403 resultados para novel antibiotics
The opportunistic ubiquitous pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAOl is a versatile Gram-negative bacterium that has the extraordinary capacity to colonize a wide diversity of ecological niches and to cause severe and persistent infections in humans. To ensure an optimal coordination of the genes involved in nutrient utilization, this bacterium uses the NtrB/C and/or the CbrA/B two-component systems, to sense nutrients availability and to regulate in consequence the expression of genes involved in their uptake and catabolism. NtrB/C is specialized in nitrogen utilization, while the CbrA/B system is involved in both carbon and nitrogen utilization and both systems activate their target genes expression in concert with the alternative sigma factor RpoN. Moreover, the NtrB/C and CbrA/B two- component systems regulate the secondary metabolism of the bacterium, such as the production of virulence factors. In addition to the fine-tuning transcriptional regulation, P. aeruginosa can rapidly modulate its metabolism using small non-coding regulatory RNAs (sRNAs), which regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level by diverse and sophisticated mechanisms and contribute to the fast physiological adaptability of this bacterium. In our search for novel RpoN-dependent sRNAs modulating the nutritional adaptation of P. aeruginosa PAOl, we discovered NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), a novel RpoN-dependent sRNA that is induced under nitrogen starvation by the NtrB/C two-component system. NrsZ has a unique architecture, formed of three similar stem-loop structures (SL I, II and II) separated by variant spacer sequences. Moreover, this sRNA is processed in short individual stem-loop molecules, by internal cleavage involving the endoribonuclease RNAse E. Concerning NrsZ functions in P. aeruginosa PAOl, this sRNA was shown to trigger the swarming motility and the rhamnolipid biosurfactants production. This regulation is due to the NrsZ-mediated activation of rhlA expression, a gene encoding for an enzyme essential for swarming motility and rhamnolipids production. Interestingly, the SL I structure of NrsZ ensures its regulatory function on rhlA expression, suggesting that the similar SLs are the functional units of this modular sRNA. However, the regulatory mechanism of action of NrsZ on rhlA expression activation remains unclear and is currently being investigated. Additionally, the NrsZ regulatory network was investigated by a transcriptome analysis, suggesting that numerous genes involved in both primary and secondary metabolism are regulated by this sRNA. To emphasize the importance of NrsZ, we investigated its conservation in other Pseudomonas species and demonstrated that NrsZ is conserved and expressed under nitrogen limitation in Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48 and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, strains having different ecological features, suggesting an important role of NrsZ in the adaptation of Pseudomonads to nitrogen starvation. Interestingly the architecture of the different NrsZ homologs is similarly composed by SL structures and variant spacer sequences. However, the number of SL repetitions is not identical, and one to six SLs were predicted on the different NrsZ homologs. Moreover, NrsZ is processed in short molecules in all the strains, similarly to what was previously observed in P. aeruginosa PAOl, and the heterologous expression of the NrsZ homologs restored rhlA expression, swarming motility and rhamnolipids production in the P. aeruginosa NrsZ mutant. In many aspects, NrsZ is an atypical sRNA in the bacterial panorama. To our knowledge, NrsZ is the first described sRNA induced by the NtrB/C. Moreover, its unique modular architecture and its processing in similar short SL molecules suggest that NrsZ belongs to a novel family of bacterial sRNAs. -- L'agent pathogène opportuniste et ubiquitaire Pseudomonas aeruginosa souche PAOl est une bactérie Gram négative versatile ayant l'extraordinaire capacité de coloniser différentes niches écologiques et de causer des infections sévères et persistantes chez l'être humain. Afin d'assurer une coordination optimale des gènes impliqués dans l'utilisation de différents nutriments, cette bactérie se sert de systèmes à deux composants tel que NtrB/C et CbrA/B afin de détecter la disponibilité des ressources nutritives, puis de réguler en conséquence l'expression des gènes impliqués dans leur importation et leur catabolisme. Le système NtrB/C régule l'utilisation des sources d'azote alors que le système CbrA/B est impliqué à la fois dans l'utilisation des sources de carbone et d'azote. Ces deux systèmes activent l'expression de leurs gènes-cibles de concert avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN. En outre, NtrB/C et CbrA/B régulent aussi le métabolisme secondaire, contrôlant notamment la production d'importants facteurs de virulence. En plus de toutes ces régulations génétiques fines