346 resultados para Well stimulation


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The serotonin-2A receptor (5-HT(2A)R) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and related inhibitory gating and behavioral inhibition deficits of schizophrenia patients. The hallucinogen psilocybin disrupts automatic forms of sensorimotor gating and response inhibition in humans, but it is unclear so far whether the 5-HT(2A)R or 5-HT(1A)R agonist properties of its bioactive metabolite psilocin account for these effects. Thus, we investigated whether psilocybin-induced deficits in automatic and controlled inhibition in healthy humans could be attenuated by the 5-HT(2A/2C)R antagonist ketanserin. A total of 16 healthy participants received placebo, ketanserin (40 mg p.o.), psilocybin (260 μg/kg p.o.), or psilocybin plus ketanserin in a double-blind, randomized, and counterbalanced order. Sensorimotor gating was measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle response. The effects on psychopathological core dimensions and behavioral inhibition were assessed by the altered states of consciousness questionnaire (5D-ASC), and the Color-Word Stroop Test. Psilocybin decreased PPI at short lead intervals (30 ms), increased all 5D-ASC scores, and selectively increased errors in the interference condition of the Stroop Test. Stroop interference and Stroop effect of the response latencies were increased under psilocybin as well. Psilocybin-induced alterations were attenuated by ketanserin pretreatment, whereas ketanserin alone had no significant effects. These findings suggest that the disrupting effects of psilocybin on automatic and controlled inhibition processes are attributable to 5-HT(2A)R stimulation. Sensorimotor gating and attentional control deficits of schizophrenia patients might be due to changes within the 5-HT(2A)R system.


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The treatment of writer's cramp, a task-specific focal hand dystonia, needs new approaches. A deficiency of inhibition in the motor cortex might cause writer's cramp. Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates cortical excitability and may provide a therapeutic alternative. In this randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study, we investigated the efficacy of cathodal stimulation of the contralateral motor cortex in 3 sessions in 1 week. Assessment over a 2-week period included clinical scales, subjective ratings, kinematic handwriting analysis, and neurophysiological evaluation. Twelve patients with unilateral dystonic writer's cramp were investigated; 6 received transcranial direct current and 6 sham stimulation. Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation had no favorable effects on clinical scales and failed to restore normal handwriting kinematics and cortical inhibition. Subjective worsening remained unexplained, leading to premature study termination. Repeated sessions of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex yielded no favorable results supporting a therapeutic potential in writer's cramp.


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A carrier system for gases and nutrients became mandatory when primitive animals grew larger and developed different organs. The first circulatory systems are peristaltic tubes pushing slowly the haemolymph into an open vascular tree without capillaries (worms). Arthropods developed contractile bulges on the abdominal aorta assisted by accessory hearts for wings or legs and by abdominal respiratory motions. Two-chamber heart (atrium and ventricle) appeared among mollusks. Vertebrates have a multi-chamber heart and a closed circulation with capillaries. Their heart has two chambers in fishes, three chambers (two atria and one ventricle) in amphibians and reptiles, and four chambers in birds and mammals. The ventricle of reptiles is partially divided in two cavities by an interventricular septum, leaving only a communication of variable size leading to a variable shunt. Blood pressure increases progressively from 15 mmHg (worms) to 170/70 mmHg (birds) according to the increase in metabolic rate. When systemic pressure exceeds 50 mmHg, a lower pressure system appears for the circulation through gills or lungs in order to improve gas exchange. A four-chamber heart allows a complete separation of systemic and pulmonary circuits. This review describes the circulatory pumping systems used in the different classes of animals, their advantages and failures, and the way they have been modified with evolution.


