293 resultados para Receptor de progesterona B


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To elucidate the structural basis of T cell recognition of hapten-modified antigenic peptides, we studied the interaction of the T1 T cell antigen receptor (TCR) with its ligand, the H-2Kd-bound Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI) containing photoreactive 4-azidobenzoic acid (ABA) on P. berghei circumsporozoite Lys259. The photoaffinity-labeled TCR residue(s) were mapped as Tyr48 and/or Tyr50 of complementary determining region 2beta (CDR2beta). Other TCR-ligand contacts were identified by mutational analysis. Molecular modeling, based on crystallographic coordinates of closely related TCR and major histocompatibility complex I molecules, indicated that ABA binds strongly and specifically in a cavity between CDR3alpha and CDR2beta. We conclude that TCR expressing selective Vbeta and CDR3alpha sequences form a binding domain between CDR3alpha and CDR2beta that can accommodate nonpeptidic moieties conjugated at the C-terminal portion of peptides binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) encoded proteins.


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The Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 study is a four-arm trial comparing 5 years of monotherapy with tamoxifen or with letrozole or with sequences of 2 years of one followed by 3 years of the other for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive early invasive breast cancer. From 1998 to 2003, BIG -98 enrolled 8,010 women. The enhanced design f the trial enabled two complementary analyses of efficacy and safety. Collection of tumor specimens further enabled treatment comparisons based on tumor biology. Reports of BIG 1-98 should be interpreted in relation to each individual patient as she weighs the costs and benefits of available treatments. Clinicaltrials.gov ID: NCT00004205.


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RATIONALE: Although dietary fatty acids are a major fuel for the heart, little is known about the direct effects of dietary fatty acids on gene regulation in the intact heart. OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of dietary fatty acids on cardiac gene expression and explore the functional consequences. METHODS AND RESULTS: Oral administration of synthetic triglycerides composed of one single fatty acid altered cardiac expression of numerous genes, many of which are involved in the oxidative stress response. The gene most significantly and consistently upregulated by dietary fatty acids encoded Angiopoietin-like protein (Angptl)4, a circulating inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase expressed by cardiomyocytes. Induction of Angptl4 by the fatty acid linolenic acid was specifically abolished in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)beta/delta(-/-) and not PPARalpha(-/-) mice and was blunted on siRNA-mediated PPARbeta/delta knockdown in cultured cardiomyocytes. Consistent with these data, linolenic acid stimulated binding of PPARbeta/delta but not PPARalpha to the Angptl4 gene. Upregulation of Angptl4 resulted in decreased cardiac uptake of plasma triglyceride-derived fatty acids and decreased fatty acid-induced oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. In contrast, Angptl4 deletion led to enhanced oxidative stress in the heart, both after an acute oral fat load and after prolonged high fat feeding. CONCLUSIONS: Stimulation of cardiac Angptl4 gene expression by dietary fatty acids and via PPARbeta/delta is part of a feedback mechanism aimed at protecting the heart against lipid overload and consequently fatty acid-induced oxidative stress.


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Evidence that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) (7-36) amide functions as a novel neuropeptide prompted us to study the gene expression of its receptor in rat brain. Northern blot analysis showed transcripts of similar size in RINm5F cells, hypothalamus, and brain-stem. First-strand cDNA was prepared by using RNA from hypothalamus, brainstem, and R1Nm5F cells and subsequently amplified by PCR. Southern blot analysis of the PCR products showed a major 1.4-kb band in all these preparations. PCR products amplified from hypothalamus were cloned, and the nucleotide sequence of one strand was identical to that described in rat pancreatic islets. In situ hybridization studies showed specific labeling in both neurons and glia of the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, primary olfactory cortex, choroid plexus, and pituitary gland. In the hypothalamus, ventromedial nuclei cells were highly labeled. These findings indicate that GLP-1 receptors are actually synthesized in rat brain. In addition, the colocalization of GLP-1 receptors, glucokinase, and GLUT-2 in the same areas supports the idea that these cells play an important role in glucose sensing in the brain.


