301 resultados para Fetal kidney
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of HIV infection on the reliability of the first-trimester screening for Down syndrome, using free beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and fetal nuchal translucency, and of the second-trimester screening for neural tube defects, using alpha-fetoprotein. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Multicentre study comparing the multiples of the median of markers for Down syndrome and neural tube defect screening among 214 HIV-infected pregnant women and 856 HIV-negative controls undergoing a first-trimester Down syndrome screening test, and 209 HIV-positive women and 836 HIV-negative controls with a risk evaluation for neural tube defect. The influence of treatment, chronic hepatitis and HIV disease characteristics were also evaluated. RESULTS: Multiples of the median medians for pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin were lower in HIV-positive women than controls (0.88 vs. 1.05 and 0.84 vs. 1.09, respectively; P < 0.005), but these differences had no impact on risk estimation; no differences were observed for the other markers. No association was found between HIV disease characteristics, antiretroviral treatment use at the time of screening or chronic hepatitis and marker levels. CONCLUSION: Screening for Down syndrome during the first trimester and for neural tube defect during the second trimester is accurate for HIV-infected women and should be offered, similar to HIV-negative women.
Introduction: Recent data have suggested that a population of CD4+ CD25high T cells, phenotypically characterized by the expression of CD45RO and CD127, is significantly expanded in stable liver and kidney transplant recipients and represents alloreactive T cells. Induction therapies may have an impact on this alloreactive T cell population. In this study, we prospectively analyzed CD4+ CD25high CD45RO+ CD127high T cells after induction with either thymoglobulin or basiliximab. Patients & methods: A total of twenty-seven kidney transplant recipients were prospectively enrolled; 14 received thymoglobulin induction followed by a 4-day course of steroids with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil ("thymo group"), and 13 received basiliximab induction followed by standard triple immunosuppression (tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone) ("BSX group"). Phenotypical analysis by flow cytometry of the expression of CD25, CD45RO and CD127 on peripheral CD4+ T cells was performed at 0, 3 and 6 months after transplantation. Twenty-four healthy subjects (HS) were studied as controls. Results: There were no differences in baseline characteristics between the groups; at 6 months, patient survival (100%), graft survival (100%), serum creatinine (thymo versus BSX group: 129 versus 125 μmol/l) and acute rejection (2/14 versus 2/13) were not significantly different. Thymo induction produced a strong CD4 T cell depletion. As compared to pre-transplantation values, an expansion of the alloreactive T cell population was observed at 3 months in both thymo (mean: from 6.38% to 14.72%) and BSX (from 8.01% to 18.42%) groups. At 6 months, the alloreactive T cell population remained significantly expanded in the thymo group (16.92 ± 2.87%) whereas it tended to decrease in the BSX group (10.22 ± 1.38%). Conclusion: Overall, our results indicate that the expansion of alloreactive T cells occurs rapidly after transplantation in patients receiving either thymo or BSX induction. Whether differences at later timepoints or whether different IS regimens may modify this alloreactive population remains to be studied.
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe and potentially lethal disease of the young woman. It is defined as an anxious disorder not to gain weight, and an obsessive behavior regarding body weight and physical appearance. Different and variable patterns of behaviour are observed. This article focuses on the renal problems observed in anorexic patients. Anorexia is often associated with severe electrolyte disturbances, such as hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia, and alterations of water metabolism with hyponatremia and edema. Hypokalemia and chronic dehydration may contribute to the development of renal failure. Even end stage renal disease can be observed in these patients. A better understanding of the pathophysiology might improve treatment of patients suffering from AN.
