294 resultados para beneficial microbe
In social Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps), the number of males that mate with the same queen affects social and genetic organization of the colony. However, the selective forces leading to single mating in certain conditions and multiple mating in others remain enigmatic. In this study, I investigated whether queens of the wood ant Formica paralugubris adopting different dispersal strategies varied in their mating frequency (the number of males with whom they mated). The frequency of multiple mating was determined by using microsatellite markers to genotype the sperm stored in the spermatheca of queens, and the validity of this method was confirmed by analysing mother-offspring combinations obtained from experimental single-queen colonies. Dispersing queens, which may found new colonies, did not mate with more males than queens that stayed within polygynous colonies, where the presence of numerous reproductive individuals ensured a high level of genetic diversity. Hence, this study provides no support to the hypotheses that multiple mating is beneficial because it increases genetic variability within colonies. Most of the F. paralugubris queens mated with a single male, whatever their dispersal strategy and life history. Moreover, multiple mating had little effect on colony genetic structure: the effective mating frequency was 1.11 when calculated from within-brood relatedness, and 1.13 when calculated from the number of mates detected in the sperm. Hence, occasional multiple mating by F. paralugubris queens may have no adaptive significance.
The adipose tissue has pleiotropic functions far beyond the mere storage of energy, and it secretes a number of hormones and cytokines, called adipokines, which have biological effects that impact heath and disease. Adipokines are markedly elevated in the plasma of uremic patients, mainly due to decreased renal excretion. They have pluripotent signaling effects on inflammation/oxidative stress (leptin, adiponectin, resistin), protein-energy wasting (leptin, adiponectin), insulin signaling (adiponectin, leptin, visfatin), endothelial dysfunction (visfatin), and vascular damage (adiponectin, leptin, resistin), which are prevalent in uremic patients. Obesity superimposed to uremia may further aggravate hyperadipokinemia, with the exception of adiponectinemia, which is mitigated by adiposity. Among adipokines and until more data become available, only leptin may be considered as a full uremic toxin owing to adverse effects on protein-energy wasting, cardiovascular damage, inflammation, and the immune system, which have been documented both clinically and experimentally. Resistin and visfatin display some features of uremic toxins, but more data are needed to consider these adipokines as true uremic toxins. In contrast, high levels of adiponectin and chemerin seen in uremia appear to be beneficial. Further research is needed to investigate whether selective removal of leptin, resistin, and visfatin and increments of adiponectin and chemerin levels may have clinical relevance in uremic patients.
SUMMARY :Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by an elevated intra- hepatocellular lipid (IHCL) concentration (> 5%). The incidence of NAFLD is frequently increased in obese patients, and is considered to be the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome, also characterized by visceral obesity, altered glucose homeostasis, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure, represents actually a major public health burden. Both dietary factors and low physical activity are involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome. ln animals and healthy humans, high-fat or high-fructose diets lead to the development of several features of the metabolic syndrome including increased intrahepatic lipids and insulin resistance. ln contrast the effects of dietary protein are less well known, but an increase in protein intake has been suggested to exert beneficial effects by promoting weight loss and improving glucose homeostasis in insulin-resistant patients. Increased postprandial thermogenesis and enhanced satiety after protein ingestion may be both involved. The effects of dietary protein on hepatic lipids have been poorly investigated in humans, but preliminary studies in rodents have shown a reduction of hepatic lipids in carbohydrate fed rats and in obese rats. ln this context this work aimed at investigating the metabolic effects of dietary protein intake on hepatic lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis in humans. The modulation by dietary proteins of exogenous lipid oxidation, net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta-oxidation, triglycerides concentrations, whole-body energy expenditure and glucose tolerance was assessed in the fasting state and in postprandial states. Measurements of IHCL were performed to quantify the amount of triglycerides in the liver. ln an attempt to cover all these metabolic aspects under different point of views, these questions were addressed by three protocols involving various feeding conditions. Study I addressed the effects of a 4-day hypercaloric high-fat high-protein diet on the accumulation of fat in the liver (IHCL) and on insulin sensitivity. Our findings indicated that a high protein intake significantly prevents intrahepatic fat deposition induced by a short- term hypercaloric high-fat diet, adverse effects of which are presumably modulated at the liver level.These encouraging results led us to conduct the second study (Study ll), as we were also interested in a more clinical approach to protein administration and especially if increased protein intakes might be of benefit for obese patients. Therefore the effects of one-month whey protein supplementation on IHCL, insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism, glucose tolerance and renal function were assessed in obese women. Results showed that whey protein supplementation reduces hepatic steatosis and improves the plasma lipid profile in obese patients, without adverse effects on glucose tolerance or creatinine clearance. However since patients were fed ud-libitum, it remains possible that spontaneous carbohydrate and fat intakes were reduced due to the satiating effects of protein. The third study (Study lll) was designed in an attempt to deepen our comprehension about the mechanisms involved in the modulation of IHCL. We hypothesized that protein improved lipid metabolism and, therefore, we evaluated the effects of a high protein meal on postprandial lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis after 4-day on a control or a protein diet. Our results did not sustain the hypothesis of an increased postprandial net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation and exogenous lipid oxidation. Four days on a high-protein diet rather decreased exogenous fat oxidation and enhanced postprandial triglyceride concentrations, by impairing probably chylomicron-TG clearance. Altogether the results of these three studies suggest a beneficial effect of protein intake on the reduction in lHCL, and clearly show that supplementation of proteins do not reduce IHCL by stimulating lipid metabolism, e.g. whole body fat oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation, or exogenous fat oxidation. The question of the effects of high-protein intakes on hepatic lipid metabolism is still open and will need further investigation to be elucidated. The effects of protein on increased postprandial lipemia and lipoproteins kinetics have been little investigated so far and might therefore be an interesting research question, considering the tight relationship between an elevation of plasmatic TG concentrations and the increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases.Résumé :La stéatose hépatique non alcoolique se caractérise par un taux de lipides intra-hépatiques élevé, supérieur à 5%. L'incidence de la stéatose hépatique est fortement augmentée chez les personnes obèses, ce qui mène à la définir comme étant la composante hépatique du syndrome métabolique. Ce syndrome se définit aussi par d'autres critères tels qu'obésité viscérale, altération de l'homéostasie du glucose, résistance à l'insuline, dyslipidémie et pression artérielle élevée. Le syndrome métabolique est actuellement un problème de santé publique majeur.Tant une alimentation trop riche et déséquilibrée, qu'une faible activité physique, semblent être des causes pouvant expliquer le développement de ce syndrome. Chez l'animal et le volontaire sain, des alimentations enrichies en graisses ou en sucres (fructose) favorisent le développement de facteurs associés au syndrome métabolique, notamment en augmentant le taux de lipides intra-hépatiques et en induisant le développement d'une résistance à l'insuline. Par ailleurs, les effets des protéines alimentaires sont nettement moins bien connus, mais il semblerait qu'une augmentation de l'apport en protéines soit bénéfique, favorisant la perte de poids et l'homéostasie du glucose chez des patients