369 resultados para Primary Hyperaldosteronism


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Multifocal and recurrent epithelial tumors, originating from either dormant or de novo cancer cells, are major causes of morbidity and mortality. The age-dependent increase of cancer incidence has long been assumed to result from the sequential accumulation of cancer-driving or -facilitating mutations with induction of cellular senescence as a protective mechanism. However, recent evidence suggests that the initiation and development of epithelial cancer results from a close interplay with its altered tissue microenvironment, with chronic inflammation, stromal senescence, autophagy, and the activation of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) playing possible primary roles. We will discuss recent progress in these areas, and highlight how this understanding may be used for devising novel preventive and therapeutic approaches to the epithelial cancer problem.


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Introduction Le rythmes circadiens influencent différents paramètres de la physiologie et de la physiopathologie cardiovasculaire. Récemment, une relation entre la taille d'un infarctus et l'heure du jour à laquelle il se produit a été suggérée dans des modèles expérimentaux d'infarctus du myocarde. Le but de cette étude a été de déterminer si les rythmes circadiens pouvaient influencer la gravité d'un infarctus en terme de taille et de mortalité chez les patients hospitalisés pour un infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST (STEMI) ayant bénéficié d'une intervention coronarienne percutanée primaire (ICPP). Méthode Chez 353 patients consécutifs admis avec un STEMI et traités par ICPP, l'heure à la survenue des symptômes, le pic de créatine kinase (reflet de la taille d'un infarctus) et le suivi à 30 jours ont été collectés. Les patients ont été répartis en 4 groupes en fonction de l'heure de survenue de leurs symptômes (00 :00 - 05h59, 06:00 - 11 59 12 00-17h59 et 18h00-23h59). Résultats Aucune différence statistiquement significative n'a été retrouvée entre les différents groupes en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques des patients ou de leur prise en charge. Après analyse multivariée, nous avons mis en évidence une différence statistiquement significative entre les pics de créatine kinase chez les patients avec survenue des symptômes entre 00 :00 et 05:59, qui étaient plus élevés que les pics de créatine kinase chez les patients avec survenue des symptômes à tout autre moment de la journée (augmentation moyenne de 38,4%, ρ <0.05). A 30 jours, la mortalité des patients avec survenue des symptômes entre 00 :00 et 05:59 était également significativement plus élevé que celle des patients avec survenue à tout autre moment de la journée (p <0.05). Conclusion Notre étude démontre une corrélation indépendante entre la taille d'un infarctus STEMI traité par ICPP et le moment de la journée où les symptômes apparaissent. Ces résultats suggèrent que ce moment devrait être un paramètre important à prendre en compte pour évaluer le pronostic des patients.


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Thyroid function tests include the measuring of the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (T4) in the case of abnormal TSH. These tests are frequently performed in primary care medicine since many clinical situations can be suggestive of dysthyroidism, as for example fatigue, depressive states or cardiac arthmia. In the case of subclinical thyroid dysfunction, the indications for treatment are controversial there being a lack of significant randomised studies. For primary care physicians faced with abnormal thyroid function tests we propose a diagnostic approach, clinical recommendations, and indications for referral to the specialist.


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Primary sensory neurons which innervate neuromuscular spindles in the chicken are calbindin-immunoreactive. The influence exerted by developing skeletal muscle on the expression of calbindin immunoreactivity by subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells in the chick embryo was tested in vitro in coculture with myoblasts, in conditioned medium (CM) prepared from myoblasts and in control cultures of DRG cells alone. Control cultures of DRG cells grown at the 6th embryonic day (E6) did not show any calbindin-immunostained ganglion cell. In coculture of myoblasts previously grown for 14 days, about 3% of calbindin-immunoreactive ganglion cells were detected while about 1% were observed in some cultures grown in CM. Fibroblasts from various sources were devoid of effect. Skin or kidney cells were more active than myoblasts to initiate calbindin expression by subpopulations of DRG cells in coculture or, to a lesser degree, in CM. The results suggest that cellular factors would rather induce calbindin expression in certain sensory neurons than ensure a selective neuronal survival.


