273 resultados para Plant chromosome numbers
Abstract: Myotonic dystrophy (DM1), also known as Steinert disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease. It is characterized by myotonia, muscular weakness and atrophy, but DM1 may have manifestations in other organs such as eyes, heart, gonads, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, as well as brain. In 1992, it was demonstrated that this complex disease results from the expansion of CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region of the DM protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. The size of the inherited expansion is critically linked to the severity of the disease and the age of onset. Although several electrophysiological and histological studies have been carried out to verify the possible involvement of peripheral nerve abnormality with DM1, the results have not been univocal. Therefore, at present the possible association between peripheral neuropatliy and DM1 remains debated. Recently, transgenic mice have been generated, that carry the human genomic DM1 region with 300 CTG repeats, and display the human DMl phenotype. The generation of these DM1 transgenic mice provides a useful tool to investigate the type and incidence of structural abnormalities in the peripheral nervous system associated with DM1 disease. By using the DM1 transgenic mice, we investigated the presence/absence of the three major peripheral neuropathies: axonal degeneration, axonal demyelination and neuronopathy. The morphological and morphometric analysis of sciatic, sural and phrenic nerves demonstrated the absence of axonal degeneration or demyelination. The morphometric analysis also ruled out any loss in the numbers of sensory or motor neurons in lumbar dorsal root ganglia and lumbar spinal cord enlargement respectively. Moreover, the éxamination of serial hind limb muscle sections from DMl mice showed a normal intramuscular axonal arborization as well as the absence of changes in the number and structure of endplates. Finally, the electrophysiological tests performed in DM1 transgenic mice showed that the compound muscle axon potentials (CMAPs) elicited in the hind limb digits in response to a stimulation of the sciatic nerve with anear-nerve electrode were similar to thosé obtained in wild type mice. On the basis of all our results, we hypothesized that 300 CTG repeats are not sufficient to induce disorder in the peripheral nervous system of this DM1 transgenic mouse model. Résumé La dystrophie myotonique (DM1), connue aussi sous le nom de maladie de Steinert, est une maladie héréditaire autosornale dominante. Elle est caractérisée par une myotonie, une faiblesse et une atrophie musculaires, mais peut aussi se manifester dans d'autres organes tels que les yeux, les voies digestive et respiratoire, ou le cerveau. En 1992, il a été montré que cette maladie complexe résultait de l'expansion d'une répétition de CTG dans une partie non traduite en 3' du gène codant pour la protéine kinase DM (DMPK), sur le chromosome 19. La taille de l'expansion héritée est étroitement liée à la sévérité et l'âge d'apparition de DM1. Bien que plusieurs études électrophysiologiques et histologiques aient été menées, pour juger d'une implication possible d'anomalies au niveau du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1, les résultats n'ont jusqu'ici pas été univoques. Aujourd'hui, la question d'une neuropathie associée avec la DM1 reste donc controversée. Des souris transgéniques ont été élaborées, qui portent la séquence DM1 du génome humain avec 300 répétitions CTG et expriment le phénotype des patients DM1: Ces souris transgéniques DMl procurent un outil précieux pour l'étude du type et de l'incidence d'éventuelles anomalies du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1. En utilisant ces souris transgéniques DM1, nous avons étudié la présence ou l'absence des trois principaux types de neuropathies périphériques: la dégénération axonale, la démyélinisation axonale et la neuronopathie. Les études morphologiques et morphométrique des nerfs sciatiques, suraux et phréniques ont montré l'absence de dégénération axonale ou de démyélinisation. L'analyse du nombre de cellules neuronales n'a pas dévoilé de diminution des nombres de neurones sensitifs dans les ganglions des racines dorsales lombaires ou de neurones moteurs dans la moëlle épinière lombaire des souris transgéniques DMl. De plus, l'examen de coupes sériées de muscle des membres postérieurs de souris DM1 a montré une arborisation axonale intramusculaire normale, de même que l'absence d'irrégularité dans le nombre ou la structure des plaques motrices. Enfin, les tests électrophysiologiques effectués sur les souris DMl ont montré que les potentiels d'action de la composante musculaire (CMAPs) évoqués dans les doigts des membres postérieurs, en réponse à une stimulation du nerf sciatique à l'aide d'une électrode paranerveuse, étaient identiques à ceux observées chez les souris sauvages. Sur la base de l'ensemble de ces résultats, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que 300 répétitions CTG ne sont pas suffisantes pour induire d'altérations dans le système nerveux périphérique du modèle de souris transgéniques DM 1.