insulino-résistants. Une augmentation de la thermogenese postprandiale ainsi que du sentiment de satiété pourraient en être à l'origine.Les effets des protéines sur les lipides intra-hépatiques chez l'homme demeurent inconnus à ce jour, cependant des études préliminaires chez les rongeurs tendent à démontrer une diminution des lipides intra hépatiques chez des rats nourris avec une alimentation riche en sucres ou chez des rats obèses.Dans un tel contexte de recherche, ce travail s'est intéressé à l'étude des effets métaboliques des protéines alimentaires sur le métabolisme lipidique du foie et sur l'homéostasie du glucose. Ce travail propose d'évaluer l'effet des protéines alimentaires sur différentes voies métaboliques impliquant graisses et sucres, en ciblant d'une part les voies de l'oxydation des graisses exogènes, de la beta-oxydation hépatique et de l'oxydation nette des lipides, et d'autre part la dépense énergétique globale et l'évolution des concentrations sanguines des triglycérides, à jeun et en régime postprandial. Des mesures des lipides intra-hépatiques ont aussi été effectuées pour permettre la quantification des graisses déposées dans le foie.Dans le but de couvrir l'ensemble de ces aspects métaboliques sous différents angles de recherche, trois protocoles, impliquant des conditions alimentaires différentes, ont été entrepris pour tenter de répondre à ces questions. La première étude (Etude I) s'est intéressée aux effets d'u.ne suralimentation de 4 jours enrichie en graisses et protéines sur la sensibilité à l'insuline et sur l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques. Les résultats ont démontré que l'apport en protéines prévient l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques induite par une suralimentation riche en graisses de courte durée ainsi que ses effets délétères probablement par le biais de mécanismes agissant au niveau du foie. Ces résultats encourageants nous ont conduits à entreprendre une seconde étude (Etude ll) qui s'intéressait à l'implication clinique et aux bénéfices que pouvait avoir une supplémentation en protéines sur les graisses hépatiques de patients obèses. Ainsi nous avons évalué pendant un mois de supplémentation l'effet de protéines de lactosérum sur le taux de graisses intrahépatiques, la sensibilité à l'insuline, la tolérance au glucose, le métabolisme des graisses et la fonction rénale chez des femmes obèses. Les résultats ont été encourageants; la supplémentation en lactosérum améliore la stéatose hépatique, le profil lipidique des patientes obèses sans pour autant altérer la tolérance au glucose ou la clairance de la créatinine. L'effet satiétogene des protéines pourrait aussi avoir contribué à renforcer ces effets. La troisième étude s'est intéressée aux mécanismes qui sous-tendent les effets bénéfiques des protéines observés dans les 2 études précédentes. Nous avons supposé que les protéines devaient favoriser le métabolisme des graisses. Par conséquent, nous avons cherché a évaluer les effets d'un repas riche en protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et l'homéostasie glucidique après 4 jours d'alimentation contrôlée soit isocalorique et équilibrée, soit hypercalorique enrichie en protéines. Les résultats obtenus n'ont pas vérifié l'hypothèse initiale ; ni une augmentation de l'oxydation nette des lipides, ni celle d'une augmentation de la béta-oxydation hépatique ou de l'oxydation d'un apport exogène de graisses n'a pu étre observée. A contrario, il semblerait même plutôt que 4 jours d'a]irnentation hyperprotéinée inhibent le métabolisme des graisses et augmente les concentrations sanguines de triglycérides, probablement par le biais d'une clairance de chylornicrons altérée. Globalement, les résultats de ces trois études nous permettent d'attester que les protéines exercent un effet bénéfique en prévenant le dépot de graisses intra-hépatiques et montrent que cet effet ne peut être attribué à une stimulation du métabolisme des lipides via l'augmentation des oxydations des graisses soit totales, hépatiques, ou exogènes. La question demeure en suspens à ce jour et nécessite de diriger la recherche vers d'autres voies d'exploration. Les effets des protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et sur le cinétique des lipoprotéines n'a que peu été traitée à ce jour. Cette question me paraît néanmoins importante, sachant que des concentrations sanguines élevées de triglycérides sont étroitement corrélées à une incidence augmentée de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire.
