248 resultados para développement économique local
Les Seychelles connaissent une transition épidémiologique accélérée, parallèlement au développement socio-économique rapide au cours des trois dernières décennies. Les ressources des Seychelles, qui reposaient traditionnellement sur la production de copra, proviennent actuellement de la pêche industrielle, du tourisme et de services. Le produit national brut par habitant était inférieur à US$ 500 en 1970 et s'élève actuellement à US$ 14'000 actuellement, ce qui place les Seychelles parmi les pays à revenu intermédiaire supérieur. L'étude de la transition aux Seychelles est non seulement intéressante dans ce contexte de transformation socio-économique rapide, mais aussi parce que des données fiables permettent de documenter cette transition depuis trois décennies. Premièrement, la population est régulièrement énumérée et les données montrent un vieillissement rapide, avec un doublement de la population adulte en 25 ans, ce qui entraîne inévitablement une augmentation du nombre total de patients souffrant de maladies chroniques. Deuxièmement, 4 enquêtes de population ont été effectuées en 25 ans (1989, 1994, 2004 et 2013). Il ressort des prévalences élevées de plusieurs facteurs de risque des malades cardiovasculaires (MCV), mais les tendances sont, heureusement, à la baisse pour les facteurs de risque « traditionnels » (tabagisme, hypertension, dyslipidémie) mais, malheureusement, à la hausse pour les facteurs métaboliques « modernes » (obésité, diabète).
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Local adaptation can drive the divergence of populations but identification of the traits under selection remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Reciprocal transplant experiments are ideal tests of local adaptation, yet rarely used for higher vertebrates because of the mobility and potential invasiveness of non-native organisms. Here, we reciprocally transplanted 2500 brown trout (Salmo trutta) embryos from five populations to investigate local adaptation in early life history traits. Embryos were bred in a full-factorial design and raised in natural riverbeds until emergence. Customized egg capsules were used to simulate the natural redd environment and allowed tracking the fate of every individual until retrieval. We predicted that 1) within sites, native populations would outperform non-natives, and 2) across sites, populations would show higher performance at 'home' compared to 'away' sites. RESULTS: There was no evidence for local adaptation but we found large differences in survival and hatching rates between sites, indicative of considerable variation in habitat quality. Survival was generally high across all populations (55% +/- 3%), but ranged from 4% to 89% between sites. Average hatching rate was 25% +/- 3% across populations ranging from 0% to 62% between sites. CONCLUSION: This study provides rare empirical data on variation in early life history traits in a population network of a salmonid, and large-scale breeding and transplantation experiments like ours provide powerful tests for local adaptation. Despite the recently reported genetic and morphological differences between the populations in our study area, local adaptation at the embryo level is small, non-existent, or confined to ecological conditions that our experiment could not capture.
During a blood meal, Lutzomyia intermedia sand flies transmit Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite causing tegumentary leishmaniasis. In experimental leishmaniasis, pre-exposure to saliva of most blood-feeding sand flies results in parasite establishment in absence of any skin damages in mice challenged with dermotropic Leishmania species together with saliva. In contrast, pre-immunization with Lu. intermedia salivary gland sonicate (SGS) results in enhanced skin inflammatory exacerbation upon co-inoculation of Lu. intermedia SGS and L. braziliensis. These data highlight potential unique features of both L. braziliensis and Lu. intermedia. In this study, we investigated the genes modulated by Lu. intermedia SGS immunization to understand their potential impact on the subsequent cutaneous immune response following inoculation of both SGS and L. braziliensis. The cellular recruitment and global gene expression profile was analyzed in mice repeatedly inoculated or not with Lu. intermedia. Microarray gene analysis revealed the upregulation of a distinct set of IFN-inducible genes, an immune signature not seen to the same extent in control animals. Of note this INF-inducible gene set was not induced in SGS pre-immunized mice subsequently co-inoculated with SGS and L. braziliensis. These data suggest the parasite prevented the upregulation of this Lu. intermedia saliva-related immune signature. The presence of these IFN-inducible genes was further analyzed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) sampled from uninfected human individuals living in a L. braziliensis-endemic region of Brazil thus regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites. PBMCs were cultured in presence or absence of Lu. intermedia SGS. Using qRT-PCR we established that the IFN-inducible genes induced in the skin of SGS pre-immunized mice, were also upregulated by SGS in PBMCs from human individuals regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites, but not in PBMCs of control subjects. These data demonstrate that repeated exposure to Lu. intermedia SGS induces the expression of potentially host-protective IFN-inducible genes.