BACKGROUND. Human primary fetal bone cells (hFBC) are being characterized for use in bone tissue regeneration. Unlike human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC), hFBC are partially differentiated with high expansion and regeneration potential. To date, proliferative and osteoblastic differentiation capacities of fetal bone cells remain poorly examined. The goal of this study was to define an environmental culture conditions for optimal proliferation and production of extracellular bone matrix leading to efficient bone repair. METHODS. Human primary FBC derived from our dedicated, consistent banks of bone cells comprising several fetal donors. For proliferation study, monolayer cultures of both cell types were expanded in DMEM or α- MEM media. Osteoblastic differentiation potentials of both hFBC and hMSC were evaluated through RT-PCR. Regulation of osteogenic differentiation by protein ligands Wnt3a and Wnt5a was studied by ALP enzymatic activity measurement. RESULTS. Evaluation of the proliferation rate demonstrated that hFBC proliferated more rapidly in α-MEM medium. Regarding growth factors that could stimulate cell proliferation rate, we observed that PDGF, FGF2 and Wnt3a had positive effects on proliferation of hFBC. Gene expression analysis demonstrated a higher expression of runx2 in hFBC cultured in basal conditions, which was was similar than that was observed in hMSC in osteoinductive culture conditions. Expression of sox9 was very low in hBFC and hMSC, compared to expression observed in fetal cartilage cells. Looking at osteogenic differentiation capacity, ALP activity was positively regulated byWnt5awhen hFBCwere cultured inα-MEM, but not in DMEM. Conversely, Wnt3a was shown to block the effect of osteogenic inductors on differentiation of both cell types. CONCLUSION. Data presented in this study indicate that the proliferation and differentiation of fetal and mesenchymal stem cells is optimal in α- MEM. Evidence for a pre-differentiated state of hBFC was given by extracellular matrix spontaneous mineralization as well as by higher ALP activity levels observed for these cells in baseline culture conditions, in comparison with hMSC. As we showed that, in vitro, hFBC express a higher capacity to differentiate in osteoblasts, they represent an attractive and promising prospect for fundamental research, and specifically for a new generation of skeletal tissue engineering.
Renal and testicular cancers account for 4% and 1% of all malignancies, respectively. Their prevalence has increased over the past years and is related to the widespread use of medical imaging and the incidental findings of small asymptomatic tumors on computed tomography scanners and ultrasounds examinations. The urologist faces the dilemma of overtreating benign asymptomatic lesions with radical surgery. Therefore, organ-sparing surgery was developed. Recent studies have shown that recurrence rates are often similar between organ-sparing and radical surgery for small kidney or testicular tumors. However, the risk of positive surgical margins consecutive to organ-sparing surgery remains a matter of debate. This article discusses the role of ex-vivo peroperative ultrasonography in predicting negative surgical margins during kidney- and testicular-sparing surgery.
Background: The possible additional risk of infection in patients receiving induction with both basiliximab (Ba) and thymoglobulin (Th) is unclear. We assessed the 1-year incidence of infectious complications in 3 groups of kidney transplant recipients according to the type of induction therapy received.Methods: We compared the incidence of infection at 1 year in 3 groups of patients at our institution: fi rst transplant recipients received Ba 20mg at days 0 and 4 (Group Ba); in case of retransplantation or if PRA was >20% patients received Th 1 mg/kg for 3-5 days (Group Th); in case of delayed graft function (DGF), Ba was discontinued and Th was initiated (Group Ba+Th) or prolonged in Group Th. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to calculate the incidence of infection. A Cox analysis was used to identify risk factors for the development of infection.Results: Over 5 years, 170 consecutive kidney transplant recipients were performed:n=113 in Group Ba, n=39 in Group Th and n=18 in Group Ba+Th. As expected, more patients in Group Th received a second transplant (p<0.001). No differences in CMV serostatus were observed between groups (p=0.9). Incidences of CMV infection, CMV disease, BK viremia, BK nephropathy and urinary tract infection (UTI) is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Group Ba (n=113) Group Th (n=38) Group Ba+Th (n=18) CMV infection 31 (27%) 20 (51%) 8 (44%) CMV disease 7 (6%) 4 (10%) 0 BK viremia 11 (8%) 5 (13%) 4 (22%) BK nephropathy 5 (4%) 1 (2%) 2 (11%) UTI 43 (38%) 23 (59%) 6 (33%) Incidences of infection according to type of induction In a multivariate model taking into account CMV serostatus, age, pretransplant dialysis, type of organ transplanted, number of transplants and type of induction, Group Ba carried a lower risk of CMV infection (OR 0.45, p=0.006), and UTI (OR=0.6, p=0.05), but there were no differences in CMV disease (p=0.38). There was a trend towards higher incidence of BK viremia, but not nephropathy in Group Ba+Th (OR 2.2, p=0.23). There were no signifi cant differences in kidney function or graft loss at 1 year between groups.Conclusion: By multivariate analysis, we observed a lower risk of CMV infection andUTI in patients receiving Ba. The group Ba+Th had a similar risk for infection than the group receiving Th alone. Larger studies are needed to clarify whether combining Ba+Th in the setting of DGF may increase the risk of infectious complications, in particular BK infection.