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified the mu 2 subunit of the clathrin adaptor complex 2 as a protein interacting with the C-tail of the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR). Direct association between the alpha 1b-AR and mu 2 was demonstrated using a solid phase overlay assay. The alpha 1b-AR/mu 2 interaction occurred inside the cells, as shown by the finding that the transfected alpha 1b-AR and the endogenous mu 2 could be coimmunoprecipitated from HEK-293 cell extracts. Mutational analysis of the alpha 1b-AR revealed that the binding site for mu 2 does not involve canonical YXX Phi or dileucine motifs but a stretch of eight arginines on the receptor C-tail. The binding domain of mu 2 for the receptor C-tail involves both its N terminus and the subdomain B of its C-terminal portion. The alpha 1b-AR specifically interacted with mu 2, but not with the mu 1, mu 3, or mu 4 subunits belonging to other AP complexes. The deletion of the mu 2 binding site in the C-tail markedly decreased agonist-induced receptor internalization as demonstrated by confocal microscopy as well as by the results of a surface receptor biotinylation assay. The direct association of the adaptor complex 2 with a G protein-coupled receptor has not been reported so far and might represent a common mechanism underlying clathrin-mediated receptor endocytosis.


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NK cell self-tolerance is maintained by inhibitory receptors specific for MHC class I molecules. Inhibitory NK receptors are also expressed on memory CD8 T cells but their biological relevance on T cells is unclear. In this study, we describe the expression of the Ly49A receptor on a subset of autoreactive T cells which persist in mice double-transgenic for the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-derived peptide gp33 and a TCRalphabeta specific for the gp33. No Ly49A-expressing cells are found in TCRalphabeta single-transgenic mice, indicating that the presence of the autoantigen is required for Ly49A induction. Direct evidence for an Ag-specific initiation of Ly49A expression has been obtained in vitro after stimulation of autoreactive TCRalphabeta T cells with the cognate self-Ag. This expression of Ly49A substantially reduces Ag-specific activation of autoreactive T cells. These findings thus suggest that autoantigen-specific induction of inhibitory NK cell receptors on T cells may contribute to peripheral self-tolerance.


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) protects beta-cells against apoptosis, increases their glucose competence, and induces their proliferation. We previously demonstrated that the anti-apoptotic effect was mediated by an increase in insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) expression and signaling, which was dependent on autocrine secretion of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2). Here, we further investigated how GLP-1 induces IGF-1R expression and whether the IGF-2/IGF-1R autocrine loop is also involved in mediating GLP-1-increase in glucose competence and proliferation. We show that GLP-1 up-regulated IGF-1R expression by a protein kinase A-dependent translational control mechanism, whereas isobutylmethylxanthine, which led to higher intracellular accumulation of cAMP than GLP-1, increased both IGF-1R transcription and translation. We then demonstrated, using MIN6 cells and primary islets, that the glucose competence of these cells was dependent on the level of IGF-1R expression and on IGF-2 secretion. We showed that GLP-1-induced primary beta-cell proliferation was suppressed by Igf-1r gene inactivation and by IGF-2 immunoneutralization or knockdown. Together our data show that regulation of beta-cell number and function by GLP-1 depends on the cAMP/protein kinase A mediated-induction of IGF-1R expression and the increased activity of an IGF-2/IGF-1R autocrine loop.


