275 resultados para LONG-TERM IMMERSION
OBJECTIVE: Sporadic late-onset nemaline myopathy (SLONM) is a rare, late-onset myopathy that progresses subacutely. If associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS), the outcome is unfavorable: the majority of these patients die within 1 to 5 years of respiratory failure. This study aims to qualitatively assess the long-term treatment effect of high-dose melphalan (HDM) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (SCT) in a series of 8 patients with SLONM-MGUS. METHODS: We performed a retrospective case series study (n = 8) on the long-term (1-8 years) treatment effect of HDM followed by autologous SCT (HDM-SCT) on survival, muscle strength, and functional capacities. RESULTS: Seven patients showed a lasting moderate-good clinical response, 2 of them after the second HDM-SCT. All of them had a complete, a very good partial, or a partial hematologic response. One patient showed no clinical or hematologic response and died. CONCLUSIONS: This case series shows the positive effect of HDM-SCT in this rare disorder. Factors that may portend an unfavorable outcome are a long disease course before the hematologic treatment and a poor hematologic response. Age at onset, level and type of M protein (κ vs λ), and severity of muscle weakness were not associated with a specific outcome. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class IV evidence that for patients with SLONM-MGUS, HDM-SCT increases the probability of survival and functional improvement.
Objectives: To assess the difference in direct medical costs between on-demand (OD) treatment with esomeprazole (E) 20 mg and continuous (C) treatment with E 20 mg q.d. from a clinical practice view in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms. Methods: This open, randomized study (ONE: on-demand Nexium evaluation) compared two long-term management options with E 20 mg in endoscopically uninvestigated patients seeking primary care for GERD symptoms who demonstrated complete relief of symptoms after an initial treatment of 4 weeks with E 40 mg. Data on consumed quantities of all cost items were collected in the study, while data on prices during the time of study were collected separately. The analysis was done from a societal perspective. Results: Forty-nine percent (484 of 991) of patients randomized to the OD regimen and 46% (420 of 913) of the patients in the C group had at least one contact with the investigator that would have occurred nonprotocol-driven. The difference of the adjusted mean direct medical costs between the treatment groups was CHF 88.72 (95% confidence interval: CHF 41.34-153.95) in favor of the OD treatment strategy (Wilcoxon rank-sum test: P < 0.0001). Adjusted direct nonmedical costs and productivity loss were similar in both groups. Conclusions: The adjusted direct medical costs of a 6-month OD treatment with esomeprazole 20 mg in uninvestigated patients with symptoms of GERD were significantly lower compared with a continuous treatment with E 20 mg once a day. The OD therapy represents a cost-saving alternative to the continuous treatment strategy with E.
PURPOSE: To study prospectively the success rate and complications of deep sclerectomy with collagen implant (DSCI). SETTING: Glaucoma Unit, Department of Ophthalmology, Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. METHODS: This nonrandomized prospective trial comprised 105 eyes of 105 patients with medically uncontrolled primary and secondary open-angle glaucoma. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and slitlamp examinations were performed before surgery and after surgery at 1 and 7 days, and 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90, and 96 months. Visual field examinations were repeated every 6 months. RESULTS: Mean follow-up period was 64 months +/- 26.6 (SD). Mean preoperative IOP was 26.8 +/- 7.7 mm Hg, and mean postoperative IOP was 5.2 +/- 3.35 mm Hg at day 1 and 12 +/- 3 mm Hg at month 78. At 96 months, the qualified success rate (ie, patients who achieved IOP <21 mm Hg with and without medication) was 91%, and the complete success rate (ie, IOP <21 mm Hg without medication) was 57%. At 96 months, 34% of patients had an IOP <21 mm Hg with medication. Fifty-one patients (49%) achieved an IOP < or =15 mm Hg without medication. Neodymium:YAG goniopuncture was performed in 54 patients (51%); mean time of goniopuncture performance was 21 months, and mean IOP before goniopuncture was 20 mm Hg, dropping to 11 mm Hg after goniopuncture. No shallow or flat anterior chamber, endophthalmitis, or surgery-induced cataract was observed. However, 26 patients (25%) showed a progression of preexisting senile cataract (mean time 26 months; range 18 to 37 months). Injections of 5-fluorouracil were administered to 25 patients (23%) who underwent DSCI to salvage encysted blebs. Mean number of medications per patient was reduced from 2.3 +/- 0.7 to 0.5 +/- 0.7 (signed rank P<.0001). CONCLUSION: Deep sclerectomy with collagen implant appears to provide stable and reasonable control of IOP at long-term follow-up with few immediate postoperative complications.
