256 resultados para Positive Coping
Objective: Despite progress during recent decades, long-term outcome¦of patients with pancreatic cancer remains dismal. Since positive resection¦margins and metastatic lymph nodes are known risk factors for early tumor¦recurrence, patients at risk should be identified and could potentially benefit¦from preoperative radio-chemotherapy. This study aimed to assess whether the¦presence of lymph node metastasis could be used to predict positive resection¦margins in patients with pancreatic cancer.¦Methods: A series of 146 patients (82 male, 64 female, median age 68 years)¦underwent pancreatic head resection for various malignant diseases (pancreatic¦ductal adenocarcinoma, biliary cancer, periampullary cancer) at our institution¦from 2000 to 2011. Patients were identified from our prospective database¦that collects more than 60 single items of all patients undergoing pancreatic¦resection. Lymph node metastasis and positive resection margins were all¦confirmed by histological evaluation. Positive predictive value (PPV), negative¦predictive value (NPV), sensitivity and specificity were calculated to assess¦the predictive value of metastatic lymph nodes regarding tumor-free (R0) and¦tumor-involved (R1) resection margins.¦Results: There were 110 specimens (76%) with tumor-positive lymph nodes¦and 36 specimens with tumor-negative lymph nodes. Resection margins were¦positive in 47 specimens (32%) and negative in 99 specimens. Sensitivity of¦tumor-positive lymph nodes to detect positive resection margins was 96%, and¦the NPV was 94%. In contrast, specificity was 34% and the PPV was 41%.¦Conclusion: Patients with resectable pancreatic cancer, who have no lymph¦node metastasis, are at very low risk to have positive resection margins (2 of¦36 patients, NPV 94%). In contrast, more than one third of patients with¦metastatic lymph nodes are at increased risk for an incomplete tumor resection¦(sensitivity 96%). If lymph nodesmetastases are highly suspected at preoperative¦staging, a neoadjuvant treatment strategy should be considered to increase the¦R0 resection rate.
Continuous positive airway pressure, aimed at preventing pulmonary atelectasis, has been used for decades to reduce lung injury in critically ill patients. In neonatal practice, it is increasingly used worldwide as a primary form of respiratory support due to its low cost and because it reduces the need for endotracheal intubation and conventional mechanical ventilation. We studied the anesthetized in vivo rat and determined the optimal circuit design for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure. We investigated the effects of continuous positive airway pressure following lipopolysaccharide administration in the anesthetized rat. Whereas neither continuous positive airway pressure nor lipopolysaccharide alone caused lung injury, continuous positive airway pressure applied following intravenous lipopolysaccharide resulted in increased microvascular permeability, elevated cytokine protein and mRNA production, and impaired static compliance. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated whereby higher levels of continuous positive airway pressure (up to 6 cmH(2)O) caused greater lung injury. Lung injury was attenuated by pretreatment with dexamethasone. These data demonstrate that despite optimal circuit design, continuous positive airway pressure causes significant lung injury (proportional to the airway pressure) in the setting of circulating lipopolysaccharide. Although we would currently avoid direct extrapolation of these findings to clinical practice, we believe that in the context of increasing clinical use, these data are grounds for concern and warrant further investigation.
Usually, the differentiation of inks on questioned documents is carried out by optical methods and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Therefore, spectrometric methods were also proposed in forensic literature for the analysis of dyes. Between these techniques, laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) has demonstrated a great versatility thanks to its sensitivity to blue ballpoint ink dyes and minimal sample destruction. Previous researches concentrated mostly on the LDI-MS positive mode and have shown that this analytical tool offers higher discrimination power than high performance TLC (HPTLC) for the differentiation of blue ballpoint inks. Although LDI-MS negative mode has already been applied in numerous forensic domains like the studies of works of art, automotive paints or rollerball pens, its potential for the discrimination of ballpoint pens was never studied before. The aim of the present paper is therefore to evaluate its potential for the discrimination of blue ballpoint inks. After optimization of the method, ink entries from 33 blue ballpoint pens were analyzed directly on paper in both positive and negative modes by LDI-MS. Several cationic and anionic ink components were identified in inks; therefore, pens were classified and compared according to their formulations. Results show that additional information provided by anionic dyes and pigments significantly increases the discrimination power of positive mode. In fact, it was demonstrated that classifications obtained by the two modes were, to some extent, complementary (i.e., inks with specific cationic dyes not necessarily contained the same anionic components).
