303 resultados para kallikrein serine proteases


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Proper division plane positioning is essential to achieve faithful DNA segregation and to control daughter cell size, positioning, or fate within tissues. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, division plane positioning is controlled positively by export of the division plane positioning factor Mid1/anillin from the nucleus and negatively by the Pom1/DYRK (dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinase) gradients emanating from cell tips. Pom1 restricts to the cell middle cortical cytokinetic ring precursor nodes organized by the SAD-like kinase Cdr2 and Mid1/anillin through an unknown mechanism. In this study, we show that Pom1 modulates Cdr2 association with membranes by phosphorylation of a basic region cooperating with the lipid-binding KA-1 domain. Pom1 also inhibits Cdr2 interaction with Mid1, reducing its clustering ability, possibly by down-regulation of Cdr2 kinase activity. We propose that the dual regulation exerted by Pom1 on Cdr2 prevents Cdr2 assembly into stable nodes in the cell tip region where Pom1 concentration is high, which ensures proper positioning of cytokinetic ring precursors at the cell geometrical center and robust and accurate division plane positioning.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) and ficolins are microbial pattern recognition molecules that activate the lectin pathway of complement. We previously reported the association of MBL deficiency with anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). However, ASCA are also frequently found in MBL-proficient CD patients. Here we addressed expression/function of ficolins and MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) regarding potential association with ASCA. METHODS: ASCA titers and MBL, ficolin and MASP-2 concentrations were determined by ELISA in the serum of patients with CD, ulcerative colitis (UC), and in healthy controls. MASP-2 activity was determined by measuring complement C4b-fixation. Anti-MBL autoantibodies were detected by ELISA. RESULTS: In CD and UC patients, L-ficolin concentrations were significantly higher compared to healthy controls (p<0.001 and p=0.029). In contrast, H-ficolin concentrations were slightly reduced in CD and UC compared to healthy controls (p=0.037 for UC vs. hc). CD patients with high ASCA titers had significantly lower H-ficolin concentrations compared to ASCA-low/negative CD patients (p=0.009). However, MASP-2 activity was not different in ASCA-negative and ASCA-positive CD patients upon both, ficolin- or MBL-mediated MASP-2 activation. Finally, anti-MBL autoantibodies were not over-represented in MBL-proficient ASCA-positive CD patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that low expression of H-ficolin may promote elevated ASCA titers in the ASCA-positive subgroup of CD patients. However, unlike MBL deficiency, we found no evidence for low expression of serum ficolins or reduced MASP-2 activity that may predispose to ASCA development.


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We have developed a thrombin-sensitive polymeric photosensitizer prodrug (T-PS) to selectively image and eradicate inflammatory lesions in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Thrombin is a serine protease up-regulated in synovial tissues of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. T-PS consists of a polymeric backbone, to which multiple photosensitizer (PS) units are tethered via short thrombin-cleavable peptide linkers. Fluorescence emission and phototoxicity of the prodrug are efficiently quenched due to the interaction of neighboring photosensitizer units. The prodrug is passively delivered to the inflammation site via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. Subsequent site-selective proteolytic cleavage of the peptide linkers restores its photoactivity by increasing the mutual distance between PS. Whole animal imaging in murine collagen-induced arthritis, an experimental model of RA revealed a dose-dependent fluorescence increase in arthritic paws after systemic prodrug injection. In addition, administration of T-PS resulted in much higher fluorescence selectivity for arthritic joints as compared to the free PS. Irradiation of the arthritic joints induced light dose dependent phototoxic effects such as apoptosis, vascular damage and local hemorrhage. Long-term observations showed complete regression of the latter. Irradiated non-arthritic tissues or non-irradiated arthritic tissues showed no histological effects after photodynamic therapy with T-PS. This illustrates that T-PS can localize inflammatory lesions with excellent selectivity and induce apoptosis and vascular shut down after irradiation.


