333 resultados para Binding capacity


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Recent studies have shown that in humans the germinal center reactions produce three types of V(D)J mutated B cells in similar proportions, i.e. Ig-switched, IgD-IgM+ (IgM-only) and IgD+IgM+ cells, and that together they form the CD27+ compartment of recirculating B cells. We investigated the Ig isotype switch capacity of these cells. Peripheral blood B subsets were sorted and IgG subclass secretion in presence or absence of IL-4 was compared in B cell assays which lead to Ig secretion in all (coculture with EL-4 thymoma cells) or only in CD27+ (CD40L stimulation) B cells. Already switched IgG+ B cells showed no significant sequential switch and IgM-only cells also had a low switch capacity, but IgD+CD27+ switched as much as IgD+CD27- B cells to all IgG subclasses. Thus, in switched B cells some alterations compromising further switch options occur frequently; IgM-only cells may result from aborted switch. However, IgD+CD27+ human B cells, extensively V(D)J mutated and "naive" regarding switch, build up a repertoire of B cells combining (1) novel cross-reactive specificities, (2) increased differentiation capacity (including after T-independent stimulation by Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I) and (3) the capacity to produce appropriate isotypes when they respond to novel pathogens.


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Abstract : Host-Cell Factor 1 (HCF-1) was first discovered in the study of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. HCF-1 is one of the two cellular proteins that compose the VP16-induced complex, a key activator of HSV lytic infection. lncleed, when HSV infects human cells, it is able to enter two modes of infection: lytic or latent. The V`P16-induced complex promotes the lytic mode and in so doing the virus targets important cellular regulatory proteins, such as HCF-1, to manipulate the status of the infected cell. Indeed, HCF-1 regulates human cell proliferation and the cell cycle at different steps. In human, HCF-1 is unusual in that it undergoes a process of proteolytic maturation that results from cleavages at six centrally located 26 amino acid repeats called HCF-1pro repeats. This generates a heterodimeric complex of stably associated amino- (HCF-1n) and carboxy- (HCF-1c) terminal subunits. The absence of the HCF-1 N or HCF-1; subunit leads predominantly to either G1 or M phase defects, respectively. We have hypothesized that HCF-1 forms a heterodimeric complex to permit communication between the two subunits of HCF-1 involved in regulating different phases of the cell cycle. Indeed, there is evidence for such inter-subunit communication because a point mutation called P134S in the HCF-1N subunit in the temperature-sensitive hamster cell line tsBN67 causes, addition to G1- phase defects associated with the HCF-1n subunit, M-phase defects similar to the defects seen upon loss of HCF-1 function. Furthermore, inhibition of the proteolytic maturation of HCF-1 by deletion of the six HCF-1pro repeats (HCF-1Aimo) also leads to M-phase defects, specifically cytokinesis defects leading to binucleation, indicating that there is loss of HCF-15 function in the absence of HCF-1 maturation. I demonstrate that individual point mutations in each of the six HCF-1pro repeats that prevent HCF-1 proteolytic maturation also lead to binucleation; however, this defect can be latgely rescued by the presence of just one HCF-1pRO sequence in I-ICF»1. These results argue that processing itself is important for the HCF-1g function. In fact, until now, the hypothesis was that the proteolytic processing per se is more important for HCF-1C function than the proteolytic processing region. But I show that processing per se is not sufticient to rescue multinucleation, but that the HCF-lpm sequence itself is crucial. This discovery leads to the conclusion that the I-ICF-1pRO repeats have an additional function important for HCF-le function. From the studies of others, one potential function of the HCF-lrxo tepeats is as a binding site for O-link NAcetyl glycosamine tansferase (OGT) to glycosylate an HCF-1n-sunbunit region called the Basic region. This new function suggests the Basic region of HCF-1n is also implicated in the communication between the two subunits. This inter-subunit communication was analyzed in more detail with the studies of the Pl34S mutation and the residues 382-450 region of HCF-l that when removed prevents HCF-l subunit association. I demonstrate that the point mutation also leads to a binucleation defect in Hela cells as well as in the tsBN67 cells. In addition, the effect of this mutation on the regulation of HCF-1c activity seems to interfere with that of the HCF-lpgg repeats because the sum of the deletion of the proteolytic processing region and the point mutation surprisingly leads to re-establishment of correct cytokinesis. The study of the 382-450 HCF-lN region also yielded surprising results. This region important for the association of the two subunits is also important for both HCF-1c function in M phase and G1 phase progression. Thus, I have discovered two main functions of this region: its role in the regulation of HCF-lc function in M phase and its involvement in the regulation of G1/S phase ?- an HCF-1n function. These results support the importance of inter-subunit communication in HCF-1 functions. My research illuminates the understanding of the interaction of the two subunits by showing that the whole HCF-1n subunit is involved in the inter-subunit communication in order to regulate HCF-1c function. For this work, I was concentrated on the study of cytokinesis; the first phenotype showing the role of HCF-1c in the M phase. Then, I extended the study of the M phase with analysis of steps earlier to cytokinesis. Because some defects in the chromosome segregation was already described in the absence of HCF-1, I decided to continue the study of M phase by checking effects on the chromosome segregation. I showed that the HCF-1n subunit and HCF-1pro repeats are both important for this key step of M phase. I show that the binucleation phenotype resulting from deletion or mutation in HCF-1pro repeats, Pl34S point mutation or the lack of the region 382-450 are correlated with micronuclei, and chromosome segregation and alignment defects. This suggests that HCF«lç already regulates M phase during an early step and could be involved in the complex regulation of chromosome segregation. Because one of the major roles of HCF-1 is to be a transcription regulator, I also checked the capacity of HCF-1 to bind to the chromatin in my different cell lines. All my recombinant proteins can bind the chromatin, except for, as