278 resultados para Avvakum Petrovich, Protopope, 1620 or 1-1682
Background: Visual analog scales (VAS) are used to assess readiness to changeconstructs, which are often considered critical for change.Objective: We studied whether 3 constructs -readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence inability to change- predict risk status 6 months later in 20 year-old men with either orboth of two behaviors: risky drinking and smoking. Methods: 577 participants in abrief intervention randomized trial were assessed at baseline and 6 months later onalcohol and tobacco consumption and with three 1-10 VAS (readiness, importance,confidence) for each behavior. For each behavior, we used one regression model foreach constructs. Models controlled for receipt of a brief intervention and used thelowest level (1-4) in each construct as the reference group (vs medium (5-7) and high(8-10) levels).Results: Among the 475 risky drinkers, mean (SD) readiness, importance and confidence to change drinking were 4.0 (3.1), 2.8 (2.2) and 7.2 (3.0).Readiness was not associated with being alcohol-risk free 6 months later (OR 1.3[0.7; 2.2] and 1.4 [0.8; 2.6] for medium and high readiness). High importance andhigh confidence were associated with being risk free (OR 0.9 [0.5; 1.8] and 2.9 [1.2;7.5] for medium and high importance; 2.1 [1.0;4.8] and 2.8 [1.5;5.6] for medium andhigh confidence). Among the 320 smokers, mean readiness, importance andconfidence to change smoking were 4.6 (2.6), 5.3 (2.6) and 5.9 (2.6). Neitherreadiness nor importance were associated with being smoking free (OR 2.1 [0.9; 4.7]and 2.1 [0.8; 5.8] for medium and high readiness; 1.4 [0.6; 3.4] and 2.1 [0.8; 5.4] formedium and high importance). High confidence was associated with being smokingfree (OR 2.2 [0.8;6.6] and 3.4 [1.2;9.8] for medium and high confidence).Conclusions: For drinking and smoking, high confidence in ability to change wasassociated -with similar magnitude- with a favorable outcome. This points to thevalue of confidence as an important predictor of successful change.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Hyperglycemia after stroke is associated with larger infarct volume and poorer functional outcome. In an animal stroke model, the association between serum glucose and infarct volume is described by a U-shaped curve with a nadir ≈7 mmol/L. However, a similar curve in human studies was never reported. The objective of the present study is to investigate the association between serum glucose levels and functional outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: We analyzed 1446 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke. Serum glucose was measured on admission at the emergency department together with multiple other metabolic, clinical, and radiological parameters. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was recorded at 24 hours, and Rankin score was recorded at 3 and 12 months. The association between serum glucose and favorable outcome (Rankin score ≤2) was explored in univariate and multivariate analysis. The model was further analyzed in a robust regression model based on fractional polynomial (-2-2) functions. RESULTS: Serum glucose is independently correlated with functional outcome at 12 months (OR, 1.15; P=0.01). Other predictors of outcome include admission NIHSS score (OR, 1.18; P<0001), age (OR, 1.06; P<0.001), prestroke Rankin score (OR, 20.8; P=0.004), and leukoaraiosis (OR, 2.21; P=0.016). Using these factors in multiple logistic regression analysis, the area under the receiver-operator characteristic curve is 0.869. The association between serum glucose and Rankin score at 12 months is described by a J-shaped curve with a nadir of 5 mmol/L. Glucose values between 3.7 and 7.3 mmol/L are associated with favorable outcome. A similar curve was generated for the association of glucose and 24-hour NIHSS score, for which glucose values between 4.0 and 7.2 mmol/L are associated with a NIHSS score <7. Discussion-Both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are dangerous in acute ischemic stroke as shown by a J-shaped association between serum glucose and 24-hour and 12-month outcome. Initial serum glucose values between 3.7 and 7.3 mmol/L are associated with favorable outcome.
