250 resultados para cancer


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Objectif : Les épanchements pleuraux sont fréquents chez les patients porteurs de cancer et déterminer s'ils sont de nature tumorale ou non relève d'une grande importance clinique, particulièrement pour le groupe des carcinomes pulmonaires NON à petites cellules (NSCLC). Le PET/CT s'est montré d'une grande utilité et est actuellement indiscutablement reconnu comme outils nécessaire dans la prise en charge et notamment la stadification et le suivi des cancers, et particulièrement des cancers pulmonaires. Sa capacité à pouvoir distinguer les épanchements pleuraux malins des épanchements pleuraux non tumoraux, « bénins » n'est pas précisément connue et n'a pas jusqu'à présent été investiguée de manière approfondie. Matériel et méthodes : Nous avons examiné la captation du FDG (indice SUVmax) des épanchements pleuraux de 50 PET/CT réalisés chez 47 patients (29 hommes, 18 femmes, 60±16 ans) avec épanchements pleuraux et cancer connu (24 NSCLC, 7 lymphomes, 5 cancer du sein, 4 GIST, 3 mésothéliomes, 2 cancer ORL, 2 tératomes malins, 1 carcinome colorectal, 1 carcinome oesophagien, 1 mélanome). Ces résultats ont été corrélés aux résultats des examens cytopathologiques réalisés après ponction de ces mêmes épanchements dans un intervalle médian de 21 jours (interquartile range -3 to 23). L'examen du liquide d'épanchement comportait la mesure du pH, la distribution relative des différents éléments cellulaires (macrophages, neutrophils, éosinophiles, basophiles, lymphocytes, plasmocytes), la numération cellulaire et bien entendu présence de cellules tumorales. Résultats : Parmis les épanchements, 17 étaient malins (34%) (6 NSCLC, 5 lymphomes, 2 cancers mammaires, 2 mésothéliomes, 2 tératomes malins). Les SUV étaient plus élevés dans les épanchements malins que dans les épanchements bénins [3.7 (95%IC 1.8-5.6) vs. 1.7 g/ml (1.5-1.9), p = 0.001], avec une corrélation entre les épanchements malins et le SUV (coefficient de Spearman ρ = 0.50, p = 0.001). Il n'a pas été observé de corrélation entre aucun des autres paramètres cyptopathologiques ou radiologiques analysé (aire sous la courbe ROC 0.83 ± 0.06). En utilisant un seuil du SUV de 2.2-mg/l, 12 examens PET/CT étaient interprétés comme positifs and 38 comme négatifs avec une sensibilité et une spécificité, valeur prédictive positive et négative de 53%, 91%, 75% and 79% respectivement. Concernant le groupe des NSCLC seulement (n = 24), aire sous la courbe ROC était de 0.95 ± 0.04. Sept examens étaient considérés comme positifs et 17 comme négatifs avec une sensibilité, une spécificité, valeur prédictive positive et négative de 83%, 89%, 71 et 94% respectivement. Conclusion : Le PET/CT peut aider à différencier la nature bénigne ou maligne des épanchements avec une haute spécificité chez les patients avec tumeur connue, en particulier dans un contexte de carcinome NON à petites cellules.


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To monitor recent trends in oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality in 38 European countries, we analyzed data provided by the World Health Organization over the period 1975-2004. Joinpoint analysis was used to identify significant changes in trends. In the European Union (EU), male mortality rates rose by 2.1% per year between 1975 and 1984, by 1.0% between 1984 and 1993, and declined by 1.3% between 1993 and 2004, to reach an overall age-standardized rate of 6.1/100,000 in 2000-2004. Mortality rates were much lower in women, and the rate in the EU rose by 0.9% per year up to 2000, and levelled off to 1.1/100,000 in 2000-2004. In France and Italy - which had the highest rates in the past - male rates have steadily declined during the last two decades (annual percent change, APC=-4.8% in 1998-2004 in France, and -2.6% in 1986-2003 in Italy). Persisting rises were, however, observed in several central and eastern European countries, with exceedingly high rates in Hungary (21.1/100,000; APC=6.9% in 1975-1993 and 1.4% in 1993-2004) and Slovakia (16.9/100,000; APC=0.14% in 1992-2004). In middle aged (35 to 64) men, oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality rates in Hungary (55.2/100,000) and Slovakia (40.8/100,000) were comparable to lung cancer rates in several major European countries. The highest rates for women were in Hungary (3.3/100,000; APC=4.7% in 1975-2004) and Denmark (1.6/100,000; APC=1.3% in 1975-2001). Oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality essentially reflects the different patterns in tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking, including drinking patterns and type of alcohol in central Europe. (c) 2009 UICC.


