291 resultados para nomenclatural changes


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The microtubule-associated protein MAP2 is essential for development of early neuronal morphology and maintenance of adult neuronal morphology. Several splice variants exist, MAP2a-d, with a lack of MAP2a in cat brain. MAP2 is widely used as a neuronal marker. In this study we compared five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against MAP2. They show differences in the immunocytochemical distribution of MAP2 isoforms during development of the visual cortex and cerebellum of the cat. Local and temporal differences were seen with MAb AP18, an antibody directed against a phosphorylation-dependent epitope near the N-terminal end. In large pyramidal dendrites in visual cortex, the AP18 epitope remained in parts immunoreactive after treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Three MAbs, AP14, MT-01, and MT-02, recognized the central region of the MAP2b molecule, which is not present in MAP2c and 2d, and reacted with phosphorylation-independent epitopes. During the first postnatal week the immunostaining in cerebellum differed between antibodies in that some cellular elements in external and internal granular layers and Purkinje cells were stained to various degrees, whereas at later stages staining patterns were similar. At early stages, antibody MT-02 stained cell bodies and dendrites in cerebral cortex and cerebellum. With progressing maturation, immunoreactivity became restricted to distal parts of apical dendrites of pyramidal cells and was absent from perikarya and finer proximal dendrites in cortex. MT-02 did not stain MAP2 in cerebellum of adult animals. This study demonstrates that the immunocytochemical detection of MAP2 depends on modifications such as phosphorylation and conformational changes of the molecule, and that MAP2 staining patterns differ between MAbs. Phosphorylation and specific conformations in the molecule may be essential for modulating function and molecular stability of MAP2, and monoclonal antibodies against such sites may provide tools for studying the functional role of modifications.


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Aims: In perennial species, the allocation of resources to reproduction results in a reduction of allocation to vegetative growth and, therefore, impacts future reproductive success. As a consequence, variation in this trade-off is among the most important driving forces in the life-history evolution of perennial plants and can lead to locally adapted genotypes. In addition to genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity might also contribute to local adaptation of plants to local conditions by mediating changes in reproductive allocation. Knowledge on the importance of genetic and environmental effects on the trade-off between reproduction and vegetative growth is therefore essential to understand how plants may respond to environmental changes. Methods: We conducted a transplant experiment along an altitudinal gradient from 425 m to 1921 m in the front range of the Western Alps of Switzerland to assess the influence of both altitudinal origin of populations and altitude of growing site on growth, reproductive investment and local adaptation in Poa alpina. Important findings: In our study, the investment in reproduction increased with plant size. Plant growth and the relative importance of reproductive investment decreased in populations originating from higher altitudes compared to populations originating from lower altitudes. The changes in reproductive investment were mainly explained by differences in plant size. In contrast to genetic effects, phenotypic plasticity of all traits measured was low and not related to altitude. As a result, the population from the lowest altitude of origin performed best at all sites. Our results indicate that in P. alpina genetic differences in growth and reproductive investment are related to local conditions affecting growth, i.e. interspecific competition and soil moisture content.


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The remarkable plasticity of their architecture allows plants to adjust growth to the environment and to overcome adverse conditions. Two examples of environmental stresses that drastically affect shoot development are imminent shade and high temperature. Plants in crowded environments and plants in elevated ambient temperature display very similar phenotypic adaptations of elongated hypocotyls in seedlings and elevated and elongated leaves at later developmental stages. The comparable growth responses to shade and high temperature are partly regulated through shared signaling pathways, of which the phytohormone auxin and the phytochrome interacting factors (PIFs) are important components. During both shade- and temperature-induced elongation growth auxin biosynthesis and signaling are upregulated in a PIF-dependent manner. In this review we will discuss recent progress in our understanding of how auxin mediates architectural adaptations to shade and high temperature.