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Labile or mutation-sensitised proteins may spontaneously convert into aggregation-prone conformations that may be toxic and infectious. This hazardous behavior, which can be described as a form of "molecular criminality", can be actively counteracted in the cell by a network of molecular chaperone and proteases. Similar to law enforcement agents, molecular chaperones and proteases can specifically identify, apprehend, unfold and thus neutralize "criminal" protein conformers, allowing them to subsequently refold into harmless functional proteins. Irreversibly damaged polypeptides that have lost the ability to natively refold are preferentially degraded by highly controlled ATP-consuming proteases. Damaged proteins that escape proteasomal degradation can also be "incarcerated" into dense amyloids, "evicted" from the cell, or internally "exiled" to the lysosome to be hydrolysed and recycled. Thus, remarkable parallels exist between molecular and human forms of criminality, as well as in the cellular and social responses to various forms of crime. Yet, differences also exist: whereas programmed death is the preferred solution chosen by aged and aggregation-stressed cells, collective suicide is seldom chosen by lawless societies. Significantly, there is no cellular equivalent for the role of familial care and of education in general, which is so crucial to the proper shaping of functional persons in the society. Unlike in the cell, humanism introduces a bias against radical solutions such as capital punishment, favouring crime prevention, reeducation and social reinsertion of criminals.


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The binding free energy for the interaction between serines 204 and 207 of the fifth transmembrane helix of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR) and catecholic hydroxyl (OH) groups of adrenergic agonists was analyzed using double mutant cycles. Binding affinities for catecholic and noncatecholic agonists were measured in wild-type and mutant receptors, carrying alanine replacement of the two serines (S204A, S207A beta(2)-AR), a constitutive activating mutation, or both. The free energy coupling between the losses of binding energy attributable to OH deletion from the ligand and from the receptor indicates a strong interaction (nonadditivity) as expected for a direct binding between the two sets of groups. However, we also measured a significant interaction between the deletion of OH groups from the receptor and the constitutive activating mutation. This suggests that a fraction of the decrease in agonist affinity caused by serine mutagenesis may involve a shift in the conformational equilibrium of the receptor toward the inactive state. Direct measurements using a transient transfection assay confirm this prediction. The constitutive activity of the (S204A, S207A) beta(2)-AR mutant is 50 to 60% lower than that of the wild-type beta(2)-AR. We conclude that S204 and S207 do not only provide a docking site for the agonist, but also control the equilibrium of the receptor between active (R*) and inactive (R) forms.


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Diabetes is associated with significant changes in plasma concentrations of lipoproteins. We tested the hypothesis that lipoproteins modulate the function and survival of insulin-secreting cells. We first detected the presence of several receptors that participate in the binding and processing of plasma lipoproteins and confirmed the internalization of fluorescent low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles in insulin-secreting beta-cells. Purified human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL particles reduced insulin mRNA levels and beta-cell proliferation and induced a dose-dependent increase in the rate of apoptosis. In mice lacking the LDL receptor, islets showed a dramatic decrease in LDL uptake and were partially resistant to apoptosis caused by LDL. VLDL-induced apoptosis of beta-cells involved caspase-3 cleavage and reduction in the levels of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase-interacting protein-1. In contrast, the proapoptotic signaling of lipoproteins was antagonized by HDL particles or by a small peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase. The protective effects of HDL were mediated, in part, by inhibition of caspase-3 cleavage and activation of Akt/protein kinase B. In conclusion, human lipoproteins are critical regulators of beta-cell survival and may therefore contribute to the beta-cell dysfunction observed during the development of type 2 diabetes.


