326 resultados para Bone Metabolism


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IL-1beta is a cytokine with major roles in inflammation and innate immune responses. IL-1beta is produced as an inactive proform that must be cleaved within the cell to generate biologically active IL-1beta. The enzyme caspase-1 catalyzes the reaction. Recent work showed that caspase-1 must be activated by a complex known as the inflammasome. The inflammasome comprises NALP, which is an intracellular receptor involved in innate immunity, and an ASC adapter that ensures caspase-1 recruitment to the receptor. The most extensively described inflammasome to date is formed by the NALP3 receptor within monocytes. Mutations involving the NALP3 gene cause hereditary periodic fever syndromes in humans. Increased inflammasome activity responsible for uncontrolled IL-1beta production occurs in these syndromes. Inhibition of the IL-1beta pathway by IL-1 receptor antagonist (anakinra) is a highly effective treatment for inherited periodic fever syndromes. A major role for inflammasome activity in the development of gout attacks was established recently. Urate monosodium crystals are specifically detected via the NALP3 inflammasome, which results in marked IL-1beta overproduction and initiation of an inflammatory response. This finding opens up new possibilities for the management of gouty attacks.


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Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio cholerae are Gram-negative pathogens that cause serious infectious disease in humans. The beta form of pro-IL-1 is thought to be involved in inflammatory responses and disease development during infection with these pathogens, but the mechanism of beta form of pro-IL-1 production remains poorly defined. In this study, we demonstrate that infection of mouse macrophages with two pathogenic Vibrio triggers the activation of caspase-1 via the NLRP3 inflammasome. Activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome was mediated by hemolysins and multifunctional repeat-in-toxins produced by the pathogenic bacteria. NLRP3 activation in response to V. vulnificus infection required NF-kappaB activation, which was mediated via TLR signaling. V. cholerae-induced NLRP3 activation also required NF-kappaB activation but was independent of TLR stimulation. Studies with purified V. cholerae hemolysin revealed that toxin-stimulated NLRP3 activation was induced by TLR and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1/2 ligand-mediated NF-kappaB activation. Our results identify the NLRP3 inflammasome as a sensor of Vibrio infections through the action of bacterial cytotoxins and differential activation of innate signaling pathways acting upstream of NF-kappaB.


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Considerable progress has been achieved in recent years in treating children affected by bone diseases. Advances in the understanding of the molecular pathophysiology of genetic bone diseases have led to the development of enzyme replacement therapies for various lysosomal storage diseases, following the breakthrough initiated in treating Gaucher disease. Clinical studies are underway with tailored molecules correcting bone fragility and alleviating chronic bone pain and other manifestations of hypophosphatasia, or promoting growth of long bones in achondroplasia patients. We further report our very encouraging experience with intravenous bisphosphonate treatment in children suffering from secondary osteopenia and the high prevalence of calcium and vitamin D deficits in these severely disabled children.