BACKGROUND: Persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have increased rates of coronary artery disease (CAD). The relative contribution of genetic background, HIV-related factors, antiretroviral medications, and traditional risk factors to CAD has not been fully evaluated in the setting of HIV infection. METHODS: In the general population, 23 common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were shown to be associated with CAD through genome-wide association analysis. Using the Metabochip, we genotyped 1875 HIV-positive, white individuals enrolled in 24 HIV observational studies, including 571 participants with a first CAD event during the 9-year study period and 1304 controls matched on sex and cohort. RESULTS: A genetic risk score built from 23 CAD-associated SNPs contributed significantly to CAD (P = 2.9 × 10(-4)). In the final multivariable model, participants with an unfavorable genetic background (top genetic score quartile) had a CAD odds ratio (OR) of 1.47 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.05-2.04). This effect was similar to hypertension (OR = 1.36; 95% CI, 1.06-1.73), hypercholesterolemia (OR = 1.51; 95% CI, 1.16-1.96), diabetes (OR = 1.66; 95% CI, 1.10-2.49), ≥ 1 year lopinavir exposure (OR = 1.36; 95% CI, 1.06-1.73), and current abacavir treatment (OR = 1.56; 95% CI, 1.17-2.07). The effect of the genetic risk score was additive to the effect of nongenetic CAD risk factors, and did not change after adjustment for family history of CAD. CONCLUSIONS: In the setting of HIV infection, the effect of an unfavorable genetic background was similar to traditional CAD risk factors and certain adverse antiretroviral exposures. Genetic testing may provide prognostic information complementary to family history of CAD.
BACKGROUND: Conversion disorder (CD) is no longer a diagnosis of exclusion. The new DSM-V criteria highlight the importance of 'positive signs' on neurological examination. Only few signs have been validated, and little is known about their reliability. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to examine the clinical value of bedside positive signs in the diagnosis of CD presenting with weakness, gait or sensory symptoms by assessing their specificity, sensitivity and their inter-rater reliability. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Standardised video recorded neurological examinations were performed in 20 consecutive patients with CD and 20 'organic' controls. Ten previously validated sensory and motor signs were grouped in a scale. Thirteen additional motor/sensory 'positive signs', 14 gait patterns and 1 general sign were assessed in a pilot validation study. In addition, two blinded independent neurologists rated the video recordings to assess the inter-rater reliability (Cohen's κ) of each sign. RESULTS: A score of ≥4/14 on the sensory motor scale showed a 100% specificity (CI 85 to 100) and a 95% sensitivity (CI 85 to 100). Among the additional tested signs, 10 were significantly more frequent in CD than controls. The interobserver agreement was acceptable for 23/38 signs (2 excellent, 10 good, 11 moderate). CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms that six bedside 'positive signs' are highly specific for CD with good-excellent inter-rater reliability; we propose to consider them as 'highly reliable signs'. In addition 13 signs could be considered as 'reliable signs' and six further signs as 'suggestive signs' while all others should be used with caution until further validation is available.
