516 resultados para Tumor suppression
Background: Sagopilone (ZK 219477), a lipophylic and synthetic analog of epothilone B, that crosses the blood-brain barrier has demonstrated preclinical activity in glioma models.Patients and methods: Patients with first recurrence/progression of glioblastoma were eligible for this early phase II and pharmacokinetic study exploring single-agent sagopilone (16 mg/m(2) over 3 h every 21 days). Primary end point was a composite of either tumor response or being alive and progression free at 6 months. Overall survival, toxicity and safety and pharmacokinetics were secondary end points.Results: Thirty-eight (evaluable 37) patients were included. Treatment was well tolerated, and neuropathy occurred in 46% patients [mild (grade 1) : 32%]. No objective responses were seen. The progression-free survival (PFS) rate at 6 months was 6.7% [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3-18.7], the median PFS was just over 6 weeks, and the median overall survival was 7.6 months (95% CI 5.3-12.3), with a 1-year survival rate of 31.6% (95% CI 17.7-46.4). Maximum plasma concentrations were reached at the end of the 3-h infusion, with rapid declines within 30 min after termination.Conclusions: No evidence of relevant clinical antitumor activity against recurrent glioblastoma could be detected. Sagopilone was well tolerated, and moderate-to-severe peripheral neuropathy was observed in despite prolonged administration.
Genetic tumor syndromes reflect an inherited predisposition to develop benign and malignant tumors. Increased frequency of neoplasms within the family or occurring at an early age are clinical clues for a possible underlying genetic susceptibility. Awareness of their associated cutaneous manifestations can facilitate early detection of risk for tumors. The goal of this article is to review clinical and molecular features of some genetic tumor syndrome which present with skin involvement at birth or during childhood.
The binding and penetration of two 125I-labeled anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibodies (MAb) and their F(ab')2 and Fab fragments were measured in multicellular spheroids of poorly (HT29) and moderately well differentiated (Co112) human colon adenocarcinomas which express different amounts of CEA. Spheroids cultured in vitro model tumor microenvironments where poor vascular supply may modulate antigen expression and accessibility. The two MAb studied, 202 and 35, were shown previously to react with different CEA epitopes and to have high affinities of 1.2 and 5.8 X 10(9) M-1, respectively. MAb 202 has also been shown to cross-react with antigens present on human granulocytes and normal epithelial cells from human lung and pancreas. Specific binding of intact MAb and fragments of both antibodies was demonstrated for both types of human colon carcinoma spheroids compared to mouse colon carcinoma (CL26) and mammary tumor (EMT6/Ro) spheroids. Total binding of MAb and fragments was greater (1.5- to 2.5-fold) after 4 h compared to 1 h of exposure; the amount of binding compared to control IgG1 was 5- to 30-fold greater after 1-h incubation and 15 to 200 times greater after 4 h. This binding was stable as demonstrated by short and long wash experiments at 37 degrees and 4 degrees C. The binding of F(ab')2 and Fab fragments of the anti-CEA MAb 35 to spheroids of human colon Co112 was almost 2-fold greater than that of the intact MAb. However, for MAb 202, the binding of intact MAb and F(ab')2 was greater than that of Fab fragments. In addition the binding of both intact and F(ab')2 fragments of MAb 202 was greater than that obtained with MAb 35. Specific binding of both antibodies to HT29 spheroids, which express less CEA, was decreased for MAb and fragments of both 202 and 35. Autoradiography and immunoperoxidase experiments were performed to determine the penetration of MAb and fragments after incubation with intact spheroids. Comparisons were made with labeled MAb directly applied to frozen sections of spheroids. F(ab')2 and Fab fragments of both antibodies were bound at the surface of intact spheroids and penetrated to eight to ten cells, but the intact MAb were localized mainly at the spheroid surface and the outer one to three cell layers. There was much less binding at the surfaces of HT29 compared to Co112 spheroids. An enzyme immunoassay using MAb 35 and 202 demonstrated that Co112 spheroids produced about 8-fold more CEA/mg of cell protein than did monolayer cultures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : La perfusion isolée de membre (isolated limb perfusion, ou ILP) par TNF-alpha et melphalan, utilisés en association, est une stratégie de prise en charge chirurgicale des sarcomes non opérables des extrémités. Elle a été en partie développée au CHUV dans les années 1990, sous l'impulsion du Professeur F. Lejeune, ancien Chef du Service d'oncologie médicale (CePO). Les résultats