430 resultados para European landscapes


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IMPORTANCE: The best treatment option for primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL) without signs of central nervous system lymphoma (CNSL) involvement determined on magnetic resonance imaging or in cerebrospinal fluid is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcomes of treatment regimens used for PVRL in the prevention of subsequent CNSL. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted at 17 referral ophthalmologic centers in Europe. We reviewed clinical, laboratory, and imaging data on 78 patients with PVRL who did not have CNSL on presentation between January 1, 1991, and December 31, 2012, with a focus on the incidence of CNS manifestations during the follow-up period. INTERVENTIONS: The term extensive treatment was used for various combinations of systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy, whole-brain radiotherapy, and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Therapy to prevent CNSL included ocular radiotherapy and/or ocular chemotherapy (group A, 31 patients), extensive systemic treatment (group B, 21 patients), and a combination of ocular and extensive treatment (group C, 23 patients); 3 patients did not receive treatment. A total of 40 patients received systemic chemotherapy. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Development of CNSL following the diagnosis of PVRL relative to the use or nonuse of systemic chemotherapy and other treatment regimens. RESULTS: Overall, CNSL developed in 28 of 78 patients (36%) at a median follow-up of 49 months. Specifically, CNSL developed in 10 of 31 (32%) in group A, 9 of 21 (43%) in group B, and 9 of 23 (39%) in group C. The 5-year cumulative survival rate was lower in patients with CNSL (35% [95% CI, 50% to 86%]) than in patients without CNSL (68% [95% CI, 19% to 51%]; P = .003) and was similar among all treatment groups (P = .10). Adverse systemic effects occurred in 9 of 40 (23%) patients receiving systemic chemotherapy; the most common of these effects was acute renal failure. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In the present series of patients with isolated PVRL, the use of systemic chemotherapy was not proven to prevent CNSL and was associated with more severe adverse effects compared with local treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify pregnancy-related risk factors for different manifestations of congenital anorectal malformations (ARMs). DESIGN: A population-based case-control study. SETTING: Seventeen EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) registries, 1980-2008. POPULATION: The study population consisted of 1417 cases with ARM, including 648 cases of isolated ARM, 601 cases of ARM with additional congenital anomalies, and 168 cases of ARM-VACTERL (vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheo-esophageal, renal, and limb defects), along with 13 371 controls with recognised syndromes or chromosomal abnormalities. METHODS: Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for potential risk factors for ARM, such as fertility treatment, multiple pregnancy, primiparity, maternal illnesses during pregnancy, and pregnancy-related complications. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adjusted ORs for pregnancy-related risk factors for ARM. RESULTS: The ARM cases were more likely to be firstborn than the controls (OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.4-1.8). Fertility treatment and being one of twins or triplets seemed to increase the risk of ARM in cases with additional congenital anomalies or VACTERL (ORs ranging from 1.6 to 2.5). Maternal fever during pregnancy and pre-eclampsia were only associated with ARM when additional congenital anomalies were present (OR 3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6; OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.6-7.1, respectively), whereas maternal epilepsy during pregnancy resulted in a five-fold elevated risk of all manifestations of ARM (OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.7-15.6). CONCLUSIONS: This large European study identified maternal epilepsy, fertility treatment, multiple pregnancy, primiparity, pre-eclampsia, and maternal fever during pregnancy as potential risk factors primarily for complex manifestations of ARM with additional congenital anomalies and VACTERL.


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Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become an established imaging modality which provides often unique information on a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) training curriculum reflects the emerging role of CMR by recommending that all trainees obtain a minimum level of training in CMR and by defining criteria for subspecialty training in CMR. 1 The wider use of CMR requires the definition of standards for data acquisition, reporting, and training in CMR across Europe. At the same time, training and accreditation in all cardiac imaging methods should be harmonized and integrated to promote the training of cardiac imaging specialists. The recommendations presented in this document are intended to inform the discussion about standards for accreditation and certification in CMR in Europe and the discussion on integrated imaging training. At present, the recommendations in this position statement are not to be interpreted as guidelines. Until such guidelines are available and nationally ratified, physicians will be able to train and practice CMR according to current national regulations.


