289 resultados para thyroid follicular carcinoma


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Purified, [131I]-labeled goat antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen, which have been shown to localize in human carcinoma in nude mice, were injected into 27 patients with carcinoma. Patients were scanned with a scintillation camera at various intervals. In 11 patients, radioactivity was detectable in the tumor 48 hours after injection. Computerized subtraction of blood-pool radioactivity provided clearer pictures in positive cases, but in 16 patients the scans remained doubtful or negative. To study the specificity of [131I]-antibody localization, we gave some patients simultaneous injections of [125I]-labeled normal IgG. Both isotopes were measured by means of scintillation counting in tumors and normal tissues recovered after surgery. The results demonstrated that only the anti-CEA antibodies localized in tumors. However, the total antibody-derived radioactivity in the tumor was only about 0.001 of the injected dose. We conclude that, despite the present demonstration of specificity, this method of tumor detection is not yet clinically useful.


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Résumé de l'article Le carcinome hépatocellulaire reste une tumeur maligne de mauvais pronostic. Le but de cette étude rétrospective est d'étudier l'expression immunohistochimique semi-quantitative d'Hep Par 1 (hepatocyte paraffin 1) et de CD 10 (CALLA ou neprilysin) et leur valeur pronostique sur un collectif de 97 patients avec un carcinome hépatocellulaire traité à visée curative. Hep Par 1 réagit avec un épitope spécifique de l'hépatocyte au niveau de la membrane mitochondriale et se présente sous forme d'un marquage cytoplasmique diffus d'intensité variable, le foie non tumoral exprimant un marquage granulaire servant de contrôle interne positif. Le CD 10 correspond ä une metallopeptidase de la membrane cellulaire participant au processus de sécrétion hormonale et l'immunoréaction colore spécifiquement la portion luminale des canalicules biliaires du foie non tumoral, qui sert ainsi de contrôle interne positif. Le foie tumoral exprime ou non un marquage canaliculaire (CD 10 can), similaire au foie non tumoral, ou cytoplasmique (CD 10 cyt). Le marquage immunohistochimique est quantifié pour les 3 différents marqueurs (Hep Par 1, CD10 can et CD10 cyt) en fonction du pourcentage de cellules tumorales positives (score de 0 à 3 établi pour chaque marqueur immunohistochimique). L'élaboration d'un score combiné immunohistochimique (CIS) est obtenu en additionnant les scores d'Hep Par 1 et de CD10 con et en soustrayant le score de CD10 cyt. Dans l'analyse univariée, la survie globale des patients est prolongée de manière significative en cas de forte expression tumorale par Hep Par 1 (p=0,0005) et CD10 can (p=0,02). Dans l'analyse multivariée, la combinaison du CIS avec les autres paramètres histopathologiques pronostiques classiques du carcinome hépatocellulaire comme la taille tumorale, l'invasion vasculaire, la multifocalité de la tumeur et le grade tumoral montre que le score immunohistochimique combiné (CIS) reste le facteur pronostique le plus important (p=0,001). Les patients avec un CIS bas (<4) avec une survie moyenne de 17 mois ont 3,5 fois plus de risque de décès comparés à ceux avec un CIS élevé (>4) avec une survie moyenne de plus de 80 mois. En conclusion, une expression immunohistochimique élevée d'Hep Par 1 et de CD10 can en l'absence d'expression de CD10 cyt sont des facteurs pronostiques favorables pour les patients présentant un carcinome hépatocellulaire. La combinaison des marqueurs immunohistochimiques dans un score combiné pourrait être utilisé dans la prise en charge des patients avec un hépatocarcinome àvisée curative. Toutefois des études prospectives restent nécessaires pour confirmer l'utilité pronostique du CIS.