ayant lieu au niveau transcriptionnel, P. aeruginosa est aussi capable de moduler son métabolisme en se servant de petits ARNs régulateurs non-codants (ARNncs), qui régulent l'expression génétique à un niveau post- transcriptionnel par divers mécanismes sophistiqués et contribuent à rendre particulièrement rapide l'adaptation physiologique de cette bactérie. Au cours de nos recherches sur de nouveaux ARNncs dépendant du facteur sigma RpoN et impliqués dans l'adaptation nutritionnelle de P. aeruginosa PAOl, nous avons découvert NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), un ARNnc induit par la cascade NtrB/C-RpoN en condition de carence en azote. NrsZ a une architecture unique, composée de trois structures en tige- boucle (TB I, II et III) hautement similaires et séparées par des « espaceurs » ayant des séquences variables. De plus, cet ARNnc est clivé en petits fragments correspondant au trois molécules en tige-boucle, par un processus de clivage interne impliquant l'endoribonucléase RNase E. Concernant les fonctions de NrsZ chez P. aeruginosa PAOl, cet ARNnc est capable d'induire la motilité de type « swarming » et la production de biosurfactants, nommés rhamnolipides. Cette régulation est due à l'activation par NrsZ de l'expression de rhlA, un gène essentiel pour la motilité de type swarming et pour la production de rhamnolipides. Étonnamment, la structure TB I est capable d'assurer à elle seule la fonction régulatrice de NrsZ sur l'expression de rhlA, suggérant que ces molécules TBs sont les unités fonctionnelles de cet ARNnc modulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel NrsZ active l'expression de rhlA demeure à ce jour incertain et est actuellement à l'étude. En plus, le réseau de régulations médiées par NrsZ a été étudié par une analyse de transcriptome qui a indiqué que de nombreux gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme primaire ou secondaire seraient régulés par NrsZ. Pour accentuer l'importance de NrsZ, nous avons étudié sa conservation dans d'autres espèces de Pseudomonas. Ainsi, nous avons démontré que NrsZ est conservé et exprimé en situation de carence d'azote par les souches Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, quatre espèces ayant des caractéristiques écologiques très différentes, suggérant que NrsZ joue un rôle important dans l'adaptation du genre Pseudomonas envers la carence en azote. Chez toutes les souches étudiées, les différents homologues de NrsZ présentent une architecture similaire faite de TBs conservées et d'espaceurs. Cependant, le nombre de TBs n'est pas identique et peut varier de une à six copies selon la souche. Les différentes versions de NrsZ sont clivées en petites molécules dans ces quatre souches, comme il a été observé chez P. aeruginosa PAOl. De plus, l'expression hétérologue des différentes variantes de NrsZ est capable de restaurer l'expression de rhlA, la motilité swarming et la production de rhamnolipides dans une souche de P. aeruginosa dont nrsZ a été inactivé. Par bien des aspects, NrsZ est un ARNnc atypique dans le monde bactérien. À notre connaissance, NrsZ est le premier ARNnc décrit comme étant régulé par le système NtrB/C. De plus, son unique architecture modulaire et son clivage en petites molécules similaires suggèrent que NrsZ appartient à une nouvelle famille d'ARNncs bactériens.
BACKGROUND: Genetic predisposition to life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias such as congenital long-QT syndrome (LQTS) and catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) represent treatable causes of sudden cardiac death in young adults and children. Recently, mutations in calmodulin (CALM1, CALM2) have been associated with severe forms of LQTS and CPVT, with life-threatening arrhythmias occurring very early in life. Additional mutation-positive cases are needed to discern genotype-phenotype correlations associated with calmodulin mutations. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used conventional and next-generation sequencing approaches, including exome analysis, in genotype-negative LQTS probands. We identified 5 novel de novo missense mutations in CALM2 in 3 subjects with LQTS (p.N98S, p.N98I, p.D134H) and 2 subjects with clinical features of both LQTS and CPVT (p.D132E, p.Q136P). Age of onset of major symptoms (syncope or cardiac arrest) ranged from 1 to 9 years. Three of 5 probands had cardiac arrest and 1 of these subjects did not survive. The clinical severity among subjects in this series was generally less than that originally reported for CALM1 and CALM2 associated with recurrent cardiac arrest during infancy. Four of 5 probands responded to β-blocker therapy, whereas 1 subject with mutation p.Q136P died suddenly during exertion despite this treatment. Mutations affect conserved residues located within Ca(2+)-binding loops III (p.N98S, p.N98I) or IV (p.D132E, p.D134H, p.Q136P) and caused reduced Ca(2+)-binding affinity. CONCLUSIONS: CALM2 mutations can be associated with LQTS and with overlapping features of LQTS and CPVT.