Résumé : L'amygdale latérale (AL) joue un .rôle essentiel dans la plasticité synaptique à la base du conditionnement de la peur. Malgré le faite que la majorité des cellules de l'AL reçoivent les afférentes nécessaires, une potentialisation dans seulement une partie d'entre elles est obligatoire afin que l'apprentissage de la peur ait lieu. Il a été montré que ces cellules expriment la forme active de CREB, et celui-ci a été associé aux cellules dites de type 'nonaccomrnodating' (nAC). Très récemment, une étude a impliqué les circuits récurrents de l'AL dans le conditionnement de la peur. Un lien entre ces deux observations n'a toutefois jamais été établi. t Nous avons utilisé un protocole in vitro de forte activation de l'AL, résultant dans l'induction de 'bursts' provenant de l'hippocampe et se propageant jusqu'à l'AL. Dans l'AL ces 'bursts' atteignent toutes les cellules et se propagent à travers plusieurs chemins. Utilisant ce protocole, nous avons, pour la première fois pu associer dans l'AL, des cellules connectées de manière récurrente avec des cellules de type nAC. Aussi bien dans ces dernières que dans les cellules de type 'accommodating' (AC), une diminution dans la transmission inhibitrice, à la fois exprimée de manière pré synaptique mais également indépendant de la synthèse de protéine a pu être observé. Au contraire, une potentialisation induite et exprimée au niveau pré synaptique ainsi que dépendante de la synthèse de protéine a pu être trouvé uniquement dans les cellules de type nAC. De plus, une hyperexcitabilité, dépendante des récepteurs NMDA a pu être observé, avec une sélection préférentielle des cellules du type nAC dans la génération de bursts. Nous avons également pu démontrer que la transformation d'un certain nombre de cellules de type AC en cellules dites nAC accompagnait cette augmentation générale de l'excitabilité de l'AL. Du faite da la grande quantité d'indices suggérant une connexion entre le système noradrénergique et les états de peur/d'anxiété, les effets d'une forte activation de l'AL sur ce dernier ont été investigués et ont révélés une perte de sa capacité de modulation du 'spiking pattern'. Finalement, des changements au niveau de l'expression d'un certain nombre de gènes, incluant celui codant pour le BDNF, a pu être trouvé à la suite d'une forte activation de l'AL. En raison du lien récemment décrit entre l'expression de la forme active de CREB et des cellules de type nAC ainsi que celui de l'implication des cellules de l'AL connectés de manière récurrente dans l'apprentissage de la peur, nos résultats nous permettent de suggérer un modèle expliquant comment la potentialisation des connections récurrentes entre cellules de type nAC pourrait être à la base de leur recrutement sélectif pendant le conditionnement de la peur. De plus, ils peuvent offrir des indices par rapport aux mécanismes à travers lesquels une sous population de neurones peut être réactivée par une stimulation externe précédemment inefficace, et induire ainsi un signal suffisamment fort pour qu'il soit transmit aux structures efférentes de l'AL. Abstract : The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is critically involved in the plasticity underlying fear-conditioned learning (Sah et al., 2008). Even though the majority of cells in the LA receive the necessary sensory inputs, potentiation in only a subset is required for fear learning to occur (Repa et al., 2001; Rumpel et al., 2005). These cells express active CREB (CAMP-responsive element-binding protein) (Han et al., 200, and this was related to the non-accommodating (nAC) spiking phenotype (Viosca et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2009). In addition, a very recent study implicated recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear conditioned learning (Johnson et al., 2008). A link between the two observations has however never been made. In rats, we used an in vitro protocol of strong activation of the LA, resulting in bursting activity, which spread from the hippocampus to the LA. Within the LA, this activity reached all cells and spread via a multitude of pathways. Using this model, we were able to link, for the first time, recurrently connected cells in the LA with cells of the nAC phenotype. While we found a presynaptically expressed, protein synthesis independent decrease in inhibitory synaptic transmission in both nAC and accommodating (AC) cells, only nAC cells underwent a presynaptically induced and expressed, protein synthesis dependent potentiation. Moreover we observed an NMDA dependent hyperexcitability of the LA, with a preferential selection of nAC cells into burst generation. The transformation of a subset of AC cells into nAC cells accompanied this general increase in LA excitability. Given the considerable evidence suggesting a relationship between the central noradrenergic (NA) system and fear/anxiety states (Itoi, 2008), the effects of strong activation of the LA on the noradrenergic system were investigated, which revealed a loss of its modulatory actions on cell spiking patterns. Finally, we found changes in the expression levels of a number of genes; among which the one coding for $DNF, to be induced by strong activation of the LA. In view of the recently described link between nAC cells and expression of pCREB (phosphorylated cAMP-responsive element-binding protein) as well as the involvement of recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear-conditioned learning, our findings may provide a model of how potentiation of recurrent connections between nAC neurons underlies their recruitment into the fear memory trace. Additionally, they may offer clues as to the mechanisms through which a selected subset of neurons can be reactivated by smaller, previously ineffective external stimulations to respond with a sufficiently strong signal, which can be transmitted to downstream targets of the LA.
