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To compare the efficacy of chemoendocrine treatment with that of endocrine treatment (ET) alone for postmenopausal women with highly endocrine responsive breast cancer. In the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trials VII and 12-93, postmenopausal women with node-positive, estrogen receptor (ER)-positive or ER-negative, operable breast cancer were randomized to receive either chemotherapy or endocrine therapy or combined chemoendocrine treatment. Results were analyzed overall in the cohort of 893 patients with endocrine-responsive disease, and according to prospectively defined categories of ER, age and nodal status. STEPP analyses assessed chemotherapy effect. The median follow-up was 13 years. Adding chemotherapy reduced the relative risk of a disease-free survival event by 19% (P = 0.02) compared with ET alone. STEPP analyses showed little effect of chemotherapy for tumors with high levels of ER expression (P = 0.07), or for the cohort with one positive node (P = 0.03). Chemotherapy significantly improves disease-free survival for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer, but the magnitude of the effect is substantially attenuated if ER levels are high.
BACKGROUND: A relative inability to capture a sufficiently large patient population in any one geographic location has traditionally limited research into rare diseases. METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinicians interested in the rare disease lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) have worked with the LAM Treatment Alliance, the MIT Media Lab, and Clozure Associates to cooperate in the design of a state-of-the-art data coordination platform that can be used for clinical trials and other research focused on the global LAM patient population. This platform is a component of a set of web-based resources, including a patient self-report data portal, aimed at accelerating research in rare diseases in a rigorous fashion. CONCLUSIONS: Collaboration between clinicians, researchers, advocacy groups, and patients can create essential community resource infrastructure to accelerate rare disease research. The International LAM Registry is an example of such an effort. 82.
Apart from therapeutic advances related to new treatments, our practices in the management of early breast cancer have been modified by to key organizational settings (1) mass screening, substantially altering the presentation and epidemiology of breast cancer and (2) the development of guidelines to ensure that any patient management is in agreement with the demonstrated impact in the adjuvant treatment. In daily practice, the impact of screening and guidelines recommendations has put us now in a paradoxical situation: while the majority of non-metastatic breast cancers treated in the hexagon are node negative, most of the results of clinical studies on chemotherapy and targeted therapies today arise from populations predominantly node positive. Therefore, it seemed legitimate to convene a working group around a reflection on the directions of adjuvant chemotherapy in a growing node negative population in order to better respond to the questions of the field oncologists, trying to address the discrepancies between different existing guidelines.
The Radioimmunotherapy Network (RIT-N) is a Web-based, international registry collecting long-term observational data about radioimmunotherapy-treated patients with malignant lymphoma outside randomized clinical studies. The RIT-N collects unbiased data on treatment indications, disease stages, patients' conditions, lymphoma subtypes, and hematologic side effects of radioimmunotherapy treatment. Methods: RIT-N is located at the University of Gottingen, Germany, and collected data from 14 countries. Data were entered by investigators into a Web-based central database managed by an independent clinical research organization. Results: Patients (1,075) were enrolled from December 2006 until November 2009, and 467 patients with an observation time of at least 12 mo were included in the following analysis. Diagnoses were as follows: 58% follicular lymphoma and 42% other B-cell lymphomas. The mean overall survival was 28 mo for follicular lymphoma and 26 mo for other lymphoma subtypes. Hematotoxicity was mild for hemoglobin (World Health Organization grade II), with a median nadir of 10 g/dL, but severe (World Health Organization grade III) for platelets and leukocytes, with a median nadir of 7,000/mu L and 2.2/mu L, respectively. Conclusion: Clinical usage of radioimmunotherapy differs from the labeled indications and can be assessed by this registry, enabling analyses of outcome and toxicity data beyond clinical trials. This analysis proves that radioimmunotherapy in follicular lymphoma and other lymphoma subtypes is a safe and efficient treatment option.
Introduction Pediatric intensive care patient represent a population athigh risk for drug-related problems. Our objective is to describe drugrelated problems and intervention of four decentralized pharmacists inpediatric and cardiac intensive care unit.Materials & Methods Multicentric, descriptive and prospectivestudy over a six-month period (August 1st 2009-January 31st 2010).Drug-related problems and clinical interventions were compiled infour pediatric centers using a tool developed by the Socie´te´ Franc¸aisede Pharmacie Clinique. Data concerning patients, drugs, intervention,documentation, approval (if needed), and estimated impact werecompiled. The four pharmacists participating were from Belgium (B),France (F), Quebec (Q) and Switzerland (S).Results A total of 996 interventions were collected: 129 (13%) in B,238 (24%) in F, 278 (28%) in Q and 351 (35%) in S. These interventionstargeted 269 patients (median 22 month-old, 52% male): 69(26%) in B, 88 (33%) in F, 56 (21%) in Q and in S. These data werecollected during 28 non consecutive days in the clinical unit in B, 59days in F, 42 days in Q and 63 days in S. The main drug-relatedproblems were inappropriate administration technique (293, 29%),untreated indication (254, 25%) and supra therapeutic dosage (106,11%). The pharmacist's interventions concerned mainly administrationmode optimization (223, 22%), dose adjustment (200, 20%) andtherapeutic monitoring (164, 16%). The three major drug classesleading to interventions were anti-infectives for systemic use (233,23%) and alimentary tract and metabolism drugs (218, 22%). Interventionsconcerned mainly residents and all clinical staff (209, 21%).Among the 879 (88%) interventions requiring a physician's approval,731 (83%) were accepted. Interventions were considered as having amoderate (51%) or major (17%) clinical impact. Among the interventionsprovided, 10% were considered to have an economicalpositive impact. Differences and similarities between countries willbe presented at the poster session.Discussion & Conclusion Decentralized pharmacist at patient bedsideis a pre-requisite for pharmaceutical care. There are limitedstudies comparing the activity of clinical pharmacists betweencountries. This descriptive study illustrates the ability of clinicalpharmacist to identify and solve drug-related problems in pediatricintensive care unit in four different francophone countries.