beginning of the levosimendan infusion. We also analyzed the effect on the utilisation of amines (amine score), adverse events and mortality.Results: After the beginning of levosimendan infusion, urine output (3.1 vs 5.3ml/kg/h, p=0.003) and SVO2 (56 vs 64mmHg, p=0.001) increase significantly during first 72 hours and at the same time plasmatic lactate (2.6 vs 1.4 mmole/l, p<0.001), AVCO2 (11 vs 8 mmHg, p=0.002) and amine score (63 vs 39, p=0.007) decrease significantly. No side effects were noted during administration of levosimendan. In this group of patients, mortality was 0%.Conclusion: Levosimendan is an effective treatment in children after congenital heart surgery. Our study, with a greater sample of patient than other studies, confirms the improvement of cardiac output already shown in other paediatric studies.
Rrésumé: La première description dans une publication médicale des douleurs neuropathiques remonte à 1872, le Dr S.W. Mitchell les résumant ainsi [...]" la causalgie est la plus terrible des tortures qu'une lésion nerveuse puisse entraîner "[...]. Par définition, la douleur neuropathique est une douleur chronique faisant suite à une lésion ou dysfonction du système nerveux. Malgré les progrès faits dans la compréhension de ce syndrome, le détail des mécanismes impliqués nous échappe encore et son traitement reste insuffisant car moins de 50% des patients sont soulagés par les thérapies actuelles. Différents modèles expérimentaux ont été élaborés chez l'animal de laboratoire, en particulier des modèles de lésion de nerfs périphériques chez le rat, permettant des investigations tant moléculaires que fonctionnelles des mécanismes impliqués dans le développement de ces douleurs. En revanche, peu de modèles existent chez la souris, alors que cet animal, grâce à la transgénèse, est très fréquemment utilisé pour l'approche fonctionnelle ciblée sur un gène. Dans l'étude présentée ici, nous avons évalué chez la souris C57BL/6 l'adaptation d'un modèle neuropathique, proposé une nouvelle modalité de mesure de la sensibilité douloureuse adaptée à la souris et défini une méthode d'analyse performante des résultats. Ce modèle, dit de lésion avec épargne nerveuse (spared Werve injury, SNI), consiste en la lésion de deux des trois branches du nerf sciatique, soit les nerfs peronier commun et tibial. La troisième branche, le nerf sural est laissé intact et c'est dans le territoire cutané de ce dernier que la sensibilité douloureuse à des stimulations mécaniques est enregistrée. Des filaments calibrés de force croissante sont appliqués sur la surface de la patte impliquée et la fréquence relative de retrait de la patte a été modélisée mathématiquement et analysée par un modèle statistique intégrant tous les paramètres de l'expérience (mixed-effects model). Des variantes chirurgicales lésant séquentiellement les trois branches du nerf sciatique ainsi que la réponse en fonction du sexe de l'animal ont également été évaluées. La lésion SNI entraîne une hypersensibilité mécanique marquée comparativement aux souris avec chirurgie contrôle; cet effet est constant entre les animaux et persiste durant les quatre semaines de l'étude. De subtiles différences entre les variables, y compris une divergence de sensibilité mécanique entre les sexes, ont été démontrées. La nécessité de léser le nerf tibial pour le développement des symptômes a également été documentée par notre méthode d'évaluation et d'analyse. En conclusion, nous avons validé le modèle SNI chez la souris par l'apparition d'un symptôme reproductible et apparenté à l'allodynie mécanique décrite par les patients souffrant de douleurs neuropathiques. Nous avons développé des méthodes d'enregistrement et d'analyse de la sensibilité douloureuse sensibles qui permettent la mise en évidence de facteurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques de variation de la réponse. Le modèle SNI utilisé chez des souris génétiquement modifiées, de par sa précision et reproductibilité, pourra permettre la discrimination de facteurs génétiques et épigénétiques contribuant au développement et à la persistance de douleurs neuropathiques.
Alveolar echinococcosis is an invasive, tumor-like zoonosis, accidentally transmitted to humans. We present a case of recurrent inferior vena cava (IVC) syndrome due to alveolar echinococcosis and strongly suspected on transthoracic echocardiographic examination.
