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Functional specialization is tightly linked to the ability of eukaryotic cells to acquire a particular shape. Cell morphogenesis, in turn, relies on the capacity to establish and maintain cell "polarity", which is achieved by orienting the trafficking of signaling molecules and organelles towards specific cellular locations and/or membrane domains. The "oriented" transport is based upon cytoskeletal polymers, microtubules and actin filaments, which serve as tracks for molecular motors. These latter generate motion that is translated either into pulling forces or directed transport. Fission yeast, a rod-like unicellular eukaryote, shapes itself by restricting growth at cell tips through the concerted activity of microtubules and actin cables. Microtubules, which assemble into 2-6 bundles and run parallel to the long axis of the cell, serve to orient growth to the tips. Growth is supported by the actin cytoskeleton, which provides tracks, the cables, for motor-based transport of secretory vesicles. The molecular motors, which bind cargos and deliver them to the tips along cables, are also known as type V myosins (hereafter indicated as myosin V). How the bundles of parallel actin filaments, i.e. the cables, extend from the tips through the cell and whether they serve any other purpose, besides providing tracks, is poorly understood. It is also unclear how the crosstalk between the two cytoskeletal systems is achieved. These are the basic questions I addressed during my PhD. The first part of the thesis work (Chapter two) suggests that the sole function of actin cables in polarized growth is to serve as tracks for motors. The data indicate that cells may have evolved two cytoskeletal systems to provide robustness to the polarization process but in principle a unique cytoskeleton might have been able to direct and support polarized growth. How actin cables are organized within the cell to optimize cargo transport is addressed later on (Chapter three). The major finding, based on the actin cable defect of cells lacking myosin Vs, is that actin filaments self-organize through the activity of the transport motors. In fact, by delivering cargos to cell tips and exerting physical pulling forces on actin filaments, Myosin Vs contribute not only to polarize cargo transport but also actin tracks. Among the cargos transported by Myosin V, which may be relevant to its function in organizing cables, there is likely the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Actin cables, which run parallel to cortical ER, may serve as tracks for Myosin V. Myosin V-driven displacement, in turn, may account for the dynamic expansion and organization of ER during polarized growth as suggested in Chapter four. The last part of the work (Chapter five) highlights the existence of a crosstalk between actin and microtubules. In absence of myosin V, indeed, microtubules contribute to actin cable organization, likely playing a scaffolding/tethering function. Whether or not the kinesin 1, Klp3, plays any role in such process has to be demonstrated. In conclusion the work proposes a novel role for myosin Vs in actin organization, besides its transport function, and provides molecular tools to further dissect the role of this type of myosin in fission yeast. - La spécialisation fonctionnelle est étroitement connectée à la capacité des cellules eucaryotes d'acquérir une forme particulière. La morphogenèse cellulaire à son tour, est basée sur la capacité d'établir et de maintenir la polarité cellulaire, polarité réalisée en orientant le trafic des molécules signales et des organelles vers des zones cellulaires spécifiques. Ce transport directionnel dépend des polymères du cytosquelette, microtubules et microfilaments, qui servent comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Ces derniers engendrent du mouvement, traduit soit en force de traction soit en transport directionnel. La levure fissipare, un eucaryote unicellulaire en forme de bâtonnet, acquière sa forme en limitant sa croissance aux extrémités par l'action concertée des microtubules et de l'actine. Les microtubules, qui s'assemblent de façon antiparallèle et parcourent la cellule parallèlement à l'axe longitudinal, servent à orienter la croissance aux extrémités. Cette croissance est permise par le cytosquelette d'actine, fournissant des voies, les câbles, pour le transport actif des vésicules de sécrétion. Les moteurs moléculaires, responsables de ce transport actif sont aussi appelés myosines de type V (par la suite appelés myosines V). La manière dont ces câbles s'étendent depuis l'extrémité jusqu'à l'intérieur de la cellule est peu connue. De plus, on ignore également si ces câbles présentent une fonction autre que le transport. L'interaction entre les deux cytosquelettes est également obscure. Ce sont ces questions de base auxquelles j'ai tenté de répondre lors de ma thèse. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre II) suggère que les câbles d'actine, pendant la croissance polarisée, fonctionnent uniquement comme des voies pour les moteurs moléculaires. Les données indiqueraient que les cellules ont fait évoluer deux systèmes de cytosquelette pour assurer plus de robustesse au processus de polarisation, bien que, comme nous le verrons, un système unique est suffisant. Au chapitre III, nous verrons comment les câbles d'actine sont organisés à l'intérieur de la cellule afin d'optimiser le transport des cargo. La découverte majeure, réalisée en observant des cellules dont la myosine V fait défaut, est que ces filaments d'actine s'auto organisent grâce au passage des moteurs moléculaires le long de ces voies. En réalité, en délivrant les cargos aux extrémités de la cellule et en exerçant des forces de traction sur les câbles, les myosines V contribuent non seulement à polariser le transport mais également à polariser les voies elles mêmes. Nous verrons également au chapitre IV, que parmi les cargos importants pour l'organisation des câbles, il y aurait le réticulum endoplasmique (RE). En effet, les câbles d'actine, qui s'étalent parallèlement au RE cortical, pourraient servir comme voie pour la myosine V. Cette dernière en retour pourrait être responsable de l'expansion dynamique et de l'organisation du RE pendant la croissance polarisée.


