343 resultados para Stress Fracture
The study investigates the possibility to incorporate fracture intensity and block geometry as spatially continuous parameters in GIS-based systems. For this purpose, a deterministic method has been implemented to estimate block size (Bloc3D) and joint frequency (COLTOP). In addition to measuring the block size, the Bloc3D Method provides a 3D representation of the shape of individual blocks. These two methods were applied using field measurements (joint set orientation and spacing) performed over a large field area, in the Swiss Alps. This area is characterized by a complex geology, a number of different rock masses and varying degrees of metamorphism. The spatial variability of the parameters was evaluated with regard to lithology and major faults. A model incorporating these measurements and observations into a GIS system to assess the risk associated with rock falls is proposed. The analysis concludes with a discussion on the feasibility of such an application in regularly and irregularly jointed rock masses, with persistent and impersistent discontinuities.
Because increasing evidence point to the convergence of environmental and genetic risk factors to drive redox dysregulation in schizophrenia, we aim to clarify whether the metabolic anomalies associated with early psychosis reflect an adaptation to oxidative stress. Metabolomic profiling was performed to characterize the response to oxidative stress in fibroblasts from control individuals (n = 20) and early psychosis patients (n = 30), and in all, 282 metabolites were identified. In addition to the expected redox/antioxidant response, oxidative stress induced a decrease of lysolipid levels in fibroblasts from healthy controls that were largely muted in fibroblasts from patients. Most notably, fibroblasts from patients showed disrupted extracellular matrix- and arginine-related metabolism after oxidative stress, indicating impairments beyond the redox system. Plasma membrane and extracellular matrix, 2 regulators of neuronal activity and plasticity, appeared as particularly susceptible to oxidative stress and thus provide novel mechanistic insights for pathophysiological understanding of early stages of psychosis. Statistically, antipsychotic medication at the time of biopsy was not accounting for these anomalies in the metabolism of patients' fibroblasts, indicating that they might be intrinsic to the disease. Although these results are preliminary and should be confirmed in a larger group of patients, they nevertheless indicate that the metabolic signature of reactivity to oxidative stress may provide reliable early markers of psychosis. Developing protective measures aimed at normalizing the disrupted pathways should prevent the pathological consequences of environmental stressors.
Eumelanin and pheomelanin are the main endogenous pigments in animals and melanin-based coloration has multiple functions. Melanization is associated with major life-history traits, including immune and stress response, possibly because of pleiotropic effects of genes that control melanogenesis. The net effects on pheo- versus eumelanization and other life-history traits may depend on the antagonistic effects of the genes that trigger the biosynthesis of either melanin form. Covariation between melanin-based pigmentation and fitness traits enforced by pleiotropic genes has major evolutionary implications particularly for socio-sexual communication. However, evidence from non-model organisms in the wild is limited to very few species. Here, we tested the hypothesis that melanin-based coloration of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) throat and belly feathers covaries with acquired immunity and activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, as gauged by corticosterone plasma levels. Individuals of both sexes with darker brownish belly feathers had weaker humoral immune response, while darker males had higher circulating corticosterone levels only when parental workload was experimentally reduced. Because color of belly feathers depends on both eu- and pheomelanin, and its darkness decreases with an increase in the concentration of eu- relative to pheomelanin, these results are consistent with our expectation that relatively more eu- than pheomelanized individuals have better immune response and smaller activation of the HPA-axis. Covariation of immune and stress response arose for belly but not throat feather color, suggesting that any function of color as a signal of individual quality or of alternative life-history strategies depends on plumage region.
Introduction: Isolated avulsion fracture at the plantar lateral base of the first metatarsal (M1) is very rare. Case report: A 35 year old overweight woman sustained an eversion strain of her right foot. Despite pain along M1 she was able to continue walking for three days before presenting to her family doctor. Swelling on the plantar aspect of the foot was noticed, there was also pain at eversion of the foot and extension of the ankle. Plain X-ray showed no abnormalities. A MRI showed minimal bone bruise at the basis of M1 and a partial rupture of the peroneus longus tendon at its insertion. The patient was allowed to walk with partial weight bearing with a soft ankle brace. After 6 months she presented at our hospital because of persistent pain. There was still a painful insertion of the peroneus longus but active plantarflexion of M1 was possible. Plain X-rays were poorly contributive except for a discrete flattening of the longitunal arch. CT-scan showed a non displaced fracture at the M1-basis. A protocol with partial weight-bearing in a short-leg cast and partial weight-bearing orthosis each for 6 weeks was unsuccessfully attempted. Therefore, an excision of the non healed bone fragment at the basis of M1 and a first tarsometatarsal joint arthrodesis were performed. Postoperatively the patient wore a partial weight-bearing short leg cast for 6 weeks followed by a weight-bearing short leg cast for 6 weeks with favourable outcome. Discussion: Initial internal fixation has been reported to lead to good results [1, 2]. In our case the conservative treatment failed and leaded to non union. At that time we considered as too risky (overweight) to excise the fragment and reattach the peroneus longus tendon. Therefore, we excised the fragment and fused the first tarsometatarsal joint. This procedure allowed, at least partially, to compensate for the function of the peroneus longus tendon. 1 Murakami T, et al. Avulsion fracture of the peroneus longus at the first metatarsal insertion: a case report. Br J Sports Med. 2004. 2 Kwak HY, and Bae SW. Isolated avulsion fracture at the plantar lateral base of the first metatarsal: a case report. Foot Ankle Int 2000.