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Calpain 3 is a member of the calpain family of calcium-dependent intracellular proteases. Thirteen years ago it was discovered that mutations in calpain 3 (CAPN3) result in an autosomal recessive and progressive form of limb girdle muscular dystrophy called limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A. While calpain 3 mRNA is expressed at high levels in muscle and appears to have some role in developmental processes, muscles of patients and mice lacking calpain 3 still form apparently normal muscle during prenatal development; thus, a functional calpain 3 protease is not mandatory for muscle to form in vivo but it is a pre-requisite for muscle to remain healthy. Despite intensive research in this field, the physiological substrates of the calpain 3 protein (hereafter referred to as CAPN3) and its alternatively spliced isoforms remain elusive. The existence of these multiple isoforms complicates the search for the physiological functions of CAPN3 and its pathophysiological role. In this review, we summarize the genetic and biochemical evidence that point to loss of function of the full-length isoform of CAPN3, also known as p94, as the pathogenic isoform. We also argue that its natural substrates must reside in its proximity within the sarcomere where it is stored in an inactive state anchored to titin. We further propose that CAPN3 has many attributes that make it ideally suited as a sensor of sarcomeric integrity and function, involved in its repair and maintenance. Loss of these CAPN3-mediated activities can explain the "progressive" development of muscular dystrophy.


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Regulation of renal Na(+) transport is essential for controlling blood pressure, as well as Na(+) and K(+) homeostasis. Aldosterone stimulates Na(+) reabsorption by the Na(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and by the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) in the late DCT, connecting tubule, and collecting duct. Aldosterone increases ENaC expression by inhibiting the channel's ubiquitylation and degradation; aldosterone promotes serum-glucocorticoid-regulated kinase SGK1-mediated phosphorylation of the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 on serine 328, which prevents the Nedd4-2/ENaC interaction. It is important to note that aldosterone increases NCC protein expression by an unknown post-translational mechanism. Here, we present evidence that Nedd4-2 coimmunoprecipitated with NCC and stimulated NCC ubiquitylation at the surface of transfected HEK293 cells. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, coexpression of NCC with wild-type Nedd4-2, but not its catalytically inactive mutant, strongly decreased NCC activity and surface expression. SGK1 prevented this inhibition in a kinase-dependent manner. Furthermore, deficiency of Nedd4-2 in the renal tubules of mice and in cultured mDCT(15) cells upregulated NCC. In contrast to ENaC, Nedd4-2-mediated inhibition of NCC did not require the PY-like motif of NCC. Moreover, the mutation of Nedd4-2 at either serine 328 or 222 did not affect SGK1 action, and mutation at both sites enhanced Nedd4-2 activity and abolished SGK1-dependent inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest that aldosterone modulates NCC protein expression via a pathway involving SGK1 and Nedd4-2 and provides an explanation for the well-known aldosterone-induced increase in NCC protein expression.


