286 resultados para substance use disorders
The co-occurrence of PTSD and of substance use disorder (SD) is known to be very high. However the question of whether and how to treat such patients remains largely unanswered in the EMDR community. We report on two cases of EMDR-based treatment of heavily affected SD patients in whom psychotraumatic antecedents were identified. EMDR sessions focused on trauma-related material and not on the expression of cue-induced drug craving. The treatment appeared to be a difficult and challenging endeavour. However, some beneficial effects on general comfort and on drug consumption could be observed. A long stabilization phase was mandatory and the standard EMDR protocol needed to be conducted with much flexibility. Interestingly, there was no provocation of a prolonged psychological crisis or of relapse. Experiencing of emotional stress could be limited to the sessions and dissociation could be absorbed with specific well-known techniques without permanently increasing drug craving. These observations are discussed in relation to previously published concepts of using EMDR in the field of trauma and substance abuse.
[Sommaire] Résumé. - 1 Introduction (Brève description du Monitorage suisse des addictions. - Module). - 2 Questions de recherche et Méthode pour l'enquête téléphonique: module 4 (module spécifique dans l'enquête CoRolAR) (Questions de recherche. - Méthode. - Limites. - Présentation du questionnaire. - Traitements statistiques). - 3 Données sociodémographiques. - 4 Données descriptives par catégorie d'âge et de sexe (Aperçu des consommations de substances psychoactives. - Multi-consommation lors de la dernière sortie. - Détail des consommations de substances psychoactives. - Prise de risques. - Finances. - Lieu de sortie). - 5 Données descriptives par région linguistique (Consommation. - Prise de risque). - 6 Consommations excessives (Les consommateurs à risque lors de la dernière sortie de fin de semaine. - Comparaisons des données sociodémographiques dans les deux populations d'intérêt. - Comparaison des consommations de substances psychoactives dans les deux populations d'intérêt. - Prise de risques. - Finances). - 7 Les jeunes qui ne sortent pas (Comparaisons des données sociodémographiques. - des consommations de substances psychoactives dans les deux échantillons). - 8 Conclusion. - 9 Références
This article describes the long-lasting psychological after-effects of a traumatic experience. There is growing lmowledge of the biomedical underpinnings of these phenomena: the underlying mechanisms belong to an implicit learning process whereby the victim remains under the influence of painful past experiences. One of these mechanisms concerns the development of a traumatic bonding which Iioticeably impedes the establishment of interpersona! relationships. The other mechanism, called "contextualisation deficit", is the difficulty of adjusting a person's emotional and behavioural reactivity to the context of present day !ife. This capacity of a traumatic experience to become incrusted long-termina human being's mind, and to haunt the victim with various forms of psychological and physical suffering, can be compared with the presence of a tumour or an abscess in somatic medicine. Th us, severe drug addiction can be conceptualised as a disorder in which the patient tries - in most cases ineffectively - to soothe the pain of today's world in cmmection with the trauma of the past. In conclusion, this article urges the development of psychiatrie care programmes which operate at the centre of the suffering encountered by the se patients, as a complement to the already well-established offers such as harm reduction, substitution therapy and social support.
The Plinius Maior Society is a European multinational, multidisciplinary group of clinicians and researchers in the alcoholism field, which strives for a comprehensive care concept in the management of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. The Society, using evidence-based medicine, has developed a set of protocols, in the forms of guidelines, flow-charts, leaflets and booklets, for use as tools in research on and treatment of alcohol dependence, with a view to standardize clinical research procedures and to bridge the gap between the alcoholism researcher, practitioner and patient. These protocols or tools have been subjected to a review process during their preparation, and further comments on their validity will be integrated in their updates. Seven protocols have so far been developed, two of which, 'Guidelines on Evaluation of Treatment of Alcohol Dependence' and 'Detection and Management of Patients with Psychiatric and Alcohol Use Disorders', are aimed at the clinical researcher and specialists, whereas three others [in the form of decision trees (flow-charts)] are aimed at the general practitioner and other primary health care providers. These are entitled 'Alcohol Risk Assessment and Intervention in Primary Care', 'Withdrawal from Alcohol at Home' and 'Brief Intervention in Patients with Alcohol-Related Problems'. The remaining two tools are booklets aimed at the patient, one to support initiatives for detection of drinking problems and primary intervention, namely 'Do you have this Problem? Discuss it with your Doctor!', and the other to assist the patient in relapse prevention after the early stages of treatment, namely 'On the Way to Recovery'. The protocols for the general practitioners and patients have so far been produced in seven European languages, and, as with the Guidelines, feedback from target users will be collected and incorporated in future updates. The Society continually seeks to consider areas of clinical importance for its work and, as it enters the new millennium, it hopes to address and make a significant contribution to the most pressing problem in the management of alcohol dependence, namely relapse.