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Epithelial to Mesenchymal transition (EMT) in cancer, a process permitting cancer cells to become mobile and metastatic, has a signaling hardwire forged from development. Multiple signaling pathways that regulate carcinogenesis enabling characteristics in neoplastic cells such as proliferation, resistance to apoptosis and angiogenesis are also the main players in EMT. These pathways, as almost all cellular processes, are in their turn regulated by ubiquitination and the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System (UPS). Ubiquitination is the covalent link of target proteins with the small protein ubiquitin and serves as a signal to target protein degradation by the proteasome or to other outcomes such as endocytosis, degradation by the lysosome or specification of cellular localization. This paper reviews signal transduction pathways regulating EMT and being regulated by ubiquitination.


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Tumor-specific gene products, such as cancer/testis (CT) antigens, constitute promising targets for the development of T cell vaccines. Whereas CT antigens are frequently expressed in melanoma, their expression in colorectal cancers (CRC) remains poorly characterized. Here, we have studied the expression of the CT antigens MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGE-A10, NY-ESO-1 and SSX2 in CRC because of the presence of well-described HLA-A2-restricted epitopes in their sequences. Our analyses of 41 primary CRC and 14 metastatic liver lesions confirmed the low frequency of expression of these CT antigens. No increased expression frequencies were observed in metastatic tumors compared to primary tumors. Histological analyses of CRC samples revealed heterogeneous expression of individual CT antigens. Finally, evidence of a naturally acquired CT antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell response could be demonstrated. These results show that the expression of CT antigens in a subset of CRC patients induces readily detectable T cell responses.


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Objective This paper reviews the development and clinical validation of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) of bladder cancer. Methods The authors reviewed the literature on the development of PDD, in particular the evidence for the clinical efficacy of hexaminolevulinate PDD in the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Results After initial work on ultraviolet cystoscopy following oral tetracycline, the focus of PDD research shifted to the use of synthetic porphyrins. First, the prodrug delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was shown to cause a transient but significant accumulation of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in malignant or premalignant bladder tissue. Excitation by blue light leads to PpIX fluorescence (red), which distinguishes tumour from normal tissue (blue). Hexaminolevulinate (HAL, Hexvix), an ester of ALA, was then developed and has greater bioavailability and stability than the parent compound. It has been approved for clinical use in the diagnosis of bladder cancer. Clinical studies have shown that HAL PDD detects tumours, including carcinoma in situ (CIS), that are missed by conventional white-light cystoscopy. Conclusions HAL PDD is a valuable aid to the detection of bladder tumours, including CIS.


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The number of agents that are potentially effective in the adjuvant treatment of locally advanced resectable colon cancer is increasing. Consequently, it is important to ascertain which subgroups of patients will benefit from a specific treatment. Despite more than two decades of research into the molecular genetics of colon cancer, there is a lack of prognostic and predictive molecular biomarkers with proven utility in this setting. A secondary objective of the Pan European Trials in Adjuvant Colon Cancer-3 trial, which compared irinotecan in combination with 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin in the postoperative treatment of stage III and stage II colon cancer patients, was to undertake a translational research study to assess a panel of putative prognostic and predictive markers in a large colon cancer patient cohort. The Cancer and Leukemia Group B 89803 trial, in a similar design, also investigated the use of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in this setting. In this article, the authors, who are coinvestigators from these trials and performed similar investigations of biomarker discovery in the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer, review the current status of biomarker research in this field, drawing on their experiences and considering future strategies for biomarker discovery in the postgenomic era.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most frequent cause of gynecologic cancer-related mortality in women, and prognosis for patients with recurrent or metastatic disease is extremely poor. Therefore, there is an enormous unmet need for the development of novel therapies in this indication. Although surgery and chemotherapy can improve survival rates, it is necessary to integrate alternative strategies, such as immunotherapy to improve the outcomes for patients with advanced ovarian cancer. RECENT FINDINGS: We will discuss the rationale of immunotherapy and some of the mechanisms of immunogenicity in ovarian cancer. We will highlight current results with cancer vaccines, adoptive T-cell therapy and immunomodulatory agents and will summarize the immune effects of selected chemotherapeutic agents, radiotherapy and recent results with combinatorial approaches in this disease setting. We will also discuss recent and potential future therapeutic interventions that might circumvent tumor-mediated immunosuppression. SUMMARY: Dramatic increase in the number of immunotherapy clinical trials was seen in the past decade with promising results in enhancing antitumor immune response and cancer vaccine efficacy. The future challenge for immunotherapy against ovarian cancer is to use a combinatorial approach to test rational, potentially synergistic immunotherapy combinations that can induce efficient antitumor immunity and prolong patients' survival.