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OBJECTIVE: HIV-1 post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is frequently prescribed after exposure to source persons with an undetermined HIV serostatus. To reduce unnecessary use of PEP, we implemented a policy including active contacting of source persons and the availability of free, anonymous HIV testing ('PEP policy'). METHODS: All consultations for potential non-occupational HIV exposures i.e. outside the medical environment) were prospectively recorded. The impact of the PEP policy on PEP prescription and costs was analysed and modelled. RESULTS: Among 146 putative exposures, 47 involved a source person already known to be HIV positive and 23 had no indication for PEP. The remaining 76 exposures involved a source person of unknown HIV serostatus. Of 33 (43.4%) exposures for which the source person could be contacted and tested, PEP was avoided in 24 (72.7%), initiated and discontinued in seven (21.2%), and prescribed and completed in two (6.1%). In contrast, of 43 (56.6%) exposures for which the source person could not be tested, PEP was prescribed in 35 (81.4%), P < 0.001. Upon modelling, the PEP policy allowed a 31% reduction of cost for management of exposures to source persons of unknown HIV serostatus. The policy was cost-saving for HIV prevalence of up to 70% in the source population. The availability of all the source persons for testing would have reduced cost by 64%. CONCLUSION: In the management of non-occupational HIV exposures, active contacting and free, anonymous testing of source persons proved feasible. This policy resulted in a decrease in prescription of PEP, proved to be cost-saving, and presumably helped to avoid unnecessary toxicity and psychological stress.
In a randomised trial comparing early enteral feeding by gastric and post-pyloric routes, White and colleagues have shown that gastric feeding is possible and efficient in the vast majority of critically ill patients. But the authors' conclusion that gastric is equivalent to post-pyloric is true in only the least severe patients. Given the extra workload and costs, post-pyloric is now clearly indicated in case of gastric feeding failure.
Caspases are best known for their role in apoptosis. More recently, they have gained prominence as critical mediators of innate immune responses. The so-called 'inflammatory caspases' include human caspase-1, -4, -5 and -12 and murine caspase-1, -11 and -12. Of these, caspase-1 is best characterized and serves as the prototype for our understanding of the processing, activation and function of inflammatory caspases. Like their apoptotic counterparts, inflammatory caspases are produced as inactive zymogens and require activation to become proteolytically active. Caspase-1 is activated within the inflammasome, a large cytosolic protein complex that is induced by a growing number of endogenous, microbial, chemical or environmental stimuli. The importance of caspase-1 in initiating innate immune responses is demonstrated by its role in cleaving pro-IL-1 beta and pro-IL-18 to their biologically active forms. New functions have also been implicated, as these proteases and the mechanisms underlying their activation and regulation emerge as important mediators of human health and disease.
BACKGROUND: Progress in perinatal medicine has made it possible to increase the survival of very or extremely low birthweight infants. Developmental outcomes of surviving preterm infants have been analysed at the paediatric, neurological, cognitive, and behavioural levels, and a series of perinatal and environmental risk factors have been identified. The threat to the child's survival and invasive medical procedures can be very traumatic for the parents. Few empirical reports have considered post-traumatic stress reactions of the parents as a possible variable affecting a child's outcome. Some studies have described sleeping and eating problems as related to prematurity; these problems are especially critical for the parents. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of post-traumatic reactions of the parents on sleeping and eating problems of the children. DESIGN: Fifty families with a premature infant (25-33 gestation weeks) and a control group of 25 families with a full term infant participated in the study. Perinatal risks were evaluated during the hospital stay. Mothers and fathers were interviewed when their children were 18 months old about the child's problems and filled in a perinatal post-traumatic stress disorder questionnaire (PPQ). RESULTS: The severity of the perinatal risks only partly predicts a child's problems. Independently of the perinatal risks, the intensity of the post-traumatic reactions of the parents is an important predictor of these problems. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the parental response to premature birth mediates the risks of later adverse outcomes. Preventive intervention should be promoted.
La mise en place d'un suivi post-professionnel, par le médecin traitant, des travailleurs exposés à certaines substances toxiques à effets différés (agents cancérogènes et agents pneumoconiogènes) est indispensable. Toutefois, c'est encore un dispositif complexe actuellement sous-utilisé par les ex-salariés qui pourraient ou devraient en bénéficier.