OBJECTIVES: Inequalities and inequities in health are an important public health concern. In Switzerland, mortality in the general population varies according to the socio-economic position (SEP) of neighbourhoods. We examined the influence of neighbourhood SEP on presentation and outcomes in HIV-positive individuals in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). METHODS: The neighbourhood SEP of patients followed in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) 2000-2013 was obtained on the basis of 2000 census data on the 50 nearest households (education and occupation of household head, rent, mean number of persons per room). We used Cox and logistic regression models to examine the probability of late presentation, virologic response to cART, loss to follow-up and death across quintiles of neighbourhood SEP. RESULTS: A total of 4489 SHCS participants were included. Presentation with advanced disease [CD4 cell count <200 cells/μl or AIDS] and with AIDS was less common in neighbourhoods of higher SEP: the age and sex-adjusted odds ratio (OR) comparing the highest with the lowest quintile of SEP was 0.71 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.58-0.87] and 0.59 (95% CI 0.45-0.77), respectively. An undetectable viral load at 6 months of cART was more common in the highest than in the lowest quintile (OR 1.52; 95% CI 1.14-2.04). Loss to follow-up, mortality and causes of death were not associated with neighbourhood SEP. CONCLUSION: Late presentation was more common and virologic response to cART less common in HIV-positive individuals living in neighbourhoods of lower SEP, but in contrast to the general population, there was no clear trend for mortality.
BACKGROUND: Up to 5% of patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) four or more times within a 12 month period represent 21% of total ED visits. In this study we sought to characterize social and medical vulnerability factors of ED frequent users (FUs) and to explore if these factors hold simultaneously. METHODS: We performed a case-control study at Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Patients over 18 years presenting to the ED at least once within the study period (April 2008 toMarch 2009) were included. FUs were defined as patients with four or more ED visits within the previous 12 months. Outcome data were extracted from medical records of the first ED attendance within the study period. Outcomes included basic demographics and social variables, ED admission diagnosis, somatic and psychiatric days hospitalized over 12 months, and having a primary care physician.We calculated the percentage of FUs and non-FUs having at least one social and one medical vulnerability factor. The four chosen social factors included: unemployed and/or dependence on government welfare, institutionalized and/or without fixed residence, either separated, divorced or widowed, and under guardianship. The fourmedical vulnerability factors were: ≥6 somatic days hospitalized, ≥1 psychiatric days hospitalized, ≥5 clinical departments used (all three factors measured over 12 months), and ED admission diagnosis of alcohol and/or drug abuse. Univariate and multivariate logistical regression analyses allowed comparison of two JGIM ABSTRACTS S391 random samples of 354 FUs and 354 non-FUs (statistical power 0.9, alpha 0.05 for all outcomes except gender, country of birth, and insurance type). RESULTS: FUs accounted for 7.7% of ED patients and 24.9% of ED visits. Univariate logistic regression showed that FUs were older (mean age 49.8 vs. 45.2 yrs, p=0.003),more often separated and/or divorced (17.5%vs. 13.9%, p=0.029) or widowed (13.8% vs. 8.8%, p=0.029), and either unemployed or dependent on government welfare (31.3% vs. 13.3%, p<0.001), compared to non-FUs. FUs cumulated more days hospitalized over 12 months (mean number of somatic days per patient 1.0 vs. 0.3, p<0.001; mean number of psychiatric days per patient 0.12 vs. 0.03, p<0.001). The two groups were similar regarding gender distribution (females 51.7% vs. 48.3%). The multivariate linear regression model was based on the six most significant factors identified by univariate analysis The model showed that FUs had more social problems, as they were more likely to be institutionalized or not have a fixed residence (OR 4.62; 95% CI, 1.65 to 12.93), and to be unemployed or dependent on government welfare (OR 2.03; 95% CI, 1.31 to 3.14) compared to non-FUs. FUs were more likely to need medical care, as indicated by involvement of≥5 clinical departments over 12 months (OR 6.2; 95%CI, 3.74 to 10.15), having an ED admission diagnosis of substance abuse (OR 3.23; 95% CI, 1.23 to 8.46) and having a primary care physician (OR 1.70;95%CI, 1.13 to 2.56); however, they were less likely to present with an admission diagnosis of injury (OR 0.64; 95% CI, 0.40 to 1.00) compared to non-FUs. FUs were more likely to combine at least one social with one medical vulnerability factor (38.4% vs. 12.1%, OR 7.74; 95% CI 5.03 to 11.93). CONCLUSIONS: FUs were more likely than non-FUs to have social and medical vulnerability factors and to have multiple factors in combination.
