266 resultados para Continuous-culture
Rapport de synthèse : Hypoglycémies nocturnes chez les patients diabétiques de type 1 : que pouvons-nous apprendre de la mesure de la glycémie en continu ? But : les hypoglycémies nocturnes sont une complication majeure du traitement des patients diabétiques de type 1; des autocontrôles de la glycémie capillaire sont donc recommandés pour les détecter. Cependant, la majorité des hypoglycémies nocturnes ne sont pas décelées par un autocontrôle glycémique durant la nuit. La mesure de la glycémie en continu (CGMS) est une alternative intéressante. Les buts de cette étude rétrospective étaient d'évaluer la véritable incidence des hypoglycémies nocturnes chez des patients diabétiques de type 1, la meilleure période pour effectuer un autocontrôle permettant de prédire une hypoglycémie nocturne, la relation entre les hyperglycémies matinales et les hypoglycémies nocturnes (phénomène de Somogyi) ainsi que l'utilité du CGMS pour réduire les hypoglycémies nocturnes. Méthode : quatre-vingt-huit patients diabétiques de type 1 qui avaient bénéficié d'un CGMS ont été inclus. Les indications au CGMS, les hypoglycémies nocturnes et diurnes ainsi que la corrélation entre les hypoglycémies nocturnes et les hyperglycémies matinales durant le CGMS ont été enregistrées. L'efficacité du CGMS pour réduire les hypoglycémies nocturnes a été évaluée six à neuf mois après. Résultats : la prévalence des hypoglycémies nocturnes était de 67% (32% non suspectées). La sensibilité d'une hypoglycémie à prédire une hypoglycémie nocturne était de 37% (OR = 2,37, P = 0,001) lorsqu'elle survient au coucher (22-24 h) et de 43% lorsqu'elle survient à 3 h (OR = 4,60, P < 0,001). Les hypoglycémies nocturnes n'étaient pas associées à des hyperglycémies matinales, mais à des hypoglycémies matinales (OR = 3.95, P < 0.001). Six à neuf mois après le CGMS, les suspicions cliniques d'hypoglycémies nocturnes ont diminué de 60% à 14% (P < 0.001). Abstract : Aim. - In type 1 diabetic patients (TIDM), nocturnal hypoglycaemias (Nlï) are a serious complication of T1DM treatment; self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is recommended to detect them. However, the majority of NH remains undetected on an occasional SMBG done during the night. An alternative strategy is the Continuous glucose monitoring (CGMS), which retrospectively shows the glycaemic profile. The aims of this retrospective study were to evaluate the true incidence of NH in TiDM, the bèst SMBG time to predict NH, the relationship between morning hyperglycaemia and N$ (Somogyi phenomenon) and the utility of CGMS to reduce NH. Methods. -Eighty-eight T1DM who underwent a CGMS exam were included. Indications for CGMS evaluarion, hypoglycaemias and correlation with morning hyperglycaemias were recorded. The efficiency of CGMS to reduce the suspected NH was evaluated after 6-9 months. Results. -The prevalence of NH was 67% (32% of them unsuspected). A measured hypoglycaemia at bedtime (22-24 h) had a sensitivity of 37% to detect NH (OR = 2.37, P = 0.001), while a single measure <_ 4 mmol/l at 3-hour had a sensitivity of 43% (OR = 4.60, P < 0.001). NH were not associated with morning hyperglycaemias but with morning hypoglycaemias (OR = 3.95, P < 0.001). After 6-9 months, suspicions of NH decreased from 60 to 14% (P < 0.001). Conclusion. - NH were highly prevalent and often undetected. SMBG at bedtime, which detected hypoglycaemia had sensitivity almost equal to that of 3-hour and should be preferred because it is easier to perform. Somogyi phenomenon was not observed. CGMS is useful to reduce the risk of NH in 75% of patients.
We describe the case of a man with a history of complex partial seizures and severe language, cognitive and behavioural regression during early childhood (3.5 years), who underwent epilepsy surgery at the age of 25 years. His early epilepsy had clinical and electroencephalogram features of the syndromes of epilepsy with continuous spike waves during sleep and acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome), which we considered initially to be of idiopathic origin. Seizures recurred at 19 years and presurgical investigations at 25 years showed a lateral frontal epileptic focus with spread to Broca's area and the frontal orbital regions. Histopathology revealed a focal cortical dysplasia, not visible on magnetic resonance imaging. The prolonged but reversible early regression and the residual neuropsychological disorders during adulthood were probably the result of an active left frontal epilepsy, which interfered with language and behaviour during development. Our findings raise the question of the role of focal cortical dysplasia as an aetiology in the syndromes of epilepsy with continuous spike waves during sleep and acquired epileptic aphasia.