The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor plays a central role in inflammation, cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Moreover, macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels correlate with tumor aggressiveness and metastatic potential. Histone deacetylase inhibitors are potent antitumor agents recently introduced in the clinic. Therefore, we hypothesized that macrophage migration inhibitory factor would represent a target of histone deacetylase inhibitors. Confirming our hypothesis, we report that histone deacetylase inhibitors of various chemical classes strongly inhibited macrophage migration inhibitory factor expression in a broad range of cell lines, in primary cells and in vivo. Nuclear run on, transient transfection with macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter reporter constructs and transduction with macrophage migration inhibitory factor expressing adenovirus demonstrated that trichostatin A (a prototypical histone deacetylase inhibitor) inhibited endogenous, but not episomal, MIF gene transcription. Interestingly, trichostatin A induced a local and specific deacetylation of macrophage migration inhibitory factor promoter-associated H3 and H4 histones which did not affect chromatin accessibility but was associated with an impaired recruitment of RNA polymerase II and Sp1 and CREB transcription factors required for basal MIF gene transcription. Altogether, this study describes a new molecular mechanism by which histone deacetylase inhibitors inhibit MIF gene expression, and suggests that macrophage migration inhibitory factor inhibition by histone deacetylase inhibitors may contribute to the antitumorigenic effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors.
Résumé : Ce travail jette un regard nouveau sur l'information documentaire publique. A travers l'analyse des régulations qui régissent l'archivage, la préservation du patrimoine documentaire et la gestion des documents au niveau national en Suisse, il propose en effet l'application d'un concept d'analyse fédérateur, habituellement exploité pour la compréhension du fonctionnement des res¬sources naturelles. Après avoir exposé que la création, la gestion et la préservation de l'information sont historiquement liées à l'exercice du pouvoir, au système politique en place et au développement des technologies de l'information, ce travail montre que - à la suite des importants changements dus au développe¬ment de la société du savoir et des nouvelles technologies de l'information - les politiques concernées en Suisse sont en train de converger. Ce mouve¬ment, signe de la lente reconnaissance de l'existence d'une ressource unique, va de pair avec le développement d'un système de règles. Cette ressource, désignée par le terme générique d'information, est en train de devenir un enjeu politique et économique fondamental : comme les ressources natu¬relles, elle exige de la part des acteurs publics une prise en charge appropriée afin d'assurer sa durabilité - c'est-à-dire sa capacité de renouvellement - en régulant les rivalités entre usages compétitifs, qui risquent de mettre cette ressource en péril. Ainsi, par l'application d'un modèle d'analyse appelé Régime institutionnel des ressources (RIR), ce travail évalue la durabilité de la ressource information en vérifiant l'existence et la mise en oeuvre de règles pour cha¬cun des usages identifiés de cette ressource. A partir des huit études de cas (consacrées aux archives d'Etat, aux Helvetica, aux données météoro¬logiques et climatologiques, aux données statistiques, aux données d'observation des sols, aux données de la mensuration officielle, aux don¬nées d'état civil et aux données de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée), notre analyse qualitative montre que, si la durabilité de la ressource est assurée à court terme, elle ne l'est pas sur le long terme. En effet, en dépit des progrès significatifs qui ont été faits ces dernières années, notamment en termes de gestion des documents, le régime institu¬tionnel de la ressource information présente des failles : les principales rivalités existantes ne sont pas contrôlées par des régulations spécifiques. Ainsi, l'identification des informations disponibles, la traçabilité de celles-ci, la sélection de celles qu'il convient de préserver à long terme et, enfin, leur conservation physique continueront à poser problème à l'avenir. Le document se clôt sur l'encouragement à poursuivre les travaux scienti¬fiques et politiques dans ce domaine, dans le but de bénéficier enfin d'une compréhension plus approfondie des mécanismes qui le régissent.
Genome-wide scans of genetic differentiation between hybridizing taxa can identify genome regions with unusual rates of introgression. Regions of high differentiation might represent barriers to gene flow, while regions of low differentiation might indicate adaptive introgression-the spread of selectively beneficial alleles between reproductively isolated genetic backgrounds. Here we conduct a scan for unusual patterns of differentiation in a mosaic hybrid zone between two mussel species, Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis. One outlying locus, mac-1, showed a characteristic footprint of local introgression, with abnormally high frequency of edulis-derived alleles in a patch of M. galloprovincialis enclosed within the mosaic zone, but low frequencies outside of the zone. Further analysis of DNA sequences showed that almost all of the edulis allelic diversity had introgressed into the M. galloprovincialis background in this patch. We then used a variety of approaches to test the hypothesis that there had been adaptive introgression at mac-1. Simulations and model fitting with maximum-likelihood and approximate Bayesian computation approaches suggested that adaptive introgression could generate a "soft sweep," which was qualitatively consistent with our data. Although the migration rate required was high, it was compatible with the functioning of an effective barrier to gene flow as revealed by demographic inferences. As such, adaptive introgression could explain both the reduced intraspecific differentiation around mac-1 and the high diversity of introgressed alleles, although a localized change in barrier strength may also be invoked. Together, our results emphasize the need to account for the complex history of secondary contacts in interpreting outlier loci.