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Sequencing of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene (732 base pairs) in samples of Apodemus sylvaticus from Central Europe (eastern France, Switzerland, southern Germany and western Austria) revealed significant molecular variation not reflected in previous morphological and genetic studies of this species. A comparison with the sequences (150 bp) of 54 specimens available from GenBank (NCBI) showed that two problematic individuals originating from southern Germany have to be assigned to A. fulvipectus, a species not yet known in western Europe. A. sylvaticus specimens (n = 14) sampled north of the Alps exhibited a maximum intraspecific sequence divergence of about 5.1%, whereas the maximum divergence is much Lower in A. flavicollis (1%, n = 5) and in A. alpicola (0.5%, n = 4), although the samples originate from a similar geographic range of about 350 km. We also found a high rate of erroneously assigned specimens in GenBank, which indicates that the discrimination of Apodemus species remains a problem and requires further investigations.


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l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRMC) est une technologie utilisée depuis les aimées quatre¬-vingts dans le monde de la cardiologie. Cette technique d'imagerie non-invasive permet d'acquérir Ses images du coeur en trois dimensions, dans n'importe quel, plan, sans application de radiation, et en haute résolution. Actuellement, cette technique est devenue un référence dans l'évaluation et 'l'investigation de différentes pathologies cardiaques. La morphologie cardiaque, la fonction des ventricules ainsi que leur contraction, la perfusion tissulaire ainsi que la viabilité tissulaire peuvent être caractérisés en utilisant différentes séquences d'imagerie. Cependant, cette technologie repose sur des principes physiques complexes et la mise en pratique de cette technique se heurte à la difficulté d'évaluer un organe en mouvement permanent. L'IRM cardiaque est donc sujette à différents artefacts qui perturbent l'interprétation des examens et peuvent diminuer la précision diagnostique de cette technique. A notre connaissance, la plupart des images d'IRMC sont analysées et interprétées sans évaluation rigoureuse de la qualité intrinsèque de l'examen. Jusqu'à présent, et à notre connaissance, aucun critère d'évaluation de la qualité des examens d'IRMC n'a été clairement déterminé. L'équipe d'IRMC du CHUV, dirigée par le Prof J. Schwitter, a recensé une liste de 35 critères qualitatifs et 12 critères quantitatifs évaluant la qualité d'un examen d'IRMC et les a introduit dans une grille d'évaluation. L'objet de cette étude est de décrire et de valider la reproductibilité des critères figurant dans cette grille d'évaluation, par l'interprétation simultanée d'examens IRMC par différents observateurs (cardiologues spécialisés en IRM, étudiant en médecine, infirmière spécialisée). Notre étude a permis de démontrer que les critères définis pour l'évaluation des examens d'IRMC sont robustes, et permettent une bonne reproductibilité intra- et inter-observateurs. Cette étude valide ainsi l'utilisation de ces critères de qualité dans le cadre de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique cardiaque. D'autres études sont encore nécessaires afin de déterminer l'impact de la qualité de l'image sur la précision diagnostique de cette technique. Les critères standardisés que nous avons validés seront utilisés pour évaluer la qualité des images dans le cadre d'une étude à échelle européenne relative à l'IRMC : "l'EuroCMR registry". Parmi les autres utilités visées par ces critères de qualité, citons notamment la possibilité d'avoir une référence d'évaluation de la qualité d'examen pour toutes les futures études cliniques utilisant la technologie d'IRMC, de permettre aux centres d'IRMC de quantifier leur niveau de qualité, voire de créer un certificat de standard de qualité pour ces centres, d'évaluer la reproductibilité de l'évaluation des images par différents observateurs d'un même centre, ou encore d'évaluer précisément la qualité des séquences développées à l'avenir dans le monde de l'IRMC.


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OBJECTIVES: To review and update the evidence on predictors of poor outcome (death, persistent vegetative state or severe neurological disability) in adult comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, to identify knowledge gaps and to suggest a reliable prognostication strategy. METHODS: GRADE-based systematic review followed by expert consensus achieved using Web-based Delphi methodology, conference calls and face-to-face meetings. Predictors based on clinical examination, electrophysiology, biomarkers and imaging were included. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from a total of 73 studies was reviewed. The quality of evidence was low or very low for almost all studies. In patients who are comatose with absent or extensor motor response at ≥72 h from arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, bilateral absence of either pupillary and corneal reflexes or N20 wave of short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials were identified as the most robust predictors. Early status myoclonus, elevated values of neuron-specific enolase at 48-72 h from arrest, unreactive malignant EEG patterns after rewarming, and presence of diffuse signs of postanoxic injury on either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were identified as useful but less robust predictors. Prolonged observation and repeated assessments should be considered when results of initial assessment are inconclusive. Although no specific combination of predictors is sufficiently supported by available evidence, a multimodal prognostication approach is recommended in all patients.


