268 resultados para Vertebrate Genomes


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BACKGROUND: The geographic distribution of evolutionary lineages and the patterns of gene flow upon secondary contact provide insight into the process of divergence and speciation. We explore the evolutionary history of the common lizard Zootoca vivipara (= Lacerta vivipara) in the Iberian Peninsula and test the role of the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Mountains in restricting gene flow and driving lineage isolation and divergence. We also assess patterns of introgression among lineages upon secondary contact, and test for the role of high-elevation trans-mountain colonisations in explaining spatial patterns of genetic diversity. We use mtDNA sequence data and genome-wide AFLP loci to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among lineages, and measure genetic structure RESULTS: The main genetic split in mtDNA corresponds generally to the French and Spanish sides of the Pyrenees as previously reported, in contrast to genome-wide AFLP data, which show a major division between NW Spain and the rest. Both types of markers support the existence of four distinct and geographically congruent genetic groups, which are consistent with major topographic barriers. Both datasets reveal the presence of three independent contact zones between lineages in the Pyrenean region, one in the Basque lowlands, one in the low-elevation mountains of the western Pyrenees, and one in the French side of the central Pyrenees. The latter shows genetic evidence of a recent, high-altitude trans-Pyrenean incursion from Spain into France. CONCLUSIONS: The distribution and age of major lineages is consistent with a Pleistocene origin and a role for both the Pyrenees and the Cantabrian Mountains in driving isolation and differentiation of Z. vivipara lineages at large geographic scales. However, mountain ranges are not always effective barriers to dispersal, and have not prevented a recent high-elevation trans-Pyrenean incursion that has led to asymmetrical introgression among divergent lineages. Cytonuclear discordance in patterns of genetic structure and introgression at contact zones suggests selection may be involved at various scales. Suture zones are important areas for the study of lineage formation and speciation, and our results show that biogeographic barriers can yield markedly different phylogeographic patterns in different vertebrate and invertebrate taxa.


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Abstract One of the most important issues in molecular biology is to understand regulatory mechanisms that control gene expression. Gene expression is often regulated by proteins, called transcription factors which bind to short (5 to 20 base pairs),degenerate segments of DNA. Experimental efforts towards understanding the sequence specificity of transcription factors is laborious and expensive, but can be substantially accelerated with the use of computational predictions. This thesis describes the use of algorithms and resources for transcriptionfactor binding site analysis in addressing quantitative modelling, where probabilitic models are built to represent binding properties of a transcription factor and can be used to find new functional binding sites in genomes. Initially, an open-access database(HTPSELEX) was created, holding high quality binding sequences for two eukaryotic families of transcription factors namely CTF/NF1 and LEFT/TCF. The binding sequences were elucidated using a recently described experimental procedure called HTP-SELEX, that allows generation of large number (> 1000) of binding sites using mass sequencing technology. For each HTP-SELEX experiments we also provide accurate primary experimental information about the protein material used, details of the wet lab protocol, an archive of sequencing trace files, and assembled clone sequences of binding sequences. The database also offers reasonably large SELEX libraries obtained with conventional low-throughput protocols.The database is available at http://wwwisrec.isb-sib.ch/htpselex/ and and ftp://ftp.isrec.isb-sib.ch/pub/databases/htpselex. The Expectation-Maximisation(EM) algorithm is one the frequently used methods to estimate probabilistic models to represent the sequence specificity of transcription factors. We present computer simulations in order to estimate the precision of EM estimated models as a function of data set parameters(like length of initial sequences, number of initial sequences, percentage of nonbinding sequences). We observed a remarkable robustness of the EM algorithm with regard to length of training sequences and the degree of contamination. The HTPSELEX database and the benchmarked results of the EM algorithm formed part of the foundation for the subsequent project, where a statistical framework called hidden Markov model has been developed to represent sequence specificity of the transcription factors CTF/NF1 and LEF1/TCF using the HTP-SELEX experiment data. The hidden Markov model framework is capable of both predicting and classifying CTF/NF1 and LEF1/TCF binding sites. A covariance analysis of the binding sites revealed non-independent base preferences at different nucleotide positions, providing insight into the binding mechanism. We next tested the LEF1/TCF model by computing binding scores for a set of LEF1/TCF binding sequences for which relative affinities were determined experimentally using non-linear regression. The predicted and experimentally determined binding affinities were in good correlation.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a North American tree that is rapidly invading European forests. This species was introduced first as an ornamental plant, then it was massively planted by foresters in many countries, but its origins and the process of invasion remain poorly documented. Based on a genetic survey of both native and invasive ranges, the invasion history of black cherry was investigated by identifying putative source populations and then assessing the importance of multiple introductions on the maintenance of gene diversity. METHODS: Genetic variability and structure of 23 populations from the invasive range and 22 populations from the native range were analysed using eight nuclear microsatellite loci and five chloroplast DNA regions. KEY RESULTS: Chloroplast DNA diversity suggests there were multiple introductions from a single geographic region (the north-eastern United States). A low reduction of genetic diversity was observed in the invasive range for both nuclear and plastid genomes. High propagule pressure including both the size and number of introductions shaped the genetic structure in Europe and boosted genetic diversity. Populations from Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany showed high genetic diversity and low differentiation among populations, supporting the hypothesis that numerous introduction events, including multiple individuals and exchanges between sites, have taken place during two centuries of plantation. CONCLUSIONS: This study postulates that the invasive black cherry has originated from east of the Appalachian Mountains (mainly the Allegheny plateau) and its invasiveness in north-western Europe is mainly due to multiple introductions containing high numbers of individuals.