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Aims: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) appearing during childhood and adolescence compromise peak bone mass acquisition and increase fracture risk. The structural determinants of bone fragility in IBD however remain unknown. Methods: We investigated volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), trabecular and cortical bone microstructure at distal radius and tibia by high-resolution pQCT (XtremeCT, Scanco, Switzerland), aBMD at distal radius, hip and spine and vertebral fracture assessment (VFA) by DXA in 107 young patients (mean age 22.8 yrs, range 12.2-33.7 yrs; 62 females and 45 males) with Crohn's disease (n=75), ulcerative colitis (n=25), undetermined colitis (n=2), and no definitive diagnosis (n=5), and in 389 healthy young individuals. Results: Mean disease duration was 6.1 yrs, 89/107 IBD patients received corticosteroids, 83 other immunomodulators, and 59 vitamin D. Clinical fractures were reported by 38 patients (mean age at 1st fracture, 12.6 yrs), the vast majority of the forearm, arm or hand; 5 had vertebral crush fractures (Grade 1 or 2) and 11 had multiple fractures. As compared to healthy controls (matched 2:1 for age, sex, height and fracture history), the 102 patients with established IBD had similar weight but significantly lower aBMD at all sites, lower trabecular (Tb) BV/TV and number, and greater Tb separation and inhomogeneous Tb distribution (1/SD TbN) at both distal radius and tibia, lower tibia cortical thickness (CTh), but no differences in cortical vBMD nor bone perimeter. Among IBD's, aBMD was not associated with fractures (by logistic regression adjusted for age, age square, sex, height, weight and protein intake). However, radius and tibia Tb BV/TV, thickness and SD 1/TbN, as well as radius Tb separation and perimeter, were significantly associated with fracture risk (fully adjusted as above), whereas cortical vBMD and CTh were not. After adjustment for aBMD at radius, respectively at femur neck, radius SD 1/TbN and tibia BV/TV, TbTh and perimeter remained independently associated with fracture risk. Conclusions: Young subjects with IBD have low bone mass and poor bone microarchitecture compared to healthy controls. Alterations of bone microarchitecture, particularly in the trabecular bone compartment, are specifically associated with increased fracture risk during growth.


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Although high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT) and central quantitative computed tomography (QCT) studies have shown bone structural differences between Chinese American (CH) and white (WH) women, these techniques are not readily available in the clinical setting. The trabecular bone score (TBS) estimates trabecular microarchitecture from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry spine images. We assessed TBS in CH and WH women and investigated whether TBS is associated with QCT and HRpQCT indices. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, lumbar spine (LS) TBS, QCT of the LS and hip, and HRpQCT of the radius and tibia were performed in 71 pre- (37 WH and 34 CH) and 44 postmenopausal (21 WH and 23 CH) women. TBS did not differ by race in either pre- or postmenopausal women. In the entire cohort, TBS positively correlated with LS trabecular volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) (r = 0.664), femoral neck integral (r = 0.651), trabecular (r = 0.641) and cortical vBMD (r = 0.346), and cortical thickness (C/I; r = 0.540) by QCT (p < 0.001 for all). TBS also correlated with integral (r = 0.643), trabecular (r = 0.574) and cortical vBMD (r = 0.491), and C/I (r = 0.541) at the total hip (p < 0.001 for all). The combination of TBS and LS aBMD predicted more of the variance in QCT measures than aBMD alone. TBS was associated with all HRpQCT indices (r = 0.20-0.52) except radial cortical thickness and tibial trabecular thickness. Significant associations between TBS and measures of HRpQCT and QCT in WH and CH pre- and postmenopausal women demonstrated here suggest that TBS may be a useful adjunct to aBMD for assessing bone quality.


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BACKGROUND: Recent evidence indicates that zoledronate, a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate used to treat conditions of increased bone resorption, may have anti-angiogenic activity. The endothelial cells signaling events modulated by zoledronate remain largely elusive. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this work was to identify signaling events suppressed by zoledronate in endothelial cells and responsible for some of its biological effects. METHODS: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were exposed to zoledronate, isoprenoid analogs (i.e. farnesol and geranylgeraniol) and various inhibitors of signaling, and the effect on adhesion, survival, migration, actin cytoskeleton and signaling events characterized. RESULTS: Zoledronate reduced Ras prenylation, Ras and RhoA translocation to the membrane, and sustained ERK1/2 phosphorylation and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induced JNK phosphorylation. Isoprenoid analogs attenuated zoledronate effects on HUVEC adhesion, actin stress fibers and focal adhesions, migration and survival. Isoprenoid analogs also restored Ras prenylation, RhoA translocation to the membrane, sustained FAK and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and prevented suppression of protein kinase B (PKB) and JNK phosphorylation in HUVEC exposed to TNF in the presence of zoledronate. Pharmacological inhibition of Rock, a RhoA target mediating actin fiber formation, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, an activator of PKB, MEK1/2, an activator of ERK1/2, and JNK, recapitulated individual zoledronate effects, consistent with the involvement of these molecules and pathways and their inhibition in the zoledronate effects. CONCLUSIONS: This work has demonstrated that zoledronate inhibits HUVEC adhesion, survival, migration and actin stress fiber formation by interfering with protein prenylation and has identified ERK1/2, JNK, Rock, FAK and PKB as kinases affected by zoledronate in a prenylation-dependent manner.