Norovirus (NoV) infection is usually limited to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. However, in immunocompromised patients, this infection might lead to severe life-threatening complications. We herein describe a pediatric kidney transplant patient who presented with an acute NoV infection complicated by febrile agranulocytosis that resolved with improvement of her GI illness. This unusual presentation has not been described before, to our knowledge. The aim of this article is to highlight the sometimes dramatic clinical presentation of NoV infection in immunosuppressed patients, and the importance of including this infection in the differential diagnosis of neutropenia in that specific population.
BACKGROUND: Neurospheres (NS) are colonies of neural stem and precursor cells capable of differentiating into the central nervous system (CNS) cell lineages upon appropriate culture conditions: neurons, and glial cells. NS were originally derived from the embryonic and adult mouse striatum subventricular zone. More recently, experimental evidence substantiated the isolation of NS from almost any region of the CNS, including the hypothalamus. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: Here we report a protocol that enables to generate large quantities of NS from both fetal and adult rat hypothalami. We found that either FGF-2 or EGF were capable of inducing NS formation from fetal hypothalamic cultures, but that only FGF-2 is effective in the adult cultures. The hypothalamic-derived NS are capable of differentiating into neurons and glial cells and most notably, as demonstrated by immunocytochemical detection with a specific anti-GnRH antibody, the fetal cultures contain cells that exhibit a GnRH phenotype upon differentiation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This in vitro model should be useful to study the molecular mechanisms involved in GnRH neuronal differentiation.
In vivo fetal magnetic resonance imaging provides aunique approach for the study of early human braindevelopment [1]. In utero cerebral morphometry couldpotentially be used as a marker of the cerebralmaturation and help to distinguish between normal andabnormal development in ambiguous situations. However,this quantitative approach is a major challenge becauseof the movement of the fetus inside the amniotic cavity,the poor spatial resolution provided by very fast MRIsequences and the partial volume effect. Extensiveefforts are made to deal with the reconstruction ofhigh-resolution 3D fetal volumes based on severalacquisitions with lower resolution [2,3,4]. Frameworkswere developed for the segmentation of specific regionsof the fetal brain such as posterior fossa, brainstem orgerminal matrix [5,6], or for the entire brain tissue[7,8], applying the Expectation-Maximization MarkovRandom Field (EM-MRF) framework. However, many of theseprevious works focused on the young fetus (i.e. before 24weeks) and use anatomical atlas priors to segment thedifferent tissue or regions. As most of the gyraldevelopment takes place after the 24th week, acomprehensive and clinically meaningful study of thefetal brain should not dismiss the third trimester ofgestation. To cope with the rapidly changing appearanceof the developing brain, some authors proposed a dynamicatlas [8]. To our opinion, this approach however faces arisk of circularity: each brain will be analyzed /deformed using the template of its biological age,potentially biasing the effective developmental delay.Here, we expand our previous work [9] to proposepost-processing pipeline without prior that allow acomprehensive set of morphometric measurement devoted toclinical application. Data set & Methods: Prenatal MRimaging was performed with a 1-T system (GE MedicalSystems, Milwaukee) using single shot fast spin echo(ssFSE) sequences (TR 7000 ms, TE 180 ms, FOV 40 x 40 cm,slice thickness 5.4mm, in plane spatial resolution1.09mm). For each fetus, 6 