476 resultados para piriform syndrome


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Mortality of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remains extremely high and only few evidence-based specific treatments are currently available. Protective mechanical ventilation has emerged as the comer stone of the management of ARDS to avoid the occurrence of ventilation-induced lung injuries (VILI). Mechanical ventilation in the prone position has often been considered as a rescue therapy reserved to refractory hypoxemia. Since the publication of the PROSEVA study in 2013, early prone positioning for mechanical ventilation should be recommended to improve survival of patients with severe ARDS. In this article, both the theoretical and practical aspects of mechanical ventilation in prone position are reviewed.


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Introduction :¦Le syndrome de Brugada (SB) se définit par une élévation du segment ST dans les dérivations précordiales droites (V1-V3) associée à une incidence élevée de mort subite par arythmies chez des patients sans cardiopathie structurelle. La prévention de la mort subite repose sur la pose d'un défibrillateur automatique implantable (DAI).¦Matériel et méthode :¦Cette étude est une analyse rétrospective de tous les patients avec SB implantés d'un DAI au CHUV entre 1998 et 2010. Le profil des patients, les complications, ainsi que les thérapies appropriées et inappropriées délivrées par le défibrillateur ont été évaluées. Une thérapie appropriée est définie par l'action appropriée du DAI (choc ou stimulation anti-tachycardie = ATP) en réponse à une TV ou une FV correctement détectée. La thérapie inappropriée est définie comme une thérapie délivrée par l'appareil en l'absence d'une arythmie ventriculaire.¦Résultats :¦Durant la période étudiée (01.01.1998 - 31.12.2010) nous avons collecté au total 23 patients soit 19 hommes (83%) et 4 femmes (17%) âgés de 12 à 60 ans (41 13 ans). Le rapport hommes/femmes est de 4.75. Le suivi quant à lui porte sur 21 patients: un patient, après échec de primo-implantation au CHUV, a été implanté d'un défibrillateur dans un autre canton et un second patient a été perdu de vue entre l'implantation et le premier contrôle prévu. Le suivi moyen des 21 patients restants est de 8432 mois (37-149 mois, médiane : 78 mois). Il y a eu au total 45 thérapies délivrées : 12 appropriées (8 chocs; 4 ATP) et 33 inappropriées. 18% des patients ont eu ≥ 1 thérapie appropriée alors que 43% ont eu ≥ 1 choc inapproprié. 14 des 23 patients (61%) ont eu ≥ 1 complication (9 avec chocs inappropriés, 7 avec complications opératoires après primo-implantations ou ré-interventions, 6 avec dysfonction de sonde ventriculaire et 1 avec explantation).¦Conclusion :¦Le profil de ce petit collectif de patients avec SB implantés d'un DAI au CHUV est comparable à celui décrit dans la littérature. Durant un suivi moyen de 7 ans après la primo-implantation, l'incidence d'arythmies ventriculaires malignes est faible, avec un taux annuel de 2.6%. Le taux de complication est quant à lui élevé (8.7%/an). Près des trois-quarts des thérapies délivrées par le DAI sont inappropriées et les patients avec thérapies inappropriées sont 2.4x plus fréquents que les patients avec thérapies appropriées.


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Diabetes and the related metabolic syndrome are multi system disorders that result from improper interactions between various cell types. Even though the underlying mechanism remains to be fully understood, it is most likely that both the long and the short distance range cell interactions, which normally ensure the physiologic functioning of the pancreas, and its relationships with the insulin-targeted organs, are altered. This review focuses on the short-range type of interactions that depend on the contact between adjacent cells and, specifically, on the interactions that are dependent on connexins. The widespread distribution of these membrane proteins, their multiple modes of action, and their interactions with conditions/molecules associated to both the pathogenesis and the treatment of the 2 main forms of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, make connexins an essential part of the chain of events that leads to metabolic diseases. Here, we review the present state of knowledge about the molecular and cell biology of the connexin genes and proteins, their general mechanisms of action, the roles specific connexin species play in the endocrine pancreas and the major insulin-targeted organs, under physiological and patho-physiological conditions.


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Nine children surviving severe adult respiratory distress syndrome were studied 0.9 to 4.2 years after the acute illness. They had received artificial ventilation for a mean of 9.4 days, with an Fio2 greater than 0.5 during a mean time of 34 hours and maximal positive end expiratory pressure levels in the range of 8 to 20 cm H2O. Three children had recurrent respiratory symptoms (moderate exertional dyspnea and cough), and two had evidence of fibrosis on chest radiographs. All patients had abnormal lung function; the most prominent findings were ventilation inequalities, as judged by real-time moment ratio analysis of multibreath nitrogen washout curves (abnormal in eight of nine patients) and hypoxemia (seven of nine). Lung volumes were less abnormal; one patient had restrictive and two had obstructive disease. A significant correlation between intensive care measures (Fio2 greater than 0.5 in hours and peak inspiratory plateau pressure) and lung function abnormalities (moment ratio analysis and hypoxemia) was found. A possibly increased susceptibility of the pediatric age group to the primary insult or respiratory therapy of adult respiratory distress syndrome is suggested.