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Purpose/Objective(s): Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) represents less than 1% of all malignant lymphomas, and 4-5% of all extranodal lymphomas. In this study, we assessed the disease profile, outcome, and prognostic factors in patients with stage I and II PBL.Materials/Methods: Between 1987 and 2008, 116 consecutive patients with PBL treated in 13 RCNinstitutions were included in this study. Inclusion criteriawere: age.17 yrs, PBLin stage I and II, andminimum6months follow-up. The median agewas 51 yrs (range: 17-93).Diagnosticwork-up included plain boneXray (74%of patients), scintigraphy (62%), CT-scan (65%),MRI (58%), PET (18%), and bone-marrow biopsy (84%).All patients had biopsy-proven confirmation of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The histopathological type was predominantly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (78%) and follicular lymphoma (6%), according to theWHOclassification. One hundred patients had a high-grade, 7 intermediate and 9 low-gradeNHL. Ninety-three patients had anAnn-Arbor stage I, and 23 had a stage II. Seventy-seven patients underwent chemoradiotherapy (CXRT), 12 radiotherapy (RT) alone, 10 chemotherapy alone (CXT), 9 surgery followed by CXRT, 5 surgery followed by CXT, and 2 surgery followed by RT. One patient died before treatment.Median RT dosewas 40Gy (range: 4-60).Themedian number ofCXTcycleswas 6 (range, : 2-8).Median follow-upwas 41months (range: 6-242).Results: Following treatment, the overall response rate was 91% (CR 74%, PR 17%). Local recurrence was observed in 12 (10%) patients, and systemic recurrence in 17 (15%) patients. Causes of death included disease progression in 16, unrelated disease in 6, CXT-related toxicity in 1, and secondary cancer in 2 patients. The 5-yr overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), lymphoma- specific survival (LSS), and local control (LC) were 76%, 69%, 78%, and 92%, respectively. In univariate analyses (log-rank test), favorable prognostic factors for survival were: age\50 years (p = 0.008), IPI score #1 (p = 0.009), complete response (p\0.001), CXT (p = 0.008), number of CXT cycles $6 (p = 0.007), and RT dose . 40 Gy (p = 0.005). In multivariate analysis age, RT dose, complete response, and absence of B symptoms were independent factors influencing the outcome. There were 3 patients developing grade 3 or more (CTCAE.V3.0) toxicities.Conclusions: This large multicenter study, confirms the relatively good prognosis of early stage PBL, treated with combined CXRT. Local control was excellent, and systemic failure occurred infrequently. A sufficient dose of RT (. 40 Gy) and completeCXT regime (. 6 cycles) were associated with a better outcome. Combined modality appears to be the treatment of choice.Author Disclosure: L. Cai, None; M.C. Stauder, None; Y.J. Zhang, None; P. Poortmans, None; Y.X. Li, None; N. Constantinou, None; J. Thariat, None; S. Kadish, None; M. Ozsahin, None; R.O. Mirimanoff, None.