The potential consequences of early and late puberty on the psychological and behavioural development of the adolescent are not well known. This paper presents focused analyses from the Swiss SMASH study, a self-administered questionnaire survey conducted among a representative sample of 7488 adolescents from 16 to 20 years old. Data from participants reporting early or late timing of puberty were compared with those reporting average timing of maturation. Early maturing girls reported a higher rate of dissatisfaction with body image (OR=1.32) and functional symptoms (OR=1.52) and reported engaging in sexual activity more often (OR=1.93). Early maturing boys reported engaging in exploratory behaviours (sexual intercourse, legal and illegal substance use) at a significantly higher rate (OR varying between 1.4 and 1.99). Both early and late maturing boys reported higher rates of dysfunctional eating patterns (OR=1.59 and 1.38, respectively), victimisation (OR=1.61 and 1.37, respectively) and depressive symptoms (OR=2.11 and 1.53, respectively). Clinicians should take into account the pubertal stage of their patients and provide them, as well as their parents, with appropriate counselling in the field of mental health and health behaviour.
A national information program, focusing on the main recognized risk factors (primary prevention) and on the potential benefits of early detection (secondary prevention) of cutaneous malignant melanoma, was launched in Switzerland in May 1988. The first campaign, based on a pilot study conducted in 1986 in the canton of Basel, was followed by a recall campaign in July 1989. This report describes the organization of this program and presents an assessment of its initial impact. The number of newly diagnosed cases increased more than twofold (+ 116%) in the two months following the launch of the first campaign (May to June 1988). This trend was accompanied by a statistically significant shift of case distribution towards younger ages (< 60 years; p = 0.003), and a non-significant shift was observed towards less advanced lesions (thickness < or = 1.5 mm). The incidence decreased quickly, though in the twelve month period between the two campaigns it remained 21% higher than before the inception of the program. No appreciable effects were detected from the recall campaign and no difference was seen among regions or between sexes.
L'agitation postopératoire chez les patients adultes dans les premières heures après le réveil¦est un domaine peu étudié. Nous avons effectué des recherches pour trouver des études¦concernant l'agitation postopératoire sur Pubmed pour les 10 dernières années. Les termes de¦recherche étaient agitation, emergence delirium, facteurs de risques (anglais : risk factors),¦agitation treatment, Riker scale. Ceci n'a permis de trouver que 2 études à propos de ce sujet.¦Pourtant, elle concerne environ 5% (1) (2) des patients adultes opérés, ce qui n'est pas¦négligeable.¦En effet, elle peut avoir de sérieuses conséquences en terme de lésions des patients¦(arrachement de cathéter, de tube d'intubation) ou du personnel soignant, ainsi qu'en terme de¦coûts occasionnés par les différentes complications.¦Selon l'étude de Lepousé (1) et l'étude de Radtke (2), certains facteurs seraient déterminants¦dans la survenue de l'agitation postopératoire, dont quelques-uns sont évitables.¦Dans l'étude observationnelle prospective de Radtke (2), il a déjà été démontré que l'âge était¦en lien avec l'agitation postopératoire. Les tranches d'âge les plus à risque sont : les moins de¦40 ans (18-39 ans) (OR=2.1, CI=1.1-3.8, p=0.02) et les plus de 64 ans (OR=2.1, CI=1.1-3.4,¦p=0.02). Les études de Lepousé (1) et de Radtke (2) ont montré que la prémédication par¦benzodiazépines pourrait aussi être un facteur de risque (Lepousé (1): CI=1.1-3.3, p=0.02)¦(Radtke (2): OR=2.4, CI=1.0-5.6, p≤0.05). L'intensité de la douleur est également liée à la¦survenue d'une agitation postopératoire (OR=1.8, CI=1.0-3.0, p<0.04) (2). D'autres facteurs¦comme certains médicaments utilisés lors de l'anesthésie (l'étomidate) (2), le type de¦chirurgie [abdominale (1) (2), musculosquelettique (2), de la tête et du cou(2), de la¦poitrine(1)] seraient en lien avec la survenue d'une agitation postopératoire.¦4¦Il restait toutefois beaucoup de facteurs dont la relation avec l'agitation postopératoire n'avait¦pas été évaluée ou dont l'étude n'a pas eu de résultat significatif [par exemple, les¦benzodiazépines à long terme (1), ou l'anesthésie locorégionale(2)].¦Le but de cette étude était premièrement de déterminer si la fréquence de l'agitation¦postopératoire dans la population prise en compte ici est comparable à celle observée dans les¦études de Radtke et de Lepousé.¦Ensuite il s'agissait d'identifier, lors d'agitation postopératoire chez des patients adultes,¦parmi certains facteurs possibles, ceux pouvant être en lien avec l'agitation postopératoire, et¦s'ils étaient similaires à ceux retrouvés dans les études déjà publiées.