previously described, the HCF-1 with the P134S point mutation, This suggests that the binding of HCF-1 to the chromatin is not dependant to the Basic and proteolytic regions but more to the Kelch domain. Thus, if the function of HCF-ig in M phase is dependant to its chromatin association, the intercommunication and the proteolytic region are not involved in the ability to bind to the chromatin but more to bind to the right place of the chromatin or to be associated with the co-factors. Résumé : L'étude de l'infection par le virus Herpes Simplex (HSV) a permis la découverte de la protéine HCF-1 (Host-Cell Factor). HCF-1 est une des protéines cellulaires qui font partie du complexe induit par VP16 ; ce complexe est la clef pour l'activation de la phase lytique de HSV. Afin de manipuler les cellules infectées, le complexe induit pas le VPIG devrait donc cibler les protéines importantes pour la régulation cellulaire, telles que la protéine HCF-1. Cette dernière s'avère donc être un senseur pour la cellule et devrait également jouer un rôle de régulation lors des différentes phases du cycle cellulaire. Chez l'humain, HCF-1 a la particularité de devoir passer par une phase de maturation pour devenir active. Lors de cette maturation, la protéine subit une coupure protéolytique au niveau de six répétitions composées de 26 acides aminés, appelé HCF-1pro repeats. Cette coupure engendre la formation d'un complexe formé de deux sous-unités, HCF-1n et HCF-1c, associées l'une à l'autre de façon stable. Enlever la sous-unité HCF-IN ou C entraîne respectivement des défauts dans la phase G1 et M. Nous pensons donc que HCF-1 forme un complexe hétérodimérique afin de permettre la communication entre les molécules impliquées dans la régulation des différentes phases du cycle cellulaire. Cette hypothèse est déduite suite à deux études: l'une réalisée sur la lignée cellulaire tsBN67 et l'autre portant sur l'inhibition de la maturation protéolytique. La lignée cellulaire tsBN67, sensible à la température, porte la mutation Pl 345 dans la sous-unité HCF-1n. Cette mutation, en plus d'occasionner des défauts dans la phase G1 (défauts liés à la sous-unité HCF-1N), a aussi pour conséquence d'entrainer des défauts dans la phase M, défauts similaires à ceux dus a la perte de la sous-unité HCF-1c. Quant à la maturation protéolytique, l'absence de la région de la protéolyse provoque la binucléation, défaut lié à la cytokinèse, indiquant la perte de la fonction de la sous-unité HCF-1c. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai démontré que des mutations dans les HCF-1=no repeats, qui bloquent la protéolyse, engendrent la binucléation ; cependant ce défaut peut être corrigé pas l'ajout d'un HCF-1pro repeat dans un HCF-1 ne contenant pas la région protéolytique. Ces résultats soutiennent l'idée que la région protéolytique est importante pour le bon fonctionnement de HCF-1c. En réalité jusqu'a maintenant on supposait que le mécanisme de coupure était plus important que la région impliquée pour la régulation de la fonction de HCF-1;. Mais mon étude montre que la protéolyse n'est pas suffisante pour éviter la binucléation ; en effet, les HCF-1pro repeats semblent jouer le rôle essentiel dans le cycle cellulaire. Cette découverte conduit à la conclusion que les HCF-1pro repeats ont sûrement une fonction autre qui serait cruciale pour la foncton de HCF-1c. Une des fonctions possibles est d'être le site de liaison de l'O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transférase (OGT) qui glycosylerait la région Basique de HCF-1n. Cette nouvelle fonction suggère que la région Basique est aussi impliquée dans la communication entre les deux sous- unités. L'intercommunication entre les deux sous-unités ai été d'ailleurs analysée plus en détail dans mon travail à travers l'étude de la mutation Pl34S et de la région 382-450, essentielle pour l'association des deux sous»unités. J'ai ainsi démontré que la mutation P134S entraînait aussi des défauts dans la cytokinése dans la lignée cellulaire Hela, de plus, son influence sur HCF-1c semble interférer avec celle de la région protéolytique. En effet, la superposition de ces deux modifications dans HCF-1 conduit au rétablissement d'une cytokinése correcte. Concernant la région 382 à 450, les résultats ont été assez surprenants, la perte de cette région provoque l'arrêt du cycle en G1 et la binucléation, ce qui tend à prouver son importance pour le bon fonctionnement de HCF-1n et de HCF-1c. Cette découverte appuie par conséquent l'hypotl1èse d'une intercommunicatzion entre les deux sous-unités mettant en jeu les différentes régions de HCF-1n. Grâce à mes recherches, j'ai pu améliorer la compréhension de l'interaction des deux sous-unités de HCF-1 en montrant que toutes les régions de HCF-1n sont engagées dans un processus d'intercommunication, dont le but est de réguler l'action de HCF-1c. J'ai également mis en évidence une nouvelle étape de la maturation de HCF-1 qui représente une phase importante pour l'activation de la fonction de HCF-1c. Afin de mettre à jour cette découverte, je me suis concentrée sur l'étude de l'impact de ces régions au niveau de la cytokinése qui fut le premier phénotype démontrant le rôle de HCF-1c dans la phase M. A ce jour, nous savons que HCF-1c joue un rôle dans la cytokinèse, nous ne connaissons pas encore sa fonction précise. Dans le but de cerner plus précisément cette fonction, j'ai investigué des étapes ultérieures ai la cytokinèse. Des défauts dans la ségrégation des chromosomes avaient déjà été observés, ai donc continué l'étude en prouvant que HCF-1n et les HCF-1pro repeats sont aussi importants pour le bon fonctionnement de cette étape clef également régulée par HCF-1c. J' ai aussi montré que la région 382-450 et la mutation P134S sont associées à un taux élevé de micronoyaux, de défauts dans la ségrégation des chromosomes. L'une des fonctions principales de HCF-1 étant la régulation de la transcription, j'ai aussi contrôlé la capacité de HCF-1 à se lier à la chromatine après insertion de mutations ou délétions dans HCF-1n et dans la région protéolytique. Or, à l'exception des HCF-1 contenant la mutation P134S, la sous-unité HCF-1c des HCF-1 tronquées se lie correctement à la chromatine. Cette constatation suggère que la liaison entre HCF-1c et chromatine n'est pas dépendante de la région Basique ou Protéolytique mais peut-être vraisemblablement de la région Kelch. Donc si le rôle de HCF-1c est dépendant de sa capacité â activer la transcription, l'intercommunication entre les deux sous-unités et la région protéolytique joueraient un rôle important non pas dans son habileté à se lier à la chromatine, mais dans la capacité de HCF-1 à s'associer aux co-facteurs ou à se placer sur les bonnes régions du génome.