Hyaline Fibromatosis Syndrome (HFS) is a human genetic disease caused by mutations in the anthrax toxin receptor 2 (or cmg2) gene, which encodes a membrane protein thought to be involved in the homeostasis of the extracellular matrix. Little is known about the structure and function of the protein or the genotype-phenotype relationship of the disease. Through the analysis of four patients, we identify three novel mutants and determine their effects at the cellular level. Altogether, we show that missense mutations that map to the extracellular von Willebrand domain or the here characterized Ig-like domain of CMG2 lead to folding defects and thereby to retention of the mutated protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Mutations in the Ig-like domain prevent proper disulphide bond formation and are more efficiently targeted to ER-associated degradation. Finally, we show that mutant CMG2 can be rescued in fibroblasts of some patients by treatment with proteasome inhibitors and that CMG2 is then properly transported to the plasma membrane and signalling competent, identifying the ER folding and degradation pathway components as promising drug targets for HFS.
Abstract : The Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) is an X-linked recessive human primary immunodeficiency. It is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the hermatopoietic specific regulator of the actin cytoskeleton Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASP). Importantly, a majority of affected patients develop autoimmunity including an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-like disease. WASP deficient mice share many similarities with the human WAS. One of these similarities is the spontaneous development of colitis. I have focused my dissertation studies on the pathogenesis of colitis in WASP deficient mice. Prior work from our laboratory had shown that lymphocytes were required and that CD4+ T cells sufficient for colitis development. This colitis was associated with a predominant Th2-cytokine skewing. I have contributed in exploring whether the Th2 cytokine IL-4 plays a role in disease maintenance. Using two approaches to neutralize IL-4, we found that this cytokine plays a role in disease maintenance. Natural CD4*CD25*Foxp3* regulatory T cells (nTreg cells) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune disorders. We found that WASP deficient mice have reduced nTreg cell numbers in peripheral lymphoid organs. This was associated with functional defects in suppressing T cell proliferation and preventing colitis induced by transfer of naïve T cells into SCID recipient, which lack lymphocytes. WASP deficiency affected homing of nTreg cells to lymphoid compartments, IL-2-mediated activation and secretion of the immunomodulatory cytokine IL-10. Finally, we could prevent colitis onset via adoptive transfer of WT nTreg cells prior to colitis development. This suggests that nTreg cells dysfunction is one of the mechanisms underlying colitis development in WASP deficient mice. Future directions will aim at deciphering the role of other immune cell types, the bacterial flora, and various cytokines in colitis development in this murine model of colitis. In addition, we believe that colitis in WASP deficient mice could serve as a useful tool to evaluate nTreg cells manipulation as novel therapeutic approach for IBD.
Les maladies autoinflammatoires font partie du diagnostic différentiel de l'état fébrile à répétition chez lenfant. Ces maladies sont caractérisées par des poussées inflammatoires sans cause évidente. Certaines de ces maladies, comme la Fièvre méditerranéenne familiale, ont une origine génétique et nécessitent un traitement régulier pour éviter des conséquences graves à long terme. Le syndrome de PFAPA est la plus fréquente des fièvres récurrentes et son diagnostic se base sur des critères diagnostiques peu précis. Son traitement reste controversé. La prednisone en dose unique permet d'interrompre la poussée et l'amygdalectomie peut induire une rémission dans une majorité des cas. The autoinflammatory diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of recurrent fever in childhood. These diseases are characterized by inflammatory episodes without an evident cause. Some of these diseases, like the Familial Mediterranean Fever, have a genetic origin and need a chronic treatment to avoid severe complications on the long term. PFAPA syndrome is the most frequent cause of recurrent fever and is diagnosed based on unspecific criteria. The treatment is still controversial. One dose of Prednisone is able to interrupt the flare and tonsillectomy may induce a remission in the majority of the cases
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder of connective tissue characterized by bone fragility and alteration in synthesis and posttranslational modification of type I collagen. Autosomal dominant OI is caused by mutations in the genes (COL1A1 or COL1A2) encoding the chains of type I collagen. Bruck syndrome is a recessive disorder featuring congenital contractures in addition to bone fragility; Bruck syndrome type 2 is caused by mutations in PLOD2 encoding collagen lysyl hydroxylase, whereas Bruck syndrome type 1 has been mapped to chromosome 17, with evidence suggesting region 17p12, but the gene has remained elusive so far. Recently, the molecular spectrum of OI has been expanded with the description of the basis of a unique posttranslational modification of type I procollagen, that is, 3-prolyl-hydroxylation. Three proteins, cartilage-associated protein (CRTAP), prolyl-3-hydroxylase-1 (P3H1, encoded by the LEPRE1 gene), and the prolyl cis-trans isomerase cyclophilin-B (PPIB), form a complex that is required for fibrillar collagen 3-prolyl-hydroxylation, and mutations in each gene have been shown to cause recessive forms of OI. Since then, an additional putative collagen chaperone complex, composed of FKBP10 (also known as FKBP65) and SERPINH1 (also known as HSP47), also has been shown to be mutated in recessive OI. Here we describe five families with OI-like bone fragility in association with congenital contractures who all had FKBP10 mutations. Therefore, we conclude that FKBP10 mutations are a cause of recessive osteogenesis imperfecta and Bruck syndrome, possibly Bruck syndrome Type 1 since the location on chromosome 17 has not been definitely localized.