The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the risk factors associated with school burnout, which has recently been described as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion due to school demands, cynical and detached attitude towards school and feelings of inadequacy as a student (Salmela-Aro, Kiuru, Pietikainen & Jokela, 2008a). The research focuses on students in the last years of compulsory schooling, period in which burnout has not received much attention yet. A total of 342 adolescents (Mean age = 14.84) were asked to complete questionnaires about school burnout, school-related stress and background variables. The results showed differences in school burnout by gender, grade level and school track, with girls, last grade of compulsory school and high-track classes, showing the highest scores. No difference was observed with respect to grade retention. Several types of school stress were identified, with stress type Success related to pressures to succeed and concerns about the academic future being the highest. Finally, stress and burnout were strongly and positively correlated, and the type of stress Success was the best predictor of overall Burnout, Exhaustion and Inadequacy dimension scores. The results are discussed in relation to their theoretical relevance and implications for the prevention of school burnout in adolescents.
Background and Objectives: (i) to assess the prevalence of PTSD in a psychiatric emergency setting by means of a diagnostic instrument and to compare it with PTSD-prevalence of a clinically evaluated, historical sample; and (ii) to assess psychiatric residents' perception of the systematic use of this diagnostic instrument. Methods: A consecutive sample of patients (N = 403) evaluated for a psychiatric emergency was assessed with the module J (PTSD) of the MINI, the historical sample (N = 350), assessed by chart review, consisted of consecutive patients of the same setting evaluated one year prior to the study period. Residents' perceptions were assessed by means of a focus group. Results: While in only 0.57% of the historical sample (N = 350) a diagnosis of PTSD was recorded, 20.3% (N = 64) of the patients assessed with the diagnostic instrument (N = 316) qualified for a diagnosis of PTSD. Higher prevalence rates were observed in refugees and those without legal residency status (50%); patients from countries with a recent history of war (47.1%); those with four (44.4%) or three psychiatric co-morbidities (35.3%); migrants (29.8%) and patients without professional income (25%). Residents felt that the systematic use of the tool was not adequate in the psychiatric emergency setting for various reasons (e.g.: not suitable for a first or single consultation, negative impact on the clinical evaluation). Conclusions: The study confirms that PTSD is underdiagnosed in the psychiatric emergency setting. To improve the situation, targeted screening or educational and institutional strategies are needed.
SummaryMulticellular organisms have evolved an immune system in order to cope with the constant threats they are facing. Foreign pathogens or endogenous danger signals released by injured or dying host cells can be readily detected through a set of germline- encoded pattern-recognition receptors. The NOD-like receptors are a cytoplasmic family of pattern-recognition receptors that have recently attracted considerable attention due to their ability to form inflammasomes, which are molecular complexes responsible for the activation of caspase-1 and the subsequent processing of the pro¬inflammatory cytokines IL-IB and 11-18 into their mature, bioactive form.In this study, we describe a novel pro-inflammatory signaling pathway, whereby the endoplasmic reticulum promotes inflammation through activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. This was shown to be independent of the classical endoplasmic reticulum stress response pathway constituted by the effectors IREla, PERK and ATF6a. In keeping with other known NLRP3 activators, generation of reactive oxygen species and potassium efflux were required. We also provide evidence that calcium signaling is critical to this pathway, and possibly integrates signaling triggered by various NLRP3 inflammasome activators. Moreover, the mitochondrial channel VDAC1 was instrumental in mediating this response. We thus propose that the endoplasmic reticulum acts as an integrator of stress and is able to activate the mitochondria in a calcium-dependent manner in order to promote NLRP3 inflammasome activation in response to a wide range of activators.Given the role played by inflammation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, we decided to investigate a possible role for the NLRP3 inflammasome in the progression of the disease. Using an ApoE mouse model, we find that deficiency in the NLRP3 inflammasome components NLRP3, ASC or Caspase-1 does not impair atherosclerosis progression, nor does it impact plaque stability. While previous studies have clearly shown a role for the interleukin-1 family of ligands in atherosclerosis, our results suggest that its contribution might be more complex than previously appreciated, and further research is thus warranted in this field.RésuméLes organismes multicellulaires ont développé un système immunitaire pour faire face aux menaces qui les entourent. Des pathogènes étrangers ou des signaux de danger relâchés par des cellules de l'hôte en détresse peuvent être rapidement détectés via un assemblage de récepteurs