des 31 premiers patients ont été publiés en 2000 dans l'European Journal of Surgical Oncology. Les données dans la littérature manquant sur les résultats à long terme, nous avons revu tous les patients traités au CHUV depuis 1992 pour tenter des de déterminer ces résultats à long terme, en se focalisant sur l'efficacité du traitement, symbolisée par le taux de sauvetage de membres, autrement condamnés à l'amputation ou à une chirurgie mutilante. Matériel et méthode : Etude rétrospective. De 1992 à mars 2006, 51 patients ont été traités par ILP dans notre institution, certains à deux reprises (58 ILP au total). Quatre-vingt-huit pour cent présentaient un sarcome de haut grade de malignité, et 84% une tumeur localement avancée (T2b NO Mo ou plus). Résultats : Le follow-up moyen est de 38.9 mois (4-159, médiane 22 mois), on note 21 % de complications immédiates et 23% de complications tardives ou chroniques. Une réponse complète (nécrose totale ou disparition de la tumeur) a été observée dans 25% des cas, une réponse partielle (>50% de nécrose ou de diminution de taille tumorale) dans 42%, une stabilité de la maladie dans 14% et une progression tumorale dans 14%. Un traitement adjuvant a été entrepris dans 31 % des cas, une résection des résidus tumoraux a pu être effectuée chez 65% des patients. On note un taux de récidive locale de 35% (après 20,3 mois en moyenne) et un taux de récidive à distance de 45% (après 13,4 mois en moyenne). Le disease-free survival est de 14,9 mois et la survie à 5 ans de 43,5%. Le taux d'amputation s'élève à 24%. Conclusion : La perfusion isolée de membre est un traitement grevé d'un taux élevé de complications, mais il peut étre entrepris dans les sarcomes les plus sévères avec un succès significatif. Ainsi, dans notre série, une chirurgie mutilante (en général l'amputation) a pu être épargnée à 76% des patients.
PURPOSE: To report the first case of choroidal schwannoma in a patient affected by PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) and investigate the molecular involvement of the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) and neurofibromin 2 (NF2) genes in this rare intraocular tumor. DESIGN: Observational case report. PARTICIPANT: A 10-year-old girl diagnosed with PHTS. METHODS: The enucleated specimen underwent histologic, immunohistochemical, and transmission electronic microscopy. The expression of PTEN and NF2 and their protein products were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. Somatic mutations of PTEN and NF2, as well as allelic loss, were investigated by direct sequencing of DNA extracted from the tumor. PTEN epigenetic silencing was investigated by pyrosequencing. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Histopathologic and molecular characterization of a choroidal pigmented schwannoma. RESULTS: Histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic analysis demonstrated features consistent with a pigmented cellular schwannoma of the choroid. We found no loss of heterozygosity at the genomic level for the PTEN germline mutation and no promoter hypermethylation or other somatic intragenic mutations. However, we observed an approximate 40% reduction of PTEN expression at both the mRNA and the protein level, indicating that the tumor was nonetheless functionally deficient for PTEN. Although DNA sequencing of NF2 failed to identify any pathologic variants, its expression was abolished within the tumor. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first description of a pigmented choroidal schwannoma in the context of a PHTS. This rare tumor showed a unique combination of reduction of PTEN and absence of NF2 expression.
Tolerance against superantigens (SAgs) encoded by endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (Mtv) loci involves the intrathymic deletion of SAg-reactive T cells expressing a particular TCR V beta-chain, presumably upon presentation of the SAg by specialized APC. However, although the role of dendritic cells (DC) in the induction of tolerance against conventional Ags has been demonstrated, little is known about the role played by DC in tolerance induction against Mtv SAgs. Moreover, there is conflicting evidence concerning the capacity of DC to express and present Mtv SAgs. In this report we have analyzed the expression of Mtv SAgs in highly purified thymic and splenic DC and B cells by reverse transcriptase-PCR, using primers amplifying Mtv SAg-specific spliced mRNAs. DC express Mtv SAgs at levels comparable to B cells, but display a differential expression pattern of the various Mtv loci compared with B cells. Furthermore, our results show that DC are able to induce the deletion of SAg-reactive thymocytes in an in vitro assay, indicating that Mtv SAgs are functionally expressed on the DC surface. Collectively, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that DC play a role in the induction of intrathymic tolerance to Mtv SAgs.