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MCT2 is the major neuronal monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) that allows the supply of alternative energy substrates such as lactate to neurons. Recent evidence obtained by electron microscopy has demonstrated that MCT2, like alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors, is localized in dendritic spines of glutamatergic synapses. Using immunofluorescence, we show in this study that MCT2 colocalizes extensively with GluR2/3 subunits of AMPA receptors in neurons from various mouse brain regions as well as in cultured neurons. It also colocalizes with GluR2/3-interacting proteins, such as C-kinase-interacting protein 1, glutamate receptor-interacting protein 1 and clathrin adaptor protein. Coimmunoprecipitation of MCT2 with GluR2/3 and C-kinase-interacting protein 1 suggests their close interaction within spines. Parallel changes in the localization of both MCT2 and GluR2/3 subunits at and beneath the plasma membrane upon various stimulation paradigms were unraveled using an original immunocytochemical and transfection approach combined with three-dimensional image reconstruction. Cell culture incubation with AMPA or insulin triggered a marked intracellular accumulation of both MCT2 and GluR2/3, whereas both tumor necrosis factor alpha and glycine (with glutamate) increased their cell surface immunolabeling. Similar results were obtained using Western blots performed on membrane or cytoplasm-enriched cell fractions. Finally, an enhanced lactate flux into neurons was demonstrated after MCT2 translocation on the cell surface. These observations provide unequivocal evidence that MCT2 is linked to AMPA receptor GluR2/3 subunits and undergoes a similar translocation process in neurons upon activation. MCT2 emerges as a novel component of the synaptic machinery putatively linking neuroenergetics to synaptic transmission.


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After encountering antigens, naïve CD4+ Τ cells can differentiate into various effector Τ helper (Th) cell subsets, including CD4+ Thi, Th2, Thi7, regulatory Τ cells and the recently described follicular Τ helper cells (TFH cells). To date, most of the studies used either gain-of-function approaches that do not reflect the physiological Notch signaling intensity or loss-of-function models that block the entire Notch pathway. The contribution of single Notch receptors during Th differentiation occurring upon infection has not been investigated yet. In the present thesis, we wanted to assess the individual role of Notchi and Notch2 in Th differentiation, by using mice with Τ cell-specific deletion of Notchi, Notch2 or both (NiN2/iCD4Cre) in different models of infection/immunization.¦In the first part, we characterized the role of Notchi and Notch2 in Thi differentiation. We used experimental infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, known to induce a protective Thi immune response in mice on the C57BL/6 background. Mice deficient for both Notchi and Notch2 developed unhealing lesions and were unable to control the parasite burden in their footpad. A profound defect in IFNy secretion by CD4+ Τ cells was shown to be responsible for the susceptibility of these mice. Although CD4+ Τ cells did not secrete IFNy following L. major infection, they exhibited higher IFNymRNA expression as well as higher frequency of CD4+IFNy+Τ cells in dLN. Altogether, these data indicate that Notch is dispensable for the differentiation of Thi cells expressing IFNy but controls, directly or not, the secretion of IFNy, allowing the development of a fully functional Thi immune response.¦In the second part of this thesis, we determined whether Notch is involved in differentiation of follicular Τ helper (TFH) cells. Using different models of immunization (NP-CGG, Schistosoma mansoni eggs) or infection (Leishmania mexicana), we showed that NiN2ACD4Cre mice were unable to generate TFH cells, displayed impaired germinal center (GC) formation as well as a profound defect in high affinity specific-antibodies secretion. We demonstrated an essential and previously unknown role of Notch in TFH cell development, the consequent GC formation and high affinity antibodies secretion, although the mechanisms by which Notch affects TFH development remain to be clearly demonstrated.¦-¦Lors d'une réponse immune, les lymphocytes Τ CD4+ se différencient en différentes sous- populations de lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires (T helper ou Th en anglais) incluant les populations de cellules Thi, Th2, Thn.7, Τ régulatrices ou Τ folliculaires. De nombreuses études ont montré un rôle de la voie de signalisation Notch dans la différentiation des lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires, bien que les résultats soient controversés. A ce jour, la majorité de ces études sont basées sur des modèles de gain de fonction qui ne reflètent pas le niveau physiologique du signal ou des modèles de perte de fonction pour lesquels toute la voie de signalisation est bloquée. De ce fait, nous avons voulu établir le rôle individuel de Notchi et Notch2 dans la réponse immune de type Thi et dans la différentiation des lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires folliculaires avec l'aide de souris déficientes pour Notchi, Notch2 ou les 2 (NiN2ACD4Cre) à la surface de leurs cellules T.