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BACKGROUND: Sunitinib (VEGFR/PDGFR inhibitor) and everolimus (mTOR inhibitor) are both approved for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) as first-line and second-line therapy, respectively. In the clinics, sunitinib treatment is limited by the emergence of acquired resistance, leading to a switch to second-line treatment at progression, often based on everolimus. No data have been yet generated on programmed alternating sequential strategies combining alternative use of sunitinib and everolimus before progression. Such strategy is expected to delay the emergence of acquired resistance and improve tumour control. The aim of our study was to assess the changes in tumours induced by three different sequences administration of sunitinib and everolimus. METHODS: In human Caki-1 RCC xenograft model, sunitinib was alternated with everolimus every week, every 2 weeks, or every 3 weeks. Effects on necrosis, hypoxia, angiogenesis, and EMT status were assessed by immunohisochemistry and immunofluorescence. RESULTS: Sunitinib and everolimus programmed sequential regimens before progression yielded longer median time to tumour progression than sunitinib and everolimus monotherapies. In each group of treatment, tumour growth control was associated with inhibition of mTOR pathway and changes from a mesenchymal towards an epithelial phenotype, with a decrease in vimentin and an increase in E-cadherin expression. The sequential combinations of these two agents in a RCC mouse clinical trial induced antiangiogenic effects, leading to tumour necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, our study showed that alternate sequence of sunitinib and everolimus mitigated the development of mesenchymal phenotype compared with sunitinib as single agent.


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CONTEXT: Subclinical hypothyroidism has been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), particularly with thyrotropin levels of 10.0 mIU/L or greater. The measurement of thyroid antibodies helps predict the progression to overt hypothyroidism, but it is unclear whether thyroid autoimmunity independently affects CHD risk. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to compare the CHD risk of subclinical hypothyroidism with and without thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAbs). DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: A MEDLINE and EMBASE search from 1950 to 2011 was conducted for prospective cohorts, reporting baseline thyroid function, antibodies, and CHD outcomes. DATA EXTRACTION: Individual data of 38 274 participants from six cohorts for CHD mortality followed up for 460 333 person-years and 33 394 participants from four cohorts for CHD events. DATA SYNTHESIS: Among 38 274 adults (median age 55 y, 63% women), 1691 (4.4%) had subclinical hypothyroidism, of whom 775 (45.8%) had positive TPOAbs. During follow-up, 1436 participants died of CHD and 3285 had CHD events. Compared with euthyroid individuals, age- and gender-adjusted risks of CHD mortality in subclinical hypothyroidism were similar among individuals with and without TPOAbs [hazard ratio (HR) 1.15, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87-1.53 vs HR 1.26, CI 1.01-1.58, P for interaction = .62], as were risks of CHD events (HR 1.16, CI 0.87-1.56 vs HR 1.26, CI 1.02-1.56, P for interaction = .65). Risks of CHD mortality and events increased with higher thyrotropin, but within each stratum, risks did not differ by TPOAb status. CONCLUSIONS: CHD risk associated with subclinical hypothyroidism did not differ by TPOAb status, suggesting that biomarkers of thyroid autoimmunity do not add independent prognostic information for CHD outcomes.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: T follicular helper (Tfh) cells play a critical role as providers of B-cell help and dysfunction in Tfh/B-cell interactions can lead to autoimmunity or immunodeficiency. These observations have generated a great deal of interest in understanding how these cells are affected during HIV infection and how their functional changes might affect antibody responses. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent studies have shown that HIV/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection affects both Tfh-cell frequency and function and suggest that Tfh-cell perturbations might contribute to the relative inefficiency of HIV-infected individuals to generate broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). SUMMARY: The present review will highlight these recent findings addressing the role of Tfh cells in HIV infection as well as the impact HIV infection has on Tfh and circulating memory Tfh (cTfh) cell frequency and function.