Objectives: Sequencing and annotation of the genome of Aspergillus fumigatus has dramatically changed our knowledge about the proteins potentially encoded by the fungus. Own analysis have resulted in at least 47 of them contain a signal for secretion. Among those list we want to characterize those enzymes that may have impact on fungal growth outside and particularly inside the host. We thereby want to learn more about their function in general and to identify possible novel drug targets suited to combat invasive aspergillosis. Methods: Four groups of secreted proteases have been chosen for further analysis: 1 Serine-carboxyl proteases (sedolisins). Four of them were expressed in yeast and partly in bacteria. Substrate-specificity studies and kinetics as well as protein characterization of the yeast derived proteases were performed according to standard methods. Enzyme specific polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits using the peptides expressed in bacteria. Expression of proteases in A. fumigatus was investigated with these antibodies and gene knockout mutants for each enzyme as a control. All the following mentioned proteases will be investigated accordingly. 2 Two metalloproteases from the M12-family, ADAM-A and ADAM-B. Both proteases are likely membrane associated and may have inherent sheddase function as their counterparts in mammals. 3 One metalloprotease of the M43 family. An orthologue of this protease in Coccidioides posadasii is known to posses immunomodulating activities. 4 One putative endoprotease of the S28-family. An orthologue in Aspergillus niger is known to digest proline-rich proteins. In A. fumigatus this enzyme may facilitate invasion through proline-rich proteins like collagen. Results: All sedolisins expressed in yeast were proteolytically active: Three of them were characterized as tripeptidyl-peptidases whereas one enzyme is an endoprotease. Corresponding knockout mutants did not reveal a specific phenotype. Expression and investigations on all above mentioned proteases as well as generation of corresponding knockout mutants and double knockout mutants for the ADAMs, respectively, is underway. Promising candidates will be investigated in animal studies for reduced virulence. Conclusions : The real existence of so far hypothetical proteases predicted by the genome project was already demonstrated for the sedolisins by a reverse genetic approach (from gene to protein). With the aim of improving basic knowledge on function of other proteases potentially crucial for fungal growth and thus for pathogenesis, other hypothetical enzymes will be investigated. Those enzymes may turn out to be ideal drug targets for antimycotic chemotherapy.
Topical ocular drug delivery has always been a challenge for pharmaceutical technology scientists. In the last two decades, many nano-systems have been studied to find ways to overcome the typical problems of topical ocular therapy, such as difficult corneal penetration and poor drug availability. In this study, methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-hexylsubstituted poly(lactides) (MPEG-hexPLA) micelle formulations, which are promising nanocarriers for poorly water soluble drugs, were investigated for the delivery of Cyclosporin A (CsA) to the eye. As a new possible pharmaceutical excipient, the ocular compatibility of MPEG-hexPLA micelle formulations was evaluated. An in vitro biocompatibility assessment on human corneal epithelial cells was carried out using different tests. Cytotoxicity was studied by using the [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] (MTT), and clonogenic tests and revealed that the CsA formulations and copolymer solutions were not toxic. After incubation with MPEG-hexPLA micelle formulations, the activation of caspase-dependent and -independent apoptosis as well as autophagy was evaluated using immunohistochemistry by analyzing the localization of four antibodies: (1) anti-caspase 3; (2) anti-apoptotic inducing factor (AIF); (3) anti-IL-Dnase II and (4) anti-microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3). No apoptosis was induced when the cells were treated with the micelle solutions that were either unloaded or loaded with CsA. The ocular tolerance was assessed in vivo on rabbit eyes by Confocal Laser Scanning Ophthalmoscopy (CLSO), and very good tolerability was seen. The observed corneal surface was comparable to a control surface that was treated with a 0.9% NaCl solution. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that MPEG-hexPLA micelles are promising drug carriers for ocular diseases involving the activation of cytokines, such as dry eye syndrome and autoimmune uveitis, or for the prevention of corneal graft rejection.