¦Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons analysé le rôle de Notch dans la différentiation de type Thi suite à infection avec le parasite Leishmania major, connu pour induire une forte réponse Thi dans des souris de souche C57BL/6. Les souris déficientes pour Notchi et Notch2 développent une importante lésion et sont incapables de contrôler la prolifération du parasite au site d'infection. Le profond défaut de la sécrétion d'IFNy par les cellules Τ des ganglions drainants est probablement responsable de la susceptibilité de ces souris à L. major. Bien que les cellules Τ ne sécrètent pas d'IFNy, nous avons observé des niveaux plus importants d'expression au niveau de l'ARN messager, et une proportion plus élevée de cellules positives pour CD4 et IFNy. Ces résultats indiquent que Notch est nécessaire pour la sécrétion d'IFNy mais pas pour la différentiation de cellules compétentes pour l'IFNy.¦Dans un second temps, nous avons voulu déterminer si Notch est impliqué dans la différentiation des cellules Τ folliculaires. En utilisant divers modèles d'immunisation (avec NP-CGG ou des oeufs de Schistosoma mansoni) ou d'infection (avec L. mexicana), nous avons montré que les souris NlN2ACD4Cre sont incapables de générer des cellules Τ folliculaires. En conséquence, la formation des centres germinatifs et la sécrétion d'anticorps de haute affinité sont profondément affectés. Nous avons démontré dans cette seconde partie un rôle crucial et inconnu à ce jour de Notch dans la différentiation des cellules Τ et en conséquence dans la formation des centres germinatifs et la sécrétion des anticorps de haute affinité, bien que les mécanismes par lesquels Notch contrôle cette différentiation restent à identifier.¦-¦Lors d'une réponse immune, les lymphocytes Τ CD// se différencient en différentes sous- populations de lymphocytes Τ auxiliaires de types Thi, Th2, Thi7, régulatrices ou folliculaires, définies selon la sécrétion de cytokines spécifiques. Le rôle de ces sous-populations dans le contrôle de diverses infections ou leur association avec de nombreuses maladies rend la compréhension des mécanismes de différentiation de ces cellules particulièrement importante. De nombreux facteurs sont impliqués dans ce processus, tels que la présence de diverses cytokines dans l'environnement, la nature de l'antigène ou encore la force de la stimulation. Par ailleurs, de nombreuses études ont montré un rôle de la voie de signalisation Notch dans la différentiation des lymphocytes T, bien que les résultats soient controversés. Dans cette thèse, nous avons voulu évaluer le rôle individuel des récepteurs Notch dans la différentiation des cellules Τ auxiliaires de type Thi et folliculaires à l'aide de souris dont les récepteurs Notch sont spécifiquement absents à la surface des lymphocytes T.¦Dans la première partie, nous avons utilisé le modèle d'infection au parasite Leishmania major, connu pour induire une forte réponse protectrice de type Thi dans la majorité des souches de souris. Suite à l'infection, les souris déficientes pour les récepteurs Notch sont incapables de contrôler la prolifération du parasite et développent une importante lésion au site d'infection. Cette susceptibilité est due à l'incapacité des cellules Τ auxiliaires à sécréter une cytokine spécifique des cellules de type Thi et nécessaire à l'éradication du parasite, l'IFNy. Ces résultats indiquent que les récepteurs Notch sont indispensables au développement d'une réponse Thi fonctionnelle, permettant la guérison suite à l'infection avec L. major.¦Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons voulu déterminer si Notch est impliqué dans la différentiation des lymphocytes Τ folliculaires. Ces cellules ont la particularité d'aider les lymphocytes Β à former des centres germinatifs au sein desquels les lymphocytes Β prolifèrent et sécrètent des anticorps, un processus nécessaire à la protection contre les pathogènes. Actuellement, l'efficacité de la majorité des vaccins repose sur la sécrétion d'anticorps par les lymphocytes B, aidés par les cellules Τ folliculaires. En raison du rôle important de ces cellules dans l'éradication des pathogènes et lors d'un processus de vaccination, il est important de connaître les facteurs et les mécanismes permettant la différentiation de ces cellules. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que la formation des cellules Τ folliculaires dépend de la voie de signalisation Notch, impliquant un rôle essentiel de cette molécule dans l'induction de la sécrétion d'anticorps par les lymphocytes B.