axial volumes shifted by 1 mmwere acquired under motherâeuro?s sedation (about 1min pervolume). First, each volume is segmentedsemi-automatically using region-growing algorithms toextract fetal brain from surrounding maternal tissues.Inhomogeneity intensity correction [10] and linearintensity normalization are then performed. Brain tissues(CSF, GM and WM) are then segmented based on thelow-resolution volumes as presented in [9]. Ahigh-resolution image with isotropic voxel size of 1.09mm is created as proposed in [2] and using B-splines forthe scattered data interpolation [11]. Basal gangliasegmentation is performed using a levet setimplementation on the high-resolution volume [12]. Theresulting white matter image is then binarized and givenas an input in FreeSurfer software(http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu) to providetopologically accurate three-dimensional reconstructionsof the fetal brain according to the local intensitygradient. References: [1] Guibaud, Prenatal Diagnosis29(4) (2009). [2] Rousseau, Acad. Rad. 13(9), 2006. [3]Jiang, IEEE TMI 2007. [4] Warfield IADB, MICCAI 2009. [5]Claude, IEEE Trans. Bio. Eng. 51(4) 2004. [6] Habas,MICCAI 2008. [7] Bertelsen, ISMRM 2009. [8] Habas,Neuroimage 53(2) 2010. [9] Bach Cuadra, IADB, MICCAI2009. [10] Styner, IEEE TMI 19(39 (2000). [11] Lee, IEEETrans. Visual. And Comp. Graph. 3(3), 1997. [12] BachCuadra, ISMRM 2010.
Ultrasound scans in the mid trimester of pregnancy are now a routine part of antenatal care in most European countries. With the assistance of Registries of Congenital Anomalies a study was undertaken in Europe. The objective of the study was to evaluate prenatal detection of congenital heart defects (CHD) by routine ultrasonographic examination of the fetus. All congenital malformations suspected prenatally and all congenital malformations, including chromosome anomalies, confirmed at birth were identified from the Congenital Malformation Registers, including 20 registers from the following European countries: Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK and Ukrainia. These registries follow the same methodology. The study period was 1996-1998, 709 030 births were covered, and 8126 cases with congenital malformations were registered. If more than one cardiac malformation was present the case was coded as complex cardiac malformation. CHD were subdivided into 'isolated' when only a cardiac malformation was present and 'associated' when at least one other major extra cardiac malformation was present. The associated CHD were subdivided into chromosomal, syndromic non-chromosomal and multiple. The study comprised 761 associated CHD including 282 cases with multiple malformations, 375 cases with chromosomal anomalies and 104 cases with non-chromosomal syndromes. The proportion of prenatal diagnosis of associated CHD varied in relation to the ultrasound screening policies from 17.9% in countries without routine screening (The Netherlands and Denmark) to 46.0% in countries with only one routine fetal scan and 55.6% in countries with two or three routine fetal scans. The prenatal detection rate of chromosomal anomalies was 40.3% (151/375 cases). This rate for recognized syndromes and multiply malformed with CHD was 51.9% (54/104 cases) and 48.6% (137/282 cases), respectively; 150/229 Down syndrome (65.8%) were livebirths. Concerning the syndromic cases, the detection rate of deletion 22q11, situs anomalies and VATER association was 44.4%, 64.7% and 46.6%, respectively. In conclusion, the present study shows large regional variations in the prenatal detection rate of CHD with the highest rates in European regions with three screening scans. Prenatal diagnosis of CHD is significantly higher if associated malformations are present. Cardiac defects affecting the size of the ventricles have the highest detection rate. Mean gestational age at discovery was 20-24 weeks for the majority of associated cardiac defects.
