255 resultados para politics relations
Cette thèse porte sur l'élaboration et la mise en pratique de politiques interculturelles dans le champ de la santé internationale, en se basant sur une ethnographie d'un programme de préven¬tion de la violence de genre dans le canton de Loreto, en Amazonie équatorienne, mis en place par la Croix-Rouge suisse et aujourd'hui géré de concert avec l'Etat équatorien et une organisation kichwa locale. Suivant une approche qui fait varier les échelles d'analyses pour articuler le niveau local, national et international, elle met en évidence les lieux d'intersection et les hiatus entre l'idéal d'interculturalité tel qu'il est conçu «par le haut» et les pratiques qui sont mises en oeuvre au quotidien par des professionnels de la santé et du développement métis équatoriens. Elle révèle ainsi qu'au-delà de l'idéal du respect des « différences culturelles autochtones » et de la symétrie entre les « cultures », les discours et les pratiques de ces professionnels consistent en une entreprise de normalisation et de moralisation des comportements des destinataires kichwa en matière de rapports de genre. Pour affiner ces analyses et dépasser une approche critique de la santé publique, cette thèse explore également les représentations et les pratiques des destinataires - femmes agents de santé et « bénéficiaires » kichwa du programme - en matière de violence et de rapports de genre. Elle montre ainsi que le transfert de normes et de valeurs via la santé publique fait l'objet de mul¬tiples processus d'appropriations, et explore les différentes d'interprétations, de négociations et d'instrumentalisations de la part des destinataires, tant au niveau individuel que collectif. -- Intercultural politics and the prevention of violence against kichwa women in the Ecuadorian Amazon This PhD thesis focuses on the development and application of intercultural policies in the field of international health. It is drawn on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted in canton Loreto, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, about a gender violence prevention program which was set up by the Swiss Red Cross and which is now managed in cooperation with the Ecuadorian State and a local kichwa organization. Following a multiple-scale analysis in order to articulate the local, national and international dynamics, it highlights the intersections and the gaps between, on the one hand, the the institutional prescriptions about the ideal of interculturality and on the other hand, the daily practices of Ecuadorian mestizo health and development profesionals. It reveals that beyond the ideal of respect for «indigenous cultural differences» and of symmetry between «cultures», the discourses and practices of these professionals consist of a normalizing and moralizing enter¬prise concerning the gendered and, more broadly, social behaviors of kichwa «beneficiaries». In order to refine the analysis and to go beyond a critical approach of public health, this thesis also explores the violence and gender relations representations and practices of kichwa women health workers and «beneficiaries», men and women. Thus it shows that the transfer of norms via public health is the subject of multiple processes of appropriation, interpretation, negotiation and instru¬mentalisation both on individual and collective levels by the «beneficiaries».
There is little consensus regarding how verticality (social power, dominance, and status) is related to accurate interpersonal perception. The relation could be either positive or negative, and there could be many causal processes at play. The present article discusses the theoretical possibilities and presents a meta-analysis of this question. In studies using a standard test of interpersonal accuracy, higher socioeconomic status (SES) predicted higher accuracy defined as accurate inference about the meanings of cues; also, higher experimentally manipulated vertical position predicted higher accuracy defined as accurate recall of others' words. In addition, although personality dominance did not predict accurate inference overall, the type of personality dominance did, such that empathic/responsible dominance had a positive relation and egoistic/aggressive dominance had a negative relation to accuracy. In studies involving live interaction, higher experimentally manipulated vertical position produced lower accuracy defined as accurate inference about cues; however, methodological problems place this result in doubt.
Drawing on an analysis of austerity reforms in Greece and Portugal during the sovereign debt crisis from 2009 onwards, we show how the nature of the linkages between parties and citizens shapes party strategies of fiscal retrenchment. We argue that parties which rely to a greater extent on the selective distribution of state resources to mobilize electoral support (clientelistic linkages) are more reluctant to agree to fiscal retrenchment because their own electoral survival depends on their ability to control state budgets to reward clients. In Greece, where parties relied extensively on these clientelistic linkages, austerity reforms have been characterized by recurring conflicts and disagreements between the main parties, as well as a fundamental transformation of the party system. By contrast, in Portugal, where parties relied less on clientelistic strategies, austerity reforms have been more consensual because fiscal retrenchment challenged to a lesser extent the electoral base of the mainstream parties.