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RasGAP is a multifunctional protein that controls Ras activity and that is found in chromosomal passenger complexes. It also negatively or positively regulates apoptosis depending on the extent of its cleavage by caspase-3. RasGAP has been reported to bind to G3BP1 (RasGAP SH3-domain-binding protein 1), a protein regulating mRNA stability and stress granule formation. The region of RasGAP (amino acids 317-326) thought to bind to G3BP1 corresponds exactly to the sequence within fragment N2, a caspase-3-generated fragment of RasGAP, that mediates sensitization of tumor cells to genotoxins. While assessing the contribution of G3BP1 in the anti-cancer function of a cell-permeable peptide containing the 317-326 sequence of RasGAP (TAT-RasGAP₃₁₇₋₃₂₆), we found that, in conditions where G3BP1 and RasGAP bind to known partners, no interaction between G3BP1 and RasGAP could be detected. TAT-RasGAP₃₁₇₋₃₂₆ did not modulate binding of G3BP1 to USP10, stress granule formation or c-myc mRNA levels. Finally, TAT-RasGAP₃₁₇₋₃₂₆ was able to sensitize G3BP1 knock-out cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Collectively these results indicate that G3BP1 and its putative RasGAP binding region have no functional influence on each other. Importantly, our data provide arguments against G3BP1 being a genuine RasGAP-binding partner. Hence, G3BP1-mediated signaling may not involve RasGAP.