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Marked differences in the tumor uptake of a 125I-labeled monoclonal antibody (MAb) directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were observed in 4 serially transplanted human colorectal carcinomas in nude mice. A comparative study showed that elevated values of measurable tumor vascular parameters, such as permeability, blood flow and blood volume, correlated better with high MAb tumor uptake than the concentration of target antigen in the tumor. In an attempt to modify the vascular parameters and to determine if this could increase antibody uptake by the tumor, rhTNF alpha (TNF) was injected i.t. or i.v. and antibody localization experiments were performed immediately thereafter. Results showed that the permeability of the tumor vessels increased 8 to 10 fold 1 hr after i.t. injection of TNF as compared to control tumors injected with saline. Tumor uptake of 125I-labeled anti-CEA MAb, was 3 times higher 2 hr after i.v. injection and still 27% higher 22 hr later, as compared to results from controls. Intravenous injection of TNF simultaneously with the 125I-labeled anti-CEA MAb also resulted in a 2-fold increase in tumor uptake 4 hr after injection, but the increase was no longer significant 24 hr after injection. Interestingly after i.v. injection of TNF, the MAb concentration in the blood and other normal tissues, such as liver, kidneys, lungs and heart was decreased, resulting in significantly higher ratios of tumor to normal tissue. Taken together the results demonstrate that injection of TNF can increase tumor vascular permeability and improve radio-antibody uptake. This raises the possibility of increasing the radiation dose delivered by antibody to the tumor in the course of radioimmunotherapy.


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Background: Pediatric follicular lymphoma (FL) is a rare disease that differs from its adult counterpart both genetically and clinically. Excluding pediatric FL with IRF4-translocation, the genetic events associated with pediatric FL have not yet been defined. Objectives: The aim of this study was to perform a complete genetic characterization of IRF4-translocation negative pediatric follicular lymphomas to elucidate the genetic profile of these rare pediatric cases and determine common genetic alterations that could be associated to this phenotype. Design/Methods: We applied array-comparative genomic hybridization and molecular inversion probe assay adapted to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from 18 patients aged £18 years diagnosed with FL. With the exception of one case with only focal involvement by lymphoma, the tumor cell content exceeded 50% in the evaluable samples. Eleven of 18 patients were treated according to NHL-BFM group multicenter trials whereas the remaining according to different protocols. All lacked t(14;18) translocation. Mutational analysis of TNFRSF14 gene was performed in 17 cases. Results: Only six pediatric cases displayed chromosomal imbalances, with gain/amplification of 6pter-p24.3 (including IRF4) and deletion/ copy number neutral-loss of heterozygosity in 1p36 (including TNFRSF14) being the most frequent alterations. Sequencing of the candidate gene TNFRSF14 at 1p36.32 showed nine mutations in seven cases. Conclusion: Combination of molecular and genetic features differentiated a recurrent pattern of genomic imbalances as well as of TNFRSF14 mutations in pediatric FL which together with other genetic alterations distinguishes two subsets of pediatric follicular lymphomas. The first group shows genomic aberrations and is associated with more aggressive histopathologic and clinical features. The second group lacks genetic alterations detectable with the present approaches and is associated with a more limited disease. Despite the absence of genomic aberrations, these cases resembled FL by their histopathological features.


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Follicular Th (T(FH)) cells have emerged as a new Th subset providing help to B cells and supporting their differentiation into long-lived plasma cells or memory B cells. Their differentiation had not yet been investigated following neonatal immunization, which elicits delayed and limited germinal center (GC) responses. We demonstrate that neonatal immunization induces CXCR5(high)PD-1(high) CD4(+) T(FH) cells that exhibit T(FH) features (including Batf, Bcl6, c-Maf, ICOS, and IL-21 expression) and are able to migrate into the GCs. However, neonatal T(FH) cells fail to expand and to acquire a full-blown GC T(FH) phenotype, as reflected by a higher ratio of GC T(FH)/non-GC CD4(+) T cells in immunized adults than neonates (3.8 × 10(-3) versus 2.2 × 10(-3), p = 0.01). Following the adoptive transfer of naive adult OT-II CD4(+) T cells, OT-II T(FH) cells expand in the vaccine-draining lymph nodes of immunized adult but not infant recipients, whereas naive 2-wk-old CD4(+) OT-II cells failed to expand in adult hosts, reflecting the influence of both environmental and T cell-intrinsic factors. Postponing immunization to later in life increases the number of T(FH) cells in a stepwise manner, in direct correlation with the numbers of GC B cells and plasma cells elicited. Remarkably, adjuvantation with CpG oligonucleotides markedly increased GC T(FH) and GC B cell neonatal responses, up to adult levels. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the T(FH) cell development limits early life GC responses and that adjuvants/delivery systems supporting T(FH) differentiation may restore adultlike early life GC B cell responses.


