308 resultados para multisensory stimuli


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Human inhibitor NF-κB kinase 2 (hIKK-2) is the primary component responsible for activating NF-κB in response to various inflammatory stimuli. Thus, synthetic ATP-competitive inhibitors for hIKK-2 have been developed as anti-inflammatory compounds. We recently reported a virtual screening protocol (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016903) that is able to identify hIKK-2 inhibitors that are not structurally related to any known molecule that inhibits hIKK-2 and that have never been reported to have anti-inflammatory activity. In this study, a stricter version of this protocol was applied to an in-house database of 29,779 natural products annotated with their natural source. The search identified 274 molecules (isolated from 453 different natural extracts) predicted to inhibit hIKK-2. An exhaustive bibliographic search revealed that anti-inflammatory activity has been previously described for: (a) 36 out of these 453 extracts; and (b) 17 out of 30 virtual screening hits present in these 36 extracts. Only one of the remaining 13 hit molecules in these extracts shows chemical similarity with known synthetic hIKK-2 inhibitors. Therefore, it is plausible that a significant portion of the remaining 12 hit molecules are lead-hopping candidates for the development of new hIKK-2 inhibitors.


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Chemical sensing begins when peripheral receptor proteins recognise specific environmental stimuli and translate them into spatial and temporal patterns of sensory neuron activity. The chemosensory system of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has become a dominant model to understand this process, through its accessibility to a powerful combination of molecular, genetic and electrophysiological analysis. Recent results have revealed many surprises in the biology of peripheral chemosensation in Drosophila, including novel structural and signalling properties of the insect odorant receptors (ORs), combinatorial mechanisms of chemical recognition by the gustatory receptors (GRs), and the implication of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels as a novel class of chemosensory receptors.


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Dans le domaine de la perception, l'apprentissage est contraint par la présence d'une architecture fonctionnelle constituée d'aires corticales distribuées et très spécialisées. Dans le domaine des troubles visuels d'origine cérébrale, l'apprentissage d'un patient hémi-anopsique ou agnosique sera limité par ses capacités perceptives résiduelles, mais un déficit de reconnaissance visuelle de nature apparemment perceptive, peut également être associé à une altération des représentations en mémoire à long terme. Des réseaux neuronaux distincts pour la reconnaissance - cortex temporal - et pour la localisation des sons - cortex pariétal - ont été décrits chez l'homme. L'étude de patients cérébro-lésés confirme le rôle des indices spatiaux dans un traitement auditif explicite du « where » et dans la discrimination implicite du « what ». Cette organisation, similaire à ce qui a été décrit dans la modalité visuelle, faciliterait les apprentissages perceptifs. Plus généralement, l'apprentissage implicite fonde une grande partie de nos connaissances sur le monde en nous rendant sensible, à notre insu, aux règles et régularités de notre environnement. Il serait impliqué dans le développement cognitif, la formation des réactions émotionnelles ou encore l'apprentissage par le jeune enfant de sa langue maternelle. Le caractère inconscient de cet apprentissage est confirmé par l'étude des temps de réaction sériels de patients amnésiques dans l'acquisition d'une grammaire artificielle. Son évaluation pourrait être déterminante dans la prise en charge ré-adaptative. [In the field of perception, learning is formed by a distributed functional architecture of very specialized cortical areas. For example, capacities of learning in patients with visual deficits - hemianopia or visual agnosia - from cerebral lesions are limited by perceptual abilities. Moreover a visual deficit in link with abnormal perception may be associated with an alteration of representations in long term (semantic) memory. Furthermore, perception and memory traces rely on parallel processing. This has been recently demonstrated for human audition. Activation studies in normal subjects and psychophysical investigations in patients with focal hemispheric lesions have shown that auditory information relevant to sound recognition and that relevant to sound localisation are processed in parallel, anatomically distinct cortical networks, often referred to as the "What" and "Where" processing streams. Parallel processing may appear counterintuitive from the point of view of a unified perception of the auditory world, but there are advantages, such as rapidity of processing within a single stream, its adaptability in perceptual learning or facility of multisensory interactions. More generally, implicit learning mechanisms are responsible for the non-conscious acquisition of a great part of our knowledge about the world, using our sensitivity to the rules and regularities structuring our environment. Implicit learning is involved in cognitive development, in the generation of emotional processing and in the acquisition of natural language. Preserved implicit learning abilities have been shown in amnesic patients with paradigms like serial reaction time and artificial grammar learning tasks, confirming that implicit learning mechanisms are not sustained by the cognitive processes and the brain structures that are damaged in amnesia. In a clinical perspective, the assessment of implicit learning abilities in amnesic patients could be critical for building adapted neuropsychological rehabilitation programs.]