The potent antimicrobial compound 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) is a major determinant of biocontrol activity of plant-beneficial Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 against root diseases caused by fungal pathogens. The DAPG biosynthetic locus harbors the phlG gene, the function of which has not been elucidated thus far. The phlG gene is located upstream of the phlACBD biosynthetic operon, between the phlF and phlH genes which encode pathway-specific regulators. In this study, we assigned a function to PhlG as a hydrolase specifically degrades DAPG to equimolar amounts of mildly toxic monoacetylphloroglucinol (MAPG) and acetate. DAPG added to cultures of a DAPG-negative DeltaphlA mutant of strain CHA0 was completely degraded, and MAPG was temporarily accumulated. In contrast, DAPG was not degraded in cultures of a DeltaphlA DeltaphlG double mutant. To confirm the enzymatic nature of PhlG in vitro, the protein was histidine tagged, overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and purified by affinity chromatography. Purified PhlG had a molecular mass of about 40 kDa and catalyzed the degradation of DAPG to MAPG. The enzyme had a kcat of 33 s(-1) and a Km of 140 microM at 30 degrees C and pH 7. The PhlG enzyme did not degrade other compounds with structures similar to DAPG, such as MAPG and triacetylphloroglucinol, suggesting strict substrate specificity. Interestingly, PhlG activity was strongly reduced by pyoluteorin, a further antifungal compound produced by the bacterium. Expression of phlG was not influenced by the substrate DAPG or the degradation product MAPG but was subject to positive control by the GacS/GacA two-component system and to negative control by the pathway-specific regulators PhlF and PhlH.
OBJECTIVE: Enteral glutamine supplementation and antioxidants have been shown to be beneficial in some categories of critically ill patients. This study investigated the impact on organ function and clinical outcome of an enteral solution enriched with glutamine and antioxidant micronutrients in patients with trauma and with burns. METHODS: This was a prospective study of a historical control group including critically ill, burned and major trauma patients (n = 86, 40 patients with burns and 46 with trauma, 43 in each group) on admission to an intensive care unit in a university hospital (matching for severity, age, and sex). The intervention aimed to deliver a 500-mL enteral solution containing 30 g of glutamine per day, selenium, zinc, and vitamin E (Gln-AOX) for a maximum of 10 d, in addition to control treatment consisting of enteral nutrition in all patients and intravenous trace elements in all burn patients. RESULTS: Patients were comparable at baseline, except for more inhalation injuries in the burn-Gln-AOX group (P = 0.10) and greater neurologic impairment in the trauma-Gln-AOX group (P = 0.022). Intestinal tolerance was good. The full 500-mL dose was rarely delivered, resulting in a low mean glutamine daily dose (22 g for burn patients and 16 g for trauma patients). In burn patients intravenous trace element delivery was superior to the enteral dose. The evolution of the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score and other outcome variables did not differ significantly between groups. C-reactive protein decreased faster in the Gln-AOX group. CONCLUSION: The Gln-AOX supplement was well tolerated in critically ill, injured patients, but did not improve outcome significantly. The delivery of glutamine below the 0.5-g/kg recommended dose in association with high intravenous trace element substitution doses in burn patients are likely to have blunted the impact by not reaching an efficient treatment dose. Further trials testing higher doses of Gln are required.
NAD(+) biosynthesis through nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) holds potential as a target for the treatment of inflammatory disorders due to NAD(+)'s role in immune cell signaling and metabolism. In addition to its activity as an enzyme, NAMPT is also secreted in the extracellular space where it acts as a pro-inflammatory and proangiogenic cytokine. NAMPT inhibition with FK866 has anti-inflammatory activity in different models of immune disorders and it prevents ischemia-reperfusion-induced heart damage by dampening the production of neutrophil chemoattractants. NAMPT blockade with a neutralizing antibody has beneficial effects in an acute lung injury model. Last, but not least, the anticancer activity of NAMPT inhibitors may also reflect, at least in part, their ability to modify the cancer microenvironment through their anti-inflammatory properties. Overall, NAMPT inhibition holds potential for the treatment of inflammation-related disorders and the development of effective and safe NAMPT inhibitors remains an area of strong interest in pharmaceutical research.
