359 resultados para Large Granular Lymphocytes
Highly quantitative biomarkers of neurodegenerative disease remain an important need in the urgent quest for disease-modifying therapies. For Huntington's disease (HD), a genetic test is available (trait marker), but necessary state markers are still in development. In this report, we describe a large battery of transcriptomic tests explored as state biomarker candidates. In an attempt to exploit the known neuroinflammatory and transcriptional perturbations of disease, we measured relevant mRNAs in peripheral blood cells. The performance of these potential markers was weak overall, with only one mRNA, immediate early response 3 (IER3), showing a modest but significant increase of 32% in HD samples compared with controls. No statistically significant differences were found for any other mRNAs tested, including a panel of 12 RNA biomarkers identified in a previous report [Borovecki F, Lovrecic L, Zhou J, Jeong H, Then F, Rosas HD, Hersch SM, Hogarth P, Bouzou B, Jensen RV, et al. (2005) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102:11023-11028]. The present results may nonetheless inform the future design and testing of HD biomarker strategies.
The results of numerous phases I and II clinical trials testing the safety and immunogenicity of various cancer vaccine formulations based on cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs)-defined tumor antigens have been reported recently. Specific T cell responses can be detected in only a fraction of immunized patients. A smaller but significant fraction of these patients have objective tumor responses. Efficient therapeutic vaccination should aim at boosting naturally occurring anti-tumor responses and at sustaining a large contingent of tumor antigen-specific and fully functional effector T cells at tumor sites.
Background and Aims: Vitamin D is an important modulatorof numerous cellular processes. Some of us recently observedan association of the 1a-hydroxylase promoter polymorphismCYP27B1-1260 rs10877012 with sustained virologic response (SVR)in a relatively small number of German patients with chronichepatitis C. In the present study, we aimed to validate thisassociation in a large and well characterized patient cohort, theSwiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study (SCCS). In addition, we examinedthe effect of vitamin D on the hepatitis C virus (HCV) life cyclein vitro.Methods: CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012 and IL28B rs12979860 singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 1049 patientswith chronic hepatitis C from the SCCS, of whom 698 were treatedwith pegylated interferon-a (PEG-IFN-a) and ribavirin. In addition,112 patients with spontaneous clearance of HCV were examined.SNPs were correlated with variables reflecting the natural courseand treatment outcome of chronic hepatitis C. The effect of1,25-(OH)2D3 (calcitriol) on HCV replication and viral particleproduction was investigated in vitro using human hepatoma celllines (Huh-7.5) harbouring subgenomic replicons and cell culturederivedHCV.Results: The CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012 genotype was notassociated with SVR in patients with the good-response IL28Brs1279860 CC genotype. However, in patients with poor-responseIL28B rs1279860 genotype CT and TT, CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012was a significant independent predictor of SVR (15% difference inSVR between rs10877012 genotype AA vs. CC, p = 0.030, OR = 1.495,95% CI = 1.038-2.152). The CYPB27-1260 rs10877012 genotype wasneither associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV, nor withliver fibrosis progression rate, inflammatory activity of chronichepatitis C, or HCV viral load. Physiological doses of 1,25-(OH)2D3did not significantly affect HCVRNA replication or infectiousparticle production in vitro.Conclusions: The results of this large-scale genetic validationstudy reveal a role of vitamin D metabolism in the responseto treatment in chronic hepatitis C, but 1,25-(OH)2D3 does notexhibit a significant direct inhibitory antiviral effect. Thus, theability of vitamin D to modulate immunity against HCV shouldbe investigated.