OBJECTIVE: This study sought to determine the prevalence of transactional sex among university students in Uganda and to assess the possible relationship between transactional sex and sexual coercion, physical violence, mental health, and alcohol use. METHODS: In 2010, 1954 undergraduate students at a Ugandan university responded to a self-administered questionnaire that assessed mental health, substance use, physical violence and sexual behaviors including sexual coercion and transactional sex. The prevalence of transactional sex was assessed and logistic regression analysis was performed to measure the associations between various risk factors and reporting transactional sex. RESULTS: Approximately 25% of the study sample reported having taken part in transactional sex, with more women reporting having accepted money, gifts or some compensation for sex, while more men reporting having paid, given a gift or otherwise compensated for sex. Sexual coercion in men and women was significantly associated with having accepted money, gifts or some compensation for sex. Men who were victims of physical violence in the last 12 months had higher probability of having accepted money, gifts or some compensation for sex than other men. Women who were victims of sexual coercion reported greater likelihood of having paid, given a gift or otherwise compensated for sex. Respondents who had been victims of physical violence in last 12 months, engaged in heavy episodic drinking and had poor mental health status were more likely to have paid, given a gift or otherwise compensated for sex. CONCLUSIONS: University students in Uganda are at high risk of transactional sex. Young men and women may be equally vulnerable to the risks and consequences of transactional sex and should be included in program initiatives to prevent transactional sex. The role of sexual coercion, physical violence, mental health, and alcohol use should be considered when designing interventions for countering transactional sex.
[Table des matières] 1. Méthodologie. 1.1. Questions d'évaluation. 1.2. Collecte de l'information. 1.3. Validation. 1. 4. Analyse. 1.5. Utilité. 2. Planification de l'intervention en 2000, par domaine. 2.1. Clé de lecture des théories d'action. 2. 2. Les domaines de : la prévention, des thérapies et traitements, de la réduction des risques, de la formation, de la coordination, Campagne, migration et santé, de l'épidémiologie, de la recherche, de l'évaluation. 3. Evolution de la stratégie entre 1998 et 2000. 4. Théories d'action en 1998. 5. Dimensions de la théorie d'action globale 2000.
In Switzerland, 9.1% of the general population accept regular consumption of BZD. In 65-74 years age group, 2% of cases display a high-risk alcohol consumption. Moderate risk consumption is present in 5% of cases. For the BZD, the cognitive difficulties settle in an insidious way; for alcohol, the daily consumption of fairly high quantities may lead to cognitive deterioration. At early stages, alcohol abusers show preserved neuropsychological performances. Gradually, the deficits will affect the remaining cognitive functions and become irreversible. This review indicates that the chronic consumption of alcohol and BZD in old age is at the origin of major clinical difficulties that need ad hoc training both for psychiatrists and general practitioners.
In alcohol epidemiology surveys, there is a tradition of measuring alcohol-related consequences using respondents' attribution of alcohol as the cause. The authors aimed to compare the prevalence and frequency of self-attributed consequences to consequences without self-attribution using alcohol-attributable fractions (AAF). In 2007, a total of 7,174 Swiss school students aged 13-16 years reported the numbers of 6 alcohol-related adverse consequences (e.g., fights, injuries) they had incurred in the past 12 months. Consequences were measured with and without attribution of alcohol as the cause. The alcohol-use measures were frequency and volume of drinking in the past 12 months and number of risky single-occasion (> or =5 drinks) drinking episodes in the past 30 days. Attributable fractions were derived from logistic (> or =1 incident) and Poisson (number of incidents) regression analyses. Although relative risk estimates were higher when alcohol-attributed consequences were compared with nonattributed consequences, the use of AAFs resulted in more alcohol-related consequences (10,422 self-attributed consequences vs. 24,520 nonattributed consequences determined by means of AAFs). The likelihood of underreporting was higher among drinkers with intermediate frequencies than among either rare drinkers or frequent drinkers. Therefore, the extent of alcohol-related adverse consequences among adolescents may be underestimated when using self-attributed consequences, because of differential attribution processes, especially among infrequent drinkers.
