241 resultados para Laurent-Duchesne
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a frequently lethal disease with heterogeneous outcomes and drug responses. To resolve inconsistencies among the reported gene expression-based CRC classifications and facilitate clinical translation, we formed an international consortium dedicated to large-scale data sharing and analytics across expert groups. We show marked interconnectivity between six independent classification systems coalescing into four consensus molecular subtypes (CMSs) with distinguishing features: CMS1 (microsatellite instability immune, 14%), hypermutated, microsatellite unstable and strong immune activation; CMS2 (canonical, 37%), epithelial, marked WNT and MYC signaling activation; CMS3 (metabolic, 13%), epithelial and evident metabolic dysregulation; and CMS4 (mesenchymal, 23%), prominent transforming growth factor-β activation, stromal invasion and angiogenesis. Samples with mixed features (13%) possibly represent a transition phenotype or intratumoral heterogeneity. We consider the CMS groups the most robust classification system currently available for CRC-with clear biological interpretability-and the basis for future clinical stratification and subtype-based targeted interventions.
La plupart des inhibiteurs de protéines kinases développés en nombre à la suite de l'imatinib partagent avec celui-ci les caractéristiques des médicaments candidats au suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique : importante variabilité pharmacocinétique entre patients, influences de traits pharmacogénétiques et d'atteintes d'organes, potentiel d'interactions médicamenteuses, relations stables entre exposition et efficacité ou toxicité, index thérapeutique restreint. Alors que le profilage génétique des tumeurs ouvre la voie vers une oncologie personnalisée quant au choix des molécules thérapeutiques, le monitoring des concentrations et l'individualisation des posologies devraient assurer que chaque patient est exposé aux concentrations lui garantissant la meilleure efficacité pour le minimum de toxicité. Pour cela, il faut d'abord disposer d'études observationnelles décrivant la pharmacocinétique de population du médicament et les concentrations attendues sous une posologie donnée. Des études pharmacodynamiques doivent aussi déterminer les relations concentration-efficacité-toxicité, dont découlent les cibles d'exposition à viser par le traitement. Sur ces bases, une stratégie rationnelle de monitoring peut être élaborée, puis testée dans des essais cliniques randomisés contrôlés. Les progrès se font attendre dans ce domaine, en raison non seulement du désintérêt des groupes pharmaceutiques, des cliniciens et des autorités, mais aussi des difficultés inhérentes au processus de suivi des concentrations, tel qu'il se pratique aujourd'hui. Des innovations technologiques associant des méthodes de mesure miniaturisées intégrées à des systèmes électroniques et une connexion à des outils informatiques d'assistance à l'interprétation pourraient prochainement mettre ce monitoring à la disposition immédiate des oncologues sur le lieu de consultation.
Présentation du dossier Spinoza politique - Penser la puissance de la multitude Présentation effectuée à titre d'éditeur scientifique du dossier comprenant les articles suivants: - Laurent Bove, A quoi est tenu le corps d'une multitude afin d'échapper à la domination? La leçon de Spinoza dans le Traité politique - Charles Ramond, Le Traité politique de Spinoza - vers une démocratie sans valeurs? - Chantal Jaquet, L'accord affectif de la multitude. Le désir (desiderium) de vengeance comme principe du corps politique - Hugues Poltier, Multitude libre/Multitude serve. Pour une lecture du Traité politique de Spinoza - Jack Stetter, L'Etat comme âme, le citoyen comme soumis et comme résistant
Diagnosis of pleural plaques (PPs) is commonly straightforward, especially when a typical appearance is observed in a context of previous asbestos exposure. Nevertheless, numerous causes of focal pleural thickening may be seen in routine practice. They may be related to normal structures, functional pleural thickening, previous tuberculosis, pleural metastasis, silicosis or other rarer conditions. An application of a rigorous technical approach as well as a familiarity with loco-regional anatomy and the knowledge of typical aspects of PP are required. Indeed, false-positive or false-negative results may engender psychological and medico-legal consequences or can delay diagnosis of malignant pleural involvement. Correct recognition of PPs is crucial, as they may also be an independent risk factor for mortality from lung cancer in asbestos-exposed workers particularly in either smokers or former/ex-smokers. Finally, the presence of PP(s) may help in considering asbestosis as a cause of interstitial lung disease predominating in the subpleural area of the lower lobes. The aim of this pictorial essay is to provide a brief reminder of the normal anatomy of the pleura and its surroundings as well as the various aspects of PPs. Afterwards, the common pitfalls encountered in PP diagnosis will be emphasized and practical clues to differentiate actual plaque and pseudoplaque will be concisely described.