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Phenotypic convergence is a widespread and well-recognized evolutionary phenomenon. However, the responsible molecular mechanisms remain often unknown mainly because the genes involved are not identified. A well-known example of physiological convergence is the C4 photosynthetic pathway, which evolved independently more than 45 times [1]. Here, we address the question of the molecular bases of the C4 convergent phenotypes in grasses (Poaceae) by reconstructing the evolutionary history of genes encoding a C4 key enzyme, the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC). PEPC genes belong to a multigene family encoding distinct isoforms of which only one is involved in C4 photosynthesis [2]. By using phylogenetic analyses, we showed that grass C4 PEPCs appeared at least eight times independently from the same non-C4 PEPC. Twenty-one amino acids evolved under positive selection and converged to similar or identical amino acids in most of the grass C4 PEPC lineages. This is the first record of such a high level of molecular convergent evolution, illustrating the repeatability of evolution. These amino acids were responsible for a strong phylogenetic bias grouping all C4 PEPCs together. The C4-specific amino acids detected must be essential for C4 PEPC enzymatic characteristics, and their identification opens new avenues for the engineering of the C4 pathway in crops.


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In this study we investigated the variations of the maximal activities of the rate-controlling glycolytic enzymes (i.e., hexokinase, HK; phosphofructokinase, PFK; pyruvate kinase, PK) and of the pyruvate-dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) during the early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis (from cleavage through hatching). All the enzymatic assays, using different coupled reactions, were performed spectrophotometrically on cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions. The maximal HK activity increases markedly from neurulation onwards, PFK activity presents a peak around gastrulation, PK activity remains relatively constant throughout the period studied and the highest PDHc activity is observed during cleavage. The specific activities display the same temporal pattern. Furthermore, in the sequence of reactions by which glucose is degraded to form acetyl-CoA, the maximal activities of PFK and PK are not limiting while those of HK and PDHc could be rate-limiting at relatively late developmental stages (hatching).


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PURPOSE: The primary objective of this study was to describe the frequency of behaviors observed during rest, a non-nociceptive procedure, and a nociceptive procedure in brain-injured intensive care unit (ICU) patients with different levels of consciousness (LOC). Second, it examined the inter-rater reliability and discriminant and concurrent validity of the behavioral checklist used. METHODS: The non-nociceptive procedure involved calling the patient and shaking his/her shoulder. The nociceptive procedure involved turning the patient. The frequency of behaviors was recorded using a behavioral checklist. RESULTS: Patients with absence of movement, or stereotyped flexion or extension responses to a nociceptive stimulus displayed more behaviors during turning (median 5.5, range 0-14) than patients with localized responses (median 4, range 0-10) or able to self-report their pain (median 4, range 0-10). Face flushing, clenched teeth, clenched fist, and tremor were more frequent in patients with absence of movement, or stereotyped responses to a nociceptive stimulus. The reliability of the checklist was supported by a high intra-class correlation coefficient (0.77-0.92), and the internal consistency was acceptable in all three groups (KR 20, 0.71-0.85). Discriminant validity was supported as significantly more behaviors were observed during nociceptive stimulation than at rest. Concurrent validity was confirmed as checklist scores were correlated to the patients' self-reports of pain (r s = 0.53; 95 % CI 0.21-0.75). CONCLUSION: Brain-injured patients reacted significantly more during a nociceptive stimulus and the number of observed behaviors was higher in patients with a stereotyped response.