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In the presence of 2-hydroxybiphenyl, the enhancer binding protein, HbpR, activates the sigma54-dependent P(hbpC) promoter and controls the initial steps of 2-hydroxybiphenyl degradation in Pseudomonas azelaica. In the activation process, an oligomeric HbpR complex of unknown subunit composition binds to an operator region containing two imperfect palindromic sequences. Here, the HbpR-DNA binding interactions were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of the operator region and by DNA-binding assays using purified HbpR. Mutations that disrupted the twofold symmetry in the palindromes did not affect the binding affinity of HbpR, but various mutations along a 60 bp region, and also outside the direct palindromic sequences, decreased the binding affinity. Footprints of HbpR on mutant operator fragments showed that a partial loss of binding contacts occurs, suggesting that the binding of one HbpR 'protomer' in the oligomeric complex is impaired whilst leaving the other contacts intact. An HbpR variant, devoid of its N-terminal sensing A-domain, was unable to activate transcription from the hbpC promoter while maintaining protection of the operator DNA in footprints. Wild-type HbpR was unable to activate transcription from the hbpC promoter when delta A-HbpR was expressed in the same cell, suggesting the formation of (repressing) hetero-oligomers. This model implies that HbpR can self-associate on its operator DNA without effector recognition or ATP binding. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the N-terminal sensing domain of HbpR is needed to activate the central ATPase domain rather than to repress a constitutively active C domain, as is the case for the related regulatory protein XylR.


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greater white toothed shrew; Crocidura russula; colonisation capacity


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The expression of the 240 ConA-binding glycoprotein (240 kDa), a marker of synaptic junctions isolated from the rat cerebellum, was studied by immunocytochemical techniques in forebrain and cerebellum from rat and chicken, and in chick dorsal root ganglia. Parallel studies were carried out either on tissue sections or in dissociated cell cultures. In all cases non neuronal cells were not immunostained. The tissue sections of cerebellum from rat and chick exhibited 240 kDa glycoprotein immunoreactivity, especially in the molecular layer, while the forebrain sections from rat and chick did not show any significant immunostaining. In contrast, in dissociated forebrain cell cultures, all neuronal cells expressed 240 kDa glycoprotein immunoreactivity, while glial cells remained totally unlabelled. In tissue sections of dorsal root ganglion (DRG), sensory neurons expressed the 240 kDa only after the embryonic day (E 10). A large number of small neurons in the dorsomedial part of DRG were immunostained with 240 kDa glycoprotein antiserum, whereas only a small number of neurons in the ventrolateral part of the ganglia displayed 240 kDa immunoreactivity. In dissociated DRG cells cultures (mixed or neuron-enriched DRG cell cultures) all the neuronal perikarya but not their processes were stained. These studies indicate that 240 kDa glycoprotein expression is completely modified in cultures of neurons of CNS or PNS since the antigen becomes synthetized in high amount by all cells independent of synapse formation. This demonstrates that the expression of 240 kDa is controlled by the cell environment.