OBJECTIVE: To compare outcomes of patients with lymph node (LN)-positive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (UCB) treated with or without cisplatin-based combined adjuvant chemotherapy (AC) after radical cystectomy (RC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analysed 1523 patients with LN-positive UCB, who underwent RC with bilateral pelvic LN dissection. All patients had no evidence of disease after RC. AC was administered within 3 months. Competing-risks models were applied to compare UCB-related mortality. RESULTS: Of the 1523 patients, 874 (57.4%) received AC. The cumulative 1-, 2- and 5-year UCB-related mortality rates for all patients were 16%, 36% and 56%, respectively. Administration of AC was associated with an 18% relative reduction in the risk of UCB-related death (subhazard ratio 0.82, P = 0.005). The absolute reduction in mortality was 3.5% at 5 years. The positive effect of AC was detectable in patients aged ≤70 years, in women, in pT3-4 disease, and in those with a higher LN density and lymphovascular invasion. This study is limited by its retrospective and non-randomised design, selection bias, the absence of central pathological review and lack in standardisation of LN dissection and cisplatin-based protocols. CONCLUSION: AC seems to reduce UCB-related mortality in patients with LN-positive UCB after RC. Younger patients, women and those with high-risk features such as pT3-4 disease, a higher LN density and lymphovascular invasion appear to benefit most. Appropriately powered prospective randomised trials are necessary to confirm these findings.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to statistically model the relative increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) per year older in Data collection on Adverse events of anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) and to compare this with the relative increased risk of CVD per year older in general population risk equations. METHODS: We analysed three endpoints: myocardial infarction (MI), coronary heart disease (CHD: MI or invasive coronary procedure) and CVD (CHD or stroke). We fitted a number of parametric age effects, adjusting for known risk factors and antiretroviral therapy (ART) use. The best-fitting age effect was determined using the Akaike information criterion. We compared the ageing effect from D:A:D with that from the general population risk equations: the Framingham Heart Study, CUORE and ASSIGN risk scores. RESULTS: A total of 24 323 men were included in analyses. Crude MI, CHD and CVD event rates per 1000 person-years increased from 2.29, 3.11 and 3.65 in those aged 40-45 years to 6.53, 11.91 and 15.89 in those aged 60-65 years, respectively. The best-fitting models included inverse age for MI and age + age(2) for CHD and CVD. In D:A:D there was a slowly accelerating increased risk of CHD and CVD per year older, which appeared to be only modest yet was consistently raised compared with the risk in the general population. The relative risk of MI with age was not different between D:A:D and the general population. CONCLUSIONS: We found only limited evidence of accelerating increased risk of CVD with age in D:A:D compared with the general population. The absolute risk of CVD associated with HIV infection remains uncertain.
This contribution (presented in the first International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) in Grenoble in June 2013) explores the phenomena of innovation in action ("innovative implementation"). To do so, we operationalize "innovative implementation" as a strategy by which (coalitions of) non-state actors seek to develop ad hoc solutions to address a given environmental issue, going beyond what is provided for in formal policy designs. Following an inductive research strategy, we elaborate a conceptual framework whose main advantage is to bring the actors and their coalition (in all their diversity) back in the analysis. More concretely, we state that perceiving implementation as broader 'social interaction processes' (De Boer & Bressers 2011) within which actors play strategic 'games' (Bardach 1977, Scharpf 1997) opens interesting lines of research to better account for their innovative and strategic behaviours. In a second step, we apply this framework to three strategies of innovative implementation in different contexts, and identify on this basis empirical regularities in the individual pathways related to the emergence and success (or failure) of these strategies.
The antibiotic susceptibility and molecular epidemiology of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates reported from 17 countries in the Americas, Europe and, Australia-Asia were analysed. Among a total of 3236 non-duplicate isolates, the lowest susceptibility was observed to erythromycin in all regions. Susceptibility to ciprofloxacin showed large variation (25%, 75% and 84% in the Americas, Europe and Australia-Asia, respectively). Two vancomycin-intermediate PVL-positive MRSA isolates were reported, one from Hong Kong and the other from The Netherlands. Resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and linezolid was <1%. Among 1798 MRSA isolates from 13 countries that were tested for the requested 10 non-β-lactam antibiotics, 49.4% were multisusceptible. However, multiresistant isolates (resistant to at least three classes of non-β-lactam antibiotics) were reported from all regions. Sequence type 30 (ST30) was reported worldwide, whereas ST80 and ST93 were exclusive to Europe and Australia, respectively. USA300 and related clones (ST8) are progressively replacing the ST80 clone in several European countries. Eight major clusters were discriminated by multilocus variable-number tandem repeat assay (MLVA), showing a certain geographic specificity. PVL-positive MRSA isolates frequently remain multisusceptible to non-β-lactam agents, but multiresistance is already prevalent in all regions. Surveillance of MRSA susceptibility patterns should be monitored to provide clinicians with the most current information regarding changes in resistance patterns.