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The recent discovery of lipid-activatable transcription factors that regulate the genes controlling lipid metabolism and adipogenesis has provided insight into the way that organisms sense and respond to lipid levels. Identification of the signaling pathways in which these receptors are involved will help us to understand the control of energy balance and the molecular defects underlying its disorders.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) act as metabolic sensors and central regulators of fat and glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, PPARγ has been implicated as major catabolic regulator of bone mass in mice and humans. However, a potential involvement of other PPAR subtypes in the regulation of bone homeostasis has remained elusive. Here we report a previously unrecognized role of PPARβ/δ as a key regulator of bone turnover and the crosstalk between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In contrast to activation of PPARγ, activation of PPARβ/δ amplified Wnt-dependent and β-catenin-dependent signaling and gene expression in osteoblasts, resulting in increased expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG) and attenuation of osteoblast-mediated osteoclastogenesis. Accordingly, PPARβ/δ-deficient mice had lower Wnt signaling activity, lower serum concentrations of OPG, higher numbers of osteoclasts and osteopenia. Pharmacological activation of PPARβ/δ in a mouse model of postmenopausal osteoporosis led to normalization of the altered ratio of tumor necrosis factor superfamily, member 11 (RANKL, also called TNFSF11) to OPG, a rebalancing of bone turnover and the restoration of normal bone density. Our findings identify PPARβ/δ as a promising target for an alternative approach in the treatment of osteoporosis and related diseases.


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Aging is a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social changes. Understanding how we sleep and how this dynamic process evolves across life span will help to identify normal developmental aspects of sleep over time and to create strategies to increase awareness of sleep disturbances and their early management. In normal sleepers from HypnoLaus cohort, we evaluated the effects of age and gender on both subjective and objective sleep measurements. Our results indicate that normal aging is not accompanied by sleep complaints, and when they exist suggest the presence of underlying comorbidities. Polysomnographic data revealed that slow wave sleep was more affected with age in men, and age affected differently NREM and REM spectral power densities. Both sleep structure and spectral analysis profiles may constitute standards to delineate pathological changes in sleep, both for aging women and men. Another important aspect in the management of sleep and its disorders is a detailed characterization of sleep-inducing medications. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter derivative of GABA, but its mode of action and the range of effects are not well understood. Several properties, as growth hormone stimulation in humans and the development of weight loss in treated patients suggest an unexplored metabolic effect. In different experiments we assessed the effects of acute, short term and chronic GHB administration on central (cerebral cortex) and peripheral (liver) biochemical processes involved in the metabolism of the drug, as well as the effects of the drug on metabolism in C57BL/6J, GABAB knock-out and obese (ob/ob) mice. We showed that GHB treatment affects weight gain in C57BL/6J and GABAB knock-out mice. Metabolomic analysis indicated large central and peripheral metabolic changes induced by GHB with important relevance to its therapeutic use. -- Le vieillissement est un processus multidimensionnel accompagné par de multiples changements dans les domaines physique, psychologique et social. Comprendre comment nous dormons et comment ce processus dynamique évolue sur la durée de vie nous aidera à identifier les aspects normaux du développement du sommeil au fil du temps, et à créer des stratégies pour accroître la connaissance et compréhension des troubles du sommeil et leur prise en charge précoce. Chez les sujets normaux de la cohorte HypnoLaus nous avons évalué les effets de l'âge et du sexe sur les mesures subjectives et objectives du sommeil. Nos résultats indiquent que le vieillissement normal ne s'accompagne pas de troubles du sommeil, et quand ils existent ceux-ci suggèrent la présence de comorbidités sous-jacentes. Les données polysomnographiques ont révélé que le sommeil profond était plus affecté avec l'âge chez les hommes. De plus, nous avons montré comment l'âge modifie la composition spectrale du sommeil lent et paradoxal. La structure du sommeil et les profils d'analyse spectrale peuvent donc constituer des standards permettant de définir les changements pathologiques du sommeil chez les personnes âgées. Parmi les aspects importants de la gestion du sommeil et de ses troubles, la caractérisation détaillée des médicaments hypnotiques utilisés est essentielle. L'acide gamma-hydroxybutyrique (GHB) est un acide gras à courte chaîne dérivé du GABA, principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur du cerveau, mais son mode d'action et tous ses effets sont toujours largement méconnus. Plusieurs propriétés, comme la stimulation de la sécrétion de l'hormone de croissance chez l'homme et le développement d'une perte de poids chez les patients traités suggèrent un effet métabolique inexploré. Dans différentes expériences, nous avons évalué les effets d'une exposition aiguë, à court terme et chronique de GHB sur les processus biochimiques centraux (cortex cérébral) et périphériques (foie) impliqués dans le métabolisme du médicament. Nous avons aussi évalué les effets du médicament sur le métabolisme des souris C57BL/6J, GABAB KO et obèses (ob/ob). Nos résultats ont montré que le GHB diminue le gain de poids chez les souris C57BL/6J et GABAB KO. L'analyse métabolomique a indiqué des changements importants induits par GHB au niveau central et périphérique, et ces effets sont importants pour son utilisation thérapeutique.