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Résumant mon travail de thèse, l'article qui suit décrit un nouveau modèle animal servant à étudier l'impact combiné d'une ventilation mécanique (VM), d'une oxygénothérapie et d'une inflammation sur des poumons immatures. Cette étude permet, pour la première fois, de mesurer l'expression de gènes à distance d'une VM pour en analyser la cinétique. La VM représente un traitement intégral dans la prise en charge de prématurés. Sauvant des vies, elle est cependant non-physiologique et décrite comme nocive à court et à long terme, empêchant le bon développement pulmonaire. Nombreuses études se sont intéressées à l'impact immédiat de la VM sur les poumons, mais il n'existe à ce jour aucun modèle de rongeur pour en analyser les effets tardifs. Par analogie avec la clinique, nous avons créé un modèle avec un animal dont le stade développemental pulmonaire est comparable aux prématurés humains et consistant en une oxygénothérapie, une VM modérée avec intubation non chirurgicale, similaire à la pratique quotidienne, et un contexte inflammatoire mimant celui de chorioamnionite dans lequel bien des prématurés naissent. Nous avons ensuite réalisé une extubation pour permettre une période de rétablissement, puis fait des analyses et sur le plan structurel par histologie conventionnelle et en 3D, et sur le plan biologique, par analyse de l'expression de gènes et de protéines. Ce travail a permis de valider ce nouveau modèle comme outil de recherche pour réaliser des mesures à distance d'une VM chez des rats nouveau-nés. Comparant ces mesures à celles prises à la fin de la VM, nous observons: une augmentation initiale et transitoire des médiateurs impliqués dans la cascade inflammatoire dont le corrélat histologique est une maladie inflammatoire pulmonaire et, tardivement, une altération plus développementale de la structure pulmonaire avec diminution de l'alvéolarisation. Ceci pourrait être en partie dû à une expression asynchrone de gènes décrits comme importants pour la formation des alvéoles (matrix metalloproteinase 9, elastine). Offrant une nouvelle approche pour la recherche pulmonaire chez les rongeurs, ce modèle servira comme futur outil pour approfondir nos connaissances de la physiopathologie conduisant aux altérations structurelles retrouvées dans les poumons d'anciens prématurés soumis à une VM (dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire), pour tester l'influence de certains traitements (p.ex. surfactant) et pour étudier les effets de la VM en l'appliquant à des modèles transgéniques.


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The ability to distinguish nestmates from foreign individuals is central to the functioning of insect societies. In ants, workers from multiple-queen colonies are often less aggressive than workers from single-queen ones. In line with this observation, it has been hypothesized that workers from multiple-queen colonies have less precise recognition abilities than workers from single-queen ones because their colonies contain genetically more diverse individuals, which results in a broader template of recognition cues. Here, we assessed the impact of social structure ( queen number) variation on nestmate recognition and aggression in a large population of the socially polymorphic ant Formica selysi. We staged unilateral aggression tests on the nest surface. Workers from single-and multiple-queen colonies had good nestmate recognition ability and did not differ significantly in their level of aggression towards foreign, immobilized workers ( cue-bearers). In particular, workers from multiple-queen colonies efficiently recognized non-nestmates despite the higher genetic diversity in their colony. Cue-bearers from single- and multiple-queen colonies elicited similar reactions. However, the level of aggression was higher between than within social forms, suggesting that workers detect a signal that is specific to the colony social structure. Finally, the level of aggression was not correlated with the genetic distance between colonies. Overall, we found no evidence for the hypothesis that the presence of multiple breeders in the same colony decreases recognition abilities and found no simple relationship between genetic diversity and aggression level. (c) 2007 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviou


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The increase in total health care expenditures in France can be explained by three distinct factors : the purely demographic effect (namely, the increase in the proportion of elderly people, given that health expenditure is an increasing function of age) ; the changes in morbidity at a given age ; the changes in practices, for a given age and morbidity level (e.g technological progress). The aim of this paper is basically to disentangle, evaluate and interpret the respective effects of these three factors. [Extrait introduction p. 3]


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The last recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension and the European Society of Cardiology made available deal with the diagnosis and the treatment of arterial hypertension. They point to the importance of both 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and home blood pressure measurement. They also underscore the importance of stratifying cardiovascular risk and of controlling strictly blood pressure using hygienic measures and antihypertensive drugs, either as monotherapy or combination therapy.