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Dans les cellules épithéliales sensibles à l'aldostérone, le canal sodique épithélial (ENaC) joue un rôle critique dans le contrôle de l'équilibre sodique, le volume sanguin, et la pression sanguine. Le rôle d'ENaC est bien caractérisé dans le rein et les poumons, cependant le rôle d'ENaC et son régulateur positif la protéase activatrice de canal 1 (CAP1 /Prss8) sur le transport sodique dans le côlon reste en grande partie inconnu. Nous avons étudié l'importance d'ENaC et de CAPMPrss8 dans le côlon. Les souris déficientes pour la sous- unité aENaC (souris ScnnlaKO) dans les cellules superficielles intestinales étaient viables et ne montraient pas de létalité embryonnaire ou postnatale. Sous diète normale (RS) ou pauvre en sodium (LS), la différence de potentiel rectale sensible à l'amiloride (APDamii) était drastiquement diminuée et son rythme circadien atténué. Sous diète normale (RS) ou diète riche en sodium (HS) ou fort chargement de potassium, le sodium et le potassium plasmatique et urinaire n'étaient pas significativement changé. Cependant, sous LS, les souris Senni aK0 perdaient des quantités significativement augmentées de sodium dans leurs fèces, accompagnées par de très hauts taux d'aldostérone plasmatique et une rétention urinaire en sodium augmentée. Les souris déficientes en CAPl/PmS (Prss8K0) dans les cellules superficielles intestinales étaient viables et ne montraient pas de létalité embryonnaire ou postnatale. Sous diètes RS et HS cependant, les souris Prss8KO montraient une diminution significative du APDamil dans l'après-midi, mais le rythme circadien était maintenu. Sous diète LS, la perte de sodium par les fèces était accompagnée par des niveaux d'aldostérone plasmatiques plus élevés. Par conséquent, nous avons identifié la protéase activatrice de canal CAP 1 IPrss8 comme un régulateur important d'ENaC dans le côlon in vivo. De plus, nous étudions l'importance d'ENaC et de CAPIIPrss8 dans les conditions pathologiques comme les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin (MICI). Le résultat préliminaire out montre qu'une déficience d'Prss8 mènait à la détérioration de la colite induite par le DSS comparé aux modèles contrôles respectifs. En résumé, l'étude a montré que sous restriction de sel, l'absence d'ENaC dans Pépithélium de surface du côlon était compensée par 1'activation du système rénine-angiotensine- aldostérone (RAAS) dans le rein. Ceci a mené à un pseudohypoaldostéronisme de type I spécifique au côlon avec résistance aux minéralocorticoïdes sans signe d'altération de rétention de potassium. - In aldosterone-responsive epithelial cells of kidney and colon, the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) plays a critical role in the control of sodium balance, blood volume, and blood pressure. The role of ENaC is well characterized in kidney and lung, whereas role of ENaC and its positive regulator channel-activating protease 1 (CAPl/PrasS) on sodium transport in colon is largely unknown. We have investigated the importance of ENaC and CAPI/Prss8 in colon for sodium and potassium balance. Mice lacking the aENaC subunit (Scnnla mice) in intestinal superficial cells were viable and did not show any fetal or perinatal lethality. Under regular (RS) or low salt (LS) diet, the amiloride sensitive rectal potential difference (APDamii) was drastically decreased and its circadian rhythm blunted. Under regular salt (RS) or high salt (HS) diets or under potassium loading, plasma and urinary sodium and potassium were not significantly changed. However, upon LS, the ScnnlaK0 mice lost significant amounts of sodium in their feces, accompanied by very high plasma aldosterone and increased urinary sodium retention. Mice lacking the CAPl/PrasS (Prss8K0) in intestinal superficial cells were viable and did not show any fetal or perinatal lethality. Upon RS and HS diets, however, Prss8K0 exhibited a significantly reduced APDamii in the afternoon, but its circadian rhythm was maintained. Upon LS diet, sodium loss through feces was accompanied by higher plasma aldosterone levels. Thus, we have identified the channel-activating protease CAPl/Prss8 as an important in vivo regulator of ENaC in colon. Furthermore, we are investigating the importance of ENaC and CAPI/Prss8 in pathological conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Preliminary data showed that PmS-deficiency led to worsening of DSS-induced colitis as compared to their respective controls. Overall, the present study has shown that under salt restriction, the absence of ENaC in colonic surface epithelium was compensated by the activation of renin-angiotensin- aldosterone (RAAS) system in the kidney. This led to a colon specific pseudohypoaldosteroni sm type 1 with mineralocorticoid resistance without evidence of impaired potassium retention.