BACKGROUND: Mutations in the sulfate transporter gene SLC26A2 (DTDST) cause a continuum of skeletal dysplasia phenotypes that includes achondrogenesis type 1B (ACG1B), atelosteogenesis type 2 (AO2), diastrophic dysplasia (DTD), and recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (rMED). In 1972, de la Chapelle et al reported two siblings with a lethal skeletal dysplasia, which was denoted "neonatal osseous dysplasia" and "de la Chapelle dysplasia" (DLCD). It was suggested that DLCD might be part of the SLC26A2 spectrum of phenotypes, both because of the Finnish origin of the original family and of radiographic similarities to ACG1B and AO2. OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis whether SLC26A2 mutations are responsible for DLCD. METHODS: We studied the DNA from the original DLCD family and from seven Finnish DTD patients in whom we had identified only one copy of IVS1+2T>C, the common Finnish mutation. A novel SLC26A2 mutation was found in all subjects, inserted by site-directed mutagenesis in a vector harbouring the SLC26A2 cDNA, and expressed in sulfate transport deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells to measure sulfate uptake activity. RESULTS: We identified a hitherto undescribed SLC26A2 mutation, T512K, homozygous in the affected subjects and heterozygous in both parents and in the unaffected sister. T512K was then identified as second pathogenic allele in the seven Finnish DTD subjects. Expression studies confirmed pathogenicity. CONCLUSIONS: DLCD is indeed allelic to the other SLC26A2 disorders. T512K is a second rare "Finnish" mutation that results in DLCD at homozygosity and in DTD when compounded with the milder, common Finnish mutation.
We evaluated microcalorimetry for real-time susceptibility testing of Aspergillus spp. based on growth-related heat production. The minimal heat inhibitory concentration (MHIC) for A. fumigatus ATCC 204305 was 1 mg/L for amphotericin B, 0.25 mg/L for voriconazole, 0.06 mg/L for posaconazole, 0.125 mg/L for caspofungin and 0.03 mg/L for anidulafungin. Agreement within two 2-fold dilutions between MHIC (determined by microcalorimetry) and MIC or MEC (determined by CLSI M38A) was 90% for amphotericin B, 100% for voriconazole, 90% for posaconazole and 70% for caspofungin. This proof-of-concept study demonstrated the potential of isothermal microcalorimetry for growth evaluation of Aspergillus spp. and real-time antifungal susceptibility testing.
BACKGROUND: A novel dinucleotide variant TT/∆G (ss469415590) has been associated with hepatitis C virus clearance. AIM: To assess the role of the ss469415590 variant, compared with the known IL28B polymorphisms (rs8099917, rs12979860 and rs12980275) for predicting virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C, and its association with the CXCL10 chemokine serum levels - a surrogate marker of interferon-stimulated genes activation. METHODS: Multivariate analysis of factors predicting rapid and sustained virological response in 280 consecutive, treatment-naïve, nondiabetic, Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with peginterferon alpha and ribavirin. RESULTS: In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, the OR (95% CI) for rapid and sustained virological response for the wild-type ss469415590 TT was 9.88 (1.99-48.99) and 7.25 (1.91-27.51), respectively, similar to those found for rs12979860 CC [9.55 (1.93-47.37) and 6.30 (1.71-23.13)] and for rs12980275 AA [9.62 (1.94-47.77] and 7.83 (2.02-30.34)], but higher than for rs8099917 TT [4.8 (1.73-13.33) and 4.75 (2.05-10.98)]. In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, mean (SD) CXCL10 levels in patients with the TT/TT, TT/∆G and ∆G/∆G variants were, respectively, 355.1 (240.6), 434.4 (247.4) and 569.9 (333.3) (P = 0.04). In patients with genotypes 2 and 3 no significant association was found for TT/∆G with viral response. The predictive value of ss469415590 was stronger in patients with advanced fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The novel IL28B variants at marker ss469415590 predict response to IFN alpha in chronic hepatitis C patients, especially in those with advanced fibrosis. Their determination may be superior to that of known IL28B variants for patient management using IFN-based regimens.
Airborne microbial products have been reported to promote immune responses that suppress asthma, yet how these beneficial effects take place remains controversial and poorly understood. We have found that pulmonary exposure with the bacterium Escherichia coli leads to a suppression of allergic airway inflammation, characterized by reduced airway-hyperresponsiveness, eosinophilia and cytokine production by T cells in the lung. This immune modulation was neither mediated by the induction of a Th1 response nor regulatory T cells; was dependent on TLR-4 but did not involve TLR-desensitization. Dendritic cell migration to the draining lymph nodes and subsequent activation of T cells was unaffected by prior exposure to E.coli indicating that the immunomodulation was limited to the lung environment. In non-treated control mice ovalbumin was primarily presented by airway CD11b+ CD11c+ DCs expressing high levels of MHC class II molecules whilst the DCs in E.coli-treated mice displayed a less activated phenotype and had impaired antigen presentation capacity. Consequently, in situ Th2 cytokine production by ovalbuminspecific effector T cells recruited to the airways was significantly reduced. The suppression of airways hyper responsiveness was mediated through the recruitment of IL-17-producing gd-T cells; however, the suppression of dendritic cells and T cells was mediated through a distinct mechanism that could not be overcome by the local administration of activated dendritic cells, or by the in vivo administration of TNF-alpha. Taken together, these data reveal a novel multi-component immunoregulatory pathway that acts to protect the airways from allergic inflammation.