Hyponatremia is the main complication of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), sometimes fatal. Treatment strategy depends on the cause and the severity of the hyponatremia. Recent studies have shown the efficacy of urea in treating acute hyponatremia secondary to SIADH, by inducing an osmotic water drive. We describe an infant with chronic hyponatremia secondary to SIADH in which the long-term oral treatment with urea was successful and well tolerated. The aim of this paper is to highlight the potential benefits of urea treatment in case of chronic hyponatremia secondary to SIADH. CONCLUSION: Chronic oral urea treatment in children with SIADH allows an easy and safe water and sodium control and may permit a decrease in fluid restriction in this situation.
Despite the well-established antitumor activity of CD1d-restricted invariant natural killer T lymphocytes (iNKT), their use for cancer therapy has remained challenging. This appears to be due to their strong but short-lived activation followed by long-term anergy after a single administration of the CD1d agonist ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (αGC). As a promising alternative, we obtained sustained mouse iNKT cell responses associated with prolonged antitumor effects through repeated administrations of tumor-targeted recombinant sCD1d-antitumor scFv fusion proteins loaded with αGC. Here, we demonstrate that CD1d fusion proteins bound to tumor cells via the antibody fragment specific for a tumor-associated antigen, efficiently activate human iNKT cell lines leading to potent tumor cell lysis. The importance of CD1d tumor targeting was confirmed in tumor-bearing mice in which only the specific tumor-targeted CD1d fusion protein resulted in tumor inhibition of well-established aggressive tumor grafts. The therapeutic efficacy correlated with the repeated activation of iNKT and natural killer cells marked by their release of TH1 cytokines, despite the up-regulation of the co-inhibitory receptor PD-1. Our results demonstrate the superiority of providing the superagonist αGC loaded on recombinant CD1d proteins and support the use of αGC/sCD1d-antitumor fusion proteins to secure a sustained human and mouse iNKT cell activation, while targeting their cytotoxic activity and cytokine release to the tumor site.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term outcome (up to 7 years) of presumed ocular tuberculosis (TB) when the therapeutic decision was based on WHO guidelines. METHODS: Twelve out of 654 new uveitic patients (1998-2004) presented with choroiditis and positive tuberculosis skin test (TST) (skin lesion diameter >15 mm). Therapy was administered according to WHO recommendations after ophthalmic and systemic investigation. The area size of ocular lesions at presentation and after therapy, measured on fluorescein and indocyanine green angiographies, was considered the primary outcome. Relapse of choroiditis was considered a secondary outcome. The T-SPOT TB test was performed when it became available. RESULTS: Visual acuity significantly improved after therapy (p=0.0357). The mean total surface of fluorescein lesions at entry was 44.8 ± 20.9 (arbitrary units) and decreased to 32.5 ± 16.9 after therapy (p=0.0165). The mean total surface of indocyanine green lesions at entry was 24.5 ± 13.3 and decreased to 10.8 ± 5.4 after therapy (p=0.0631). The T-SPOT TB revealed 2 false TST-positive results. The mean follow-up was 4.5 ± 1.5 years. Two relapses out of 10 confirmed ocular TB was observed after complete lesion healing, 2.5 years and 4.5 years after therapy, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A decrease of ocular lesion mean size and a mean improvement of VA were observed after antituberculous therapy. Our long-term follow-up of chorioretinal lesions demonstrated relapse of ocular tuberculosis in 10% of patients with confirmed ocular TB, despite complete initial retinal scarring.