This article assesses whether changes in government choice for policy concertation with trade unions and employers are better explained by international or domestic factors. We compare patterns of corporatist governance in a strongly Europeanized policy domain (labor migration policy) and in a weakly Europeanized policy domain (welfare state reforms) over the last 20 years in Austria and Switzerland. We show that there is no systematic difference in patterns of concertation between the two policy sectors and that factors linked to party politics play a bigger role in the choice of governments for concertation. If the base of party support for policies is divided, governments are more prone to resort to corporatist concertation as a way to build compromises for potentially controversial or unpopular policies. By contrast, ideologically cohesive majority coalitions are less prone to resort to concertation because they do not need to build compromises outside their base of party support.
Cette thèse appréhende les rapports au politique des artistes visuels yéménites dans un contexte de domination, recouvrant trois États (les deux républiques qui précédent l'unification du Yémen et la république actuelle créée en 1990, jusqu'en 2015). En étudiant la domination en acte à travers une démarche ethnographique, ce travail interroge les conditions de production et d'action des artistes en soutien ou en contestation au régime, comme au cours du moment révolutionnaire de 2011. On observe ainsi le processus de politisation des mondes de l'art au Yémen contemporain, processus compris en tant qu'acquisition d'une signification politique par la pratique artistique et par les réseaux de relations entretenus par les artistes visuels. Ces requalifications de leur travail ou de leurs actions se font dans un contexte traversé par des luttes concurrentielles pour la répartition du pouvoir, aussi bien internes et propres à leurs mondes d'activité, qu'externes et en relation à l'espace politique institutionnel. La politisation des mondes de l'art apparaît dès lors moins comme un instrument d'accès à cet espace qu'une voie pour accéder à plus de visibilité, à la reconnaissance, et à un meilleur positionnement dans les rapports agonistiques qui configurent ces mondes. -- This thesis focuses on the study of Yemeni visual artists' relation to politics in a context of domination, covering three States (the two republics that precede Yemen's unification and the current republic established in 1990, until 2015). Studying domination in action througli an ethnographic approach, this work questions artists' conditions of production and of action in support to or in contestation of the regime- as in the case of the revolutionary period of 2011. It observes the politicization of art worlds in contemporary Yemen, a process understood as the acquisition of a political significance as observed in the artistic practice and in the dynamic networks that artists maintain. The requalification and reclassification of their work and their actions that results from the politicization of art worlds, takes place in a context of competitive struggles over distribution and access to sites of power. Such conflict over power occurs within their own worlds of activity as well as outside them and in relation to the domain of institutional politics. This thesis contends that the politicization of art worlds is more of a means to access visibility and recognition than a resource to participate in the political field. Through the politicization of art, artists are able to better position themselves within the agonistic relations that exist within art worlds.
Analysée par Sigmund Freud, Marie Bonaparte (1882-1962) devint son élève et eu un rôle capital dans le développement de la psychanalyse en France. Elle fut aussi une proche de Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931), passionnée comme lui par les sciences et fréquenta notamment les scientifiques de L'Institut Pasteur. Outre son oeuvre de psychanalyste, elle publia en 1937 un texte sur le cancer de sa chienne Topsy qui sera traduit en allemand par Freud et connaitra un réel succès éditorial. L'analyse de cet ouvrage met à jour non seulement les spécificités de son rapport à l'animal mais aussi celui qu'elle entretient avec la science.
This paper asks whether collective industrial relations can be promoted by means other than seeking change in public policy. Recent research points to the increasing significance of transnational private regulation (TPR) in developing economies. There is an emerging consensus that market incentives to improve wages and conditions of work can have a modest positive effect on measurable outcomes like hours of work, and health and safety. However, it appears that TPR has little impact on the capacity of workers to pursue such improvements for themselves via collective action. The paper takes a closer look at the potential of TPR to enhance worker voice and participation. It argues that this potential cannot be properly evaluated without understanding how local actors mobilise the social and political resources that TPR provides. The case studies presented show how different TPR schemes have been used by unions in Africa as a means to pursue the interests of members. The authors found that the scale of the impact of TPR in all of the contexts studied depended almost entirely on the existing capacities and resources of the unions involved. TPR led to the creation of collective industrial relations processes, or helped unions to ensure that certain enterprises participated in existing industrial relations processes, but did virtually nothing to enhance the political and organisational capacity of the unions to influence the outcomes of those processes in terms of wages and conditions of employment. The paper concludes that the potential of TPR to promote the emergence of collective industrial relations systems is very low.