Drugs of abuse, such as psychostimulants and opiates, are generally considered as exerting their locomotor and rewarding effects through an increased dopaminergic transmission in the nucleus accumbens. Noradrenergic transmission may also be implicated because most psychostimulants increase norepinephrine (NE) release, and numerous studies have indicated interactions between noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons through alpha1-adrenergic receptors. However, analysis of the effects of psychostimulants after either destruction of noradrenergic neurons or pharmacological blockade of alpha1-adrenergic receptors led to conflicting results. Here we show that the locomotor hyperactivities induced by d-amphetamine (1-3 mg/kg), cocaine (5-20 mg/kg), or morphine (5-10 mg/kg) in mice lacking the alpha1b subtype of adrenergic receptors were dramatically decreased when compared with wild-type littermates. Moreover, behavioral sensitizations induced by d-amphetamine (1-2 mg/kg), cocaine (5-15 mg/kg), or morphine (7.5 mg/kg) were also decreased in knock-out mice when compared with wild-type. Ruling out a neurological deficit in knock-out mice, both strains reacted similarly to novelty, to intraperitoneal saline, or to the administration of scopolamine (1 mg/kg), an anti-muscarinic agent. Finally, rewarding properties could not be observed in knock-out mice in an oral preference test (cocaine and morphine) and conditioned place preference (morphine) paradigm. Because catecholamine tissue levels, autoradiography of D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors, and of dopamine reuptake sites and locomotor response to a D1 agonist showed that basal dopaminergic transmission was similar in knock-out and wild-type mice, our data indicate a critical role of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors and noradrenergic transmission in the vulnerability to addiction.
Le Dispositif Cantonal d'Indication et de Suivi des personnes Toxicodépendantes (DCIST) s'inscrit dans l'axe numéro 1 de la politique vaudoise concernant la prévention et la lutte contre la toxicodépendance qui vise l'amélioration de l'adéquation entre l'offre de prestations et les besoins des usagers ainsi que dans le Plan Stratégique Vaudois 2011 établi dans le cadre de la reprise par le canton de Vaud des tâches de la Confédération. Le DCIST est un processus organisationnel de travail en réseau appuyé sur des outils standardisés d'évaluation des conditions de vie et de consommation des personnes toxicodépendantes qui a pour objectifs :1. d'ajuster au mieux les prestations proposées au regard des besoins rencontrés par les personnes toxicodépendantes;2. de développer un réseau de soins coordonné : a. améliorer l'efficacité de la prise en charge des personnes toxicodépendantes;b. favoriser le suivi et le maintien de ces personnes dans le réseau social et médical;c. favoriser le continuum dans la prise en charge médicosociale (des structures généralistes, de première ligne, aux institutions résidentielles spécialisées).Le DCIST a donc pour but de renforcer le rôle du canton de Vaud dans le pilotage et la planification des prestations dans le domaine de l'aide aux personnes concernées par la toxicodépendance. Il est indiqué et nécessaire pour toute personne souhaitant entrer dans une structure résidentielle pour des problèmes de toxicodépendance, avec ou sans problématique d'alcool associée.La mise en place du dispositif a été pilotée par les instances suivantes qui se sont réunies à intervalles réguliers : la cellule de projet (les responsables des deux services concernés - SSP et SPASa) et le/la chef-fe de projetb), le groupe de travail (GT) et ses différents sous-groupes et finalement le comité de pilotage (CoPil). Ces deux derniers groupes rassemblaient des professionnels représentatifs des différents secteurs concernés par le DCIST.La phase pilote du DCIST a duré du 1er octobre 2010 au 31 mars 2011. L'objectif de cette phase était d'éprouver les outils, la structure ainsi que les procédures élaborées et d'effectuer les ajustements nécessaires.Durant cette phase pilote, des formations sur la façon d'utiliser les outils du DCIST ont été dispensées aux personnes chargées d'indication dans les structures ou à d'autres collaborateurs intéressés.Des plateformes d'échange ont réuni les personnes concernées des différentes structures (centres d'indication, établissements socio-éducatifs [ESE]) et les responsables du projet. Ces réunions ont permis de faire émerger et d'échanger les points de vue sur les problèmes rencontrés et de discuter de solutions communes. [Auteurs, p. 5]