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Summary The CD4 molecule plays a key role in AIDS pathogenesis, it is required for entry of the virus into permissive cells and its subsequent down-modulation of the cell surface is a hallmark of HN-1 infected cells. The virus encodes no less than three proteins that participate in this process: Nef, Vpu and Env. Vpu protein interacts with CD4 within the endoplasmic reticulum of infected cells, where it targets CD4 for degradation through the interaction with a cellular protein named ß-TrCP1. This F-box protein functions as the substrate recognition subunit of the SCF ß-Trcr E3 ubiquitin ligase, which normally induce the ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of various proteins such as ß-catenin and IxBa. Mammals possess a homologue of ß-TrCP1, HOS, also named ß-TrCP2 which has a cytoplasmic subcellular distribution. Structural analysis of the ligand-binding domain of both homologues shows striking surface similarities. Both F-box proteins have a redundant role in a number of cellular processes; however the potential role of ß-TrCP2 in HIV-1 infected cells has not been evaluated. In the present study, we assessed the existence of génetic variants of BRTC, encoding ß-TrCP1, and evaluated whether these variants would affect CD4 down-modulation. Additionally, we determined whether ß-TrCP2 shares with its homologue structural and functional properties that would allow it to bind Vpu, modulate CD4 expression, and thus participate in HN-1 pathogenesis. We identified a single nucleotide polymorphism present in the human population with an allelic frequency of 0.03 that leads to the substitution of alanine 507 by a serine. However, we showed by transient transfection in HeLa CD4+ cells that this variant behaves as ß-TrCP1 with respect to CD4 down-modulation. We established transient expression systems in HeLa CD4+ cells to test whether ß-TrCP2 is implicated in Vpu-mediated CD4 down-modulation. We show by coimmunoprecipitation experiments that ß-TrCP2 binds Vpu and is able to induce CD4 down-modulation as efficiently as ß-TrCP1. In two different cell lines, HeLa CD4+ and Jurkat, Vpu-mediated CD4 down-modulation could not be completely reversed through the silencing of endogenous ß-TrCP 1 or ß-TrCP2 individually, but required both genes to be silenced simultaneously. We evaluated the role of ß-TrCP1 and ß-TrCP2 in HIV-1 life cycle using silencing prior to actual viral infection. Both ß-TrCP1 and ß-TrCP2 contributed to CD4 down-modulation during aone-cycle viral infection iri Ghost cells. In addition, the combined silencing of both homologues in the absence of env and nef reversed CD4 down-modulation, showing that ß-TrCP 1 and ß-TrCP2 represent the main and additive effectors of HIV-1 encoded Vpu. In addition, we showed that silencing of ß-TrCPI but not ß-TrCP2 induced a decrease of HIV-1 LTR-driven expression. In a transient transfection system with Tat and a LTR luciferase reporter, both homologues modulated LTR-driven expression. The present study revealed that ß-TrCP2 represents a novel protein participating in HIV-1 cycle and complete comprehension of the complex interplay occurring between the two F-Box will improve our understanding of HIV-1 infection. Résumé La molécule CD4 joue un rôle clef dans la pathogenèse du SIDA ; elle est requise pour l'entrée du virus dans les cellules permissives et la diminution de sa concentration au niveau de la surface cellulaire est une importante caractéristique des cellules infectées par le VIH-1. Le virus encode pas moins de trois protéines qui participent à ce processus Nef, Vpu et Env. La protéine Vpu lie CD4 au niveau du réticulum endoplasmique et induit sa dégradation en interagissant avec une protéine cellulaire nommée ß-TrCP 1. Cette protéine de type F-Box est une sous unité du complexe ubiquitine-ligase E3 SCFß-TrCP. Elle permet la reconnaissance du substrat par le complexe qui induit l'ubiquitination et la subséquente dégradation de diverses protéines cellulaires comme la ß-catenin ou IκBα. Les mammifères possèdent un homologue à ß-TrCP1appelé ß-TrCP2 (ou HOS). L'analyse comparative du domaine permettant la reconnaissance des substrats des deux homologues montre de frappantes similarités. Le rôle de ß-TrCP2 dans le cycle viral du VIH-1 n'a pas encore été évalué. Lors de cette étude, nous avons recherché l'existence de variants génétique de BTRC (codant pour ß-TrCP1) et nous avons évalué si ces variants pourraient affecter la dégradation des molécules CD4 induite par le virus. Nous avons ainsi identifié un polymorphisme présent dans la population humaine avec une fréquence allélique de 0.03 qui consiste en une substitution de l'alanine 507 par une sérine. Nous avons cependant montré par transfection dans des cellules HeLa CD4+ que ce variant se comporte comme ß-TrCP 1 en ce qui concerne la modulation de CD4. De plus, nous avons déterminé si ß-TrCP2 partageait avec son homologue des propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles qui lui permettraient de lier Vpu, moduler la concentration de CD4 et ainsi prendre part à la pathogenèse du SIDA. Pour ce faire, nous avons établi un système d'expression temporaire dans des cellules HeLa CD4+. Par co-immunoprécipitation, nous avons montré que ß-TrCP2 lie Vpu et est capable d'induire la dégradation de CD4 aussi efficacement que ß-TrCP1. Dans deux différentes lignées cellulaires, HeLa CD4+ et Jurkat, la dégradation de CD4 n'a pu être complètement inhibée par le silencing individuel de ß-TrCP 1 ou ß-TrCP2, mais nécessitait le silencing simultané des 2 gènes. Nous avons évalué le rôle des deux homologues dans le cycle viral du VIH-1 en infectant des cellules Ghost avec le virus après avoir effectué un silencing des deux protéines. Nous avons ainsi montré que ß-TrCP 1 et ß-TrCP2 contribuent de manière additive à la dégradation de CD4 induite par une infection du VIH-1. Le silencing combiné des deux homologues inhiba complètement cette dégradation en l'absence de env et nef, prouvant qu'aucune autre voie ne participe à ce processus: En outre, nous avons montré que le silencing de ß-TrCP 1 mais pas celui de ß-TrCP2 induisait une diminution de l'expression virale sous contrôle du LTR. Nous n'avons cependant pas été en mesure de reconstituer cet effet en exprimant Tat et un gène reporteur sous contrôle du LTR dans des cellules HeLa CD4+. Le présent travail révèle que ß-TrCP2 représente une nouvelle protéine participant dans le cycle viral du VIH-1. Une complète compréhension de l'effet de chacun des deux homologues sur le cycle viral permettra d'améliorer notre compréhension de l'infection par le VIH-1.