BACKGROUND: Gastric banding (GB) is one of the most popular bariatric procedures for morbid obesity. Apart from causing weight loss by alimentary restriction, it can interfere with functions of the esophagus and upper stomach. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the results of extensive preoperative upper GI testing were correlated with long-term outcome and complications after GB. METHODS: Using a prospectively maintained computerized database including all the patients undergoing bariatric operations in both our hospitals, we performed a retrospective analysis of the patients who underwent complete upper gastrointestinal (GI) testing (endoscopy, pH monitoring, and manometry) before GB. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-four patients underwent complete testing before GB. Abnormal pH monitoring (increased total reflux time, increased diurnal reflux time, increased number of reflux episodes) predicted the development of complications and especially pouch dilatation and food intolerance. The mean De Meester score was higher among patients who developed complications than in the remaining ones (25.4 vs 17.7, P=0.03). High lower esophageal sphincter pressure also predicted progressive long-term food intolerance. Endoscopic findings were not predictive of the long-term outcome. CONCLUSIONS: There is some association between the function of the upper digestive tract and long-term complications after gastric banding. Abnormal pH monitoring predicts overall long-term complications, especially food intolerance with or without reflux, and pouch dilatation, and a high lower esophageal sphincter pressure predicts long-term food intolerance. Extended upper gastrointestinal testing with endoscopy, 24-h pH monitoring, and esophageal manometry is probably worthwhile in selecting patients for gastric banding.
WE USED A MURINE MODEL OF TRANSIENT FOCAL CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA TO STUDY: 1) in vivo DTI long-term temporal evolution of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and diffusion fractional anisotropy (FA) at days 4, 10, 15 and 21 after stroke 2) ex vivo distribution of a plasticity-related protein (GAP-43) and its relationship with the ex vivo DTI characteristics of the striato-thalamic pathway (21 days). All animals recovered motor function. In vivo ADC within the infarct was significantly increased after stroke. In the stroke group, GAP-43 expression and FA values were significantly higher in the ipsilateral (IL) striatum and contralateral (CL) hippocampus compared to the shams. DTI tractography showed fiber trajectories connecting the CL striatum to the stroke region, where increased GAP43 and FA were observed and fiber tracts from the CL striatum terminating in the IL hippocampus.Our data demonstrate that DTI changes parallel histological remodeling and recovery of function.
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are clinically and genetically heterogeneous inherited disorders characterized by impaired neuromuscular transmission. Mutations in the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) collagen-like tail subunit gene (COlQ) cause recessive forms of synaptic CMS with end plate AChE deficiency. We present data on 15 COLQ -mutant CMS carrying 16 different mutations (9 novel ones identified) followed-up for an average period of 10 ears. The mean age at the first examination was 19 ears old (range from 3 to 48). We report relapses during short or long-term periods characterized by worsening of muscle weakness sometimes associated with respiratory crises. All the relapses ended spontaneously or with 3-4 DAP or ephedrine with no residual impairment. The triggering factors identified were esterase inhibitors, effort, puberty or pregnancy highlighting the importance of hormonal factors. There was no genotype-phenotype correlation. At the end of the follow-up, 80% of patients were ambulant and 87% of patients had no respiratory trouble in spite of severe relapses.
Two studies were performed to investigate the association between body fat mass and fat oxidation. The first, a cross-sectional study of 106 obese women maintaining stable body weight, showed that these two variables were significantly correlated (r = 0.56, P less than 0.001) and the regression coefficient indicated that a 10-kg change in fat mass corresponded to a change in fat oxidation of approximately 20 g/d. The second, a prospective study, validated this estimate and quantifies the long-term adaptations in fat oxidation resulting from body fat loss. Twenty-four moderately obese women were studied under controlled dietary conditions at stable weight before and after mean weight and fat losses of 12.7 and 9.8 kg, respectively. The reduction in fat oxidation was identical to that predicted by the above regression. We conclude that changes in fat mass significantly affect fat oxidation and that this process may contribute to the long-term regulation of fat and energy balance in obese individuals.