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Reproductive division of labor and the coexistence of distinct castes are hallmarks of insect societies. In social insect species with multiple queens per colony, the fitness of nestmate queens directly depends on the process of caste allocation (i.e., the relative investment in queen, sterile worker and male production). The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic components to the process of caste allocation in a multiple-queen ant species. We conducted controlled crosses in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile and established single-queen colonies to identify maternal and paternal family effects on the relative production of new queens, workers, and males. There were significant effects of parental genetic backgrounds on various aspects of caste allocation: the paternal lineage affected the proportion of queens and workers produced whereas the proportions of queens and males, and females and males were influenced by the interaction between parental lineages. In addition to revealing nonadditive genetic effects on female caste determination in a multiple-queen ant species, this study reveals strong genetic compatibility effects between parental genomes on caste allocation components.


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Smoking is a leading global cause of disease and mortality. We established the Oxford-GlaxoSmithKline study (Ox-GSK) to perform a genome-wide meta-analysis of SNP association with smoking-related behavioral traits. Our final data set included 41,150 individuals drawn from 20 disease, population and control cohorts. Our analysis confirmed an effect on smoking quantity at a locus on 15q25 (P = 9.45 x 10(-19)) that includes CHRNA5, CHRNA3 and CHRNB4, three genes encoding neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. We used data from the 1000 Genomes project to investigate the region using imputation, which allowed for analysis of virtually all common SNPs in the region and offered a fivefold increase in marker density over HapMap2 (ref. 2) as an imputation reference panel. Our fine-mapping approach identified a SNP showing the highest significance, rs55853698, located within the promoter region of CHRNA5. Conditional analysis also identified a secondary locus (rs6495308) in CHRNA3.


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Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 was the first strain to be isolated in 1974 that could degrade chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. This discovery was the prologue for subsequent characterization of numerous bacterial metabolic pathways, for genetic and biochemical studies, and which spurred ideas for pollutant bioremediation. In this study, we determined the complete genome sequence of B13 using next generation sequencing technologies and optical mapping. Genome annotation indicated that B13 has a variety of metabolic pathways for degrading monoaromatic hydrocarbons including chlorobenzoate, aminophenol, anthranilate and hydroxyquinol, but not polyaromatic compounds. Comparative genome analysis revealed that B13 is closest to Pseudomonas denitrificans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The B13 genome contains at least eight genomic islands [prophages and integrative conjugative elements (ICEs)], which were absent in closely related pseudomonads. We confirm that two ICEs are identical copies of the 103 kb self-transmissible element ICEclc that carries the genes for chlorocatechol metabolism. Comparison of ICEclc showed that it is composed of a variable and a 'core' region, which is very conserved among proteobacterial genomes, suggesting a widely distributed family of so far uncharacterized ICE. Resequencing of two spontaneous B13 mutants revealed a number of single nucleotide substitutions, as well as excision of a large 220 kb region and a prophage that drastically change the host metabolic capacity and survivability.