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A clinicopathologic case of a 41-year-old female patient exhibited a single cutaneous tumor at the inner part of the free margin of the inferior left eyelid. It was a pink, fleshy, and nodular well-circumscribed exophytic mass with thin vessels on its surface. Experienced already for 20 years, this lesion had been observed 6 years before and has not exhibited much change since then. However, its clinical appearance argued for a possible small basal cell carcinoma, which had grown over the inferior left lachrymal duct. After surgical removal, histopathology showed that the tumor was an amelanotic dermal nevus. No disturbance of lachrymal drainage was observed after surgery. This case shows that nodular amelanotic tumors of the eyelid, even when located on the inner segment of the eyelid, may be a nevus.


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Background: V itamin D insufficiency has been associated with the occurrence of various types of cancer, but causal relationships remain elusive. Methods: Associations between t he r isk o f HCV-related HCC development and CYP2R1 , GC, and DHCR7 genotypes, which are genetic determinants of reduced 25-OH-vitamin D3 (25[OH]D3) serum levels, were determined. Results: A t otal of 5604 HCV-infected patients, 1279 with a nd 4325 without progression to HCC, w ere identified. The well-known association between 25(OH)D3 s erum levels and variations in CYP2R1 ( rs1993116, rs10741657), GC ( rs2282679), a nd DHCR7 ( rs7944926, rs12785878) g enotypes was also apparent in patients w ith chronic hepatitis C. The same genotypes of t hese single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), w hich are associated with reduced 25(OH)D3 s erum levels, were significantly associated with HCV-associated HCC (P=0.07 [OR=1.13] for CYP2R1 , P=0.007 [OR=1.56] for GC, P=0.003 [OR=1.42] for DHCR7; ORs for risk genotypes). In contrast, no association between t hese genetic variations and the o utcome of antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin ( P>0.2 for e ach SNP) or liver fibrosis progression rate (P>0.2 for each SNP) was observed, s uggesting a specific influence o f the genetic d eterminants of 25(OH)D3 s erum levels o n hepatocarcinogenesis. Conclusions: Our data suggest a relatively weak but functionally relevant role for vitamin D in the prevention of HCV-related HCC development. Controlled clinical trials to assess the benefit of vitamin D supplementation in HCVinfected patients with advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis are warranted.