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Higher plants use several classes of blue light receptors to modulate a wide variety of physiological responses. Among them, both the phototropins and members of the Zeitlupe (ZTL) family use light oxygen voltage (LOV) photosensory domains. In Arabidopsis, these families comprise phot1, phot2 and ZTL, LOV Kelch Protein 2 (LKP2), and Flavin-binding Kelch F-box1 (FKF1). It has now been convincingly shown that blue-light-induced autophosphorylation of the phot1 kinase domain is an essential step in signal transduction. Recent experiments also shed light on the partially distinct photosensory specificities of phot1 and phot2. Phototropin signaling branches rapidly following photoreceptor activation to mediate distinct responses such as chloroplast movements or phototropism. Light activation of the LOV domain in ZTL family members modulates their capacity to interact with GIGANTEA (GI) and their ubiquitin E3 ligase activity. A complex between GI and FKF1 is required to trigger the degradation of a repressor of CO (CONSTANS) expression and thus modulates flowering time. In contrast, light-regulated complex formation between ZTL and GI appears to limit the capacity of ZTL to degrade its targets, which are part of the circadian oscillator.


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Purpose:NR2E3 (PNR) is an orphan nuclear receptor essential for proper photoreceptor determination and differentiation. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively inherited enhanced short wavelength sensitive (S-) cone syndrome (ESCS) and, more recently, with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). NR2E3 acts in concert with the transcription factors Crx and Nrl to repress cone-specific genes and activate rod-specific genes. NR2E3 and Crx have been shown to physically interact by their DNA-binding domain (DBD), which may also be implicated in the dimerization process of the nuclear receptor. However, neither NR2E3 homodimerization nor NR2E3/Crx complex formation has been investigated in detail. Methods:In this present work, we analyzed the dimerization of the NR2E3 protein and its interaction with Crx by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET2) which utilizes Renilla luciferase (hRluc) protein and its substrate DeepBlueC as an energy donor and a mutant green fluorescent protein (GFP2) as the acceptor. We investigated, on whole intact cells, the role of NR2E3 DBD-mutations in dimerization and association with Crx. Results:We clearly showed that NR2E3 formed homodimers in HEK-293T cells. Moreover, all causative NR2E3 mutations present in the DBD of the protein showed an alteration in dimerization, except for the R76Q and the R104W mutants. Interestingly, the adRP-linked G56R mutant was the only DBD-NR2E3 mutant that showed a correct interaction with Crx. Finally, we observed a decrease in rhodospin gene transactivation for all DBD-NR2E3 mutants tested and no potentiation for the adRP-linked G56R mutant. In addition, the p.G56R mutant enhanced the transrepression of M-opsin promoter, while all other DBD-NR2E3 mutants did not repress M-opsin transactivation. Conclusions:A defect, either in the dimer formation or in the interaction of NR2E3 with Crx, leads to abnormal transcriptional activity on rhodopsin and M-opsin promoter and to an atypical retinal development; while the titration of Crx by p.G56R-NR2E3 leads to low levels of rhodopsin and M-opsin expression and may be responsible for the strong adRP phenotype.


