250 resultados para street-level police knoweldge
In sport events like Olympic Games or World Championships competitive athletes keep pushing the boundaries of human performance. Compared to team sports, high achievements in many athletic disciplines depend solely on the individual's performance. Contrasting previous research looking for expertise-related differences in brain anatomy at the group level, we aim to demonstrate changes in individual top athlete's brain, which would be averaged out in a group analysis. We compared structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) of three professional track-and-field athletes to age-, gender- and education-matched control subjects. To determine brain features specific to these top athletes, we tested for significant deviations in structural grey matter density between each of the three top athletes and a carefully matched control sample. While total brain volumes were comparable between athletes and controls, we show regional grey matter differences in striatum and thalamus. The demonstrated brain anatomy patterns remained stable and were detected after 2 years with Olympic Games in between. We also found differences in the fusiform gyrus in two top long jumpers. We interpret our findings in reward-related areas as correlates of top athletes' persistency to reach top-level skill performance over years.
Ce rapport de recherche a été commandé par la Commission externe d'évaluation des politiques publiques du Canton de Genève (Suisse) dans le cadre d'une évaluation de la politique de formation de la police dans ce canton. L'étude montre que, d'une manière générale, les policiers/ères récemment assermenté-e-s jugent positivement leur formation, en particulier certains éléments du dispositif pédagogique (durée de la formation, charge de travail, formateurs/trices) et se sentent bien préparé-e-s à gérer les contacts avec leurs différents publics (en particulier les personnes agressives et les victimes de violences domestiques). Néanmoins, la plupart des policiers/ères interrogé-e-s perçoivent le travail effectué au sein des services comme étant éloigné des prescriptions scolaires. Ils estiment que ces dernières ne sont pas celles qui sont appliquées par leurs collègues expérimenté-e-s. Les matières physico-techniques sont, d'une manière générale, considérées comme plus utiles et plus importantes que les matières relationnelles. Dans cet ordre d'idée, un certain nombre de policiers/ères réclament moins de psychologie. Il s'agit cependant de la matière relationnelle à propos de laquelle les jugements sont les plus nuancés, en particulier à propos des savoirs permettant de gérer les personnes présentant des troubles mentaux, d'améliorer la communication et de gérer les conflits (au détriment de ceux visant à l'introspection). Les enseignements de police de proximité ont quant à eux tendance à être associés à une spécialisation propre à la gendarmerie et inutile pour les nouveaux/elles entrant-e-s, en particulier les inspecteurs/trices. L'éthique et les droits de l'Homme concentrent par contre les jugements négatifs : ces cours sont perçus comme diffusant des « bonnes paroles » prêchées par des formateurs/trices extérieurs à la profession (si ce n'est réellement, du moins symboliquement), éloignées de la réalité du métier et échouant à combattre les préjugés, en particulier ceux basés sur l'origine ethnico-nationale. L'étude montre en outre que les compétences relationnelles et les rapports aux différents publics sont centrales dans les appréciations portées sur l'adéquation entre formation et pratique. À ce sujet, ont été repérés néanmoins des points qui posent problèmes (aux yeux des policiers/ères interrogé-e-s ou à nos yeux) : peu de réflexivité en ce qui concerne les risques associés au «délit de faciès», problèmes avec les « maghrébins » et les jeunes en groupe (liés en particulier à la remise en cause de l'autorité policière), imprévisibilité des consommateurs/trices de drogue et vision pessimiste (parfois très peu empathique) de la toxicomanie, sentiment de difficulté et d'inconfort associé aux tâches visant à prendre en charge la souffrance d'autrui, relégation de la plupart des situations de violence domestique au rang de tâches indues, difficultés associées aux contacts avec les personnes atteintes de maladies psychiques graves, et la mention en priorité des cours de TTI pour la gestion des personnes agressives (au détriment des matières relationnelles).