Initiation of antiretroviral therapy during the earliest stages of HIV-1 infection may limit the seeding of a long-lasting viral reservoir, but long-term effects of early antiretroviral treatment initiation remain unknown. Here, we analyzed immunological and virological characteristics of nine patients who started antiretroviral therapy at primary HIV-1 infection and remained on suppressive treatment for >10 years; patients with similar treatment duration but initiation of suppressive therapy during chronic HIV-1 infection served as controls. We observed that independently of the timing of treatment initiation, HIV-1 DNA in CD4 T cells decayed primarily during the initial 3 to 4 years of treatment. However, in patients who started antiretroviral therapy in early infection, this decay occurred faster and was more pronounced, leading to substantially lower levels of cell-associated HIV-1 DNA after long-term treatment. Despite this smaller size, the viral CD4 T cell reservoir in persons with early treatment initiation consisted more dominantly of the long-lasting central-memory and T memory stem cells. HIV-1-specific T cell responses remained continuously detectable during antiretroviral therapy, independently of the timing of treatment initiation. Together, these data suggest that early HIV-1 treatment initiation, even when continued for >10 years, is unlikely to lead to viral eradication, but the presence of low viral reservoirs and durable HIV-1 T cell responses may make such patients good candidates for future interventional studies aiming at HIV-1 eradication and cure. IMPORTANCE: Antiretroviral therapy can effectively suppress HIV-1 replication to undetectable levels; however, HIV-1 can persist despite treatment, and viral replication rapidly rebounds when treatment is discontinued. This is mainly due to the presence of latently infected CD4 T cells, which are not susceptible to antiretroviral drugs. Starting treatment in the earliest stages of HIV-1 infection can limit the number of these latently infected cells, raising the possibility that these viral reservoirs are naturally eliminated if suppressive antiretroviral treatment is continued for extremely long periods of time. Here, we analyzed nine patients who started on antiretroviral therapy within the earliest weeks of the disease and continued treatment for more than 10 years. Our data show that early treatment accelerated the decay of infected CD4 T cells and led to very low residual levels of detectable HIV-1 after long-term therapy, levels that were otherwise detectable in patients who are able to maintain a spontaneous, drug-free control of HIV-1 replication. Thus, long-term antiretroviral treatment started during early infection cannot eliminate HIV-1, but the reduced reservoirs of HIV-1 infected cells in such patients may increase their chances to respond to clinical interventions aiming at inducing a drug-free remission of HIV-1 infection.
PURPOSE: The benefit of surgery on renal function in unilateral ureteropelvic junction stenosis (UPJS) is still debated. We evaluated renal function outcome after unilateral pyeloplasty in 53 children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 123I-hippuran renography performed at diagnosis and 5 to 15 years (mean +/- SD 7 +/- 3 years) after successful pyeloplasty. UPJS was prenatally detected in 26 children because of urinary tract infection in 17 and miscellaneous reasons in 10. Relative function (RF) and absolute function were measured on background corrected renograms. Absolute function of the affected and contralateral kidneys was determined by an accumulation index (AI), representing the percent injected dose extracted by each kidney 30 to 90 seconds after the heart peak. RESULTS: Preoperatively 33 of the 53 UPJS kidneys had a decreased AI but only 8 had a RF of less than 40%, which was improved in 7 at followup. In addition, the AI improved in 29 kidneys, of which 19 (36%) normalized. Of the UPJS kidneys 14 had an initially decreased AI that remained abnormal at followup. In these kidneys preoperative RF was less than 40% in all. At followup RF was greater than 40% in 4 children, in whom the AI of the UPJS kidney did not improve but the AI of the contralateral one decreased from supranormal to normal. Seven contralateral kidneys had a supranormal AI, whereas the AI remained normal in 3, of which the RF in the UPJS kidney remained at less than 40%. The AI and RF were normal in 20 UPJS kidneys and remained normal. CONCLUSIONS: When normal, the AI and RF reflected renal function outcome similarly. The AI added relevant information in UPJS kidneys with impaired function, showing compensation of the contralateral kidney.
Lithium is an efficacious agent for the treatment of bipolar disorder, but it is unclear to what extent its long-term use may result in neuroprotective or toxic consequences. Medline was searched with the combination of the word 'Lithium' plus key words that referred to every possible effect on the central nervous system. The papers were further classified into those supporting a neuroprotective effect, those in favour of a neurotoxic effect and those that were neutral. The papers were classified into research in humans, animal and in-vitro research, case reports, and review/opinion articles. Finally, the Natural Standard evidence-based validated grading rationale was used to validate the data. The Medline search returned 970 papers up to February 2006. Inspection of the abstracts supplied 214 papers for further reviewing. Eighty-nine papers supported the neuroprotective effect (6 human research, 58 animal/in vitro, 0 case reports, 25 review/opinion articles). A total of 116 papers supported the neurotoxic effect (17 human research, 23 animal/in vitro, 60 case reports, 16 review/opinion articles). Nine papers supported no hypothesis (5 human research, 3 animal/in vitro, 0 case reports, 1 review/opinion articles). Overall, the grading suggests that the data concerning the effect of lithium therapy is that of level C, that is 'unclear or conflicting scientific evidence' since there is conflicting evidence from uncontrolled non-randomized studies accompanied by conflicting evidence from animal and basic science studies. Although more papers are in favour of the toxic effect, the great difference in the type of papers that support either hypothesis, along with publication bias and methodological issues make conclusions difficult. Lithium remains the 'gold standard' for the prophylaxis of bipolar illness, however, our review suggests that there is a rare possibility of a neurotoxic effect in real-life clinical practice even in closely monitored patients with 'therapeutic' lithium plasma levels. It is desirable to keep lithium blood levels as low as feasible with prophylaxis.