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Context: Both biallelic and monoallelic mutations in PROK2 or PROKR2 have been found in Kallmann syndrome (KS). Objective: The objective of the study was to compare the phenotypes of KS patients harboring monoallelic and biallelic mutations in these genes. Design and Patients: We studied clinical and endocrine features that reflect the functioning of the pituitary-gonadal axis, and the nonreproductive phenotype, in 55 adult KS patients (42 men and 13 women), of whom 41 had monoallelic mutations and 14 biallelic mutations in PROK2 or PROKR2. Results: Biallelic mutations were associated with more frequent cryptorchidism (70% vs. 34%, P < 0.05) and microphallus (90% vs. 28%, P < 0.001) and lower mean testicular volume (1.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 4.5 +/- 6.0 ml; P < 0.01) in male patients. Likewise, the testosterone level as well as the basal FSH level and peak LH level under GnRH-stimulation were lower in males with biallelic mutations (0.2 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.7 +/- 0.8 ng/ml; P = 0.05, 0.3 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.8 +/- 3.0 IU/liter; P < 0.05, and 0.8 +/- 0.8 vs. 5.2 +/- 5.5 IU/liter; P < 0.05, respectively). Nonreproductive, nonolfactory anomalies were rare in both sexes and were never found in patients with biallelic mutations. The mean body mass index of the patients (23.9 +/- 4.2 kg/m(2) in males and 26.3 +/- 6.6 kg/m(2) in females) did not differ significantly from that of gender-, age-, and treatment-matched KS individuals who did not carry a mutation in PROK2 or PROKR2. Finally, circadian cortisol levels evaluated in five patients, including one with biallelic PROKR2 mutations, were normal in all cases. Conclusion: Male patients carrying biallelic mutations in PROK2 or PROKR2 have a less variable and on average a more severe reproductive phenotype than patients carrying monoallelic mutations in these genes. Nonreproductive, nonolfactory clinical anomalies associated with KS seem to be restricted to patients with monoallelic mutations.


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Chronic stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system induces an elevation of blood pressure and the development of cardiac hypertrophy via the actions of its effector, angiotensin II. In cardiomyocytes, mitogen-activated protein kinases as well as protein kinase C isoforms have been shown to be important in the transduction of trophic signals. The Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin has also been suggested to play a role in cardiac growth. In the present report, we investigate possible cross-talks between calcineurin, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in controlling angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy. Angiotensin II-stimulated cardiomyocytes and mice with angiotensin II-dependent renovascular hypertension were treated with the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporin A. Calcineurin, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase activations were determined. We show that cyclosporin A blocks angiotensin II-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in cultured primary cardiomyocytes and in the heart of hypertensive mice. Cyclosporin A also inhibits specific protein kinase C isoforms. In vivo, cyclosporin A prevents the development of cardiac hypertrophy, and this effect appears to be independent of hemodynamic changes. These data suggest cross-talks between the calcineurin pathway, the protein kinase C, and the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling cascades in transducing angiotensin II-mediated stimuli in cardiomyocytes and could provide the basis for an integrated model of cardiac hypertrophy.


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Abstract: Myotonic dystrophy (DM1), also known as Steinert disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease. It is characterized by myotonia, muscular weakness and atrophy, but DM1 may have manifestations in other organs such as eyes, heart, gonads, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, as well as brain. In 1992, it was demonstrated that this complex disease results from the expansion of CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region of the DM protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. The size of the inherited expansion is critically linked to the severity of the disease and the age of onset. Although several electrophysiological and histological studies have been carried out to verify the possible involvement of peripheral nerve abnormality with DM1, the results have not been univocal. Therefore, at present the possible association between peripheral neuropatliy and DM1 remains debated. Recently, transgenic mice have been generated, that carry the human genomic DM1 region with 300 CTG repeats, and display the human DMl phenotype. The generation of these DM1 transgenic mice provides a useful tool to investigate the type and incidence of structural abnormalities in the peripheral nervous system associated with DM1 disease. By using the DM1 transgenic mice, we investigated the