SUMMARY Inflammation has evolved as a mechanism to defend the body against invading microorganisms and to respond to injury. It requires the coordinated response of a large number of cell types from the whole organism in a time- and space-dependent fashion. This coordination involves several cell-cell communication mechanisms. Exchange of humoral mediators such as cytokines is a major one. Moreover, direct contact between cells happens and plays a primordial role, for example when macrophages present antigens to lymphocytes. Contact between endothelial cells and leucocytes occurs when the latter cross the blood vessel barrier and transmigrate to the inflammatory site. A particular way by which cells communicate with each other in the course of inflammation, which at this time starts to gain attention, is the intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions. Gap junctions are channels providing a direct pathway (i.e. without transit through the extracellular space) for the diffusion of small molecules between adjacent cells. This process is known as gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC). The general aim of this thesis was to study a possible involvement of GJIC in the pathophysiology of inflammation. A first part of the work was dedicated to study the implication of GJIC in the modification of vascular endothelial function by inflammation. In a second part, we were interested in the possible role of GJIC in the transmigration of neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes through the endothelium. The main positive finding of this work is that acute inflammation preferentially modulates the expression of connexin 40 (Cx40), a gap junction protein specifically expressed in vascular endothelium. The modulation could be towards overexpression (aortic endothelium of septic rats) or towards downregulation (acutely inflamed mouse lung). We put a lot of efforts in search of possible functions of these modulations, in two directions: a potential protective role of Cx40 increased expression against sepsis-induced endothelial dysfunction, and a facilitating role of Cx40 decreased expression in neutrophil transmigration. To pursue both directions, it seemed logical to study the impact of Cx40 deletion using knock-out mice. Concerning the potential protective role of Cx40 overexpression we encountered a roadblock as we observed, in the aorta, a Cx40 downregulation in wild type mouse whereas Cx40 was upregulated in the rat. Regarding the second direction and using an in vivo approach, we observed that pulmonary neutrophil transmigration was not affected by the genetic deletion of Cx40. In spite of their negative nature, these results are the very first ones regarding the potential implication of GJIC concerning leucocyte transmigration in vivo. Because this process involves such tight cell-cell physical contacts, the hypothesis for a role of GJIC remains attractive.
A key element for the development of suitable anti-cancer drugs is the identification of cancer-specific enzymatic activities that can be therapeutically targeted. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue transformation protein 1 (MALT1) is a proto-oncogene that contributes to tumorigenesis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the activated B-cell (ABC) subtype, the least curable subtype of DLBCL. Recent data suggest that MALT1 has proteolytic activity, but it is unknown whether this activity is relevant for tumor growth. Here we report that MALT1 is constitutively active in DLBCL lines of the ABC but not the GCB subtype. Inhibition of the MALT1 proteolytic activity led to reduced expression of growth factors and apoptosis inhibitors, and specifically affected the growth and survival of ABC DLBCL lines. These results demonstrate a key role for the proteolytic activity of MALT1 in DLBCL of the ABC subtype, and provide a rationale for the development of pharmacological inhibitors of MALT1 in DLBCL therapy.
Phenotypic and functional cell properties are usually analyzed at the level of defined cell populations but not single cells. Yet, large differences between individual cells may have important functional consequences. It is likely that T-cell-mediated immunity depends on the polyfunctionality of individual T cells, rather than the sum of functions of responding T-cell subpopulations. We performed highly sensitive single-cell gene expression profiling, allowing the direct ex vivo characterization of individual virus-specific and tumor-specific T cells from healthy donors and melanoma patients. We have previously shown that vaccination with the natural tumor peptide Melan-A-induced T cells with superior effector functions as compared with vaccination with the analog peptide optimized for enhanced HLA-A*0201 binding. Here we found that natural peptide vaccination induced tumor-reactive CD8 T cells with frequent coexpression of both memory/homing-associated genes (CD27, IL7R, EOMES, CXCR3, and CCR5) and effector-related genes (IFNG, KLRD1, PRF1, and GZMB), comparable with protective Epstein-Barr virus-specific and cytomegalovirus-specific T cells. In contrast, memory/homing-associated and effector-associated genes were less frequently coexpressed after vaccination with the analog peptide. Remarkably, these findings reveal a previously unknown level of gene expression diversity among vaccine-specific and virus-specific T cells with the simultaneous coexpression of multiple memory/homing-related and effector-related genes by the same cell. Such broad functional gene expression signatures within antigen-specific T cells may be critical for mounting efficient responses to pathogens or tumors. In summary, direct ex vivo high-resolution molecular characterization of individual T cells provides key insights into the processes shaping the functional properties of tumor-specific and virus-specific T cells.
Large animal models are an important resource for the understanding of human disease and for evaluating the applicability of new therapies to human patients. For many diseases, such as cone dystrophy, research effort is hampered by the lack of such models. Lentiviral transgenesis is a methodology broadly applicable to animals from many different species. When conjugated to the expression of a dominant mutant protein, this technology offers an attractive approach to generate new large animal models in a heterogeneous background. We adopted this strategy to mimic the phenotype diversity encounter in humans and generate a cohort of pigs for cone dystrophy by expressing a dominant mutant allele of the guanylate cyclase 2D (GUCY2D) gene. Sixty percent of the piglets were transgenic, with mutant GUCY2D mRNA detected in the retina of all animals tested. Functional impairment of vision was observed among the transgenic pigs at 3 months of age, with a follow-up at 1 year indicating a subsequent slower progression of phenotype. Abnormal retina morphology, notably among the cone photoreceptor cell population, was observed exclusively amongst the transgenic animals. Of particular note, these transgenic animals were characterized by a range in the severity of the phenotype, reflecting the human clinical situation. We demonstrate that a transgenic approach using lentiviral vectors offers a powerful tool for large animal model development. Not only is the efficiency of transgenesis higher than conventional transgenic methodology but this technique also produces a heterogeneous cohort of transgenic animals that mimics the genetic variation encountered in human patients.