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Drug addiction is a multi-etiological disorder to which some individuals are more vulnerable an others. Whereas converging clinical and epidemiological studies report a peak of drug use ring adolescence, many behavioral traits characterizing teenagers have been proposed to contribute to this vulnerability, including a heightened sensation-seeking, an enhanced impulsivity d a larger influence exerted by peers. By many aspects, juvenile rodents display behavioral traits at resemble those of teenagers. However, the concept of increased vulnerability to drug addiction juvenile rats remains in debate. Indeed, only a few studies directly compared juvenile and adult fdents regarding behavioral predictors of drug abuse. Moreover, some key features of drug diction have never been investigated in juvenile rats yet. For this very reason, we conducted a arge-scale behavioral comparison of adult and adolescent rats with the aim of dissecting their espective behavioral traits and vulnerabilities to drug addiction. We first have shown that juvenile rats exhibited an enhanced motor impulsivity, and a loss of control over reward seeking assessed by a persistent reward taking despite adverse consequences mild electric footshocks]. We also report that juvenile rats displayed a higher anxiety profile, ind we discuss why these behaviors might represent key underpinning mechanisms leading to an enhanced vulnerability to drug abuse. Meanwhile, we collected clear cut observations that do not support such an interpretation. In Articular, juvenile and adult rats displayed identical novelty-induced habituation and preference at are considered to represent two potent predictors of cocaine initiation and compulsive intake, "pre strikingly, juvenile rats were less attracted by cues predicting reward in a Pavlovian utoshaping task, suggesting a lower propensity for cues or context to trigger the reinstatement of a^previously extinguished reward seeking behavior. Finally, using a paradigm assessing schedule- ciuced polydipsia, juvenile and adult rats exhibited similar compulsive drinking, under control conditions and following a chronic cocaine treatment as well. Hence, these observations call for a cautious interpretation of adolescent vulnerability to drug use. In particular, we underlined that even the most compulsive young rats did not consume ärger amounts of cocaine than adults, nor exhibited larger efforts in a cue-induced relapse aradigm, despite a transient increased motivation for lever-pressing. And further, despite a higher ensitivity to the behavioral effects of cocaine, juvenile rats did not differ from adults in their ropensity to constantly prefer saccharin over cocaine in a discrete-choice procedure, even after a ?'Id chronic stress procedure. Altogether, our results shape an objective overview of the juvenile rats' behavior in relation to oth drug and non-drug rewards, suggesting a heterogeneous and task-specific profile. Despite elements potentially underlying a real risk for substance use, adolescent rats do not exhibit a ehavioral repertoire suggesting increased vulnerability for compulsive drug abuse. Our conclusions strongly encourage deeper neurobiological investigations of the developing brain, and also open a debate on a possible overestimation of juvenile rats' and teenager's risk to develop aladaptive behaviors and drug addiction. - L'addiction aux drogues est une pathologie d'origine multifactorielle, à laquelle certains individus sont plus vulnérables que d'autres. De nombreuses études cliniques et épidémiologiques suggèrent une consommation excessive de drogues pendant l'adolescence, et plusieurs explications ont été avancées pour justifier cette tendance, parmi lesquelles on note une augmentation de la recherche de sensation, une impulsivité plus marquée et une plus forte influence de l'entourage. Le rat juvénile présente de nombreuses caractéristiques développementales similaires à l'adolescence humaine. En revanche, la vulnérabilité des rats juvéniles à l'abus de drogue est encore sujette à caution. En effet, peu d'études ont directement comparé des traits de comportements pouvant refléter un accroissement du risque d'abus chez les rats juvéniles par comparaison aux rats adultes. En outre, certaines caractéristiques fondamentales de l'addiction chez l'homme n'ont pas encore été étudiées chez le rat adolescent. Ce travail de thèse s'est donc donné pour objectif de comparer le comportement de rats adultes vis-à-vis de celui de rats adolescents, afin d'évaluer dans quelle mesure ces derniers seraient plus vulnérables à l'abus de drogues. Nos résultats indiquent que les rats juvéniles présentent une augmentation des comportements impulsifs, ainsi qu'une plus grande persistance à rechercher de manière compulsive une récompense en dépit de légers chocs électriques. Les rats juvéniles présentent également un profil anxieux plus élevé, ce qui peut constituer une autre source de vulnérabilité. Cependant, certaines caractéristiques comportementales ne suggèrent pas de vulnérabilité chez les rats juvéniles. Aucune différence entre rats adultes et adolescents n'a été trouvée pour l'habituation et la préférence pour la nouveauté, deux traits prédisant l'initiation et la prise compulsive de drogue. De plus, nous avons montré que les rats adolescents attribuent moins d'intérêt à des stimuli prédisant la disponibilité d'une récompense, suggérant une vulnérabilité plus faible à la rechute induite par les stimuli associés à la prise de drogue. Une étude complémentaire des comportements compulsifs indique une absence de différence entre rats adultes et adolescents, à la fois en condition basale ou après un traitement chronique à la cocaïne. L'étude des comportements de prise de drogue ne va pas non plus dans le sens d'une vulnérabilité des rats adolescents. Bien que les rats compulsifs sélectionnés pendant la période juvénile présentent une plus grande motivation à prendre de la cocaïne, ils ne diffèrent ni dans la quantité de cocaïne consommée, ni dans la rechute induite par les stimuli environnementaux. En dépit d'une sensibilisation comportementale plus importante, les rats adolescents présentent la même préférence que les adultes face à un choix entre une drogue et une récompense alternative, suggérant une résilience à la cocaïne comparable à celle des adultes. Enfin, cette résilience pour la cocaïne n'est pas affectée par un stress chronique lors de l'adolescence. En résumé, cette étude dresse un regard objectif sur les comportements en lien avec une vulnérabilité à l'abus de drogues chez le rat juvénile, suggérant que celle-ci est hétérogène et spécifique au protocole utilisé. En dépit de certains éléments de vulnérabilité, les rats adolescents ne présentent pas d'attirance excessive pour la cocaïne, ni de prédisposition à la consommation compulsive de cette drogue. L'ensemble de ces éléments pourra constituer une base solide pour l'investigation neurobiologique du cerveau en développement, et ouvre un débat sur une possible surestimation de la vulnérabilité des rats juvéniles et de leurs homologues humains aux pathologies psychiatriques telles que l'addiction aux drogues.