An amoeba isolated from an aquatic biotope, identified morphologically as Saccamoeba limax, was found harbouring mutualistic rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria. During their cultivation on agar plates, a coinfection also by lysis-inducing chlamydia-like organisms was found in some subpopulations of that amoeba. .Here we provide a molecular-based identification of both the amoeba host and the two bacterial endosymbionts. Analysis of the 18S rRNA gene revealed that this strain is the sister-group to Glaeseria, for which we proposed the name Saccamoeba lacustris. The rod-shaped endosymbiont was identified as a member of Variovorax paradoxus group (Comamonadaceae, Beta-Proteobacteria). No growth on bacteriological agars was recorded, hence this symbiont might be strictly intracellular. The chlamydia-like parasite was unable to infect Acanthamoeba and other amoebae in coculture, showing high host specificity. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rDNA indicated that it is a new member of the family Parachlamydiaceae (order Chlamydiales), for which we proposed the name 'Candidatus Metachlamydia lacustris'.
Coinfection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been associated with severe liver disease and frequent progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical evidence suggests reciprocal replicative suppression of the two viruses, or viral interference. However, interactions between HBV and HCV have been difficult to study due to the lack of appropriate model systems. We have established a novel model system to investigate interactions between HBV and HCV. Stable Huh-7 cell lines inducibly replicating HBV were transfected with selectable HCV replicons or infected with cell culture-derived HCV. In this system, both viruses were found to replicate in the same cell without overt interference. Specific inhibition of one virus did not affect the replication and gene expression of the other. Furthermore, cells harboring replicating HBV could be infected with cell culture-derived HCV, arguing against superinfection exclusion. Finally, cells harboring replicating HBV supported efficient production of infectious HCV. Conclusion: HBV and HCV can replicate in the same cell without evidence for direct interference in vitro. Therefore, the viral interference observed in coinfected patients is probably due to indirect mechanisms mediated by innate and/or adaptive host immune responses. These findings provide new insights into the pathogenesis of HBV-HCV coinfection and may contribute to its clinical management in the future.
Novel macrocyclic amidinourea derivatives 11, 18, and 25 were synthesized and evaluated as antifungal agents against wild-type and fluconazole resistant Candida species. Macrocyclic compounds 11 and 18 were synthesized through a convergent approach using as a key step a ring-closing metathesis macrocyclization reaction, whereas compounds 25 were obtained by our previously reported synthetic pathway. All the macrocyclic amidinoureas showed antifungal activity toward different Candida species higher or comparable to fluconazole and resulted highly active against fluconazole resistant Candida strains showing in many cases minimum inhibitory concentration values lower than voriconazole.
Purpose: To report the findings of the clinical and molecular evaluation in a Greek family with fleck corneal dystrophy (CFD).Methods: A 58-year-old woman was seen on routine ophthalmic examination and diagnosed as having CFD. All available family members were examined to evaluate the clinical findings and inheritance of the disease. Twenty members of the family in five generations underwent slit-lamp examination. Eleven were females and nine males, aged from two years to 85 years old. Blood samples were available from four patients with CFD and seven unaffected relatives, and the DNAs were subjected to molecular screening of the phosphoinositide kinase, five finger-containing (PIKFYVE) gene by direct sequencing or denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC).Results: The clinical evaluation revealed six family members (five females and one male) with CFD. In two CFD patients early cataract formation was noticed. All patients affected with the corneal dystrophy were asymptomatic. The molecular analyses demonstrated the existence of a novel c. 3060-3063delCCTT (p.P968Vfs23) mutation in PIKFYVE in all CFD patients tested but in none of the six unaffected family members. No molecular screening was performed in the seventh unaffected member as the causative mutation was clearly transmitted from his affected wife to his affected son.Conclusions: We report on the clinical and molecular findings of a five generation Greek family with CFD and we conclude that the novel c. 3060-3063delCCTT (p. P968Vfs23) mutation in PIKFYVE, which segregated with the disease, was the causative mutation in this family.