Molecular evidence suggests that levels of vitamin D are associated with kidney function loss. Still, population-based studies are limited and few have considered the potential confounding effect of baseline kidney function. This study evaluated the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with change in eGFR, rapid eGFR decline, and incidence of CKD and albuminuria. Baseline (2003-2006) and 5.5-year follow-up data from a Swiss adult general population were used to evaluate the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with change in eGFR, rapid eGFR decline (annual loss >3 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)), and incidence of CKD and albuminuria. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was measured at baseline using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. eGFR and albuminuria were collected at baseline and follow-up. Multivariate linear and logistic regression models were used considering potential confounding factors. Among the 4280 people included in the analysis, the mean±SD annual eGFR change was -0.57±1.78 ml/min per 1.73 m(2), and 287 (6.7%) participants presented rapid eGFR decline. Before adjustment for baseline eGFR, baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was associated with both mean annual eGFR change and risk of rapid eGFR decline, independently of baseline albuminuria. Once adjusted for baseline eGFR, associations were no longer significant. For every 10 ng/ml higher baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the adjusted mean annual eGFR change was -0.005 ml/min per 1.73 m(2) (95% confidence interval, -0.063 to 0.053; P=0.87) and the risk of rapid eGFR decline was null (odds ratio, 0.93; 95% confidence interval, 0.79 to 1.08; P=0.33). Baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was not associated with incidence of CKD or albuminuria. The association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with eGFR decline is confounded by baseline eGFR. Sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels do not seem to protect from eGFR decline independently from baseline eGFR.
One stream of leadership theory suggests leaders are evaluated via inferential observer processes that compare the fit of the target to a prototype of an ideal (charismatic) leader. Attributional theories of leadership suggest that evaluations depend on knowledge of past organizational performance, which is attributed to the leader's skills. We develop a novel theory showing how inferential and attributional processes simultaneously explain top-level leader evaluation and ultimately leader retention and selection. We argue that observers will mostly rely on attributional mechanisms when performance signals clearly indicate good or poor performance outcomes. However, under conditions of attributional ambiguity (i.e., when performance signals are unclear), observers will mostly rely on inferential processes. In Study 1 we tested our theory in an unconventional context-the U.S. presidential election-and found that the two processes, due to the leader's charisma and country economic performance, interact in predicting whether a leader is selected. Using a business context and an experimental design, in Study 2 we show that CEO charisma and firm performance interact in predicting leader retention, confirming the results we found in Study 1. Our results suggest that this phenomenon is quite general and can apply to various performance domains.
Cet article montre, en premier lieu, que le degré d'investissement politico-moral des policières et des policiers dans leur métier est fortement variable. Si une partie des individus nouvellement entrés dans la police expriment un sentiment de distance sociale doublé d'une distinction morale par rapport à la population, d'autres ne s'investissement pas dans leur métier comme dans une « croisade morale » (Becker, 1985 [1963]), et estiment au contraire que les justiciables appartiennent à la même « communauté morale » (Fassin, 2011, p. 313) qu'eux-mêmes. La perspective adoptée prolonge ainsi les critiques des approches classiques de la « culture policière », qui ont démontré leur caractère trop uniformisant et leurs biais mécaniste. Parmi les études de sociologie de la police n'ayant pas adopté une telle approche, celle de W. Ker Muir (1977), pourtant ancienne, a montré que tous les policiers ne vivaient pas leur appartenance au groupe professionnel sur le mode d'une distinction morale d'avec les justiciables. Aucune autre étude n'a pourtant traité des variations dans l'investissement politico moral des policières et des policiers, et n'a donc tenté d'en fournir des explications. Le second axe d'analyse vise ainsi à combler ce déficit explicatif, en montrant que l'investissement politico-moral dans le métier dépend largement de la trajectoire antérieure des individus recrutés dans la police, en particulier des expériences de pertes de statut qu'ils ont pu subir, ainsi que du type de stratégies d'ascension sociale ou de récupération de ce statut qu'ils mettent en place.
La criminologie et la police scientifique ont des origines communes mais se sont distanciées pour être finalement considérées comme séparées. Pourtant, les traces, résultat de l'action criminelle par les échanges de matière, indiquent ce qui s'est passé dans le cas particulier. Regroupées et comparées, elles émettent des signes sur l'existence de problèmes de sécurité. Une méthode fondée sur la résolution de problèmes peut ainsi intégrer naturellement la trace et constituer un socle pour un rapprochement des disciplines. Elle illustre d'une part l'importance pour la criminologie de ne pas ignorer le substrat matériel et informatique indispensable à l'explication de l'action criminelle, et pour la police scientifique de contextualiser ses informations en s'appuyant sur des théories en criminologie pour leur donner du sens. C'est l'enjeu de ce numéro spécial.