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We present a new global method for the identification of hotspots in conservation and ecology. The method is based on the identification of spatial structure properties through cumulative relative frequency distributions curves, and is tested with two case studies, the identification of fish density hotspots and terrestrial vertebrate species diversity hotspots. Results from the frequency distribution method are compared with those from standard techniques among local, partially local and global methods. Our approach offers the main advantage to be independent from the selection of any threshold, neighborhood, or other parameter that affect most of the currently available methods for hotspot analysis. The two case studies show how such elements of arbitrariness of the traditional methods influence both size and location of the identified hotspots, and how this new global method can be used for a more objective selection of hotspots.


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Polyploidization, which is expected to trigger major genomic reorganizations, occurs much less commonly in animals than in plants, possibly because of constraints imposed by sex-determination systems. We investigated the origins and consequences of allopolyploidization in Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) from Central Asia, with three ploidy levels and different modes of genome transmission (sexual versus clonal), to (i) establish a topology for the reticulate phylogeny in a species-rich radiation involving several closely related lineages and (ii) explore processes of genomic reorganization that may follow polyploidization. Sibship analyses based on 30 cross-amplifying microsatellite markers substantiated the maternal origins and revealed the paternal origins and relationships of subgenomes in allopolyploids. Analyses of the synteny of linkage groups identified three markers affected by translocation events, which occurred only within the paternally inherited subgenomes of allopolyploid toads and exclusively affected the linkage group that determines sex in several diploid species of the green toad radiation. Recombination rates did not differ between diploid and polyploid toad species, and were overall much reduced in males, independent of linkage group and ploidy levels. Clonally transmitted subgenomes in allotriploid toads provided support for strong genetic drift, presumably resulting from recombination arrest. The Palearctic green toad radiation seems to offer unique opportunities to investigate the consequences of polyploidization and clonal transmission on the dynamics of genomes in vertebrates.