BACKGROUND: The genome of Protochlamydia amoebophila UWE25, a Parachlamydia-related endosymbiont of free-living amoebae, was recently published, providing the opportunity to search for genomic islands (GIs). RESULTS: On the residual cumulative G+C content curve, a G+C-rich 19-kb region was observed. This sequence is part of a 100-kb chromosome region, containing 100 highly co-oriented ORFs, flanked by two 17-bp direct repeats. Two identical gly-tRNA genes in tandem are present at the proximal end of this genetic element. Several mobility genes encoding transposases and bacteriophage-related proteins are located within this chromosome region. Thus, this region largely fulfills the criteria of GIs. The G+C content analysis shows that several modules compose this GI. Surprisingly, one of them encodes all genes essential for F-like conjugative DNA transfer (traF, traG, traH, traN, traU, traW, and trbC), involved in sex pilus retraction and mating pair stabilization, strongly suggesting that, similarly to the other F-like operons, the parachlamydial tra unit is devoted to DNA transfer. A close relatedness of this tra unit to F-like tra operons involved in conjugative transfer is confirmed by phylogenetic analyses performed on concatenated genes and gene order conservation. These analyses and that of gly-tRNA distribution in 140 GIs suggest a proteobacterial origin of the parachlamydial tra unit. CONCLUSIONS: A GI of the UWE25 chromosome encodes a potentially functional F-like DNA conjugative system. This is the first hint of a putative conjugative system in chlamydiae. Conjugation most probably occurs within free-living amoebae, that may contain hundreds of Parachlamydia bacteria tightly packed in vacuoles. Such a conjugative system might be involved in DNA transfer between internalized bacteria. Since this system is absent from the sequenced genomes of Chlamydiaceae, we hypothesize that it was acquired after the divergence between Parachlamydiaceae and Chlamydiaceae, when the Parachlamydia-related symbiont was an intracellular bacteria. It suggests that this heterologous DNA was acquired from a phylogenetically-distant bacteria sharing an amoebal vacuole. Since Parachlamydiaceae are emerging agents of pneumonia, this GI might be involved in pathogenicity. In future, conjugative systems might be developed as genetic tools for Chlamydiales.
We developed a semiquantitative job exposure matrix (JEM) for workers exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at a capacitor manufacturing plant from 1946 to 1977. In a recently updated mortality study, mortality of prostate and stomach cancer increased with increasing levels of cumulative exposure estimated with this JEM (trend p values = 0.003 and 0.04, respectively). Capacitor manufacturing began with winding bales of foil and paper film, which were placed in a metal capacitor box (pre-assembly), and placed in a vacuum chamber for flood-filling (impregnation) with dielectric fluid (PCBs). Capacitors dripping with PCB residues were then transported to sealing stations where ports were soldered shut before degreasing, leak testing, and painting. Using a systematic approach, all 509 unique jobs identified in the work histories were rated by predetermined process- and plant-specific exposure determinants; then categorized based on the jobs' similarities (combination of exposure determinants) into 35 job exposure categories. The job exposure categories were ranked followed by a qualitative PCB exposure rating (baseline, low, medium, and high) for inhalation and dermal intensity. Category differences in other chemical exposures (solvents, etc.) prevented further combining of categories. The mean of all available PCB concentrations (1975 and 1977) for jobs within each intensity rating was regarded as a representative value for that intensity level. Inhalation (in microgram per cubic milligram) and dermal (unitless) exposures were regarded as equally important. Intensity was frequency adjusted for jobs with continuous or intermittent PCB exposures. Era-modifying factors were applied to the earlier time periods (1946-1974) because exposures were considered to have been greater than in later eras (1975-1977). Such interpolations, extrapolations, and modifying factors may introduce non-differential misclassification; however, we do believe our rigorous method minimized misclassification, as shown by the significant exposure-response trends in the epidemiologic analysis.