¦Les comorbidités sont un de ces facteurs. La dose de benzodiazépines dans les 24 heures¦précédent l'intervention, ainsi que les benzodiazépines en médication chronique, par un effet¦paradoxal, pourraient être en lien avec un état d'agitation. Dans le même ordre d'idée, nous¦avons comparé le type d'anesthésie utilisé, locorégionale versus générale ou combinée, avec¦la survenue de cet état. Nous nous sommes aussi penchés sur la dose intraopératoire totale¦d'opioïdes et l'administration intraopératoire d'atropine, médicaments largement utilisés lors¦des interventions, et qui seraient des facteurs modifiables si une relation avec l'agitation était¦démontrée. Enfin, l'hypotension intraopératoire provoquant une hypoperfusion cérébrale¦relative pourrait être liée à la survenue d'une agitation postopératoire.¦Nous avons également observé d'autres variables, comme l'intensité de la douleur, déjà¦démontrée comme étant en rapport avec l'agitation postopératoire, et l'hypoxie¦intraopératoire, qui pourrait favoriser une hypoxie cérébrale, et par là une agitation.¦Enfin, nous avons cherché s'il existe un lien entre la survenue d'une agitation postopératoire¦et d'un état confusionnel postopératoire, c'est-à-dire se développant dans la semaine suivant¦l'opération, une question qui n'avait pas encore été étudiée.
Background The association between dietary patterns and head and neck cancer has rarely been addressed. Patients and methods We used individual-level pooled data from five case-control studies (2452 cases and 5013 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. A posteriori dietary patterns were identified through a principal component factor analysis carried out on 24 nutrients derived from study-specific food-frequency questionnaires. Odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using unconditional logistic regression models on quintiles of factor scores. Results We identified three major dietary patterns named 'animal products and cereals', 'antioxidant vitamins and fiber', and 'fats'. The 'antioxidant vitamins and fiber' pattern was inversely related to oral and pharyngeal cancer (OR = 0.57, 95% CI 0.43-0.76 for the highest versus the lowest score quintile). The 'animal products and cereals' pattern was positively associated with laryngeal cancer (OR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.12-2.11), whereas the 'fats' pattern was inversely associated with oral and pharyngeal cancer (OR = 0.78, 95% CI 0.63-0.97) and positively associated with laryngeal cancer (OR = 1.69, 95% CI 1.22-2.34). Conclusions These findings suggest that diets rich in animal products, cereals, and fats are positively related to laryngeal cancer, and those rich in fruit and vegetables inversely related to oral and pharyngeal cancer.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) for stroke seems to be beneficial independent of the underlying etiology. Whether this is also true for cervical artery dissection (CAD) is addressed in this study.METHODS: We used the Swiss IVT databank to compare outcome and complications of IVT-treated patients with CAD with IVT-treated patients with other etiologies (non-CAD patients). Main outcome and complication measures were favorable 3-month outcome, intracranial cerebral hemorrhage, and recurrent ischemic stroke. Modified Rankin Scale score <or=1 at 3 months was considered favorable.RESULTS: Fifty-five (5.2%) of 1062 IVT-treated patients had CAD. Patients with CAD were younger (median age 50 versus 70 years) but had similar median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores (14 versus 13) and time to treatment (152.5 versus 156 minutes) as non-CAD patients. In the CAD group, 36% (20 of 55) had a favorable 3-month outcome compared with 44% (447 of 1007) non-CAD patients (OR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.41 to 1.26), which was less favorable after adjustment for age, gender, and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score (OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.27 to 0.95; P=0.03). Intracranial cerebral hemorrhages (asymptomatic, symptomatic, fatal) were equally frequent in CAD (14% [7%, 7%, 2%]) and non-CAD patients (14% [9%, 5%, 2%]; P=0.99). Recurrent ischemic stroke occurred in 1.8% of patients with CAD and in 3.7% of non-CAD-patients (P=0.71).CONCLUSIONS: IVT-treated patients with CAD do not recover as well as IVT-treated non-CAD patients. However, intracranial bleedings and recurrent ischemic strokes were equally frequent in both groups. They do not account for different outcomes and indicate that IVT should not be excluded in patients who may have CAD. Hemodynamic compromise or frequent tandem occlusions might explain the less favorable outcome of patients with CAD.