MOTIVATION: Analysis of millions of pyro-sequences is currently playing a crucial role in the advance of environmental microbiology. Taxonomy-independent, i.e. unsupervised, clustering of these sequences is essential for the definition of Operational Taxonomic Units. For this application, reproducibility and robustness should be the most sought after qualities, but have thus far largely been overlooked. RESULTS: More than 1 million hyper-variable internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences of fungal origin have been analyzed. The ITS1 sequences were first properly extracted from 454 reads using generalized profiles. Then, otupipe, cd-hit-454, ESPRIT-Tree and DBC454, a new algorithm presented here, were used to analyze the sequences. A numerical assay was developed to measure the reproducibility and robustness of these algorithms. DBC454 was the most robust, closely followed by ESPRIT-Tree. DBC454 features density-based hierarchical clustering, which complements the other methods by providing insights into the structure of the data. AVAILABILITY: An executable is freely available for non-commercial users at ftp://ftp.vital-it.ch/tools/dbc454. It is designed to run under MPI on a cluster of 64-bit Linux machines running Red Hat 4.x, or on a multi-core OSX system. CONTACT: dbc454@vital-it.ch or nicolas.guex@isb-sib.ch.
The TCR repertoire of CD8+ T cells specific for Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV)-associated Ags has been investigated in vitro and in vivo. Analysis of a large panel of established CD8+ CTL clones specific for M-MuLV indicated an overwhelming bias for V beta4 in BALB/c mice and for V beta5.2 in C57BL/6 mice. These V beta biases were already detectable in mixed lymphocyte:tumor cell cultures established from virus-immune spleen cells. Furthermore, direct ex vivo analysis of PBL from BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice immunized with syngeneic M-MuLV-infected tumor cells revealed a dramatic increase in CD8+ cells expressing V beta4 or V beta5.2, respectively. M-MuLV-specific CD8+ cells with an activated (CD62L-) phenotype persisted in blood of immunized mice for at least 2 mo, and exhibited decreased TCR and CD8 levels compared with their naive counterparts. In C57BL/6 mice, most M-MuLV-specific CD8+ CTL clones and immune PBL coexpressed V alpha3.2 in association with V beta5.2. Moreover, these V beta5.2+ V alpha3.2+ cells were shown to recognize the recently described H-2Db-restricted epitope (CCLCLTVFL) encoded in the leader sequence of the M-MuLV gag polyprotein. Collectively, our data demonstrate a highly restricted TCR repertoire in the CD8+ T cell response to M-MuLV-associated Ags in vivo, and suggest the potential utility of flow-microfluorometric analysis of V beta and V alpha expression in the diagnosis and monitoring of viral infections.
For the last 2 decades, supertree reconstruction has been an active field of research and has seen the development of a large number of major algorithms. Because of the growing popularity of the supertree methods, it has become necessary to evaluate the performance of these algorithms to determine which are the best options (especially with regard to the supermatrix approach that is widely used). In this study, seven of the most commonly used supertree methods are investigated by using a large empirical data set (in terms of number of taxa and molecular markers) from the worldwide flowering plant family Sapindaceae. Supertree methods were evaluated using several criteria: similarity of the supertrees with the input trees, similarity between the supertrees and the total evidence tree, level of resolution of the supertree and computational time required by the algorithm. Additional analyses were also conducted on a reduced data set to test if the performance levels were affected by the heuristic searches rather than the algorithms themselves. Based on our results, two main groups of supertree methods were identified: on one hand, the matrix representation with parsimony (MRP), MinFlip, and MinCut methods performed well according to our criteria, whereas the average consensus, split fit, and most similar supertree methods showed a poorer performance or at least did not behave the same way as the total evidence tree. Results for the super distance matrix, that is, the most recent approach tested here, were promising with at least one derived method performing as well as MRP, MinFlip, and MinCut. The output of each method was only slightly improved when applied to the reduced data set, suggesting a correct behavior of the heuristic searches and a relatively low sensitivity of the algorithms to data set sizes and missing data. Results also showed that the MRP analyses could reach a high level of quality even when using a simple heuristic search strategy, with the exception of MRP with Purvis coding scheme and reversible parsimony. The future of supertrees lies in the implementation of a standardized heuristic search for all methods and the increase in computing power to handle large data sets. The latter would prove to be particularly useful for promising approaches such as the maximum quartet fit method that yet requires substantial computing power.