The remarkable plasticity of plant ontogeny is shaped by hormone pathways, which not only orchestrate intrinsic developmental programs, but also convey environmental inputs. Several classes of plant hormones exist, and among them auxin, brassinosteroid and gibberellin are central for the regulation of growth in general and of cell elongation in particular. Various growth phenomena can be modulated by each of the three hormones, in a sometimes synergistic fashion, suggesting physiological redundancy and/or crosstalk between the different pathways. Whether this means that they target a common and unique transcriptome module, or rather separate growth-promoting transcriptome modules, remains unclear, however. Nevertheless, while surprisingly few molecular mediators of direct crosstalk in the proper sense have been isolated, evidence is accumulating for complex cross-regulatory relations between hormone pathways at the level of transcription, as exemplified in root meristem growth. The growing number of available genome sequences from the green lineage offers first glimpses at the evolution of hormone pathways, which can aid in understanding the multiple relationships observed between these pathways in angiosperms. The available analyses suggest that auxin, gibberellin and brassinosteroid signalling arose during land plant evolution in this order, correlating with increased morphological complexity and possibly conferring increased developmental flexibility.
Certain strains of fluorescent pseudomonads are important biological components of agricultural soils that are suppressive to diseases caused by pathogenic fungi on crop plants. The biocontrol abilities of such strains depend essentially on aggressive root colonization, induction of systemic resistance in the plant, and the production of diffusible or volatile antifungal antibiotics. Evidence that these compounds are produced in situ is based on their chemical extraction from the rhizosphere and on the expression of antibiotic biosynthetic genes in the producer strains colonizing plant roots. Well-characterized antibiotics with biocontrol properties include phenazines, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, pyoluteorin, pyrrolnitrin, lipopeptides, and hydrogen cyanide. In vitro, optimal production of these compounds occurs at high cell densities and during conditions of restricted growth, involving (i) a number of transcriptional regulators, which are mostly pathway-specific, and (ii) the GacS/GacA two-component system, which globally exerts a positive effect on the production of extracellular metabolites at a posttranscriptional level. Small untranslated RNAs have important roles in the GacS/GacA signal transduction pathway. One challenge in future biocontrol research involves development of new strategies to overcome the broad toxicity and lack of antifungal specificity displayed by most biocontrol antibiotics studied so far.
Mountain ecosystems will likely be affected by global warming during the 21st century, with substantial biodiversity loss predicted by species distribution models (SDMs). Depending on the geographic extent, elevation range and spatial resolution of data used in making these models, different rates of habitat loss have been predicted, with associated risk of species extinction. Few coordinated across-scale comparisons have been made using data of different resolution and geographic extent. Here, we assess whether climate-change induced habitat losses predicted at the European scale (10x10' grid cells) are also predicted from local scale data and modeling (25x25m grid cells) in two regions of the Swiss Alps. We show that local-scale models predict persistence of suitable habitats in up to 100% of species that were predicted by a European-scale model to lose all their suitable habitats in the area. Proportion of habitat loss depends on climate change scenario and study area. We find good agreement between the mismatch in predictions between scales and the fine-grain elevation range within 10x10' cells. The greatest prediction discrepancy for alpine species occurs in the area with the largest nival zone. Our results suggest elevation range as the main driver for the observed prediction discrepancies. Local scale projections may better reflect the possibility for species to track their climatic requirement toward higher elevations.