Le Syndrome de Bruck (Bruck Syndrome; BS) est une maladie autosomique récessive assemblant la combinaison inhabituelle de fragilité osseuse semblable à celle de l'Ostéogenèse Imparfaite (0I) avec des contractures congénitales tendineuses et cutanées des grandes articulations («ptérygia»). Les cas décrits jusqu'à ce jour mettent en évidence une grande hétérogénéité du tableau clinique, liée en partie au manque d'un diagnostic biochimique ou moléculaire. Nous savons que dans le BS les gènes codant pour le collagène 1 ne sont pas mutés, mais savons néanmoins, grâce à l'étude du collagène extrait de biopsies osseuses, qu'il y a un déficit d'hydroxylation des résidus de lysine dans les télopeptides du collagène 1 qui servent à la formation des liens intermoléculaires (crosslinks) et donc à la stabilisation des fibres de collagène. Un locus génétique du BS à été mappé sur 17q12, mais le gène responsable sur ce locus reste inconnu; plus récemment, deux mutations dans le gène de la lysyl hydroxylase 2 (PLOD2, position chromosomique 3q23-q24) ont été identifiées, démontrant l'hétérogénéité génétique du ES. La proportion de ES liée à 17p22 (BS type 1) et celle liée à une mutation dans PLOD2 (BS type 2) est encore incertaine et nous manquons de données sur la corrélation phenotype-génotype. Nous avons étudié le cas d'un garçon avec des contractures et des ptérygia dès la naissance, combinées à une ostéopénie sévère de type OI menant à des fractures multiples. Ses urines contenaient une quantité élevée d'hydroxyproline, indiquant un remaniement important du tissu osseux, mais peu de produits de dégradation des crosslinks du collagène, indiquant donc une réduction de la proportion de crosslinks dans le collagène in vivo. Nous avons pu démontrer chez lui la présence d'une nouvelle mutation homozygote dans le gène PLOD2 menant à une substitution Arg598His; les deux parents du sujet étaient hétérozygotes pour la mutation et celle-ci était absente dans notre population témoin. La mutation est adjacente aux deux mutations rapportées précédemment (Gly601Val et Thr608Ile), ce qui suggère la présence d'un ''hotspot'' mutationnel mais aussi d'une région de grande importance fonctionnelle sur PLOD2 : cette observation est importante pour la création d'inhibiteurs de PLOD2, recherchés en ce moment pour le traitement de la fibrose. La combinaison de ptérygia et de fragilité osseuse, comme illustrée par notre patient est apparemment contradictoire et donc difficilement explicable mais indique que l'hydroxylation des résidus lysyl des télopeptides est importante non seulement pour la stabilité osseuse mais aussi dans la morphogénèse et la formation des articulations dans la période prénatale. Finalement, la mesure des produits de dégradation du collagène dans l'urine et l'analyse de mutation de PLOD2 permet le diagnostic du syndrome de Bruck et permet de le différencier de l'Osteogénèse Imparfaite. -- Bruck syndrome (BS) is a recessively-inherited phenotypic disorder featuring the unusual combination of skeletal changes resembling osteogenesis imperfecta (0I) with congenital contractures of the large joints. Clinical heterogeneity is apparent in cases reported thus far. While the genes coding for collagen 1 chains are unaffected in BS, there is biochemical evidence for a defect in the hydroxylation of lysine residues in collagen 1 telopeptides. One BS locus has been mapped at 17p12, but more recently, two mutations in the lysyl hydroxylase 2 gene (PLOD2, 3q23-q24) have been identified in BS, showing genetic heterogeneity. The proportion of BS cases linked to 17p22 (BS type 1) or caused by mutations in PLOD2 (BS type 2) is still uncertain, and phenotypic correlations are lacking. We report on a boy who had congenital contractures with pterygia at birth and severe 0I-like osteopenia and multiple frac-tures. His urine contained high amounts of hydroxyproline but low amounts of collagen crosslinks degradation products; and he was shown to be homozygous for a novel mutation leading to an Arg598His substitution in PLOD2. The mutation is adjacent to the two mutations previously reported (Gly601Val and Thr608Ile), suggesting a functionally important hotspot in PLOD2. The combination of pterygia with bone fragility, as illustrated by this case, is difficult to explain; it suggests that telopeptide lysyl hydroxylation must be involved in prenatal joint formation and morphogenesis. Collagen degradation products in urine and mutation analysis ofPLOD2 maybe used to diagnose BS and differentiate it from M.