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Although the importance of the NOD-like receptor family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in health and disease is well appreciated, a precise characterization of NLRP3 expression is yet undetermined. To this purpose, we generated a knock-in mouse in which the Nlrp3 coding sequence was substituted for the GFP (enhanced GFP [egfp]) gene. In this way, the expression of eGFP is driven by the endogenous regulatory elements of the Nlrp3 gene. In this study, we show that eGFP expression indeed mirrors that of NLRP3. Interestingly, splenic neutrophils, macrophages, and, in particular, monocytes and conventional dendritic cells showed robust eGFP fluorescence, whereas lymphoid subsets, eosinophils, and plasmacytoid dendritic cells showed negligible eGFP levels. NLRP3 expression was highly inducible in macrophages, both by MyD88- and Trif-dependent pathways. In vivo, when mice were challenged with diverse inflammatory stimuli, differences in both the number of eGFP-expressing cells and fluorescence intensity were observed in the draining lymph node. Thus, NLRP3 levels at the site of adaptive response initiation are controlled by recruitment of NLRP3-expressing cells and by NLRP3 induction.


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Chemokines are small chemotactic molecules widely expressed throughout the central nervous system. A number of papers, during the past few years, have suggested that they have physiological functions in addition to their roles in neuroinflammatory diseases. In this context, the best evidence concerns the CXC-chemokine stromal cell-derived factor (SDF-1alpha or CXCL12) and its receptor CXCR4, whose signalling cascade is also implicated in the glutamate release process from astrocytes. Recently, astrocytic synaptic like microvesicles (SLMVs) that express vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) and are able to release glutamate by Ca(2+)-dependent regulated exocytosis, have been described both in tissue and in cultured astrocytes. Here, in order to elucidate whether SDF-1alpha/CXCR4 system can participate to the brain fast communication systems, we investigated whether the activation of CXCR4 receptor triggers glutamate exocytosis in astrocytes. By using total internal reflection (TIRF) microscopy and the membrane-fluorescent styryl dye FM4-64, we adapted an imaging methodology recently developed to measure exocytosis and recycling in synaptic terminals, and monitored the CXCR4-mediated exocytosis of SLMVs in astrocytes. We analyzed the co-localization of VGLUT with the FM dye at single-vesicle level, and observed the kinetics of the FM dye release during single fusion events. We found that the activation of CXCR4 receptors triggered a burst of exocytosis on a millisecond time scale that involved the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. These results support the idea that astrocytes can respond to external stimuli and communicate with the neighboring cells via fast release of glutamate.