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The outcome after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is strongly affected by time delays. In this study, we sought to identify the impact of specific socioeconomic factors on time delays, subsequent STEMI management and outcomes in STEMI patients undergoing pPCI, who came from a well-defined region of the French part of Switzerland. A total of 402 consecutive patients undergoing pPCI for STEMI in a large tertiary hospital were retrospectively studied. Symptom-to-first-medical-contact time was analysed for the following socioeconomic factors: level of education, origin and marital status. Main exclusion criteria were: time delay beyond 12 hours, previous treatment with fibrinolytic agents or patients immediately referred for coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Therefore, 222 patients were finally included. At 1 year, there was no difference in mortality between the different socioeconomic groups. Furthermore, there was no difference in management characteristics between them. Symptom-to-first-medical-contact time was significantly longer for patients with a low level of education, Swiss citizens and unmarried patients, with median differences of 23 minutes, 18 minutes and 13 minutes, respectively (p <0.05). Nevertheless, no difference was found regarding in-hospital management and clinical outcome. This study demonstrates that symptom-to-first-medical-contact time is longer amongst people with a lower educational level, Swiss citizens and unmarried people. Because of the low mortality rate in general, these differences in delays did not affect clinical outcomes. Still, tertiary prevention measures should particularly focus on these vulnerable populations.


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Texte intégral: http://www.springerlink.com/content/3q68180337551r47/fulltext.pdf


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Primary rib tumors constitute a rare entity and have only seldom been studied separately. In a retrospective study based on 21 cases, with the help of the literature, we try to specify the specific problems encountered with rib tumors and the therapeutic consequences that follow. Our series comprises 10 benign tumors, 3 malignant tumors and 8 cartilaginous tumors. The benign tumors were resected and all the patients recovered uneventfully. One of the patients died of a plasmocytoma 92 months after resection. Among the cartilaginous tumors, we observed two recurrences after 9 and 24 months from which the patient died eventually at 20 and 72 months after resection. The histologic diagnosis of a rib tumor must be made through an excisional biopsy. Cartilaginous tumors are potentially malignant. They must be treated as malignant tumors by radical resection and primary reconstruction. The long-term follow-up of every patient carrying a rib tumor is mandatory because of the risk of late recurrence.


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The T cell response to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alloantigens occurs via two main pathways. The direct pathway involves the recognition of intact allogeneic MHC:peptide complexes on donor cells and provokes uniquely high frequencies of responsive T cells. The indirect response results from alloantigens being processed like any other protein antigen and presented as peptide by autologous antigen-presenting cells. The frequencies of T cells with indirect allospecificity are orders of magnitude lower and comparable to other peptide-specific responses. In this study, we explored the contributions of naïve and memory CD4(+) T cells to these two pathways. Using an adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model we found that naive and memory CD4(+) T cells, both naturally occurring and induced by sensitization with multiple third-party alloantigens, contributed equally to graft rejection when only the direct pathway was operative. In contrast, the indirect response was predominantly mediated by the naïve subset. Elimination of regulatory CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells enabled memory cells to reject grafts through the indirect pathway, but at a much slower tempo than for naïve cells. These findings have implications for better targeting of immunosuppression to inhibit immediate and later forms of alloimmunity.


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Recommendations for statin use for primary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) are based on estimation of the 10-year CHD risk. It is unclear which risk algorithm and guidelines should be used in European populations. Using data from a population-based study in Switzerland, we first assessed 10-year CHD risk and eligibility for statins in 5,683 women and men 35 to 75 years of age without cardiovascular disease by comparing recommendations by the European Society of Cardiology without and with extrapolation of risk to age 60 years, the International Atherosclerosis Society, and the US Adult Treatment Panel III. The proportions of participants classified as high-risk for CHD were 12.5% (15.4% with extrapolation), 3.0%, and 5.8%, respectively. Proportions of participants eligible for statins were 9.2% (11.6% with extrapolation), 13.7%, and 16.7%, respectively. Assuming full compliance to each guideline, expected relative decreases in CHD deaths in Switzerland over a 10-year period would be 16.4% (17.5% with extrapolation), 18.7%, and 19.3%, respectively; the corresponding numbers needed to treat to prevent 1 CHD death would be 285 (340 with extrapolation), 380, and 440, respectively. In conclusion, the proportion of subjects classified as high risk for CHD varied over a fivefold range across recommendations. Following the International Atherosclerosis Society and the Adult Treatment Panel III recommendations might prevent more CHD deaths at the cost of higher numbers needed to treat compared with European Society of Cardiology guidelines.