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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungal parasite that colonizes specifically humans and turns into an opportunistic pathogen in immunodeficient individuals. The fungus is able to reproduce extracellularly in host lungs without eliciting massive cellular death. The molecular mechanisms that govern this process are poorly understood, in part because of the lack of an in vitro culture system for Pneumocystis spp. In this study, we explored the origin and evolution of the putative biotrophy of P. jirovecii through comparative genomics and reconstruction of ancestral gene repertoires. We used the maximum parsimony method and genomes of related fungi of the Taphrinomycotina subphylum. Our results suggest that the last common ancestor of Pneumocystis spp. lost 2,324 genes in relation to the acquisition of obligate biotrophy. These losses may result from neutral drift and affect the biosyntheses of amino acids and thiamine, the assimilation of inorganic nitrogen and sulfur, and the catabolism of purines. In addition, P. jirovecii shows a reduced panel of lytic proteases and has lost the RNA interference machinery, which might contribute to its genome plasticity. Together with other characteristics, that is, a sex life cycle within the host, the absence of massive destruction of host cells, difficult culturing, and the lack of virulence factors, these gene losses constitute a unique combination of characteristics which are hallmarks of both obligate biotrophs and animal parasites. These findings suggest that Pneumocystis spp. should be considered as the first described obligate biotrophs of animals, whose evolution has been marked by gene losses.


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Calpain 3 is a member of the calpain family of calcium-dependent intracellular proteases. Thirteen years ago it was discovered that mutations in calpain 3 (CAPN3) result in an autosomal recessive and progressive form of limb girdle muscular dystrophy called limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A. While calpain 3 mRNA is expressed at high levels in muscle and appears to have some role in developmental processes, muscles of patients and mice lacking calpain 3 still form apparently normal muscle during prenatal development; thus, a functional calpain 3 protease is not mandatory for muscle to form in vivo but it is a pre-requisite for muscle to remain healthy. Despite intensive research in this field, the physiological substrates of the calpain 3 protein (hereafter referred to as CAPN3) and its alternatively spliced isoforms remain elusive. The existence of these multiple isoforms complicates the search for the physiological functions of CAPN3 and its pathophysiological role. In this review, we summarize the genetic and biochemical evidence that point to loss of function of the full-length isoform of CAPN3, also known as p94, as the pathogenic isoform. We also argue that its natural substrates must reside in its proximity within the sarcomere where it is stored in an inactive state anchored to titin. We further propose that CAPN3 has many attributes that make it ideally suited as a sensor of sarcomeric integrity and function, involved in its repair and maintenance. Loss of these CAPN3-mediated activities can explain the "progressive" development of muscular dystrophy.