presence/absence of the three major peripheral neuropathies: axonal degeneration, axonal demyelination and neuronopathy. The morphological and morphometric analysis of sciatic, sural and phrenic nerves demonstrated the absence of axonal degeneration or demyelination. The morphometric analysis also ruled out any loss in the numbers of sensory or motor neurons in lumbar dorsal root ganglia and lumbar spinal cord enlargement respectively. Moreover, the éxamination of serial hind limb muscle sections from DMl mice showed a normal intramuscular axonal arborization as well as the absence of changes in the number and structure of endplates. Finally, the electrophysiological tests performed in DM1 transgenic mice showed that the compound muscle axon potentials (CMAPs) elicited in the hind limb digits in response to a stimulation of the sciatic nerve with anear-nerve electrode were similar to thosé obtained in wild type mice. On the basis of all our results, we hypothesized that 300 CTG repeats are not sufficient to induce disorder in the peripheral nervous system of this DM1 transgenic mouse model. Résumé La dystrophie myotonique (DM1), connue aussi sous le nom de maladie de Steinert, est une maladie héréditaire autosornale dominante. Elle est caractérisée par une myotonie, une faiblesse et une atrophie musculaires, mais peut aussi se manifester dans d'autres organes tels que les yeux, les voies digestive et respiratoire, ou le cerveau. En 1992, il a été montré que cette maladie complexe résultait de l'expansion d'une répétition de CTG dans une partie non traduite en 3' du gène codant pour la protéine kinase DM (DMPK), sur le chromosome 19. La taille de l'expansion héritée est étroitement liée à la sévérité et l'âge d'apparition de DM1. Bien que plusieurs études électrophysiologiques et histologiques aient été menées, pour juger d'une implication possible d'anomalies au niveau du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1, les résultats n'ont jusqu'ici pas été univoques. Aujourd'hui, la question d'une neuropathie associée avec la DM1 reste donc controversée. Des souris transgéniques ont été élaborées, qui portent la séquence DM1 du génome humain avec 300 répétitions CTG et expriment le phénotype des patients DM1: Ces souris transgéniques DMl procurent un outil précieux pour l'étude du type et de l'incidence d'éventuelles anomalies du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1. En utilisant ces souris transgéniques DM1, nous avons étudié la présence ou l'absence des trois principaux types de neuropathies périphériques: la dégénération axonale, la démyélinisation axonale et la neuronopathie. Les études morphologiques et morphométrique des nerfs sciatiques, suraux et phréniques ont montré l'absence de dégénération axonale ou de démyélinisation. L'analyse du nombre de cellules neuronales n'a pas dévoilé de diminution des nombres de neurones sensitifs dans les ganglions des racines dorsales lombaires ou de neurones moteurs dans la moëlle épinière lombaire des souris transgéniques DMl. De plus, l'examen de coupes sériées de muscle des membres postérieurs de souris DM1 a montré une arborisation axonale intramusculaire normale, de même que l'absence d'irrégularité dans le nombre ou la structure des plaques motrices. Enfin, les tests électrophysiologiques effectués sur les souris DMl ont montré que les potentiels d'action de la composante musculaire (CMAPs) évoqués dans les doigts des membres postérieurs, en réponse à une stimulation du nerf sciatique à l'aide d'une électrode paranerveuse, étaient identiques à ceux observées chez les souris sauvages. Sur la base de l'ensemble de ces résultats, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que 300 répétitions CTG ne sont pas suffisantes pour induire d'altérations dans le système nerveux périphérique du modèle de souris transgéniques DM 1.


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BACKGROUND: Direct colonic electrical stimulation may prove to be a treatment option for specific motility disorders such as chronic constipation. The aim of this study was to provoke colonic contractions using electrical stimulation delivered from a battery-operated device. METHODS: Electrodes were inserted into the caecal seromuscular layer of eight anaesthetized pigs. Contractions were induced by a neurostimulator (Medtronic 3625). Caecal motility was measured simultaneously by video image analysis, manometry and a technique assessing colonic transit. RESULTS: Caecal contractions were generated using 8-10 V amplitude, 1000 micros pulse width, 120 Hz frequency for 10-30 s, with an intensity of 7-15 mA. The maximal contraction strength was observed after 20-25 s. Electrical stimulation was followed by a relaxation phase of 1.5-2 min during which contractions propagated orally and aborally over at least 10 cm. Spontaneous and stimulated caecal motility values were significantly different for both intraluminal pressure (mean(s.d.) 332(124) and 463(187) mmHg respectively; P < 0.001, 42 experiments) and movement of contents (1.6(0.9) and 3.9(2.8) mm; P < 0.001, 40 experiments). CONCLUSION: Electrical stimulation modulated caecal motility, and provoked localized and propagated colonic contractions.