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1.1 AbstractThe treatment of memory disorders and cognitive deficits in various forms of mental retardation may greatly benefit from a better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of memory formation. Different forms of memory have distinct molecular requirements.Short-term memory (STM) is thought to be mediated by covalent modifications of existing synaptic molecules, such as phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of enzymes, receptors or ion channels. In contrast, long-term memoiy (LTM) is thought to be mediated by growth of new synapses and restructuring of existing synapses. There is extensive evidence that changes in gene expression and de novo protein synthesis are key processes for LTM formation. In this context, the transcription factor CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein) was shown to be crucial. Activation of CREB requires phosphorylation of a serine residue (Ser-133), and the subsequent recruitment of a coactivator called CREB-binding protein (CBP). Moreover, we have recently shown that another coactivator called CREB Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1 (CRTC1) functions as a calcium- and cAMP-sensitive coincidence detector in neurons, and is involved in hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity. Given the importance of cAMP and calcium signaling for plasticity-related gene expression in neurons and in astrocytes, we sought to determine the respective involvement of the CREB coactivators CBP and CRTC1 in CREB-mediated transcription.We developed various strategies to selectively interfere with these CREB coactivators in mouse primary neurons and in astrocytes in vitro. However, despite several pieces of evidence implicating CBP and/or CRTC1 in the regulation of neuronal plasticity genes, we could not clearly determine the respective requirement of these coactivators for the activation of these genes. Nevertheless, we showed that calcineurin activity, which is important for CRTC1 nuclear translocation, is necessary for the expression of some CREB-regulated plasticity genes. We associated this phenomena to physiopathological conditions observed in Down's syndrome. In addition, we demonstrated that in astrocytes, noradrenaline stimulates CREB-target gene expression through β-adrenergic receptor activation, intracellular cAMP pathway activation, and CRTC-induced CREB transactivation.Defining the respective role of CREB and its coactivators CBP and CRTC1 in neuronal and astrocytic cultures in vitro sets the stage for future in vivo studies and for the possible development of new therapeutic strategies to improve the treatment of memoiy and cognitive disorders.1.2 RésuméUne meilleure connaissance des mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires responsables de la formation de la mémoire pourrait grandement améliorer le traitement des troubles de la mémoire ainsi que des déficits cognitifs observés dans différentes formes de pathologies psychiatriques telles que le retard mental. Les différentes formes de mémoire dépendent de processus moléculaires différents.La mémoire à court terme (STM) semble prendre forme suite à des modifications covalentes de molécules synaptiques préexistantes, telles que la phosphorylation ou la déphosphorylation d'enzymes, de récepteurs ou de canaux ioniques. En revanche, la mémoire à long terme (LTM) semble être due à la génération de nouvelles synapses et à la restructuration des synapses existantes. De nombreuses études ont permis de démontrer que les changements dans l'expression des gènes et la synthèse de protéine de novo sont des processus clés pour la formation de la LTM. Dans ce contexte, le facteur de transcription CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein) s'est avéré être un élément crucial. L'activation de CREB nécessite la phosphorylation d'un résidu sérine (Ser-133), et le recrutement d'un coactivateur nommé CBP (CREB binding protein). En outre, nous avons récemment démontré qu'un autre coactivateur de CREB nommé CRTC1 (CREB Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1) agit comme un détecteur de coïncidence de l'AMP cyclique (AMPc) et du calcium dans les neurones et qu'il est impliqué dans la formation de la plasticité synaptique à long terme dans l'hippocampe. Etant donné l'importance des voies de l'AMPc et du calcium dans l'expression des gènes impliqués dans la plasticité cérébrale, nous voulions déterminer le rôle respectif des coactivateurs de CREB, CBP et CRTC1.Nous avons développé diverses stratégies pour interférer de façon sélective avec les coactivateurs de CREB dans les neurones et dans les astrocytes chez la souris in vitro. Nos résultats indiquent que CBP et CRTC1 sont tous deux impliqués dans la transcription dépendante de CREB induite par l'AMPc et le calcium dans les neurones. Cependant, malgré plusieurs évidences impliquant CBP et/ou CRTC1 dans l'expression de gènes de plasticité neuronale, nous n'avons pas pu déterminer clairement leur nécessité respective pour l'activation de ces gènes. Toutefois, nous avons montré que l'activité de la calcineurine, dont dépend la translocation nucléaire de CRTC1, est nécessaire à l'expression de certains de ces gènes. Nous avons pu associer ce phénomène à une condition physiopathologique observée dans le syndrome de Down. Nous avons également montré que dans les astrocytes, la noradrénaline stimule l'expression de gènes cibles de CREB par une activation des récepteurs β- adrénergiques, l'activation de la voie de l'AMPc et la transactivation de CREB par les CRTCs.Définir le rôle respectif de CREB et de ses coactivateurs CBP et CRTC1 dans les neurones et dans les astrocytes in vitro permettra d'acquérir les connaissances nécessaires à de futures études in vivo et, à plus long terme d'éventuellement développer des stratégies thérapeutiques pour améliorer les traitements des troubles cognitifs.