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Résumé: Les vipères du genre Vipera sont des serpents venimeux distribués dans la totalité du Paléarctique. Malgré cette répartition considérable, elles sont extrêmement menacées, leur déclin étant principalement dû à la destruction et à la fragmentation de leur habitat ainsi qu'à la persécution humaine. Afin d'apporter de nouveaux éléments dans le contexte de la protection de ce groupe de reptiles, nous avons utilisé durant ce travail de thèse différents marqueurs moléculaires pour étudier la structuration génétique à petite et à large échelle chez trois espèces appartenant au genre Vipera. La première étude, une phylogéographie moléculaire de la vipère ammodytes (Vipera ammodytes), a montré dans l'ensemble de l'aire de répartition une forte structuration génétique provenant d'isolements antérieures au Pléistocène. La présence d'un nombre important de clades dans le centre des Balkans suggère que cette région a fourni de nombreux refuges isolés durant les glaciations. Ces dernières ont également eu un impact considérable sur la diversité génétique au sein de la majorité des clades, suite à d'importants goulots d'étranglement durant le Pléistocène. L'étude de la phylogéographie de la vipère aspic (Vipera aspis) a montré une différenciation génétique entre les populations présentes de chaque côté des Alpes, mais également une forte structuration interne avec la mise en évidence d'un refuge en France. Cette étude est la première à établir clairement l'utilisation d'un refuge français pour un vertébré terrestre. La troisième partie de cette thèse a étudié la phylogéographie de la vipère péliade (Vipera berus), espèce cible de ce travail. En plus de la mise en évidence d'un groupe génétique inattendu (localisé dans le nord de l'Italie, le sud de l'Autriche, le nord de la Slovénie et l'extrême sud-est de la Suisse), la variabilité génétique au sein du groupe nordique (comprenant les animaux de l'entier de l'aire de répartition de l'espèce à l'exception des individus du groupe italien et les animaux provenant des Balkans) est suffisamment importante pour conclure à l'utilisation de refuges glaciaires nordiques durant les dernières glaciations, en complément des refuges habituellement décrits pour la majorité des espèces animales (soit les péninsules ibérique, italienne et balakanique). Ces résultats nous ont conduit à effectuer une étude morphologique (quatrième partie) comparant les vipères péliades du "clade italien" et du "clade nordique" décrits ci-dessus. Seules de petites différences morphologiques ont pu être mises en évidence, malgré une séparation de ces groupes estimée à plus d'un million d'années. Une étude à plus petite échelle, centrée sur le Massif jurassien et certaines populations alpines et françaises, a été entreprise afin d'estimer leur diversité génétique et d'évaluer la structuration génétique entre les populations à l'aide de marqueurs microsatellites (cinquième partie). Une importante structuration a été observée entre les populations distantes de plus de 3 kilomètres, la structuration entre les populations plus proches étant plus limitée. De plus, une diversité génétique plus faible dans les populations jurassiennes et alpines comparativement aux populations du massif central et de la côte atlantique a été constatée, probablement due à une perte de diversité génétique lors de la recolonisation post-glaciaire. La sixième étude s'est intéressée au succès reproducteur des mâles de vipères péliades en conditions naturelles. Une corrélation entre la taille des mâles et leur succès reproducteur a été relevée, les individus de plus grande taille ayant un succès reproducteur plus élevé. Le taux de multipaternité a aussi été investigué, démontrant que la proportion de pontes issues de plusieurs pères est élevée (69%) malgré la faible densité de vipères observée sur le site étudié. Finalement, aucun lien entre le nombre de pères au sein d'une ponte et la mortalité des jeunes à la naissance n'a pu être mis en évidence, contrastant avec des travaux précédents. En conclusion, l'observation de la structuration très marquée chez les vipères péliades devrait permettre d'affiner les méthodes de protection de l'espèce dans le massif jurassien. A plus large échelle, l'importante structuration génétique observée chez les vipères ammodytes, aspic et péliade résultant de l'utilisation de nombreux refuges glaciaires, complémentaires aux refuges habituellement utilisés par les espèces animales, démontre l'intérêt de l'analyse phylogéographique des reptiles pour la compréhension des phénomènes de colonisation et d' extinction des populations durant la fin du Tertiaire et le Quaternaire. La mise en évidence chez les différentes espèces de vipères étudiées de nombreux groupes génétiques distincts (ESUs) devrait conduire à des modifications de la taxonomie ainsi qu'au statut de protection de ces espèces. Abstract: The vipers of the genus Vipera are venomous snakes widespread throughout the Palaearctic regions. Despite a large distribution area, several species are extremely threatened, especially due to the destruction and fragmentation of their habitats, as well as by human persecution. In order to increase the knowledge on these species and to improve their protection, several molecular markers have been used to investigate the genetic structure on small and large scales, within three species of the genus Vipera. The first study, a molecular phylogeography of the nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes), showed a considerable structuring throughout the distribution area, due to isolation into refugia before the Pleistocene. A high number of clades in the centre of the Balkans suggests that this region harboured numerous isolated glacial refugia during the last glaciation. Moreover, low genetic diversity within several clades implies that most populations of nose-horned vipers have suffered bottlenecks during the Pleistocene. The study of the phylogeography of the asp viper (Vipera aspis) showed genetic differentiation between populations on each side of the Alps, as well as considerable internal genetic structure, suggesting the use of a glacial refugium in France. This study is the first to establish firmly the occurrence of a French refugia for a terrestrial vertebrate. The third part of this work involved a phylogeographic study of the adder (Vipera berus), the target species of this thesis. Three clades were revealed: a Balkan clade (corresponding to the subspecies V. b. sachalinensis), an unexpected Italian clade (limited to northern Italy, southern Austria, northern Slovenia and southeasternmost corner of Switzerland) and a Northern clade clade (including adders of the whole distribution area excepted animals from the Balkan and the Italian clades). The genetic variability within the Northern clade is sufficiently high to conclude that a northern glacial refugia during the last glaciation, in addition to those refugia already described for the main species (Iberian, Italian and Balkan peninsula). These results motivated a morphological study (part four) comparing the adders from the Italian and the Northern clades describe above. Only small morphological differences have been found, despite the split between these two clades have taken place more than 1 million years ago. A study on a local scale, focused on the Jura Mountains, on a few populations in the Alps and France was, performed to estimate the genetic diversity and the genetic structure between populations using microsatellite markers (part five). Considerable structure was observed between populations separated by more than 3 kilometres, whereas the structure between closer populations is less marked. Moreover, lower genetic diversity in the populations from Jura Mountains and Alps was noticed compared to populations from Massif Central of Atlantic coast. Such loss of genetic variation probably followed post-glacial recolonisation. The sixth study focused on the reproductive success of male adders in the wild. A positive correlation between body length and reproductive success was observed. Multiple paternity was also observed in most of clutches (69%) despite the low density of adders in the study area. Finally, no relationship was found between the number of fathers in a clutch and the survival of offspring at birth, contradicting previous studies. To conclude, the observation of a significant genetic structure in Vipera berus will enable recommendations to be made to improve protection of this species in the Jura Mountain. On a larger scale, the considerable genetic structure found within Vipera ammdoytes, V. aspis and V. berus, resulting from isolation in additional glacial refugia to those already described for other species, demonstrates the relevance of phylogeographic studies of reptiles to better understand the colonisation and disappearance during the last Tertiary and the Quaternary. The observation of several groups of evolutionary significant units (ESUs) within the three studied species might lead to a revision of the taxonomy, as well as their conservation status.