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LB11058 is a new synthetic cephalosporin with good affinity for staphylococcal penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a). LB11058 was tested in vitro and in rats with experimental aortic endocarditis against three methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, one penicillinase-negative strain (strain COL), and two penicillinase-producing strains (COL-Bla+ and P8-Hom). The MICs of LB11058 for the organisms were 1 mg/liter. The MICs of vancomycin and ceftriaxone were 1 and >/=64 mg/liter, respectively. In population analysis profiles, none of the MRSA strains grew at >/=2 mg of LB11058/liter. Rats with endocarditis were treated for 5 days. LB11058 was highly bound to serum proteins in rats (>/=98%). However, binding was saturable above a threshold of 250 mg/liter. Therefore, continuous concentrations of 250 mg/liter in serum were infused to ensure a free fraction (>/=5 mg/liter) above the drug's MIC for the entire infusion period. Control treatments included simulation of human serum kinetics produced by intravenous vancomycin (1 g twice daily, free drug concentration above MIC, >/=90% of infusion period) or ceftriaxone (2 g/24 h, free drug concentrations above the MIC, 0% of infusion period). LB11058 successfully treated 10 of 10 (100%) and 13 of 14 (93%) of rats infected with COL-Bla+ and P8-Hom, respectively. This was comparable to vancomycin (sterilization of 8 of 12 [66%] and 6 of 8 [75%] rats, respectively). Ceftriaxone was inactive. Low concentrations of LB11058 (5 and 10 mg/liter, continuously infused) in serum were ineffective, as predicted by the pharmacodynamic parameters. At appropriate doses, LB11058 was highly effective both in vitro and in vivo. This finding supports the development of this beta-lactam with high PBP2a affinity for the treatment of MRSA infections.


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The present study describes the postnatal expression of calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) in organotypic monocultures of rat dorsal thalamus compared to the thalamus in vivo. Cultures were maintained for up to 7 weeks. Cortex-conditioned medium improved the survival of thalamic cultures. MAP2-immunoreactive material was present in somata and dendrites of small and large-sized neurons throughout the cultures. Parvalbumin immunoreactivity was present in larger multipolar or bitufted neurons along the edge of a culture. These neurons also displayed strong parvalbumin mRNA and GAD mRNA expression, and GABA immunoreactivity. They likely corresponded to cells of the nucleus reticularis thalami. Parvalbumin mRNA, but neither parvalbumin protein nor GAD mRNA, was expressed in neurons with large somata within the explant. They likely represented relay cells. GAD mRNA, but not parvalbumin mRNA, was expressed in small neurons within the explants. Small neurons also displayed calbindin- and calretinin-immunoreactivity. The small neurons likely represented local circuit neurons. The time course of expression of the calcium-binding proteins revealed that all were present at birth with the predicted molecular weights. A low, but constant parvalbumin expression was observed in vitro without the developmental increase seen in vivo, which most likely represented parvalbumin from afferent sources. In contrast, the explantation transiently downregulated the calretinin and calbindin expression, but the neurons recovered the expression after 14 and 21 days, respectively. In conclusion, thalamic monocultures older than three weeks represent a stable neuronal network containing well differentiated neurons of the nucleus reticularis thalami, relay cells and local circuit neurons.


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Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 is an effective biocontrol agent of root diseases caused by fungal pathogens. The strain produces the antibiotics 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and pyoluteorin (PLT) that make essential contributions to pathogen suppression. This study focused on the role of the sigma factor RpoN (sigma54) in regulation of antibiotic production and biocontrol activity in P. fluorescens. An rpoN in-frame-deletion mutant of CHAO had a delayed growth, was impaired in the utilization of several carbon and nitrogen sources, and was more sensitive to salt stress. The rpoN mutant was defective for flagella and displayed drastically reduced swimming and swarming motilities. Interestingly, the rpoN mutant showed a severalfold enhanced production of DAPG and expression of the biosynthetic gene phlA compared with the wild type and the mutant complemented with monocopy rpoN+. By contrast, loss of RpoN function resulted in markedly lowered PLT production and plt gene expression, suggesting that RpoN controls the balance of the two antibiotics in strain CHA0. In natural soil microcosms, the rpoN mutant was less effective in protecting cucumber from a root rot caused by Pythium ultimum. Remarkably, the mutant was not significantly impaired in its root colonization capacity, even at early stages of root infection by Pythium spp. Taken together, our results establish RpoN for the first time as a major regulator of biocontrol activity in Pseudomonas fluorescens.