Indirect topographic variables have been used successfully as surrogates for disturbance processes in plant species distribution models (SDM) in mountain environments. However, no SDM studies have directly tested the performance of disturbance variables. In this study, we developed two disturbance variables: a geomorphic index (GEO) and an index of snow redistribution by wind (SNOW). These were developed in order to assess how they improved both the fit and predictive power of presenceabsence SDM based on commonly used topoclimatic (TC) variables for 91 plants in the Western Swiss Alps. The individual contribution of the disturbance variables was compared to TC variables. Maps of models were prepared to spatially test the effect of disturbance variables. On average, disturbance variables significantly improved the fit but not the predictive power of the TC models and their individual contribution was weak (5.6% for GEO and 3.3% for SNOW). However their maximum individual contribution was important (24.7% and 20.7%). Finally, maps including disturbance variables (i) were significantly divergent from TC models in terms of predicted suitable surfaces and connectivity between potential habitats, and (ii) were interpreted as more ecologically relevant. Disturbance variables did not improve the transferability of models at the local scale in a complex mountain system, and the performance and contribution of these variables were highly species-specific. However, improved spatial projections and change in connectivity are important issues when preparing projections under climate change because the future range size of the species will determine the sensitivity to changing conditions.
BACKGROUND: Hypertension and associated disorders are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The Lyon hypertensive rat (LH) is a genetically hypertensive strain that exhibits spontaneous and salt-sensitive hypertension, exaggerated proteinuria, high body weight, hyperlipidemia, and elevated insulin-to-glucose ratio. Previous genetic mapping identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing blood pressure (BP) on rat chromosome 13 (RNO13) in several models of hypertension. METHODS: To study the effects of a single chromosome on the mapped traits, we generated consomic strains by substituting LH RNO13 with that of the normotensive Brown Norway (BN) strain (LH-13BN) and reciprocal consomics by substituting a BN RNO13 with that of LH (BN-13LH). These reciprocal consomic strains, as well as the two parental strains were characterized for BP, metabolic and morphological parameters. RESULTS: Compared with LH parents, LH-13BN rats showed decreased mean BP (up to -24 mmHg on 2% NaCl in the drinking water), urine proteins and lipids, and increased body weight. Differences between BN-13LH and BN rats were much smaller than those observed between LH-13BN and LH rats, demonstrating the effects of the highly resistant BN genome background. Plasma renin activity was not affected by the substitution of RNO13, despite the significant BP differences. CONCLUSION: The present work demonstrates that RNO13 is a determinant of BP, proteinuria, and plasma lipids in the LH rat. The distinct phenotypic differences between the consomic LH-13BN and the LH make it a powerful model to determine genes and pathways leading to these risk factors for cardiovascular and renal disease.
Summary Due to their conic shape and the reduction of area with increasing elevation, mountain ecosystems were early identified as potentially very sensitive to global warming. Moreover, mountain systems may experience unprecedented rates of warming during the next century, two or three times higher than that records of the 20th century. In this context, species distribution models (SDM) have become important tools for rapid assessment of the impact of accelerated land use and climate change on the distribution plant species. In my study, I developed and tested new predictor variables for species distribution models (SDM), specific to current and future geographic projections of plant species in a mountain system, using the Western Swiss Alps as model region. Since meso- and micro-topography are relevant to explain geographic patterns of plant species in mountain environments, I assessed the effect of scale on predictor variables and geographic projections of SDM. I also developed a methodological framework of space-for-time evaluation to test the robustness of SDM when projected in a future changing climate. Finally, I used a cellular automaton to run dynamic simulations of plant migration under climate change in a mountain landscape, including realistic distance of seed dispersal. Results of future projections for the 21st century were also discussed in perspective of vegetation changes monitored during the 20th century. Overall, I showed in this study that, based on the most severe A1 climate change scenario and realistic dispersal simulations of plant dispersal, species extinctions in the Western Swiss Alps could affect nearly one third (28.5%) of the 284 species modeled by 2100. With the less severe 61 scenario, only 4.6% of species are predicted to become extinct. However, even with B1, 54% (153 species) may still loose more than 80% of their initial surface. Results