595 resultados para entretien clinique, dialogisme, genre, Bakhtine
Présentation de l'anthropologie clinique comme apport théorique et pratique indispensable dans un monde où psychiatrie et psychologie clinique se présentent dans le morcellement de leurs spécialisations et modèles, en rivalité les uns avec les autres.
The non-invasive evaluation of myocardial ischemia is a priority in cardiology. The preferred initial non-invasive test is exercise ECG, because of its high accessibility and its low cost. Stress radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging or stress echocardiography are now routinely performed, and new non-invasive techniques such as perfusion-MRI, dobutamine stress-MRI or 82rubidium perfusion PET have recently gained acceptance in clinical practice. In the same time, an increasing attention has been accorded to the concept of myocardial viability in the decisional processes in case of ischemic heart failure. In this indication, MRI with late enhancement after intravenous injection of gadolinium and 18F-FDG PET showed an excellent diagnostic accuracy. This article will present these new imaging modalities and their accepted indications.
L'entrevue médicale est constituée de plusieurs étapes, chacune d'entre elles comprenant des tâches et des objectifs particuliers pour le médecin. La partie initiale de la consultation médicale, la phase sociale, constitue la première pierre dans la construction d'une relation médecin-patient de confiance et de qualité. Si, d'un point de vue structurel, la littérature a répondu de façon claire et concordante, des questions demeurent ouvertes d'un point de vue procédural. De quelle manière le médecin parvient-il à établir le premier contact ? Comment procède-t-il pour accueillir son patient ? Des pistes pour répondre à ces questions se repèrent dans le travail de révision des enregistrements vidéo des consultations de médecine générale qui sont régulièrement pratiqués à la Policlinique médicale universitaire (PMU) de Lausanne. [Auteurs] The medical interview consists of several steps, each consisting of specific tasks and objectives for the doctor. The initial step of the medical consultation, the social phase, is the cornerstone in the construction of a doctor-patient relationship of trust and quality. If, in a structural point of view, the literature has responded in a clear and consistent way, questions remain openned in a procedural point of view. How successful is the physician to establish the first contact? How does he proceed to welcome his patient? We looked out ways to address these issues by the work of revising the video recordings of general medical consultations, which are regularly practiced at the Medical outpatient clinic of the University of Lausanne.
A cutaneous horn was observed close to the free margin of the inferior right eyelid in a 26-year-old-male patient. A minimal resection was primarily performed. Histopathologic study disclosed a precancerous keratosis. As the tumor had not been entirely excised, a complementary resection was performed secondarily to obtain the entire resection of the tumor.
The goal of this paper is to provide clinicians and researchers, who may not be experts in psychometrics, with a guide for the selection and adaptation of an instrument for clinical research. Issues related to the concept to be measured, the targeted clientele, the selection criteria for the instrument (algorithm), the strategies for translation and adaptation, as well as potential bias related to the administration of an instrument are reviewed and discussed.
A clinicopathological case of a 76-year-old male patient with a chronic inflammatory change of the inferior left eyelid is reported. The inflammation appeared as a reddish area of the inner part of the eyelid, without sharp limits, but with loss of lashes. Numerous local treatments did not to cure this condition. As some true eyelid tumors may mimic an inflammation during growth and, for example, sebaceous carcinoma may clinically present as chronic unilateral blepharitis, a surgical excisional biopsy was performed on this left eyelid. Its histopathological study showed a granulomatous inflammation, which was typical of a simple chalazion. This case clearly illustrates that the chalazion may not always appear as a limited nodular inflammation of the eyelid, but may have a more diffuse clinical presentation.
A clinicopathologic case of an 80-year-old male patient with a single cutaneous tumor on the upper part of the left eyelid is reported. It was a grayish and pigmented mass covered with a thick keratin layer, well circumscribed, and exophytic. After surgical removal, histopathology showed that the tumor had a papillomatous pattern and was growing under a thick layer of hyperkeratosis. It was a typical squamous cell papilloma. This tumor belongs to the benign eyelid tumor group and can be found on the eyelids of elderly people.
Action research is a useful instrument for the organization health care and the clinical governance of psychiatric institutions. What this type of research offers can be illustrated by the cohort study of migrant patients without health insurance who consulted the Department of Psychiatry of the Vaudois university medical center (CHUV) in 2008. While giving greater visibilty to the psychological suffering and social distress of these patients, the study also enabled the authors to determine which clinical procedures were actually offered to these patients and the amount these procedures cost the department. The small number of cases that were identified as well as their uneven distribution amongst the different services of the department suggest that considerable efforts must still be made to improve access for this population to public psychiatric services.