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To determine the role of Chlamydia trachomatis in miscarriage, we prospectively collected serum, cervicovaginal swab specimens, and placental samples from 386 women with and without miscarriage. Prevalence of immunoglobulin G against C. trachomatis was higher in the miscarriage group than in the control group (15.2% vs. 7.3%; p = 0.018). Association between C. trachomatis-positive serologic results and miscarriage remained significant after adjustment for age, origin, education, and number of sex partners (odds ratio 2.3, 95% confidence interval 1.1-4.9). C. trachomatis DNA was more frequently amplified from products of conception or placenta from women who had a miscarriage (4%) than from controls (0.7%; p = 0.026). Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed C. trachomatis in placenta from 5 of 7 patients with positive PCR results, whereas results of immunohistochemical analysis were negative in placenta samples from all 8 negative controls tested. Associations between miscarriage and serologic/molecular evidence of C. trachomatis infection support its role in miscarriage.


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Over the last few years a vast amount of progress has been made in identifying mechanisms controlling lineage commitment and plasticity of hematopoietic precursors to different lymphoid or myeloid lineages. This has been due largely to the ability to identify and isolate rare cell populations in order to investigate their developmental potential, together with the development of inducible and/or tissue specific targeting technology. One family of proteins that has been postulated to be involved in hematopoietic stem cell maintenance as well as in multiple commitment processes during T cell development is the Notch receptors and their ligands. In this review we will summarize recent findings and controversies regarding the role of Notch signaling in the myeloid and lymphoid systems.