No consensus exists on whether acyclovir prophylaxis should be given for varicella-zoster virus (VZV) prophylaxis after hematopoietic cell transplantation because of the concern of "rebound" VZV disease after discontinuation of prophylaxis. To determine whether rebound VZV disease is an important clinical problem and whether prolonging prophylaxis beyond 1 year is beneficial, we examined 3 sequential cohorts receiving acyclovir from day of transplantation until engraftment for prevention of herpes simplex virus reactivation (n = 932); acyclovir or valacyclovir 1 year (n = 1117); or acyclovir/valacyclovir for at least 1 year or longer if patients remained on immunosuppressive drugs (n = 586). In multivariable statistical models, prophylaxis given for 1 year significantly reduced VZV disease (P < .001) without evidence of rebound VZV disease. Continuation of prophylaxis beyond 1 year in allogeneic recipients who remained on immunosuppressive drugs led to a further reduction in VZV disease (P = .01) but VZV disease developed in 6.1% during the second year while receiving this strategy. In conclusion, acyclovir/valacyclovir prophylaxis given for 1 year led to a persistent benefit after drug discontinuation and no evidence of a rebound effect. To effectively prevent VZV disease in long-term hematopoietic cell transplantation survivors, additional approaches such as vaccination will probably be required.
BACKGROUND: The optimal strategy for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in multi-vessel disease (MVD), i.e., multi-vessel PCI (MV-PCI) vs. PCI of the infarct-related artery only (IRA-PCI), still remains unknown. METHODS: Patients of the AMIS Plus registry admitted with an acute coronary syndrome were contacted after a median of 378 days (interquartile range 371-409). The primary end-point was all-cause death. The secondary end-point included all major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) including death, re-infarction, re-hospitalization for cardiac causes, any cardiac re-intervention, and stroke. RESULTS: Between 2005 and 2012, 8330 STEMI patients were identified, of whom 1909 (24%) had MVD. Of these, 442 (23%) received MV-PCI and 1467 (77%) IRA-PCI. While all-cause mortality was similar in both groups (2.7% both, p>0.99), MACCE was significantly lower after MV-PCI vs. IRA-PCI (15.6% vs. 20.0%, p=0.038), mainly driven by lower rates of cardiac re-hospitalization and cardiac re-intervention. Patients undergoing MV-PCI with drug-eluting stents had lower rates of all-cause mortality (2.1% vs. 7.4%, p=0.026) and MACCE (14.1% vs. 25.9%, p=0.042) compared with those receiving bare metal stents (BMS). In multivariate analysis, MV-PCI (odds ratio, OR 0.69, 95% CI 0.51-0.93, p=0.017) and comorbidities (Charlson index ≥ 2; OR 1.42, 95% CI 1.05-1.92, p=0.025) were independent predictors for 1-year MACCE. CONCLUSION: In an unselected nationwide real-world cohort, an approach using immediate complete revascularization may be beneficial in STEMI patients with MVD regarding MACCE, specifically when drug-eluting stents are used, but not regarding mortality. This has to be tested in a randomized controlled trial.
The peroxisome proliferator-activator receptor PPARgamma plays an essential role in vascular biology, modulating macrophage function and atherosclerosis progression. Recently, we have described the beneficial effect of combined activation of the ghrelin/GHS-R1a receptor and the scavenger receptor CD36 to induce macrophage cholesterol release through transcriptional activation of PPARgamma. Although the interplay between CD36 and PPARgamma in atherogenesis is well recognized, the contribution of the ghrelin receptor to regulate PPARgamma remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that ghrelin triggers PPARgamma activation through a concerted signaling cascade involving Erk1/2 and Akt kinases, resulting in enhanced expression of downstream effectors LXRalpha and ABC sterol transporters in human macrophages. These effects were associated with enhanced PPARgamma phosphorylation independently of the inhibitory conserved serine-84. Src tyrosine kinase Fyn was identified as being recruited to GHS-R1a in response to ghrelin, but failure of activated Fyn to enhance PPARgamma Ser-84 specific phosphorylation relied on the concomitant recruitment of docking protein Dok-1, which prevented optimal activation of the Erk1/2 pathway. Also, substitution of Ser-84 preserved the ghrelin-induced PPARgamma activity and responsiveness to Src inhibition, supporting a mechanism independent of Ser-84 in PPARgamma response to ghrelin. Consistent with this, we found that ghrelin promoted the PI3-K/Akt pathway in a Galphaq-dependent manner, resulting in Akt recruitment to PPARgamma, enhanced PPARgamma phosphorylation and activation independently of Ser-84, and increased expression of LXRalpha and ABCA1/G1. Collectively, these results illustrate a complex interplay involving Fyn/Dok-1/Erk and Galphaq/PI3-K/Akt pathways to transduce in a concerted manner responsiveness of PPARgamma to ghrelin in macrophages.