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Abstract : The female reproductive hormones estrogen, progesterone and prolactin control postnatal breast development and are important to breast carcinogenesis. The mechanisms by which they elicit proliferation and morphogenesis remain poorly understood. Using the mouse as a model to study the molecular mechanisms through which hormones elicit morphogenetic changes in the mammary gland in vivo, we found the Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand, a Tumor Necrosis Factor family member, to be strongly induced by progesterone. Recent publications suggested that hormone dependant RANKURANK signals are involved in the terminal differentiation of mammary gland alveolar buds into lobulo-alveolar structures competent for lactation. I show that in the absence of epithelial RANKL a distinct earlier stage of mammary gland development, side branch formation, is blocked. RANKL acts as a major mediator downstream of progesterone; it is required for progesterone-induced paracrine proliferation and completely rescues the mutant phenotype when ectopically expressed in progesterone receptor (PR) KO mammary epithelia. RANKL is not required for cell autonomous division of estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) /PR positive cells. Cyclin D1, previously implicated as a mediator of RANKL, is not affected by ablation of RANKL and is not required for RANKL-induced paracrine proliferation but for the cell autonomous proliferation. Gene expression arrays to find specific RANKL downstream targets have identified Id4, ElfS and one secreted metalloprotease (Adamtsl8) as potential candidates validated by Q-RT-PCR. Interestingly, Id4 and Adamtsl8 are expressed by the myoepithelial cells. Their expression additionally coincides with RANKL mRNA expression at mid pregnancy, possibly implying a functional contribution of both genes to RANKL mediated sidebranch formation. ElfS in contrast, is found to be strongly expressed by the end of pregnancy supporting recent findings of a prolactin mediated regulation. As for RANKL, this gene was in particular induced in luminal cells. Taken together, I report that progesterone is the major proliferative stimulus in the adult mammary gland eliciting proliferation of ERaJPR positive cells by a cell autonomous, cyclin D1-dependent and a paracrine RANKL-dependent mechanism. My work moreover suggests, that RANKL acts as a major orchestrator affecting different downstream mediators, through which progesterone exerts its effects concomitantly on different cellular compartments. Résumé : Les hormones sexuelles telles que l'oestrogène, la progestérone et la prolactine contrôlent le développement postnatal du sein et sont impliquées dans la cazcinogenèse. Les mécanismes par lesquels elles induisent la prolifération et la morphogénèse demeurent incompris. En utilisant la souris comme modèle, J'ai trouvé que le ligand activateur du récepteur de NFκB, une protéine de la famille du facteur de nécrose des tumeurs, peut être fortement induit par la progestérone. Les publications récentes ont suggéré que cette protéine est nécessaire à la fin de la grossesse, quand les cellules sécrétrices du lait apparaissent. Par des techniques de transplantation d'épithélium, je montre contrairement aux études précédentes, qu'en l'absence de RANKL dans l'épithélium une partie distincte du développement mammaire, la formation de branches latérales, est bloquée. La progestérone agit de manière pazacrine par l'intermédiaire de 12ANKL pour induire la prolifération tandis que la mort cellulaire n'est pas affectée. De plus, l'injection d'une protéine recombinante RANKL dans une souris mutante pour le récepteur à la progestérone induit la prolifération des cellules épithéliales en l'absence de grossesse ; la surexpression de RANKL dans ces mêmes mutants mène à une réversion complète du phénotype. Mes expériences démontrent que la progestérone induit deux types distincts de prolifération. Un premier type direct dans laquelle les cellules positives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Cette division cellulaire est alors indépendante de RANKL mais dépendante de la cycline D1. Le second type de prolifération est induit par un mécanisme pazacrine et dépend de RANKL mais pas de la cycline D1. Ici, les cellules négatives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Pour détecter des gènes cibles de la voie de signalisation du RANKL, un profil d'expression des gènes a été généré. Les facteurs de transcription Id4, EIf5 et une métalloprotéase sécrétée (Adamtsl8) ont été identifiés en tant que cibles potentielles. D'autres analyses de validation démontrent qu'Id4, Adamtsl8, RANKL mais pas E1f5 sont fortement exprimés au cours de la grossesse, coïncidant avec la formation de branchements latéraux induit par progestérone. EIf5 s'est avéré être exprimé vers la fin de la grossesse appuyant des résultats récents proposant une régulation par la prolactine. Le système canalaire mammaire se compose de couches cellulaires: une couche interne de cellules luminales et une externe de cellules myoépithéliale. Les expériences génétiques d'expression ont révélé que RANKL. et E1f5 sont exprimés dans la partie luminale tandis qu'Id4 et Adamtsl8 sont dans les cellules myoépithéliales. En conclusion, je prouve que la progestérone est le stimulus principal induisant la prolifération dans la glande mammaire d'adulte. Deux mécanismes de prolifération sont impliqués: l'un direct dépendant de la cycline Dl et l'autre paracrine dépendant de RANKI.. Mon travail suggère par ailleurs que RANKL agit en tant que médiateur important, par lequel la progestérone exerce ses effets sur différents compartiments cellulaires tels que la coordination de la prolifération des cellules épithéliales avec la réorganisation de la matrice extracellulaire et de la membrane basale exigées pour la morphogénèse du système canalaire latéral.