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The ability to identify letters and encode their position is a crucial step of the word recognition process. However and despite their word identification problem, the ability of dyslexic children to encode letter identity and letter-position within strings was not systematically investigated. This study aimed at filling this gap and further explored how letter identity and letter-position encoding is modulated by letter context in developmental dyslexia. For this purpose, a letter-string comparison task was administered to French dyslexic children and two chronological age (CA) and reading age (RA)-matched control groups. Children had to judge whether two successively and briefly presented four-letter strings were identical or different. Letter-position and letter identity were manipulated through the transposition (e.g., RTGM vs. RMGT) or substitution of two letters (e.g., TSHF vs. TGHD). Non-words, pseudo-words, and words were used as stimuli to investigate sub-lexical and lexical effects on letter encoding. Dyslexic children showed both substitution and transposition detection problems relative to CA-controls. A substitution advantage over transpositions was only found for words in dyslexic children whereas it extended to pseudo-words in RA-controls and to all type of items in CA-controls. Letters were better identified in the dyslexic group when belonging to orthographically familiar strings. Letter-position encoding was very impaired in dyslexic children who did not show any word context effect in contrast to CA-controls. Overall, the current findings point to a strong letter identity and letter-position encoding disorder in developmental dyslexia.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: In nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE), seizures occur almost exclusively during NREM sleep. Why precisely these seizures are sleep-bound remains unknown. Studies of patients with nonlesional familial forms of NFLE have suggested the arousal system may play a major role in their pathogenesis. We report the case of a patient with pharmaco-resistant, probably cryptogenic form of non-familial NFLE and strictly sleep-bound seizures that could be elicited by alerting stimuli and were associated with ictal bilateral thalamic and right orbital-insular hyperperfusion on SPECT imaging. DESIGN: Case report. SETTING: University Hospital Zurich. PATIENTS OR PARTICIPANTS: One patient with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. CONCLUSION: This case shows that the arousal system plays a fundamental role also in cryptogenic non-familial forms of NFLE.