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The glomus tumor is a rare, benign, but painful vascular neoplasm arising from the neuromyoarterial glomus. Primary intraosseous glomus tumor is even rarer, with only about 20 cases reported in the literature so far, 5 of which involved the spine. Surgical resection is currently considered the treatment of choice. We herewith present an uncommon case of primary intraosseous spinal glomus tumor involving the right pedicle of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11). To our knowledge, this is the first case of primary intraosseous spinal glomus tumor successfully treated by percutaneous CT-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA).


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Background: This study analyzed prognostic factors and treatment outcomes of primary thyroid lymphoma. Patients and Methods: Data were retrospectively collected for 87 patients (53 stage I and 34 stage II) with median age 65 years. Fifty-two patients were treated with single modality (31 with chemotherapy alone and 21 with radiotherapy alone) and 35 with combined modality treatment. Median follow-up was 51 months. Results: Sixty patients had aggressive lymphoma and 27 had indolent lymphoma. The 5- and 10-year overall survival (OS) rates were 74% and 71%, respectively, and the disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 68% and 64%. Univariate analysis revealed that age, tumor size, stage, lymph node involvement, B symptoms, and treatment modality were prognostic factors for OS, DFS, and local control (LC). Patients with thyroiditis had significantly better LC rates. In multivariate analysis, OS was influenced by age, B symptoms, lymph node involvement, and tumor size, whereas DFS and LC were influenced by B symptoms and tumor size. Compared with single modality treatment, patients treated with combined modality had better 5-year OS, DFS, and LC. Conclusions: Combined modality leads to an excellent prognosis for patients with aggressive lymphoma but does not improve OS and LC in patients with indolent lymphoma.


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This prospective study addresses early results of the treatment of acute acetabular fractures in elderly patients by total hip arthroplasty and cerclage wiring.Fifteen patients with an average age of 81 years were treated at our institution between February 1998 and December 2000. There were two transverse fractures, eight T-shaped fractures, two transverse fractures with associated posterior wall fracture, two posterior column fractures with associated posterior wall fracture, and one fracture of both columns. Treatment consisted of cerclage wiring of the fracture and primary non-cemented total hip replacement.All of the patients were followed for a mean of 36 months. Although there was one patient with three hip dislocations during the first 10 months after the operation, we found an excellent or good result for the entire group. During this relatively short follow-up period, we have not found a radiological loss of fracture reduction of more than 1 mm or a cup migration of more than 3.2 mm. All of the fractures healed and no loosening of the implant was evident.Primary total hip arthroplasty combined with internal fixation is a valid treatment option for acetabular fractures in the elderly. Preliminary results are convincing, but a bigger patient population and a longer follow-up time are necessary before we are able to draw final conclusions.


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BACKGROUND: Poor long-term adherence is an important cause of uncontrolled hypertension. We examined whether monitoring drug adherence with an electronic system improves long-term blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensive patients followed by general practitioners (GPs). METHODS: A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled study was conducted over one year in community pharmacists/GPs' networks randomly assigned either to usual care (UC) where drugs were dispensed as usual, or to intervention (INT) group where drug adherence could be monitored with an electronic system (Medication Event Monitoring System). No therapy change was allowed during the first 2 months in both groups. Thereafter, GPs could modify therapy and use electronic monitors freely in the INT group. The primary outcome was a target office BP<140/90 mmHg. RESULTS: Sixty-eight treated uncontrolled hypertensive patients (UC: 34; INT: 34) were enrolled. Over the 12-month period, the likelihood of reaching the target BP was higher in the INT group compared to the UC group (p<0.05). At 4 months, 38% in the INT group reached the target BP vs. 12% in the UC group (p<0.05), and 21% vs. 9% at 12 months (p: ns). Multivariate analyses, taking account of baseline characteristics, therapy modification during follow-up, and clustering effects by network, indicate that being allocated to the INT group was associated with a greater odds of reaching the target BP at 4 months (p<0.01) and at 12 months (p=0.051). CONCLUSION: GPs monitoring drug adherence in collaboration with pharmacists achieved a better BP control in hypertensive patients, although the impact of monitoring decreased with time.