Background We analyzed the relationship between cholelithiasis and cancer risk in a network of case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland in 1982-2009. Methods The analyses included 1997 oropharyngeal, 917 esophageal, 999 gastric, 23 small intestinal, 3726 colorectal, 684 liver, 688 pancreatic, 1240 laryngeal, 6447 breast, 1458 endometrial, 2002 ovarian, 1582 prostate, 1125 renal cell, 741 bladder cancers, and 21 284 controls. The odds ratios (ORs) were estimated by multiple logistic regression models. Results The ORs for subjects with history of cholelithiasis compared with those without were significantly elevated for small intestinal (OR = 3.96), prostate (OR = 1.36), and kidney cancers (OR = 1.57). These positive associations were observed ≥10 years after diagnosis of cholelithiasis and were consistent across strata of age, sex, and body mass index. No relation was found with the other selected cancers. A meta-analysis including this and three other studies on the relation of cholelithiasis with small intestinal cancer gave a pooled relative risk of 2.35 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.82-3.03]. Conclusion In subjects with cholelithiasis, we showed an appreciably increased risk of small intestinal cancer and suggested a moderate increased risk of prostate and kidney cancers. We found no material association with the other cancers considered.
OBJECTIVES: Studies investigating suicidal behaviour in psychosis rarely focus on incidence cohorts of first-episode patients. This is important, because patients who refuse study participation have higher rates of comorbid substance use disorders and longer duration of untreated psychosis as well as worse course illness, variables potentially linked to higher prevalence of suicidal behaviour. The aims of the present study were therefore to examine the prevalence and predictors of suicide and suicide attempt before and during the first 18-24 months of treatment. METHOD: A retrospective file audit of 661 patients was carried out. RESULTS: Six patients (0.9%) died by suicide, 93 (14.3%) attempted suicide prior to entry, and 57 (8.7%) did so during treatment. Predictors of suicide attempt were: previous attempt (odds ratio (OR)=45.54, 95% confidence interval (CI)=9.46-219.15), sexual abuse (OR=8.46, 95%CI=1.88-38.03), comorbid polysubstance (OR=13.63, 95%CI=2.58-71.99), greater insight (OR=0.17, 95%CI=0.06-0.49), lower baseline Global Assessment of Functioning Scale and Scale of Occupational and Functional Assessment score (OR=0.96, 95%CI=0.62-0.91; OR=0.98, 95%CI=0.95-0.99), and longer time in treatment (OR=1.05, 95%CI=1.03-1.08). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of suicidal behaviour was high, indicating that suicidal behaviour in incidence populations is higher than in non-epidemiological cohorts of first-episode patients. The rate of repetition of suicide attempt among the sample, however, was lower than expected, suggesting that specialist services can play a role in reducing suicide risk.
Status epilepticus (SE) prognosis is related to nonmodifiable factors (age, etiology), but the exact role of drug treatment is unclear. This study was undertaken to address the prognostic role of treatment adherence to guidelines (TAG). We prospectively studied over 26 months a cohort of adults with incident SE (excluding postanoxic). TAG was assessed in terms of drug doses (± 30 % of recommendations) and medication sequence; its prognostic impact on mortality and return to baseline conditions was adjusted for etiology, SE severity [Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS)], and comorbidities. Of 225 patients, 26 (12 %) died and 82 (36 %) were discharged with a new handicap; TAG was observed in 142 (63 %). On univariate analysis, age, etiology, SE severity, and comorbidities were significantly related to outcome, while TAG was associated with neither outcome nor likelihood of SE control. Logistic regression for mortality identified etiology [odds ratio (OR) 18.8, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 4.3-82.8] and SE severity (STESS ≥ 3; OR 1.7, 95 % CI 1.2-2.4) as independent predictors, and for lack of return to baseline, again etiology (OR 7.4, 95 % CI 3.9-14.0) and STESS ≥ 3 (OR 1.7, 95 % CI 1.4-2.2). Similar results were found for the subgroup of 116 patients with generalized-convulsive SE. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analyses confirmed that TAG did not improve outcome prediction. This study of a large SE cohort suggests that treatment adherence to recommendations using current medications seems to play a negligible prognostic role (class III), confirming the importance of the biological background. Awaiting further treatment trials, it appears mandatory to apply resources towards identification of new therapeutic approaches.