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Résumé : La sécrétion de l'insuline en réponse au glucose circulant dans le sang est la fonction principale de la cellule β. La perte de cette fonction est une des caractéristiques du diabète de type 2. L'exocytose est une fonction cellulaire indispensable au renouvellement des composants lipidiques et protéiques de la membrane cellulaire, à la communication entre les cellules et au maintien d'un environnement adéquat. On peut distinguer deux types d'exocytose : l'exocytose constitutive et l'exocytose régulée. Cette dernière est déclenchée par des stimuli externes. L'exocytose régulée est contrôlée au niveau de la fusion des vésicules de sécrétion avec la membrane plasmique. Certains composants moléculaires impliqués dans ce processus font partie de la famille des GTPases Rab. Les deux membres de cette famille impliqués sont Rab3 et Rab27. Nous avons étudié le rôle de la GTPase Rab27 dans les cellules INS-1E, une lignée cellulaire pancréatique β qui sécrète de l'insuline de façon régulée. Nous avons trouvé que la diminution d'expression de la protéine en utilisant le technique de « RNA interference » diminue la sécrétion stimulée, mais que la distribution des granules n'est nullement affectées par ce changement d'activité intrinsèque. Un des effecteurs identifiés de cette GTPase est Slac2c/MyRIP. Cette protéine possède plusieurs domaines fonctionnels dont un qui lui permet de se lier à l'actine, constituant du cytosquelette cellulaire. L'ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que Rab27 et MyRIP font partie d'un complexe permettant l'interaction de la granule de sécrétion avec le cytosquelette d'actine corticale et participent à la régulation des dernières étapes de l'exocytose d'insuline. Ensuite, nous avons étudié les phosphoinositides (PI). Les phosphoinositides sont d'importantes molécules impliquées dans le régulation du trafic vésiculaire. Nous avons trouvé que le phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) et le phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) augmentent la sécrétion sous l'action de 10µM de Ca2+ dans les cellules INS-1E perméabilisées avec la streptolysine-O. En plus, nous avons démontré que l'exocytose est diminuée dans les cellules intactes exprimant une protéine qui séquestre le PI(4,5)P2. Une diminution similaire est observée en diminuant l'expression de deux enzymes impliquées dans la production du PI(4,5)P2, la PI4Kinase β type III et la PIP5Kinase γ type I. Pour clarifier le mécanisme d'action des PI, nous avons investigué l'implication de trois cibles potentielles des PI, la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Pour ce faire, nous avons réduit le niveau d'expression endogène de ces protéines, ce qui inhibe la libération d'hormones provoquée par le glucose. Tout ceci indique donc que la production du PI(4,5)P2 est nécessaire pour le contrôle de la sécrétion et suggère qu'une partie de l'effet du PI sur la sécrétion pourrait être exercé par l'activation de la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Abstract Insulin release from pancreatic β-cells plays an essential role in the achievement of blood glucose homeostasis and defects in the regulation of this process lead to profound metabolic disorders and hyperglycaemia (eg. type 2 diabetes). Almost every cell in our organism releases proteins and other biological compounds using a fundamental cellular process known as constitutive exocytosis. In exocrine and endocrine glands, the cells are endowed with an additional and more refined release mechanism directly tuned by extracellular signals. This process, referred to as regulated exocytosis, ensures the timely delivery of molecules such as peptide hormones and digestive enzymes to match the moment¬-to-moment requirements of the organism. Some of the molecular components involved in this process have been identified, including Rab3 and Rab27, two GTPases that regulate the final steps of secretion in many cells. We investigated the involvement of Rab27 GTPase in the secretory process of the insulin-secreting cell line INS-1E. We found that selective reduction of Rab27 expression by RNA interference did not alter granule distribution but impaired exocytosis triggered by insulin secretagogues. Screening for potential effectors revealed that Slac2c/MyRIP is associated with granules and attenuation of Slac2c expression severely impaired hormone release. This protein contains several functional domains, including, a binding domain for the cellular cytoskeleton constituent actin. Taken together our data suggest the Rab27 and MyRIP are part of a complex mediating the interaction of secretory granules with cortical cytoskeleton and participate to the regulation of the final steps in insulin exoctytosis. In the second part of the thesis, we studied phosphoinositides (PI). Phosphoinositides are important molecules involved in the regulation of vesicular trafficking. We found that phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) and phosphatidylinosito1-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) increase the secretory response triggered by 10µM Ca2+ in streptolysin-O permeabilized insulin-secreting INS-1E cells. In addition, nutrient-induced exocytosis was diminished in intact cells expressing constructs that sequester PI(4,5)P2. A similar decrease was observed after silencing of two enzymes involved in PI(4,5)P2 production, type III PI4Kinase β and type I PIP5Kinase γ, by RNA interference. To clarify the mechanism of action of PI, we investigated the involvement in the regulation of exocytosis of three potential PI targets, PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1. Transfection of cells with silencers capable of reducing the endogenous levels of these proteins inhibited hormone release elicited by glucose. Our data indicate that the production PI(4,5)P2 is necessary for proper control of p-cell secretion and suggest that at least part of the effects of PI on insulin exocytosis could be exerted through the activation of PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1.


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Learning what to approach, and what to avoid, involves assigning value to environmental cues that predict positive and negative events. Studies in animals indicate that the lateral habenula encodes the previously learned negative motivational value of stimuli. However, involvement of the habenula in dynamic trial-by-trial aversive learning has not been assessed, and the functional role of this structure in humans remains poorly characterized, in part, due to its small size. Using high-resolution functional neuroimaging and computational modeling of reinforcement learning, we demonstrate positive habenula responses to the dynamically changing values of cues signaling painful electric shocks, which predict behavioral suppression of responses to those cues across individuals. By contrast, negative habenula responses to monetary reward cue values predict behavioral invigoration. Our findings show that the habenula plays a key role in an online aversive learning system and in generating associated motivated behavior in humans.