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Les approches multimodales dans l'imagerie cérébrale non invasive sont de plus en plus considérées comme un outil indispensable pour la compréhension des différents aspects de la structure et de la fonction cérébrale. Grâce aux progrès des techniques d'acquisition des images de Resonance Magnetique et aux nouveaux outils pour le traitement des données, il est désormais possible de mesurer plusieurs paramètres sensibles aux différentes caractéristiques des tissues cérébraux. Ces progrès permettent, par exemple, d'étudier les substrats anatomiques qui sont à la base des processus cognitifs ou de discerner au niveau purement structurel les phénomènes dégénératifs et développementaux. Cette thèse met en évidence l'importance de l'utilisation d'une approche multimodale pour étudier les différents aspects de la dynamique cérébrale grâce à l'application de cette approche à deux études cliniques: l'évaluation structurelle et fonctionnelle des effets aigus du cannabis fumé chez des consommateurs réguliers et occasionnels, et l'évaluation de l'intégrité de la substance grise et blanche chez des jeunes porteurs de la prémutations du gène FMR1 à risque de développer le FXTAS (Fragile-X Tremor Ataxia Syndrome). Nous avons montré que chez les fumeurs occasionnels de cannabis, même à faible concentration du principal composant psychoactif (THC) dans le sang, la performance lors d'une tâche visuo-motrice est fortement diminuée, et qu'il y a des changements dans l'activité des trois réseaux cérébraux impliqués dans les processus cognitifs: le réseau de saillance, le réseau du contrôle exécutif, et le réseau actif par défaut (Default Mode). Les sujets ne sont pas en mesure de saisir les saillances dans l'environnement et de focaliser leur attention sur la tâche. L'augmentation de la réponse hémodynamique dans le cortex cingulaire antérieur suggère une augmentation de l'activité introspective. Une investigation des ef¬fets au niveau cérébral d'une exposition prolongée au cannabis, montre des changements persistants de la substance grise dans les régions associées à la mémoire et au traitement des émotions. Le niveau d'atrophie dans ces structures corrèle avec la consommation de cannabis au cours des trois mois précédant l'étude. Dans la deuxième étude, nous démontrons des altérations structurelles des décennies avant l'apparition du syndrome FXTAS chez des sujets jeunes, asymptomatiques, et porteurs de la prémutation du gène FMR1. Les modifications trouvées peuvent être liées à deux mécanismes différents. Les altérations dans le réseau moteur du cervelet et dans la fimbria de l'hippocampe, suggèrent un effet développemental de la prémutation. Elles incluent aussi une atrophie de la substance grise du lobule VI du cervelet et l'altération des propriétés tissulaires de la substance blanche des projections afférentes correspondantes aux pédoncules cérébelleux moyens. Les lésions diffuses de la substance blanche cérébrale peu¬vent être un marquer précoce du développement de la maladie, car elles sont liées à un phénomène dégénératif qui précède l'apparition des symptômes du FXTAS. - Multimodal brain imaging is becoming a leading tool for understanding different aspects of brain structure and function. Thanks to the advances in Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition schemes and data processing techniques, it is now possible to measure different parameters sensitive to different tissue characteristics. This allows for example to investigate anatomical substrates underlying cognitive processing, or to disentangle, at a pure structural level degeneration and developmental processes. This thesis highlights the importance of using a multimodal approach for investigating different aspects of brain dynamics by applying this approach to two clinical studies: functional and structural assessment of the acute effects of cannabis smoking in regular and occasional users, and grey and white matter assessment in young FMR1 premutation carriers at risk of developing FXTAS. We demonstrate that in occasional smokers cannabis smoking, even at low concentration of the main psychoactive component (THC) in the blood, strongly decrease subjects' performance on a visuo-motor tracking task, and globally alters the activity of the three brain networks involved in cognitive processing: the Salience, the Control Executive, and the Default Mode networks. Subjects are unable to capture saliences in the environment and to orient attention to the task; the increase in Hemodynamic Response in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex suggests an increase in self-oriented mental activity. A further investigation on long term exposure to cannabis, shows a persistent grey matter modification in brain regions associated with memory and affective processing. The degree of atrophy in these structures also correlates with the estimation of drug use in the three months prior the participation to the study. In the second study we demonstrate structural changes in young asymptomatic premutation carriers decades before the onset of FXTAS that might be related to two different mechanisms. Alteration of the cerebellar motor network and of the hippocampal fimbria/ fornix, may reflect a potential neurodevelopmental effect of the premutation. These include grey matter atrophy in lobule VI and modification of white matter tissue property in the corresponding afferent projections through the Middle Cerebellar Peduncles. Diffuse hemispheric white matter lesions that seem to appear closer to the onset of FXTAS and be related to a neurodegenerative phenomenon may mark the imminent onset of FXTAS.