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The roles of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBPs) in keratinocyte and sebocyte differentiation suggest that both families of transcription factors closely interact in the skin. Initial characterization of the mouse PPARbeta promoter revealed an AP-1 site that is crucial for the regulation of PPARbeta expression in response to inflammatory cytokines in the skin. We now present evidence for a novel regulatory mechanism of the expression of the PPARbeta gene by which two members of the C/EBP family of transcription factors inhibit its basal promoter activity in mouse keratinocytes. We first demonstrate that C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta, but not C/EBPdelta, inhibit the expression of PPARbeta through the recruitment of a transcriptional repressor complex containing HDAC-1 to a specific C/EBP binding site on the PPARbeta promoter. Consistent with this repression, the expression patterns of PPARbeta and C/EBPs are mutually exclusive in keratinocytes of the interfollicular epidermis and hair follicles in mouse developing skin. This work reveals the importance of the regulatory interplay between PPARbeta and C/EBP transcription factors in the control of proliferation and differentiation in this organ. Such insights are crucial for the understanding of the molecular control regulating the balance between proliferation and differentiation in many cell types including keratinocytes.


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BACKGROUND: Sodium channel NaV1.5 underlies cardiac excitability and conduction. The last 3 residues of NaV1.5 (Ser-Ile-Val) constitute a PDZ domain-binding motif that interacts with PDZ proteins such as syntrophins and SAP97 at different locations within the cardiomyocyte, thus defining distinct pools of NaV1.5 multiprotein complexes. Here, we explored the in vivo and clinical impact of this motif through characterization of mutant mice and genetic screening of patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: To investigate in vivo the regulatory role of this motif, we generated knock-in mice lacking the SIV domain (ΔSIV). ΔSIV mice displayed reduced NaV1.5 expression and sodium current (INa), specifically at the lateral myocyte membrane, whereas NaV1.5 expression and INa at the intercalated disks were unaffected. Optical mapping of ΔSIV hearts revealed that ventricular conduction velocity was preferentially decreased in the transversal direction to myocardial fiber orientation, leading to increased anisotropy of ventricular conduction. Internalization of wild-type and ΔSIV channels was unchanged in HEK293 cells. However, the proteasome inhibitor MG132 rescued ΔSIV INa, suggesting that the SIV motif is important for regulation of NaV1.5 degradation. A missense mutation within the SIV motif (p.V2016M) was identified in a patient with Brugada syndrome. The mutation decreased NaV1.5 cell surface expression and INa when expressed in HEK293 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate the in vivo significance of the PDZ domain-binding motif in the correct expression of NaV1.5 at the lateral cardiomyocyte membrane and underline the functional role of lateral NaV1.5 in ventricular conduction. Furthermore, we reveal a clinical relevance of the SIV motif in cardiac disease.


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Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 protects various crop plants against root diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. Among a range of exoproducts excreted by strain CHA0, the antifungal compounds 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and pyoluteorin (PLT) are particularly relevant to the strain's biocontrol potential. Here, we report on the characterization of MvaT and MvaV as novel regulators of biocontrol activity in strain CHA0. We establish the two proteins as further members of an emerging family of MvaT-like regulators in pseudomonads that are structurally and functionally related to the DNA-binding protein H-NS. In mvaT and mvaV in frame-deletion mutants of strain CHA0, PLT production was enhanced about four- and 1.5-fold, respectively, whereas DAPG production remained at wild-type levels. Remarkably, PLT production was increased up to 20-fold in an mvaT mvaV double mutant. DAPG biosynthesis was almost completely repressed in this mutant. The effects on antibiotic production could be confirmed by following expression of gfp-based reporter fusions to the corresponding biosynthetic genes. MvaT and MvaV also influenced levels of other exoproducts, motility, and physicochemical cell-surface properties to various extents. Compared with the wild type, mvaT and mvaV mutants had an about 20% reduced capacity (in terms of plant fresh weight) to protect cucumber from a root rot caused by Pythium ultimum. Biocontrol activity was nearly completely abolished in the double mutant Our findings indicate that MvaT and MvaV act together as further global regulatory elements in the complex network controlling expression of biocontrol traits in plant-beneficial pseudomonads.