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1. (1-36)-NPY is a vasoconstrictor peptide widely distributed in sympathetic nerve terminals. This peptide exerts an inhibitory action on renin release induced by various stimuli. Post-synaptic neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptors show a high affinity for (1-36)-NPY as well as for the agonist (Pro34)-NPY, while presynaptic receptors bind preferentially (13-36)-NPY. 2. This study was undertaken to assess whether the NPY induced renin suppression in awake normotensive rats infused with the beta-adrenoceptor stimulant isoproterenol is mediated by activation of pre- or post-synaptic receptors. 3. Non-pressor doses of (1-36)-NPY and (Pro34)-NPY markedly attenuated the renin secretion triggered by isoproterenol whereas (13-36)-NPY had no effect. This suggests that the effect of NPY on renin release is due to the stimulation of post-synaptic receptors. However it remains unknown whether NPY acts directly on juxtaglomerular cells or indirectly by modifying intraglomerular haemodynamics.


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Multisensory interactions have been documented within low-level, even primary, cortices and at early post-stimulus latencies. These effects are in turn linked to behavioral and perceptual modulations. In humans, visual cortex excitability, as measured by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) induced phosphenes, can be reliably enhanced by the co-presentation of sounds. This enhancement occurs at pre-perceptual stages and is selective for different types of complex sounds. However, the source(s) of auditory inputs effectuating these excitability changes in primary visual cortex remain disputed. The present study sought to determine if direct connections between low-level auditory cortices and primary visual cortex are mediating these kinds of effects by varying the pitch and bandwidth of the sounds co-presented with single-pulse TMS over the occipital pole. Our results from 10 healthy young adults indicate that both the central frequency and bandwidth of a sound independently affect the excitability of visual cortex during processing stages as early as 30 msec post-sound onset. Such findings are consistent with direct connections mediating early-latency, low-level multisensory interactions within visual cortices.


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Emerging evidence indicates that angiogenesis and immunosuppression frequently occur simultaneously in response to diverse stimuli. Here, we describe a fundamental biological programme that involves the activation of both angiogenesis and immunosuppressive responses, often through the same cell types or soluble factors. We suggest that the initiation of these responses is part of a physiological and homeostatic tissue repair programme, which can be co-opted in pathological states, notably by tumours. This view can help to devise new cancer therapies and may have implications for aseptic tissue injury, pathogen-mediated tissue destruction, chronic inflammation and even reproduction.


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Rhythmic activity plays a central role in neural computations and brain functions ranging from homeostasis to attention, as well as in neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Despite this pervasiveness, little is known about the mechanisms whereby the frequency and power of oscillatory activity are modulated, and how they reflect the inputs received by neurons. Numerous studies have reported input-dependent fluctuations in peak frequency and power (as well as couplings across these features). However, it remains unresolved what mediates these spectral shifts among neural populations. Extending previous findings regarding stochastic nonlinear systems and experimental observations, we provide analytical insights regarding oscillatory responses of neural populations to stimulation from either endogenous or exogenous origins. Using a deceptively simple yet sparse and randomly connected network of neurons, we show how spiking inputs can reliably modulate the peak frequency and power expressed by synchronous neural populations without any changes in circuitry. Our results reveal that a generic, non-nonlinear and input-induced mechanism can robustly mediate these spectral fluctuations, and thus provide a framework in which inputs to the neurons bidirectionally regulate both the frequency and power expressed by synchronous populations. Theoretical and computational analysis of the ensuing spectral fluctuations was found to reflect the underlying dynamics of the input stimuli driving the neurons. Our results provide insights regarding a generic mechanism supporting spectral transitions observed across cortical networks and spanning multiple frequency bands.


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Sterile cell death mediated inflammation is linked to several pathological disorders and involves danger recognition of intracellular molecules released by necrotic cells that activate different groups of innate pattern recognition receptors. Toll-like receptors directly interact with their extrinsic or intrinsic agonists and induce multiple proinflammatory mediators. In contrast, the NLRP3 inflammasome is rather thought to represent a downstream element integrating various indirect stimuli into proteolytic cleavage of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. Here, we report that histones released from necrotic cells induce IL-1β secretion in an NLRP3-ASC-caspase-1-dependent manner. Genetic deletion of NLRP3 in mice significantly attenuated histone-induced IL-1β production and neutrophil recruitment. Furthermore, necrotic cells induced neutrophil recruitment, which was significantly reduced by histone-neutralizing antibodies or depleting extracellular histones via enzymatic degradation. These results identify cytosolic uptake of necrotic cell-derived histones as a triggering mechanism of sterile inflammation, which involves NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β secretion via oxidative stress.