Introduction: Non-ossifying fibromas are common benign bone tumors of children and young adults. They are usually single, asymptomatic and regress spontaneously in adulthood. Some rare cases of pathologic fractures have been described. Jaffé-Campanacci syndrome is the association of multiple non-ossifying fibromas, "café-au-lait" spots and some degree of type 1 neurofibromatosis. While the relationship between the two entities remains unclear, there seems to be some genetic similarities (partial or complete deletion of the gene NF1). Case Report: A 17 yo female patient with a neurofibromatosis type 1 was referred to our tertiary centre with a pathologic fracture of the distal femur through a non-ossifying fibroma. She had a slight mental retardation and "café-au-lait" spots. Imaging revealed multiple typical non-ossifying fibromas of both distal femurs and proximal tibias. There was no impending fracture of the controlateral side, and no other findings on thoraco-abdominal CT scanner. The fracture was treated by minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis. Histological analysis of tissue samples taken during the intervention confirmed the histologic diagnosis of non-ossifying fibroma. The fracture healed eventless and the patient returned to work after 3 months. At 12 months follow-up, the patient remained pain-free. Imaging revealed remodelling of the lesions. Conclusion: Jaffé-Campanacci syndrome is an extremely rare cause of pathologic femur fracture. These fractures can be treated like any other, and good outcome is expected. There is still no consensus in regards to definition of the disease and its relationship with type 1 neurofibromatosis.
Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) consists of nocturnal snoring interrupted by obstructive apnea and of diurnal symptoms like hypersomnolence as a consequence of sleep fragmentation. Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality associated with this syndrome justify early detection and appropriate treatment. Polysomnography is still a frequently used method for early detection; however, several disadvantages like duration, discomfort and expense led to a search for alternatives. Since the beginning of the eighties, oximetry allows recording of nocturnal oxygen saturation of hemoglobin even at home. Nocturnal oximetry reveals O2-desaturation associated with apnea and thus permits often to diagnose or exclude SAS. Diagnosis of SAS is made when at least 20 desaturations per hour with an amplitude of at least 4% are recorded. On the other hand, normal nocturnal oximetry nearly excludes SAS. In those cases where nocturnal oximetry is not diagnostic, polysomnography remains the method of choice. Departing from published work, a model for SAS detection, based mainly on nocturnal oximetry, is proposed.
BAFF (BLyS, TALL-1, THANK, zTNF4) is a member of the TNF superfamily that specifically regulates B lymphocyte proliferation and survival. Mice transgenic (Tg) for BAFF develop an autoimmune condition similar to systemic lupus erythematosus. We now demonstrate that BAFF Tg mice, as they age, develop a secondary pathology reminiscent of Sjögren's syndrome (SS), which is manifested by severe sialadenitis, decreased saliva production, and destruction of submaxillary glands. In humans, SS also correlates with elevated levels of circulating BAFF, as well as a dramatic upregulation of BAFF expression in inflamed salivary glands. A likely explanation for disease in BAFF Tg mice is excessive survival signals to autoreactive B cells, possibly as they pass through a critical tolerance checkpoint while maturing in the spleen. The marginal zone (MZ) B cell compartment, one of the enlarged B cell subsets in the spleen of BAFF Tg mice, is a potential reservoir of autoreactive B cells. Interestingly, B cells with an MZ-like phenotype infiltrate the salivary glands of BAFF Tg mice, suggesting that cells of this compartment potentially participate in tissue damage in SS and possibly other autoimmune diseases. We conclude that altered B cell differentiation and tolerance induced by excess BAFF may be central to SS pathogenesis.
BACKGROUND: Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) is a benign acquired isolated chorioretinal disorder. Symptoms include photopsia, visual blur and scotomas. Ocular examination reveals multiple white dots at the level of the deep retina. A parainfectious disorder was suggested but the exact mechanism of MEWDS is still unknown. Postulating that MEWDS might be an antigen driven inflammatory reaction, we analyzed HLA subtypes in patients with MEWDS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixteen patients were diagnosed with MEWDS in Lausanne from 1985 to 1994. Blood was withdrawn in 9/16 patients. HLA-A, -B and -DR were sought. RESULTS: HLA-B51 was detected in 4/9 patients (44.4%). Other HLA subtypes were detected sporadically. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of HLA-B51 haplotype was found to be 3.7 times more elevated than in a normal control caucasian group. This suggests the possibility that MEWDS might be a genetically determined disorder as it is the case for other ocular diseases like Birdshot chorioretinopathy (HLA-A29), Harada's disease (HLA-DRMT3), acute anterior uveitis (HLA-B27) or Behçet's disease (HLA-B51). We have no explanation for the presence of HLA-B51 in both Behçet's disease and MEWDS. The association of HLA-B51 and MEWDS needs confirmation by further testing.