Mobile technologies have brought about major changes in police equipment and police work. If a utopian narrative remains strongly linked to the adoption of new technologies, often formulated as 'magic bullets' to real occupational problems, there are important tensions between their 'imagined' outcomes and the (unexpected) effects that accompany their daily 'practical' use by police officers. This article offers an analysis of police officers' perceptions and interactions with security devices. In so doing, it develops a conceptual typology of strategies for coping with new technology inspired by Le Bourhis and Lascoumes: challenging, neutralizing and diverting. To that purpose, we adopt an ethnographic approach that focuses on the discourses, practices and actions of police officers in relation to three security devices: the mobile digital terminal, the mobile phone and the body camera. Based on a case study of a North American municipal police department, the article addresses how these technological devices are perceived and experienced by police officers on the beat.
UNLABELLED: The relationship between bone quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and fracture risk was estimated in an individual level data meta-analysis of 9 prospective studies of 46,124 individuals and 3018 incident fractures. Low QUS is associated with an increase in fracture risk, including hip fracture. The association with osteoporotic fracture decreases with time. INTRODUCTION: The aim of this meta-analysis was to investigate the association between parameters of QUS and risk of fracture. METHODS: In an individual-level analysis, we studied participants in nine prospective cohorts from Asia, Europe and North America. Heel broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA dB/MHz) and speed of sound (SOS m/s) were measured at baseline. Fractures during follow-up were collected by self-report and in some cohorts confirmed by radiography. An extension of Poisson regression was used to examine the gradient of risk (GR, hazard ratio per 1 SD decrease) between QUS and fracture risk adjusted for age and time since baseline in each cohort. Interactions between QUS and age and time since baseline were explored. RESULTS: Baseline measurements were available in 46,124 men and women, mean age 70 years (range 20-100). Three thousand and eighteen osteoporotic fractures (787 hip fractures) occurred during follow-up of 214,000 person-years. The summary GR for osteoporotic fracture was similar for both BUA (1.45, 95 % confidence intervals (CI) 1.40-1.51) and SOS (1.42, 95 % CI 1.36-1.47). For hip fracture, the respective GRs were 1.69 (95 % CI, 1.56-1.82) and 1.60 (95 % CI, 1.48-1.72). However, the GR was significantly higher for both fracture outcomes at lower baseline BUA and SOS (p < 0.001). The predictive value of QUS was the same for men and women and for all ages (p > 0.20), but the predictive value of both BUA and SOS for osteoporotic fracture decreased with time (p = 0.018 and p = 0.010, respectively). For example, the GR of BUA for osteoporotic fracture, adjusted for age, was 1.51 (95 % CI 1.42-1.61) at 1 year after baseline, but at 5 years, it was 1.36 (95 % CI 1.27-1.46). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that quantitative ultrasound is an independent predictor of fracture for men and women particularly at low QUS values.
Research question: International and national sport federations as well as their member organisations are key actors within the sport system and have a wide range of relationships outside the sport system (e.g. with the state, sponsors, and the media). They are currently facing major challenges such as growing competition in top-level sports, democratisation of sports with 'sports for all' and sports as the answer to social problems. In this context, professionalising sport organisations seems to be an appropriate strategy to face these challenges and current problems. We define the professionalisation of sport organisations as an organisational process of transformation leading towards organisational rationalisation, efficiency and business-like management. This has led to a profound organisational change, particularly within sport federations, characterised by the strengthening of institutional management (managerialism) and the implementation of efficiency-based management instruments and paid staff. Research methods: The goal of this article is to review the current international literature and establish a global understanding of and theoretical framework for analysing why and how sport organisations professionalise and what consequences this may have. Results and findings: Our multi-level approach based on the social theory of action integrates the current concepts for analysing professionalisation in sport federations. We specify the framework for the following research perspectives: (1) forms, (2) causes and (3) consequences, and discuss the reciprocal relations between sport federations and their member organisations in this context. Implications: Finally, we work out a research agenda and derive general methodological consequences for the investigation of professionalisation processes in sport organisations.