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Partial cleavage of p120 RasGAP by caspase-3 in stressed cells generates an N-terminal fragment, called fragment N, which activates an anti-apoptotic Akt-dependent survival response. Akt regulates several effectors but which of these mediate fragment N-dependent cell protection has not been defined yet. Here we have investigated the role of mTORC1, Bad, and survivin in the capacity of fragment N to protect cells from apoptosis. Neither rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTORC1, nor silencing of raptor, a subunit of the mTORC1 complex, altered the ability of fragment N from inhibiting cisplatin- and Fas ligand-induced death. Cells lacking Bad, despite displaying a stronger resistance to apoptosis, were still protected by fragment N against cisplatin-induced death. Fragment N was also able to protect cells from Fas ligand-induced death in conditions where Bad plays no role in apoptosis regulation. Fragment N expression in cells did neither modulate survivin mRNA nor its protein expression. Moreover, the expression of cytoplasmic survivin, known to exert anti-apoptotic actions in cells, still occurred in UV-B-irradiated epidermis of mouse expressing a caspase-3-resistant RasGAP mutant that cannot produce fragment N. Additionally, survivin function in cell cycle progression was not affected by fragment N. These results indicate that, taken individually, mTOR, Bad, or Survivin are not required for fragment N to protect cells from cell death. We conclude that downstream targets of Akt other than mTORC1, Bad, or survivin mediate fragment N-induced protection or that several Akt effectors can compensate for each other to induce the pro-survival fragment N-dependent response.


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SPINK5 (serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5) encodes the putative proteinase inhibitor LEKTI (lympho-epithelial Kazal-type related inhibitor). In skin, LEKTI expression is restricted to the stratum granulosum of the epidermis and the inner root sheath of hair follicles. Mutations that create premature termination codons in SPINK5 have been reported as the cause of Netherton syndrome (NS), a human autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital ichthyosis with defective cornification, a specific hair shaft defect known as trichorrexis invaginata or 'bamboo hair', and severe atopic manifestations, including atopic dermatitis and hayfever. Althought recombinant human LEKTI inhibits a battery of serine proteases including plasmin, trypsin, subtilisin A, cathepsin G, and elastase, the precise role of LEKTI in the physiopathology of NS remains unclear. Spink5−/− mice display a NS-like phenotype. Surprisingly, a psoriasis-like hyperplasia, basement membrane breakdown followed by evagination of spindle-shaped epidermal cells into the dermal compartment, and the presence of numerous sweat gland-like structures were also observed when the skin of Spink5−/− newborn mice, which die at birth, was transplanted onto the back of nude mice. Collectively, these observations suggest that LEKTI may play a role on cell proliferation and stem cell fate. Our current work aims at elucidating the mechanisms by which LEKTI impact these biological processes. Using keratinocyte stem cells obtained from NS patients, we have identified LEKTI as a regulator node in several signaling pathways involved in stem cell behavior.


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Deeply incised drainage networks are thought to be robust and not easily modified, and are commonly used as passive markers of horizontal strain. Yet, reorganizations (rearrangements) appear in the geologic record. We provide field evidence of the reorganization of a Miocene drainage network in response to strike-slip and vertical displacements in Guatemala. The drainage was deeply incised into a 50-km-wide orogen located along the North America-Caribbean plate boundary. It rearranged twice, first during the Late Miocene in response to transpressional uplift along the Polochic fault, and again in the Quaternary in response to transtensional uplift along secondary faults. The pattern of reorganization resembles that produced by the tectonic defeat of rivers that cross growing tectonic structures. Compilation of remote sensing data, field mapping, sediment provenance study, grain-size analysis and Ar(40)/Ar(39) dating from paleovalleys and their fill reveals that the classic mechanisms of river diversion, such as river avulsion over bedrock, or capture driven by surface runoff, are not sufficient to produce the observed diversions. The sites of diversion coincide spatially with limestone belts and reactivated fault zones, suggesting that solution-triggered or deformation-triggered permeability have helped breaching of interfluves. The diversions are also related temporally and spatially to the accumulation of sediment fills in the valleys, upstream of the rising structures. We infer that the breaching of the interfluves was achieved by headward erosion along tributaries fed by groundwater flow tracking from the valleys soon to be captured. Fault zones and limestone belts provided the pathways, and the aquifers occupying the valley fills provided the head pressure that enhanced groundwater circulation. The defeat of rivers crossing the rising structures results essentially from the tectonically enhanced activation of groundwater flow between catchments.