Deeply incised river networks are generally regarded as robust features that are not easily modified by erosion or tectonics. Although the reorganization of deeply incised drainage systems has been documented, the corresponding importance with regard to the overall landscape evolution of mountain ranges and the factors that permit such reorganizations are poorly understood. To address this problem, we have explored the rapid drainage reorganization that affected the Cahabon River in Guatemala during the Quaternary. Sediment-provenance analysis, field mapping, and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) imaging are used to reconstruct the geometry of the valley before the river was captured. Dating of the abandoned valley sediments by the Be-10-Al-26 burial method and geomagnetic polarity analysis allow us to determine the age of the capture events and then to quantify several processes, such as the rate of tectonic deformation of the paleovalley, the rate of propagation of post-capture drainage reversal, and the rate at which canyons that formed at the capture sites have propagated along the paleovalley. Transtensional faulting started 1 to 3 million years ago, produced ground tilting and ground faulting along the Cahabon River, and thus generated differential uplift rate of 0.3 +/- 0.1 up to 0.7 +/- 0.4 mm . y(-1) along the river's course. The river responded to faulting by incising the areas of relative uplift and depositing a few tens of meters of sediment above the areas of relative subsidence. Then, the river experienced two captures and one avulsion between 700 ky and 100 ky. The captures breached high-standing ridges that separate the Cahabon River from its captors. Captures occurred at specific points where ridges are made permeable by fault damage zones and/or soluble rocks. Groundwater flow from the Cahabon River down to its captors likely increased the erosive power of the captors thus promoting focused erosion of the ridges. Valley-fill formation and capture occurred in close temporal succession, suggesting a genetic link between the two. We suggest that the aquifers accumulated within the valley-fills, increased the head along the subterraneous system connecting the Cahabon River to its captors, and promoted their development. Upon capture, the breached valley experienced widespread drainage reversal toward the capture sites. We attribute the generalized reversal to combined effects of groundwater sapping in the valley-fill, axial drainage obstruction by lateral fans, and tectonic tilting. Drainage reversal increased the size of the captured areas by a factor of 4 to 6. At the capture sites, 500 m deep canyons have been incised into the bedrock and are propagating upstream at a rate of 3 to 11 mm . y(-1) deepening at a rate of 0.7 to 1 5 mm . y(-1). At this rate, 1 to 2 million years will be necessary for headward erosion to completely erase the topographic expression of the paleovalley. It is concluded that the rapid reorganization of this drainage system was made possible by the way the river adjusted to the new tectonic strain field, which involved transient sedimentation along the river's course. If the river had escaped its early reorganization and had been given the time necessary to reach a new dynamic equilibrium, then the transient conditions that promoted capture would have vanished and its vulnerability to capture would have been strongly reduced.
OBJECTIVES Little is known about the stent deformability required for optimal stented heart valve bioprosthesis design. Therefore, two bioprosthetic valves with known good long-term clinical results were tested. The strain in the radial direction of the stent posts of these valves was compared with contemporary bioprosthetic valves and a native porcine aortic root. METHODS Medtronic Intact and Carpentier-Edwards Standard (CES), and four contemporary bioprostheses, including one self-expanding prosthesis, were tested with three sonomicrometry probes per valve fixed at commissure attachment points. The mean values from 2400 data points from three measurements of the interprobe distances were used to calculate the radius of the circle circumscribed around the three probes. Changes in the radius of the aortic root at pressures 70-90 and 120-140 mmHg (pressure during diastole and systole) and that of the stent posts at 70-90 and 0-10 mmHg (transvalvular pressure gradient during diastole and systole) were compared. RESULTS An increase in radius by 7.3 ± 2.6, 8.7 ± 0.0 and 3.9 ± 0.0% for the porcine aortic root, CES and Intact valves, respectively, was observed during transition from diastolic to systolic pressure and less for contemporary bioprostheses-mean 2.5 ± 0.9%, lowest 1.2 ± 0.0. CONCLUSIONS The results indicate that the radial deformability of bioprosthetic valve stent posts can be as low as 1.2% for xenoaortic and 3.0% for xenopericardial prostheses with no compromise of valve durability. Although these results suggest that valve stent post-deformability might not be of critical importance, a concrete answer to the question of the significance of stent deformability for valve durability can be obtained only by acquiring long-term follow-up results for valve prostheses with rigid stents.