Steady-state hematopoiesis and hematopoietic transplantation rely on the unique potential of stem cells to undergo both self-renewal and multilineage differentiation. Fetal liver (FL) represents a promising alternative source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), but limited by the total cell number obtained in a typical harvest. We reported that human FL nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) repopulating cells (SRCs) could be expanded under simple stroma-free culture conditions. Here, we sought to further characterize FL HSC/SRCs phenotypically and functionally before and following culture. Unexpanded or cultured FL cell suspensions were separated into various subpopulations. These were tested for long-term culture potential and for in vivo repopulating function following transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. We found that upon culture of human FL cells, a tight association between classical stem cell phenotypes, such as CD34(+) /CD38(-) and/or side population, and NOD/SCID repopulating function was lost, as observed with other sources. Although SRC activity before and following culture consistently correlated with the presence of a CD34(+) cell population, we provide evidence that, contrary to umbilical cord blood and adult sources, stem cells present in both CD34(+) and CD34(-) FL populations can sustain long-term hematopoietic cultures. Furthermore, upon additional culture, CD34-depleted cell suspensions, devoid of SRCs, regenerated a population of CD34(+) cells possessing SRC function. Our studies suggest that compared to neonatal and adult sources, the phenotypical characteristics of putative human FL HSCs may be less strictly defined, and reinforce the accumulated evidence that human FL represents a unique, valuable alternative and highly proliferative source of HSCs for clinical applications.
BACKGROUND: The present study was a prospective observational study to evaluate the safety profile of Celtura(®), a monovalent, cell culture-derived, inactivated subunit influenza vaccine prepared from A/California/07/2009(H1N1) with the adjuvant MF59(®). Subjects were enrolled prospectively during the H1N1 2009 influenza pandemic at medical centres in Colombia, Chile, Switzerland, and Germany during the period December 2009 to June 2010. METHODS: Subjects ages 18 and older were followed for the occurrence of adverse events (AEs) for six months after vaccination. Adverse events of special interest (AESIs) were neuritis, convulsion (seizure), anaphylaxis, encephalitis, vasculitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, demyelinating conditions, Bell's palsy, and laboratory-confirmed vaccination failure. RESULTS: Overall, 7348 AEs were reported in 2296 of 3989 enrolled subjects (57.6%). Only two AEs were considered related to injection site reactions. No laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza were reported. There were 108 medically confirmed serious adverse events (SAEs) reported among 73 subjects with 6 such SAEs described as possibly or probably related to vaccination. Three fatal cases were reported and assessed as not related to vaccination. Two AESIs classified as convulsion were reported and assessed as not related to vaccination. Both AESIs occurred well outside the pre-specified 7 day risk window representing the likely timeframe of the occurrence of seizure following vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the overall good safety profile of MF59 adjuvanted cell culture-derived influenza vaccine as administered in adults during the 2009-2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic. No concern is raised regarding the occurrence of AESIs.
Wars are often associated with a rhetoric of renewal or new beginnings. This essay explores this claim through the lens of civil religion and a recent book by Carolyn Marvin and David Ingle, Blood Sacrifice and the Nation, which combines Emile Durkheim with Réné Girard in proposing that modern national cohesion depends on blood sacrifice. I unpack some of the paradoxes raised by this theory of national renewal in the context of 9/11, with a special focus on the sacred status of the flag and the special attention given to uniformed serviceman in the American body politic.
The aim of this paper is to bring into consideration a way of studying culture in infancy. An emphasis is put on the role that the material object plays in early interactive processes. Accounted as a cultural artefact, the object is seen as a fundamental element within triadic mother‐object‐ infant interactions and is believed to be a driving force both for communicative and cognitive development. In order to reconsider the importance of the object in child development and to present an approach of studying object construction, accounts in literature on early communication development and the importance of the object are reviewed and discussed under the light of the cultural specificity of the material object.