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Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common and most malignant primary brain tumour with a dismal prognosis. The advent of new chemotherapies with alkylating agents crossing the blood-brain barrier, like temozolomide, have permitted to notably ameliorate the survival of a subgroup of patients. Improved outcome was associated with epigenetic silencing of the MGMT (O6-methylguanin methyltransferase) gene by promotor methylation, thereby blocking its repair capability, thus rendering the alkylating agents more effective. This particularity can be tested by methylation specific PCR on resected tumour tissue, best on fresh frozen biopsies, and allows identification of patients more susceptible to respond favourably to the treatment.


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Plants attacked by herbivores have evolved different strategies that fend off their enemies. Insect eggs deposited on leaves have been shown to inhibit further oviposition through visual or chemical cues. In some plant species, the volatile methyl salicylate (MeSA) repels gravid insects but whether it plays the same role in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana is currently unknown. Here we showed that Pieris brassicae butterflies laid fewer eggs on Arabidopsis plants that were next to a MeSA dispenser or on plants with constitutively high MeSA emission than on control plants. Surprisingly, the MeSA biosynthesis mutant bsmt1-1 treated with egg extract was still repellent to butterflies when compared to untreated bsmt1-1. Moreover, the expression of BSMT1 was not enhanced by egg extract treatment but was induced by herbivory. Altogether, these results provide evidence that the deterring activity of eggs on gravid butterflies is independent of MeSA emission in Arabidopsis, and that MeSA might rather serve as a deterrent in plants challenged by feeding larvae.


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After primary growth, most dicotyledonous plants undergo secondary growth. Secondary growth involves an increase in the diameter of shoots and roots through formation of secondary vascular tissue. A hallmark of secondary growth initiation in shoots of dicotyledonous plants is the initiation of meristematic activity between primary vascular bundles, i.e. in the interfascicular regions. This results in establishment of a cylindrical meristem, namely the vascular cambium. Surprisingly, despite its major implications for plant growth and the accumulation of biomass, the molecular regulation of secondary growth is only poorly understood. Here, we combine histological, molecular and genetic approaches to characterize interfascicular cambium initiation in the Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence shoot. Using genome-wide transcriptional profiling, we show that stress-related and touch-inducible genes are up-regulated in stem regions where secondary growth takes place. Furthermore, we show that the products of COI1, MYC2, JAZ7 and the touch-inducible gene JAZ10, which are components of the JA signalling pathway, are cambium regulators. The positive effect of JA application on cambium activity confirmed a stimulatory role of JA in secondary growth, and suggests that JA signalling triggers cell divisions in this particular context.


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This paper reviews the role of alluvial soils in vegetated gravelly river braid plains. When considering decadal time scales of river evolution, we argue that it becomes vital to consider soil development as an emergent property of the developing ecosystem. Soil processes have been relatively overlooked in accounts of the interactions between braided river processes and vegetation, although soils have been observed on vegetated fluvial landforms. We hypothesise that soil development plays a major role in the transition (speed and pathway) from a fresh sediment deposit to a vegetated soil-covered landform. Disturbance (erosion and/or deposition), vertical sediment structure (process history), vegetation succession, biological activity and water table fluctuation are seen as the main controls on early alluvial soil evolution. Erosion and deposition processes may not only act as soil disturbing agents, but also as suppliers of ecosystem resources, because of their role in delivering and changing access (e.g. through avulsion) to fluxes of water, fine sediments and organic matter. In turn, the associated initial ecosystem may influence further fluvial landform development, such as through the trapping of fine-grained sediments (e.g. sand) by the engineering action of vegetation and the deposit stabilisation by the developing above and belowground biomass. This may create a strong feedback between geomorphological processes, vegetation succession and soil evolution which we summarise in a conceptual model. We illustrate this model by an example from the Allondon River (CH) and identify the research questions that follow.