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Interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1RI) is a master regulator of inflammation and innate immunity. When triggered by IL-1beta, IL-1RI aggregates with IL-1R-associated protein (IL-1RAcP) and forms a membrane proximal signalosome that potently activates downstream signaling cascades. IL-1beta also rapidly triggers endocytosis of IL-1RI. Although internalization of IL-1RI significantly impacts signaling, very little is known about trafficking of IL-1RI and therefore about precisely how endocytosis modulates the overall cellular response to IL-1beta. Upon internalization, activated receptors are often sorted through endosomes and delivered to lysosomes for degradation. This is a highly regulated process that requires ubiquitination of cargo proteins as well as protein-sorting complexes that specifically recognize ubiquitinated cargo. Here, we show that IL-1beta induces ubiquitination of IL-1RI and that via these attached ubiquitin groups, IL-1RI interacts with the ubiquitin-binding protein Tollip. By using an assay to follow trafficking of IL-1RI from the cell surface to late endosomes and lysosomes, we demonstrate that Tollip is required for sorting of IL-1RI at late endosomes. In Tollip-deficient cells and cells expressing only mutated Tollip (incapable of binding IL-1RI and ubiquitin), IL-1RI accumulates on late endosomes and is not efficiently degraded. Furthermore, we show that IL-1RI interacts with Tom1, an ubiquitin-, clathrin-, and Tollip-binding protein, and that Tom1 knockdown also results in the accumulation of IL-1RI at late endosomes. Our findings suggest that Tollip functions as an endosomal adaptor linking IL-1RI, via Tom1, to the endosomal degradation machinery.


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Background: Estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancers (BC) are heterogeneous with regard to their clinical behavior and response to therapies. The ER is currently the best predictor of response to the anti-estrogen agent tamoxifen, yet up to 30-40% of ER+ BC will relapse despite tamoxifen treatment. New prognostic biomarkers and further biological understanding of tamoxifen resistance are required. We used gene expression profiling to develop an outcome-based predictor using a training set of 255 ER+ BC samples from women treated with adjuvant tamoxifen monotherapy. We used clusters of highly correlated genes to develop our predictor to facilitate both signature stability and biological interpretation. Independent validation was performed using 362 tamoxifen-treated ER+ BC samples obtained from multiple institutions and treated with tamoxifen only in the adjuvant and metastatic settings.Results: We developed a gene classifier consisting of 181 genes belonging to 13 biological clusters. In the independent set of adjuvantly-treated samples, it was able to define two distinct prognostic groups (HR 2.01 95% CI: 1.29-3.13; p = 0.002). Six of the 13 gene clusters represented pathways involved in cell cycle and proliferation. In 112 metastatic breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen, one of the classifier components suggesting a cellular inflammatory mechanism was significantly predictive of response.Conclusion: We have developed a gene classifier that can predict clinical outcome in tamoxifen-treated ER+ BC patients. Whilst our study emphasizes the important role of proliferation genes in prognosis, our approach proposes other genes and pathways that may elucidate further mechanisms that influence clinical outcome and prediction of response to tamoxifen.