RESUME L'angiogénèse tumorale est un processus essentiel au développement des tumeurs. Les intégrines, molécules d'adhésions transmembranaires, sont d'importants effecteurs de l'angiogenèse. En permettant l'adhésion à la matrice extra-cellulaire, les intégrines transmettant des signaux de survie, de migration, et de prolifération. Le facteur de nécrose tumorale α (TNFα) est utilisé pour le traitement régional de cancers chez l'homme. II agit en détruisant sélectivement les vaisseaux angiogéniques. Cependant, son administration systémique chez l'homme est limitée par les réactions de vaso-dilatation sévères qu'il provoque. Le but de mon travail fut de rechercher des conditions permettant la sensibilisation des cellules endothéliales au TNFα et qui pourraient être applicables en clinique, ceci afin d'accroître l'efficacité de cette molécule. Nous avons testé la possibilité d'interférer avec les signaux de survie provenant des intégrines. Pour cela, des cellules endothéliales furent cultivées dans des conditions d'adhésion ou en suspension, ou alors exposées dans des conditions d'adhésion au zoledronate (biphosphonate contenant du nitrogène). Dans ces conditions, les effets du TNFα sur les cellules endothéliales furent étudiés, en particulier l'induction de la mort cellulaire. Dans ce travail, nous montrons que le zoledronate sensibilise les cellules endothéliales à la nécrose induite par TNFα. Cet effet s'accompagne de l'inhibition de la phosphorylation de FAK, PKB, et JNK, ainsi que de l'inhibition de la prénylation des protéines. En revanche, l'activation de NF-kB et p38 n'est pas perturbée. La restoration de la prénylation des protéines empêche la mort des HUVEC traitées par zoledronate et TNFα, et rétablit la phosphorylation de FAK, PKB, et JNK. Des essais d'angiogénèse in vivo montrent que le zoledronate inhibe l'angiogénèse induite par FGF-2. Le zoledronate encapsulé dans des liposomes permet de ralentir la croissance tumorale et synergise avec le TNFα en l'inhibant. L'inihibtion de la prénylation des protéines est un des mécanismes de sensibilisation du zoledronate au TNFα. In vivo, la synergie de leur association sur la croissance tumorale est efficace. Ces résultats encouragent la poursuite de l'étude des effets de ces deux drogues sur la croissance tumorale. SUMMARY The formation of tumor-associated vessels is essential for tumor progression. Cell adhesion molecules of the integrin family are important mediators of angiogenesis, by providing adhesive signals necessary for endothelial cell migration, proliferation and survival. Anti-angiogenic therapies are currently considered as highly promising in the treatment of human cancer. Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) is used for the regional treatment of human cancer, whose mechanisms of action involved selective disruption of angiogenic tumor vessels. Systemic administration of TNFα in humans, however, induces a severe inflammatory condition that prevents its use far the treatments of tumors localized outside of limbs. The aim of my work was to find strategies to sensitize angiogenic endothelial cells to TNFα-induced death, which could be potentially translated into clinical setting to improve the therapeutic efficacy of TNFα. We specifically tested the hypothesis whether interference with integrin-mediated adhesion and signaling may sensitize endothelial cells to TNFα-induced death. To test this hypothesis we cultured endothelial cells (EC) under conditions of cell-matrix or cell-cell adhesion or exposed matrix-adherent EC to the nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate zoledronate, and characterized the effect on TNFα-mediated signaling events and cell death. We show that zoledronate sensitizes HUVEC to TNFα-induced necrosis-like programmed cell death. This effect was associated with suppression of sustained phosphorylation of PKB and JNK and decreased protein prenylation, whereas TNFα-induced activation of NF-kB and p38 were not inhibited. Restoration of protein prenylation rescued HUVEC from zoledronate and TNFα-induced death, and restored FAK, PKB and JNK phosphorylation. By using in vivo angiogenesis assay we showed that zoledronate suppressed FGF-2-induced angiogenesis. Liposome-encapulated zoledronate partially inhibited tumor growth and synergized with TNFα to fully suppress tumor growth. Taken together, this work has identified protein prenylation as a mechanisms by which zoledronate sensitizes endothelial cells to TNFα-induced death in vitro and provides initial evidence that zoledronate synergizes with TNFα in vivo resulting in improved anti-tumor activity. These results warrant further study of the anti-tumor effects of zoledronate and TNFα and should be further studies in view of their clinical relevance.