of monitoring of past vegetation changes suggested that plant species can react quickly to the warmer conditions as far as competition is low However, in subalpine grasslands, competition of already present species is probably important and limit establishment of newly arrived species. Results from future simulations also showed that heavy extinctions of alpine plants may start already in 2040, but the latest in 2080. My study also highlighted the importance of fine scale and regional. assessments of climate change impact on mountain vegetation, using more direct predictor variables. Indeed, predictions at the continental scale may fail to predict local refugees or local extinctions, as well as loss of connectivity between local populations. On the other hand, migrations of low-elevation species to higher altitude may be difficult to predict at the local scale. Résumé La forme conique des montagnes ainsi que la diminution de surface dans les hautes altitudes sont reconnues pour exposer plus sensiblement les écosystèmes de montagne au réchauffement global. En outre, les systèmes de montagne seront sans doute soumis durant le 21ème siècle à un réchauffement deux à trois fois plus rapide que celui mesuré durant le 20ème siècle. Dans ce contexte, les modèles prédictifs de distribution géographique de la végétation se sont imposés comme des outils puissants pour de rapides évaluations de l'impact des changements climatiques et de la transformation du paysage par l'homme sur la végétation. Dans mon étude, j'ai développé de nouvelles variables prédictives pour les modèles de distribution, spécifiques à la projection géographique présente et future des plantes dans un système de montagne, en utilisant les Préalpes vaudoises comme zone d'échantillonnage. La méso- et la microtopographie étant particulièrement adaptées pour expliquer les patrons de distribution géographique des plantes dans un environnement montagneux, j'ai testé les effets d'échelle sur les variables prédictives et sur les projections des modèles de distribution. J'ai aussi développé un cadre méthodologique pour tester la robustesse potentielle des modèles lors de projections pour le futur. Finalement, j'ai utilisé un automate cellulaire pour simuler de manière dynamique la migration future des plantes dans le paysage et dans quatre scénarios de changement climatique pour le 21ème siècle. J'ai intégré dans ces simulations des mécanismes et des distances plus réalistes de dispersion de graines. J'ai pu montrer, avec les simulations les plus réalistes, que près du tiers des 284 espèces considérées (28.5%) pourraient être menacées d'extinction en 2100 dans le cas du plus sévère scénario de changement climatique A1. Pour le moins sévère des scénarios B1, seulement 4.6% des espèces sont menacées d'extinctions, mais 54% (153 espèces) risquent de perdre plus 80% de leur habitat initial. Les résultats de monitoring des changements de végétation dans le passé montrent que les plantes peuvent réagir rapidement au réchauffement climatique si la compétition est faible. Dans les prairies subalpines, les espèces déjà présentes limitent certainement l'arrivée de nouvelles espèces par effet de compétition. Les résultats de simulation pour le futur prédisent le début d'extinctions massives dans les Préalpes à partir de 2040, au plus tard en 2080. Mon travail démontre aussi l'importance d'études régionales à échelle fine pour évaluer l'impact des changements climatiques sur la végétation, en intégrant des variables plus directes. En effet, les études à échelle continentale ne tiennent pas compte des micro-refuges, des extinctions locales ni des pertes de connectivité entre populations locales. Malgré cela, la migration des plantes de basses altitudes reste difficile à prédire à l'échelle locale sans modélisation plus globale.
We have investigated the impacts of 63 different low-molecular-weight compounds, most of them plant derived, on the in vitro expression of two antifungal biosynthetic genes by the plant-protecting rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. The majority of the compounds tested affected the expression of one or both antifungal genes. This suggests that biocontrol activity in plant-beneficial pseudomonads is modulated by plant-bacterium signaling.
Understanding how plants sense and respond to heat stress is central to improve crop tolerance and productivity. Recent findings in Physcomitrella patensdemonstrated that the controlled passage of calcium ions across the plasma membrane regulates the heat shock response (HSR). To investigate the effect of membrane lipid composition on the plant HSR, we acclimated P. patens to a slightly elevated yet physiological growth temperature and analysed the signature of calcium influx under a mild heat shock. Compared to tissues grown at 22°C, tissues grown at 32°C had significantly higher overall membrane lipid saturation level and, when submitted to a short heat shock at 35°C, displayed a noticeably reduced calcium influx and a consequent reduced heat shock gene expression. These results show that temperature differences, rather than the absolute temperature, determine the extent of the plant HSR and indicate that membrane lipid composition regulates the calcium-dependent heat-signaling pathway.