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PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE(S): Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) represents less than 1% of all malignant lymphomas, and 4-5% of all extranodal lymphomas. In this study, we assessed the disease profile, outcome, and prognostic factors in patients with stage I and II PBL. MATERIALS/METHODS: Between 1987 and 2008, 116 consecutive patients with PBL treated in 13 RCNinstitutions were included in this study. Inclusion criteriawere: age.17 yrs, PBLin stage I and II, andminimum6months follow-up. The median agewas 51 yrs (range: 17-93).Diagnosticwork-up included plain boneXray (74%of patients), scintigraphy (62%), CT-scan (65%),MRI (58%), PET (18%), and bone-marrow biopsy (84%).All patients had biopsy-proven confirmation of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The histopathological type was predominantly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (78%) and follicular lymphoma (6%), according to theWHOclassification. One hundred patients had a high-grade, 7 intermediate and 9 low-gradeNHL. Ninety-three patients had anAnn-Arbor stage I, and 23 had a stage II. Seventy-seven patients underwent chemoradiotherapy (CXRT), 12 radiotherapy (RT) alone, 10 chemotherapy alone (CXT), 9 surgery followed by CXRT, 5 surgery followed by CXT, and 2 surgery followed by RT. One patient died before treatment.Median RT dosewas 40Gy (range: 4-60).Themedian number ofCXTcycleswas 6 (range, : 2-8).Median follow-upwas 41months (range: 6-242). RESULTS: Following treatment, the overall response rate was 91% (CR 74%, PR 17%). Local recurrence was observed in 12 (10%) patients, and systemic recurrence in 17 (15%) patients. Causes of death included disease progression in 16, unrelated disease in 6, CXT-related toxicity in 1, and secondary cancer in 2 patients. The 5-yr overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), lymphoma- specific survival (LSS), and local control (LC) were 76%, 69%, 78%, and 92%, respectively. In univariate analyses (log-rank test), favorable prognostic factors for survival were: age\50 years (p = 0.008), IPI score #1 (p = 0.009), complete response (p\0.001), CXT (p = 0.008), number of CXT cycles $6 (p = 0.007), and RT dose . 40 Gy (p = 0.005). In multivariate analysis age, RT dose, complete response, and absence of B symptoms were independent factors influencing the outcome. There were 3 patients developing grade 3 or more (CTCAE.V3.0) toxicities. CONCLUSIONS: This large multicenter study, confirms the relatively good prognosis of early stage PBL, treated with combined CXRT. Local control was excellent, and systemic failure occurred infrequently. A sufficient dose of RT (. 40 Gy) and complete CXT regime (. 6 cycles) were associated with a better outcome. Combined modality appears to be the treatment of choice.


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Macroscopic features such as volume, surface estimate, thickness and caudorostral length of the human primary visual cortex (Brodman's area 17) of 46 human brains between midgestation and 93 years were studied by means of camera lucida drawings from serial frontal sections. Individual values were best fitted by a logistic function from midgestation to adulthood and by a regression line between adulthood and old age. Allometric functions were calculated to study developmental relationships between all the features. The three-dimensional shape of area 17 was also reconstructed from the serial sections in 15 cases and correlated with the sequence of morphological events. The sulcal pattern of area 17 begins to develop around 21 weeks of gestation but remains rather simple until birth, while it becomes more convoluted, particularly in the caudal part, during the postnatal period. Until birth, a large increase in cortical thickness (about 83% of its mean adult value) and caudorostral length (69%) produces a moderate increase in cortical volume (31%) and surface estimate (40%) of area 17. After birth, the cortical volume and surface undergo their maximum growth rate, in spite of a rather small increase in cortical thickness and caudorostral length. This is due to the development of the pattern of gyrification within and around the calcarine fissure. All macroscopic features have reached the mean adult value by the end of the first postnatal year. With aging, the only features to undergo significant regression are the cortical surface estimate and the caudorostral length. The total number of neurons in area 17 shows great interindividual variability at all ages. No decrease in the postnatal period or in aging could be demonstrated.