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Les muqueuses respiratoires, genitales et digestives sont continuellement exposées aux antigènes de l?alimentation, à la flore intestinale et aux pathogènes. Cela implique une activité immunologique intense et finement régulée dans ces tissus. On admet que la modulation de ces réponses immunitaires muqueuses s?effectue dans des organes sentinels spécifiques appelés o-MALT (organized mucosal associated lymphoid tissues). Ces processus de modulation et la biologie de ces sites immuno-inducteurs sont peu connus. Ceci est pourtant d?une grande relevance si l?on veut faire un design rationnel de drogues et de vaccins muqueux. Dans l?intestin grèle, ces organes sont composés de follicules multiples et sont appelés plaques de Peyer. Ils sont constitués de follicules enrichis en cellules B comprenant ou non un centre germinatif, de regions interfolliculaires comprenant des cellules T, et d?une région en d ome riche en cellules dendritiques, cellules B naives et cellules T CD4+, surmontée par un epithelium specialisé, le FAE (epithelium associé aux follicules). Le FAE contient des cellules M spécialisées dans le transport de macromolécules et micro-organismes de la lumière intestinale au tissu lymphoide sous-jacent. Ce transport des antigènes est une condition obligatoire pour induire une réponse immunitaire. Les cellules du FAE, outre les cellules M, expriment un programme de différenciation distinct de celui des cellules associées aux villosités. Ceci est characterisé par une baisse des fonctions digestives et de défenses, et l?expression constitutive des chimiokines: CCL20 et CCL25. Le but de l?étude présentée ici est de rechercher les facteurs cellulaires et/ou moléculaire responsables de cette différenciation. Certaines études ont démontré l?importance du contact entre le compartiment mésenchymateux et l?épithelium pour la morphogenèse de ce dernier. En particulier, les molécules de la matrice extracellulaire peuvent activer des gènes clefs qui, à leur tour, vont controler l?adhésion et la differenciation cellulaire. Dans l?intestin, les cellules mésenchymateuses différencient en myofibroblastes qui participent à l?élaboration de la matrice extracellulaire. Dans cette étude, nous avons décrit les différences d?expression de molécules de la matrices sous le FAE et les villosités. Nous avons également montré une absence de myofibroblastes sous le FAE. Suite à plusieurs évidences expérimentales, certains ont proposé une influence des composés présents dans la lumière sur la différenciation et/ou la maturation des plaques de Peyer. La chimiokine CCL20, capable de recruter des cellules initiatrices de la réponse immunitaire, constitue notre seul marqueur positif de FAE. Nous avons pu montrer que la flagelline, un composé du flagelle bactérien, était capable d?induire l?expression de CCL20 in vitro et in vivo. Cet effet n?est pas limité aux cellules du FAE mais est observé sur l?ensemble de l?épithelium intestinal. Molecular mechanisms of FAE differenciation. La signalement induit par la lymphotoxine ß est critique pour l?organogenèse des plaques de Peyer, car des souris déficientes pour cette molécules ou son récepteur n?ont ni plaque de Peyer, ni la plupart des ganglions lymphatiques. Nous avons obtenus plusieurs évidences que la lymphotoxine ß était impliquée dans la régulation du gène CCL20 in vitro et in vivo.<br/><br/>Mucosal surfaces of the respiratory, genital and digestive systems are exposed to food antigens, normal bacterial flora and oral pathogens. This justifies an intense and tuned immunological activity in mucosal tissues. The modulation of immune responses in the mucosa is thought to occur in specific sentinel sites, the organized mucosa associated lymphoid tissues (o-MALT). This immune modulation and the biology of these immune-inductive sites are poorly understood but highly important and relevant in the case of drugs and vaccines design. In the small intestine, these organs (gut associated lymphoid tissue : GALT) consists of single or multiple lymphoid follicles, the so-called Peyer?s patches (PP), with typical B cell-enriched follicles and germinal centers, inter-follicular T cell areas, and a dome region enriched in dendritic cells, naive B cells, and CD4+ T cells under a specialized follicle associated epithelium (FAE). To trigger protective immunity, antigens have to cross the mucosal epithelial barrier. This is achieved by the specialized epithelial M cells of the FAE that are able to take up and transport macromolecules and microorganisms from the environment into the underlying organized lymphoid tissue. The ontogeny of M cells remains controversial: some data are in favor of a distinct cell lineage, while others provide evidence for the conversion of differentiated enterocytes into M cells. In this study we mapped the proliferative, M cells and apoptotic compartments along the FAE. Enterocytes acquire transient M cell features as they leave the crypt and regain enterocyte properties as they move towards the apoptotic compartment at the apex of the FAE, favouring the hypothesis of a plastic phenotype. The follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) is found exclusively over lymphoid follicles in mucosal tissues, including Peyer?s patches. The enterocytes over Peyer?s patches express a distinct phenotype when compared to the villi enterocytes, characterized by the down regulation of digestive and defense functions and the constitutive expression of chemokines, i.e. CCL20 and CCL25. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify the potential cells and/or molecules instructing FAE differentiation. Contact between the epithelial and the mesenchymal cell compartment is required for gut morphogenesis. Extracellular matrix molecules (ECM) can activate key regulatory genes which in turn control cell adhesion and differentiation. In the gut, mesenchymal cells differentiate into myofibroblats that participate to the elaboration of ECM. We have described a differential expression of extracellular matrix components under the FAE, correlating with the absence of subepithelial myofibroblats. Molecular mechanisms of FAE differenciation. Different studies proposed an influence of the luminal compartment in the differentiation and/or the maturation of PP. CCL20, a chemokine able to recruit cells that initiate adaptive immunity constitutes our first positive FAE molecular marker. We have shown that CCL20 gene expression is inducible in vitro and in vivo in intestinal epithelium by flagellin, a component of bacterial flagella. This effect was not restricted to the FAE. Lymphotoxin ß (LTß) signaling is critical for PPs organogenesis as LT deficient mice as well as LTß-receptor-/- mice lack PPs and most of the lymph nodes (LN). The continuous signaling via LTßR-expressing cells appears necessary for the maintenance throughout the life of PP architecture. We obtained in vitro and in vivo evidence that LTß signalling is involved in CCL20 gene expression.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare outcomes of patients with lymph node (LN)-positive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB) treated with or without cisplatin-based combined adjuvant chemotherapy (AC) after radical cystectomy (RC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analysed 1523 patients with LN-positive UCB, who underwent RC with bilateral pelvic LN dissection. All patients had no evidence of disease after RC. AC was administered within 3 months. Competing-risks models were applied to compare UCB-related mortality. RESULTS: Of the 1523 patients, 874 (57.4%) received AC. The cumulative 1-, 2- and 5-year UCB-related mortality rates for all patients were 16%, 36% and 56%, respectively. Administration of AC was associated with an 18% relative reduction in the risk of UCB-related death (subhazard ratio 0.82, P = 0.005). The absolute reduction in mortality was 3.5% at 5 years. The positive effect of AC was detectable in patients aged ≤70 years, in women, in pT3-4 disease, and in those with a higher LN density and lymphovascular invasion. This study is limited by its retrospective and non-randomised design, selection bias, the absence of central pathological review and lack in standardisation of LN dissection and cisplatin-based protocols. CONCLUSION: AC seems to reduce UCB-related mortality in patients with LN-positive UCB after RC. Younger patients, women and those with high-risk features such as pT3-4 disease, a higher LN density and lymphovascular invasion appear to benefit most. Appropriately powered prospective randomised trials are necessary to confirm these findings.


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Stroma mediated wound healing signals may share similarities with the ones produced by tumor's microenvironment and their modulation may impact tumor response to the various anti-cancer treatments including radiation therapy. Therefore we conducted this study, to assess the crosstalk between stromal and carcinoma cells in response to radiotherapy by genetic modulation of the stroma and irradiation. We found that fibroblasts irrespective of their RhoB status do not modulate intrinsic radiosensitivity of TC-1 but produce diffusible factors able to modify tumor cell fate. Then we found that Wt and RhoB deficient fibroblasts stimulated TC-1 migration through distinct mechanisms which are TGF-β1 and MMP-mediated respectively. Lastly, we found that simultaneous irradiation of fibroblasts and TC-1 abrogated the pro-migratory phenotype by repression of TGF-β and MMP secretion. This last result is highly relevant to the clinical situation and suggests that conversely to, the current view; irradiated stroma would not enhance carcinoma migration and could be manipulated to promote anti-tumor immune response.