When decommissioning a nuclear facility it is important to be able to estimate activity levels of potentially radioactive samples and compare with clearance values defined by regulatory authorities. This paper presents a method of calibrating a clearance box monitor based on practical experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. Adjusting the simulation for experimental data obtained using a simple point source permits the computation of absolute calibration factors for more complex geometries with an accuracy of a bit more than 20%. The uncertainty of the calibration factor can be improved to about 10% when the simulation is used relatively, in direct comparison with a measurement performed in the same geometry but with another nuclide. The simulation can also be used to validate the experimental calibration procedure when the sample is supposed to be homogeneous but the calibration factor is derived from a plate phantom. For more realistic geometries, like a small gravel dumpster, Monte Carlo simulation shows that the calibration factor obtained with a larger homogeneous phantom is correct within about 20%, if sample density is taken as the influencing parameter. Finally, simulation can be used to estimate the effect of a contamination hotspot. The research supporting this paper shows that activity could be largely underestimated in the event of a centrally-located hotspot and overestimated for a peripherally-located hotspot if the sample is assumed to be homogeneously contaminated. This demonstrates the usefulness of being able to complement experimental methods with Monte Carlo simulations in order to estimate calibration factors that cannot be directly measured because of a lack of available material or specific geometries.
Chromosome rearrangements involved in the formation of merodiploid strains in the Bacillus subtilis 168-166 system were explained by postulating the existence of intrachromosomal homology regions. This working hypothesis was tested by analysing sequences and restriction patterns of the, as yet uncharacterized, junctions between chromosome segments undergoing rearrangements in parent, 168 trpC2 and 166 trpE26, as well as in derived merodiploid strains. Identification, at the Ia/Ib chromosome junction of both parent strains, of a 1.3 kb segment nearly identical to a segment of prophage SPbeta established the existence of one of the postulated homology sequences. Inspection of relevant junctions revealed that a set of different homology regions, derived from prophage SPbeta, plays a key role in the formation of so-called trpE30, trpE30+, as well as of new class I merodiploids. Analysis of junctions involved in the transfer of the trpE26 mutation, i.e. simultaneous translocation of chromosome segment C and rotation of the terminal relative to the origin moiety of the chromosome, did not confirm the presence of any sequence suitable for homologous recombination. We propose a model involving simultaneous introduction of four donor DNA molecules, each comprising a different relevant junction, and their pairing with the junction regions of the recipient chromosome. The resolution of this structure, resting on homologous recombination, would confer the donor chromosome structure to the recipient, achieving some kind of 'transstamping'. In addition, a rather regular pattern of inverse and direct short sequence repeats in regions flanking the breaking points could be correlated with the initial, X-ray-induced, rearrangement.
Most studies of invasive species have been in highly modified, lowland environments, with comparatively little attention directed to less disturbed, high-elevation environments. However, increasing evidence indicates that plant invasions do occur in these environments, which often have high conservation value and provide important ecosystem services. Over a thousand non-native species have become established in natural areas at high elevations worldwide, and although many of these are not invasive, some may pose a considerable threat to native mountain ecosystems. Here, we discuss four main drivers that shape plant invasions into high-elevation habitats: (1) the (pre-)adaptation of non-native species to abiotic conditions, (2) natural and anthropogenic disturbances, (3) biotic resistance of the established communities, and (4) propagule pressure. We propose a comprehensive research agenda for tackling the problem of plant invasions into mountain ecosystems, including documentation of mountain invasion patterns at multiple scales, experimental studies, and an assessment of the impacts of non-native species in these systems. The threat posed to high-elevation biodiversity by invasive plant species is likely to increase because of globalization and climate change. However, the higher mountains harbor ecosystems where invasion by non-native species has scarcely begun, and where science and management have the opportunity to respond in time.