232 resultados para Muscles respiratoires
To study the effects of muscle paralysis on joint mobility, we compared eight premature infants treated with pancuronium bromide with a control group. A significant reduction was observed in hip and knee flexion, and in ankle dorsal extension, which tended to resolve in time. We conclude that muscle paralysis reduces the mobility of selected joints; spontaneous activity appears to prevent long-term contractures.
Une grande partie des patients présentant une pneumonie communautaire ont un bon pronostic et peuvent être suivis dans la pratique ambulatoire moyennant un nombre limité d'examens paracliniques. Le diagnostic repose sur une clinique suggestive en présence d'un infiltrat compatible avec une pneumonie à la radiographie de thorax. Une anamnèse de voyage et une bonne connaissance de résistances locales du pneumocoque aux antibiotiques sont déterminantes pour le choix du traitement. Pour les patients de moins de 50 ans sans comorbidités et sans signes de sévérité, il est généralement recommandé de prescrire un macrolide ou une fluoroquinolone de 3e ou de 4e génération (fluoroquinolones «respiratoires»). Pour les patients plus âgés, et pour ceux qui présentent des comorbidités ou des critères de sévérité, une évaluation à l'hôpital est indiquée. La majorité des patients hospitalisés en soins généraux peuvent être traités par l'association d'une bêta-lactame et d'un macrolide, ou par une fluoroquinolone «respiratoire» seule, après prélèvements d'expectorations et de sang pour culture.
Denervated muscle tissue undergoes morphologic changes that result in atrophy. The amount of muscle atrophy after denervation following free muscle transfer has not been measured so far. Therefore, the amount of muscle atrophy in human free muscle transfer for lower extremity reconstruction was measured in a series of 10 patients. Three-dimensional laser surface scanning was used to measure flap volume changes 2 weeks as well as 6 and 12 months after the operation. None of the muscles transferred was re-innervated.All muscles healed uneventfully without signs of compromised perfusion resulting in partial flap loss. The muscle volume decreased to 30 ± 4% and 19 ± 4% 6 and 12 months, respectively, after the operation, ie, the volume decreased by approximately 80% within a 12-month period.Denervated free muscle flap tissue undergoes massive atrophy of approximately 80%, mostly within the first 6 months.
Deficiency of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC) is the most common disorder leading to lactic acidemia. Phosphorylation of specific serine residues of the E1-alpha subunit of the PDHC by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) inactivates the enzyme, whereas dephosphorylation restores PDHC activity. We recently found that phenylbutyrate prevents phosphorylation of the E1-alpha subunit of the branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase complex (BCKDC) and reduces plasma concentrations of neurotoxic branched chain amino acids in patients with maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), due to the deficiency of BCKDC. We hypothesized that, similarly to BCKDC, phenylbutyrate enhances PDHC enzymatic activity by increasing the portion of unphosphorylated enzyme. To test this hypothesis, we treated wild-type human fibroblasts at different concentrations of phenylbutyrate and found that it reduces the levels of phosphorylated E1-alpha as compared to untreated cells. To investigate the effect of phenylbutyrate in vivo, we administered phenylbutyrate to C57B6 wild-type mice and we detected a significant increase in Pdhc enzyme activity and a reduction of phosphorylated E1-alpha subunit in brains and muscles as compared to saline treated mice. Being a drug already approved for human use, phenylbutyrate has great potential for increasing the residual enzymatic activity of PDHC and to improve the clinical phenotype of PDHC deficiency.