The caspase 8 inhibitor c-FLIP(L) can act in vitro as a molecular switch between cell death and growth signals transmitted by the death receptor Fas (CD95). To elucidate its function in vivo, transgenic mice were generated that overexpress c-FLIP(L) in the T-cell compartment (c-FLIP(L) Tg mice). As anticipated, FasL-induced apoptosis was inhibited in T cells from the c-FLIP(L) Tg mice. In contrast, activation-induced cell death of T cells in c-FLIP(L) Tg mice was unaffected, suggesting that this deletion process can proceed in the absence of active caspase 8. Accordingly, c-FLIP(L) Tg mice differed from Fas-deficient mice by showing no accumulation of B220(+) CD4(-) CD8(-) T cells. However, stimulation of T lymphocytes with suboptimal doses of anti-CD3 or antigen revealed increased proliferative responses in T cells from c-FLIP(L) Tg mice. Thus, a major role of c-FLIP(L) in vivo is the modulation of T-cell proliferation by decreasing the T-cell receptor signaling threshold.
Fas-deficient mice (Fas(lpr/lpr)) and humans have profoundly dysregulated T lymphocyte homeostasis, which manifests as an accumulation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells as well as an unusual population of CD4(-)CD8(-)TCRαβ(+) T cells. To date, no unifying model has explained both the increased T-cell numbers and the origin of the CD4(-)CD8(-)TCRαβ(+) T cells. As Fas(lpr/lpr) mice raised in a germ-free environment still manifest lymphadenopathy, we considered that this process is primarily driven by recurrent low-avidity TCR signaling in response to self-peptide/MHC as occurs during homeostatic proliferation. In these studies, we developed two independent systems to decrease the number of self-peptide/MHC contacts. First, expression of MHC class I was reduced in OT-I TCR transgenic mice. Although OT-I Fas(lpr/lpr) mice did not develop lymphadenopathy characteristic of Fas(lpr/lpr) mice, in the absence of MHC class I, OT-I Fas(lpr/lpr) T cells accumulated as both CD8(+) and CD4(-)CD8(-) T cells. In the second system, re-expression of β(2)m limited to thymic cortical epithelial cells of Fas(lpr/lpr) β(2)m-deficient mice yielded a model in which polyclonal CD8(+) thymocytes entered a peripheral environment devoid of MHC class I. These mice accumulated significantly greater numbers of CD4(-)CD8(-)TCRαβ(+) T cells than conventional Fas(lpr/lpr) mice. Thus, Fas shapes the peripheral T-cell repertoire by regulating the survival of a subset of T cells proliferating in response to limited self-peptide/MHC contacts.
OBJECTIVE: Endocannabinoid levels are elevated in human and mouse atherosclerosis, but their causal role is not well understood. Therefore, we studied the involvement of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) deficiency, the major enzyme responsible for endocannabinoid anandamide degradation, in atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability. METHODS AND RESULTS: We assessed atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE(-/-)) and ApoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice. Before and after 5, 10, and 15 weeks on high-cholesterol diet, we analyzed weight, serum cholesterol, and endocannabinoid levels, and atherosclerotic lesions in thoracoabdominal aortas and aortic sinuses. Serum levels of FAAH substrates anandamide, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), and oleoylethanolamide (OEA) were 1.4- to 2-fold higher in case of FAAH deficiency. ApoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice had smaller plaques with significantly lower content of smooth muscle cells, increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression, and neutrophil content. Circulating and bone marrow neutrophil counts were comparable between both genotypes, whereas CXC ligand1 levels were locally elevated in aortas of FAAH-deficient mice. We observed enhanced recruitment of neutrophils, but not monocytes, to large arteries of ApoE(-/-) mice treated with FAAH inhibitor URB597. Spleens of ApoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice had reduced CD4+FoxP3+regulatory T-cell content, and in vitro stimulation of splenocytes revealed significantly elevated interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α production in case of FAAH deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Increased anandamide and related FAAH substrate levels are associated with the development of smaller atherosclerotic plaques with high neutrophil content, accompanied by an increased proinflammatory immune response.