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Objective.-Suspension trauma refers to the pathophysiologic syndrome that occurs when a victim is suspended motionless in a vertical position for an extended period of time. This can occur in sports that use a harness system as well as in various occupational activities including work on high wires or helicopter rescue operations. We reviewed the scientific evidence published to date in order to improve the prevention and treatment of suspension trauma.Methods.-Medline, PreMedline, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar were searched for relevant information about suspension trauma.Results.-Published data describing the pathophysiology of and the therapeutic approach to suspension trauma are sparse and consist mainly of case reports and a limited number of human experimental prospective studies. The pathophysiology of suspension trauma is related to hypovolemia induced by reduced venous return and by vagal stimulation. It is also influenced by the type of harness used. Chest harnesses may induce severe cardiorespiratory repercussions and have the lowest motionless suspension tolerance. Symptoms of suspension trauma include presyncope and can lead to a loss of consciousness.Conclusions.-Sports enthusiasts and workers who use a body harness system should never act alone and should not use a simple chest harness. If a victim shows symptoms of presyncope or is unconscious, he should be released from suspension as soon as is safely possible. There is no clear evidence to support the idea that the return to the horizontal position may contribute to the potential risk of rescue death.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an upstream activator of the immune response that counter-regulates the immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids. While MIF is released by cells in response to diverse microbial and invasive stimuli, evidence that glucocorticoids in low concentrations also induce MIF secretion suggests an additional regulatory relationship between these mediators. We investigated the expression of MIF from the human CEM T cell line, which exists in two well-characterized, glucocorticoid-sensitive (CEM-C7) and glucocorticoid-resistant (CEM-C1) variant clones. Dexamethasone in low concentrations induced MIF secretion from CEM-C7 but not CEM-C1 T cells by a bell-shaped dose response that was similar to that reported previously for the release of MIF by monocytes/macrophages. Glucocorticoid stimulation of CEM-C7 T cells was accompanied by an MIF transcriptional response, which by promoter analysis was found to involve the GRE and ATF/CRE transcription factor binding sites. These data support a glucocorticoid-mediated MIF secretion response by T cells that may contribute to the regulation of the adaptive immune response.


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SummarySecondary lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes or spleen, are the only places in our body where primary adaptive immune responses are efficiently elicited. These organs have distinct Β and Τ cell rich zones and Τ lymphocytes constantly migrate from the bloodstream into Τ zones to scan dendritic cells (DCs) for antigens they present. Specialized fibroblasts, the Τ zone reticular cells (HR.Cs), span the Τ zone in the form a three-dimensional network. lK.Cs guide incoming Τ cells in their migration, both chemically, by the secretion of the chemokines CCL19 and CCL21, and physically, by construction of a road system to which also DCs adhere. In this way TRCs are thought to facilitate encounters of Τ cells with antigen-bearing DCs and thereby accelerate the selection of rare antigen-specific Τ cells. The resulting Τ cell activation, proliferation and differentiation all take place within the TRC network. However, the influence of TRCs on Τ cell activation has so fer not been elucidated with the possible reasons being that TRCs represent a relative rare cell population and that mice devoid of TRCs have not been described.To circumvent these technical limitations, we established TRC clones and lines to have an abundant source to functionally characterize TRCs. Both the clones and lines show a fibroblastic phenotype, express a surface marker profile comparable to ex vivo TRCs and produce extracellular matrix molecules. However, expression of Ccl19, Ccl21 and ZL-7 is lost and could not be restored by cytokine stimulation. When these TRC clones or lines were cultured in a three-dimensional cell culture system, their morphology changed and resembled that of in vivo TRCs as they formed networks. By adding Τ cells and antigen-loaded DCs to these cultures