OBJECTIVE: Juvenile dermatomyositis (DM) is a systemic autoimmune disorder of unknown immunopathogenesis in which the immune system targets the microvasculature of skeletal muscles, skin, and other organs. The current mainstay of therapy is a steroid regimen in combination with other immunosuppressive treatments. To date, no validated markers for monitoring disease activity have been identified, which hampers personalized treatment. This study was undertaken to identify a panel of proteins specifically related to active disease in juvenile DM. METHODS: We performed a multiplex immunoassay for plasma levels of 45 proteins related to inflammation in 25 patients with juvenile DM in 4 clinically well-defined groups, as determined by clinical activity and treatment. We compared them to 14 age-matched healthy children and 8 age-matched children with nonautoimmune muscle disease. RESULTS: Cluster analysis of circulating proteins showed distinct profiles for juvenile DM patients and controls based on a group of 10 proteins. In addition to CXCL10, tumor necrosis factor receptor type II (TNFRII) and galectin 9 were significantly increased in active juvenile DM. The levels of these 3 proteins were tightly linked to active disease and correlated with clinical scores (as measured by the Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale and physician's global assessment of disease activity on a visual analog scale). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that CXCL10, TNFRII, and galectin 9 correspond to disease status in juvenile DM and thus could be helpful in monitoring disease activity and guiding treatment. Furthermore, they might provide new knowledge about the pathogenesis of this autoimmune disease.
BACKGROUND: Strategies leading to the long-term suppression of inappropriate ocular angiogenesis are required to avoid the need for repetitive monthly injections for treatment of diseases of the eye, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The present study aimed to develop a strategy for the sustained repression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is identified as the key player in exudative AMD. METHODS: We have employed short hairpin (sh)RNAs combined with adeno-associated virus (AAV) delivery to obtain the targeted expression of potent gene-regulatory molecules. Anti-VEGF shRNAs were analyzed in human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells using Renilla luciferase screening. For in vivo delivery of the most potent shRNA, self-complementary AAV vectors were packaged in serotype 8 capsids (scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9). In vivo efficacy was evaluated either by injection of scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 into murine hind limb muscles or in a laser-induced murine model of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) following scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 subretinal delivery. RESULTS: Plasmids encoding anti-VEGF shRNAs showed efficient knockdown of human VEGF in RPEs. Intramuscular administration led to localized expression and 91% knockdown of endogenous murine (m)VEGF. Subsequently, the ability of AAV2/8-encoded shRNAs to impair vessel formation was evaluated in the murine model of CNV. In this model, the sizes of the CNV were significantly reduced (up to 48%) following scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 subretinal delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Using anti-VEGF vectors, we have demonstrated efficient silencing of endogenous mVEGF and showed that subretinal administration of scAAV2/8-hU6-sh9 has the ability to impair vessel formation in an AMD animal model. Thus, AAV-encoded shRNA can be used for the inhibition of neovascularization, leading to the development of sustained anti-VEGF therapy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Résumé Rupture traumatique du diaphragme La rupture traumatique du diaphragme a été décrite la première fois par Sennertus en 1541. Ambroise Paré, en 1579, décrivit le premier cas de rupture traumatique du diaphragme diagnostiqué à l'autopsie. Une rupture traumatique du diaphragme existe chez 3 à 5% des patients polytraumatisés. En général la réparation chirurgicale est simple. La mortalité globale atteint 20 à 25%, elle est en général liée aux lésions associées, à la sévérité de la défaillance cardio-respiratoire ou à l'apparition d'une strangulation d'organes herniés. Cette thèse analyse une série consécutive de 47 patients, victimes d'un accident de la voie publique ou d'une agression, chez qui le diagnostic de rupture traumatique du diaphragme a été établi au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, du 01.01.1980 au 31.12.95. Le diagnostic a été établi ou soupçonné avant l'intervention chez 32 patients et découvert durant l'intervention chez 15 patients. La majorité des interventions furent effectuées par laparotomie. Le côté le plus souvent atteint a été le gauche. L'estomac a été l'organe le plus souvent hernié (à gauche). L'organe intra-abdominal le plus souvent lésé a été la rate. L'atteinte extra-abdominale la plus souvent rencontrée fut des lésions du système nerveux central. Ce travail décrit dans le détail toutes les lésions associées à la rupture traumatique du diaphragme et la morbidité liée à ces traumatismes. Tous les patients ayant eu le diagnostic établi secondairement ont eu des complications respiratoires. La mortalité dans cette série est de 17% (8/47), tous des accidentés de la voie publique. Cette thèse attire l'attention sur l'importance d'établir le diagnostic le plus précocement possible et propose, à cet effet, un algorithme décisionnel.