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Deregulation of the ubiquitin/proteasome system has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many human diseases, including cancer. Ubiquitin-specific proteases (USP) are cysteine proteases involved in the deubiquitination of protein substrates. Functional connections between USP7 and essential viral proteins and oncogenic pathways, such as the p53/Mdm2 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B networks, strongly suggest that the targeting of USP7 with small-molecule inhibitors may be useful for the treatment of cancers and viral diseases. Using high-throughput screening, we have discovered HBX 41,108, a small-molecule compound that inhibits USP7 deubiquitinating activity with an IC(50) in the submicromolar range. Kinetics data indicate an uncompetitive reversible inhibition mechanism. HBX 41,108 was shown to affect USP7-mediated p53 deubiquitination in vitro and in cells. As RNA interference-mediated USP7 silencing in cancer cells, HBX 41,108 treatment stabilized p53, activated the transcription of a p53 target gene without inducing genotoxic stress, and inhibited cancer cell growth. Finally, HBX 41,108 induced p53-dependent apoptosis as shown in p53 wild-type and null isogenic cancer cell lines. We thus report the identification of the first lead-like inhibitor against USP7, providing a structural basis for the development of new anticancer drugs.


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The serine protease thrombin plays a role in signalling ischemic neuronal death in the brain. Paradoxically, endogenous neuroprotective mechanisms can be triggered by preconditioning with thrombin (thrombin preconditioning, TPC), leading to tolerance to cerebral ischemia. Here we studied the role of thrombin's endogenous potent inhibitor, protease nexin-1 (PN-1), in ischemia and in tolerance to cerebral ischemia induced by TPC. Cerebral ischemia was modelled in vitro in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures from rats or genetically engineered mice lacking PN-1 or with the reporter gene lacZ knocked into the PN-1 locus PN-1HAPN-1-lacZ/HAPN-1-lacZ (PN-1 KI) exposed to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD). We observed increased thrombin enzyme activity in culture homogenates 24 h after OGD. Lack of PN-1 increased neuronal death in the CA1, suggesting that endogenous PN-1 inhibits thrombin-induced neuronal damage after ischemia. OGD enhanced β-galactosidase activity, reflecting PN-1 expression, at one and 24 h, most strikingly in the stratum radiatum, a glial cell layer adjacent to the CA1 layer of ischemia sensitive neurons. TPC, 24 h before OGD, additionally increased PN-1 expression 1 h after OGD, compared to OGD alone. TPC failed to induce tolerance in cultures from PN-1(-/-) mice confirming PN-1 as an important TPC target. PN-1 upregulation after TPC was blocked by the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor, L-JNKI1, known to block TPC. This work suggests that PN-1 is an endogenous neuroprotectant in cerebral ischemia and a potential target for neuroprotection.


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Deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC) is the most common disorder leading to lactic acidemia. Phosphorylation of specific serine residues of the E1-alpha subunit of the PDHC by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) inactivates the enzyme, whereas dephosphorylation restores PDHC activity. We recently found that phenylbutyrate prevents phosphorylation of the E1-alpha subunit of the branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complex (BCKDC) and reduces plasma concentrations of neurotoxic branched chain amino acids in patients with maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), due to the deficiency of BCKDC. We hypothesized that, similarly to BCKDC, phenylbutyrate enhances PDHC enzymatic activity by increasing the portion of unphosphorylated enzyme. To test this hypothesis, we treated wild-type human fibroblasts at different concentrations of phenylbutyrate and found that it reduces the levels of phosphorylated E1-alpha as compared to untreated cells. To investigate the effect of phenylbutyrate in vivo, we administered phenylbutyrate to C57B6 wild-type mice and we detected a significant increase in Pdhc enzyme activity and a reduction of phosphorylated E1-alpha subunit in brains and muscles as compared to saline treated mice. Being a drug already approved for human use, phenylbutyrate has great potential for increasing the residual enzymatic activity of PDHC and to improve the clinical phenotype of PDHC deficiency.