NT-proBNP, a marker of cardiac failure, has been shown to be stable in post mortem samples. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of NT-proBNP to detect heart failure in the forensic setting. One hundred sixty-eight consecutive autopsies were included in the study. NT-proBNP blood concentrations were measured using a chemiluminescent immunoassay kit. Cardiac failure was assessed by three independent forensic experts using macro- and microscopic findings complemented by information about the circumstances of body discovery and the known medical story. Area under the receiving operator curve was of 65.4% (CI 95%, from 57.1 to 73.7). Using a standard cut-off value of >220 pg/mL for NT-proBNP blood concentration, heart failure was detected with a sensitivity of 50.7% and a specificity of 72.6%. NT-proBNP vitreous humor values were well correlated to the ones measured in blood (r (2) = 0.658). Our results showed that NT-proBNP can corroborate the pathological findings in cases of natural death related to heart failure, thus, keeping its diagnostic properties passing from the ante mortem to the post mortem setting. Therefore, biologically inactive polypeptides like NT-proBNP seem to be stable enough to be used in forensic medicine as markers of cardiac failure, taking into account the sensitivity and specificity of the test.
Optimal behavior relies on flexible adaptation to environmental requirements, notably based on the detection of errors. The impact of error detection on subsequent behavior typically manifests as a slowing down of RTs following errors. Precisely how errors impact the processing of subsequent stimuli and in turn shape behavior remains unresolved. To address these questions, we used an auditory spatial go/no-go task where continual feedback informed participants of whether they were too slow. We contrasted auditory-evoked potentials to left-lateralized go and right no-go stimuli as a function of performance on the preceding go stimuli, generating a 2 × 2 design with "preceding performance" (fast hit [FH], slow hit [SH]) and stimulus type (go, no-go) as within-subject factors. SH trials yielded SH trials on the following trials more often than did FHs, supporting our assumption that SHs engaged effects similar to errors. Electrophysiologically, auditory-evoked potentials modulated topographically as a function of preceding performance 80-110 msec poststimulus onset and then as a function of stimulus type at 110-140 msec, indicative of changes in the underlying brain networks. Source estimations revealed a stronger activity of prefrontal regions to stimuli after successful than error trials, followed by a stronger response of parietal areas to the no-go than go stimuli. We interpret these results in terms of a shift from a fast automatic to a slow controlled form of inhibitory control induced by the detection of errors, manifesting during low-level integration of task-relevant features of subsequent stimuli, which in turn influences response speed.
Arenaviruses are enveloped negative-strand RNA viruses that contain a bi-segmented genome. They are rodent-borne pathogens endemic to the Americas and Africa, with the exception of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) that is world-wide distributed. The arenaviruses include numerous important human pathogens including the Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV), the causative agent of a severe viral hemorrhagic fever in humans with several hundred thousand infections per year in Africa and thousands of deaths. Viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites, strictly depending on cellular processes and factors to complete their replication cycle. The binding of a virus to target cells is the first step of every viral infection, and is mainly mediated by viral proteins that can directly engage cellular receptors, providing a key determinant for viral tropism. This early step of infection represents a promising target to block the pathogen before it can take control over the host cell. Old World arenaviruses, such as LASV and LCMV, bind to host cells via attachment to their main receptor, dystroglycan (DG), an ubiquitous receptor for extracellular matrix proteins. The engagement of DG by LASV results in a fast internalization and transfer the virus to late endosomal compartment suggesting that the virus binding to DG causes marked changes in the dynamics of the receptor. These events could result in the clustering of the receptor and subsequent induction of signaling that could be modulated by the virus. Recently, numerous findings also suggest the presence of alternative receptor(s) for LASV in absence of the main DG receptor. In my first project, I was interested to investigate the effects of virus-receptor binding on the tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of DG and to test if this post-translational modification was crucial for the internalization of the LASV-receptor complex. We found that engagement of cellular DG by a recombinant LCMV expressing the envelope GP of LASV in human epithelial cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of DG. LASV GP binding to DG further resulted in dissociation of the