Human papillomaviruses (HPV)-related cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Despite active development, HPV E6/E7 oncogene-specific therapeutic vaccines have had limited clinical efficacy to date. Here, we report that intravaginal (IVAG) instillation of CpG-ODN (TLR9 agonist) or poly-(I:C) (TLR3 agonist) after subcutaneous E7 vaccination increased ∼fivefold the number of vaccine-specific interferon-γ-secreting CD8 T cells in the genital mucosa (GM) of mice, without affecting the E7-specific systemic response. The IVAG treatment locally increased both E7-specific and total CD8 T cells, but not CD4 T cells. This previously unreported selective recruitment of CD8 T cells from the periphery by IVAG CpG-ODN or poly-(I:C) was mediated by TLR9 and TLR3/melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 signaling pathways, respectively. For CpG, this recruitment was associated with a higher proportion of GM-localized CD8 T cells expressing both CCR5 and CXCR3 chemokine receptors and E-selectin ligands. Most interestingly, IVAG CpG-ODN following vaccination led to complete regression of large genital HPV tumors in 75% of mice, instead of 20% with vaccination alone. These findings suggest that mucosal application of immunostimulatory molecules might substantially increase the effectiveness of parenterally administered vaccines.Mucosal Immunology advance online publication 12 September 2012; doi:10.1038/mi.2012.83.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are ecologically important root symbionts of most terrestrial plants. Ecological studies of AMF have concentrated on differences between species; largely assuming little variability within AMF species. Although AMF are clonal, they have evolved to contain a surprisingly high within-species genetic variability, and genetically different nuclei can coexist within individual spores. These traits could potentially lead to within-population genetic variation, causing differences in physiology and symbiotic function in AMF populations, a consequence that has been largely neglected. We found highly significant genetic and phenotypic variation among isolates of a population of Glomus intraradices but relatively low total observed genetic diversity. Because we maintained the isolated population in a constant environment, phenotypic variation can be considered as variation in quantitative genetic traits. In view of the large genetic differences among isolates by randomly sampling two individual spores, <50% of the total observed population genetic diversity is represented. Adding an isolate from a distant population did not increase total observed genetic diversity. Genetic variation exceeded variation in quantitative genetic traits, indicating that selection acted on the population to retain similar traits, which might be because of the multigenomic nature of AMF, where considerable genetic redundancy could buffer the effects of changes in the genetic content of phenotypic traits. These results have direct implications for ecological research and for studying AMF genes, improving commercial AMF inoculum, and understanding evolutionary mechanisms in multigenomic organisms.
BACKGROUND: Complex foot and ankle fractures, such as calcaneum fractures or Lisfranc dislocations, are often associated with a poor outcome, especially in terms of gait capacity. Indeed, degenerative changes often lead to chronic pain and chronic functional limitations. Prescription footwear represents an important therapeutic tool during the rehabilitation process. Local Dynamic Stability (LDS) is the ability of locomotor system to maintain continuous walking by accommodating small perturbations that occur naturally during walking. Because it reflects the degree of control over the gait, LDS has been advocated as a relevant indicator for evaluating different conditions and pathologies. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in LDS induced by orthopaedic shoes in patients with persistent foot and ankle injuries. We hypothesised that footwear adaptation might help patients to improve gait control, which could lead to higher LDS: METHODS: Twenty-five middle-aged inpatients (5 females, 20 males) participated in the study. They were treated for chronic post-traumatic disabilities following ankle and/or foot fractures in a Swiss rehabilitation clinic. During their stay, included inpatients received orthopaedic shoes with custom-made orthoses (insoles). They performed two 30s walking trials with standard shoes and two 30s trials with orthopaedic shoes. A triaxial motion sensor recorded 3D accelerations at the lower back level. LDS was assessed by computing divergence exponents in the acceleration signals (maximal Lyapunov exponents). Pain was evaluated with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). LDS and pain differences between the trials with standard shoes and the trials with orthopaedic shoes were assessed. RESULTS: Orthopaedic shoes significantly improved LDS in the three axes (medio-lateral: 10% relative change, paired t-test p < 0.001; vertical: 9%, p = 0.03; antero-posterior: 7%, p = 0.04). A significant decrease in pain level (VAS score -29%) was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Footwear adaptation led to pain relief and to improved foot & ankle proprioception. It is likely that that enhancement allows patients to better control foot placement. As a result, higher dynamic stability has been observed. LDS seems therefore a valuable index that could be used in early evaluation of footwear outcome in clinical settings.