This interdisciplinary collection brings together world leaders in Gothic Studies, offering new readings on popular Gothic cultural productions from the last decade. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: contemporary High Street Goth/ic fashion, Gothic performance and art festivals, Gothic popular fiction from Twilight to Shadow of the Wind, Goth/ic popular music, Goth/ic on TV and film, new trends like Steampunk, well-known icons Batman and Lady Gaga, and theorizations of popular Gothic monsters (from zombies and vampires to werewolves and ghosts) in an age of terror/ism.
Objectives: To assess the difference in direct medical costs between on-demand (OD) treatment with esomeprazole (E) 20 mg and continuous (C) treatment with E 20 mg q.d. from a clinical practice view in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms. Methods: This open, randomized study (ONE: on-demand Nexium evaluation) compared two long-term management options with E 20 mg in endoscopically uninvestigated patients seeking primary care for GERD symptoms who demonstrated complete relief of symptoms after an initial treatment of 4 weeks with E 40 mg. Data on consumed quantities of all cost items were collected in the study, while data on prices during the time of study were collected separately. The analysis was done from a societal perspective. Results: Forty-nine percent (484 of 991) of patients randomized to the OD regimen and 46% (420 of 913) of the patients in the C group had at least one contact with the investigator that would have occurred nonprotocol-driven. The difference of the adjusted mean direct medical costs between the treatment groups was CHF 88.72 (95% confidence interval: CHF 41.34-153.95) in favor of the OD treatment strategy (Wilcoxon rank-sum test: P < 0.0001). Adjusted direct nonmedical costs and productivity loss were similar in both groups. Conclusions: The adjusted direct medical costs of a 6-month OD treatment with esomeprazole 20 mg in uninvestigated patients with symptoms of GERD were significantly lower compared with a continuous treatment with E 20 mg once a day. The OD therapy represents a cost-saving alternative to the continuous treatment strategy with E.
PURPOSE We have previously shown that retinal stem cells (RSCs) can be isolated from the radial glia population of the newborn mouse retina (Angénieux et al., 2006). These RSCs have a great capacity to renew and to generate a large number of neurons including cells differentiated towards the photoreceptor lineage (Mehri-Soussi et al., 2006). However, recent published results from our lab revealed that such cells have a poor integration and survival rate after grafting. The uncontrolled environment of a retina seems to prevent good integration and survival after grafting in vivo. To bypass this problem, we are evaluating the possibility of generating in vitro a hemi-retinal tissue before transplantation. METHODS RSC were expanded and cells passaged <10 were seeded in a solution containing poly-ethylene-glycol (PEG) polymer based hydrogels crosslinked with peptides that are chosen to be substrates for matrix metalloproteinases. Various doses of cross linkers peptides allowing connections between PEG polymers were tested. Different growth factors were studied to stimulate cell proliferation and differentiation. RESULTS Cells survived only in the presence of EGF and FGF-2 and generated colonies with a sphere shape. No cells migrated within the gel. To improve the migration and the repartition of the cells in the gels, the integrin ligand RGDSP was added into the gel. In the presence of FGF-2 and EGF, newly formed cell clusters appeared by cell proliferation within several days, but again no outspreading of cells was observed. No difference was even seen when the stiffness of the hydrogels or the concentration of the integrin ligand RGDSP were changed. However, our preliminary results show that RSCs still form spheres when laminin is entrapped in the gel, but they started to spread out having a neuronal morphology after around 2 weeks. The neuronal population was assessed by the presence of the neuronal marker b-tubulin-III. This differentiation was achieved after successive steps of stimulations including FGF-2 and EGF, and then only FGF-2. Glial cells were also present. Further characterizations are under process. CONCLUSIONS RSC can be grown in 3D. Preliminary results show that neuronal cell phenotype acquisition can be instructed by exogenous stimulations and factors linked to the gel. Further developments are necessary to form a homogenous tissue containing retinal cells.
Nous présontons l'étalonnage d'un test mnésique de recognition dans un échantillon de 180 adultes francophones de la Suisse Romande. Le test comprend trois formes utilisant un matériel verbal (mots) ou non verbal (visages ou paysages). Une attention particulière est accordée à l'âge dans la présentation des résultats. Celui-ci affecte plus précocement et plus intensément la performance aux formes non verbales qu'à la forme verbale du test. Il induit également une importante augmentation du nombre de fausses reconnaissances pour les formes non verbales.