249 resultados para Mattice family.
Purpose: To report the clinical and genetic study of a child with bilateral anophthalmia. Methods: A 14-year-old Egyptian boy, born from consanguineous parents, underwent a general and a full ophthalmological examination. Mutation screen of the A/M genes with recessive inheritance was done stepwise and DNA was analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Results: Bilateral anophthalmia, arachnodactyly of the feet and high arched palate were observed on general examination. The parents were first cousins and healthy. Sequencing analysis revealed a novel compound heterozygous mutation in one of the copy of exon 2 of VSX2 and a possible deletion of at least exon 2 on the other allele. Conclusions: A compound heterozygous VSX2 mutation associated with anophthalmia was identified in a patient from an Egyptian consanguineous family. This report brings the number of VSX2 mutation in anophthalmia/microphthalmia (A/M) to 13. Functional consequences of the reported changes still need to be characterized, as well as the percentage of A/M caused by mutations in the VSX2 gene. This family also shows that despite consanguinity, heterozygous mutations can also happen and one should not restrict the molecular analysis to homozygous mutations.
Sex chromosome differentiation in Rana temporaria varies strikingly among populations or families: whereas some males display well-differentiated Y haplotypes at microsatellite markers on linkage group 2 (LG2 ), others are genetically undistinguishable from females. We analysed with RADseq markers one family from a Swiss lowland population with no differentiated sex chromosomes, and where sibship analyses had failed to detect any association between the phenotypic sex of progeny and parental haplotypes. Offspring were reared in a common tank in outdoor conditions and sexed at the froglet stage. We could map a total of 2177 SNPs (1123 in the mother, 1054 in the father), recovering in both adults 13 linkage groups (= chromosome pairs) that were strongly syntenic to Xenopus tropicalis despite > 200 My divergence. Sexes differed strikingly in the localization of crossovers, which were uniformly distributed in the female but limited to chromosome ends in the male. None of the 2177 markers showed significant association with offspring sex. Considering the very high power of our analysis, we conclude that sex determination was not genetic in this family; which factors determined sex remain to be investigated.
Proteases are important for regulating multiple tumorigenic processes, including angiogenesis, tumor growth, and invasion. Elevated protease expression is associated with poor patient prognosis across numerous tumor types. Several multigene protease families have been implicated in cancer, including cysteine cathepsins. However, whether individual family members have unique roles or are functionally redundant remains poorly understood. Here we demonstrate stage-dependent effects of simultaneously deleting cathepsin B (CtsB) and CtsS in a murine pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor model. Early in tumorigenesis, the double knockout results in an additive reduction in angiogenic switching, whereas at late stages, several tumorigenic phenotypes are unexpectedly restored to wild-type levels. We identified CtsZ, which is predominantly supplied by tumor-associated macrophages, as the compensatory protease that regulates the acquired tumor-promoting functions of lesions deficient in both CtsB and CtsS. Thus, deletion of multiple cathepsins can lead to stage-dependent, compensatory mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment, which has potential implications for the clinical consideration of selective versus pan-family cathepsin inhibitors in cancer.
BACKGROUND: Genome-wide association studies have linked CYP17A1 coding for the steroid hormone synthesizing enzyme 17α-hydroxylase (CYP17A1) to blood pressure (BP). We hypothesized that the genetic signal may translate into a correlation of ambulatory BP (ABP) with apparent CYP17A1 activity in a family-based population study and estimated the heritability of CYP17A1 activity. METHODS: In the Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension, day and night urinary excretions of steroid hormone metabolites were measured in 518 participants (220 men, 298 women), randomly selected from the general population. CYP17A1 activity was assessed by 2 ratios of urinary steroid metabolites: one estimating the combined 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase activity (ratio 1) and the other predominantly 17α-hydroxylase activity (ratio 2). A mixed linear model was used to investigate the association of ABP with log-transformed CYP17A1 activities exploring effect modification by urinary sodium excretion. RESULTS: Daytime ABP was positively associated with ratio 1 under conditions of high, but not low urinary sodium excretion (P interaction <0.05). Ratio 2 was not associated with ABP. Heritability estimates (SE) for day and night CYP17A1 activities were 0.39 (0.10) and 0.40 (0.09) for ratio 1, and 0.71 (0.09) and 0.55 (0.09) for ratio 2 (P values <0.001). CYP17A1 activities, assessed with ratio 1, were lower in older participants. CONCLUSIONS: Low apparent CYP17A1 activity (assessed with ratio 1) is associated with elevated daytime ABP when salt intake is high. CYP17A1 activity is heritable and diminished in the elderly. These observations highlight the modifying effect of salt intake on the association of CYP17A1 with BP.