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PPARs are nuclear hormone receptors which, like the retinoid, thyroid hormone, vitamin D, and steroid hormone receptors, are ligand-activated transcription factors mediating the hormonal control of gene expression. Two lines of evidence indicate that PPARs have an important function in fatty acid metabolism. First, PPARs are activated by hypolipidemic drugs and physiological concentrations of fatty acids, and second, PPARs control the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway of fatty acids through transcriptional induction of the gene encoding the acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO), which is the rate-limiting enzyme of the pathway. Furthermore, the PPAR signaling pathway appears to converge with the 9-cis retinoic acid receptor (RXR) signaling pathway in the regulation of the ACO gene because heterodimerization between PPAR and RXR is essential for in vitro binding to the PPRE and because the strongest stimulation of this gene is observed when both receptors are exposed simultaneously to their activators. Thus, it appears that PPARs are involved in the 9-cis retinoic acid signaling pathway and that they play a pivotal role in the hormonal control of lipid metabolism.


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Hair follicles are spaced apart from one another at regular intervals through the skin. Although follicles are predominantly epidermal structures, classical tissue recombination experiments indicated that the underlying dermis defines their location during development. Although many molecules involved in hair follicle formation have been identified, the molecular interactions that determine the emergent property of pattern formation have remained elusive. We have used embryonic skin cultures to dissect signaling responses and patterning outcomes as the skin spatially organizes itself. We find that ectodysplasin receptor (Edar)-bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling and transcriptional interactions are central to generation of the primary hair follicle pattern, with restriction of responsiveness, rather than localization of an inducing ligand, being the key driver in this process. The crux of this patterning mechanism is rapid Edar-positive feedback in the epidermis coupled with induction of dermal BMP4/7. The BMPs in turn repress epidermal Edar and hence follicle fate. Edar activation also induces connective tissue growth factor, an inhibitor of BMP signaling, allowing BMP action only at a distance from their site of synthesis. Consistent with this model, transgenic hyperactivation of Edar signaling leads to widespread overproduction of hair follicles. This Edar-BMP activation-inhibition mechanism appears to operate alongside a labile prepattern, suggesting that Edar-mediated stabilization of beta-catenin active foci is a key event in determining definitive follicle locations.


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In many Gram-negative bacteria, the GacS/GacA two-component system positively controls the expression of extracellular products or storage compounds. In the plant-beneficial rhizosphere bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the GacS/GacA system is essential for the production of antibiotic compounds and hence for biological control of root-pathogenic fungi. The small (119-nt) RNA RsmX discovered in this study, together with RsmY and RsmZ, forms a triad of GacA-dependent small RNAs, which sequester the RNA-binding proteins RsmA and RsmE and thereby antagonize translational repression exerted by these proteins in strain CHA0. This small RNA triad was found to be both necessary and sufficient for posttranscriptional derepression of biocontrol factors and for protection of cucumber from Pythium ultimum. The same three small RNAs also positively regulated swarming motility and the synthesis of a quorum-sensing signal, which is unrelated to N-acyl-homoserine lactones, and which autoinduces the Gac/Rsm cascade. Expression of RsmX and RsmY increased in parallel throughout cell growth, whereas RsmZ was produced during the late growth phase. This differential expression is assumed to facilitate fine tuning of GacS/A-controlled cell population density-dependent regulation in P. fluorescens.