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The detrimental effects of genetic erosion on small isolated populations are widely recognized contrary to their interactions with environmental changes. The ability of genotypes to plastically respond to variability is probably essential for the persistence of these populations. Genetic erosion impact may be exacerbated if inbreeding affects plastic responses or if their maintenance were at higher phenotypic costs. To understand the interplay 'genetic erosion-fitness-phenotypic plasticity', we experimentally compared, in different environments, the larval performances and plastic responses to predation of European tree frogs (Hyla arborea) from isolated and connected populations. Tadpoles from isolated populations were less performant, but the traits affected were environmental dependant. Heterosis observed in crosses between isolated populations allowed attributing their low fitness to inbreeding. Phenotypic plasticity can be maintained in the face of genetic erosion as inducible defences in response to predator were identical in all populations. However, the higher survival and developmental costs for isolated populations in harsh conditions may lead to an additional fitness loss for isolated populations.


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Based on conclusions drawn from general climatic impact assessment in mountain regions, the review synthesizes results relevant to the European Alps published mainly from 1994 onward in the fields of population genetics, ecophysiology, phenology, phytogeography, modeling, paleoecology and vegetation dynamics. Other important factors of global change interacting synergistically with climatic factors are also mentioned, such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, eutrophication, ozone or changes in land-use. Topics addressed are general species distribution and populations (persistence, acclimation, genetic variability, dispersal, fragmentation, plant/animal interaction, species richness, conservation), potential response of vegetation (ecotonal shift - area, physiography - changes in the composition, structural changes), phenology, growth and productivity, and landscape. In conclusion, the European Alps appear to have a natural inertia and thus to tolerate an increase of 1-2 K of mean air temperature as far as plant species and ecosystems are concerned in general. However, the impact of land-use is very likely to negate this buffer in many areas. For a change of the order of 3 K or more, profound changes may be expected.


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Capsule We report a review of the occurrence of bats in the Barn Owl diet Tyto alba in Europe. Based on 802 studies reporting 4.02 million prey items identified in pellets, 4949 were bats (0.12%). We found that bat predation decreased during the last 150 years, is more frequent on islands than mainland, and is higher in eastern than western Europe and in southern than northern Europe. Although Barn Owls usually capture bats opportunistically, they can sometimes specialize on them.


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Background:  The relationship between phoneme awareness, rapid automatized naming (RAN), verbal short-term/working memory (ST/WM) and diagnostic category is investigated in control and dyslexic children, and the extent to which this depends on orthographic complexity. Methods:  General cognitive, phonological and literacy skills were tested in 1,138 control and 1,114 dyslexic children speaking six different languages spanning a large range of orthographic complexity (Finnish, Hungarian, German, Dutch, French, English). Results:  Phoneme deletion and RAN were strong concurrent predictors of developmental dyslexia, while verbal ST/WM and general verbal abilities played a comparatively minor role. In logistic regression models, more participants were classified correctly when orthography was more complex. The impact of phoneme deletion and RAN-digits was stronger in complex than in less complex orthographies. Conclusions:  Findings are largely consistent with the literature on predictors of dyslexia and literacy skills, while uniquely demonstrating how orthographic complexity exacerbates some symptoms of dyslexia.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of ultrasound scanning to the prenatal detection of trisomy 21 in a large unselected European population. Data from 19 congenital malformation registers in 11 European countries were included. The prenatal ultrasound screening programs in the countries ranged from no routine screening to three ultrasound investigations per patient. Routine serum screening was offered in four of the 11 countries and routine screening on the basis of maternal age amniocentesis in all. The results show that overall 53% of cases of trisomy 21 were detected prenatally with a range from 3% in Lithuania to 88% in Paris. Ninety-eight percent of women whose babies were diagnosed before 24 weeks gestation chose to terminate the pregnancy. Centres/countries that offer serum screening do not have a significantly higher detection rate of trisomy 21 when compared to those that offer maternal age amniocentesis and anomaly scanning only. Fifty percent of trisomy 21 cases were born to women aged 35 years or more. In conclusions, second trimester ultrasound plays an important role in the prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21. Of those cases prenatally diagnosed, 64% of cases in women <35 years and 36% of those in women >or=35 years were detected because of an ultrasound finding. Ultrasound soft markers accounted for 84% of the scan diagnoses. There is evidence of increasing maternal age across Europe with 50% of cases of trisomy 21 born to women aged 35 years or more.