SUMMARY Cancer is one of the leading causes of disease-related mortality. In most cases, death is due to the spread of cells from the primary tumor to distant sites causing formation of metastases. To become tumorigenic, cells should acquire ability, including self-sufficiency in growth signals, insensitivity to anti-growth signals, resistance to apoptosis, sustained angiogenesis, limitless replicative potential and tissue invasion and metastasis. Tumor progression depends, in part on the relationship between tumor cells and host tissue stroma, characterized by changes of tumor cell adhesion to their microenvironment and activation of a variety of extracellular proteases that play a role in ECM degradation. integrins are adhesion proteins implicated in tumorigenesis. Their main function is to mediate cell adhesion to the ECM or to other cells and to create a link between the ECM and the cytoskeleton. Tumor cells like normal cells use integrins to attach to ECM, migrate into surrounding tissues and derive survival and growth signals. Integrin-dependent adhesion and migration are thought to play an important role in tumor dissemination. A strategy was designed to address the role of β1 integrin tumor growth and dissemination. Murine mammary carcinoma (TA3) cells were stably transfected with a soluble β1 integrin construct, which is anticipated to play a dominant negative role, being able to associate with different α-subunits expressed on the cell surface but unable to transduce signals to the nucleus. Results from studies based on soluble β1 integrin TA3 transfectants showed that 1) the integrin expression pattern at the cell surface changed with an induction of α2β1 and α5β1 heterodimers; 2) adhesion to collagens, especially collagen I was increased; 3) tumor dissemination after intrape-ritoneal injection in syngeneic mice was abolished and 4) local growth after orthotopic injection was maintained but delayed. Taken together, the data presented here suggest that β1 integrin plays a potentially important role in the regulation of tumor behavior. RESUME Le cancer est une des principales causes de mortalité suite à une maladie. Dans la plupart des cas, la mort est la conséquence de la dissémination de cellules, provenant de la tumeur primaire, dans des endroits distants et causant la formation de métastases. Afin de devenir cancéreuse, une cellule doit acquérir certaines capacités, telles qu'une auto-suffisance en facteurs de croissance, une insensibilité aux facteurs empêchant la croissance cellulaire, une résistance à l'apoptose, une angiogénèse soutenue, un potentiel de réplication illimité et une capacité à pénétrer dans les tissus et à former des colonies métastatiques. La progression d'une tumeur dépend, en partie, de la relation entre les cellules tumorales et les cellules tissulaires de l'hôte. Cette relation est caractérisée par des modifications des cellules tumorales quant à leur adhésion au microenvironnement et à l'activation de protéases qui permettent de dégrader la matrice extracellulaire. Les intégrines sont des protéines impliquées dans le développement tumoral. Leur fonction principale est de réguler l'adhésion des cellules à la matrice extracellulaire, ou à d'autres cellules, et de créer un lien entre cette matrice extracellulaire et le cytosquelette. Les cellules tumorales utilisent également les intégrines pour se lier à la matrice extracellulaire, pour migrer dans les tissus adjacents et pour induire des signaux de croissance et de survie. Ces événements d'adhésion et de migration, qui dépendent des intégrines, jouent un rôle primordial dans la dissémination des cellules cancéreuses. Une stratégie a été élaborée afin de définir le rôle de l'intégrine β1 durant la croissance et la dissémination des cellules tumorales. Des cellules provenant d'un carcinome de la glande mammaire (TA3) ont été transfectées de manière stable avec un vecteur contenant la séquence codante de la partie extracellulaire de l'intégrine β1. L'intégrine tronquée doit être capable de se lier aux sous-unités α exprimées à la surface de la cellule, mais doit être incapable de transmettre un signal à l'intérieur de la cellule. Les résultats obtenus avec les cellules TA3 transfectées contenant l'intégrine β1 soluble montrent que I) le répertoire d'expression des intégrines à la surface de la cellule a changé en faveur des hétérodimères α2β1 et α5β1; 2) l'adhésion aux collagènes, particulièrement au collagène de type I a augmenté; 3) la dissémination des cellules tumorales après une injection intrapéritonéale est empêchée; 4) la croissance tumorale après une injection orthotopique est conservée mais retardée. Ces résultats montrent que l'intégrine β1 joue un rôle primordial dans la régulation du comportement tumoral.