In the plant-beneficial, root-colonizing strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway positively regulates the synthesis of biocontrol factors (mostly antifungal secondary metabolites) and contributes to oxidative stress response via the stress sigma factor RpoS. The backbone of this pathway consists of the GacS/GacA two-component system, which activates the expression of three small regulatory RNAs (RsmX, RsmY, RsmZ) and thereby counters translational repression exerted by the RsmA and RsmE proteins on target mRNAs encoding biocontrol factors. We found that the expression of typical biocontrol factors, that is, antibiotic compounds and hydrogen cyanide (involving the phlA and hcnA genes), was significantly lower at 35 degrees C than at 30 degrees C. The expression of the rpoS gene was affected in parallel. This temperature control depended on RetS, a sensor kinase acting as an antagonist of the GacS/GacA system. An additional sensor kinase, LadS, which activated the GacS/GacA system, apparently did not contribute to thermosensitivity. Mutations in gacS or gacA were epistatic to (that is, they overruled) mutations in retS or ladS for expression of the small RNAs RsmXYZ. These data are consistent with a model according to which RetS-GacS and LadS-GacS interactions shape the output of the Gac/Rsm pathway and the environmental temperature influences the RetS-GacS interaction in P. fluorescens CHA0.
Infections remain the leading cause of death after major burns. Trace elements are involved in immunity and burn patients suffer acute trace element depletion after injury. In a previous nonrandomized study, trace element supplementation was associated with increased leukocyte counts and shortened hospital stays. This randomized, placebo-controlled trial studied clinical and immune effects of trace element supplements. Twenty patients, aged 40 +/- 16 y (mean +/- SD), burned on 48 +/- 17% of their body surfaces, were studied for 30 d after injury. They consumed either standard trace element intakes plus supplements (40.4 micromol Cu, 2.9 micromol Se, and 406 micromol Zn; group TE) or standard trace element intakes plus placebo (20 micromol Cu, 0.4 micromol Se, and 100 micromol Zn; group C) for 8 d. Demographic data were similar for both groups. Mean plasma copper and zinc concentrations were below normal until days 20 and 15, respectively (NS). Plasma selenium remained normal for group TE but decreased for group C (P < 0.05 on days 1 and 5). Total leukocyte counts tended to be higher in group TE because of higher neutrophil counts. Proliferation to mitogens was depressed compared with healthy control subjects (NS). The number of infections per patient was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in group TE (1.9 +/- 0.9) than in group C (3.1 +/- 1.1) because of fewer pulmonary infections. Early trace element supplementation appears beneficial after major burns; it was associated with a significant decrease in the number of bronchopneumonia infections and with a shorter hospital stay when data were normalized for burn size.
BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean diet has a beneficial role on various neoplasms, but data are scanty on oral cavity and pharyngeal (OCP) cancer. METHODS: We analysed data from a case-control study carried out between 1997 and 2009 in Italy and Switzerland, including 768 incident, histologically confirmed OCP cancer cases and 2078 hospital controls. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was measured using the Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) based on the major characteristics of the Mediterranean diet, and two other scores, the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern Adherence Index (MDP) and the Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI). RESULTS: We estimated the odds ratios (ORs), and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI), for increasing levels of the scores (i.e., increasing adherence) using multiple logistic regression models. We found a reduced risk of OCP cancer for increasing levels of the MDS, the ORs for subjects with six or more MDS components compared with two or less being 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28, P-value for trend <0.0001). The ORs for the highest vs the lowest quintile were 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28) for the MDP score (score 66.2 or more vs less than 57.9), and 0.48 (95% CI 0.33-0.69) for the MAI score (score value 2.1 or more vs value less 0.92), with significant trends of decreasing risk for both scores. The favourable effect of the Mediterranean diet was apparently stronger in younger subjects, in those with a higher level of education, and in ex-smokers, although it was observed in other strata as well. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides strong evidence of a beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet on OCP cancer.