spécifiques qui sont présents dès la naissance. Certains membres de la famille de récepteurs NOD ont récemment attiré beaucoup d'attention au vu de leur capacité à former des inflammasomes, complexes moléculaires responsables de l'activation de la easpase-1 et de la maturation des cytokines pro-inflammatoires IL- 1β et IL-18 en leur forme bioactive.Dans cette étude, nous décrivons une nouvelle voie de signalisation pro-inflammatoire, par laquelle le réticulum endoplasmique induit l'inflammation via l'activation de l'inflammasome NLRP3. Cette voie est indépendante de la voie classique de réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique, qui comprend les effecteurs IRE1, PERK et ATF6. Comme pour d'autres activateurs de NLRP3, la génération de radicaux libres d'oxygène ainsi que Γ efflux de potassium sont requis. Nous montrons également que le calcium joue un rôle critique dans cette voie, et intègre possiblement la signalisation provoquée par divers activateurs de l'inflammasome NLRP3. De plus, le canal mitochondrial VDAC1 est essentiel dans cette réponse. Nous proposons donc que le réticulum endoplasmique agit comme un intégrateur de stress, activant la mitochondrie d'une façon calcium-dépendante pour promouvoir l'activation de l'inflammasome NLRP3 en réponse à divers activateurs.Au vu du rôle joué par l'inflammation dans la pathogenèse de l'athérosclérose, nous avons étudié un possible rôle pour l'inflammasome NLRP3 dans la progression de la maladie. Dans un modèle de souris ApoE, l'absence des composants de l'inflammasome NLRP3 que sont NLRP3, ASC et Caspase-1 n'influence pas la progression des plaques ni leur stabilité. Alors que d'autres études ont démontré un rôle pour les membres de la famille de l'interleukine-1 dans l'athérosclérose, nos résultats suggèrent que leur contribution pourrait être plus complexe que précédemment apprécié, et d'autres recherches dans ce domaine sont donc nécessaires.
A defining characteristic of fractured rocks is their very high level of seismic attenuation, which so far has been assumed to be mainly due to wave-induced fluid flow (WIFF) between the fractures and the pore space of the embedding matrix. Using oscillatory compressibility simulations based on the quasi-static poroelastic equations, we show that another important, and as of yet undocumented, manifestation of WIFF is at play in the presence of fracture connectivity. This additional energy loss is predominantly due to fluid flow within the connected fractures and is sensitive to their lengths, permeabilities, and intersection angles. Correspondingly, it contains key information on the governing hydraulic properties of fractured rock masses and hence should be accounted for whenever realistic seismic models of such media are needed.
Nonunion of anterior tibial spine of tibia in children is quite rare, but it could be associated with significant instability of the knee as it involves the fixation of anterior cruciate ligament. We report one case in which open reduction and internal fixation was carried out with good functional results. A literature review was performed to identify the cases reported of tibial eminence nonunion in children.
OBJECTIVE To assess the specific risks of injury to neural and vascular structures inherent in two approaches to transobturator surgery for inserting a suburethral sling, i.e. the outside-in (standard technique) and inside-out approaches. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study comprised seven cadavers, providing 14 obturator regions. Five specimens had a tape inserted outside-in on one side, and inside-out on the other; of the remaining two cadavers, one had an inside-out tape and one an outside-in tape, bilaterally. After tape insertion, the cadavers were dissected. Particular attention was paid to the distances between the tape and the deep external pudendal vessels, and between the tape and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve. RESULTS With the inside-out technique, the safety margins were reduced, and the external pudendal vessels and the posterior branch of the obturator nerve were at greater risk of injury. CONCLUSION The two techniques are not equivalent, with a lower risk of injury to vascular and nerve structures with the outside-in technique.
HDLs protect pancreatic beta cells against apoptosis induced by several endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stressors, including thapsigargin, cyclopiazonic acid, palmitate and insulin over-expression. This protection is mediated by the capacity of HDLs to maintain proper ER morphology and ER functions such as protein folding and trafficking. Here, we identified a distinct mode of protection exerted by HDLs in beta cells challenged with tunicamycin (TM), a protein glycosylation inhibitor inducing ER stress. HDLs were found to inhibit apoptosis induced by TM in the MIN6 insulinoma cell line and this correlated with the maintenance of a normal ER morphology. Surprisingly however, this protective response was neither associated with a significant ER stress reduction, nor with restoration of protein folding and trafficking in the ER. These data indicate that HDLs can use at least two mechanisms to protect beta cells against ER stressors. One that relies on the maintenance of ER function and one that operates independently of ER function modulation. The capacity of HDLs to activate several anti-apoptotic pathways in beta cells may explain their ability to efficiently protect these cells against a variety of insults.