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Reference collections of multiple Drosophila lines with accumulating collections of "omics" data have proven especially valuable for the study of population genetics and complex trait genetics. Here we present a description of a resource collection of 84 strains of Drosophila melanogaster whose genome sequences were obtained after 12 generations of full-sib inbreeding. The initial rationale for this resource was to foster development of a systems biology platform for modeling metabolic regulation by the use of natural polymorphisms as perturbations. As reference lines, they are amenable to repeated phenotypic measurements, and already a large collection of metabolic traits have been assayed. Another key feature of these strains is their widespread geographic origin, coming from Beijing, Ithaca, Netherlands, Tasmania, and Zimbabwe. After obtaining 12.5× coverage of paired-end Illumina sequence reads, SNP and indel calls were made with the GATK platform. Thorough quality control was enabled by deep sequencing one line to >100×, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms and indels were validated using ddRAD-sequencing as an orthogonal platform. In addition, a series of preliminary population genetic tests were performed with these single-nucleotide polymorphism data for assessment of data quality. We found 83 segregating inversions among the lines, and as expected these were especially abundant in the African sample. We anticipate that this will make a useful addition to the set of reference D. melanogaster strains, thanks to its geographic structuring and unusually high level of genetic diversity.


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Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that share a unique but remarkably conserved biphasic developmental cycle that relies on a eukaryotic host cell for survival. Although the phylum was originally thought to only contain one family, the Chlamydiaceae, a total of nine families are now recognized. These so-called Chlamydia-like organisms (CLOs) are also referred to as 'environmental chlamydiae', as many were initially isolated from environmental sources. However, these organisms are also emerging pathogens, as many, such as Parachlamydia sp., Simkania sp. and Waddlia sp., have been associated with human disease, and others, such as Piscichlamydia sp. and Parilichlamydia sp., have been documented in association with diseases in animals. Their strict intracellular nature and the requirement for cell culture have been a confounding factor in characterizing the biology and pathogenicity of CLOs. Nevertheless, the genomes of seven CLO species have now been sequenced, providing new information on their potential ability to adapt to a wide range of hosts. As new isolation and diagnostic methods advance, we are able to further explore the richness of this phylum with further research likely to help define the true pathogenic potential of the CLOs while also providing insight into the origins of the 'traditional' chlamydiae.


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The past decade has seen the emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, which have revolutionized the field of human molecular genetics. With NGS, significant portions of the human genome can now be assessed by direct sequence analysis, highlighting normal and pathological variants of our DNA. Recent advances have also allowed the sequencing of complete genomes, by a method referred to as whole genome sequencing (WGS). In this work, we review the use of WGS in medical genetics, with specific emphasis on the benefits and the disadvantages of this technique for detecting genomic alterations leading to Mendelian human diseases and to cancer.