adapter protein utrophin from virus-bound DG. Virus-induced dissociation of utrophin and consequent virus internalization were affected by the broadly specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. We speculate that the detachment of virus- bound DG from the actin-based cytoskeleton following DG phosphorylation may facilitate subsequent endocytosis of the virus-receptor complex. In the second project, I was interested to characterize the newly indentified LASV alternative receptor Axl in the context of productive arenavirus infection. In a first step, we demonstrated that Axl supports productive infection by rLCMV-LASVGP in a DG-independent manner. In line with previous studies, cell entry of rLCMV-LASVGP via Axl was less efficient when compared to functional DG. Interestingly, Axl-mediated infection showed rapid kinetics similar to DG-dependent entry. Using a panel of inhibitors, we found that Axl-mediated cell entry of rLCMV-LASVGP involved a clathrin-independent pathway that critically depended on actin and dynamin and was sensitive to EIPA but not to PAK inhibitors, compatible with a macropinocytosis-like mechanism of entry. In a next step, we aimed to investigate the molecular mechanism by which rLCMV-LASVGP recognizes Axl. Phosphatidylserine (PS) is the natural ligand of Axl via the adaptor protein Gas6. We detected the presence of PS in the envelope of Old World arenaviruses, suggesting that PS could mediate Axl-virus binding, in a mechanism of apoptotic mimicry already described for other viruses. Whether envelope PS and/or the GP of LASV plays any role in virus entry via Axl is still an open question. The molecular mechanisms underlying host cell-virus interaction are of particular interest to answer basic scientific questions as well as to apply key findings to translational research. Understanding pathogen induced-signaling and its link to invasion of the host cell is of great importance to develop drugs for therapeutic intervention against highly pathogenic viruses like LASV. - Les Arenavirus sont des virus enveloppés à ARN négatifs organisés sous forme de génome bisegmenté. Ils sont véhiculés par les rongeurs et se retrouvent de manière endémique aux Amériques et en Afrique avec l'exception du virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) qui lui est distribué mondialement. De nombreux pathogènes humains font parti de la famille des Arenavirus dont le virus de l'Ancien Monde Lassa (LASV), un agent responsable de fièvres hémorragiques sévères chez les humains. Le virus de Lassa cause plusieurs centaines de milliers d'infections par année en Afrique ainsi que des milliers de morts. De manière générale, les virus sont des parasites intracellulaires obligatoires qui dépendent strictement de processus et facteurs cellulaires pour clore leur cycle de réplication. L'attachement d'un virus à sa cellule cible représente la première étape de chaque infection virale et est principalement dirigée par des protéines virales qui interagissent directement avec leur récepteurs cellulaires respectifs fournissant ainsi un indicateur déterminant pour le tropisme d'un virus. Cette première étape de l'infection représente aussi une cible prometteuse pour bloquer le pathogène avant qu'il ne puisse prendre le contrôle de la cellule. Les Arenavirus de l'Ancien Monde comme LASV et LCMV s'attachent à la cellule hôte en se liant à leur récepteur principal, le dystroglycan (DG), un récepteur ubiquitaire pour les protéines de la matrice extracellulaire. La liaison du DG par LASV résulte en une rapide internalisation transférant le virus aux endosomes tardifs suggérant ainsi que l'attachement du virus au DG peut provoquer des changements marqués dans la dynamique moléculaire du récepteur. Ces événements sont susceptibles d'induire un regroupement du récepteur à la surface cellulaire, ainsi qu'une induction subséquente qui pourrait être, par la suite, modulée par le virus. Récemment, plusieurs découvertes suggèrent aussi la présence d'un récepteur alternatif pour LASV en l'absence du récepteur principal, le DG. Concernant mon premier projet, j'étais intéressée à étudier les effets de la liaison virus- récepteur sur la phosphorylation des acides aminés tyrosines se trouvant dans la partie cytoplasmique du DG, le but étant de tester si cette modification post-translationnelle était cruciale pour Γ internalisation du complexe LASV-DG récepteur. Nous avons découvert que l'engagement du récepteur DG par le virus recombinant LCMV, exprimant la glycoprotéine de LASV, dans des cellules épithéliales humaines induit une phosphorylation de résidu(s) tyrosine se situant dans le domaine cytoplasmique du DG. La liaison de la glycoprotéine de LASV au DG induit par la suite la dissociation de la protéine adaptatrice utrophine du complexe virus-DG récepteur. Nous avons observé que cette dissociation de l'utrophine, induite par le virus, ainsi que son internalisation, sont affectées par l'inhibiteur à large spectre des tyrosines kinases, la génistéine. Nous avons donc supposé que le détachement du virus, lié au récepteur DG, du cytosquelette d'actine suite à la phosphorylation du DG faciliterait l'endocytose subséquente du complexe virus-récepteur. Dans le second projet, j'étais intéressée à caractériser le récepteur alternatif Axl qui a été récemment identifié dans le contexte de l'infection productive des Arenavirus. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que le récepteur alternatif Axl permet l'infection des cellules par le virus LCMV recombinant LASV indépendamment du récepteur DG. Conformément aux études publiées précédemment, nous avons pu observer que l'entrée du virus recombinant LASV via Axl est moins efficace que via le récepteur principal DG. De façon intéressante, nous avons aussi remarqué que l'infection autorisée par Axl manifeste une cinétique virale d'entrée similaire à celle observée avec le récepteur DG. Utilisant un éventail de différents inhibiteurs, nous avons trouvé que l'entrée du virus recombinant rLCMV-LASVGP via Axl implique une voie d'entrée indépendante de la clathrine et dépendant de manière critique de l'actine et de la dynamine. Cette nouvelle voie d'entrée est aussi sensible à l'EIPA contrairement aux inhibiteurs PAK indiquant un mécanisme d'entrée compatible avec un mécanisme de macropinocytose. L'étape suivante du projet a été d'investiguer le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel le virus recombinant rLCMV-LASVGP reconnaît le récepteur alternatif Axl. La phosphatidylsérine (PS) se trouve être un ligand naturel pour Axl via la protéine adaptatrice Gas6. Nous avons détecté la présence de PS dans l'enveloppe des Arenavirus du Vieux Monde suggérant que la PS pourrait médier la liaison du virus à Axl dans un mécanisme de mimétisme apoptotique déjà observé et décrit pour d'autres virus. Cependant, il reste encore à déterminer qui de la PS ou de la glycoprotéine de l'enveloppe virale intervient dans le processus d'entrée de LASV via le récepteur alternatif Axl. Les mécanismes moléculaires à la base de l'interaction entre virus et cellule hôte sont d'intérêts particuliers pour répondre aux questions scientifiques de base ainsi que dans l'application de découvertes clés pour la recherche translationnelle. La compréhension de la signalisation induite par les pathogènes ainsi que son lien à l'invasion de la cellule hôte est d'une importance considérable pour le développement de drogues pour l'intervention thérapeutique contre les virus hautement pathogènes comme LASV.
BACKGROUND: The rotator cuff muscles are the main stabilizer of the glenohumeral joint. After total shoulder arthroplasty using anterior approaches, a dysfunction of the subscapularis muscle has been reported. In the present paper we tested the hypothesis that a deficient subscapularis following total shoulder arthroplasty can induce joint instability. METHODS: To test this hypothesis we have developed an EMG-driven musculoskeletal model of the glenohumeral joint. The model was based on an algorithm that minimizes the difference between measured and predicted muscular activities, while satisfying the mechanical equilibrium of the glenohumeral joint. A movement of abduction in the scapular plane was simulated. We compared a normal and deficient subscapularis. Muscle forces, joint force, contact pattern and humeral head translation were evaluated. FINDINGS: To satisfy the mechanical equilibrium, a deficient subscapularis induced a decrease of the force of the infraspinatus muscle. This force decrease was balanced by an increase of the supraspinatus and middle deltoid. As a consequence, the deficient subscapularis induced an upward migration of the humeral head, an eccentric contact pattern and higher stress within the cement. INTERPRETATION: These results confirm the importance of the suscapularis for the long-term stability of total shoulder arthroplasty.
OBJECTIVES: Women with a history of preeclampsia (PE) are at increased risk of long term cardiovascular and end-stage renal diseases. However, follow up of preeclamptic women is often omitted, mainly due to a weakness of knowledge of maternal caregivers and lack of comprehensive guidelines. The aim of this study was to define the prevalence of albuminuria, high blood pressure, and renal dysfunction 6 weeks after a preeclampsia. METHODS: This is a prospective case-control study comparing women presenting with preeclampsia to an unmatched control group of women with no hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. A complete medical assessment was performed at 6 weeks post-partum. Recruitment started in June 2010. RESULTS: 324 women were included in the PE group and 50 in the control one. Characteristics of both groups and results of the medical work-up at 6 weeks post-partum are presented in Table 1. Women with preeclampsia presented with a higher BMI, higher prevalence of office high blood pressure, pathological albuminuria and renal hyper-filtration than women in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of post-partum hypertension, and renal dysfunction is higher in women with PE than in uncomplicated pregnancies. Systematic assessment of renal risk factors 6 weeks after preeclampsia allows identification of high-risk women and early implementation of preventive and therapeutic strategies. DISCLOSURES: A. Ditisheim: None. B. Ponte: None. G. Wuerzner: None. M. Burnier: None. M. Boulvain: None. A. Pechère-Bertschi: None.