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SUMMARY IL-1R and TLRs are key players in innate immunity and inflammation. Tollip was identified as a component of IL-1RI, TLR2 and TLR4 signaling complexes that activate NF-κB and MAP kinase pathways. Tollip was previously shown as a negative regulator of NF-κB and MAP Kinase activation. We have characterized the role of Tollip in IL-R/TLRs induced signaling by the analysis of the Tollip deficient mice. We showed that NF-κB and MAPK (p38, JNK, or ERK1/2) signaling appeared normal in Tollip deficient cells following stimulation with IL-1β, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and other TLR ligands. Also IL-1β and TLRs ligands induced activation of immune cells was indistinguishable from wild-type cells. Strikingly, in Tollip deficient mice the production of the inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 or TNF-α was significantly reduced relative to control mice after treatment with physiological doses of IL-1β or LPS, whereas no difference was observed at high doses of stimulation with LPS or in LPS induced septic shock. Therefore, Tollip could be critical for regulation of optimal responses to IL-1β and LPS, in addition to its role as negative regulator of the signaling. We also studied the role of Tollip as an endocytic adaptor for IL-1R endocytosis. We could show that Il-1R is ubiquitinated after IL-1β stimulation, and that Tollip's CUE domain binds IL-1RI in an ubiquitin-dependent manner. We followed IL-1R internalization and Tollip localization by confocal microscopy. Consistent with a role for Tollip in sorting of ubiquitinated IL-1RI, a significant amount of Tollip was also localized at the late endosomal compartment. We could show that Tollip is required for efficient lysosomal targeting of ubiquitinated IL-1R1, In the absence of Tollip or in Tollip deficient cells reconstituted with a Tollip mutant (defective in ubiquitin binding) IL-1RI accumulates in enlarged late endosomes. In addition, Tollip was shown to interact with, another endocytic adapter, Toml, and both interact with IL-1RI. In conclusion, we showed that Tollip is required for IL-1β and LPS signaling for cytokine production. In addition we showed and that Tollip has a role as an endocytic adapter, necessary for efficient trafficking and lysosomal degradation of IL-1RI. Resumé Le récepteur à l'interleukine-1 (IL-1R) et les récepteurs "Toll-like" (TLRs) sont des acteurs cruciaux de la réponse immunitaire innée et de l'inflammation. La proteine Tollip a été identifiée comme étant un élément des complexes de signalisation, induits par les récepteurs IL-1RI, TLR-2 et TLR-4, qui mènent à l'activation de la voie des MAP kinases et de NF-κB. Dans de précédentes études, il a été montré que Tollip pouvait inhiber ces deux voies de signalisation. Nous avons voulu caractériser plus précisément le rôle de Tollip dans l'activation des voies de signalisation mitées par IL-1R/TLRs en utilisant une lignée murine déficiente pour la protéine Tollip. Ainsi, en absence de Tollip, les cascades d'activation de NF-κB et MAPK (p38, JNK, or ERK1/2) ne semblent pas affectées après stimulation avec IL-1β, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ou d' autres ligands des TLR. La réponse des cellules du système immunitaire induite par la stimulation avec IL-1β et les ligands des TLR est également comparable entre les souris sauvages et les souris deficientes pour Tollip. Par contre, dans cette lignée murine, la production de cytokines proinflammatoires IL-6 et TNFα induite par la stimulation à dose physiologique de IL-1β or LPS, est réduite. Cependant, lors de stimulation à plus hautes doses de LPS ou pendant un choc septique induit par de LPS, cette réduction n'est pas observée. Ces résultats montrent que Tollip pourrait avoir un rôle déterminant dans l'activation optimale en réponse à l' IL-1β et au LPS qui s'ajoute à sa fonction inhibitrice des mêmes voies de signalisation. Nous avons aussi étudié le rôle de Tollip comme molécule adaptatatrice du mécanisme endocytique d'internalisation de l' IL-1RI. Ainsi, l' IL-1R est ubiquitiné après stimulation par l' IL-1β , permettant à Tollip de se lier au récepteur. Cette interaction est réalisée entre le domaine CUE de Tollip et l'IL-1R via l'ubiquitine. L'internalisation et la localisation intracellulaire de l'IL-1RI et de Tollip ont été observés par microscopie confocale. En accord avec le rôle de Tollip dans le triage et la recirculation des IL-1R ubiquitiné, une quantité importante de Tollip été détectée dans l' endosome tardif. Nous avons pu démontrer que Tollip était nécessaire pour diriger efficacement ubiquitiné vers les lysosomes. Dans des cellules déficientes pour Tollip, ou reconstituées avec un mutant de Tollip (MF/AA) incapable de lier l'ubiquitine, IL-1RI s'accumule dans des vesicules anormales de l'endosome tardif. Dans ce travail, nous avons pu confirmer et préciser la fonction de la protéine Tollip dans l' activation de la production de cytokines induites par l' IL-1p and le LPS lors de l'inflammation et découvrir son rôle d'adaptateur dans l' internalisation et l'endocytose de l' IL-1RI.


