322 resultados para Developmental perspective


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Essentiellement centrée sur le développement de nouvelles techniques et instrumentations, ainsi que sur la structuration de moyens de preuve et leur quantification pour la justice, la communauté forensique tend à se renfermer sur la reproduction de ses propres formats. Elle en oublie les fondements de la police scientifique, elle qui dès ses prémices a prôné l'application d'une démarche scientifique pour l'exploitation des traces matérielles lors d'activités criminelles, mais également au-delà, comme vecteur de connaissance sur des problèmes de nature réglementaire, civile, sécuritaire, de santé publique, etc. Depuis quelques années, un mouvement s'est amorcé, tentant de se réapproprier les schémas de construction transdisciplinaire de connaissance mêlant la science forensique, entre autres, à la criminologie. L'exploitation des traces matérielles et de l'information qu'elles peuvent convoyer, peut dévoiler de nouvelles perspectives : cristalliser des indicateurs pour comprendre l'ampleur et la dynamique de certains phénomènes, ou servir de base à une étude phénoménologique par la reconstruction et la résolution de cas. Cet article traite de cette vision de la police scientifique, au-delà de ses frontières actuelles, et en propose des illustrations concrètes comme les travaux relatifs à l'utilisation de traces de stupéfiants dans les eaux usées en tant qu'indicateurs d'une tendance, ou les enseignements découlant d'investigations menées suite à des sinistres fatals dans des établissements carcéraux.


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peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear receptors acting as lipid sensors. Besides its metabolic activity in peripheral organs, the PPAR beta/delta isotype is highly expressed in the brain and its deletion in mice induces a brain developmental defect. Nevertheless, exploration of PPARbeta action in the central nervous system remains sketchy. The lipid content alteration observed in PPARbeta null brains and the positive action of PPARbeta agonists on oligodendrocyte differentiation, a process characterized by lipid accumulation, suggest that PPARbeta acts on the fatty acids and/or cholesterol metabolisms in the brain. PPARbeta could also regulate central inflammation and antioxidant mechanisms in the damaged brain. Even if not fully understood, the neuroprotective effect of PPARbeta agonists highlights their potential benefit to treat various acute or chronic neurological disorders. In this perspective, we need to better understand the basic function of PPARbeta in the brain. This review proposes different leads for future researches.


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This short perspective explores some ways in which new genomic methodologies impact the study of endocrine signaling. Emphasis is put on the impact of studying species which are not molecular biology models. This opens the door to using knowledge molecular endocrinology in areas of biology as distant as conservation biology, as well as enriching endocrinology with information from biodiversity and natural variation.


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Régner, Escribe, and Dupeyrat (2007) recently demonstrated that not only performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals (respectively, the desire to outperform others and not to be outperformed by others) but also mastery goals (the desire to acquire knowledge) were related to social comparison orientation (SCO, the tendency to search for social comparison information). In the present article, the possibility of a link between mastery goals and social comparison that depends on the level of performance-approach goals-a possibility supported by a multiple-goal perspective-was tested by examining the interaction effect between mastery and performance-approach goals. This is an important endeavor, as educational settings are rarely free from performance-approach goals, even when mastery goals are promoted. In Study 1, we tested self-set achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals) as predictors of SCO; the interaction between mastery goals and performance-approach goals indicated that the higher the performance-approach goal endorsement, the stronger the link between mastery goals and SCO. In Study 2, we manipulated goal conditions; mastery goals predicted interest in social comparison in the performance-approach goal condition only. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of multiple-goal pursuit in academic settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved)


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The species of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) group are morphologically very similar, but have undergone a spectacular chromosomal evolution. We investigate here the evolutionary history of the Sorex araneus group distributed in western Europe. In particular, we clarify the position of a difficult species, S. granarius, using sex-specific (mtDNA and Y-chromosome) markers. The karyotype of S. granarius is generally considered similar to the common ancestor of the restricted group considered here. The mtDNA data (1.4 kb) confirms the close relationship between S. granarius and S. araneus sensu stricto (hereafter S. araneus s.s.), but the Y-chromosome (3.4 kb) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to another species, S. coronatus. Comparison of mtDNA and Y-chromosome phylogenies suggests that the genetic and chromosomal evolution in this group are disconnected processes. The evolutionary history of the south-western European populations of the S. araneus group can only be understood considering secondary contacts between taxa after their divergence, implying genetic exchanges by means of hybridization and/or introgression.


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The developing cardiovascular system is known to operate normally in a hypoxic environment. However, the functional and ultrastructural recovery of embryonic/fetal hearts subjected to anoxia lasting as long as hypoxia/ischemia performed in adult animal models remains to be investigated. Isolated spontaneously beating hearts from Hamburger-Hamilton developmental stages 14 (14HH), 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH chick embryos were subjected in vitro to 30 or 60 min of anoxia followed by 60 min of reoxygenation. Morphological alterations and apoptosis were assessed histologically and by transmission electron microscopy. Anoxia provoked an initial tachycardia followed by bradycardia leading to complete cardiac arrest, except for in the youngest heart, which kept beating. Complete atrioventricular block appeared after 9.4 +/- 1.1, 1.7 +/- 0.2, and 1.6 +/- 0.3 min at stages 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH, respectively. At reoxygenation, sinoatrial activity resumed first in the form of irregular bursts, and one-to-one atrioventricular conduction resumed after 8, 17, and 35 min at stages 20HH, 24HH, and 27HH, respectively. Ventricular shortening recovered within 30 min except at stage 27HH. After 60 min of anoxia, stage 27HH hearts did not retrieve their baseline activity. Whatever the stage and anoxia duration, nuclear and mitochondrial swelling observed at the end of anoxia were reversible with no apoptosis. Thus the embryonic heart is able to fully recover from anoxia/reoxygenation although its anoxic tolerance declines with age. Changes in cellular homeostatic mechanisms rather than in energy metabolism may account for these developmental variations.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This update reviews the concepts underlying ethical issues in various contexts and countries, highlighting the evolution in the use of the core values underpinning the field and practice of bioethics as applied to healthcare. RECENT FINDINGS: It stresses the specific position of the adolescent as being a unique individual searching for autonomy and, most of the time, being competent to make decisions regarding the adolescent's own health. It briefly outlines the principles of a 'deliberative' approach in which the practitioner, while keeping in mind the legal context of the country where the practitioner is working, assesses to what extent the adolescent can be considered as competent, and then discusses with the adolescent the medical and psychosocial aspects of the various actions to be taken in a situation, as well as the basic ethical values linked with each of the various options available. The deliberation can involve relevant stakeholders, provided the issues concerning confidentiality have been fully discussed with the adolescent. SUMMARY: This process forces the practitioner, the adolescent patient and those who care for the adolescent patient to look outside their usual frameworks and make a decision that is in the best interest of the young person, and is informed by various ethical values.


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The current lack of general practitioners in Switzerland is the result of health care policy which aimed in the past years to reduce the number of medical students and physicians in private practice. Furthermore, during the past decades, the Swiss Medical Schools emphasized on the transmission of medical care by specialists and neglected primary care medicine. The Faculty of medicine at the University of Lausanne recently decided to renew the curriculum. The Department of ambulatory care and community medicine (Policlinique Médicale Universitaire) of Lausanne is committed to the elaboration of this move. The biomedical model, essential to the acquisition of clinical competence, is still taught to the students. Nevertheless, from the beginning to the end of the curriculum, an emphasis is now put on the clinical skills and the clinical reasoning.