Small or decreasing populations call for emergency actions like, for example, captive breeding programs. Such programs aim at rapidly increasing population sizes in order to reduce the loss of genetic variability and to avoid possible Allee effects. The Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni is one of the species that is currently supported in several captive breeding programs at various locations. Here, we model the demographic and genetic consequences of potential management strategies that are based on offspring sex ratio manipulation. Increased population growth could be achieved by manipulating female conditions and/or male attractiveness in the captive breeders and consequently shifting the offspring sex ratio towards more female offspring, which are then used for reintroduction. Fragmenting populations into wild-breeding and captive-breeding demes and manipulating population sex ratio both immediately increase the inbreeding coefficient in the next generation (i.e. decrease N-e) but may, in the long term, reduce the loss of genetic variability if population growth is restricted by the number of females. We use the Lesser Kestrel and the wealth of information that is available on this species to predict the long-term consequences of various kinds of sex-ratio manipulation. We find that, in our example and possibly in many other cases, a sex-ratio manipulation that seems realistic could have a beneficial effect on the captive breeding program. However, the possible long-term costs and benefits of such measures need to be carefully optimized.
Peroxynitrite is a strong biological oxidant formed from the reaction between two free radicals, superoxide and nitric oxide. It inflicts serious damages to most biomolecules, including proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, either through direct oxidation or through the secondary generation of highly reactive free radicals. When such damage reaches a critical threshold, cells eventually die by necrosis or apoptosis. An excessive production of peroxynitrite is instrumental in the development of organ damage and dysfunction in conditions such as circulatory shock and ischemia-reperfusion. In such circumstances, various synthetic metalloporphyrins, able to degrade peroxynitrite, disclose important beneficial effects in animal models, and might therefore represent novel pharmacological agents in the future.
BACKGROUND: Fish oil (FO) has antiinflammatory effects, which might reduce systemic inflammation induced by a cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). OBJECTIVE: We tested whether perioperative infusions of FO modify the cell membrane composition, inflammatory responses, and clinical course of patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery. DESIGN: A prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted in cardiac surgery patients who received 3 infusions of 0.2 g/kg FO emulsion or saline (control) 12 and 2 h before and immediately after surgery. Blood samples (7 time points) and an atrial biopsy (during surgery) were obtained to assess the membrane incorporation of PUFAs. Hemodynamic data, catecholamine requirements, and core temperatures were recorded at 10-min intervals; blood triglycerides, nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, lactate, inflammatory cytokines, and carboxyhemoglobin concentrations were measured at selected time points. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients, with a mean ± SD age of 65.5 ± 9.9 y, were enrolled with no baseline differences between groups. Significant increases in platelet EPA (+0.86%; P = 0.0001) and DHA (+0.87%; P = 0.019) were observed after FO consumption compared with at baseline. Atrial tissue EPA concentrations were higher after FO than after control treatments (+0.5%; P < 0.0001). FO did not significantly alter core temperature but decreased the postoperative rise in IL-6 (P = 0.018). Plasma triglycerides increased transiently after each FO infusion. Plasma concentrations of glucose, lactate, and blood carboxyhemoglobin were lower in the FO than in the control group on the day after surgery. Arrhythmia incidence was low with no significant difference between groups. No adverse effect of FO was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative FO infusions significantly increased PUFA concentrations in platelet and atrial tissue membranes within 12 h of the first FO administration and decreased biological and clinical signs of inflammation. These results suggest that perioperative FO may be beneficial in elective cardiac surgery with CPB. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00516178.