we successfully reconstructed lymphoid Τ zones that allowed antigen-specific Τ cell activation.To characterize the role of TRCs in Τ cell priming, TRCs were co-cultured with antigen-specific Τ cells in the presence antigen-loaded DCs. Surprisingly, the presence of TRC lines and ex vivo TRCs inhibited rather than enhanced CD8+ Τ cell activation, proliferation and effector cell differentiation. TRCs shared this feature with fibroblasts from non-lymphoid tissues as well as mesenchymal stromal cells. TRCs were identified as a strong source of nitric oxide (NO) thereby directly dampening Τ cell expansion as well as reducing the Τ cell priming capacity of DCs. The expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) was up- regulated in a subset of TRCs by both DC-signals as well as interferon-γ produced by primed CD8+ Τ cells. Importantly, iNOS expression was induced during viral infection in vivo in both lymph node TRCs and DCs. Consistent with a role for NO as a negative regulator, the primary Τ cell response was exaggerated in iNOS-/- mice. Our findings highlight that in addition to their established positive roles in Τ cell responses TRCs and DCs cooperate in a negative feedback loop to attenuate Τ cell expansion during acute inflammation.RésuméLes organes lymphoïdes secondaires, comme les ganglions lymphoïdes ou la rate, sont les seuls sites dans notre corps où la réponse primaire des lymphocytes Β et Τ est initiée efficacement. Ces organes ont des zones différentes, riches en cellules Β ou T. Des lymphocytes Τ circulent constamment du sang vers les zones T, où ils échantillonent la surface des cellules dendritiques (DCs) pour identifier les antigènes qu'ils présentent. Des fibroblastes spécialisés - nommés Τ zone reticular cells (TRCs)' forment un réseau tridimensionnel dans la zone T. Les TRCs guident la migration des cellules Τ par deux moyens: chimiquement, par la sécrétion des chimiokines CCL19 et CCL21 et physiquement, par la construction d'un réseau routier en trois dimensions, auquel adhèrent aussi des DCs. Dans ce? cas, on pense que la présence des TRCs facilite les rencontres entre les cellules Τ et les DCs chargées de l'antigène et accélère la sélection des rares cellules Τ spécifiques. Ensuite, l'activation de cellules T, ainsi que la prolifération et la différenciation se produisent toutes à l'intérieur du réseau des TRCs. L'influence des TRCs sur l'activation des cellules T n'est que très peu caractérisée, en partie parce que les TRCs représentent une population rare et que les souris déficientes dans les TRCs n'ont pas encore été découvertes.Pour contourner ces limitations techniques, nous avons établi des clones et des lignées cellulaires de TRC pour obtenir une source indéfinie de ces cellules permettant leur caractérisation fonctionnelle. Les clones et lignées établis ont un phénotype de fibroblaste, ils expriment des molécules de surface similaires aux TRCs ex vivo et produisent de la matrice extracellulaire. Mais l'expression de Ccl19, Ccl21 et 11-7 est perdue et ne peut pas être rétablie par stimulation avec différentes cytokines. Les clones TRC ou les lignées cultivées en un système tridimensionnel de culture cellulaire, montrent une morphologie changée, qui ressemble à celle de TRC ex vivo inclus la construction de réseaux tridimensionnels.Pour caractériser le rôle des TRC dans l'activation des cellules T, nous avons cultivé des TRCs avec des cellules T spécifiques et des DCs chargées avec l'antigène. Etonnamment, la présence des TRC (lignées et ex vivo) inhibait plutôt qu'elle améliorait l'activation, la prolifération et la différenciation des lymphocytes T CDS+. Les TRCs partageaient cette fonction avec des fibr-oblastes des organes non lymphoïdes et des cellules souches du type mésenchymateux. Dans ces conditions, les TRCs sont une source importante d'oxyde nitrique (NO) et par ce fait limitent directement l'expansion des cellules T et réduisent aussi la capacité des DCs à activer les cellules T. L'expression de l'enzyme NO synthase inductible (ïNOS) est régulée à la hausse par des signaux dérivés des DCs et par l'interféron-γ produit par des cellules T de type CD8+ activées. Plus important, l'expression d'iNOS est induite pendant une infection virale in vivo, dans les TRCs et dans les DCs. Par conséquent, la réponse primaire de cellules T est exagérée dans des souris iNOS-/-. Nos résultats mettent en évidence qu'en plus de leur rôle positif bien établi dans la réponse immunitaire, les TRCs et les DCs coopèrent dans une boucle de rétroaction négative pour atténuer l'expansion des cellules T pendant l'inflammation aigiie pour protéger l'intégrité et la fonctionnalité des organes lymphoïdes secondaires.