Liposomal pegylated doxorubicin is an encapsulation form of doxorubicin, with an improved pharmacokinetic profile and the ability to selectively accumulate into tumor tissue. As a result, the tolerated dose of the drug can be increased, followed by a reduced incidence of neutropenia and cardiotoxicity in comparison to doxorubucin treatment. However, a common adverse dose-schedule limiting effect of the treatment is palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome. In this retrospective study we included six patients hospitalised in the University Hospital of Zurich during the last 2 years, in connection with side effects caused by pegylated liposomal doxorubicin. These patients received this chemotherapeutic agent for treatment of various malignancies such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, mycosis fungoides and cutaneous B-cell lymphoma. Three of six patients in this study developed classical palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia, one developed palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia associated with extensive bullous disease, one developed eruption of lymphocyte recovery syndrome and one developed intertrigo like dermatitis with stomatitis. Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin induces various skin reactions including palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome. However, the exact clinical presentation might depend on pre-existing skin diseases.
We report the case of a 20-year-old woman, with no medical history, who in a short period of time developed the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis, the usual clinical presentation of Cogan's syndrome. This rare disease was named after David Cogan, the ophthalmologist to whom we owe the description of the first series of cases. The precise aetiology of Cogan's syndrome has yet to be defined, but clinical and biological evidence point toward an immunopathological process. Some authors distinguish between a typical and an atypical form of Cogan's syndrome, the former being associated with interstitial keratitis, the latter with other forms of ocular involvement. The diagnosis of Cogan's syndrome is mainly a clinical one, the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a non-syphilitic keratitis being almost specific. Cogan's syndrome is frequently associated with general signs and cardiovascular, neurological, rheumathological and digestive involvement. Laboratory data usually show nonspecific inflammatory signs (elevation of the white cell count and of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The mortality of the disease is essentially determined by its cardiovascular involvement, mostly aortic insufficiency, which should therefore actively be sought for in every patient. It is useful to emphasise that the typical form of Cogan's syndrome carries a higher risk regarding the development of aortic insufficiency, whereas the atypical form is more often associated with a systemic vasculitis. Treatment is mandatory, based upon corticosteroids, and must sometimes be intensified by the administration of a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug. Although our patient perfectly met the diagnostic criteria of Cogan's syndrome, the vestibular symptoms preceded the visual complaints, the reverse temporal sequence being more often reported in the literature. Systemic signs and cardiovascular involvement are frequently seen in Cogan's syndrome, but were notably absent in our patient. Blood samples showed inflammatory signs, whereas both lumbar puncture and cerebral MRI were normal, which is the usual pattern encountered in Cogan's syndrome. Following the rapid initiation of immunosuppressive therapy (Prednisone), the visual symptoms due to the bilateral keratitis resolved in a matter of days, whereas the vestibulocochlear deficit was only partly - but dramatically - reduced. This is in accordance with literature data, showing that a severe and permanent auditory deficit occurs at some time in the majority of patients suffering from Cogan's syndrome. Tapering off Prednisone unfortunately reactivated the audiovestibular and ocular symptoms of the disease in our patient so that a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug had to be added (azathioprine, followed by mycophenolate mofetil because the patient developed hepatic intolerance). Only after these therapeutic measures could the disease be stabilised. With this case report, we would like to emphasise the importance of rapidly identifying the clinical picture of Cogan's syndrome, so that immunosuppressive therapy can be started without delay, which may significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality of this disease.
Background. Toll-like receptors (TLR) recognize a variety of ligands, including pathogen-associated molecular patterns and link innate and adaptive immunity. Individual receptors can be up-regulated during infection and inflammation. We examined the expression of selected TLRs at the protein level in various types of renal disease.Methods. Frozen sections of renal biopsies were stained with monoclonal antibodies to TLR-2, -4 and -9.Results. Up-regulation of the three TLRs studied was seen, although the extent was modest. TLR-2- and -4-positive cells belonged to the population of infiltrating inflammatory cells; only in the case of TLR-9 were intrinsic glomerular cells positive in polyoma virus infection and haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS).Conclusions. Evidence for the involvement of the three TLRs tested in a variety of human renal diseases was found. These findings add to our understanding of the role of the innate immune system in kidney disease.