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which exists in two functionally distinct complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2 plays an important role in tumor growth. Whereas the role of mTORC1 has been well characterized in this process, little is known about the functions of mTORC2 in cancer progression. In this study, we explored the specific role of mTORC2 in colon cancer using a short hairpin RNA expression system to silence the mTORC2-associated protein rictor. We found that downregulation of rictor in HT29 and LS174T colon cancer cells significantly reduced cell proliferation. Knockdown of rictor also resulted in a G1 arrest as observed by cell cycle analysis. We further observed that LS174T cells deficient for rictor failed to form tumors in a nude mice xenograft model. Taken together, these results show that the inhibition of mTORC2 reduces colon cancer cell proliferation in vitro and tumor xenograft formation in vivo. They also suggest that specifically targeting mTORC2 may provide a novel treatment strategy for colorectal cancer.
OBJECTIVES: To determine HIV-1 RNA in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of successfully treated patients and to evaluate if combination antiretroviral treatments with higher central nervous system penetration-effectiveness (CPE) achieve better CSF viral suppression. METHODS: Viral loads (VLs) and drug concentrations of lopinavir, atazanavir, and efavirenz were measured in plasma and CSF. The CPE was calculated using 2 different methods. RESULTS: The authors analyzed 87 CSF samples of 60 patients. In 4 CSF samples, HIV-1 RNA was detectable with 43-82 copies per milliliter. Median CPE in patients with detectable CSF VL was significantly lower compared with individuals with undetectable VL: CPE of 1.0 (range, 1.0-1.5) versus 2.3 (range, 1.0-3.5) using the method of 2008 (P = 0.011) and CPE of 6 (range, 6-8) versus 8 (range, 5-12) using the method of 2010 (P = 0.022). The extrapolated CSF trough levels for atazanavir (n = 12) were clearly above the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) in only 25% of samples; both patients on atazanavir/ritonavir with detectable CSF HIV-1 RNA had trough levels in the range of the presumed IC50. The extrapolated CSF trough level for lopinavir (n = 42) and efavirenz (n = 18) were above the IC50 in 98% and 78%, respectively, of samples, including the patients with detectable CSF HIV-1 RNA. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that treatment regimens with high intracerebral efficacy reflected by a high CPE score are essential to achieve CSF HIV-1 RNA suppression. The CPE score including all drug components was a better predictor for treatment failure in the CSF than the sole concentrations of protease inhibitor or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor in plasma or CSF.
PURPOSE: Quality of care and its measurement represent a considerable challenge for pediatric smaller-scale comprehensive cancer centers (pSSCC) providing surgical oncology services. It remains unclear whether center size and/or yearly case-flow numbers influence the quality of care, and therefore impact outcomes for this population of patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a 14-year, retrospective, single-center analysis, assessing adherence to treatment protocols and surgical adverse events as quality indicators in abdominal and thoracic pediatric solid tumor surgery. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients, enrolled in a research-associated treatment protocol, underwent 51 cancer-oriented surgical procedures. All the protocols contain precise technical criteria, indications, and instructions for tumor surgery. Overall, compliance with such items was very high, with 997/1,035 items (95 %) meeting protocol requirements. There was no surgical mortality. Twenty-one patients (43 %) had one or more complications, for a total of 34 complications (66 % of procedures). Overall, 85 % of complications were grade 1 or 2 according to Clavien-Dindo classification requiring observation or minor medical treatment. Case-sample and outcome/effectiveness data were comparable to published series. Overall, our data suggest that even with the modest caseload of a pSSCC within a Swiss tertiary academic hospital, compliance with international standards can be very high, and the incidence of adverse events can be kept minimal. CONCLUSION: Open and objective data sharing, and discussion between pSSCCs, will ultimately benefit our patient populations. Our study is an initial step towards the enhancement of critical self-review and quality-of-care measurements in this setting.
We have previously characterized an infectious mouse mammary tumor virus [(MMTV(SW)] which induces a strong superantigen response in vivo. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of MMTV(C4) which was derived from milk of mice implanted with hyperplastic alveolar nodules. MMTV(C4) stimulates V beta 2 expressing T cells after local injection in vivo. Comparison with known open reading frame (orf) sequences revealed high homology to Mtv-6, an endogenous virus interacting with V beta 3-expressing T cells. The carboxyl-terminal amino acids were, however, altered. High homology including the carboxyl-terminal orf amino acids were found with MMTV(C3H-K). We show here that MMTV(C3H-K) has lost its superantigen function. Sequence comparisons permitted the characterization of few key amino acids which could be important for T cell receptor interaction and superantigen processing.