Background: V itamin D insufficiency has been associated with the occurrence of various types of cancer, but causal relationships remain elusive. Methods: Associations between t he r isk o f HCV-related HCC development and CYP2R1 , GC, and DHCR7 genotypes, which are genetic determinants of reduced 25-OH-vitamin D3 (25[OH]D3) serum levels, were determined. Results: A t otal of 5604 HCV-infected patients, 1279 with a nd 4325 without progression to HCC, w ere identified. The well-known association between 25(OH)D3 s erum levels and variations in CYP2R1 ( rs1993116, rs10741657), GC ( rs2282679), a nd DHCR7 ( rs7944926, rs12785878) g enotypes was also apparent in patients w ith chronic hepatitis C. The same genotypes of t hese single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), w hich are associated with reduced 25(OH)D3 s erum levels, were significantly associated with HCV-associated HCC (P=0.07 [OR=1.13] for CYP2R1 , P=0.007 [OR=1.56] for GC, P=0.003 [OR=1.42] for DHCR7; ORs for risk genotypes). In contrast, no association between t hese genetic variations and the o utcome of antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin ( P>0.2 for e ach SNP) or liver fibrosis progression rate (P>0.2 for each SNP) was observed, s uggesting a specific influence o f the genetic d eterminants of 25(OH)D3 s erum levels o n hepatocarcinogenesis. Conclusions: Our data suggest a relatively weak but functionally relevant role for vitamin D in the prevention of HCV-related HCC development. Controlled clinical trials to assess the benefit of vitamin D supplementation in HCVinfected patients with advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis are warranted.
There are suggestions that some first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients can have favourable outcome without antipsychotic medication. However, there is very limited data regarding patients' characteristics on which the decision to propose medication free treatment could be based. FEPOS is a fi le-based study of an epidemiological sample of 704 FEP patients treated at EPPIC, Melbourne, between 1998 and 2000. Among the 661 patients where data was available, 108 consistently refused medication during the entire duration of their treatment at EPPIC. In this paper we compared, within this sub-group, patients who had a favourable outcome with those who did not. Patients were aged between 15 and 29 years (M = 21.9, SD = 3.40) and the majority were male (70.4%, n = 76). Symptomatic remission data was available on 105 patients; of these patients 41.0% (n = 41) had achieved remission. Functional remission data was available on 100 patients; of these patients 33.0% (n = 33) had achieved functional remission. Combined remission was evident in 23.0% (n = 23) of patients. Three factors were associated with symptomatic remission: better premorbid functioning (based on GAF, OR = 1.07, p = 0.006), higher number of years of education (OR = 1.43, p = 0.020), and being employed or studying at service entry (OR = 2.59, p = 0.034). Three factors were associated with functional remission: shorter duration of prodrome (OR = 0.50, p = 0.043), severity of psychopathology (CGI-S, OR = 0.51, p = 0.024), and vocational status at service entry (OR = 4.29, p = 0.003). While various aspects of pre-morbid functioning seem to correlate with the possibility of a favourable outcome in FEP patients who refuse medication, various limitations need to be taken into account in this study.
BACKGROUND: This study compared frequency of alcohol consumption and binge drinking between young adult childhood cancer survivors and the general population in Switzerland, and assessed its socio-demographic and clinical determinants. PROCEDURE: Childhood cancer survivors aged <16 years when diagnosed 1976-2003, who had survived >5 years and were currently aged 20-40 years received a postal questionnaire. Reported frequency of alcohol use and of binge drinking were compared to the Swiss Health Survey, a representative general population survey. Determinants of frequent alcohol consumption and binge drinking were assessed in a multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 1,697 eligible survivors, 1,447 could be contacted and 1,049 (73%) responded. Survivors reported more often than controls to consume alcohol frequently (OR = 1.7; 95%CI = 1.3-2.1) and to engage in binge drinking (OR = 2.9; 95%CI = 2.3-3.8). Peak frequency of binge drinking in males occurred at age 24-26 years in survivors, compared to age 18-20 in the general population. Socio-demographic factors (male gender, high educational attainment, French and Italian speaking, and migration background from Northern European countries) were most strongly associated with alcohol consumption patterns among both survivors and controls. CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency of alcohol consumption found in this study is a matter of concern. Our data suggest that survivors should be better informed on the health effects of alcohol consumption during routine follow-up, and that such counseling should be included in clinical guidelines. Future research should study motives of alcohol consumption among survivors to allow development of targeted health interventions for this vulnerable group.