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RESUME L'homéostasie du tissu cutané est assurée par des interactions étroites entre les cellules le composant et par l'équilibre entre la différenciation et la prolifération des kératinocytes devant permettre un renouvellement constant du tissu. Après une blessure, les kératinocytes environnant la zone blessée sont activés par des cytokines. Ils acquièrent alors un phénotype migratoire qui s'accompagne d'une modulation de l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire, d'une modulation de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active, de la polarisation de la cellule, de l'affaiblissement des contacts entre cellules et de changements dans leurs contacts avec la matrice extra cellulaire. PPARβ est un facteur de transcription activé par les acides gras et leurs dérivés. Il appartient à la famille des récepteurs nucléaires aux hormones et son expression est avérée dans les kératinocytes des follicules pileux et dans les kératinocytes inter-folliculaires activés par la blessure cutanée. Le rôle de PPARβ dans la peau est principalement lié à son effet protecteur contre l'apoptose ainsi qu'à son implication dans l'équilibre dynamique entre la prolifération et la différentiation des kératinocytes. L'objet de ce travail fut de déterminer le rôle de PPARβ dans les processus d'adhésion et de migration des kératinocytes activés durant la régénération de l'épithélium blessé. Nous avons montré que les souris dépourvues du gène codant pour PPARβ ont de sévères imperfections affectant la morphologie de l'épithélium. Ce phénotype est corrélé à la modulation imparfaite du réseau d'active chez les souris dépourvues de PPARβ, à un défaut de localisation de l'intégrine α3 impliquée dans les complexes induisant la migration cellulaire, ainsi qu'à la modulation de l'expression d'acteurs majeurs affectant l'activité protéolytique de la matrice extra cellulaire. En conclusion, nos résultats montrent que PPARβ est impliqué dans le contrôle de la dynamique du cytosquelette d'active et la polarisation des kératinocytes activés. PPARβ étant impliqué dans l'acquisition d'un phénotype migratoire, il est légitime de se demander s'il intervient de même dans d'autres types cellulaires, par exemple dans la transition épithéliale-mésenchymateuse durant le développement, ou encore la progression de cellules tumorales. SUMMARY Highly coordinated intercellular interactions and single cell metabolism ensure cell and tissue maintenance of the skin. Healing of a skin wound involves keratinocyte activation by cytokines and growth factors. Activated keratinocytes acquire a motile phenotype that requires extracellular matrix remodeling and subsequent ligand activation through proteolytic activity, as well as cytoskeletal reorganisation induced by the release of cell-cell junctions and by the signalling relayed via integrin receptors and their cytoplasmic adaptors. PPARβ is a transcription factor activated by polyunsaturated fatty acids and fatty acid derivatives which belong to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. It is expressed in activated keratinocytes where it plays an essential role in protecting them from apoptosis. In addition, it plays an important function in hair follicle morphogenesis at the time of elongation, via the regulation of the balance between keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation. The aim of the present work was to determine if PPARβ is also involved in the regulation of migration and adhesion properties of keratinocytes during skin wound healing. We have shown that wounded PPARβ null mice display severe abnormalities of the keratinocyte migratory layer as shown at the histological level and using three-dimensional reconstruction. This altered migratory phenotype is correlated to altered dynamic of the actin cytoskeleton network, impaired α3 integrin localisation in migrating keratinocytes and changes in the expression of a key actor involved in extracellular matrix proteolytic activity. These results show that PPARβ is implicated in the fine tuning of the actin network organisation and the polarisation of activated keratinocytes following an epithelial wound. Whether these mechanisms are also controlled by PPARβ in other cell types during epithelial mesenchymal transition or tumour cell progression is an interesting question to rise.