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Anorectal malformation (ARM) can be divided in high, intermediate, and low forms according to the level of termination of the rectum in relation to the pubococcygeal and ischiatic lines. Patients with Down's syndrome have a high incidence of gastrointestinal anomalies, such as tracheoesophageal fistula, duodenal obstruction, annular pancreas, Hirschsprung's disease, and ARM. In these children, ARM is generally low with or without a fistula. The mode of inheritance of ARM and its genetic relation with Down's syndrome is not known, even if the association (ARM-Down's syndrome) seems not to be coincidental. We describe here a very rare case of monozygotic twins born with the association of ARM and Down's syndrome.


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The predictive potential of six selected factors was assessed in 72 patients with primary myelodysplastic syndrome using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis of survival at 18 months. Factors were age (above median of 69 years), dysplastic features in the three myeloid bone marrow cell lineages, presence of chromosome defects, all metaphases abnormal, double or complex chromosome defects (C23), and a Bournemouth score of 2, 3, or 4 (B234). In the multivariate approach, B234 and C23 proved to be significantly associated with a reduction in the survival probability. The similarity of the regression coefficients associated with these two factors means that they have about the same weight. Consequently, the model was simplified by counting the number of factors (0, 1, or 2) present in each patient, thus generating a scoring system called the Lausanne-Bournemouth score (LB score). The LB score combines the well-recognized and easy-to-use Bournemouth score (B score) with the chromosome defect complexity, C23 constituting an additional indicator of patient outcome. The predicted risk of death within 18 months calculated from the model is as follows: 7.1% (confidence interval: 1.7-24.8) for patients with an LB score of 0, 60.1% (44.7-73.8) for an LB score of 1, and 96.8% (84.5-99.4) for an LB score of 2. The scoring system presented here has several interesting features. The LB score may improve the predictive value of the B score, as it is able to recognize two prognostic groups in the intermediate risk category of patients with B scores of 2 or 3. It has also the ability to identify two distinct prognostic subclasses among RAEB and possibly CMML patients. In addition to its above-described usefulness in the prognostic evaluation, the LB score may bring new insights into the understanding of evolution patterns in MDS. We used the combination of the B score and chromosome complexity to define four classes which may be considered four possible states of myelodysplasia and which describe two distinct evolutional pathways.


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There are many case reports of serious complications and death among obstructive sleep apnea patients (OSA) during general anesthesia or postoperative analgesia. Sedatives and anesthetic agents, pharyngeal anatomy of these patients, opiates given for analgesia, and post operative REM sleep rebound represent potential hazards for general anesthesia in OSA patients. Ideally these patients should be treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) during premedication, directly after extubation and during postoperative analgesia. Unfortunately, only about 20% of these patients are diagnosed before surgery. A special attention should be given to the symptoms and signs suggestive of OSA during preoperative visits. Screening tests should be performed in patients with suspected OSA and, if positive, a treatment should be initiated.


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Linkage between the loci for fraXq of Martin-Bell syndrome and factor IX was studied in nine families exhibiting this syndrome by means of a restriction fragment length polymorphism at the factor IX locus. Computer analysis of the data indicates there to be no evidence for close linkage between the syndrome and the factor IX locus.


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OBJECTIVE: Fibrotic changes are initiated early in acute respiratory distress syndrome. This may involve overproliferation of alveolar type II cells. In an animal model of acute respiratory distress syndrome, we have shown that the administration of an adenoviral vector overexpressing the 70-kd heat shock protein (AdHSP) limited pathophysiological changes. We hypothesized that this improvement may be modulated, in part, by an early AdHSP-induced attenuation of alveolar type II cell proliferation. DESIGN: Laboratory investigation. SETTING: Hadassah-Hebrew University and University of Pennsylvania animal laboratories. SUBJECTS: Sprague-Dawley Rats (250 g). INTERVENTIONS: Lung injury was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats via cecal ligation and double puncture. At the time of cecal ligation and double puncture, we injected phosphate-buffered saline, AdHSP, or AdGFP (an adenoviral vector expressing the marker green fluorescent protein) into the trachea. Rats then received subcutaneous bromodeoxyuridine. In separate experiments, A549 cells were incubated with medium, AdHSP, or AdGFP. Some cells were also stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha. After 48 hrs, cytosolic and nuclear proteins from rat lungs or cell cultures were isolated. These were subjected to immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, fluorescent immunohistochemistry, and Northern blot analysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Alveolar type I cells were lost within 48 hrs of inducing acute respiratory distress syndrome. This was accompanied by alveolar type II cell proliferation. Treatment with AdHSP preserved alveolar type I cells and limited alveolar type II cell proliferation. Heat shock protein 70 prevented overexuberant cell division, in part, by inhibiting hyperphosphorylation of the regulatory retinoblastoma protein. This prevented retinoblastoma protein ubiquitination and degradation and, thus, stabilized the interaction of retinoblastoma protein with E2F1, a key cell division transcription factor. CONCLUSIONS: : Heat shock protein 70-induced attenuation of cell proliferation may be a useful strategy for limiting lung injury when treating acute respiratory distress syndrome if consistent in later time points.