Un enregistrement de la tension artérielle ambulatoire (couvrant 24 heures) ainsi que plusieurs mesures en cabinet ont permis de classer chaque participant dans 4 catégories : normotension (tension artérielle normale au cabinet et en ambulatoire), hypertension artérielle soutenue (tension artérielle élevée au cabinet et en ambulatoire), hypertension de la blouse blanche (tension artérielle élevée au cabinet mais normale en ambulatoire) et hypertension artérielle masquée (tension artérielle élevée en ambulatoire mais normale au cabinet). Dans la littérature, la prévalence de l'hypertension artérielle masquée varie entre 8% et 48% selon la méthodologie utilisée et la population étudiée. Les personnes présentant une hypertension artérielle masquée ou une hypertension de la blouse blanche pourraient avoir un risque cardiovasculaire plus élevé que des personnes normotendues. Il est utile de déterminer les facteurs cliniques associés à l'hypertension artérielle masquée et à l'hypertension de la blouse blanche afin d'identifier les personnes à risque de développer ces conditions. Peu d'études ont examiné la proportion et les facteurs associés à l'hypertension artérielle masquée et à l'hypertension de la blouse blanche en Suisse, et aucune étude n'a été faite au niveau populationnel. Dans cette étude, nous investiguons les facteurs associés à l'hypertension masquée et à l'hypertension de la blouse blanche dans une étude populationnelle Suisse. Le Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension (SKIPOGH) est une étude familiale transversale. La tension artérielle au cabinet et la tension artérielle ambulatoire sont mesurées par des appareils validés. Dans cette étude, nous avons défini l'hypertension artérielle masquée comme une tension artérielle au cabinet < 140/90 mmHg et une tension ambulatoire (jour) s 135/85 mmHg ; l'hypertension de la blouse blanche comme une tension artérielle au cabinet s 140/90 mmHg et une tension ambulatoire < 135/85 mmHg ; et enfin la tension artérielle à la limite supérieure de la norme au cabinet comme une tension systolique entre 130 et 139 mmHg et/ou une tension artérielle diastolique entre 85 et 89 mmHg lors de la mesure au cabinet. Nous avons utilisé une régression logistique multiple pour examiner la relation entre l'hypertension masquée et l'hypertension de la blouse blanche, d'une part, et les facteurs associés, d'autre part, en prenant en compte les corrélations familiales. Parmi les 652 participants inclus dans cette analyse, 51% sont des femmes. L'âge moyen (± écart type) est de 48 ans (± 18 ans). Les proportions de participants avec une hypertension masquée et une hypertension de la blouse blanche sont de 15.8% et de 2.6% respectivement. L'hypertension masquée est associée à l'âge (odds ratio (OR) = 1.02, p = 0.012), à une tension artérielle au cabinet à la limite supérieure de la norme (OR = 6.68, p, 0.001) et à l'obésité (OR = 3.63, p = 0.001). L'hypertension de la blouse blanche est associée à l'âge (OR = 1.07, p, 0.001) mais pas au niveau d'éducation, à l'anamnése familiale d'hypertension ou à l'activité physique. Nos données suggèrent que les médecins doivent envisager d'effectuer un enregistrement de la tension artérielle ambulatoire chez les personnes âgées avec une tension au cabinet à la limite supérieure de la norme et/ou chez les patients obèses afin de déterminer si ces individus présentent une hypertension artérielle en ambulatoire.
At present, despite extensive laboratory investigations, most cases of porcine abortion remain without an etiological diagnosis. Due to a lack of recent data on the abortigenic effect of order Chlamydiales, 286 fetuses and their placentae of 113 abortion cases (1-5 fetuses per abortion case) were investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for family Chlamydiaceae and selected Chlamydia-like organisms such as Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Waddlia chondrophila. In 0.35% of the cases (1/286 fetuses), the Chlamydiaceae real-time PCR was positive. In the Chlamydiaceae-positive fetus, Chlamydia abortus was detected by a commercial microarray and 16S ribosomal RNA PCR followed by sequencing. The positive fetus had a Porcine circovirus-2 coinfection. By the Parachlamydia real-time PCR, 3.5% (10/286 fetuses of 9 abortion cases) were questionable positive (threshold cycle values: 35.0-45.0). In 2 of these 10 cases, a confirmation by Chlamydiales-specific real-time PCR was possible. All samples tested negative by the Waddlia real-time PCR. It seems unlikely that Chlamydiaceae, Parachlamydia, and Waddlia play an important role as abortigenic agents in Swiss sows.