In fetal brain MRI, most of the high-resolution reconstruction algorithms rely on brain segmentation as a preprocessing step. Manual brain segmentation is however highly time-consuming and therefore not a realistic solution. In this work, we assess on a large dataset the performance of Multiple Atlas Fusion (MAF) strategies to automatically address this problem. Firstly, we show that MAF significantly increase the accuracy of brain segmentation as regards single-atlas strategy. Secondly, we show that MAF compares favorably with the most recent approach (Dice above 0.90). Finally, we show that MAF could in turn provide an enhancement in terms of reconstruction quality.
BACKGROUND: ALK-negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implant (i-ALCL) has been recently recognized as a distinct entity. Among 43 830 lymphomas registered in the French Lymphopath network since 2010, 300 breast lymphomas comprising 25 peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCL) were reviewed. Among PTCL, ALK-negative ALCL was the most frequent and all of them were associated with breast implants. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Since 2010, all i-ALCL cases were collected from different institutions through Lymphopath. Immuno-morphologic features, molecular data and clinical outcome of 19 i-ALCLs have been retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 61 years and the median length between breast implant and i-ALCL was 9 years. Most implants were silicone-filled and textured. Implant removal was performed in 17 out of 19 patients with additional treatment based on mostly CHOP or CHOP-like chemotherapy regimens (n = 10/19) or irradiation (n = 1/19). CHOP alone or ABVD following radiation without implant removal have been given in two patients. The two clinical presentations, i.e. effusion and less frequently tumor mass correlated with distinct histopathologic features: in situ i-ALCL (anaplastic cell proliferation confined to the fibrous capsule) and infiltrative i-ALCL (pleomorphic cells massively infiltrating adjacent tissue with eosinophils and sometimes Reed-Sternberg-like cells mimicking Hodgkin lymphoma). Malignant cells were CD30-positive, showed a variable staining for EMA and were ALK negative. Most cases had a cytotoxic T-cell immunophenotype with variable T-cell antigen loss and pSTAT3 nuclear expression. T-cell receptor genes were clonally rearranged in 13 out of 13 tested cases. After 18 months of median follow-up, the 2-year overall survival for in situ and infiltrative i-ALCL was 100% and 52.5%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In situ i-ALCLs have an indolent clinical course and generally remain free of disease after implant removal. However, infiltrative i-ALCLs could have a more aggressive clinical course that might require additional therapy to implant removal.
Co-culture techniques associating both dermal fibroblasts and epidermal keratinocytes have shown to have better clinical outcome than keratinocyte culture alone for the treatment of severe burns. Since fat grafting has been shown to improve scar remodelling, new techniques such as cell-therapy-assisted surgical reconstruction with isolated and expanded autologous adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) would be of benefit to increase graft acceptation. Therefore, integrating ASCs into standardized procedures for cultured skin grafting could be of benefit for the patient if cell quality and quantity could be maintained. The purpose of this study was to evaluate ASC processing from adult tissue with simple isolation (without enzymatic steps), expansion (low density of 325-3,000 cells/cm2) and storage conditions to assure methods to enhance the cellular resistance when transferred back to the patient. Co-culture with cell-banked skin progenitor cells (FE002-SK2) showed an increase of 40-50% ASCs yield at high passages alongside with a better preservation of morphology, proper adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation and efficient biocompatibility with 3D collagen scaffolds. ASCs can be considered as a valuable additional cell source to be delivered in biological bandages to the patient in a need of tissue reconstruction such as burn patients.