Introduction: Recent data have suggested that a population of CD4+ CD25high T cells, phenotypically characterized by the expression of CD45RO and CD127, is significantly expanded in stable liver and kidney transplant recipients and represents alloreactive T cells. We analyzed this putative new alloreactive cellular marker in various groups of kidney transplant recipients. Patients & methods: Flow cytometry was used to analyze the expression of CD25, CD45RO and CD127 on peripheral CD4+ T cells. Of 73 kidney transplant recipients, 59 had a stable graft function under standard immunosuppressive therapy (IS), 5 had biopsy-proven chronic humoral rejection (CHR), 8 were stable under minimal IS and one was an operationally "tolerant" patient who had discontinued IS for more than 3 years. Sixty-six healthy subjects (HS) were studied as controls. Results: Overall, the alloreactive T cell population was found to be significantly increased in the 73 kidney recipients (mean ± SE: 15.03 ± 1.04% of CD4+ CD25high T cells) compared to HS (5.93 ± 0.39%) (p<0.001). In the 5 patients with CHR, this population was highly expanded (31.33 ± 4.16%), whereas it was comparable to HS in the 8 stable recipients receiving minimal IS (6.12 ± 0.86%), in 4 patients who had been switched to sirolimus (4.21 ± 0.53%) as well as in the unique "tolerant" recipient (4.69%). Intermediate levels (15.84 ± 0.93%) were found in the 55 recipients with stable graft function on standard CNI-based IS. Regulatory T cells, defined as CD4+CD25high FoxP3+ CD127low, were found to be significantly reduced in all recipients except in those with minimal or no IS, and this reduction was particularly striking in recipients with CHR. Conclusion: After kidney transplantation, an alloreactive T cell population was found to be significantly expanded and it correlates with the clinical status of the recipients. Interestingly, in stable patients with minimal (or no) IS as well as in patients on sirolimus, alloreactive T cells were comparable the healthy controls. Measuring circulating CD4+CD25high CD45RO+ CD127high T cells may become a useful monitoring tool after transplantation.
Triiodothyronine (30 nM) added to serum-free cultures of mechanically dissociated re-aggregating fetal (15-16 days gestation) rat brain cells greatly increased the enzymatic activity of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase throughout the entire culture period (33 days), and markedly accelerated the developmental rise of glutamic acid decarboxylase specific activity. The enhancement of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase specific activities in the presence of triiodothyronine was even more pronouned in cultures of telencephalic cells. If triiodothyronine treatment was restricted to the first 17 culture days, the level of choline acetyltransferase specific activity at day 33 was 84% of that in chronically treated cultures and 270% of that in cultures receiving triiodothyronine between days 17 and 33, indicating that relatively undifferentiated cells were more responsive to the hormone. Triiodothyronine had no apparent effect on the incorporation of [3H]thymidine at day 5 or on the total DNA content of cultures, suggesting that cellular differentiation, rather than proliferation was affected by the hormone. Our findings in vitro are in good agreement with many observations in vivo, suggesting that rotation-mediated aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat brain provide a useful model to study thyroid hormone action in the developing brain.
Insults during the fetal period predispose the offspring to systemic cardiovascular disease, but little is known about the pulmonary circulation and the underlying mechanisms. Maternal undernutrition during pregnancy may represent a model to investigate underlying mechanisms, because it is associated with systemic vascular dysfunction in the offspring in animals and humans. In rats, restrictive diet during pregnancy (RDP) increases oxidative stress in the placenta. Oxygen species are known to induce epigenetic alterations and may cross the placental barrier. We hypothesized that RDP in mice induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring that is related to an epigenetic mechanism. To test this hypothesis, we assessed pulmonary vascular function and lung DNA methylation in offspring of RDP and in control mice at the end of a 2-wk exposure to hypoxia. We found that endothelium-dependent pulmonary artery vasodilation in vitro was impaired and hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy in vivo were exaggerated in offspring of RDP. This pulmonary vascular dysfunction was associated with altered lung DNA methylation. Administration of the histone deacetylase inhibitors butyrate and trichostatin A to offspring of RDP normalized pulmonary DNA methylation and vascular function. Finally, administration of the nitroxide Tempol to the mother during RDP prevented vascular dysfunction and dysmethylation in the offspring. These findings demonstrate that in mice undernutrition during gestation induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring by an epigenetic mechanism. A similar mechanism may be involved in the fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.