PURPOSE: To investigate the utility of inversion recovery with ON-resonant water suppression (IRON) to create positive signal in normal lymph nodes after injection of superparamagnetic nanoparticles. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experiments were conducted on six rabbits, which received a single bolus injection of 80 mumol Fe/kg monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticle (MION-47). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed at baseline, 1 day, and 3 days after MION-47 injection using conventional T(1)- and T(2)*-weighted sequences and IRON. Contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) were measured in blood and in paraaortic lymph nodes. RESULTS: On T(2)*-weighted images, as expected, signal attenuation was observed in areas of paraaortic lymph nodes after MION-47 injection. However, using IRON the paraaortic lymph nodes exhibited very high contrast enhancement, which remained 3 days after injection. CNR with IRON was 2.2 +/- 0.8 at baseline, increased markedly 1 day after injection (23.5 +/- 5.4, P < 0.01 vs. baseline), and remained high after 3 days (21.8 +/- 5.7, *P < 0.01 vs. baseline). CNR was also high in blood 1 day after injection (42.7 +/- 7.2 vs. 1.8 +/- 0.7 at baseline, P < 0.01) but approached baseline after 3 days (1.9 +/- 1.4, P = NS vs. baseline). CONCLUSION: IRON in conjunction with superparamagnetic nanoparticles can be used to perform 'positive contrast' MR-lymphography, particularly 3 days after injection of the contrast agent, when signal is no longer visible within blood vessels. The proposed method may have potential as an adjunct for nodal staging in cancer screening.
Inflammatory bowel diseases are commonly complicated by weight and bone loss. We hypothesized that IL-15, a pro-inflammatory cytokine expressed in colitis and an osteoclastogenic factor, could play a central role in systemic and skeletal complications of inflammatory bowel diseases. We evaluated the effects of an IL-15 antagonist, CRB-15, in mice with chronic colitis induced by oral 2% dextran sulfate sodium for 1 week, followed by another 1% for 2 weeks. During the last 2 weeks, mice were treated daily with CRB-15 or an IgG2a control antibody. Intestinal inflammation, disease severity, and bone parameters were evaluated at days 14 and 21. CRB-15 improved survival, early weight loss, and colitis clinical score, although colon damage and inflammation were prevented in only half the survivors. CRB-15 also delayed loss of femur bone mineral density and trabecular microarchitecture. Bone loss was characterized by decreased bone formation, but increased bone marrow osteoclast progenitors and osteoclast numbers on bone surfaces. CRB-15 prevented the suppression of osteoblastic markers of bone formation, and reduced osteoclast progenitors at day 14, but not later. However, by day 21, CRB-15 decreased tumor necrosis factor α and increased IL-10 expression in bone, paralleling a reduction of osteoclasts. These results delineate the role of IL-15 on the systemic and skeletal manifestations of chronic colitis and provide a proof-of-concept for future therapeutic developments.
In keratinocytes, the cyclin/CDK inhibitor p21(WAF1/Cip1) is a direct transcriptional target of Notch1 activation; loss of either the p21 or Notch1 genes expands stem cell populations and facilitates tumor development. The Notch1 tumor-suppressor function was associated with down-regulation of Wnt signaling. Here, we show that suppression of Wnt signaling by Notch1 activation is mediated, at least in part, by down-modulation of Wnts gene expression. p21 is a negative regulator of Wnts transcription downstream of Notch1 activation, independently of effects on the cell cycle. More specifically, expression of the Wnt4 gene is under negative control of endogenous p21 both in vitro and in vivo. p21 associates with the E2F-1 transcription factor at the Wnt4 promoter and causes curtailed recruitment of c-Myc and p300, and histone hypoacetylation at this promoter. Thus, p21 acts as a selective negative regulator of transcription and links the Notch and Wnt signaling pathways in keratinocyte growth control.
The main objective of the study was to examine the biotransformation of the anticancer drug imatinib in target cells by incubating it with oxidoreductases expressed in tumor cells. The second objective was to obtain an in silico prediction of the potential activity of imatinib metabolites. An in vitro enzyme kinetic study was performed with cDNA expressed human oxidoreductases and LC-MS/MS analysis. The kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) were determined for six metabolites. A molecular modeling approach was used to dock these metabolites to the target Abl or Bcr-Abl kinases. CYP3A4 isozyme showed the broadest metabolic capacity, whereas CYP1A1, CYP1B1 and FMO3 isozymes biotransformed imatinib with a high intrinsic clearance. The predicted binding modes for the metabolites to Abl were comparable to that of the parent drug, suggesting potential activity. These findings indicate that CYP1A1 and CYP1B1, which are known to be overexpressed in a wide range of tumors, are involved in the biotransformation of imatinib. They could play a role in imatinib disposition in the targeted stem, progenitor and differentiated cancer cells, with a possible contribution of the metabolites toward the activity of the drug.