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OBJECTIVES: Prorenin can be detected in plasma of hypertensive patients. If detected in patients with primary aldosteronism could implicate prorenin in the development of primary aldosteronism. To address this issue, we measured the plasma prorenin levels in primary aldosteronism patients, the expression of the prorenin receptor (PRR) in the normal human adrenocortical zona glomerulosa and aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA), and we investigated the functional effects of PRR activation in human adrenocortical cells. METHOD: Plasma renin activity, aldosterone, and active and total trypsin-activated renin were measured in primary aldosteronism patients, essential hypertensive patients, and healthy individuals, and then prorenin levels were calculated. Localization and functional role of PRR were investigated in human and rat tissues, and aldosterone-producing cells. RESULTS: Primary aldosteronism patients had detectable plasma levels of prorenin. Using digital-droplet real-time PCR, we found a high PRR-to-porphobilinogen deaminase ratio in both the normal adrenal cortex and APAs. Marked expression of the PRR gene and protein was also found in HAC15 cells. Immunoblotting, confocal, and immunogold electron microscopy demonstrated PRR at the cell membrane and intracellularly. Renin and prorenin significantly triggered both CYP11B2 expression (aldosterone synthase) and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, but only CYP11B2 transcription was prevented by aliskiren. CONCLUSION: The presence of detectable plasma prorenin in primary aldosteronism patients, and the high expression of PRR in the normal human adrenal cortex, APA tissue, CD56+ aldosterone-producing cells, along with activation of CYP11B2 synthesis and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, suggest that the circulating and locally produced prorenin may contribute to the development or maintenance of human primary aldosteronism.


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Myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion (MIR) triggers a sterile inflammatory response important for myocardial healing, but which may also contribute to adverse ventricular remodelling. Such inflammation is initiated by molecular danger signals released by damaged myocardium, which induce innate immune responses by activating toll-like receptors (TLRs). Detrimental roles have been recently reported for TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4. The role of other TLRs is unknown. We therefore evaluated the role of TLR5, expressed at high level in the heart, in the development of myocardial damage and inflammation acutely triggered by MIR. TLR5-/- and wild-type (WT) mice were exposed to MIR (30 min ischaemia, 2 h reperfusion). We measured infarct size, markers of cardiac oxidative stress, myocardial phosphorylation state of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases and AKT, expression levels of chemokines and cytokines in the heart and plasma, as well as cardiac function by echography and conductance volumetry. TLR5-deficient mice had normal cardiac morphology and function under physiological conditions. After MIR, the absence of TLR5 promoted an increase in infarct size and myocardial oxidative stress. Lack of TLR5 fostered p38 phosphorylation, reduced AKT phosphorylation and markedly increased the expression of inflammatory cytokines, whereas it precipitated acute LV (left ventricle) dysfunction. Therefore, contrary to the detrimental roles of TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4 in the infarcted heart, TLR5 is important to limit myocardial damage, inflammation and functional compromise after MIR.


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BACKGROUND: Remodeling of quiescent vessels with increases in permeability, vasodilatation, and edema are hallmarks of inflammatory disorders. Factors involved in this type of remodeling represent potential therapeutic targets. OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether the nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) β/δ, a regulator of metabolism, fibrosis, and skin homeostasis, is involved in regulation of this type of remodeling. METHODS: Wild-type and various Pparb/d mutant mice were used to monitor dermal acute vascular hyperpermeability (AVH) and passive systemic anaphylaxis-induced hypothermia and edema. PPARβ/δ-dependent kinase activation and remodeling of endothelial cell-cell junctions were addressed by using human endothelial cells. RESULTS: AVH and dilatation of dermal microvessels stimulated by vascular endothelial growth factor A, histamine, and thrombin are severely compromised in PPARβ/δ-deficient mice. Selective deletion of the Pparb/d-encoding gene in endothelial cells in vivo similarly limits dermal AVH and vasodilatation, providing evidence that endothelial PPARβ/δ is the major player in regulating acute dermal microvessel remodeling. Furthermore, endothelial PPARβ/δ regulatory functions are not restricted to the skin vasculature because its deletion in the endothelium, but not in smooth muscle cells, also leads to reduced systemic anaphylaxis, the most severe form of allergic reaction, in which an acute vascular response plays a key role. PPARβ/δ-dependent AVH activation likely involves the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt pathways and leads to downstream destabilization of endothelial cell-cell junctions. CONCLUSION: These results unveil not only a novel function of PPARβ/δ as a direct regulator of acute vessel permeability and dilatation but also provide evidence that antagonizing PPARβ/δ represents an important strategy to consider for moderating diseases with altered endothelial integrity, such as acute inflammatory and allergic disorders.