AIMS: To determine the economic burden pertaining to alcohol dependence in Europe. METHODS: Database searching was combined with grey literature searching to identify costs and resource use in Europe relating to alcohol dependence as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) or the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Searches combined MeSH headings for both economic terms and terms pertaining to alcohol dependence. Relevant outcomes included direct healthcare costs and indirect societal costs. Main resource use outcomes included hospitalization and drug costs. RESULTS: Compared with the number of studies of the burden of alcohol use disorders in general, relatively few focussed specifically on alcohol dependence. Twenty-two studies of variable quality were eligible for inclusion. The direct costs of alcohol dependence in Europe were substantial, the treatment costs for a single alcohol-dependent patient lying within the range euro1591-euro7702 per hospitalization and the annual total direct costs accounting for 0.04-0.31% of an individual country's gross domestic product (GDP). These costs were driven primarily by hospitalization; in contrast, the annual drug costs for alcohol dependence were low. The indirect costs were more substantial than the direct costs, accounting for up to 0.64% of GDP per country annually. Alcohol dependence may be more costly in terms of health costs per patient than alcohol abuse. CONCLUSIONS: This review confirms that alcohol dependence represents a significant burden for European healthcare systems and society. Difficulties in comparing across cost-of-illness studies in this disease area, however, prevent specific estimation of the economic burden.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the socio-demographic as well as the health and psychiatric profiles of adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicide ideation and to assess repetition of suicide attempt over a period of 18 months. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between April 2000 and September 2001, all patients aged 16 to 21 years admitted to the University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne for suicide attempt or ideation were included in the study. At this time (T0) semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted to identify socio-demographic data, mental health and antecedents regarding suicidal conducts. Current psychiatric status was assessed with the MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Instrument). At T1 and T2, reassessments included psychiatric status (MINI) as well as lifestyles, socio-professional situation and suicidal behaviours. RESULTS: At T0, 269 subjects met the study criteria, among whom 83 subjects (56 girls and 27 boys) left the hospital too quickly to be involved or refused to participate in the study (final sample at T0: 149 girls; 37 boys). The participation rate at T1 and T2 was respectively 66% and 62% of the original sample. The percentage of adolescents meeting the criteria for psychiatric diagnoses (91%) was high: affective disorder (78%); anxiety disorder (64%); substance use disorder (39%); eating disorder (9%); psychotic disorder (11%); antisocial personality (7%) with most subjects (85%) having more than one disorder. Around 90% of the subjects interviewed at T1, and/or T2, had received follow-up care after their hospitalisation, either by a primary care physician or a psychotherapist or both. Two subjects died of violent death and 18% made a further suicide attempt. CONCLUSION: Most adolescents hospitalised for suicidal episodes suffer from psychiatric problems which should be addressed by a careful psychiatric assessment, followed up if needed by a structured after care plan.
In most countries, adolescent health problems have shifted from pure medical conditions to more psychosocial burdens such as injuries and violence, substance use, unsafe sex and chronic conditions including under nutrition or obesity. This new situation requires specific actions which have to take into account the specificities of the bio psychosocial development of the adolescent. Youth friendly services offering adequate environment and policies as well as carefully trained physicians represent one answer to the health needs of adolescents. Another lies in the development of school prevention and health promotion. Finally, policies aiming at securing a safe environment represent an effective mean to improve the health of adolescents.