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The increase of publicly available sequencing data has allowed for rapid progress in our understanding of genome composition. As new information becomes available we should constantly be updating and reanalyzing existing and newly acquired data. In this report we focus on transposable elements (TEs) which make up a significant portion of nearly all sequenced genomes. Our ability to accurately identify and classify these sequences is critical to understanding their impact on host genomes. At the same time, as we demonstrate in this report, problems with existing classification schemes have led to significant misunderstandings of the evolution of both TE sequences and their host genomes. In a pioneering publication Finnegan (1989) proposed classifying all TE sequences into two classes based on transposition mechanisms and structural features: the retrotransposons (class I) and the DNA transposons (class II). We have retraced how ideas regarding TE classification and annotation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic scientific communities have changed over time. This has led us to observe that: (1) a number of TEs have convergent structural features and/or transposition mechanisms that have led to misleading conclusions regarding their classification, (2) the evolution of TEs is similar to that of viruses by having several unrelated origins, (3) there might be at least 8 classes and 12 orders of TEs including 10 novel orders. In an effort to address these classification issues we propose: (1) the outline of a universal TE classification, (2) a set of methods and classification rules that could be used by all scientific communities involved in the study of TEs, and (3) a 5-year schedule for the establishment of an International Committee for Taxonomy of Transposable Elements (ICTTE).


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Genetic color polymorphism is widespread in nature. There is an increasing interest in understanding the adaptive value of heritable color variation and trade-off resolution by differently colored individuals. Melanin-based pigmentation is often associated with variation in many different life history traits. These associations have recently been suggested to be the outcome of pleiotropic effects of the melanocortin system. Although pharmacological research supports that MC1R, a gene with a major role in vertebrate pigmentation, has important immunomodulatory effects, evidence regarding pleiotropy at MC1R in natural populations is still under debate. We experimentally assessed whether MC1R-based pigmentation covaries with both inflammatory and humoral immune responses in the color polymorphic Eleonora's falcon. By means of a cross-fostering experiment, we disentangled potential genetic effects from environmental effects on the covariation between coloration and immunity. Variation in both immune responses was primarily due to genetic factors via the nestlings' MC1R-related color genotype/phenotype, although environmental effects via the color morph of the foster father also had an influence. Overall, dark nestlings had lower immune responses than pale ones. The effect of the color morph of the foster father was also high, but in the opposite direction, and nestlings raised by dark eumelanic foster fathers had higher immune responses than those raised by pale foster fathers. Although we cannot completely discard alternative explanations, our results suggest that MC1R might influence immunity in this species. Morph-specific variation in immunity as well as pathogen pressure may therefore contribute to the long-term maintenance of genetic color polymorphism in natural populations.


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Quest for Orthologs (QfO) is a community effort with the goal to improve and benchmark orthology predictions. As quality assessment assumes prior knowledge on species phylogenies, we investigated the congruency between existing species trees by comparing the relationships of 147 QfO reference organisms from six Tree of Life (ToL)/species tree projects: The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) taxonomy, Opentree of Life, the sequenced species/species ToL, the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) database, and trees published by Ciccarelli et al. (Ciccarelli FD, et al. 2006. Toward automatic reconstruction of a highly resolved tree of life. Science 311:1283-1287) and by Huerta-Cepas et al. (Huerta-Cepas J, Marcet-Houben M, Gabaldon T. 2014. A nested phylogenetic reconstruction approach provides scalable resolution in the eukaryotic Tree Of Life. PeerJ PrePrints 2:223) Our study reveals that each species tree suggests a different phylogeny: 87 of the 146 (60%) possible splits of a dichotomous and rooted tree are congruent, while all other splits are incongruent in at least one of the species trees. Topological differences are observed not only at deep speciation events, but also within younger clades, such as Hominidae, Rodentia, Laurasiatheria, or rosids. The evolutionary relationships of 27 archaea and bacteria are highly inconsistent. By assessing 458,108 gene trees from 65 genomes, we show that consistent species topologies are more often supported by gene phylogenies than contradicting ones. The largest concordant species tree includes 77 of the QfO reference organisms at the most. Results are summarized in the form of a consensus ToL (http://swisstree.vital-it.ch/species_tree) that can serve different benchmarking purposes.